• Scenario for a New Year's party for the senior group. "New Year's holiday" - scenario New Year senior group


    Scenario for New Year's party and was developed and presented by Natalya Nikolaevna Kolesnik, category I teacher of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 19 “Berezonka” of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the cognitive and speech development of pupils”, Novotroitsk


    Guests, hello, sit down,
    Don't skimp on smiles
    Let's start the carnival
    Feel free to enter the hall!
    Children, don't be shy either
    Have fun, smile!
    The Christmas tree is blooming with stars,
    Let's celebrate the New Year together!


    Hello, New Year's holiday,
    Christmas tree and winter holiday!
    All my friends today
    We invited you to visit.

    1 child:

    How beautiful the New Year tree is!
    How she dressed up - look!
    Dress on a green Christmas tree,
    Bright beads sparkle on the chest.

    2nd child:

    Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
    In the evening it will all sparkle
    The sparkle of lights, and snowflakes, and stars,
    Like a peacock's tail opening!

    3rd child:

    Christmas tree in your gold pockets
    Hid a lot of different sweets
    And thick branches extended towards us,
    It's like a hostess greeting guests.
    You won't find a better tree anywhere!
    With a good Christmas tree, the holiday is good!


    Hey, look at the Christmas tree!
    Colored threads of beads curl,
    Rain, stars, serpentine!
    You won't find a better Christmas tree!

    5th child:

    We've been waiting for the holiday all year,
    How you dreamed about a Christmas tree!
    And now among friends
    We will dance in front of her.


    6th child:

    New frost year and ice.
    And in the dancing snowflakes
    Invisible springs
    That's what it means New Year.

    Host: What is New Year?

    1 parent:

    This is the arrival of the holiday
    This is the laughter of merry friends,
    This is dancing near the Christmas trees -
    This is what New Year means.

    Host: What is New Year?

    7th child:

    This is a friendly round dance.
    These are pipes and violins,
    Jokes, songs and smiles -
    This is what New Year means.


    We need to hold hands
    Shout: “Christmas trees, burn!”
    And the tree will light up
    Multi-colored lights.
    All together: one, two, three, Christmas tree, burn.



    Dear children,
    Listen carefully.
    It will be great.
    Prick up your ears
    Prepare your eyes.
    Let's start a fairy tale.


    We'll sing you a song
    About the New Year!
    A new fairy tale has been waiting for children for a long time!
    Come in quickly
    Look at our fairy tale
    Come soon, New Year!
    New Year! New Year!
    We will open the doors for you!
    Santa Claus at the gate
    And its forest animals,
    Hare, wolf and fox
    And the clubfooted bear,
    There are such miracles here
    You'll see guys!
    New Year! New Year!
    We hear they are already rushing towards us
    Someone is knocking on our door.

    There's a knock on the door. Baba Yaga enters with the Snow Maiden's crown.

    Baba Yaga: Hello guys! They were probably tired of waiting for me. I was in a hurry to see you.

    Presenter: Hello, Snow Maiden. You are somehow strange. She doesn't look like herself.

    Baba Yaga: I walked through the forest, I walked through the field. Cold, tired. My arms and legs hurt, they want to rest. I’ll sit here by the Christmas tree for a while, and you will amuse me and entertain me.

    Children read poetry

    Baba Yaga: These are great guys. What wonderful poems you know. The children are great, the parents are great cucumbers, and I really like the beautiful Christmas tree too. I’ll take all this with me, everything will suit me in the forest.

    Host: Guys, this is not the Snow Maiden. Who is this?

    Children: Baba Yaga.

    Baba Yaga: So what, I also want to be at the holiday. I want to have fun too.

    Host: Where is our Snow Maiden?

    Baba Yaga: The Snow Maiden walked with me. But on the way I fell behind and got lost in the forest. I'll go look for her and bring her to you.

    Host: Thank you, Baba Yaga.

    Baba Yaga leaves and returns with the Snow Maiden.

    Snow Maiden: Well, who is celebrating the holiday here? But he doesn’t invite me.

    Presenter: Snow Maiden, it’s impossible to recognize you.

    Snow Maiden: And I’m not a Snow Maiden at all, but I’m a beautiful granny.

    Host: Guys, Baba Yaga probably bewitched our Snow Maiden. How will we celebrate the New Year without her?

    Children express their suggestions.

    Host: What if we sing a song or dance something New Year’s, maybe the Snow Maiden will break her spell.

    Song or dance

    Snow Maiden: What happened to me? And why am I with a broom?

    Children tell

    Snow Maiden: Thank you, guys. Thank you adults. You saved me and our New Year holiday. Everything bad goes away, only the good always remains with us. Therefore, we continue the holiday and begin the magical dance.

    Game "Magic Dancing"

    Presenter: Snow Maiden, but a holiday without Santa Claus is not a holiday.

    Snow Maiden: Let's loudly call Santa Claus 1 - 2 - 3

    Enter Santa Claus from Africa

    1 Santa Claus: Hello, guys! I heard my name called and hurried to your place for the holiday.

    Host: Guys, who is this? Grandfather, who are you?

    1 Santa Claus: How come you didn’t recognize me? I am the African Santa Claus.

    Host: Guys, this is great. Imagine, the African Santa Claus came to our holiday. In Africa, in the hot south, children also celebrate the New Year. Grandfather, do you have a Christmas tree there?

    1 Santa Claus: We don’t have a Christmas tree, instead of a beautiful Christmas tree we have a tall palm tree. And children love to sing Chung-Chang's song.

    Dance song "Chunga - Changa"

    Presenter: Grandfather Frost, it took you a long time to get to us because Africa is very far from us and you are probably tired. Sit down, relax, and our children really want to read poetry for you.

    Reading poetry.

    1 Santa Claus: Thank you! I really liked your poems. But I need to go.

    Host: Grandfather Frost, don’t rush, please. Stay at our holiday. Guys, we’ll call Santa Claus again.

    We call Santa Claus.

    Santa Claus enters.

    Santa Claus: Hello, children, girls and boys. You screamed so loudly that my reindeer quickly rushed to you.

    Presenter: Guys, look, Santa Claus from Europe came to us for the holiday.

    Santa Claus: That's right, I am the European Santa Claus and our children love these kinds of games - dancing.


    Santa Claus: Kids, do you know poems about winter?

    Presenter: Sit down, Santa Claus, listen to our children read poetry.

    Reading poetry.

    Host: Stay at our holiday Santa Claus. And the guys and I will call Santa Claus again and see who else will come to us.

    Calling Santa Claus

    From behind the door

    - Whoa - whoa - whoa! I hear you! I hear you! I'm coming! I'm coming!

    Santa Claus enters

    Father Frost:

    Hello my friends!
    I was in a hurry to see you today.
    Let the snowflakes on your eyelashes,
    Ice sparkles in the beard,
    I'll have fun with you
    Because it's new year!


    Game "I'll freeze"

    Game "Mitten"

    Father Frost:

    I danced and played
    And a little tired.
    I'll sit and rest
    And I’ll look at the kids.

    Presenter: Grandfather Frost, sit down, relax and look at the children.

    Game "Throwing snowballs into a basket"



    Presenter: Santa Claus, look at our costumes, how hard our children and adults tried when preparing for the holiday.

    Santa Claus: Very beautiful costumes, and to get a better look at them, let's organize a carnival procession. Children will be the first, followed by adults.

    Santa Claus gives surprises.

    Child: Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you for so long, we greeted guests without you. We played, sang songs, danced and read poems here. Aren't we great?

    Santa Claus: Well done!

    Child: Santa Claus, did you bring us gifts? Have you completely forgotten about them?

    Santa Claus: Oh, my dears! And, really, it’s time to give gifts. Take your seats, kids. Come on, brothers, bring bags of gifts.

    Santa Clauses and Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

    Host: The end of the fairy tale has come. It's time for a farewell song.

    Song "We wish you happiness"

    Santa Clauses and Snow Maiden: Goodbye everyone, see you in the future!

    There are no similar entries.



    Leading: Here is the clock on the Spasskaya Tower

    Again they strike twelve times.

    Goodbye, yesterday,

    Happy New Year, good morning! On this magical, kind day,

    Let's quickly forget the evil

    In our New Year's round dance

    We invite all friends.

    Children sing a song in front of the Christmas tree:"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

    1 child: Let the blizzard knock on the window,

    The blizzard howls and sweeps.

    The snow outside is sparkling,

    The New Year is upon us

    2nd child: We are looking forward to the holiday

    We decorate the Christmas tree, the hall,

    Tinsel, balls, crackers,

    So they sparkle and shine

    3rd child: We welcome the Christmas tree,

    We meet the Christmas tree,

    Merry Christmas tree,

    We dedicate the song

    Round dance: “Hey, snowball.”

    4 child: Today we are not girls,

    Today we are not boys:

    Snowflakes, Fish, Sparkles,

    Bears, Wolves, Bunnies.

    5 child: Wings, caps flash,

    Fancy masks.

    Today everyone among us -

    Hero fairy tale

    6 child: We are so proud of the costumes

    We want to show them.

    Let us at the Christmas tree

    Dance longer!

    7 child: How many of us are there? Can't count!

    We are from different fairy tales.

    Isn't it time we start

    New Year's celebration!

    Round dance: “Crystal winter”.

    Children sit on chairs.

    The New Year is coming - a time of joyful worries,
    Time for good news, time for fabulous guests.
    The music sounds quietly, the first guest is in a hurry.
    A Dwarf runs into the hall.

    I am a funny, cheerful Dwarf,
    I live in a dense forest.
    My beautiful cap
    Dashingly shifted to the side!
    I love to joke, laugh,
    Run, jump, tumble,
    I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday.
    Hello my friends!
    I didn't come here just, I didn't come here in vain,
    I really want to wish you a Happy New Year, friends!
    There is nothing more interesting than on such a wonderful day,
    It’s a winter, festive time to meet the kids.
    Once again I congratulate everyone and invite you to dance!
    Any circle dance may be performed at the discretion of the music director.

    And now I tell you guys
    I want to tell you a riddle.
    Look, don't yawn,
    Answer in unison.
    She is not afraid of the winter wind,
    You can't live without a snowstorm.
    Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost...
    What's her name, friends?
    Snow Maiden!
    Calm music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

    Snow Maiden.
    Hello my friends!
    I'm glad to see you all,
    Both big and small,
    Nimble and remote.
    I see you were not lazy and worked hard,
    The fragrant Christmas tree was well decorated.
    That's how she is - slender, fluffy
    And wonderfully elegant, all the toys are good!
    Did you dance near the New Year's tree, kids?
    (Children's answers).
    The guests all came to the celebration,
    The Christmas tree is here. But here's the question:
    Where does our merry wander?
    Daring Santa Claus?
    Snow Maiden.
    He asked me to tell you
    That he will arrive soon himself.
    He's loading a cartload of gifts,
    Good Grandfather Frost.
    But we won't be bored
    We will continue the celebration.
    Where are my forest friends?
    Where are you, funny gnomes?
    Everybody run out here!
    (Children in gnome costumes run up to the Dwarf.)
    Will we dance?
    Dwarf children.
    Yes! Happy New Year to everyone,
    Let's have fun with our dance!
    "Dance of the Forest Gnomes."
    Oh, yes, forest gnomes,
    Here are the daring dancers,
    We had a lot of fun
    They surprised us with their dance.
    They played very well
    And they danced a little.
    But it hurts me to the point of tears -
    Where is Grandfather Frost?
    He was delayed on the way
    Should have come a long time ago...
    Santa Claus, ay, ay! Do you hear me calling you!
    He invites the children to call Santa Claus together, the children accept the offer. The voice of Baba Yaga is heard.
    Baba Yaga.
    What is all this noise and commotion? I'll fly to you now!
    Disturbing music sounds and Baba Yaga “flies” into the hall riding on a broom.
    Baba Yaga.
    Wow, wow! Wow, wow! I hear the childish spirit!
    What kind of gathering is this? Why cheerful laughter"""
    I'll throw a party for you...
    I'll disperse everyone now!
    I am Baba Yaga, bone leg,
    The jet broom carried me quickly.
    I'll scare you all.
    Wow! How evil I am!
    (Tries to scare the children, but she doesn’t succeed.)
    Why are you laughing? Aren't you afraid?
    Ho-ro-sho... Then hold on!
    Baba Yaga threatens children.

    Grandmother Yaga, don't be angry,
    Don't swear, don't get angry.
    Snow Maiden.
    You're in kindergarten.
    Look at the guys -
    How beautiful everyone is dressed!
    Agree, it’s just amazing.
    Baba Yaga.
    Who is beautiful?
    Snow Maiden.
    Both girls and boys.
    Baba Yaga.
    Well, it's true
    Nice little kids.
    Why did you dress up like that?
    And why did they come here?
    Everyone is singing and having fun,
    They lead a noisy round dance,
    Because today is a holiday!
    Baba Yaga.
    What kind of holiday?
    New Year!
    Baba Yaga.
    I'm canceling the fun and kicking everyone out of here!
    Snow Maiden : We're not going anywhere.
    Am I right guys?
    Nothing can stop you
    Let's celebrate the New Year together!
    Santa Claus will come today
    Come to us for the New Year's holiday,
    He will sing and dance with us,
    Give gifts to everyone.
    Baba Yaga.
    Don't wait for Santa Claus
    He won't come today
    And gifts, of course
    It won't bring anything!
    Why won't he come? Why won't he bring it?
    Snow Maiden.
    Everyone around knows for sure:
    Grandfather Frost is our friend.
    Baba Yaga.
    I outwitted Frost
    I locked it with a big padlock.
    I have the key to this lock, look.
    But I won’t give it to you, it’s better not to ask.
    Baba Yaga yawns.
    Baba Yaga.
    Oh, I'm tired from the road.
    Oh, my legs can't support me.
    I'll sit by the Christmas tree
    I'll take a look at the guys.
    What to do? How to be?
    Snow Maiden.
    We need to drink grandma.
    I tell her, I tell her,
    I'll sing a lullaby.
    Help me
    Sing along quietly.
    They sing a lullaby.
    All. Granny is fast asleep
    He snores near the Christmas tree.
    Snow Maiden.
    Let's quietly approach her,
    We'll take the magic key.
    He approaches Baba Yaga and carefully unties the fly on which the key hangs.
    Snow Maiden.
    Careful... One... One... One.
    That's all! And do we have the key?
    Dwarf, hurry to the forest,
    Find a big castle
    Free grandpa
    Celebrate the holiday with us.
    I'll run soon. Goodbye friends!
    Light music sounds, the Dwarf runs away from the hall.

    Baba Yaga's hut is far away,
    It won't be easy for the gnome to run.
    So that he doesn't go astray,
    We will clap our hands
    Just not too loud, otherwise Baba Yaga will wake up (
    children clap their hands ).

    Leading: Where is Grandfather Frost!
    Maybe our grandfather got lost

    Maybe he lost his way.

    Snow Maiden: Well, I'll look at the sky

    And I’ll ask the month:

    “A month, a month, my friend,

    Gilded horn,

    Are you walking under the skies?

    Over fields and forests,

    Haven't you seen it from above?
    Are you Santa Claus?

    I see a lot, I know a lot.

    I see an old man rushing towards you,

    Straight across the field

    Oh, I fell and got stuck in a snowdrift

    He can't pull his legs out.

    "Help me guys

    Grandfather is asking you, the bearded one!”

    Snow Maiden: Grandpa, hold the rope! (throws a rope out the door )

    We will pull it deftly!

    Grandfather Frost, hold on,

    We took the rope!

    Come on strong, come on together,

    Everyone needs help in times of need!

    Oh, no way! Oh, it doesn't work!

    What to do? What should we do?

    Leading: We need to ask the kids!

    Come on, children, help,

    Grab the rope everyone!

    Santa Claus enters, holding a rope, and shakes himself off.

    Father Frost: Here I am, guys.

    Red-nosed, bearded,

    I was a little late

    The road was so difficult.

    Oh, what a tree!

    How much fire there is here!

    Hello guys! Were you waiting for me?

    Children: Yes!

    Father Frost: Oh, how you have grown!

    That's Petit, that's Vali!

    What a small people!

    Snow Maiden: Grandfather, quite the opposite!

    The parents are sitting there

    You guys didn't notice.

    Father Frost: Oh, throw a pillow at me.

    I thought you were toys.

    All are elegant and sparkling.

    There are no better guys anywhere.

    And it’s beautiful, just like in the hall

    Do you even recognize me?

    Do you recognize the red nose?

    Who am I, children?

    Children: Father Frost!

    Father Frost:

    Come on, children, make a circle,

    Sing a song to Santa Claus!

    Round dance: "Santa Claus and felt boots."

    D.M: Oh! But the tree doesn’t burn! Disorder! We need to light the Christmas tree!

    ( touches the top of his head with his staff, the lights on the tree do not light up )

    What kind of miracles? Did someone replace my staff while I was

    I prepared gifts for the boys. What to do?

    Snow: Don't be sad, grandpa. Do you remember how Baba Yaga replaced your staff and

    Couldn't you light the Christmas tree?

    D.M: Oh, I don’t remember, granddaughter, it was a long time ago, a hundred years have passed.

    Snow: Then your magical miracle snowball helped us out.

    D.M: Oh, good girl, thank you!

    (takes out a snowball ) He is always with me. saved me so many times!

    Guys, stand in a circle,

    You will make friends with the snowball!

    Snowball game ( Like “Burn Clear.” Children stand in a circle in front of the Christmas tree and stretch their palms forward. The snowball jumps on the children's palms.)

    D.M: Skok-skok-skok-skok! You roll, roll, snowball.

    Not along the stumps, not along the paths, but along our palms.

    Count all your palms, collect all your smiles,

    So that the Christmas tree laughs with us with its lights.

    (holds a snowball between two children, they stand with their backs to each other)

    One, two, three, run!(children run in a circle, trying to take the snowball first.)

    ( The tree doesn't light up.)

    D.M: Friend Snowball, don’t let us down, help us today!

    (puts it on a tree branch)

    Come on, Christmas tree, wake up,

    Come on, smile Christmas tree!

    Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three,

    Shine with the light of joy!

    (the tree does not light up).

    D.M: Apparently they didn't eat much porridge. Maybe the children got sick?(touches the children’s forehead with his hand)

    Why are you shouting so quietly? Or don't you want to help me?

    Together: Come on, Christmas tree, buckle up,

    Come on, smile Christmas tree!

    Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three,

    Shine with the light of joy!

    (the lights on the tree light up)

    Ved: Thank you, D. Moroz for your magical snowball.

    And the children will sing you a song, listen.

    Song "White Snow".

    Father Frost: I am already many years old,

    But I'll tell you a secret.

    I really like to play

    Amuse the kids.

    I invite the kids

    For a fun game:

    Music game: “Pass me the cap.”

    Father Frost: Nice, nice game,

    I just see that you are tired

    Yes, and I would sit,

    I looked at the kids

    I know that poetry taught -

    That would surprise me.

    Leading: (Child's name) will start

    Read poetry for guests!

    D.M: They read poems well, sang songs together,

    And now it’s time for us to dance, kids.

    Dance "Opanka". Music sounds, children and Santa Claus is dancing. Baba Yaga wakes up.
    Baba Yaga.
    Who's walking around here? Who is it that bothers me to sleep?(Notices the key is missing, screams)
    Deceived! Outwitted!
    When did you steal the key?
    Father Frost.
    You need to sleep less, Yaga.
    Baba Yaga (surprised, a little scared).
    Father Frost? Are you here?
    Father Frost.
    Yeah!(Speaks angrily, banging his staff.)
    I'll freeze you instantly!
    Baba Yaga.
    Grandpa, forgive me.
    I won't be harmful anymore
    I'll forget all the bad things.
    I'll fix it, I can do it.
    Father Frost.
    What, friends, will we forgive Yaga?
    Children's answers.
    You can stay with us
    Dance, play, laugh!
    Father Frost.
    Thank you, friends, for amusing me.
    Baba Yaga.
    Father Frost, Father Frost, I have a question for you:
    I really want to know, can you do magic?
    Father Frost.
    Baba Yaga.
    Then let's compete.
    Father Frost.
    Baba Yaga.
    Only I'm the first to start!
    Father Frost.

    Baba Yaga:
    I love poetry very much, I tell you a secret...
    Therefore, I will make all children... poets!
    Addresses children.
    Look, don't yawn,
    Add a word to the verse!
    Winter has dressed everyone in white, in winter the guys have a lot of... (to do).
    Hurry for your hat, grab your scarf, grab your skates and... (to the skating rink).
    Here Seryozha is running on skates.
    He's running... He's fallen! And he rides... (lying down).
    But Egor’s company, having taken the sled, is climbing... (up the mountain).
    The sled went just barely, and then how... (it flew).
    Little Alyosha fell, sticking out of the snow... (felt boots).
    The wind covered the sky with silk,
    And in our hall there is a light... (Christmas tree).
    Well, guys, they were friendly, they composed great poems.
    Baba Yaga.
    It's your turn again
    Surprise honest people.
    Father Frost.
    I'll surprise you! I'll surprise you! I'll bring the beads from the Christmas tree to life!
    (Knocks with staff).
    Come to life, beads, quickly,
    Yes, dance, beads, have fun!
    Light music plays and girls dressed as beads run out to the Christmas tree.

    Dance "Beads".

    Baba Yaga.
    Santa Claus, can I take these beads for myself? I have a miracle needle and a magic
    a thread.
    (Shows “magic” objects). I will make myself a necklace from these beads.
    Father Frost.
    Baba Yaga, these beads are not simple, but magical! You have to catch them first.
    Baba Yaga.
    Oh! Yes, I will do it instantly! I’ll just insert the thread into the needle.
    Father Frost.
    Come on, beads, run up quickly!
    He knocks with his staff.

    Baba Yaga.
    Stop! Stop! Where are you going!
    The beads run back to their places.
    Baba Yaga.
    Here you go! All the beads fell apart. I didn't get one. I'll have to do without a new necklace.
    Snow Maiden.
    It’s okay, Baba Yaga, you already have a lot of beads!

    Father Frost.
    My friends are here again! I'm very glad to see everyone.
    Well, granny, what can I hide, you can do magic!
    You are a sorceress, and so am I.
    But you and I are not alike.
    Answer us quickly
    Which of you two is more important?
    Father Frost.
    On New Year's Day, of course, me!
    All friends know this.
    Baba Yaga.
    I do not agree. I'm in charge!
    My magic is more important!
    Snow Maiden.
    Quiet, quiet, calm down
    And please don't fight.
    After all, today is New Year?
    Baba Yaga.
    New Year!
    Snow Maiden.
    Are the kids waiting for gifts?
    Father Frost.
    Snow Maiden.
    He will be the winner
    Who will get us gifts!
    Baba Yaga.
    Oops! I don't understand
    Where will I get the gifts?

    Father Frost: And now I ask everyone to stand up,

    Now we'll dance

    General dance "Boogie-woogie"

    Turn in a circle!

    Everybody look at me

    And do everything like me!

    Children dance "New Year's counting".

    Snow Maiden: Stop dancing, Santa Claus.

    It's time to give out gifts!

    Father Frost: Grandfather Frost remembers.

    And he already brought the bag.

    We will open the bag,

    And give out gifts!

    Oh, no gifts, children!

    Instead, watch snow!

    Voice of Baba Yaga:

    Hee hee hee, ha ha ha!

    A gift from me to you!

    I asked you not to make noise,

    Don't dance or sing songs,

    You disobeyed me

    And they danced here for half a day.

    And now no gifts,

    Instead, there is snow for you here.

    Hee hee hee, ha ha ha!

    It's time for me to go home!

    Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what can we do?

    Where can I get gifts?

    Father Frost: Granddaughter, you forgot that your Grandfather is a sorcerer,

    Come on, our magic lace, bring it to me as soon as possible!

    The Snow Maiden brings a lace.

    Father Frost: Well, my magic lace,

    He can easily find the bag.

    It's like I'm throwing a fishing rod

    I'll say a few good words.

    It will fall where it needs to.

    Everything we need will be found.

    You fly, twisted cord

    My magical golden

    Lengthen, lengthen

    Try to find my bag.

    I think I caught it, I'm pulling! (pulls out a ladle or felt boots)

    Why are you a lace - a prankster,

    I decided to make a joke for the holiday...

    Come on, fly again

    It's better not to joke with Grandfather!

    They get it bag With gifts .

    Snow Maiden.
    Hey, Grandfather Frost!
    There are a whole cartload of gifts here!
    Father Frost.
    There are enough of them for all the kids.
    Baba Yaga.
    And girls! And boys!
    Gifts are distributed to children accompanied by cheerful music.
    Snow Maiden.

    We wish you success in the New Year,
    More cheerful, loud laughter!
    Baba Yaga.
    More perky friends and girlfriends,
    So that everyone around you laughs together!
    Father Frost.
    And so that you all are not afraid of the frost,
    We did a lot of skiing and sledding.
    And may this whole year be joyful.
    You are all very nice people!
    Fairy-tale characters say goodbye to the children and leave the hall.

    Today is a wonderful day
    It won't melt away without a trace.
    We fun party this...
    We will never forget!
    Everyone leaves the hall to cheerful music.


    Time flies forward and forward,

    The New Year is just around the corner!

    Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

    Miracles still await everyone!

    Dear kids!
    Girls and boys!
    You hurry together to the hall
    Near the New Year tree,
    There will be a carnival!



    Feel free to enter the hall!
    Children, don't be shy either
    Have fun, smile!
    The Christmas tree is blooming with stars,
    Let's celebrate the New Year together!


    How beautiful it is in our hall,
    And elegant and light,
    As if in winter forest got hit
    Everything around is white - white!


    Hello Christmas tree, furry friend,
    There is silvery frost in the branches!
    Hello music and laughter.
    Today's holiday is the best!


    Our Christmas tree is fluffy,
    And slim and green.
    Only something doesn’t light up
    we have it!

    We'll fix the mess
    Let's make the lights burn!
    Let's say it loud:
    “One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!”

    Children.(together with adults).
    One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

    Leading. Our Christmas tree doesn't light up. Let's do it again guys
    let's say more friendly: “One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!”

    Children repeat the words. The music sounds and the lights on the Christmas tree come on.


    Our Christmas tree is green
    and elegant and slim,
    thousands of lights at once
    flashed on her.


    And under the tree there is a round dance,
    and dances and sings,

    All friends and all girlfriends

    Invites you to join the circle.

    Song.-round dance.
    "Oh so good"

    Hello my friends!
    It was I who gathered you near the Christmas tree today.
    Because today is a holiday,
    Noisy New Year holiday!
    Let him come to us today like a magical fairy tale!

    Music sounds appearCat Basilio and Fox Alice.


    Fun and laughter reign here,

    And joy blinded everyone.

    We were not invited to the celebration.

    But you made a mistake.

    Cat Basilio:

    Well, Alice, you are an actress!

    You're always cunning and lying.

    Where are you going, Alice?

    Lured, led?

    Fox Alice:

    Hush, kitty, don't hiss,

    IN kindergarten we came.

    You see, the guys have a Christmas tree,

    Aren't you happy about the Christmas tree?

    I heard that the guys

    They give out gifts here.

    Cat Basilio:

    You would have thought at first

    Will they give it to you and me?

    Fox Alice:

    You, Basilio, are a fool!

    Yes, you finally understand

    To get something

    You need to outsmart everyone.

    Deceive, take away, take away,

    Or, in general, take it without asking.

    They take the bag from under the tree and run away.


    Basilio the cat and Alice the fox really stole all our gifts!!

    Oh, I'm afraid for the guys

    After all, everyone will eat the gifts!

    Children's laughter will not sound,

    Everyone will cry and scream.

    No need to despair and be upset

    but we need to go in search.

    Presenter: And where will we look for them?

    Music of Pinocchio and Malvina


    Was a log, became a boy,

    A wonderful boy

    This is very good,

    Very well!


    Pinocchio, don't turn around,

    You naughty man, stop!

    Where is your golden key?

    Pinocchio O:

    He is always, everywhere with me!

    Pinocchio! Malvina! Help us please! Have you met Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in your fairy tale? They took Santa Claus's gifts and want to eat them.

    Malvina: Yes, we saw them! They went into the forest with a bag!

    Music of Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf

    Little Red Riding Hood:

    What fluffy snow fell,

    How fabulous it is in the forest!

    For your grandmother's holiday

    I'm bringing pies!


    Grandma, don't be afraid

    Moms, calm down!

    I'm not evil, not evil at all,

    I won't eat your children!

    Little Red Riding Hood! Wolf! Help us please! Have you met Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in your fairy tale? They took Santa Claus's gifts and want to eat them.

    Little Red Riding Hood.

    Dance of snowflakes.

    Snow Maiden:

    In his white house

    My grandfather and I live together.

    There is no stove in our house

    Grandfather is afraid of the fire

    I'm not afraid of fire

    After all, I’m called Snow Maiden!

    Snow is blowing outside

    Shine brightly silver

    And through the window there is Santa Claus,

    Something doesn't knock.

    Snow Maiden! Snowflakes! Help us please! Have you met Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in your fairy tale? They took Santa Claus's gifts and want to eat them.

    Snow Maiden:

    No! We didn’t see them in our fairy tale!

    What to do? I can't find Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox.


    Don't be upset, Fairy. I think I know how to find them. We need to wait for Grandfather Frost, he will help us. You need to take the bells in your hands and have fun dancing with them.

    Song "Jingle Bells".

    Song for the entrance of Santa Claus.

    Santa Claus enters:

    Hello, here I am!

    Happy New Year to you, friends!

    I visited you a year ago,

    I'm very happy to see everyone.

    They grew up and became big.

    Did you recognize me?

    I'm still the same gray haired one,

    But just like young!

    I knew that everyone would be happy with me,

    That's why I was in such a hurry.

    Feel free to stand in a circle,

    Start the dance!

    Round dance: “The little people are dancing”

    Father Frost:
    Aren't you afraid of frost?
    Beware, beware
    Come on, show me your hands,
    Yes, put it behind your back,
    Who will I touch?
    I'll freeze those as a joke.

    GAME "I'll freeze"

    - Good grandfather Freezing! And also play with us

    Guessing game!

    Dear Grandfather Frost,
    Look how you look at us
    Guess, Santa Claus,
    What are we doing now?
    (play violin)

    Father Frost:
    You are scratching your beard.

    No, we play the violin.

    Dear Grandfather Frost,
    Look how you look at us
    Guess, Santa Claus,
    What are we doing now?
    (play the pipe)

    Father Frost:
    You drink milk.

    No, we play the pipe.

    Dear Grandfather Frost,
    Look how you look at us
    Guess, Santa Claus,
    What are we doing now?
    (play the piano)

    Father Frost:
    You sort through the grains.

    No, we play the piano.

    Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

    Santa Claus is dancing

    (Santa Claus dance)

    Grandfather, are you tired from the road?

    Sit by the Christmas tree here

    Let your legs rest,

    The children will read poetry to you.

    Children's poems.

    1 child:

    Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

    It has grown to our eyebrows,

    He climbed into our felt boots.

    They say he is Santa Claus

    And he plays pranks like a little boy!

    D.M.: Who is talking about me?

    2nd child:

    He ruined the water tap

    In our washbasin.

    They say he has a beard

    And he plays pranks like a little boy!

    D.M.: What did I ruin?

    3rd child:

    From draws on the window

    Stars, palm trees, balls.

    They say he is 100 years old

    And he plays pranks like a little boy!

    Round dance

    Father Frost:

    We have a nice holiday here

    That's right, the cat and the fox said

    that the guys are waiting for me.


    Grandfather Frost, have you met these robbers?

    Fox Alice and Cat Basilio

    All your gifts have been stolen!

    Father Frost:

    Ah, the villains are cunning,

    These are the sages!!

    Calm down friends

    I'll bring them here!

    I'll knock with my staff

    and I will return your gifts!

    He knocks with his staff. The cat and the fox return with a bag

    Fox Alice:

    Oh, children, children,

    Forgive us, forgive us,

    Don't drive us away from the holiday.

    Cat Basilio:

    All day long we wander, toil,

    We only eat air.

    We found gifts

    They brought it to you for the holiday.

    Father Frost:

    Children will we forgive them?

    Or should I punish him?!


    Father Frost:

    So be it, stay

    Have fun and play

    Game with Santa Claus

    “It’s freezing outside”

    And it's frosty outside,

    Well, everyone put their hands to their noses!

    There is no need for us to beat our heads,

    Well, everyone grabbed their ears,

    Twisted, turned,

    So your ears are warmed up.

    They knocked on my knees,

    They shook their heads,

    Patted on the shoulders

    And they sank a little.

    A child's poem about gifts.

    Father Frost:

    And now I'm all the guys

    Congratulations again.

    Friends, give gifts to everyone

    And don't forget anything

    Where are the gifts from Santa Claus? They're gone!
    Father Frost:
    Because they got to the cat and the fox when they were bad.

    So they disappeared. We'll fix everything now.

    Father Frost:
    Bring me a big cauldron,
    Place it here on the table!
    Salt, sugar and a bucket of water,
    A little snow, tinsel,
    I'll add a snowflake, just a minute, friends,
    We need to mix everything in the cauldron,
    Magic words to say:
    “Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!
    Miracles for the New Year!
    Staff, help staff, put everything in order!

    Santa Claus acts out the “transformation” of gifts, then opens the lid and distributes the gifts.

    Father Frost:
    Goodbye, adults and children. Now it's time for me to go to the forest,
    And a year later at our Christmas tree. Meet me, kids!

    Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, New Year, kindergarten, senior group

    Job title: musical director
    Place of work: MDOU No. 5 “Volna”, Anapa
    Location: Krasnodar region, Anapa

    Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children of the senior group “Only once on New Year’s Eve.....”

    Prepared by: I.A. Kostyuchenko,
    musical director

    Target: create a festive atmosphere, cultivate a desire to please friends and loved ones with poems, songs, and dances.

    Tasks: develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech and pantomime actions; improve artistic and figurative performing skills; cultivate restraint, attention, feelings of friendliness and mutual assistance.

    Equipment: laptop , tinsel for the snowflake dance, costumes for the heroes, gifts for children, fake gifts for the Christmas tree, firecracker, telephone for the Snow Maiden.

    Characters: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Barmaley, Robber.

    Presenter. Happy New Year! We wish you happiness and joy!

    Let dreams come true! The holiday begins!

    Children, jumping to the song “The Blizzard Swept Up” by the music of A. Pryazhnikov, appear in the hall, stand in front of the polka dot Christmas tree and dance.

    1st child. We came to the decorated Christmas tree, we had been waiting to meet it for so long.

    Let's hold hands and start our holiday as soon as possible!

    “Near the Christmas tree” music by Partskhaladze

    2nd child. We will celebrate the New Year, sing songs, read poems,

    So that the Christmas tree wants to come visit us again!

    3rd child. Come join us in the circle quickly. Sing a song together.

    We'll start a round dance. Let's celebrate the New Year!

    “We celebrate the New Year” music by A.Voloshanin

    Leading: For some reason the tree isn’t burning, it’s standing very sad......

    Let's say: “One-two-three, our Christmas tree, burn!”

    The lights on the tree light up. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky

    4th child. How beautiful it is in our hall! We invited guests here.

    All the people are having fun - we are celebrating the New Year!

    5th child. Moms and dads are with us. We are celebrating the New Year!

    It is for both adults and children. Will bring a lot of happiness!

    6th child. Forest, field, along paths. The winter holiday is coming to us.

    So let's say it together.....

    All. Hello, hello, New Year!

    Performedmusical game “We will hang the balloons”

    Children sit on chairs.

    Presenter. Only once, on New Year's Eve, miracles happen,

    Near the decorated Christmas tree, the fairy tale begins!

    The lights go out, the gentle melody of composer V. Ermolov sounds, the Snow Maiden enters and sits on a tree stump.

    The phone rings.

    Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden is listening!

    Snow Maiden. Hello Dedushka Moroz! I've already been waiting for you.

    Have you forgotten that today we need to be at the children's party?

    After all, the New Year holiday is only once a year. I will definitely be

    I'll just be a little late. You go to the children's Christmas tree, just don't forget

    gifts that I prepared for the guys!

    Snow Maiden. I won't forget, grandpa! Just don't be too late!

    And gentle snowflakes will show me the way. My friends, where are you?

    Hey, come here quickly!

    Performed by "Dance of Snowflakes" to the song "Silver Snowflakes" by the music of A. Varlamov

    Noise, crackling, shots are heard. AppearsRobber.

    The robber “ties” the Snow Maiden with a large rope and takes her behind the tree or out of the hall.

    A whistle sounds"Song of the Robbers" music by G. Gladkov, Barmaley appears.

    Barmaley: Attention!

    Rogue: Your high disgrace! The combat mission to capture gifts is completed! Security has been neutralized. The Snow Maiden has been arrested!

    Barmaley: Baba Yaga has not arrived yet?

    Rogue: No way, your outrageousness!

    Barmaley: Listen to my command! ( The robber stands at attention.) Where are your assistants? I suggest you stretch your legs - isn’t it time to dance?

    Boys' dance with the Robber, music by G. Gladkov from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians"

    Barmaley: Listen to my command again! While there is no Baba Yaga, the bone leg, take away half of the gifts and hide them!

    They hide gifts behind the Christmas tree, a soundtrack of an airplane landing is heard, the robbers fall in fright.

    An unidentified flying object landed with Baba Yaga on board.

    We ask everyone meeting us to prepare.

    Barmaley. Eh, we didn’t have time! Form up! Pull yourself up! Get even! Attention!

    Chest forward, belly back! Right!

    (The robbers turn in different directions.) Where?!

    Baba Yaga rides in on roller skates, pushing off with a broom.

    Barmaley and the Robber salute. She looks at the “army” with displeasure.

    Barmaley. What don't you like, grandma?

    Baba Yaga. Have you gone crazy in your old age, Barmaley? What kind of granny am I to you?

    I have been rejuvenated for a long time. I am already three hundred years old, like twenty years old!

    Barmaley. How much, how much?

    Baba Yaga. Well, twenty-five!

    Robber. Ooo!

    Baba Yaga.(coquettishly) Maybe someone can help me change my shoes?

    She sits down on a tree stump and the robbers take off her skates.

    Barmaley. Madam!

    Baba Yaga.(simply) No, mamzel!

    Barmaley. And I'm illiterate, madam!

    Baba Yaga.(persistently) Mamzel! (Stomps his foot.)

    Barmaley. I obey! Madame, oh, mamzel! Let me into this joyful

    moment on behalf of our team to present you with a New Year's gift.

    He hands her a broom decorated with bows (you can give her a handbag, a hat, beads, etc.) and the robbers applaud.

    Baba Yaga.(touched) Thank you, that's it! And then my old broom the other day

    flew off somewhere on a friendly visit and still hasn’t returned!

    By the way, boys, New Year is coming.

    Barmaley and robbers grab their noses and look for the New Year,

    They don’t find them and start looking on the children’s noses.

    Baba Yaga. Darkness! This is me speaking figuratively! In short, where are the gifts?

    Barmaley. No!

    Baba Yaga gets angry and takes a large cracker out of her pocket.

    Barmaley. Get down!

    They fall, Baba Yaga steps on Barmaley’s chest with her foot.

    Baba Yaga. I'll shoot right now! Tell me, where are the gifts?

    Barmaley. They have it! (Points to children)

    Baba Yaga. Oh, yours?

    (Children answer) Baba Yaga again takes out the firecracker and begins to prepare to fire.

    Barmaley. Oh oh oh! No, I'm afraid! (The robbers cover their ears with their hands.

    Barmaley brings gifts.) Thanks to my skillful leadership, the operation

    was successful. Security has been captured.

    The Snow Maiden has been neutralized, the gifts have been seized!

    The Snow Maiden is brought out by the Robber, who is examined by Baba Yaga.

    Baba Yaga. Oh, you cutie! Oh, you beauty! And where are you going?

    Are you dressed up?

    Snow Maiden. For the children's Christmas tree.

    Baba Yaga. For the Christmas tree? I’ve been dreaming of going to the Christmas tree for three hundred years, but they don’t let me in all the time.

    But this time I will definitely be there, we’ll leave and take her with us.

    They leave, taking the Snow Maiden with them.

    Presenter. Gee! Guys, how can you help the Snow Maiden?

    That's right, let's get into a round dance and sing a funny New Year's song!

    Santa Claus will hear and come to our aid.

    Child: Happy New Year, moms, Happy New Year, dads!

    We are very happy to congratulate you on the holiday!

    “Our Christmas tree” music. A. Ostrovsky

    Leading. Only once, on New Year's Eve, do miracles happen.

    Near the decorated Christmas tree, the fairy tale continues.

    To the music M. Dunaevsky appear in the hall Barmaley and Baba Yaga;

    She is wearing a fur coat and a Snow Maiden hat.

    Baba Yaga. Well, hello kids!

    Barmaley. Hello guys!

    Baba Yaga. Happy New Year! (The robbers applaud)

    I hope you recognize me? Who am I? (Children answer) What kind of Baba Yaga am I??

    And anyway, who is she, this Baba Yaga? (Barmaley) My good friend, tell me, who am I?

    Barmaley. Baba I... Oh, Snow Maiden!

    Baba Yaga. You see, children, this kind fairy tale hero recognized me immediately.

    And so that you have no doubt that I am a real Snow Maiden, I will give you

    present. (Takes out a large candy from the bag). Who will praise me best?

    I'll give him a big, delicious candy.

    Robber. Mamzel, maybe my praise will suit you?

    Baba Yaga. Well, if these harmful kids don’t want to, then praise them!

    Robber. You are the most beautiful!

    Baba Yaga. Ah, I am the most beautiful!

    Robber. You are the kindest!

    Baba Yaga. Ah, I'm the kindest!

    Robber. You are the smartest!

    Baba Yaga. Ah, I'm the smartest! You see, children, I am the best!

    Gives the candy to the Robber. You see, children, I am the best, the best!

    And so that you have no doubt that I am the real Snow Maiden,

    I suggest you play...

    Musical game "Who is louder?"

    A gentle melody of music sounds. I. Krutogo - the Snow Maiden enters (she is wearing a cape from a Baba Yaga costume)

    Snow Maiden. Horrible! They're already here. I imagine what they said

    while I wasn't here. I must tell the children the truth immediately!

    Barmaley. What truth? What truth? And anyway, who are you?

    Snow Maiden. I am the Snow Maiden!

    Yaga. No, it’s me, Snow Maiden, because I have gifts!

    Presenter. Guys, only Santa Claus can help us figure out who is here

    real Snow Maiden. Let's all call him together!

    To the music of A. Pryazhnikov Santa Claus enters.

    Father Frost. Hello, good people! Hello guys!

    Happy New Year to both the owners and guests!

    I wish you happiness, good health and nice winter days!

    And I still have a wish - in my kindergarten

    Become healthier and more ruddy every day!

    It seems I arrived on time. What happened to you, what's going on?

    Leading. Santa Claus! Help us!

    We have two Snow Maidens here, help us figure out which one is real.

    Father Frost.(approaches the Snow Maiden ) This one looks like my granddaughter

    but the Snow Maiden had a beautiful fur coat and hat.

    Baba Yaga.(runs up to Santa Claus ) And here is your fur coat! And here is the hat! Do you recognize grandfather?

    I am your granddaughter Snow Maiden!

    Father Frost. Somehow I doubt it...

    Baba Yaga: You’re already quite an old man. So you doubt...

    Robber. And I know how to determine which one is real!

    You need to put them both on a hot stove, which will melt, that is the Snow Maiden,

    she's made of snow!

    Father Frost. So she will completely melt!

    Robber. But we will find out the truth!

    Father Frost. No, that won't do! We'll do it differently.

    Here we have two bags with gifts, let each of the Snow Maidens choose one

    a gift for yourself.

    Baba Yaga chooses the biggest gift for herself.

    Baba Yaga. I've already chosen.

    Father Frost. What are you doing?

    Snow Maiden. How can I, grandfather, take gifts from the bag,

    if you prepared them for children?

    Father Frost. Well, what, guys? Who is the real Snow Maiden here?

    (Children answer). Come on, take off someone else's clothes, you liar!

    Baba Yaga. I'm not a liar. I can't live without kids.

    She cries, takes off her cape and hat from her Snow Maiden costume, and they cry. There is an exchange of clothes.

    Father Frost. Every year it's the same story. They do things, do mischief, and then cry.

    What are we going to do with them, guys? What suggestions do you have? (Children answer).

    I agree, let’s forgive them, let them go to their own forest and not offend anyone else.

    Baba Yaga and Barmaley leave “crying”.

    Father Frost: The tree is glowing, sparkling, let's have fun, children!

    Santa Claus invites you all to a New Year's round dance!

    “Who’s walking around at the gate?” music A.Evtodieva

    Father Frost. And now it’s time for us kids to play.

    Games with Santa Claus.

    1. "We'll go left now"
    2. "Hello"
    3. "Snow porridge"
    4. "The locomotive is coming, the locomotive is coming"

    Father Frost. Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.


    Snow Maiden. Santa Claus! It's time to give gifts to children!?

    Father Frost. It's time, it's time! You just have to find them! Well, shall I call you now...?

    1. Baba Yaga with a robber and a magic bag.
    2. Confetti.
    3. Cook gifts.
    4. Magic chest.

    Children receive gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

    Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Well, that's all, the ball is over, the fun, noisy carnival!

    Happy holiday again, friends! Before new meeting, kids!

    New Year's adventures

    scenario New Year's party for children

    Children come out dancing to the song “New Year” No.

    Lera: Today we have fun, we are celebrating the New Year,

    And we heartily congratulate everyone who has come to us now.

    Nikita U.: Hello, New Year's holiday, so we had to meet!

    We all have fun today, hello Christmas tree, dear guest!

    Nastya: We've been waiting for this day for a long time, haven't seen each other whole year,

    Sing and ring the New Year's round dance under the tree.

    Children in their seats sing the song “New Year at the Gate” No.

    after the song is performed, sit down

    Dasha S.: Most best holiday- it is a New Year!

    Everyone loves him, everyone is waiting for him:

    Grandmothers and mothers, grandfathers and fathers,

    Adults and children - everyone in the world.

    Anya: Outside the window, light New Year's snow flashes,

    There is music and laughter in the hall - a children's ball today.

    Ksyusha: The Christmas tree is dressed in a wonderful outfit

    She really wanted to please the guys.

    New toys are burning on its branches,

    The star burns brightly on the top of her head.

    Dasha P.: The Christmas tree doesn’t take its eyes off us, waving its branches.

    It seems like the little girl is about to start dancing.

    A song sounds, the lights turn off, the lights turn on, the Snow Maiden comes out No.

    Snow Maiden: Hello my friends! Do you recognize me?

    Snowflakes (in unison): Snowflakes!

    Snowflake dance performed No.

    Snow Maiden: I invite everyone, everyone, everyone to have fun with us,

    Let the Christmas tree light up with bright lights!

    The Snow Maiden invites children to dance around the Christmas tree and picks up a flashlight

    Snow Maiden: My flashlight is not simple - it is magical, icy.

    Pass it from hand to hand and sing the song loudly.

    The magic song No. sounds

    Ice lantern, near the forest Christmas tree

    Light the lights for us and give us a miracle.

    And the magic will come - the new year will come.

    And Santa Claus will bring gifts to all the children.

    Chorus: light, light a miracle - lights,

    Help us, flashlight, let us into a fairy tale.

    The lights, the lights will shine brightly,

    And the smiles won’t leave the guys’ faces.

    The Snow Maiden hangs a lantern on the Christmas tree, which lights up with lights.

    Everyone dances around the Christmas tree to the song “In the Spacious Bright Hall” No.

    They sit down to the music.

    Rita: Christmas tree, we have been waiting for you a lot - many days, nights,

    We counted the minutes to see quickly,

    How the needles sparkle with a winter miracle - silver,

    How Santa Claus covered your branches with snow.

    Fields: Today we have a carnival, a New Year's noisy ball.

    Anyone who looks sad should come to us for the holiday.

    Everyone now believes in miracles, every home is waiting for gifts!

    The New Year is knocking on the door with a song, a fairy tale, and goodness.

    Snow Maiden: Look, guys, there’s a letter on the tree!

    I wonder who brought it here to us?

    I am writing a letter to the children in kindergarten.

    I can’t come, guys, it’s my fault.

    I'm sick, I'm very hot, here's the problem:

    He was carrying a big bag of gifts, as always.

    Got all sweaty and got sick on the way -

    Here I lay down on a snowdrift by the road.

    Oh guys, did you guess who the letter is from? What to do now? After all, without Santa Claus, the New Year holiday will not take place (a snowflake falls from the letter). Look, there's a snowflake here...

    Take a snowflake in your palm and gently, quietly shake it off.

    As long as the snowflake flies, it will fulfill your wish at that moment.

    Snowflake will help us find Santa Claus, cure him and continue the New Year holiday. Hooray!

    Snowflake – Lisa: Snow Maiden, can I say a wish and shake off the snowflake?

    Snow Maiden: Of course you can!

    Snowflake – Lisa: You, snowflake, spin, illuminate with white light,

    Take us straight to Santa Claus.

    Snow Maiden: The wish has been made, all that remains is to gently shake off the snowflake, and we will find ourselves where Grandfather Frost is.

    The girl raises her palm, a snowflake lies on it, a beautiful melody sounds, the lights in the hall dim. At this time, Baba Yaga quietly appears behind the tree. She watches what is happening, listens... And as soon as the girl blows on a snowflake to shake it off, she catches it in flight. The light turns on, a snowflake is in Baba Yaga’s hands, the snowflake girl gets scared and runs away.) No.

    Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha, what do you want? What kind of gathering is this? I hear childish laughter.

    I’ll throw a party for you and disperse everyone right away.

    I am the evil Yaga, the bone leg.

    The jet broom carried me quickly.

    I'll scare you all: wow, how evil I am! (scares children)

    (At this time, Ezhka’s granddaughter runs into the hall, Baba Yaga hides a snowflake in her bosom.)

    Yozhka – Vika: Granny, are you back to your old ways? I educate you, educate you, but there’s no point. How many times have I said: don’t fly on a broom – you’ll fall and get killed. (approaches grandma, puts on a tinsel scarf for her.) And put on the scarf, otherwise you’ll catch a cold.

    Baba Yaga: Oh, granddaughter, why are you here? You wanted to compose ditties for the New Year.

    Yozhka – Vika: And I have already composed it. Now we need to rehearse. New Year is coming soon, and you haven’t learned the words yet. (hands grandmother a sheet of ditties).

    Yozhka-Vika: (squinting) Granddaughter, I can hardly see what I wrote, I don’t understand...

    Yozhka and Baba Yaga perform ditties

    (music director playing)

    Yozhka – Vika: The holiday has come to us, it’s very good!

    To get rid of boredom...

    Baba Yaga: We need to swim in a puddle!

    Yozhka – Vika: Grandma what are you? It's not pretty.

    Baba Yaga: But it's fun.

    Yozhka – Vika: Okay, let's try another one.

    Fur coat, hat, red nose -

    Grandfather Frost enters.

    Starts to sing, dance...

    Baba Yaga: And take away gifts!

    Yozhka – Vika: How can this be?

    Baba Yaga: And here’s how: “Well, you, give me a gift, wow!”

    Yozhka – Vika: What are you saying, this is not okay.

    Baba Yaga: But it's difficult.

    Yozhka – Vika: The ditties should be kind and fair.

    Baba Yaga: Okay, let's sing a good and fair ditty.

    Yozhka – Vika: Our cheerful Santa Claus has grown a gray beard,

    Cheeks and nose are blushing...

    Baba Yaga: Because to tease.

    Yozhka – Vika: Why tease, how to tease?

    Baba Yaga: That's how! (shows).

    Yozhka – Vika: I won't sing ditties with you anymore. I'd rather play with the guys. Grandma, for now you should rest, sit down, you’re tired of flying through the forest, scaring everyone.

    Baba Yaga: And that’s right, I’ll sit! (sit down, dozes off).

    Snow Maiden: We will be happy to play with you, the game is called “Merry Monkeys”

    We are funny monkeys

    We play too loud

    We clap our hands

    We stomp our feet

    Puffing up our cheeks

    Jumping on your toes

    And even to each other

    We'll show you the tongues

    Let's jump to the ceiling together

    Put your finger to your temple

    Let's stick out our ears

    Ponytail on top of head

    Let's open our mouth wider

    We'll make all the faces

    As soon as I say the number three, everyone freezes with grimaces.

    (At the end of the game, the Snow Maiden approaches Baba Yaga,

    touches her by mistake, sees that she is sleeping.)

    Snow Maiden: Yozhka, help us appease your grandmother. She knows where Santa Claus is, she has magic snowflake, which will help us cure Santa Claus and continue our holiday.

    Yozhka: I knew that grandma was up to something, the old one was being mischievous again. I know what will help us. Song! Let's sing a song together, grandma will hear it and immediately become kinder, she loves it when people talk about her good songs sing.

    Snow Maiden: So, you say, the song should be about Baba Yaga and must be good?

    Yozhka: Yes

    Snow Maiden: Somehow I don’t know such songs. In all songs and fairy tales, Baba Yaga is evil.

    Yozhka: I will help you. Get up here (puts the children in a semicircle) and get ready for magic. I will now say the magic words and you will all sing a good song. Crocus-pocus, song spokus!

    Children perform the song “Grandma Yozhka” No.

    After the song is performed, they sit down to the music

    Baba Yaga: You are my good ones, and your tree is beautiful, and the Snow Maiden is so elegant.

    Snow Maiden: Only Santa Claus is not with us, he needs our help. Spin a snowflake and show the way where our Grandfather Frost is.

    Baba Yaga: My beauty, I put a snowflake in my pocket, and it melted there.

    Yozhka: What have you done? What should we do now?

    Baba Yaga: Wait, I know who to turn to,

    Koschey, my friend, will help us.

    He was going today himself

    Celebrate New Year for grandchildren

    And invite Santa Claus.

    He must know for sure

    Where can we find the old man?

    I'm flying after him right now,

    Wait - he will rush in a moment.

    (Baba Yaga flies away to the music. The lights turn off, the lights turn on, music sounds and Koschey appears, with two grandchildren with him, snowmen hiding behind the Christmas tree) No.

    Koschey: Yaga just told me

    What's at your carnival

    Santa Claus is missing

    New Year is not coming.

    I'm ready to help the guys

    Both boys and girls.

    The grandchildren are asking for a holiday.

    Nikita S: I want gifts for the New Year,

    To sing a round dance under the Christmas tree,

    So that Santa Claus comes

    May we all feel good.

    Vladik: And I want Santa Claus

    He brought me a lot of gifts!

    So that the Christmas tree burns brightly,

    And let the Snow Maiden sing songs!

    (they start crying together)

    Snow Maiden: Wait, don’t cry, you explain to us clearly:

    Do you want to come to our kindergarten? (stop crying)

    Well then come here! (leads them to the children)

    And you, Koschey, help us, show us the way,

    Where can I find Santa Claus?

    Koschey: One two three four five,

    I'm starting to do magic!

    To the kingdom of snow and frost

    I will send you.

    (The melody of a blizzard sounds, the cat leaves, the lights turn off, the color music turns on, the snowmen go to their places and begin to dance)

    "Dance of the Snowmen" No.

    Arseny: I'm a funny snowman

    I'm used to the snow and the cold!

    Zakhar: We were blinded very cleverly:

    Instead of a nose - a carrot!

    Seva: And the pan is my hat,

    So as not to freeze your head.

    Artem: I'm not an ordinary snowman,

    And cheerful, mischievous!

    Matvey: I really love to dance

    Have fun and play.

    Snow Maiden: Hello, funny snowmen! We have come to you in your winter kingdom to find Grandfather Frost.

    Snowmen: We know where to look for Santa Claus, but first play with us.

    Snow Maiden: Let's!

    The game “Polite Word” is played, during the game of “snowdrift” Santa Claus hides behind the Christmas tree

    Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, hush, hush,

    I hear something strange.

    What a miracle, oh, oh, oh, and the snowdrift is alive here!

    Someone was covered in snow, that's trouble, trouble, trouble,

    Snowmen, come here quickly.

    Snowmen run up, shovel snow to the music, and Santa Claus appears

    Snow Maiden: Thank you, Snowman,

    Santa Claus was found instantly!

    Only Grandfather cannot be recognized

    Should I have gotten sick?

    Father Frost: I'm sick, I'm very hot,

    I brought gifts to the guys.

    Snow Maiden: Guys, we need to help Santa Claus. What do we do? Let's blow on it. (children blow). Cool it a little. Oh, Snowmen, maybe you can help us? Do you know the magic riddles that will help Santa Claus?

    Alyosha: They lit the stove in the house,
    The river is covered in white ice,
    The houses are covered in snow,
    ... (winter) came to visit us.

    Arseny: Flew, spun,
    I fell onto the path,
    And sparkles like a piece of ice
    Snow-white... (snowflake).

    Zakhar: Houses and parks are covered in snow,
    Everything became white and white,
    It's snowing outside the window,
    The river hid under... (ice).

    Misha: The doggie presses his paws,
    Children put on hats
    Stings the cheeks, stings the nose,
    there is... (frost) in the yard.

    Seva: The birds no longer sing in chorus,
    Animals hide in holes
    The blizzard covers its trail,
    And everywhere there is white... (snow).

    Artem: Who stays all night long

    Does he sing snow songs?

    The wind is a winter friend,

    There will be snowdrifts... (blizzard)

    Matvey: They curl around the ground like a snake,

    They howl pitifully in the pipe,

    Spruce trees are covered with snow.

    These are winter... (blizzards)

    Nikita U.: Sweeps the paths in the park,

    Collects snow into snowdrifts.

    Who is this stranger?

    Did you guess it? (Snow drift)

    Father Frost: Thank you guys!

    I'm young now

    don't look that he's gray-haired.

    I am a real Santa Claus, from a deep, dense thicket,

    Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards,

    Where the forests are dense, where the snow is loose.

    Hello, kids!

    I wish you success, health and strength!

    Guys, I was in a hurry to get to you,

    But the bag turned out to be very heavy,

    And I got sick: I was sweating and feeling sick.

    Snow Maiden: We've been waiting for you, Santa Claus, we'll have you for the evening,

    How excited everyone is for the New Year's Eve!

    We'll start a round dance and sing a song for you.

    The Snow Maiden lines up the grandfathers in a round dance around Father Frost and performs the song “Father Frost” (musical director plays)

    Father Frost: Guys, aren't you afraid of frost?

    Children: We don't mind frosts, we don't fear colds,

    We dance and sing and have a lot of fun!

    Father Frost: Yeah, don’t be afraid, but I’ll check it now.

    The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

    Father Frost: Show your hands, they love to dance.

    I'm going to freeze them now, I need to remove the handles.

    Show off your legs, they love to dance.

    I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs.

    Show off your ears, they love to dance.

    I'll freeze it now, I need to remove the ears.

    Show your cheeks, cheeks love to dance.

    I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the cheeks.

    Well done boys!

    Children sit down to music

    Father Frost: Now it's time to give out gifts.

    Snow Maiden: Where is your bag? Here's the secret! There is no right and no left!

    Father Frost: Isn’t it on the tree either?

    Children: No!

    Father Frost: Isn’t it under the tree? Isn't it on the window?

    Children: No!

    Father Frost: Isn't it on the chair?

    Children: No!

    Father Frost: Doesn't mom have one?

    Children: No!

    Father Frost: What about dad?

    Children: No!

    Snow Maiden: Hooray! I found your bag!

    Melody No. turns on

    Father Frost:(trying to untie the knot) That's the knot, uh-huh!

    I can't untie it.

    Well, let's all clap together

    Let's stomp our feet

    The knot immediately untied,

    And it ended up in the bag

    Symbol next year!

    And he needs freedom!

    We are releasing the horse

    And with all our hearts we wish

    Health and love to everyone,

    Happiness and peace for the family!

    Snow Maiden: Santa Claus gives gifts to all the children,

    May the whole year be sweet, may the year be bright!

    (give gifts to children)

    Father Frost: Now it’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday.

    I wish you lots of joy today, kids!

    Snow Maiden: So that you grow big, so that you don’t know worries,

    And my grandfather and I m We'll come back to you in a year.

    Together: Goodbye!

    Everyone dances the final dance “New Year” No.

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