• Pearls: who will suit them and how to wear them


    Find out which zodiac signs can wear pearls and whether they can be worn alone unmarried girls. Here you can read expert advice and learn all the intricacies.


    Pearls are classified as magic stones. It can help someone, harm someone. Astrologers believe that before putting on a string of pearls, a girl should know which zodiac signs can wear pearls.

    Since pearls are taken from water, they are ideal for girls of the water element. These are Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. Decorating with pearls will help Cancers get in order. emotional condition. It will protect Pisces from bad looks and bring love into the home. And black pearls are more suitable for Scorpios. It promises them confidence and positive emotions.

    For the earthly zodiac signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, pearls promise misfortune and problems. You should not wear it often, or better yet avoid it altogether.

    For Gemini, pearls will help you achieve your goal faster, and for Leo - protection from enemies. For others, pearl stones do not harm, but they will not be useful either. It is better to choose your stone that matches your zodiac sign.

    In addition, whether the stone suits your horoscope, you should pay attention to other nuances. It is considered indecent for a young and unmarried girl to wear a string of pearls. Fickle and indecisive people should not wear the stone. Pearls suppress the confidence of such people, and they begin to doubt themselves even more.

    Is it possible for unmarried girls to wear pearls without a pair?

    According to legend, pearl stones attract good luck and happiness. In addition, they are a symbol of love, peace of mind and success. But they say that not every woman can wear pearl jewelry. The beliefs are especially categorical towards those representatives of the fair sex who are not married. Can unmarried girls wear pearls?

    Of course, non-superstitious fashionistas are absolutely indifferent to what they say about whether pearls can be worn without a pair. However, it is believed that a string of pearls protects the hostess from disappointments and protects her from gentlemen. Therefore, a girl should think about whether perhaps the reason for failures in her personal life is jewelry with the wrong energy. By the way, wearing pearls on an unmarried girl is a sign of bad taste.

    For divorced women, the signs are still the same. Wearing a string of pearls is recommended only for those who are doing well in their personal lives, have a husband and love in the house. Then the gem will contribute warm relations between spouses and happiness in marriage. It is not for nothing that in Rus' it was customary to decorate the bride’s outfit with pearls at weddings.

    Pearls draw their history back to before our era. Yes, humanity has been interested in such a treasure since time immemorial. And the popularity and significance of pearls continues to this day. Let's look at why there is a lot of attention around pearls, and why they have always played a significant role in creating jewelry.

    Yes, initially humanity did not delve as far as the properties of pearls. IN jewelry he received the calling only because he did not need any processing. In essence, ready-made material was extracted. But, like any other gemstone, it has a certain effect on the body and health of people. And it is worth noting that this is not an easy component of decoration.

    So let's dive into this issue a little more:

    • In general, each country has its own ideas about this stone. For example, in Greece pearls are a symbol of marriage, and in India they are considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. But, in any case, its properties are aimed at protecting against many diseases and improving family life.
    • Also, a girl used to be given such a necklace for her wedding. It was believed that such a stone would protect her from her husband’s infidelity.
    • By the way, with unrequited love such a stone also helps to cope. After all, it brings peace to a girl’s life and spiritual harmony.
    • It also helps preserve youth and beauty. Perhaps that is why young girls do not wear it.
    • But! Much depends on which person gave it. If he is evil and has bad thoughts, then such a gift can only bring trouble.
    • If the young lady is too proud, narcissistic, greedy or deceitful, then the stone will also refuse to help her. Moreover, he will try to break such character traits and change the person for the better.
    • By the way, there is a version that the stone helps smooth out conflicts and find mutual language with many people. It also endows the owner with wisdom and restraint.
    • And also, he could protect the house from thieves, and the owner from the evil eye.

    IMPORTANT: This stone cannot be passed on by inheritance. It can only have one owner. Otherwise, trouble will overtake both the former and the new owner.

    Useful properties of pearls:

    • It should be noted that pearls have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve memory (or even help restore it), and also make the psyche more resilient and resilient.
    • It is also believed that such a stone has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. And it can even overcome some of their diseases, or rather, recover from the disease faster. After all, as you know, without drug treatment Any illness is very difficult to cope with.

    • Normalizes blood pressure. Moreover, both increased and decreased.
    • Improves the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
    • Pearls are also a good hemostatic agent. Especially in powder or tincture form.

    IMPORTANT: You can make pearl water by steeping pearls in water (in a decanter) overnight. This water is very useful to take internally.

    • Fights eye diseases and even helps improve vision.
    • By the way, to cleanse the body and the entire circulatory system, you need to hold such a pebble in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
    • Pearls can also indicate the presence of a disease. If it has lost its shine or, even worse, darkened, then you should take care of your health in the near future.

    In general, pearl jewelry has always been more popular among women. No, of course, men (especially those of noble birth) also decorated their outfits in every possible way or wore other attributes. And they also resorted to such jewelry as pearls. But its effect on the female body requires special attention.

    • Yes, all of the above points apply to both women and men. It equally produces a general strengthening effect.
    • But it should be noted that pearls help with various women's diseases. For example, it will help to remove painful sensations during critical days or will help improve your general condition during menopause.
    • Such a stone will help a woman feel the joys of motherhood. After all, the stone in question will allow pregnancy to proceed calmly, and childbirth will be quick and without complications.
    • Such decoration will protect single women from non-reciprocal love and even help you meet your soulmate.

    • For married ladies, it promises a happy family life and obedient children (or simply the stone will give the owner a lot of peace of mind in the matter of raising them).
    • And in general, it acts as a charge of calm and prudence. After all, the life of any woman is full of surprises and experiences. And with such decoration the girl will be in harmony with herself and the world around her.
    • And, of course, it is useful to take it internally (for example, drink pearl water) or wash your face with such water to preserve beauty and youth.

    Black pearls: properties

    Very attractive, alluring and incredibly expensive. Yes, among all varieties of pearls, the black type is considered the rarest, and it is much more expensive than the others. By the way, its meaning and impact on life, as well as the health of the wearer, is slightly different.

    • It is immediately worth noting that black pearls act like a fireman for overly emotional individuals. He has great calmness and prudence, bestowing them on his master.
    • But you should wear it very carefully. Below we will look in detail at whom pearls are suitable and for whom they are strictly contraindicated. The fact is that black pearls can also have a negative effect - it can evoke sadness and melancholy. Naturally, if you choose it incorrectly.
    • This stone (and any pearl in general) is considered more of a feminine stone, since it is with such a mistress that she can reveal her full potential.
    • But young and unmarried girls should avoid such pearls. Because it can cause depression.
    • But for widows and divorced women, on the contrary, it will help overcome sadness and make it easier to survive separation.
    • Black pearls are strictly prohibited for men! It will only bring more trouble, sadness and bad weather.

    • There is even a product name for the face “Black Pearl”. We will not delve into its composition and examine for the presence of crushed black pearls. But this stone really helps rejuvenate the skin. Yes, it works great against wrinkles. And for a clear result, it is enough to wash your face with water infused with pearls.
    • Another property of black pearls that cannot be ignored. It not only calms, but forces the mind to look at the world soberly. It will protect you from rash actions (or unnecessary purchases).
    • Overall, it has a positive effect on immune system. It will help improve relationships with people, as well as smooth out conflicts - both at work and at home.
    • And, of course, if the stone has dimmed or lost its shine, then this indicates future illnesses or family problems.

    Gray pearl: properties

    Pearls happen various shades. Available in white, cream, pink, gold or brown. It can also be blue or green. Grey colour, of course, is no exception. It also occurs in nature. It can be darker or lighter, and sometimes comes with a blue or pink tint. Nature has not stinted on imagination in this matter.

    • Its properties are the same as those of pearls of other colors. It has a positive effect on overall health, prevents aging and calms the nervous system.
    • But such pearls are not recommended for unmarried girls to wear, as they can create depression and melancholy. It is not contraindicated for widows, but, for example, black pearls will have a more favorable effect.
    • You also need to take into account that pearls must be worn in pairs. That is, there should be a pair of jewelry with pearls. Otherwise, he will induce sadness, irritability and even aggression.
    • The gray color harmonizes well with a business suit, but this stone does not like everyday fuss. And also those who occupy a leadership position and have a very domineering character. He can take this part of the power for himself.

    • It is also undesirable for weak-willed people to wear it, since they can become even more dependent on the opinions of others. And in a neglected state, depression and disappointment in the world around you will appear.
    • It should be noted that gray pearls help fight migraines.
    • For married women, it is considered ideal as it will help strengthen marital bonds and avoid unwanted quarrels.

    Freshwater pearls: properties

    Everyone knows that there are two types of pearls: sea and river (there is no need to go into details - the names speak for themselves). Overall, the two species are not very different from each other. They can also come in different colors and sizes. But! Freshwater pearls have a matte shine and a slightly oval shape, and are also significantly smaller in size. And their properties also have some differences.

    • The main difference is versatility. Sea pearls are more suitable for married women. River stone can also be worn by young girls. It does not carry any negative energy.
    • He is a great assistant in love affairs. It will help single people find a soul mate, married people - improve family relationships, and widows - quickly learn to enjoy life again.
    • As well as sea ​​pearls, it serves as a source of longevity and physical strength.
    • It also has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases immunity and improves well-being.

    • Freshwater pearls are more suitable for women (sea pearls, in principle, too). It makes them softer and more flexible, as well as calmer and more balanced. But for a man, you must admit, these are not the most necessary qualities.
    • And one more thing you need to know - this stone does not like to travel. He must not only have one owner, but also one place of residence. Otherwise, he may show his character and turn his help in an unfavorable direction.
    • He also doesn't like small children. This does not mean that you cannot have a child if there are freshwater pearls in the house. It’s just that, for example, teachers shouldn’t wear such jewelry at work.

    The magical properties of pearls

    Basic magical properties pearls mean preserving youth and strengthening family ties. At least, this has been thought since time immemorial. All the properties of pearls have already been indicated above. But there is one more aspect that needs to be addressed. Pearls are not always just strung on a string. And what material the frame is made of is a significant indicator.

    Very often pearls are combined with silver. But it is important to understand how compatible a stone is with a given metal. To do this, let's look at the properties of pearls in silver:

    • The first and most important meaning is a warning. The fact is that both pearls and silver tend to darken if a person is sick or will be overtaken by an illness in the near future.
    • Another important condition is good man and good intentions. Taken together, pearls and silver can make this known. Pearls can even crumble or become deformed if a person is greedy and deceitful.
    • Silver is a noble metal that also purifies and tries to outshine bad character traits. If a person has a lot of them (or they are too weighty), then the silver jewelry with pearls will turn black.

    • Such decorations protect their owner from negative impact those around you. That is, it will help remove the veil of deception or slander. It will also help protect your home from thieves.
    • Such jewelry will help improve relationships with people, especially with colleagues at work.
    • By the way, pearls and silver do not like betrayal. So wear them the better who is faithful to his chosen one. And in some countries it is believed that, on the contrary, it can warn against fornication.
    • They also have a positive effect on the reproductive and urinary systems. That is, they help, for example, with kidney stones or various female diseases. They also help solve the problem of infertility.

    It is important to understand that pearls are not for everyone. As you remember, men are highly discouraged from wearing this stone. Well, women will be able to get advice according to their zodiac sign. So which zodiac sign suits pearls:

    1. Aries. It is immediately worth noting that Aries is a fire sign that is under the protection of the Sun. And, since pearls belong to the water element and are considered moonstone, then it is not advisable for Aries to wear pearls. It can even harm and deprive you of that natural energy and enthusiasm.
    2. Taurus . But for Taurus it is even useful to wear a stone. However, they do not have an ideal combination - the stone will not fully reveal all its qualities. But! It will help Taurus become more balanced and less hot-tempered. Pearls will especially help you not take your anger out on others.
    3. Twins. This is the most fickle sign of the zodiac. Therefore, pearls will help them accept the right decision and do not change it for the next hour. Moreover, it will calm down their overly active temperament a little, and also protect them from stupid actions.
    4. Cancer. This is a water sign, so pearls are a good match for Cancers. Pearls will help him in health matters, especially in terms of the nervous system. It is also a stone of fidelity, so it will protect Cancer from all kinds of temptations. A Cancer woman will be helped to reveal her inner potential and find harmony with the world around her.
    5. A lion. Another fire sign under the auspices of the Sun. Therefore, such people should not wear pearls. And black pearls should be avoided altogether. Leos have very strong personalities, and it is believed that pearls can take away some of this strength.
    6. Virgo. A bit of a controversial issue. It has already been said that the stone is not suitable for overly domineering and overly weak-willed individuals. Therefore, if Virgo is persistent enough, then pearls can help her avoid rash actions and deception. If Virgo is too dependent on other people’s opinions, then the stone can completely suppress her.
    7. Scales. Overall, a very calm sign. Therefore, with such a stone they will become even more balanced and reasonable. The stone will have a positive effect on the health of the owner, and will also help in family life. And even unmarried girls will be able to find a match.
    8. Scorpion. Although this is a water sign, pearls are not suitable for Scorpios. This is a too stubborn and hot-tempered sign, which will only cause a negative reaction from the stone. True, you can wear black pearls. It is believed that it will help in matters of the heart.
    9. Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the third fire sign, so pearls are not its birthstone. Water will extinguish the fire, which will have a bad effect on the health and luck of Sagittarius. But! You can wear black pearls only if everything is going well and smoothly for Sagittarius. Just to enhance the positive energy.
    10. Capricorn. Pearls suit Capricorns well. It can help them calm down their character a little and allow them to adequately assess the situation. But astrologers recommend choosing only sea pearls.
    11. Aquarius. A sociable sign that even needs pearls to protect against lies, gossip and rash actions. But during periods of sadness, Aquarians should avoid such a stone, since they can even fall into depression.
    12. Fish. Pearls are ideal for Pisces. They are in the same element, the stone will help not to commit unnecessary actions. It will also improve communication with people and make them more balanced, especially when contacting the outside world. It will also protect Pisces from unrequited or unhappy love.

    The beauty of pearls is simply mesmerizing in its simplicity. After all, at first glance, it is a simple stone, but it is capable of decorating and charming with its tints. Choose for yourself best option jewelry with pearls, but remember that such jewelry is not suitable for everyone.

    Video: “Properties of pearls”

    Hello, dear readers! Many representatives of the fair sex really like jewelry with pearls, as they add sophistication and sophistication to the image. In this regard, the question of how to wear pearls is very relevant today. Because, despite all its beauty and elegance, pearl products can add age to their owner.

    How to wear pearls

    Coco Chanel reintroduced the fashion for jewelry with pearls; she noted the positive characteristics of the mineral and said that it was the most appropriate stone. After this statement, many ladies acquired mother-of-pearl jewelry.

    It must be said that before this, pearls enjoyed success among people belonging to secular society. Rich ladies couldn't imagine going to a gala event without a string of pearls around their necks.

    Today, pearl beads are worn with any type of clothing, without really thinking about how well it goes with the chosen image. Stylists give some practical advice on this matter:

    1. Plays an important role pearl bead length. For women with a thin and long neck, you can purchase a necklace in the form of a collar made of several threads, this will visually reduce the length of the neck. A long string of pearls will harmonize with an evening dress; it can be wrapped several times or simply tied in a knot.
    2. It also matters pearl size. Previously, the size of the beads was selected strictly in proportion to the age of the owner of the jewelry. For example, for young girls it was considered bad manners to wear jewelry, the diameter of the pearls exceeded 5-6 mm. Mature ladies were supposed to give preference to those jewelry whose pearls were more than 8 mm in diameter.
    3. When purchasing jewelry with pearls, you should pay attention by skin type. For example, dark girls It's better to buy a bracelet or earrings golden hue, not white. Blondes or red-haired beauties can safely be allowed to wear a string of pearls Pink colour. Moreover, it is believed that white Burmitz grain, that is, pearls, suits absolutely everyone.

    See options wearing it correctly pearl jewelry, you can look at photos from fashion shows or style icons who know and can wear them correctly. For example, the images of Sarah Jessica Parker, Scarlett Johansson, Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie in jewelry with pearls amaze with their sophistication and sophistication.

    How to wear pearl jewelry correctly

    The tips described above for choosing and wearing mother-of-pearl are very important, but what is the use of a properly selected piece of jewelry if you don’t have a passion for it, so long beads, earrings with pearls, rings and brooches must be chosen, also focusing on your own taste and flair.

    Despite the fact that there is an unspoken rule that the mineral is not suitable for wearing in Everyday life, today few people do it. Since, unlike costume jewelry and gold items, it will come appearance restraint and elegance, therefore it goes well with business office suits, dresses, skirts and blouses.

    Pearl jewelry will be irreplaceable for special occasions, but the product should not be conspicuous. Evening dress should be simple and elegant. A string of pearls looks beautiful together with a dress made of silk or velvet.

    Jewelry made from Burmitz grain

    Representatives of the fair sex love jewelry with pearls for their beauty, without thinking about what the mineral symbolizes.

    In many countries, the pearl was considered a symbol of purity, innocence, complacency, fidelity and youth. Therefore, today jewelers do not ignore this mineral.

    Previously, it was believed that pearl jewelry was only suitable for ladies aged 45 years and older, but today young girls also wear them. Also, several centuries ago, it was fashionable to wear a set of mother-of-pearl products, that is, a necklace, earrings, bracelet, ring, etc., when going to a celebration. Today no one follows this rule; everyone wears pearls as they please. For example, to create a strictly business-like look, you can wear a short string of pearl beads and stud earrings with pearls; the rest will definitely be superfluous.

    Also, modern young ladies easily combine casual sweaters and jeans with massive rings decorated with one rather large pearl.

    What to look for when buying products with pearls

    Having figured out what and how to wear pearl jewelry, you also need to familiarize yourself with how to choose them correctly when purchasing. The mineral can be natural, cultivated and artificial, and it can also form in river or sea waters. The cost of jewelry made from it depends on these factors; color, size and shape also influence pricing.

    Photos of jewelry made from any Burmitz grain look very attractive, but upon closer inspection, everything may not be so rosy.

    The most expensive products will be those with natural sea minerals, as they have rich shades, shine and almost always perfect round shape. But when purchasing jewelry with such pearls, you need to thoroughly study the question of how to store it if you rarely wear items with them. The fact is that precious mineral needs to be stored separately from other products from the jewelry boutique, as it may get scratched by it. A box with velvet walls is ideal for this.

    As for jewelry made from freshwater pearls, they are not so capricious, they are cheaper, but such minerals are rarely found in the correct shape.

    Also, when choosing products from Burmitsa grain, you should take into account your image, style, and the purposes for which it is purchased:

    • Pearl beads short or middle length goes well with business and casual wear;
    • Long ones with inserts of other precious minerals will look appropriate with evening dresses;
    • Moreover, if a lady is a fan of pastel and light colors in clothes, then she will have to think about what to combine pearls with, since they will get lost against her background.

    When purchasing pearl beads and other jewelry with this mineral, it is necessary to study many questions, for example, can unmarried girls wear it, at what age can pearls be worn, and is it necessary to wear them in pairs? From the answers to them, you can understand exactly whether you need to buy a product with pearls or whether you should turn your attention to something else.

    What stones do pearls go with?

    Many representatives of the fair sex do not take off jewelry made of precious metals day or night. But sometimes there is a need to dilute casual look and add some zest to it. The choice often falls on jewelry with pearls, since the mineral has pleasant shades, delicate shine and other positive characteristics.

    At the same time, a girl or woman begins to worry about questions: if you buy a ring, then on which finger to wear it, in a pair or not, what stones it goes with.

    If we talk about the compatibility of pearls with other minerals, then astrologers have compiled a completely understandable table of the compatibility of stones with each other, from which it becomes clear that mother of pearl is not against proximity to such gems as:

    • Diamond;
    • Ruby;
    • Zircon;
    • Chrysolite;
    • Aquamarine;
    • Opal;
    • Beryl;
    • Coral;
    • Aventurine.

    Today, stylists are not against wearing pearl strands in pairs. Some fashionistas wear from 2 to 7 strands of pearls at once, but the necklace beads should not be too large sizes, otherwise the image will look vulgar.

    Also, many girls know that a ring with pearls can affect their destiny in one way or another depending on which finger it is worn on. Rings with pearls are considered powerful amulets; they can save their owner from accidents, failures, etc. Therefore, such rings are especially valued among athletes, ballet and theater dancers. Most owners of rings with pearls note that they feel better when the ring is worn on their index finger.

    Who Shouldn't Wear Pearls

    Since the mineral has its own special energy, magical power and healing properties, then the question arises: who can wear it and who can’t. Precious mother of pearl will have a positive effect on that person who is strong in spirit and self-confident. Pearls will help strong individuals cope with emotions, indicate the correct solution to a problem, and guide them on the right path.

    People with weak character and disorganization should not wear jewelry with the mineral, as it will only increase these characteristics. It is also believed that mother of pearl is not suitable for people who work with children. It is not recommended to buy or give jewelry with it to children.

    It is believed that pearls can have a negative influence on travelers and actors, preventing them from realizing all their potential. Pearl jewelry is not suitable for ladies' men, since the precious mineral is a symbol of fidelity.

    There is a belief that a pearl begins to fade if its owner takes a slippery slope.

    Black pearls deserve special attention; for example, wearing them is contraindicated for young people. married women, as this can lead to widowhood. Widows and divorced women, on the contrary, will soon meet a man when wearing dark-colored pearl jewelry.

    Also, signs indicate that mother-of-pearl should not be worn by a single person, as this promises the appearance of depression and melancholy, and for people with families, wearing Burmitz grain as jewelry is not contraindicated. Therefore, many people wonder why pearls should be worn in pairs; people at all times believed that then they would bring peace and tranquility to the family.

    Which zodiac signs can wear jewelry with mother-of-pearl?

    Astrologers believe that beautiful pearls suit almost all zodiac signs. However, the mineral is not suitable for daily wear by those born under the signs of Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Gemini. Pearl rings, brooches, earrings and beads can protect their owners from rash actions, moderate their emotions, and make them calmer.

    Today, many people believe in the science of astrology and horoscopes, so questions about whether Leo, Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo and Aries can wear this mineral arise very often among people. But, as mentioned above, astrologers do not see any contraindications for pearls based on your zodiac sign. On the contrary, the mineral helps eliminate outbursts of anger and aggression, and pacify the ardent temper of many people; it especially helps Leo women in this.

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    Team LyubiKamni

    Nature is capable of creating miracles, and one of them is pearls, a mineral of organic origin. Long years the gem is carried into the oyster by the mollusk, which layers the inconspicuous grain of sand with mother-of-pearl, layer by layer, before it appears before the human eye in all its glory.

    Pearls can dazzle with their beauty and brilliance, which is why they love to use them in jewelry. The gem is also endowed with amazing energy, and the magical properties of pearls can work wonders.

    Magic properties

    At all times, various peoples of the world have attributed magical properties to pearls and endowed them with rich symbolism. In China, pearls were considered a symbol of wisdom; in India, the stone represented feminine

    and fertility.

    The first Greeks and Romans associated pearls with the goddess of love Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology); according to legend, pearls were formed by drops of water that fell from her hair. The Persians believed that pearls were born where the rainbow met the earth.

    Pearls symbolize wisdom, love, beauty Pearls are endowed with feminine energy and symbolize beauty, perfection and continuation of life.

    The rich symbolism of pearls also reveals such images as the human soul hidden in a bodily shell, the highest wisdom, and purity.

    “The chosen one wears rough clothes, but hides a precious stone in his chest.”

    Lao Tzu

    In different cultures, pearls were perceived in different ways: as a symbol of marriage, an image of heaven, a symbol of secret knowledge. Nowadays, few people attach such a complex symbolic meaning to stones, and most representatives of the fair sex value pearls for their beauty, sophistication and uniqueness, because in nature it is difficult to find two pearls of the same shape and identical color.

    As a rule, when choosing jewelry or a souvenir with pearls, we do not think about the hidden properties of the stone and whether the pearls are capable of influencing its owner or mistress. In fact, jewelry with pearls is not suitable for everyone, so before you wear them, you should find out whether the stone corresponds to your zodiac sign.

    Water Element

    The element of Water is close to pearls in spirit, so the stone is, to one degree or another, suitable for people born under the sign of Cancer, Pisces and Sagittarius.

    For Cancer

    At the same time, pearls can provoke depression. If your mood has deteriorated, then it is better to change the pearls to a more positive stone. Cancers should also remove pearl jewelry when they feel pressure from someone, but do not intend to resist it. Pearl is a very capricious stone, so it will definitely provoke a protest and can involve the owner in a conflict.

    For Scorpio

    Pearls help Scorpios express their best qualities: sharp mind, self-sufficient thinking. However, the energy of the sign is so strong that it most often suppresses the power of the stone, leading to conflict between it and the owner. As a result, pearls can push Scorpio to an extravagant act, or destroy the structure of the stone - and then he will begin to create obstacles in love, at work, and in everyday affairs. Therefore, astrologers recommend that Scorpios wear pearls occasionally, preferably black ones.

    For Pisces

    Pearl is considered a stone of the Pisces sign; it protects owners from rash actions, protects against the evil eye and acts as a talisman. For Pisces, the gem brings loyalty and love. The stone is able to bring its owner to reason, curb his anger, and bring harmony to his home.

    It is very important for the relationship between pearls and Pisces that the stone constantly has contact with water - to do this, it is enough to sometimes dip it in water poured into a cup. Then the energy of the stone will serve the owner for the benefit for a very long time.

    Pearls need periodic hydration, especially if they are owned by a Pisces.

    Earth Element

    For Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

    Representatives of earth signs are not recommended to wear pearls. The stone can harm their health and cause discord in the family.

    If an earthly zodiac sign definitely wants to wear jewelry with pearls, then it is worth remembering that it is better to wear it for a short time.

    For Taurus, pearls can increase anxiety and self-doubt. He will constantly distract the virgins from earthly affairs, remind them of the eternal, and force them to think about their destiny. Pearls add courage to Capricorns, but the stone can take them far, “loosening” Capricorn’s tongue so that they will then have to deal with the consequences for a long time.

    Earth signs just need to hold pearls in their hands to recharge with its energy

    Fire Release

    Fire signs can wear pearls, but they are unlikely to. Passionate and less judgmental stones suit them. Although they can have a good relationship with pearls if they wear them correctly.

    The stone is able to endow representatives of the sign with prudence and curb their furious, restless nature. Pearls will help Aries achieve balance in love and protect them from scenes of jealousy and fanaticism.

    Aries should not wear pearls to work, since the stone does not tolerate everyday fuss and can make the owner irritable and intolerant.

    For Leo

    The gem is able to pacify the pride of Leo, muffle the temper, and also protect the owner from possible opponents.

    You should not wear jewelry with a stone if its owner holds a leadership position or has an intolerant, domineering character.

    Pearls will immediately come into conflict with the owner and can deprive him of some of his energy.

    It is better for fire zodiac signs to choose pearls framed in gold

    For Sagittarius

    Pearls of this zodiac sign can set one in a romantic mood, remind the owner of the comfort of home, and create an atmosphere of warmth. However, not all types of pearls are suitable for Sagittarius, so it will take some time to find “your” jewelry. Low-quality pearls can confuse the owner’s mood, cause negative emotions, and irritation for no obvious reason.

    Element Air

    Air signs can wear the gem, but with caution and for a short time. Their relationship may not be easy, since there is a contradiction between the energy of the stone and the energy of Air.

    For Gemini Pearl prefers people with strong convictions, conservative and confident in their choice.

    For Gemini who have made a decision, pearls will help strengthen their decision.

    Moreover, the longer the representative of the sign wears pearls, the more the owner and the stone begin to conflict. The gem recognizes the weak traits of the owner’s unstable character and can “confuse” him and lead him to a false goal.

    Only confident people should wear pearls

    For Libra

    Toward Libra, pearls show all their friendliness when the owner’s thoughts remain pure. The stone gives the sign self-confidence and develops a sense of beauty.

    Pearls do not tolerate lies and cunning, so when the owner displays these qualities, the gem only aggravates the situation, adding to the owner such character traits as fear of telling the truth, the desire to live at the expense of others and narcissism.

    For Aquarius

    Aquarius pearls give the gift of foresight, help to unravel mysteries, and penetrate into the depths of the past. Prolonged wearing of pearls takes the owner away from reality, leading to isolation and indifference.

    You should wear pearls not only based on the recommendations of the horoscope, but also taking into account the character of the person who wants to wear jewelry with a gem, although it is sometimes very difficult to evaluate your own character objectively.

    The stone is suitable for people with a strong spirit, weak-willed, weak people it disorganizes even more. Pearls can lead to depression, disappointment, and sometimes aggression. Therefore, weak-willed people who follow other people’s opinions should not wear pearls.

    Black pearls should not be worn by young girls; it is a stone of depression and sadness that can provoke widowhood. And he helps divorced women and widows find a match.

    Black pearl jewelry is considered widow's jewelry

    Becoming the stone of a low, vile person, pearls are capable of revealing the unpleasant features of the owner. The stone quickly fades or even crumbles. A stone can lose its shine, color or transparency even after the death of its owner or separation from him, since it has the ability to become attached to one owner. That is why it is not customary to give pearl dyes if you yourself have worn them.

    Pearls impart objectivity to convinced people, knock down arrogance and pride, as well as protect the owner from proud people, offenders and traitors.

    We are accustomed to compare the most subtle moments in life with this precious stone, unique in its beauty and nature. After all, pearls are the only jewelry stone, not requiring cutting or other processing. Moreover, since ancient times it has been considered a symbol of love and happiness, prosperity and wealth, sophistication and sophistication. But this does not give us the right not to know how to wear pearls, leaving this matter to chance.

    No stone has such a soft and noble radiance as pearls

    Even one small pearl can transform an entire outfit.

    How to wear pearls?

    At one time I noticed that pearls are the most correct stone. After these words, pearls became an invariable decoration not only for ladies from high society: wardrobes ordinary women began to be supplemented with a string of tender peas. It was combined with a wide variety of outfits, starting with business suit and up to a chic evening dress.

    The incomparable Coco, as always, was right

    Today, pearls are considered suitable for any woman and can go well with. But you shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that pearls, like any other jewelry, need to be worn correctly.

    So, if you decide to purchase a pearl necklace, then pay Special attention for the length of the beads. For skinny women Those who prefer to hide or correct the décolleté and neck area are recommended to wear a collar-shaped necklace, consisting of several threads and covering the collarbone and neck almost completely. For a classic V-neck, a necklace in the style of Jacqueline Kennedy, also consisting of several rows of threads, is suitable different lengths. But the length of the “rope” necklace is more than 90 centimeters. It is appropriate to wrap it in several loops, tie it in a knot and simply lower it to a length below the waist. This decoration looks great at banquets, parties or dinner parties. A princess necklace is a single thread, up to half a meter long, that lies loosely between the décolleté and neck. Such a necklace does not require special conditions, is considered appropriate in any place and time, and is suitable for ladies of all ages.

    Jacqueline Kennedy and her pearls

    When purchasing a product, special attention should be paid to the size of the pearls. According to the rules of generally accepted etiquette, the diameter of the stones should be directly proportional to the age of the women wearing the jewelry. Beads made of small pearls with a diameter of less than 6 millimeters look great on young girls. But jewelry in which pearls reach a size of about 8 millimeters is suitable for women over forty years old. Beads made of pearls about ten millimeters in diameter look ideal on rich ladies in old age. But it is simply impossible to imagine such pearls on young girls.

    If you want to buy pearl jewelry that suits you in terms of bead size and length, then you also need to look at its compatibility with your skin. So women who have naturally dark skin can opt for warm golden and yellow shades. Red-haired girls and blondes with snow-white skin can afford pink pearls. But snow-white and soft cream pearls go wonderfully with skin of any color, that is, they suit all girls.

    Basic Rules

    Of course, you need to listen to this, but it is also important to adhere to your own opinion. After all, it is important not only to purchase beads that suit you according to all the canons, but also to be satisfied with the jewelry yourself, even if it does not suit one of the criteria. Therefore, when buying pearls, it is important to listen to your own instincts and remember that the necklace should emphasize your sophistication and nobility, and not indicate vulgarity and lack of taste. And again the conclusion arises that the purchase of pearls, like any other jewelry, must be approached wisely. The main thing is that you like the necklace yourself, and only then turn to the specification of its color, shine and shape. After all, pearls have such interesting feature: It is important not only to choose the right jewelry, but also to be able to wear it with dignity.

    The simplest rule is that pearls are not a stone that is suitable for every day. After all, not in all cases this decoration will be appropriate, turning out to be simply superfluous. A pearl necklace can add a touch of discreet solemnity to your appearance and is therefore worn on special occasions. In addition, the necklace needs to be selected so that it is not too conspicuous, otherwise it can simply overshadow or even ruin the whole image. It is also necessary to avoid sharp contrasts in colors and combining pearls with fabrics that are too simple in texture.

    A simply amazing combination is obtained when combining pearls with silk and velvet clothing: the shine of the stone perfectly emphasizes the calm soft shimmer of the luxurious material. It’s good if the outfit is not very revealing, but at the same time emphasizes the figure. After all, pearls used in the right combination with clothes, it can even visually correct your shape. For example, a necklace that falls a few centimeters below the line of the collarbone can visually lengthen the figure and add the illusion of height. However, the pearls themselves must be selected with a diameter of no more than seven millimeters. A chain with a pearl instead of a pendant will help to visually narrow your neck. But a short necklace made of several rows of beads can slightly shorten a thin neck that is too long.

    This decoration will visually make your neck slimmer and longer.

    Pearls are recommended for wearing by both young girls and older ladies, because this stone is not subject to age. And even skin imperfections such as paleness and wrinkles will not be able to attract attention when the necklace is made of large pearls rich color. Following prejudices, pearls should be worn together with an addition in the form of a bracelet, ring or earrings made of this stone. And although this law has not been approved by anyone and its effect has not been proven, superstitious people can take advantage of this prescription.

    Who is this jewel suitable for?

    Of course, we all love exquisite expensive jewelry. But is it possible to wear pearls to all women, is it suitable for daily wear - the answers to all these questions were found many centuries ago.

    • This stone must be handled with care, because it can only be harmless for people who have fortitude and self-confidence. Pearls will be provided to such individuals various options in the choice of actions, will distract from fanaticism, and will give the ability to objectively assess reality. But he will talk even more to disorganized people, giving additional instability to their epileptoid nature, making them overloaded, always preoccupied and prone to misanthropy. Weak, weak-willed people under the influence of pearls are completely disorganized.
    • This stone is not suitable for people who work with children.

    Pearls and children are incompatible things. At least that's the popular belief

    • Negatively affects actors and travelers, depriving them of many opportunities. At the same time, their sexual activity is extinguished.
    • Pearls are a bad companion in love affairs because they can strengthen mutual fidelity.
    • Convinced people receive from the stone the ability to be more objective. They become closer to people, less arrogant, vain and proud. They also gain the ability to periodically look back and provide their own rear.
    • Pearl jewelry can strengthen house building. They reveal their essence most fully to people who devote themselves to developing the spirit or increasing the spirituality of society.
    • Pearls immediately begin to fade if their owner turns onto a low path.
    • Black pearls are considered to be a stone of sadness, sadness and even depression.

    Many superstitious people are afraid to wear black pearls, believing that they bring bad luck.

    • It is contraindicated for young women, as it can provoke widowhood. But black pearls will give widows or divorced women the opportunity to find a life partner.
    • It is believed that pearls are contraindicated for those who do not have a permanent pair. However, it has a good effect on the home atmosphere of family people. Singles under its influence can fall into attacks of causeless melancholy and deep depression. For people who have lived together for a long time, pearls will give them a peaceful and tranquil life.
    • Astrologers recommend wearing pearls to representatives of all zodiac signs. But for constant wearing, the stone is not suitable for those born under the signs of Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius.
    • Pearls are able to protect their owners from rash, frivolous actions.

    Such jewelry perfectly complements any festive or everyday look. In addition to the previously mentioned silk and velvet for special occasions, small pearls can be worn with light sundresses and chiffon dresses, skirts or shorts. However, there is an unspoken rule that everyone should adhere to: pearls are absolutely incompatible with sports-style outfits. This is why you should not combine sportswear with feminine, elegant pearl jewelry.

    Pearl jewelry will be indispensable when creating a retro look.

    But with an acceptable degree of democracy, this stone will not forgive you if you overdo it with its everyday wearing. Pearls should not be worn so often that you become tired of them. We must boldly create fashionable combinations of outfits and combine them with pearls, expressing our femininity.

    Again, with all the beauty of pearls, you need to avoid combining them in such a way that they can easily outshine the one you are supposed to simply decorate. You are a bright personality - feel free to wear black pearls. If you have dark skin, then opt for pearls of a greenish or brown tone, and if your skin is very fair, then this blue-colored stone will suit you.

    It’s probably not without reason that the words “pearl” and “woman” begin with the same letters :)

    If you don’t know how to wear pearl beads, then, in addition to the tips mentioned above, you can observe what types of such necklaces are chosen by world stars. They are not afraid to experiment and in doing so they find the most non-standard methods its application. Usually they try not to leave one string of pearls, mixing it with different chains of simple metal, adding ribbons, pendants or pendants. Such beads are even worn on the back, thus decorating the neckline evening dress. Pearls look stylish in the hair, on the shoulders, complementing the epaulettes.

    Options for wearing pearl beads

    Pearl necklaces can be worn with a black dress, as Holly Golightly does, or paired with a pastel outfit, following the example of Jessica Biel and Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit. But using a single thread with pearls in the style of Coco Chanel, Josephine Baker, Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe today is considered old-fashioned. That's why innovative stylists Lenvin and Tom Beans use creative techniques, wrapping a pearl necklace in a strip of sheer chiffon or snaking it through crystal beads.


    Several long strings of pearl beads look great. The main thing is not to overdo it

    Marilyn Monroe also liked pearls

    A string of pearls modestly peeks out from under the collar

    Many girls combine pearls with fairly casual items.

    Just one string of pearls adds elegance and even some luxury to the whole look


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