• Mother-in-law's father. Relatives of the bride and groom: who is who


    When we get married, we immediately have twice as many relatives. And everyone is called something. You won’t remember right away. No, well, you can’t confuse your mother-in-law with anyone! But we'll deal with the rest now...

    New in-laws

    Mother in law- This is the husband's mother. For the mother-in-law - her son's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    Father-in-law- This is the husband's father. For the father-in-law - his son's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    Sister-in-law- This is my husband's sister. For the sister-in-law, her brother's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    brother-in-law- This is my husband's brother. For a brother-in-law, his brother's wife will be daughter-in-law.

    New in-laws

    mother-in-law- This is the wife's mother. For a mother-in-law, her daughter's husband will be son-in-law.

    Who is father-in-law

    Father-in-law- This is the wife's father. For father-in-law, as well as for mother-in-law, the husband of their daughter is son-in-law.

    Brother-in-law- This is my wife's brother. For the brother-in-law, his sister's husband, as well as for the parents - son-in-law.

    sister-in-law- This is my wife's sister. For a sister-in-law, as for a brother-in-law, their sister's husband will be son-in-law.

    New family ties between the parents of the bride and groom

    Matchmaking- this is the mother of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

    Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses for the parents of the other spouse.

    brother-in-law- this is the husband of one sister in relation to the husband of another. In-laws are also called any family ties between people who are not closely related.

    Who are godfathers

    Godfather And godfather - godfathers and mother, but not for the godson, but among themselves and in relation to the parents and relatives of the godson.

    Other relatives

    All other relatives of your husband/wife will be called the same for you as for him/her. If your husband has a niece, she remains a niece for you. And for her you will be her uncle’s wife.z>

    Very soon Maslenitsa will come, and with it mother-in-law's parties and sister-in-law's get-togethers. Maslenitsa can be considered a holiday aimed at strengthening family ties. But in our modern bustle we have lost a lot, and some of us have forgotten what close relatives called each other in Rus'. Maybe we can remember at least some...

    So, who's who in our sister clan:
    Mother-in-law - wife's mother.
    Father-in-law - wife's father.
    Brother-in-law - brother-in-law.
    Mother in law - husband's mother.
    father-in-law - husband's father.
    Sister-in-law - husband's sister.
    brother-in-law - Brother husband.
    Matchmaker, matchmaker – the parents of one in relation to the parents of the other.
    Son-in-law - husband of daughter, sister, sister-in-law.
    Daughter-in-law - wife of son, brother.
    Daughters-in-law - the wives of two brothers in relation to each other.
    sister-in-law - wife's sister.
    brother-in-law - sister-in-law's husband.
    Brothers-in-law - husbands of two sisters in relation to each other.
    Daughter-in-law - the wife of a son in relation to his father.

    There is a lot of talk now about increasing the birth rate. But it is not enough to conceive and give birth to a child. To grow up truly happy, a baby needs to be born in strong family, where adults love and respect each other. Whether it’s good or bad, the older generation plays a significant role in the strength and durability of a young family, namely the relationship between parents and their chosen son or daughter.

    There are so many anecdotes about mothers-in-law and sons-in-law, so much bitterness and resentment sometimes in the life stories of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law! And how often quarrels between them lead to the disintegration of a young family... This problem is as old as the world itself. But most often they arise precisely along the “female line”.

    It's quite rare to hear about bad relationship between father-in-law and daughter-in-law or between son-in-law and father-in-law. What is the reason for this? Women's emotionality? Inability or unwillingness to get used to new circumstances and new people? In theory, a woman should be more flexible, softer, and kinder than the male half. But in practice, for some reason, everything happens the other way around. It's sad, of course.

    In the 21st century, the role of men is no longer what it was in previous centuries. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the man was still the head of the house, the main breadwinner and breadwinner. It depended on his ability to work, intelligence and “golden hands” whether the family would survive in general and whether it would live with dignity in particular. Therefore, the husband’s authority in the family was unquestionable.

    But women's economic dependence is a thing of the past. Now the wife is equal to her husband, and sometimes even more than him. Yes, and as a support modern men Unfortunately, they don’t fit very well. All this led to the fact that a woman became the head of the family, even if in words she calls her husband a leader, the “gray eminence” still decides almost everything. The man in best case scenario demonstrates a virtual crown, like a rooster's bright comb. Although, of course, there are happy families where the husband clearly recognizes equality and behaves in everyday life as an equal partner. And here the most important thing is to create and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house.

    It’s good if a husband and wife have the same view on housekeeping, spending and saving money, raising children, sexual relations and a form of rest. If not, then wisdom, compliance, and compromise will help maintain peace in the family - and not only on the part of the wife, but also on the part of the husband. Psychologists have gone to great lengths to denigrate the word “should.” And now it turns out that no one owes anyone anything. Is this for the good? I'm afraid not.

    After all, it turns out that when creating a family, young people should not bear responsibility for it? Shouldn't take care of children? Respect old people? Shouldn't you also make money and create comfort in your home? Why then a family if everyone is on their own? I think that when getting married, we must understand that without a sense of duty, respect and trust, no family will work. Falling in love flies away quickly, but love lives long only if both spouses make efforts to preserve it.

    You need to learn to give in to each other, accept the habits of your loved one, even if you don’t really like them, show tenderness, understanding, and provide support to all family members. During a quarrel, you should not strive to have the last word. You should cool down and then calmly discuss the problem, find a solution that would suit both. Indifference, irresponsibility, anger, selfishness, mistrust quickly undermine the foundation family hearth, and the past crumbles literally before our eyes.

    Unfortunately, many of our men are spoiled by their mothers and easily shift all worries onto women’s shoulders. And then the mother-in-law demands that her son be nurtured until retirement, like five year old baby. Why is it considered the norm that a man is absolutely helpless in everyday life, sometimes to such an extent that he can only find the kitchen by following the arrows drawn on the wall? Of course, I’m exaggerating, but still! When raising sons, it doesn’t hurt to teach them to take care of themselves, to explain that a wife and a servant are completely different things. After all, once upon a time the mothers-in-law themselves were in exactly the same situation as their daughters-in-law are now. And they also suffered from the immaturity and mismanagement of their husbands. Why turn your son into a copy of a loser?

    It often happens that a mother, exhausted from work and housework, forgets to give her son the most important thing, namely emotional warmth. It seems to be well-fed, washed, dressed, shod, but without receiving required amount maternal attention, the boy, turning into a man, grows up cold and callous. Feeling in love, he awakens for a while, unleashing all his hidden thoughts on his chosen one.

    And here it is important for a girl to behave correctly - to consolidate all the positive manifestations of love, to be affectionate, and not to hide her joy from his manifestations of love. And don’t take on all the burdens of everyday life. While still meeting with your chosen one, invite him to go to the market together, prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner, and clean the apartment. A young man in love will gladly respond to your requests. And in the future he will take his participation in everyday life for granted.

    A significant role in maintaining the microclimate is played by the parents of the husband and wife, especially female part- mother-in-law and. They both should remember their youth and not interfere in the affairs of the young family. Neither mothers-in-law nor mothers-in-law should rush to protect their “child”. The child has grown up. He has his own life. Parental authority over a child is temporary. But the love of a son or daughter, their respect can only be preserved by a policy of non-interference.

    You want your children and grandchildren to be happy? So let them build their own nest, overcome difficulties, correct mistakes and accumulate their own experience of family well-being.

    Hello, Victoria! From your question it becomes clear that you need to know who the brothers' wives are in relation to each other. So, for such relatives there is not one, but several names at once. Thus, the names familiar to us such as daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law are interpreted in some sources only as: Daughter-in-law is the wife of a son for his mother. The daughter-in-law is the son's wife for his father. Although, along with this, there is quite a lot of confusion with these names in other sources. So, for example, in Wikipedia, and in many other sources, a woman is also called a daughter-in-law in relation to her husband’s family in general: to his mother (mother-in-law), to brothers (brothers-in-law) and sisters (sisters-in-law), to brothers’ wives (yatrovki, intercourse) and to sisters’ husbands (sons-in-law). In other sources, the husband's brother's wife is also called a daughter-in-law.

    A much less familiar name for our ears is Yatrov (yatrovka). An interlocutor is a brother-in-law's wife. That is, Yatrovkas, intercourse women are women whose husbands are brothers in relation to each other. Also on Wikipedia, another name is indicated for such women - bratova, with the emphasis on the first syllable. To be honest, in my life I have never heard anyone’s relatives use such names as Yatrovka, Snoshenitsa or Bratova. But maybe in the old days people called each other that way.

    It seems to me that these unusual names are more accurate than daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law. But, I believe that since for some reason they did not enter into our daily use, words such as daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law took root and became popular.

    Although, in any case, the wives of two brothers cannot be relatives to each other in the full sense of the word, since there is no direct blood connection between them. And they are relatives only on the basis of the fact that they married two brothers. As far as I understand, such a relationship is called a property.

    Since our country is still (and, thank God, in my opinion) one of those countries where the traditional family structure of relations remains the norm, then in connection with this, we constantly have questions about who is related to whom and who. And people very often think that for absolutely all levels family relations names were invented long before we were born. But, in fact, this is still not entirely true, and for many people who are related to us, there are no clear and well-known names. Moreover, I think that they don’t have to be invented at all. Agree, there is no great need to call people who have become relatives to us for one reason or another with any specific word. After all, we can always call them by name, or by patronymic name, or simply allegorically. The most important thing is that big family Mutual understanding, trust and love reigned.

    Natalya Erofeevskaya May 31, 2018

    It rarely happens in life that someone has no relatives at all - as a rule, any person has the closest people (mom and dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents) or distant ones (uncles and aunts, cousins, , second cousins, etc.). A wedding is the occasion when the circle of relatives can expand significantly. And even if the relatives of the future husband and future wife are not blood, these are those people who are not only relatives now, but can later become sincere friends and reliable support.

    Who belongs to whom and who in the family after the wedding

    The tradition of denoting relatives with certain concepts came from Tsarist Rus' - kinship after the wedding expanded significantly. As a rule, families connected by kinship ties lived in the same settlement, and since many children were born, and then they got married or got married, the total number of all kinds of relatives often amounted to dozens. Let’s add here simple names that are repeated many times from generation to generation, and it’s no longer clear: which Aunt Marya should we run to for cereal – the one whose husband has a beard, or the one whose cow recently calved?

    The correct name of this or that relative in Rus' made life much easier and caused less confusion

    Of course, now it wouldn’t occur to anyone to call and say: “Hello, sister-in-law! How are you doing?" And the spouse’s father is called father-in-law only in conversations with friends. There is no practical value in such information, but at least for general development correct names everyone family ties worth knowing.

    Everyone knows the related “positions” - father-in-law and mother-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law. More advanced people will be able to more or less confidently explain who the matchmakers and godfathers are, as well as the sister-in-law or brother-in-law. But if you touch on brothers-in-law, jatras, brothers-in-law, then the impenetrable darkness of family relationships begins... Once and for all, this article will help you figure out who belongs to whom and by whom in the family after the wedding.

    Relatives from the bride's side

    Let's start with the female half of the family, more precisely, with the wife's relatives, whom the groom automatically and regardless of his own wishes acquires at the moment of pronouncing the wedding vow.

    Relatives of the bride and groom

    So, father of the bride. One of the most important and, as a rule, respected relatives on the part of the future wife. And here we are faced with the fact that the same person will be called differently for different people - it all depends on family ties:

    • for the groom, the father of the bride is the father-in-law;
    • for the father and mother of the groom - matchmaker.

    Who is a matchmaker? By kinship, these are the parents of the bride and groom in relation to each other - and this name is easy to remember from the humorous series of the same name “Matchmakers”. For example, the daughter-in-law's father is a matchmaker for the husband's parents. But the mother of the groom and the mother of the bride are matchmakers among themselves and for the spouses of the opposite side.

    The bride's mother is the groom's mother-in-law. Despite the huge number of sarcastic jokes about mother-in-law, in fact, a much larger number of conflicts arise in the female half of the family, between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

    The bride's mother is the groom's mother-in-law

    The sister of the bride is a sister-in-law for the groom, just like the sister-in-law is a sister-in-law for the mother-in-law. The bride's brother (or daughter-in-law's brother for mother-in-law or father-in-law) is a brother-in-law, and not a brother-in-law, as many people mistakenly believe. A brother-in-law is the husband of the wife's sister, sister-in-law. The groom of the bride's sister, although not yet an official relative, can also be called a brother-in-law in the near future. The groom is a son-in-law to both his brother-in-law and his sister-in-law, as well as the bride’s parents.

    Relatives from the groom's side

    We start, traditionally, with the parents: the groom’s mother is the mother-in-law, the groom’s father is the father-in-law. Of course, not a single girl addresses them like that in person. It is worth saying a few words about the etymology of these related terms: the words “father-in-law” and “mother-in-law” come from the ancient Indian “svacuras” - “blood of all”, that is, this is the recognized head of the clan, whose blood flows in all subsequent generations.

    But what to call her husband’s parents after the wedding is determined by each bride herself, in accordance with the traditions of her own family and personal wishes: in some families it is customary to call her husband’s parents “mom” and “dad” as a sign of respect and recognition of their closest people. But in modern world and the option by first name and patronymic is increasingly taking place - this is no less respectful treatment.

    The spouse's brother is the brother-in-law, the groom's sister is the bride's sister-in-law. Cousin groom for the bride or cousin of a distant family line may have their own names, but it’s not worth delving into such a jungle of official names of family ties. If necessary, you can simply use their names. For both the husband’s parents and his brothers and sisters, his chosen one is a daughter-in-law.

    Groom's brother - brother-in-law

    General related statuses

    Despite the fact that the names of related statuses are, as they say, established, changes in this entire expanded classification are historically still observed. And families are now not so numerous, there is no such family branching, and close communication with distant non-blood relatives is becoming less and less “popular.” Many names have disappeared or are used only in remote places very far from civilization.

    There are also related “positions” that designate this or that person, regardless of his belonging to the clan of the bride or groom. For example, the wife of a brother (no matter the brother of the groom or the brother of the bride) is a daughter-in-law. It’s absolutely true that a brother’s wife or fiancée is called the same as the young woman herself in relation to her husband’s parents. The brothers' wives are like yatras to each other.

    The godmother and father are invited to baptize the baby, and they do not necessarily have to be blood relatives, and they do not have to be husband and wife. For the baby, these people will become godparents, and between themselves godfather and godfather.

    The grandmother of the bride or the grandmother of the groom is usually not called any special term in relation to the newlyweds - the beautiful and kind name “grandmother” sounds good and natural, both from the lips of blood relatives and from newly acquired ones. It would be useful to ask whether there are perhaps established traditions among newly acquired relatives - for example, everyone respectfully calls grandmother by name, and the brothers or sisters of the husband-wife have diminutive, generally accepted names.

    Grandmother of the bride

    Separate topic - children from previous marriages. The husband’s daughter from his first marriage, however, like his wife’s daughter, is a stepdaughter: a related status known from many fairy tales (at the same time new wife the father is the stepmother for the stepdaughter). The husband's son from his first marriage is called a stepson, and the wife's son from his first marriage is also a stepson. A man for adopted children is a stepfather.

    You can try to remember all these names - after all, in connection with a specific, perhaps very interesting and friendly person, this is not so difficult. Or you can use a visual hint: compiled family tree or a detailed diagram of relatives with names after the wedding will help not to get confused, especially if there are a lot of relatives.

    Who's who at the wedding?

    The above information on what to call relatives after the wedding is more for entertainment than anything practical. You can then show off your erudition with your family or friends, you can also hold interesting competition or a test among the guests present - in real life It is unlikely that you will have to contact newly arrived relatives this way. The main thing is that young people family life was happy and full of prosperity, and the task of relatives, regardless of their tricky, sometimes unmemorable names like “brother-in-law” or “sister-in-law,” is to support and help the family in difficult times.

    The names of related statuses have not changed for centuries; fashion and time have no power over them

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