• Shilajit for hair in shampoo recipe reviews. Origin of "mountain balsam". Message from Bogdan


    When a woman is looking for a way to grow long curls or a man is trying to reduce hair loss, they are trying to find the most effective remedy. This shilajit has proven itself well for hair growth, which is a storehouse of natural microelements and vitamins for the whole body. About him miraculous power There are legends, it is drunk and used externally. But let’s look at how safe mumiyo is and whether it really is a panacea for all hair problems.

    What's happened

    By its nature, the substance smells like resin, chocolate and bitumen, and is the result of the vital activity of many elements of nature: animals, various microorganisms, plants. It is extracted from cracks in rocks and is often called mountain tar, tears of giants, mountain wax, stone oil, mountain blood, bragshaun, ozokerite. The color of this product varies from light brown to black. It also comes in color.


    Depending on the composition and place of extraction, the miraculous balm can be:

    • lichen. Formed as a result of the vital activity of lower lichen plants;
    • mineral. It is mined from rock voids in the mountains;
    • excremental. Contains fossilized excrement of various small animals (mice, bats, etc.);
    • bitumen. Formed due to anaerobic decomposition of plants;
    • wax-honey. The result of the life activity of wild bees;
    • Archov. The base is resin from various conifers;
    • cadaverous. It is obtained as a result of mummification and/or decomposition of the corpses of various animals and insects.


    What mumiyo is completely a creation of nature, gives it clear advantages. After all, the naturalness of the product can be a decisive factor when choosing a drug that accelerates hair growth.

    What is the use of rock resin?

    • protection from harmful environmental influences;
    • removal of salts heavy metals and other toxic substances;
    • relieving inflammation, tightening skin microcracks;
    • obedient curls, ease of styling, shine and smoothness of the strands;
    • treatment of brittle hairs and split ends;
    • collagen synthesis - elasticity and firmness of strands as a result;
    • control of the sebaceous glands and reduction of subcutaneous sebum formation - reduction of oily hair;
    • treatment of seborrhea, as well as getting rid of dandruff;
    • growth acceleration due to income required quantity zinc and copper;
    • supply of necessary substances, vitamins;
    • acceleration of skin circulation on the head;
    • strengthening strands and preventing their loss;
    • awakening dormant follicles.

    Attention! Shilajit is a natural antiseptic with antibacterial, regenerating, restorative, cleansing, restorative and rejuvenating properties.


    Miracle balm from the rocky mountains - mineral and biological origin.


    • fatty acids;
    • resinous substances;
    • 30 minerals;
    • enzymes;
    • vitamins;
    • bee venom;
    • essential oils;
    • 6 amino acids.


    For the consumer, mumiyo for hair growth is available in the following forms:

    • natural This is how it comes from the mountains. In cosmetology, it is preferable to use a pure product, since in this form mumiyo is more effective. The cost of such a drug is about 370 rubles per 100 grams;
    • tablets, capsules. It is most often used for oral administration, but can also be used to accelerate hair growth. Price - about 150 rubles for 30 tablets.

    The richest places in mumiyo are in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Altai. Altai resin is considered the most useful and popular. You can purchase this product in pharmacies, as well as in online stores.

    Advice. When buying a product, you should be vigilant: healing balm is often counterfeited, so before use, it is better to check its authenticity.

    Verification methods

    You can check the authenticity of a drug in different ways. The simplest are:

    • knead the product in your hand. High-quality, natural, mummy will quickly soften. But the fake, or with impurities, will remain solid;
    • the true remedy will also dissolve well in water, alcohol, and cream.

    When to use

    The range of uses of mumiyo is quite extensive. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. Effective in cosmetology too.

    If we talk about the benefits of the substance for hair, then it is effective in the following cases:

    • with alopecia (severe hair loss);
    • for recovery after damage;
    • for prevention;
    • for dandruff;
    • Shilajit is also useful for hair growth.

    Advice. To ensure your hair grows well, review your diet. Read about food products that stimulate hair growth on our website.


    Do not use rock tar if:

    • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
    • pregnancy and lactation (can cause allergies in the baby);
    • presence of malignant tumors. The product can speed up the process of their development;
    • increased AT;
    • bleeding;
    • under 12 years of age;
    • excessively dry hair;
    • frequent headaches;
    • elevated temperature;
    • drinking alcoholic beverages.

    Advice. Given the scope of contraindications, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor before use.

    Rules of application

    As a rule, you need to drink mumiyo on an empty stomach, dissolving 0.2 grams in 2 tablespoons of warm water. You can use tablets. The course is at least 28 days. Such doses are advisory in nature. It is best to discuss the correct dosage in each individual case, as well as the appropriateness of use, with your doctor.

    Photos before and after

    Recipes to use

    Express recipes

    A simple way to use mumiyo: apply a solution (two grams per 1.5 cups of water) to the roots a few hours before washing the strands.

    Effective hair mask:

    • a tablespoon of burdock oil;
    • 1 gram of rock resin;
    • five drops each of lavender and tea tree essential oils;
    • 3 drops of lemon essential oil;
    • 2 ampoules of pharmaceutical nicotinic acid.

    How to use: with mix, distribute on the roots and comb the strands. Leave for an hour and wash your hair.

    This remedy is effective not only for growth, but also helps with hair loss.

    Adding to Shampoo

    Using mountain resin with shampoo will help restore strength and volume, eliminate fragility and hair loss, and also accelerate the growth of curls.

    How to breed:

    • 10 tablets added to every 5 ml homemade shampoo. To improve the result, rub the product into the skin while washing and leave for about 10 minutes. Use within a month.
    • 2 tablets are added to the shampoo bottle. Shake the bottle before each use.

    Important! It is better to crush the tablets before adding them. Should not be used professional shampoo. It is better to take one based on natural ingredients.

    Using masks

    The use of mumiyo in various masks is widespread. But before you use them on yourself, It is worth familiarizing yourself with some basic rules:

    • It is not necessary to wash your hair before applying. The product is applied to both dry and wet strands;
    • to enhance the effect, it is worth insulating the applied mask with a towel or bath cap;
    • For preventive purposes, the product is used once a week. Course - 8 masks.
    • For treatment it is necessary to apply the formulations twice a week. Course - 16 applications. Then you should give your hair a 2-month break and repeat the course.

    According to reviews, within a month the dormant hair follicles wake up, and noticeable fluff appears on the surface of the head, which later turns into thick, lush strands.

    Honey mask

    You will need:

    • 8 tablets of prepared mummy;
    • 2 teaspoons fresh honey;
    • half a glass of regular warm water.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Mix the ingredients.
    2. Moisten the entire surface of the scalp with the mixture. Wait half an hour and wash off.

    Honey-sea buckthorn mask

    You will need:

    • 1.5 table. spoons of fresh honey;
    • ¾ glass of water (warm);
    • 4 drops of sea buckthorn oil;
    • 7 grams of pure mumiyo.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Dilute natural resin in warm water. Add oil and honey to the liquid. Mix everything.
    2. Rub the product into the scalp with light massaging movements using your palms. Then distribute over all strands. Do not wash curls before application.
    3. Apply the applied product and rinse off after 25 minutes.

    Lemon mask

    You will need:

    • 100 grams of fresh lemon juice;
    • spray;
    • 2 grams mumiyo.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Mix all ingredients and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
    2. Spray over all strands. Wait 1 to 2 hours. Then you should wash your hair.

    Herbal mask

    The use of such a mask not only promotes hair growth, but will also help get rid of hair loss, dandruff and split ends.

    You will need:

    • 0.5 table. tablespoons of crushed dried herbs burdock and mint;
    • a glass of water (hot);
    • 2 milligrams mumiyo.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Prepare an infusion from water and herbs. To do this, pour boiling water over burdock and mint, cover with a lid and leave for about an hour.
    2. Add mumiyo to the herbs and stir.
    3. Rub into scalp.

    Note, You need to use tmaska ​​daily, once a day, for 2-3 weeks.

    Cranberry mask

    This product enhances growth, strengthens, and also eliminates oily sheen.

    You will need:

    • 100 grams of fresh cranberries;
    • 3 glasses of warm water;
    • 15 mummy tablets.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Mash the cranberries and add water. Leave for about 4 hours.
    2. Add mountain balsam and mix well.
    3. Distribute over all curls and wait half an hour.
    4. Use 3 times a week.

    Essential oil compositions

    Thanks to the presence of essential oils, the mask is effective against hair loss (chamomile), dandruff (bergamot), and for growth (basil).

    You will need:

    • a few drops of essential oils of chamomile, bergamot, basil.
    • base oil (about 20 grams). The product is selected depending on the hair type and can be anything: coconut, almond, jojoba, cocoa, avocado, etc.;
    • 1 gram of healing mumiyo;
    • 60 grams of ordinary warm water.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Mix all the oils.
    2. Dissolve mountain resin in water.
    3. Combine ingredients and mix well.
    4. Distribute on hair and rinse after an hour.

    Glycerin mask

    You will need:

    • 1 gram mummy;
    • egg yolk;
    • half a teaspoon of wine vinegar;
    • 2 table. spoons of castor oil;
    • 1 teaspoon of glycerin (pharmaceutical).

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Mix the ingredients and rub into the skin.
    2. Warm and leave for 50 minutes. Rinse off.

    Judging by the reviews, all of the masks listed are very effective. Those who have tried the effect of mountain balm on themselves note the achievement of impressive results. In addition to the fact that the strands grow faster, the hair itself becomes thicker and healthier.

    In some cases, the result is shiny and smooth hair noticeable after the first use. But, like any product that affects our body, care using mountain resin can have the opposite effect. Therefore, when starting the fight for the beauty and acceleration of the growth of your curls, it is worth enlisting the recommendations of a specialist.

    Useful videos

    Recipe for making revitalizing shampoo with mumiyo.

    Use of mumiyo for hair and in medicine. Benefits, harms and properties of the product.

    Mumiyo– a unique substance of natural origin.

    It consists of more than 80 components.

    During research it was found almost all elements of the periodic table.

    Besides, there is in the mummy:

    • fatty acid;
    • amino acids;
    • B vitamins;
    • bee venom;
    • vitamin P;
    • resins;
    • humic bases;
    • essential oils;
    • a number of other substances.

    There is no consensus on origin of mumiyo.

    Best buy natural mummy, but the easiest way to find it will be pressed in tablets.

    Shilajit is essential accelerates hair growth. This is due to its amazing composition. In most cases, hair growth increases even when mumiyo is used only internally for other purposes.

    Using it on the hair itself improves this effect. Cheaper to buy and easier to find mummy in tablets. They are available in all pharmacies.

    Popular mask: half a glass of water, 2 tablespoons, 15 mummy tablets.

    The tablets can be crushed before adding. This composition is kept on the hair 25 minutes. After the specified time, it is washed off with water and shampoo. Even after the first use, it is usually noted that the hair looks better than usual. The course of masks ranges from 8 to 15 procedures.

    When taken orally For hair growth, a dosage of 0.2 grams is recommended. You need to take it 2 times a day, and before meals.

    Using Shilajit with Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo

    provoke hair loss there could be a variety of reasons. Sometimes it begins due to a lack of certain substances in the body. In this case, by introducing mumiyo into hair care, you can stop or reduce hair loss.

    You can try different ones methods of application mumiyo:

    • enrich shampoo;
    • add to hair masks;
    • prepare a hair spray for application to the roots;
    • apply internally.

    For a lasting effect, you need to use the chosen product regularly. The results usually appear very quickly.

    If the loss has been stopped, you can use a simple recipe to maintain results: 15 mummy tablets, previously ground into powder, mixed with 200 grams of shampoo. The shampoo will need to be shaken before use.

    Recipe for adding mumiyo to shampoo for hair growth

    Most convenient crush the tablets in advance so as not to wait long for them to dissolve. For one serving of shampoo you will need 5 - 10 mummy tablets.

    After dissolving the mummy, the shampoo foams on the hair and rubbed into scalp.

    It should not be washed off one to two minutes so that the active substances have time to act. After this, you should rinse your hair and use conditioner if necessary.

    Reviews about the effect of mummy tablets when added to shampoo for hair growth


    Marina, 28 years old

    “I have sparse and somewhat transparent hair at my temples. I couldn't put on makeup before dark color because the whiskey looked balding. On the advice of friends, I tried mumiyo.

    I didn’t drink it, but I used it for my hair in full: I dissolved the tablets in shampoo, added it to all hair masks, and applied a solution of mumiyo in water to the skin of my temples.

    Now the hair on my temples is growing much thicker. I recently dyed my hair in chocolate color And no bald spots no longer visible."

    Anastasia, 30 years old

    “Mummy not only stopped my hair loss, but also accelerated their growth! Before this product, I thought that the growth rate could not be changed at all.

    When everything didn’t help me, I started mixing 10 mummy tablets into them. The only negative is a rather strange smell, but it’s not scary in the background excellent result”.

    Natalya, 41 years old

    Anna, 18 years old

    “I really want waist-length hair, but I have it very grow slowly. I tried it and it dried out my scalp. I bought it and my head hurts after rubbing it in.

    But the mummy was perfect. And there is a result. Exactly a couple of centimeters per month hair grows more, and it’s easier to use than other masks.”

    Various natural products are often used to care for curls. Shilajit for hair is one of the most popular natural products that can accelerate hair growth and improve quality. This mountain resin rich in minerals, vitamins and acids that increase metabolism and strengthen the bulbs.

    Benefits of mumiyo for hair

    Altai mumiyo is sold in pharmacies in the form of frozen resin and tablets. A product frozen in the form of a shapeless mass is considered more effective, because it contains absolutely no foreign impurities. The product in tablets is additionally enriched with chemical components that allow it to be taken orally. Although capsules are also often used for external use.

    Properties and benefits of mumiyo:

    • Increased blood circulation. This is a mild local irritant. If mustard powder and red pepper tincture dry out the scalp very much, then it gently warms it up. Thanks to this, it also helps with ingrown hairs and stretch marks on the body;
    • Activation of dormant bulbs. The composition of mountain resin includes rare minerals and essential vitamins. They help to “wake up” frozen hair follicles, thereby significantly increasing density;
    • Improving hair quality and strengthening. According to trichologists and professional hairdressers, this product helps make hair smooth and shiny. The acids that make up mumiyo smooth out the scales of the strands, increasing their elasticity and shine;
    • Accelerating growth. Considering that this is a very mild irritant, you should not expect a growth effect of up to 7 centimeters per month from it. The maximum result that can be obtained with growth masks is 4 centimeters per month;
    • Normalization of the sebaceous glands. Tired of washing your hair every day? Take a course of procedures with mumiyo. In cosmetology, this product is used to normalize skin secretion, eliminating inflammation of the sebaceous glands and reducing their secretions;
    • Despite the dark color the product does not dye hair. Many girls with very light natural colored hair use it and there are no problems with changing the shade. This is clearly visible in the photo.

    Hair masks with mumiyo

    The most simple mask with mumiyo for hair loss - egg. To prepare it you will need egg, 2 grams of resin and 5 grams of saturated oil (olive, burdock or sea buckthorn). All components are thoroughly mixed together, the resulting solution is applied to the hair roots. Afterwards, cover your head with a towel and wait 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

    To strengthen and improve growth, a mask with honey is suitable. Here you need to take 1 tablespoon of sweetness and a teaspoon of crushed mountain resin. To make the mass easier to apply, the mixture is heated in a water bath or supplemented with oil. This product can be distributed over the entire length.

    To improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, a recipe with milk is suitable. Dairy products reduce the acidity of the scalp, and mumiyo normalizes metabolism. One capsule should be dissolved in 10 ml of warm milk (it is best to buy homemade milk). This solution is rubbed into the scalp and left for half an hour. Repeat before each wash.

    The resin interacts well with various oils. For example, after coloring, it is very useful to make a mask with olive and mumiyo at night. One tablet is crushed and combined with a spoon of heated oil. Afterwards it is mixed with any available vitamin solution (we recommend E). Apply before bed, distributing the mixture along the roots and lengths. The recipe is especially useful for blondes or girls with ombre, i.e., bleached hair.

    Brittle and dry hair can be treated with a mixture of resin and glycerin. Two tablets are dissolved in two tablespoons of water, after which glycerin is added to them. The drug should make up half of the finished solution. The product is spread over the hair and left for 15 minutes. It is not recommended to apply a glycerin mask to the scalp - this affects the natural hydration processes and can subsequently cause dandruff.

    Oral use

    In addition to masks, mumiyo can also be taken orally. This is not a medicine, but a biologically active component. It contains more than 20 microelements and essential acids, which makes it an affordable and completely natural analogue of specialized ones.

    The action of mumiyo helps:

    It is noteworthy that resin tablets are prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women. They help avoid postpartum vitamin deficiency and improve the quality of lactation. Reviews claim that one of the best is the Golden Mumiyo from Evalar, which will help not only the hair, but also the skin of the face, nails and the body as a whole.

    Before use, you need to talk with your doctor, because the dosage of the resin depends on several factors:

    • Health conditions;
    • Weights;
    • The desired effect.

    For an adult, it is permissible to take 0.2 grams of mumiyo per day for a weight of up to 70 kilograms. Maximum amount- half a gram. For expectant mothers, the proportions are strictly individual.

    Recipes for hair growth

    Shilajit for hair loss is the safest and most effective natural remedy from all available in the arsenal traditional medicine. To eliminate the loss, simply rub the solution into the skin herbal decoction and resins. Hairdressers recommend sticking to the proportion of 2 tablets per half liter.

    If the hair not only falls out, but also does not grow, then you need to carry out a course of active procedures with dimexidine. The main property of dimexidine is the ability to conduct beneficial substances from the surface of the skin into its deeper layers. This helps enhance the effect of the active components.

    Instructions on how to make a mask with mumiyo for hair growth:

    • Dimexide, which is sold in pharmacies, is a concentrate. Before using it, you need to dissolve the liquid in water. Ratio – 1:10. Only after this can you mix it with mumiyo;
    • 4 tablets of purified mumiyo (an active agent with a minimum amount of impurities) are crushed and mixed with Dimexide;
    • Use liquid product for the night. Distribute evenly over the entire head area, cover with plastic and a towel. In the morning, wash your hair as usual. The result will be noticeable after a month of regular sessions. The recommended frequency is three times a week.

    For convenient use, you can make a spray like this. But for this, the capsules need to be dissolved in mineral water. If desired, add a few drops of essential oils. They will improve the quality of your curls and give them a pleasant aroma.
    Video: mumiyo for strengthening hair

    Adding mumiyo to shampoo

    If you add Shilajit hair tablets to your shampoo or usual conditioner, you can make a miracle remedy against dandruff and hair loss with your own hands. Both tablets and pure resin are suitable for this.

    Shampoo recipe with mumiyo for hair:

    • You need to dissolve 5 grams of mumiyo in 30 ml of boiled hot water. It is important to stir the liquid all the time, otherwise the tablets will stick to the dishes. Capsules do not stain dishes, so you can prepare the product in any container;
    • The dark solution should be added to any shampoo for your hair type. It is best if it is sulfate-free;
    • Mix the product thoroughly, shake and leave for two days in a dark place. Usage is the same as regular detergent. After a month and a half, you need to change the principle of care - the skin and curls will get used to it and there will be no effect;
    • After this, you can apply a moisturizing balm or conditioner to strengthen the effect and enhance the shine of the strands.

    You can similarly improve your balm or conditioner. But you can add not only a resinous product to them, but also oils, vitamins or any other complexes.

    Recently, adding mumiyo for hair to shampoo has been widely used, cosmetic clay, oils and other natural ingredients. Just 15-20 years ago, very little attention was paid to hair health. Now the situation has changed radically. Many secrets of making medicinal cosmetics revealed. At the beginning of 2000, everyone started talking about a new science - trichology. It is a branch of dermatology, studies the physiology of hair, and develops new methods for treating the scalp.

    Hair health

    Many aesthetic beauty clinics, beauty salons and clinics offer the services of trichologists. To make a diagnosis, these doctors use modern methods microvideo diagnostics, which allows a detailed study of the condition of the epidermis and hair. A trichologist will give recommendations on how to restore your health and advise on how to properly care for your hair at home.

    Hair is an indicator of the health of the body. During illness, they fade, become brittle and unruly, and elasticity and firmness are lost. This is due to insufficient nutrition of the roots - the follicle. The follicle grows from the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. The spine is wrapped in a protective bag. The hair itself is a kind of rod, its middle is filled with air cavities and keratin cells, the rod is surrounded by a cortex - a cortex containing melanin. Melanin is responsible for hair color. On top, the entire hair is covered with small scales - these particles, or rather their condition, are responsible for appearance curls. Shine and gloss can be observed when the scales fit smoothly to the hair, creating a mirror reflection.

    There are an average of 100,000 hairs on the head. Up to 100 hairs are lost per day, and this is the norm. To maintain healthy scalp and hair, it is important to carry out proper care at home. Manufacturers of cosmetics improve their technologies every year, achieving faster and more effective results. But the components that remain unchanged are unique properties which nature endowed them with. Among such substances is mumiyo. Its spectrum of action is wide; it is used both in cosmetology and in the pharmaceutical industry. This remedy is indispensable for diseases of the epidermis of the head, where possible reason could become pathogenic microbes, fungi, which led to impaired blood circulation in the dermis, aggravating the nutrition and saturation of hair follicles with useful substances.

    Medicinal properties of the product

    Mumiyo is a natural product of animal and mineral origin. This is a universal organo-mineral substance, resin-like. It has a specific odor and is dark brown to black in color with grayish spots. Science has not fully studied the exact process of its formation. Therefore, it is impossible to answer unequivocally what it is. It is known that this is a mountain resin, consisting of a mixture of organic and inorganic origin. The most valuable mummy in its composition is mined in the Altai highlands. Scientists have put forward several theories regarding the origin of this substance:

    1. Origin: mineral. The assumption is that it interacts well with microorganisms.
    2. Wax-honey origin. It is assumed that the substance is nothing more than a product of the vital activity of bees.
    3. Juniper is the fossilized resin of coniferous trees combined with water.

    According to research, one of the samples found by scientists was about 15,000 years old. In Altai, the age of the extracted resin samples is about 1000-1500 years.

    This substance has been known since ancient times for its healing properties, it is used in all countries of the world. The composition of the resin contains a whole range of useful substances:

    1. Minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulfur.
    2. Microelements: iodine, aluminum, cobalt, nickel, copper, lithium, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, lanthanum, iron, chromium, silver, barium.
    3. Products of plant and animal origin.
    4. Acids: benzoic, humic and amino acids, oxalic acid.

    The composition of mumiyo is rich in vitamins, essential oils, polyphenols and balsamic substances. Doctors have long used it in the manufacture of medicinal drugs. Dermatologists and cosmetologists have noted more than once its miraculous effect on human skin and hair.

    Cosmetic care products

    A unique product created by nature itself and truly containing all the necessary useful material for the body, you can use it yourself without fear. In order to maintain the beauty and health of hair and scalp, masks and creams made from resin at home are used. You can purchase the drug in pharmacies; manufacturers offer it in the form of tablets, wafers, jelly, and capsules. Basically, it is prescribed for internal use, but external use is also widespread. The drug should be kept closed and unpacked immediately before use - this is due to its moisture-absorbing abilities. It dissolves perfectly in water.

    Shampoo and mummy tablets. First you need to dissolve the tablets (10 pieces) in small quantity water, then add the solution to the shampoo, shake well. You can use shampoo with this substance without restrictions, that is, for people who need to cleanse their scalp more than 2-3 times a week, its use is not contraindicated.

    Mask and resin. Not a large number of dissolve water and 5-10 tablets and mix into the finished hair mask. Use as needed. If the drug is purchased in the form of jelly, you can dissolve it in a small amount of the mask. You can also enrich conditioners and hair balms.

    Shilajit hair spray. Dissolve 1-2 g of resin in a glass of water and pour it into a spray bottle, use it both to treat the scalp and to prevent baldness, spray all over the hair and skin, rubbing lightly. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

    Mask for growth. Dissolve mummy tablets in water, add one spoon of honey, a spoon burdock oil. Rub into scalp, distribute remainder throughout hair. Exposure time 30 minutes.

    Anti-loss mask. 1 spoon castor oil, vitamin B12 ampoule, 5 pieces of mummy tablets dissolved in a small amount of water. Apply to hair roots. Hold for about 1

    Hair restoration mask: 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oil, 5 mummy tablets, 2 tbsp. l. water, 1 tbsp. l. black clay. Apply the mixture over the entire length of the hair for 30 minutes.

    Strengthening agent. Honey - 2 tablespoons, 1 egg yolk, mummy tablets - 5 pcs., water - 2 tablespoons. Apply to hair roots. Time - 60 minutes.

    Shilajit is useful to use both in products for treating the scalp and strengthening hair, and for the skin of the whole body. It would be useful to use it to care for the health of the skin and curls for preventive purposes.

    The course lasts 1-2 months, repeated 2-3 times a year.


    Everything is good in moderation. This applies to all useful drugs without exception, because oversaturation can occur at any time. Although this product is considered biologically pure, an excess of vitamins can also cause a reverse reaction. It is believed that people with cancer should approach the use of this remedy with caution. Or under the supervision and recommendations of a doctor.

    Women who are breastfeeding and pregnant women should not use the drug. Shilajit should not be used by people who are allergic to at least one of the components of the drug. It should not be given to children under 12 years of age or the elderly. You should always consult your doctor before using the drug.

    Ancient manuscripts mention a substance that can heal a person from many diseases. The Greeks called it mumiyo, which literally means “preserving body.” Scientists cannot come to a common idea about the origin of this miracle medicine, classifying mumiyo as a natural balm. Nature combined 50 components in it, while in pharmaceuticals obtained artificially, only 5-6 can be combined as much as possible.

    Shilajit is an ancient balm, the “juice” of rocks; people often call it “mountain blood”. The remedy was known and appreciated by ancient doctors - Aristotle and Avicenna.

    Mumiyo can be obtained in places difficult to reach for humans at an altitude of 3-5 thousand. m in caves in the form of infiltration. It accumulates on icicles, mainly in rock caves and crevices. The resin is characterized by a certain color and smell. Properly cleaned mummy is dissolved in warm water.

    What does mumiyo contain?

    The product contains about 23 chemical elements, 30 macro- and microelements, including 10 different metal oxides, 6 amino acids, large amounts of vitamins B, C and A, essential oils, bee venom, resin-like substances - each of which can have a positive effect on certain changes in the human body.

    The beauties of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece used mumiyo in for cosmetic purposes, often for hair treatment and this is not surprising. After all, it has powerful biostimulating properties, due to which it enhances regenerative processes in all damaged organs. Today's ecology is not in the best possible way affects the beauty of hair. Therefore, let’s follow the advice of the beauties of antiquity and pamper our hair with a substance that is fraught with so many mysteries!

    Treating hair with mumiyo

    1. Add 2 grams of mumiyo to the usual dose of shampoo required for one hair wash. Lather well and apply to hair. Do not rinse for 7 minutes. After several procedures, the hair will again acquire a healthy, radiant appearance.

    2. If you have time, it would be good to irrigate your hair roots a few hours before washing with a solution consisting of 2 grams of mumiyo and 1.5 glasses of water. This will speed up hair growth.

    3. To restore the natural thickness and strengthen the hair, you can rub blackberry pulp (about a glass) into your hair, in which 5 grams of mumiyo are dissolved.

    4. The most best mask for the scalp has the following composition: 5 grams of mumiyo, two tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil. This mass dissolves in 1 glass of water. Hair restoration course – 6-10 procedures.

    5. Herbal hair balms can be made more effective if mummy is dissolved in them. The mixture is left for a day and then stored in the refrigerator.

    Shilajit is especially useful for hair loss. Add a mummy tablet to the hair balm, along with an ampoule of vitamins B1, B6, B12. It has been noticed that as a result, not only does the process of baldness stop, but new hairs also grow.

    For facial care: soak a cotton swab in the solution (5 mummy tablets, 0.2 g each, dissolve in 25 ml of water) and gently wipe your face and neck. This accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis and restores skin health.

    For tired legs and feet: 5 mummy tablets of 0.2 g each are dissolved in 3 liters of hot water and wait until the solution cools slightly. Immerse your feet in water and hold for 15 minutes. This bath will eliminate tired feet and blisters from rubbing shoes.

    Taking mumiyo internally

    It is very important, when using mumiyo externally, not to forget that any ailment must be treated from the inside. This also applies to hair problems. Reputable doctors advise taking mumiyo for 28 days in a row. To do this, 0.2 grams are diluted in two tablespoons of warm water and drunk on an empty stomach. The tableted drug is sold in the pharmacy in such doses. During treatment with mumiyo, you need to monitor your diet.

    It is best to prepare solutions and masks immediately before use. Drugs prepared for long-term use are stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the mummy itself is unlimited.

    Shilajit is a substance that has not been fully studied, so it should be used sparingly. It is not always possible to predict in advance how this balm will behave in case of an overdose. Therefore, diligence in achieving beauty is commendable, but it is not necessary to overdo it, because then the effect can be exactly the opposite.

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