• Congratulations on Victory Day (May 9) in prose - congratulations in your own words. Toasts and congratulations on Victory Day (May 9) Cool congratulations on May 9


    Congratulations on Victory Day!
    And I want to glorify
    The same land that our grandfathers
    They were able to take it from the enemy.

    I wish you peace, happiness
    And good clear days.
    Let them always circle in the sky
    Flocks of white doves!

    Our grandfathers fought for peace,
    We always remember their feat.
    I congratulate you on Victory Day!
    Let the star of pride shine.

    Let there be happiness and warmth,
    Let all obstacles disappear.
    May your soul always be light,
    Let your health never leave you!

    With reverence, awe and respect, I congratulate you on Victory Day! Happy memory to the heroes, gratitude for the peaceful sky above, bow to the ground for the right to life without the horror of war, fear and pain. Let no generation know sorrow, loss, or enemy oppression. Let exploits, courage, and courage inspire people, and let the holiday leave tears of happiness and touching joy in their hearts, uniting souls!

    Through tears and pain, through battles and years
    The fighters were approaching victory.
    And that day came, the trouble receded,
    Everyone cried and rejoiced!

    Congratulations to all those who returned alive,
    Let us bow our knees before them.
    We will honor the fallen with a minute of silence,
    Generations must remember them.

    We must say thank you to them for everything.
    Thanks to our fathers, grandfathers
    For peace, for calm and grace.
    Thanks to them all for the Victory!

    Happy Victory Day!
    Let goodness reign.
    The feat of our grandfathers
    We have not forgotten.

    Glorious veterans
    We thank,
    On this holiday the main
    Let's give them honor!

    Happy Victory Day - a great day!
    We wish you with all our hearts
    The sun in a world with many faces,
    Joy, great love.

    Live together, be able to make peace
    And cherish peace.
    To be able to fly like birds,
    To soar in your dreams.

    Let's shake hands with each other,
    Let's preserve the beauty of the Earth,
    So that our children, grandchildren
    Found happiness in life!

    Congratulations on Victory Day
    And I wish on this day
    Sea of ​​joy and light
    And health like flint!

    The great holiday is not forgotten,
    Even though years have passed.
    I wish you well and happiness,
    Always peaceful skies!

    With spring comes Victory Day,
    And every time we wait for it!
    There are fewer and fewer veterans with us,
    And that’s why we all feel sad.

    We are glad to live under a peaceful sky,
    Thanks to those who fought.
    So let's keep this happiness,
    After all, someone suffered for us.

    I congratulate you with all my heart!
    I wish you peace and goodness,
    We always honor the people's feat
    And we will never forget!

    Happy Victory Day to all of you!
    I wish peace to all of you,
    So that all misfortunes and troubles
    Dissipated like fog.

    So that the sun shines brightly,
    So that there is no more war,
    And may life always bring
    Only the most good days.

    Happy Victory Day -
    Happy great day of my country!
    We will not forget the feat of our grandfathers -
    Yours, Fatherland, sons.

    Let the enemy remember about '45,
    That they cannot defeat the Russians.
    We will love the country sacredly,
    Cherish our victory!

    Happy Victory Day!
    Bow to the veterans,
    What they managed to give us the world,
    We are proud of their glorious feat,
    We will remember and honor them all our lives.

    And the lights of the obelisks will light up,
    Poppies will bloom in distant lands,
    As if in memory of glorious soldiers,
    Who died in bloody battles...

    This year marks the 74th anniversary of the great Victory over the Nazi army of Germany. This tearful holiday every year evokes great joy, sad memories and pride in ancestors for those who, fortunately, did not have to experience the consequences of war. on this day they sound special. Therefore, the editors WANT to prepare something beautiful for all the children of war who came into contact with this human misfortune.


    We previously published, but now we want to congratulate everyone on May 9th with beautiful congratulations in verse. Please note that on May 9 in all countries former USSR people will honor the winners, give flowers to veterans, talk about important things, watch war films and mentally ask that war “never again” come. On this day, of which there are already so few left, this is a way to express your gratitude.

    Therefore, we have collected congratulations on May 9, official, beautiful in verse and prose, so that we can congratulate you on the great holiday. Write down beautiful congratulations s in verse. These short congratulations on May 9 can be written in postcards and given to veterans.

    Congratulations on Victory Day -
    Happy legendary, bright day.
    We wish peace in the house,
    In society, in my native country.

    We wish that in the world
    From now on, nowhere and never
    Didn't happen, didn't open up
    No more war.

    We want people
    Protected, looked after
    The world that our grandfathers
    They brought it to their grandchildren.

    The war has long since died down,
    The blue sky is above us again.
    Only the memory of the past is alive,
    We will not forget this pain over the years.

    Don't forget those young guys
    That victory was getting closer for us.
    With no way back
    They only ran forward under fire.

    Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
    Let the planet be full of flowers.
    The sky will be decorated with fireworks
    In honor of the heroes who are no longer with us!

    Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
    Victory Day is a holiday for centuries!
    Let's bow to the veterans together.
    The country says “thank you” to you.

    We survived. Saved. Forever in memory
    To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
    To those who are next to us today,
    Wishing you all the warmth of your family and a lot of strength!

    I wish you clear skies
    And peace without war,
    And the radiant sun,
    Over the entire land of the country.

    Relatives, loved ones - happy holiday!
    Love, health, strength!
    May every day make you happy
    And it brought happiness.

    Let the sounds be silent on this day,
    Let time slow down,
    Let them remember the feat grandfathers grandchildren,
    They will honor their memory with silence.

    May their unfading glory
    Leave the fear of war in the past,
    Let there be a peaceful state,
    Let the children sleep and dream.

    Let people believe, wait and love
    Through villages and cities,
    They will not forget your feat,
    Thank you, veterans!

    Victory Day is special for the country:
    We remember the soldiers and the fallen.
    Rockets will fly into the air for them
    Yes, the sky will be colored with lights.
    I guarantee there are no people who don’t appreciate it
    An army feat of those who protected children.
    I believe the blows of war are behind us,
    There was only light and joy ahead.
    Good health and warmth!
    The birth of healthy, happy children,
    The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

    Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

    In prose, formal is intended to help you express words of gratitude beautifully if you have to speak in front of an audience. in prose will be a real find for those who, in their own words, want to thank veterans for their feat before the Fatherland.

    To congratulate you on the holiday in your own words, see the following congratulations on Victory Day in prose.

    Happy Victory Day. The most important thing that I would like to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace to you! May there always be a clear sky and bright sun above your head. I wish you health, joy and happiness on Victory Day. Let victory accompany you everywhere and always, let only kind and sincere people be nearby. I wish that the heart does not know pain and melancholy, and that the victorious march always plays in the soul.

    Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire our hearts and lead us forward to new exploits, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and may only this sacred holiday remind us of wars.

    Happy Victory Day! This holiday moves away from us every year. But we must never forget about the heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, I would like to wish, first of all, peace. After all, nothing costs more than human lives, tears of mothers, broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds and love for the Motherland. Let no one ever see war.

    May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable memorable date- Victory Day. There are very few people left who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at their feet and thank them for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked long miles towards this victory. Happy holiday!

    Greetings, our dear readers. I would like to congratulate everyone on the great holiday - Happy Victory Day, May 9! The whole country remembers, everyone mourns. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did a great job. Everyone must remember and prevent such a war in the future.

    It was on this day in 1945 at 00:43 Moscow time that Germany surrendered. After which the ninth day last month Spring has become a common holiday for millions of people all over the Earth. Then, on May 9, 1945, the country was deafened by volleys of fireworks, everything around, even strangers, congratulated each other on Victory Day, hugged and cried - truly a “holiday with tears in our eyes.”

    Of course, now the scale of the holiday is not the same as it was before, but it is still customary to congratulate veterans, thanks to whom we now live in peace, on Victory Day, as well as each other: it is not for nothing that May 9 is marked in red on the calendar. Victory Day - Public Holiday declared a day off to honor the memory of heroes.

    It is quite difficult for many to find words and wishes on such a joyful and sad day at the same time. We have made sure that you can always congratulate your family, loved ones, friends, colleagues, and, of course, veterans on Victory Day. I hope everyone can choose an original greeting for themselves.

    Congratulations on Victory Day, May 9!

    It’s not for nothing that they call you heroes -
    Your contribution to the destiny of the country is invaluable!
    You exposed yourself to life's bullets.
    Thank you for the victory!
    Your descendants will remember and glorify you!
    We honor your courage and courage!
    May there never be sadness.
    We want peace, happiness, joy!

    Congratulations on Victory Day! The day when our country and everyone who fought against fascism around the world won such a long-awaited victory! Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for a happy future for the entire free world! And we must prove that we are worthy of this victory!

    We were born when everything was in the past
    Our victory is more than a dozen years old,
    But how close to us is what is already in the past.

    And every year the soul hurts, weeps,
    When our memory gives us words.
    The holiday spirit is in the air,
    And there is a veil over the eyes of sadness.
    Thank you that we did not know war,
    That we do not hear the noise of terrible years,
    That you gave us life with your life!
    Let everyone remember the feat of your life,
    Let people remember your names.
    And let the wars that exist in the world be silent
    On the day when the bird cherry blossomed.
    Yes, this is the holiday of your gray hair,
    You have been through a lot of troubles.
    The lowest bow, to the very ground,
    May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

    This day is a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia.

    With a feeling of deep gratitude, we thank you for your accomplished feat, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity!

    Peaceful sky above

    And the expanse of our native land

    Our great-grandparents gave it to us.

    And there are no words in the world,

    To express our love.

    We sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!

    Victory Day - festive fireworks!

    This date is dear to anyone!

    May the years bring peace

    Lots of happiness, joy and light!


    Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! Let this day be a reminder that our people were able to unite in the face of a common enemy, withstand a difficult struggle and rid the world of fascism! I wish you, your family and all of us never to experience the hardships of war!

    I wish all the veterans and witnesses of those days long life, health and happiness, and their children and grandchildren - pride in their family, for their People and good luck in all their bright endeavors!

    May your sky be clear

    The star of joy does not go out,

    And the roar of tanks and guns

    You will never hear.

    Over the years, without arguing,

    We wish you with all our hearts

    Health and more health,

    And life, good and big!

    On the great day of remembrance - Victory Day, I would like to congratulate everyone and especially the main heroes of the occasion - the veterans. Tell them thank you for their exploits, for the lives given in the name of saving the country. I wish you health, prosperity, material well-being, and long life. Peaceful skies above everyone.

    Victory Day is a difficult holiday,
    We sometimes forget
    Those who should be thanked
    And who was not afraid to shed blood for the Motherland.

    Dear veterans, we love, appreciate and honor you.
    You set an example for us with your feat.
    We congratulate you on Victory Day
    And we bow our heads low to you!

    I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, on the holiday that gave us peace, happiness and prosperity. On this day we express our deep gratitude and respect to all the heroes; we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you health, happiness and goodness. Happy holiday!

    I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!
    This is a very difficult holiday,
    After all, our grandfathers died for our peace,
    Sacrificing your entire young life.
    So that people can continue to live in peace,
    So that there is no more war,
    How many lives have people laid down -
    We must remember everything about this.

    Dear veteran winners!
    Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren look up to you. The feat of the Russian soldier will forever remain in the hearts of many millions of people.
    On the significant anniversary of the Great Victory, please accept my sincere congratulations from grateful descendants and wishes good health, prosperity and peaceful skies above your head. Happy holiday!

    May day of light and joy,
    Victory Day, hour of remembrance.
    It will be an eternal day of youth.
    Your courage, valor.
    Our Fatherland does not have
    A cleaner holiday.
    For the younger generation
    There is no wiser mentor.
    Your services to the Motherland
    We appreciate it. In search of conscience
    We all go in search of the truth.
    She is yours through all the sorrows.
    So the triumph of the winners
    Will be forever marked.
    To us, dear parents,
    Victory is yours.
    These covenants are wonderful,
    Dear to us, like life itself.
    Your eyes are burning clear
    Vigilance of a bright mind.
    Be healthy and happy,
    Be beautiful and young
    Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
    They will bow their heads on your shoulder.


    With all my heart I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, which gave us freedom and peace. On this day, we express our deep respect to all the heroes who brought this day closer as best they could. I would like to wish you good health, prosperity and happiness. Happy holiday!

    No matter how far that day may be,

    We will never forget about him.

    Who returned and who couldn't,

    Covering the Fatherland with your breasts.

    We are indebted to you all our lives,

    Non-payment, irreplaceable,

    Everything is thinning out in your regiment...

    Time, time is inexorable.

    Let it slow down

    And let you enjoy

    The breadth of plains and rivers -

    Everything we had to fight for:

    And the generosity of the free land,

    And the expanse of birch groves,

    Where the nightingales sing in the morning,

    Where the sunrise is incredibly beautiful!

    And naive faith in goodness,

    And with holy hope for a miracle,

    And silver spring rains,

    And the gold of tender autumn.

    On this day we congratulate veterans, defenders of the Fatherland, who defended the right of the peoples of the world to be free. Eternal glory to all those who fell and survived in that terrible war!

    Even though you are young, Happy Victory Day

    I will not congratulate you suddenly:

    Grandfathers died for happiness,

    And a friend defended a friend there!

    Life hit our faces like a hurricane,

    But start listing:

    The fathers walked in the mountains of Afghanistan,

    And you - on the roads of Chechnya.

    And there were also deaths, troubles,

    But the thread of glory was not broken:

    For generations - Victory Day,

    Rus' cannot be divided into parts!

    Let it never be forgotten what an ordinary person did during the war. Soldier, peasant, youth and boy. They believed so strongly in luck, in the country, in themselves, and they knew for sure that they would not give Russia up to anyone. Let the fireworks fly up on this day, let the songs of those distant years be sung today. Happy Victory Day!

    Victory Day is a bright holiday!
    Day of smiles and warmth,
    On this day in the great country
    That war is over!

    “Thank you” to our old people
    On this day we speak!
    We are veterans today
    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

    For the salvation of the Fatherland,
    For your great feat
    We will never forget you!
    This is our holiday, after all!


    Dear veterans!

    On this day, memorable both for all of you and for us, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I would like to once again express my deep gratitude and low bow to you for the fact that you, without sparing your life and your health, defended our homeland and they gave her to be torn to pieces by the Nazis. Your merit will be in the memory of everyone who lives on this earth. We wish you great health in long years forward.

    Great day - day of worship
    To those who sacrificed themselves
    For the future generation,
    For peace, freedom and love.
    And in gratitude today we
    we bring flowers and give them to you,
    Let there be peace above your head,
    Subject to white doves.

    Let the words of eternal gratitude fly louder than fireworks to the whole world to millions of people, to those who preserved this clear, blue sky, green fields and sparkling rivers for us. For Russia! We wish you to see this respect in the eyes of others. Health to you and your loved ones. Happy Victory Day!

    Today and the years are already gray
    Since the war was over,
    But congratulations on Victory Day
    Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.
    Thank you, dear, dear,
    Those who protected us then
    And those who defended Russia
    At the price of military labor.
    We congratulate you with love,
    And the great-grandchildren will remember the day,
    Washed by your pure blood,
    When the lilacs were in full bloom.

    Dear grandfather. Congratulations on Victory Day! From the bottom of our hearts we say “Thank you” to you for the fact that we live on our land, that there is a peaceful sky above us. We wish you good health and many more happy years of life.

    I congratulate you on Victory Day,

    I wish peace to your home,

    So that no sorrows and troubles

    Never approached him!

    So that the sky remains serene,

    Only the smoke of the battles was kept in memory;

    Let hope always live in your soul,

    Goodness and faith, happiness and love!

    I gladly congratulate you on Victory Day! For many decades now, on this spring day, our entire country has been rejoicing in freedom, independence and peace, which our people were able to defend at the cost of incredible efforts! I wish that no generation in the future will have to experience the hardships of war!

    We were born

    When the war is in the past,

    Our victory is more than a dozen years old,

    But how close this past is to us.

    May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

    Let everyone remember the feat of your life,

    And they won't forget your names.

    And let the wars in this world cease

    On the day when the bird cherry is white.

    Yes, this is a holiday of your gray hair,

    You who have experienced despair

    And many victories.

    The lowest bow to the ground,

    May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!


    Dear fellow countrymen. It's your day. This is your holiday. But this is also our holiday. Because only in our memory, in our hearts, your feat that you accomplished in the distant 40s burns and will burn for a long time. To survive and defeat the fascists is your merit, which we will carry through the centuries to come and will not allow a revision of history and a repetition of the events that tore you from your families in 1941. With all my heart, happiness and health to you.

    I say “thank you” to my grandfather,
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart
    For the Fatherland, for Victory,
    For courage in that battle!

    In forty-fifth this holiday
    Became great for all of us.
    With pain in our hearts we remember
    We are still talking about war!

    Veterans! Congratulations,
    This is a holiday for the whole country!
    Your holiday is May 9!
    Our pride is you!

    Please accept sincere congratulations on Great Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for a great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness for your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

    Spring is not just a season,
    Spring is a priceless gift for us
    Heroes. Those who are for the people
    Putting out a raging fire!
    An earthly bow to the fallen soldiers,
    Whose lives were cut short by the war?
    For being in our land again
    Spring is coming, blooming, singing!
    And, congratulating you on Victory Day,
    Every person wishes
    You have happiness, endless joy,
    And prosperity forever!


    I congratulate everyone who contributed even the smallest particle to the cause of Victory, because it was from these particles that the powerful and great well-being of our state was formed. I wish you to constantly feel the warmth of millions of people who remember and will remember your great feat for a long time.

    There is no man more worthy
    Dejection does not suit you,
    Noble gray hairs -
    Well done decoration.
    We continue to wish zealously
    Your soul will not grow old
    And, considered a veteran,
    Just get younger!

    Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Great Victory over Fascism. This holiday is the heritage of the whole country, it is courage, valor, honor and bravery. Thanks to our heroes, we have a peaceful sky above our heads; we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you good health and prosperity. Happy holiday!

    This memorable date

    Gives light to hearts forever.

    Thank you soldiers

    Forty difficult years.

    Thank you for the peaceful lands,

    For your sacred feat,

    Because our families

    They can live in peace!

    We wish you a lot of joy

    I wish with all my heart,

    So that until old age

    Victory Day could be celebrated!

    On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the fight for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked tirelessly in the rear , worked for victory. I would like to congratulate everyone. Everyone without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, like one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

    Don't believe anyone who says this:

    “They walked because there was an order” -

    We stood two steps away from death

    By the will of the heart, and more than once!

    They didn’t wait for God or the Messiah,

    And they took guns and bayonets

    And you defended Russia -

    Our dear old people!

    On a joyful, bright day -

    On your Victory Day -

    Let illnesses and troubles go away from life!


    I sincerely congratulate you on May 9th. This holiday is of great importance for every resident of our country. With pain in our hearts we remember all the horrors of war, the bitterness of the losses and losses of our great-grandfathers. But this victory is a symbol of honor, courage, bravery and valor of all heroes. Happy holiday!

    We remember the year 45,
    Then the whole country rejoiced,
    "End the war!" - the people shouted.
    The country celebrated the victory!

    There are tears in my eyes today
    For veterans... And not only...
    Longing and pain in all hearts,
    We've lost so many relatives!

    But this holiday has come to us!
    We still won!
    And happy holiday now
    Congratulations to all veterans!

    I sincerely congratulate you on the main holiday of our country - Victory Day over fascism! To this day and to all who at the cost own life brought his advance closer, we owe everything we have. Without their dedication and resilience, the world would be a very different place today!

    Many years have passed since that time,
    But the light of memories did not fade,
    And your noble gray hairs
    They sparkle in the sun like fireworks...
    May God grant that your descendants never experience
    Wars that are ghostly from afar!
    Thank you for the world! And happy Victory Day -
    Unfading, great, forever!


    Today is a great holiday on which I want to say a lot of words to you, but I will say only one thing from the bottom of my heart - “Thank you”! Thank you for the peace we now live in, all thanks to your courage and courage. I wish you health, love and long life!

    May the sky be blue!
    And the sun shines bright, bright,
    The wars will all melt away like smoke,
    And love will only make you hot!

    Eternal memory to the fallen and departed and eternal glory to our heroes!

    Happy Great Victory Day, veterans! The victory you have won is very honorable and respected. Health to you and your family, may the peaceful sky forever become a symbol for everyone.

    Bouquets everywhere, smiles,

    And spring blooms in souls:

    Great Victory Day

    The whole country is celebrating!

    May peace last forever

    And the clear sun is shining,

    So that joyfully and carefree

    Our children lived!

    On Victory Day over fascism, we wish you peaceful skies, good health, and family joys. Keep in memory the feat of the people, pass on respect for veterans to your children and grandchildren.

    The jubilant May has opened for us

    All hearts for love unspeakable.

    May Day has just passed,

    Victory Day has come, the long-awaited one.

    We honor the winners.

    In front of a gray, thinning column

    We part, give flowers,

    We look at the heroes with admiration.

    “Congratulations,” we shout to them, “Hurray!”

    But the old people walk silently.

    They don't need loud fame,

    And our heartfelt “thank you.”


    Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish you to remember the fallen heroes with dignity and honor, to thank our veterans with generosity and a sincere smile, to look into the future with good hope and to live in the present with great happiness.

    For clear skies above our heads
    We will say thank you, our dear soldier.
    Because he fought for peace without fear,
    Because you shed blood in your exploits.

    So let the smile play in your eyes
    From the meaning that lies in these words:
    There is no greater joy in the whole wide world,
    We are grateful to you for your victory!

    We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. May this great holiday be peaceful and calm in your soul and heart, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Take care of peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

    That's all for us, once again Happy Holidays to everyone. All the best to everyone and peaceful skies above your head, bye, bye. Also join us on Odnoklassniki.

    Beautiful cards and congratulations on the Great Victory Day - May 9! updated: November 16, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

    Victory Day is both a joyful and sad holiday, because so many of our compatriots lost their lives in this war. Congratulate your loved ones on this great day, Victory Day.

    Official congratulations on Victory Day in prose

    This holiday is special for every person in our country. The greatness of the Victory and the bitterness of losses in our country touched every family. Red combat banners, St. George ribbons and carnations became permanent symbols of Victory Day. But these are not just symbols, they are a tribute to those who are not with us, but those who remain in the memory of the people and in the hearts of everyone who cares about the history and fate of the Motherland. I sincerely wish you great joy, good health, happiness, love and success in all your endeavors!

    Your entire chest sparkles with medals,
    You have walked heroically along the roads of war.
    Even if my head has been gray for a long time,
    But you are strong in spirit and memory.

    Let the sorrows of life not break you.
    Good health, success in all matters,
    We wish you well-being,
    And we will remember your feat forever.

    Congratulations to WWII veterans on Victory Day

    Today we congratulate you on Victory Day,
    And may you all become grandfathers in age.
    For your military feat, I bow to you,
    He delivered us from the slavery of fascism.

    War veterans! There are so few of you left.
    You endured everything you had to deal with.
    And your whole life is an example for young people.
    We suffered so many losses during the war.

    We wish you health, veterans,
    Let the mental wounds hurt less.
    Live longer, attention to you,
    I bow to you for what you have given to all of us.

    Congratulations on Victory Day to colleagues, partners, veterans

    Please accept sincere congratulations on Great Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for a great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness for your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

    On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the fight for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked tirelessly in the rear , worked for victory. I would like to congratulate everyone. Everyone without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, like one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

    Congratulations on the holiday of peace on the entire planet are easy and pleasant. There is so much goodness and bright, pure feeling in this holiday that expressing it is a real joy.

    Congratulations on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, a war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in a war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family.

    Let the festive fireworks, thundering and coloring the sky with bright colors, forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, let explosions be only festive fireworks for our children!

    Veterans, put on your medals
    And put on your medals.
    On this day we honor you all
    Please accept our congratulations.

    We hasten to congratulate you on your holiday
    The most wonderful victory
    And we say thank you
    Dear great-grandparents.

    Please accept sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in times of peace, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work calmly, enjoy life and raise our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave their all for Victory, we are making plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!

    We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees vigor, good health and spring mood!

    Congratulations on Victory Day in verse

    Because we know the war
    Only according to your stories,
    For having shots in life
    We have never heard

    For being a peaceful sun
    It shines above our house
    Thank you, veterans,
    Your grandchildren congratulate you.

    Happy Great Victory Day
    Happy Victory Day
    For our peaceful childhood
    Thank you warrior grandfathers!

    For us, Victory Day is
    Fireworks and parade.
    Congratulate veterans
    Everyone would be happy.

    For them, Victory Day is
    Sadness and tears
    For those who died
    It makes my eyes sad.

    For us, Victory Day is
    The smell of lilac
    Joyful, sunny
    Spring day.

    For them, Victory Day
    Day of silence.
    Thank you grandfathers
    That there is no war!

    What a peaceful sky
    Today above us
    that you have won,
    Why are you with us today!

    congratulations on Victory Day in prose
    short congratulations on Victory Day
    Happy Victory Day greetings to veterans
    official congratulations on Victory Day
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    wishes for victory day
    happy victory day pictures

    Today is a legendary and great day - Victory Day! On this day, I would like to wish that peace and goodness flourish in every home, that every person protects their loved ones, that veterans are always welcome and given the attention they deserve, and that every day brings us only happiness! May war never enter our lives again, and may the sky above our heads always be bright and clear!

    Today is a great holiday for our people and the entire Russian land. We are celebrating another anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that this day is moving further into the depths of years, the victory has enormous historical significance for our Motherland. Today there are so few people left to whom we can personally say “thank you” for this feat. I really want the present and future young generations to honor and respect this important day and everything that stands behind it. Happy Victory Day!

    A day when words are not enough and emotions are overwhelmed to the point of tears, when the heart contracts at the mention of great events, about a great victory! I would like to wish you a bright, calm sky and that your memory preserves the importance of this day!

    Happy Victory Day! Let your heart be proud of the exploits of your grandparents, let your memory not erase the great events of the difficult path to victory! I wish you to live under a peaceful sky, appreciate the time and happiness of every day, take care of your Motherland, protect your loved ones, and every time greet the joyful Victory Day with bright fireworks and loud applause!

    Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish that there will always be a clear, blue sky above our heads, that this world will give us all bright dreams and bright hopes, that our loved ones will never know what the word “war” means. May your heart always be proud of the great Victory, and may your soul sincerely thank the heroes of that time for the gift of peace and the opportunity to live happily.

    I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day and want to wish you to live happily on this planet, keeping pride and gratitude for peace and tranquility in your heart. Let there be no place for war in this world, let every dawn bring only joy and love!

    Happy Victory Day! May the sky be clear and clean. Happiness, peace, prosperity! Let our children never know war. May our fathers, husbands and sons never take up arms. Thanks to our grandfathers for the fact that we live in a beautiful, peaceful country!

    Happy Victory Day! I wish each and everyone always peaceful blue skies, green unscorched fields, clean blue rivers. Let war never touch anyone. Let a mother's heart never worry about her soldiers. Enjoy every day and thank the people who brought us peace and tranquility. Happy holiday!

    Congratulations on this bright, great and solemn holiday for our entire country! May the sky above your heads always be peaceful, may nothing disturb the peaceful sleep of our children. Be healthy and grateful to those who defended the peace and independence of our people in terrible times.

    Happy Victory Day, a holiday that gave us all this peace and joy, a holiday for which our grandfathers performed heroic deeds! I wish you to live under a clear sky, walk around your native mother earth and be an incredibly happy person who will never forget great history of old times.

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