• Romance through the eyes of a man. What kind of love does a romantic guy have?


    This is a person who worries that everything around him and his friends will be beautiful. To do this, he is ready to spend a lot of time and effort, turning ordinary days into real holidays. In fact, a romantic is a person who has long been disappointed in real world and strives to create his own reality.

    How does a romantic think? First of all, he is quite categorical towards society; he believes that people are of the same type and limited. Has a negative attitude towards what is inspired by advertising, blames others for focusing on material things.

    Maybe sharply speak out regarding someone's views on life, politics, religion. Most often avoids groups of people who share the same opinion. He can spend a lot of time trying to prove the meaning of his words and the essence of his views. Quite complex people with a deep inner world. A romantic loves fiction, science fiction, lyrical films with a dramatic direction.

    Try to remember how much it is easier and more realistic to feel grief or joy accompanied by appropriate music. At such moments, the romantic is in his ideal world, so he tries to reproduce such moments as often as possible.

    If we talk about romantic men and women, then for some reason the image of an individual of the stronger sex appears in my head, because women are a priori romantic. However, romance manifests itself in approximately the same way in both some and others; it’s just that men, by their actions, stand out clearly against the background of other rivals.

    Symptoms of Romanticism:

    1. Idealize the world. When a romantic is inspired, he becomes an optimist who sees only good things around him. Such a person can add a lot of non-existent colors to events, people or his adventures. For a romantic, not only the person he fell in love with becomes ideal, but also everything that surrounds him. He doesn’t see anything else; he can be sincerely surprised by the words of materialists who are trying to tell him something about reality.

    2. Not practical. They don’t understand why spend money on ordinary things, they are able to wander around rented apartments and take a tram instead of a car (it’s very romantic). Have you heard stories about how good it is to go out onto an old balcony and admire the stars, and in the morning to cook breakfast together with your loved one using leftover food? This is a typical romantic's view of comfort.

    They may refuse benefits as a sign of protest, or they may simply not strive to earn more, because two people in love need so little to live. As the years go by, and there are fewer and fewer brave, free lovers of new relationships, the romantic is faced with the fact that he has neither a job nor a family.

    3. Amorous. Just yesterday everyone heard about how passionate the maniac is about his new passion, and today he is seen with another person, to whom he gives armfuls and talks about his love. Romantics are quite unstable in relationships, because they need play, understatement, novelty, and an ideal. This applies not only to men, but also to women; they are also unable to remain devoted to one person for a long time.

    This does not mean at all that a romantic will be unfaithful in marriage, it means that it is not at all a fact that he will want to get married at all, because this is stability, everyday life, the absence of a mystery. Sometimes this can manifest itself in another way: from childhood, a romantic dreams of love to the grave and death on the same day.

    4. Ignores difficulties. These are the people who will admire the stars in the mountains without noticing how mosquitoes bite them. And a date in the pouring rain may seem very exciting to them. For people who are accustomed to comfort and who are particularly practical, building relationships with romantics will not be so easy. A romantic can see the world completely differently, abstracting from reality. It is not so easy for them to even explain the fact that debts need to be repaid, as well as the fact that relatives or friends sometimes need help. Romantics are quite capable of spending the last of their money on delightful dates with their new lover.

    Characteristics of a man romance. First of all, it is worth noting that many women dream of such a man. This means that she will be shrouded in a soft cloud of care, attention and affection. This is exactly the man who will sing serenades under the windows and shower you with rose petals. But not everything is so simple, because such a man also has big disadvantages. For example, he is not always a good earner and faithful, strong husband and father. Why is this happening? Because as soon as a new muse appears in his life, he is ready to plunge into a new relationship like a whirlwind.

    Also, under no circumstances should you destroy it. fantasy world, otherwise you are from true friend or the woman you love can quickly turn into your main enemy. Such a man is quite dreamy and does not always think about tomorrow. Most often, such personalities are found among creative people, because he likes to create the ideal himself. Sometimes he can be flighty and change one beloved woman for another. The only exception can be a situation when the woman herself shows wisdom. She simply needs to always remain a mystery, a muse, an unread book for him.

    Characteristics of a woman romance. She is ready to give her soul for a man who will meet all her requirements. Having just met him, she had already drawn his ideal qualities in her head, imagined him next to her in old age and was ready for adventure. She often sees the good in people, can look at the world with wide eyes and wear rose-colored glasses for years. It seems to her that everything around her is perfect, that she is happy, and that stranger from the next door can sigh about her at night and paint her portraits. Most likely, he doesn’t even know about her existence, but this won’t stop a romantic woman, even if his close friend tells her about it.

    Many young ladies, having watched enough films and read books, look with sadness and longing to past centuries, when in life there was a place not only for the daily battle for livelihood, but also for a fairy tale. Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Antonio Banderas and many other famous actors who embodied the image of a gallant and romantic man on screens, forced more than one generation of beauties to plunge into dreams, and sometimes cry secretly into their pillows at night. Modernity dictates rather harsh conditions in which a gentleman is forced to put aside all his spiritual impulses and work tirelessly for the good of his family. Are there really no romantics left in our world? This question seriously interested me, so I did a little research.

    Who is he?

    Have you ever wondered what criteria allow you to clearly determine whether a man is a romantic? Personally, I have always been sure that a representative of the stronger sex who writes poetry, listens to classical music and, most importantly, gives flowers, undoubtedly belongs to this category. My more skeptical friends added enthusiasm, idealization of everything possible, and eternal problems with money to the above. The latter is not at all surprising, because folk wisdom successfully drives into the fragile minds of girls the information that paradise with a loved one is possible in a hut, and this is the most romantic thing. Fortunately, a young man with flowers, ready to sing serenades under the window, does not yet cause fear among girls who want financial stability. Moreover, often in conversations with friends, and simply on the pages of the Internet, you can come across complaints that there are almost no romantics left. What is the main reason for such a contradictory attitude towards them?

    Look to the root!

    I approached this issue responsibly: I talked with numerous acquaintances and colleagues (by the way, women different ages), I leafed through a lot of articles and didn’t even bother to go to a neighboring city to meet with a psychologist friend, with whom we very actively communicated for several hours on this topic. The results I received largely coincided with the opinions of experts: most women completely agree with the existing stereotype of a romantic man, the first sign of which is spinelessness. It combines such unflattering traits as lack of initiative, lack of prospects, weakness, immaturity and shyness. I am sure that many ladies will readily tell you many more similar nouns. It is this interpretation of the concept of “romantic” that causes a negative attitude towards men in this category. But if you dig deeper, you begin to understand that almost any person can possess such qualities. A rude and quarrelsome man may be unsuccessful at work, naive and lazy, while being the complete opposite of a romantic young man. So the romance lies somewhere else!

    So, a true romantic:

    • Puts love at the forefront. It is this feeling that can describe a man’s attitude to the world around him - he loves: family, work, nature, art, even swearing salesmen in a supermarket. Perhaps what has been said is too idealistic, but it allows us to better imagine the image of a romantic.
    • He perfectly understands the meaning of the word “responsibility.” If he has met his lady of the heart, he will not force her to try to enjoy the proverbial hut. On the contrary, the main goal of such a man will be to ensure the most comfortable existence of the chosen one, for whom he is ready to move mountains. In all senses.
    • Money doesn't buy love. The main thing in girls for him is a reciprocal feeling that is not dictated by material values.
    • Well brought up. Here you can remember all the gallant gentlemen who met on your life's path. Even if they do not write poetry, they can safely be included in the ranks of romantics.
    • They make their women happy not only on holidays. The price of the issue is not fundamental - it is not necessary to shower your chosen one with fur coats and expensive equipment. A distinctive feature of a romantic is the ability to evoke positive emotions with his attention, a timely spoken word, listening to her tastes and wishes. If you don’t like roses, a romantic person won’t give you them, just because “the rose is the queen of flowers,” and in general they will last a long time, so the seller at the florist said.
    • Respects his lady. A situation in which such a man, in the company of friends, discusses the shortcomings of his chosen one is fantastic. A romantic will do his best to protect loved ones not only in word, but also in deed, if a friend is needed. Whether he has a black belt in karate, or whether he is simply driven by a sense of justice, does not matter, because his lady is in danger.

    Are there romantics in our lives?

    After analyzing the information I received, I can safely say: they exist! It turned out that many of my friends are romantics, but I didn’t even think about it. Just those masculine qualities, which in the past were taken for granted, have become much less common today. Agree, could a young lady a couple of centuries ago have thought that after some time a woman who was offered her hand while exiting a transport would thank the hero in surprise, and then admire his manners for several days? Our knights are so accustomed to female independence and perseverance that they have completely forgotten that each of us needs care and attention.

    Dear ladies! How men will treat us depends only on ourselves. If you allow a representative of the stronger sex to be a romantic, he will certainly be one! Therefore, you shouldn’t respond to any offered help with your favorite “Thank you, I’ll do it myself” and ridicule romantic proposals. Let the gentlemen show themselves in the best light!

    Stars, no matter what kind of knights they play in films, rarely turn out to be romantic. They have too many temptations. And yet many of them commit beautiful deeds for the sake of your loved ones. Which of the following famous men do you think deserves the title of a true romantic?

    Alec Baldwin: saved his beloved from creditors

    When Alec Baldwin met Kim Basinger, he completely lost his mind. And then Kim didn’t have better times. When the actress refused to fulfill the terms of the contract with the creators of the film “Elena in the Box,” she was charged a penalty of $9 million. She didn't have that kind of money. Her faithful knight came to the rescue: Baldwin undertook to repay the debt. Nine million is a lot even by the standards of successful Hollywood actors. Alec was ready to give everything to make his beloved happy. They parted, however, not too gracefully. But the fact remains: the beginning of the novel was fabulous, and Alec made it so.

    Johnny Depp: loves women sincerely

    Johnny Depp fell in love often, but every time was like the last. Without hesitation, at the age of 20, he married his first love, Laurie Ann Ellison. When the love faded, they parted as friends. Then there was an affair with the charming Winona Ryder. Johnny no longer believed in official marriages. But he was sure that Ryder was the love of his life, and he wanted to prove it to his beloved. He got a Winona forever tattoo. His next love was Kate Moss. He wanted his beloved to give birth to a child, but she did not want to interrupt her career.

    And she put an end to their relationship new love Johnny: he fell in love with Vanessa Paradis at first sight. Now they have children, and, according to the actor, this is a much stronger connection than a stamp in a passport. He does not forget to compliment his girlfriend in every interview.

    Brad Pitt: extreme outings with girlfriend

    In an interview, Angelina Jolie talked about how she and Brad Pitt sometimes relax. They hire a private jet and fly around enjoying the views (both can fly). And then they sit down next to some small hotel and spend there stormy night. And the next morning they fly home. Incredibly romantic! Exactly what parents of six children need so as not to forget about each other in the routine. Very famous man and very romantic.

    Antonio Banderas: her strong defender

    Melanie Griffith became main love his life. Antonio never cared that his girlfriend was full of problems and addictions. How a real man, Banderas took responsibility for his wife's happiness.

    With his help, Melanie stopped using drugs and drinking, and also no longer does plastic surgery. After all, her husband assures her that he loves every wrinkle. She is now 52 years old, he is 49.

    Hugh Jackman: sexy and loyal

    Last year, People magazine named Hugh the sexiest man in the world. Many beauties would like to be in his bed, but he has remained faithful to his wife Deborah-Lee Furnes for more than ten years. He is 41 years old now, she is 55. Hugh himself came up with the design of the wedding rings before the wedding. They bear the Sanskrit inscription “Om paramar mainamar,” which translates to “We dedicate our union to the supreme source.”

    Paul McCartney: Incorrigible

    Once upon a time, Paul and Linda McCartney were a symbol of a happy family union. All the love songs that Paul wrote after meeting her in 1967 were dedicated to Linda. They separated for several days only once - when Paul was arrested in Tokyo and accused of drug possession. Linda died in 1998. A few years later, Paul fell in love again and in July 2002 married former fashion model Heather Mills. He didn't even think to sign marriage contract: thought it was unromantic. Soon, journalists found out that Heather had been an elite prostitute in the past and that she had cheated on Paul.

    Already in May 2006, divorce hearings began in court, and Heather sued the ex-Beatle for several tens of millions of pounds. After all this, McCartney continues to believe in love. He has already found himself a new girlfriend.

    David Beckham: never tires of pampering his beloved

    This couple has been recognized as exemplary more than once. For many years now, David and Victoria have regularly arranged for each other pleasant surprises. David is especially trying. He does not skimp on jewelry and exclusive handbags costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. The footballer arranged a romantic weekend in Paris for his wife, organized dinner on the beach (wine, gourmet dishes, candles), even rented an entire island to be alone with her. And in 2006, he secretly prepared a whole re-wedding. When an unsuspecting Victoria arrived at the ceremony, David got down on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage a second time. The next day, the couple went on a romantic trip to Paris, where a suite filled with flowers was rented for them. In the French capital, David took his wife shopping, giving her the opportunity to choose wedding gift. Oh, if only all men were like Beckham!

    Sil: wife comes first!

    Black singer Seal, winner of many Grammys and other awards, is known as an incredibly romantic man. He is now married to Heidi Klum and they have four children. “We have three young children, but our relationship comes first,” Seal says. “First of all, I am Heidi’s husband.”

    Every year the couple celebrates their wedding again. For example, in May 2009, they once again got married in a beautiful place - on the beach, on the Pacific coast in Mexico.

    When they met and were just starting to flirt and date, arose a difficult situation. Heidi discovered that she was two months pregnant. The child's father could only be her previous boyfriend, Flavio Briatore. The model was terribly afraid of Seal's reaction. “She was afraid to tell me, but it didn’t change anything. Then I thought: “She found out she was pregnant, but she still spends time with me - apparently she really likes me.” This was his reaction. He clearly worships his wife!


    “One day we were sitting with my ex-boyfriend in the night park, drinking wine and talking. He was a very nice young man, a classical musician with the right build. Suddenly two drunk guys in tracksuits walked past us. Under the lantern it was clear that these were not punks, but simple student students. One of them, in the darkness, apparently did not notice my companion and said something like “let’s go and sit with that girl.” With these words he landed on our bench. Immediately my ex boiled over. “How dare you talk to my girlfriend like that?” They started an argument that turned into a fight. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, but I realized that such knightly fights do not give me any pleasure.”

    Guitar cramps

    Everyone is touched by scenes in movies when a guy wants to get his girlfriend back and composes a beautiful ballad in her honor. And then she sings it so clumsily and naively that the main character melts like butter in a hot frying pan. Of course, according to the laws of the genre, she rushes into his arms - “honey, I still love you!” - and they live happily ever after.

    It's a completely different matter when he shows you two and a half classes at a music school in the string class in the hope of getting you into bed.

    “I don’t need sex from you!”


    “I was dating a guy, and everything was leading to sex. The right moment had just come, and I had to come to his house for the night. We had an unspoken agreement, we threw hints at each other... I was very prepared for this event, I put on beautiful lingerie. But at the entrance he met me with a bouquet of flowers and said “let’s go.”

    In one of the houses of culture in the area where he lived, unknown amateur poets gather. Moreover, this happens mainly at night. That's where we went instead of spending the evening in a more intimate setting. To be honest, I was not at all interested in the strange works of unrecognized geniuses. But the climax of the evening was his post-modernist verse, the meaning of which I still do not understand. It wasn’t romance, it was mockery!”

    A gift with obligations


    “I had a young man with whom we dated for a couple of months at most. On one of our dates, he gave me an expensive gift: his late grandmother’s ruby ​​necklace. Then he added that the necklace is passed down from generation to generation, and every bride in his family wears it to her wedding. Then I was overwhelmed with heat, cold, and then heat again. I barely knew him! I had to refuse the gift and explain to the young man that it was too early to draw such hasty conclusions, and the necklace could still wait.”

    Gifts in the style of “I tried”

    They are very different. For example, a failed carbonara of your own design or a hand-made bracelet that looks terrible, but now you have to wear it. It is impossible to refuse a generous treat; the picture will have to be hung at home, and a T-shirt with his smiling face will have to be worn to the next meeting. Handmade is great if you are dating a chef, designer or artist. In all other cases, it can be a complete failure.

    And 5 more popular solutions:

    1. Tickle, scare, sneak up from behind and do other fun surprises. Such teenage romance often ends in an accidental black eye or even fainting.
    2. Transform from macho to romantic and back. Everyone likes something different: some are seduced by quivering handsome men, others prefer brutal macho men. But when your sweet boy puts on the mask of a “tough lumberjack”, and a courageous knight tries to reveal something about his subtle mental organization, this is no longer romance, but bad theater.
    3. Public confessions. Sometimes this is the height of romance - calling all your friends and publicly revealing your feelings (proposing, making a first date...). But there are times when the last thing you want is to say in front of everyone that “you’re not ready yet” and “you need to think about it.”
    4. Classics of the genre. Roses + chocolates + teddy bear. It feels like your individuality is not taken into account. You don’t eat chocolate until May, the bear doesn’t fit into your interior, and instead of flowers you would prefer shoes... And in general: if he’s not good with imagination, he can give something that is somehow related to your interests, which you don’t know about I told you once.
    5. Babysitting. Especially in front of everyone. Especially in front of colleagues or unfamiliar people. Maybe for him you are a “kitten”, but for others you are Olga Viktorovna. Why not call you that in private?

    Non-romantic stories collected by Daria Mazurkina

    So what kind of love do you have? romantic guy? First, let's think about what a romantic guy should look like. Of course, stories from childhood paint in our heads images of such princes without fear or reproach, elegantly dressed, pretty and aristocratic.

    In fact, this is not an indicator of romance at all. Among the characters who outwardly fit this image, there are many callous and dry people. Therefore, a romantic guy may look completely different. How? - there are many answers. For example, a romantic at heart can ride a motorcycle, dye his hair radical colors and play in some underground band. Or wear glasses and write brilliant programs on your computer. He can also be a football, basketball or even boxing star. These images can be listed endlessly, because romance is not an appearance, but a state of mind.

    What kind of love does a romantic guy have? Real. Such young people are not inclined to prevaricate and meet a girl for sex. Although there are specimens who sinned with this too, until they met the one and only one and realized that in fact they like to be romantic. In general, it is love that opens romance in people. It helps us remember all the best that is in us and bring it out.

    There are a huge number of romantic actions, and each man carries them out in his own way. For example, a man can do for his girlfriend romantic evening. But. How he will carry out this action depends only on his temperament and lifestyle. You can, for example, take your beloved lady to the shore of a river, lake or sea. But how will the young man do this? Some send a limousine to pick up their woman, others carry her on their bike, and still others choose a good old bicycle, as a reminder of the Soviet song in which a young man drove a bicycle for a long time and stopped it in the meadows. By the way, a bouquet of meadow flowers is also very romantic. Still, it is more pleasant for a girl to receive fresh and fragrant flowers collected with her own hands. Their smell and freshness amaze any lady. This is true romance.

    Poems and songs are also appreciated by true romantics. Such young people can always dedicate a song or a poem of their own composition to their beloved girl. The dedication will definitely take place in romantic setting or in front of numerous spectators. If a young man is not endowed with any talents, he will still figure out how to impress a girl. Romantics are ready for anything. They dedicate poems of great poets to their ladies, standing under the balconies of nine-story buildings. In addition, they find friends from local groups and arrange serenades under the windows. Such young people can draw a portrait for their beloved or make a film. Guys climb trees to hang balloons and posters with congratulations to their dearest and most beloved.

    Indeed, romantics are ready for anything. It is their inscriptions on the asphalt that we see in many courtyards. They are the ones who order romantic dinners and songs on the radio. Yes, let someone think that this is trivial, but you must admit that many young people are not even capable of this. That is why any out-of-the-ordinary event is considered romantic.

    But, in fact, romantics always try to show their girls that they are the best, dearest and most beloved. In every little thing they try to show their feelings and emotions, to emphasize their attitude.

    Always remember that love makes all people sentimental. Therefore, you should not consider calm or rather rude guys to be unromantic. They may also begin to show their feelings if they meet someone they can love for life. Agree, it happens that bad guys suddenly change before our eyes. Suddenly, they start buying flowers and cards, choosing chocolate and purchasing Stuffed Toys. For many men, romance manifests itself even in such little things.

    In addition, romance can be non-standard, because all girls are unusual in their own way. A gift of a rare game for a gamer or a rare medieval pendant for a goth can also be considered romantic. You should never measure romance according to some standard rules, situations and decisions. For every girl, romance can be its own, special. Someone will want to live with their loved one in a tent, in the mountains, and for others, the most romantic holiday will be a vacation at sea, in a beautiful hotel. The peculiarity of romantic guys is that they can guess these desires and unexpectedly fulfill them. Yes, indeed, another feature of romance is surprise. Even the smallest but sweetest surprise always becomes a reason to rejoice for a girl. Romantic guys understand this and very often try to guess the simple desires of their loved ones. They come up with a variety of ways that can cheer up a girl. Romance is manifested not only in pompous actions, but also in the ability to simply saturate the day with bright colors. Ice cream purchased on time or a flower picked from a flower bed is also romantic. The main thing is to feel the girl’s mood and guess what she really wants right now.

    Love opens up new horizons in any person. It is she who makes all men do crazy things, and it is precisely this crazy thing that is a special manifestation of romance. Depending on your imagination and financial situation, romantic actions very different from each other. But they are always united by the desire to do something pleasant and special. Every girl has cherished desires, which a romantic guy fulfills to the best of his ability. Romance is not the amount of money invested in a gift, but the feelings it conveys. This is the kind of love a romantic guy has...

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