• How to get out when there is no money for a gift? Birthday gift for husband if there is no money


    Financial difficulties during the holiday period are an excellent reason for depression. When you look at an empty wallet, you want only one thing - to run away somewhere far away and wait until all this fuss is over. Since this is most often impossible to do, choosing gifts when there is no money turns into a real torment. But still, to prevent this from happening, I recommend reading the article on the Sunny Hands website “Why you can’t save money.” On one of these wonderful days I decided to give up tedious shopping trips and see what I could order online. The search results shocked me to the core. I couldn’t even imagine that there are so many original, useful, and most importantly, inexpensive things in the world! It was from that moment that I became interested in the topic of gifts and found many interesting options for all occasions and for any budget. It turns out there are a lot of gift options when there is no money.

    If your finances sing romances, I offer you 15 ideas, tested from my own experience, the implementation of which will require minimal costs - from 0 to 300 rubles.

      1. Photo collage. If you are looking for an answer to the question of what to give if you have no money, then this is one of the ideal answers. To make this gift, you will need Photoshop and a medium-sized frame. You can buy the cheapest one for 20-30 rubles, since all the “taste” will be in the picture. We load the image of the person being congratulated into the program and perform some metamorphoses with it. For example, you can “fulfill” a person’s dream (draw him in an expensive car, in the boss’s chair, etc.); send on a trip; exaggerate his style (just so that he doesn’t get offended). In general, it all depends on your imagination. Understanding how Photoshop works is quite simple; there is a lot of information on this issue on the Internet. For example, I painted my first masterpiece in just 5 minutes, and it was a great success. This was a gift for March 8th to my aunt, who dreams of losing weight. Read about what to give to relatives and friends on March 8th in the article at the link. I found an image on the Internet of a slender beauty walking along the beach, and I put my aunt’s head to it. Then I downloaded the file to a flash drive, went to a photo store and asked to print it. I also bought the frame there. The total price of the gift was about 80 rubles. Later, I often used this method when I wanted to surprise someone.
      2. Music disc. Also a great gift when you have no money. People who are very busy at work often cannot find time to burn a CD for their car. At least, I periodically hear similar complaints from my friends. If you have an empty blank, this gift won't cost you a penny. Record a collection of your favorite songs and give it as a gift. Believe me, you will be very grateful.We made such a disc once on February 23rd for young man my friend. For a long time he dreamed of “getting hold of” old French songs, but he kept postponing this matter until later. We recorded the most popular compositions, and to make the gift seem more original, we made an exclusive cover for the disc in Photoshop - we placed them a photo together against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower and wrote “With love from France.” The young man was very pleased and was in high spirits for several days. By the way, about what is best to give to men, read Rashid Kirranov’s article “What to give to a man” or watch his video.

        This option is perfect for the older generation. A colleague once complained to me that she couldn’t choose a gift for her grandmother. She accepts household items without enthusiasm, refuses to take money and says that she doesn’t need anything at all. After quite a long brainstorming, I suggested recording old songs for her. There was an MP3 player in the house, and this idea was received with enthusiasm. We selected suitable compositions and made the cover in the style of the USSR. Since the grandmother was from the village, we placed her photograph against the backdrop of collective farmers harvesting their crops. This gift moved the old lady to tears, and she learned to use the newfangled record player with great enthusiasm.

      3. Vacuum cleaner for keyboard. Every computer user will be happy to receive this gadget as a gift. Personally, I gave it for a variety of holidays to people from 15 to 50 extra years, and he was always received with joy. The price of a vacuum cleaner is from 110 rubles.
      4. A laptop fan is another useful device. Since it is shaped like a flower, it is most suitable for ladies. You can even hold it out instead of a bouquet, it turns out very funny. This gift can be purchased at a price of 70 rubles. There may be models with a different design, but I have not seen them. It was the flower fan that my brother liked when he was choosing a gift for a girl for Valentine’s Day, having only 200 rubles in his pocket. He decided to replace the bouquet with it, and bought a box of chocolates for the rest. Read about what you can give him to a girl at the link
      5. Living landscape. A great gift when money is short. Changing pictures will be a great decoration for both your desktop and your home. home interior. Watching the metamorphoses taking place, you can relax and tune in to positive mood. I was once given a living landscape on March 8th, and it became one of my favorite gifts. Small pictures can be bought for 250-300 rubles, and I periodically give them to relatives and friends.
      6. Plate. Since giving mugs as gifts is trivial, one day I decided to replace them with plates. I unexpectedly needed to congratulate one girl on March 8th. The holiday budget was already exhausted, besides, the gift was needed immediately, and there was no way to order anything on the Internet. By inertia, I ran into the first dishware store I came across and began to study the assortment of mugs; nothing else came to my mind. But then I saw cute plates with vegetables on them. They cost only 120 rubles, and were also packaged in decent cardboard boxes. Best gift it was simply impossible to come up with. Beautiful, unusual and inexpensive. The girl liked the gift, and I still use this option from time to time.
      7. A pineapple. This exotic fruit is perfect for any festive table. You can buy it in almost any store for 150-200 rubles. Pineapple is the best option for unfamiliar people and emergency situations. He has helped me out more than once when I was short of time and money.
      8. A folding soft bucket is the best solution for practical older family members. Do your parents or grandparents have a dacha or like to go mushroom picking? They will definitely love the collapsible bucket. I advised my mother to give it to a friend who is very passionate about household chores and cannot imagine her life without a dacha. She was delighted with him. The price of a bucket is 300 rubles.
      9. Miracle plant. This cute gift will impress any girl and woman. It is a seed that needs to be planted in the ground and watered. After a few minutes, the plant will grow, and on one of its leaves there will be the inscription “I love you.” My brother gave this gift to his girlfriend on March 8th and she was very pleased. The price of a miracle plant is from 90 rubles.

    1. A paper holder is a great gift for people whose work involves documents. Online stores offer enough big choice of these gizmos with different designs at prices starting from 200 rubles. One day, my friend asked me to find a gift for her child's teacher. I ordered a holder in the shape of a man. IN greeting card we wrote the following: “May the little people you teach bring you only joy!”
    2. Emergency charging unit for a mobile phone. This device looks like a battery with a small wire and connector. Every person needs it and it can be given for absolutely any occasion. Internet price – 300 rubles. I once gave it to my husband for his birthday, he was pleased and still uses it to this day.
    3. Audiobooks. Due to lack of time, many of us have already forgotten the last time we read, although we love this activity. Audiobooks that you can listen to in the car or at home while doing household chores will help solve the problem. They will also be a wonderful gift for people with vision problems. Price – from 100 rubles. I gave audiobooks to both my parents and friends who spend a lot of time driving. The most important thing is to know exactly what interests them.
    4. Suitcase lock. This item will definitely appeal to travel lovers. Firstly, it will reduce the likelihood of property theft, and secondly, it will become an excellent distinctive sign, and the suitcase can be immediately noticed during baggage claim at the airport. Its price is 170 rubles. I gave these locks to all my traveling friends for the New Year. About how to celebrate New Year Houses, .
    5. Original passport cover. On the Internet you can find a huge number of options at a price of 200-250 rubles. For my brother who loves to tinker with his computer, I bought a Windows-themed My Documents cover; for a friend who periodically travels abroad - “Walking across Three Seas” for a foreign passport.
    6. Tabletop punching bag. This cool toy comes in various sizes. If large models are quite expensive, then small ones can be bought for 250-300 rubles. I have given them several times to colleagues and friends who are into sports or have a short temper. And we bought a large, luxurious copy for our boss’s birthday.

    I offer you the following options:

    Lack of money is not a reason for despair, but a great opportunity for creativity. After all these experiments, I made a very important conclusion for myself: people expect from us not so much expensive gifts, but rather attentive attitude and bright emotions. If we show that we are listening to their words, or put on a little show, then the price of the gift will not matter. And one more important point: If possible, do not leave choosing gifts until the last minute. Thanks to this, you can purchase the items you like at reasonable prices while they are still in stock.

    It is also worth saying a few words about online shopping. Gifts in virtual stores are much cheaper than in regular stores, but we are often afraid that they will send us low-quality items. I solved this problem for myself as follows:

    • Before placing an order, I try to find a similar item in a regular store and evaluate its quality. If it suits me, I make a purchase online.
    • I order gifts only from stores that have been operating for a long time and have a good reputation.
    • I try to choose online stores in my city. If problems arise, I can return the goods to the warehouse, and in most cases delivery is free.

    I wish you a happy shopping and happy Holidays!

    Sincerely, Irina Donskaya.

    The ability to present yourself favorably is a bit of an art, especially when it comes to how you can surprise a girl without money. But the main thing here is to understand how to surprise a person, and not immediately equate the concepts of a girl and money. In this article I will tell you how to arrange romance without money.

    How to entertain a girl without money?

    In general, the ability to surprise the fair sex is half the success in seduction. However, often guys don’t believe in themselves and think that they need to come up with a really grandiose plan to make a girl happy without money, or it will inevitably result in serious expenses. However, as practice shows, it is not at all necessary to have serious financial capabilities in order to simply cause surprise. Moreover, sometimes you can surprise a girl without money without making much effort.

    But first, let's talk about the essence of surprise. After all, it may not be clear to you what to please yourself with when you have no money. In fact, a lot of things. And surprise arises solely due to the fact that the girl does not expect any non-standard move on your part. So, for example, I’ll tell you that a bouquet of roses on Women’s Day will not be a surprise for her, as such, a gift on this holiday will not surprise her at all, rather the absence of one will surprise her.

    Moreover, simple bouquet Others may be offended by flowers, and therefore you need to surprise and delight on ordinary days. Of course, it is unlikely that my words will seem something new to anyone. It’s just that everyone knows this, but few people take advantage of such opportunities to make a good impression on their girlfriend. And romance without money is very possible.

    Ways to pleasantly surprise a girl without money

    • Choose an unusual place, invite her somewhere that is fashionable, cool and, as a rule, expensive. And where it is unusual and interesting, where people are rarely invited at all. This is especially useful when your relationship is still developing. For example, there is a beautiful lake in your area, but you have to get there. Or you found out about some unusual place that no one knows about. The Internet can help you. But never make an appointment in that exact place; it’s better to make a date near it, and then take the girl there yourself. This is one of the options for how to arrange romance for a girl without money. In addition, almost every person has a place or places where he likes to go. And if a girl is really interested in you, then you can take her there. For those couples who have been together for a long time, places associated with the past are considered romantic, for example, the place where they met, or places where they were very happy. Moreover, you need to choose the same scheme - make a date nearby, and then surprise your girlfriend. You can do something nice for your wife without money.
    • The next way is to give the lady an interesting souvenir. Someone will immediately ask the question, what can you give a girl if you don’t have money? But a souvenir is a trinket that costs a penny. But how can you make your friend like her? Everything is individual here. Let’s say she calls you something affectionately, for example, “bunny” or “bear” - find such a souvenir, give it to her and tell her that you are giving her yourself in this way. Keep it, they say, and don’t lose it.
    • The tracking option does not require any investment at all. It was noted that most Russian guys behave and speak quite similar, and sometimes even like a carbon copy. Apparently they have watched enough of the same films once, and they are copying a certain image of a real man. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that ladies sometimes want variety. Therefore, very often you can surprise a girl even with your original opinion and beliefs. And this is actually a good way to surprise a girl if you have no money. But it is relevant only when meeting. In general, almost every girl keeps a whole profile in her mind and asks all the guys the same standard questions. Therefore, if you start answering outside the box, not the way most guys do, it will surprise and interest her. And if you really have your own point of view on many things, then you shouldn’t hide it from the girl. After all, for most women, all men are really very similar to each other. And sometimes the reason for separation may be that the girl thought that she had met some unusual and interesting person. Although in fact this dude is no better than you at all, but she is more interested in him. It is possible that he knows very well how to make a romantic without money.
    • Romantic dinner. This seemingly ordinary event is actually quite rare, and therefore your girlfriend will definitely be surprised. And if you’ve also learned how to cook a couple of dishes well, then such a surprise will definitely please her. This is an option on how to surprise a girl without money with your own hands. Such a surprise will cost much less than taking her to a cafe or restaurant. It’s not for nothing that they say that the best chefs are men. However, you should not focus on this and pamper her too often, otherwise it may happen that in your life together you'll have to cook.


    As you can see, it is not at all necessary to have billions to please your lady of the heart. And those ladies who can only be “surprised” by diamonds and expensive yachts are simply spoiled by their men.

    If you follow this path, then even with a considerable thickness of your wallet, someday you will have suspicions that your relationship is between a seller and a buyer. And some girls are just chasing money, and therefore try to “sell” themselves as dearly as possible. I would advise you to avoid such beauties.

    A normal girl you can surprise without money, even if you have it. You need to surprise her and show her your attention. Of course, you shouldn’t be a curmudgeon either. And if you have serious relationship, and such a gift will really bring her some benefit, this is exactly what she wanted, then why not. It is much better when the gifts are rare but memorable. And finally, about how to surprise a girl from a distance without money. There are also many ways, but you can start with the simplest thing - write her a real letter.

    If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

    It's always a pleasure to congratulate family and friends on the holidays. But what to do if there is no money at all for a gift? Don’t despair, because you can come up with an option that won’t require a large investment. You probably have materials at home to make a surprise with your own hands. The main thing is to successfully present this surprise. Receiving such a gift, on which personal time was spent, is much more pleasant than buying a soulless souvenir. So, let's look at the options for what you can give if you don't have money.

    Romantic gifts

    If the recipient of the gift is your significant other, then the following ideas will be useful to you:

    • Postcard. Yes, such a gift at first glance seems very banal. But the love with which you create a card will fill this thing with incredible energy. Express yourself on paper, open your heart. Use a variety of items for decoration - ribbons, buttons, threads, magazine clippings. Create a completely original and unique postcard and sign it with the most in sincere words love. Such a card can become a strong and deep gift.
    • You can do this option: give your beloved a pack of cards at once (or give one every day on the eve of the holiday). The point is that all these cards will need to be assembled like a puzzle in order to read the congratulations. You can give such a surprise to a friend or girlfriend for his birthday.
    • Another gift idea is a wish checkbook. Give your other half a hand-made book, each page of which will represent a check - some wish that you will have to fulfill at the request of the owner - a trip to the cinema, a massage, a dance, a night walk, etc. This check can only be used once.
    • To a beautiful glass jar pour paper hearts with words of love and tender wishes. If you're good at crafts, add knitted or sewn ones to your paper hearts.

    Birthday Gifts

    • The most fun and not very expensive birthday gift - Balloons. Inflate several bright balloons, draw funny faces on them with a marker, tie them together and feel free to go congratulate the birthday person.
    • Bouquet of butterflies. If you don’t have money for fresh flowers, draw on thick paper or plastic bottle several multi-colored butterflies, cut them out and glue them onto thin sticks. Gather the sticks into a bun and tie with a satin ribbon.
    • Surprise box. Place a wide variety of candies in a candy box. small items, accompanying them with notes of congratulations. For example, a hair clip (“stay as beautiful!”), balloon(“let every day be a holiday”), ascorbic acid (“ good health") and so on.
    • Print out any pictures you find on the Internet. Cut them out and pack them in a fabric bag. When congratulating the birthday person, take a picture out of the bag and wish him what you associate this picture with (you can invite each guest to take out a picture). For example, if the picture shows night and a tent in the middle of the forest, you can wish for bright adventures, travel and romantic starry nights.

    You can offer many more options for “budget” gifts. Your imagination and selection the right words will help make the most modest gift memorable for a lifetime. You can get other surprise ideas from the articles in this section

    There are situations when you are unexpectedly invited to a birthday party, to celebrate some event, or just to visit. You have to go with a gift, but there is no money. What to do in such a situation? Should I not go to visit at all or should I urgently come up with something? Of course, invent! There are a lot of interesting things that you can give without having large sum money.

    "Candy" gift with predictions

    For such a gift you will need a bright and beautiful box. You can make such a box with your own hands by covering a cardboard blank with a beautiful wrapping paper or bright fabric.

    You need to put a lot of different candies into the box. You don’t have to put expensive chocolate ones; if you don’t have the money, inexpensive caramels will do. The point is to wrap each caramel in a piece of paper with a cheerful and funny prediction, and then in a factory-made candy wrapper. If you do this, you won’t end up with candy, but with a fortune-telling kit. You can make candies not with predictions, but with tasks for playing forfeits.

    If the birthday boy is interested in something

    Maybe your friend collects postcards or is interested in growing flowers? Or maybe he loves books or collects some magazines? Think, you probably have something that can please a person and give him pleasure.

    Handmade gift

    There is a lot of room for creativity here. If you know how to draw, then you can give a painting made by yourself. You can paint the most ordinary T-shirt in an original and funny way. If you know how to bake deliciously or cook something original, then you can really please a person with your culinary delights. Or maybe you knit? Do you weave from beads? Sculpt unusual figures, carve them out of wood... the scope for imagination is simply unlimited. The most important thing is that things made with warmth and soul have been highly valued from time immemorial and have been the most expensive gift.

    Photos as a gift

    You probably have photos of your vacations, studies, trips, travels together. All these photos can be collected into a beautiful album and decorated with funny captions. You can make a funny collage, magazine or wall newspaper.

    Several gifts at once

    If you don’t have the money for an expensive gift, then you can give several inexpensive gifts. The main thing is to be able to select items so that they are combined with each other.

    If you go to visit a girl who paints, then these could be brushes, a set of paper, or some funny erasers. If a person is interested in creativity, then you can give creativity kits. For a computer lover, you can give an unusually shaped mouse, some programs, or a cup heater. All this is not expensive at all, but it will definitely give you pleasure.

    Gifts all day

    For loved ones and loved one who lives with you, you can arrange a “day of declaration of love.” Throughout the house you can place handmade cards with kind and sincere wishes. Along with the cards you can put angels, keychains on mobile phone and other nice little things.

    Even if you don’t have a large sum of money, the most important thing is not the price of the gift, but your imagination. The gift must be given from the heart, from the bottom of the heart. Then this gift will be remembered for a long time, and will really delight the person for whom it is intended.

    Do you want to please the important man in your life, but don’t have enough money or no money at all? On various forums they make stupid jokes and advise nonsense, but in reality this is not such a problem. You can arrange a holiday, even if you don’t have an extra hundred rubles, and also come up with an interesting present for up to 500 rubles. So, we tell you what to give a man if you don’t have money, and we offer many ideas for budget gifts for men.

    What to give to your beloved man if there is no money at all

    Situations are different, but since this happens, don’t be upset. The main thing is to create a festive mood and please your loved one. The holiday is still within us.

    • Wash his car. You can - in a swimsuit, if the weather and conditions allow, make a romantic mini-show out of it. Many people like this, but few can boast that beautiful girl I washed his car the way they show in the movies.
    • Embroider something on his T-shirt. If you live together or visit him, you can take the one that looks decent, you don’t have to buy a new one. The Internet is full of mini-drawings, or you can convert any small design into cross stitch. Just not kittens and flowers, but, for example, the logo of your favorite game or superhero. You can embroider on a towel, or anything.
    • Make a new photo frame from an old one. Look for photo frame decor ideas and apply new decor on any existing frame. For example, coffee beans, spices, shells, or just beautiful stones. You can insert a photo or print a funny “Certificate to the Best Man.”
    • If you know how to knit, knit. Socks or a scarf are simpler, a sweater is more complicated. One girl wrote that she unraveled her old unloved sweater and knitted socks for a man. But I didn’t even spend money on thread.
    • Make a memorable video. For example, you can contact his friends and relatives, ask him to record on camera a wish or memories of the happiest day with the birthday boy, and edit a video.
    • Create a photo presentation. Easier and faster than with video, joint photos you definitely have, and you can also find funny old ones on his page on the social network. Figure out how to put them together into a love story or the life story of your loved one.
    • Decorate your apartment. A good option, if you don’t know what to give a man if you don’t have money. Most likely there will be colored paper or stickers. Write something nice on each one, stick them in the closet, in the refrigerator, on the mirror, on the walls - wherever you can. And let him find them and rejoice.
    • Write “100 reasons why I love you.” Take beautiful box or a jar, write on pieces of paper pleasant words, roll it up, you can tie it with strings. You can open them all at once or take one out every day and be happy.
    • Checkbook of wishes or such certificates. For example, 10 hikes with friends without a single reproach on your part. Or refusing to go to see your mother. There are a lot of examples on the Internet, imagine what you could offer. Or give blank certificates and let him write in what he wants, but be prepared that he will have to follow through.
    • Massage. Of course, romantic. It would be nice - with massage oil, but in fact, you can take olive oil, drop aromatic into it, or flavor it with something else. Think about what you have at home and experiment with mixing ahead of time.

    You see how many options there are for what you can give a man if you don’t have money. Use a little imagination and you will choose something that suits your situation, relationships and opportunities.

    Up to 100 rubles: the most budget-friendly men's gifts

    After we have come up with so many ideas for you on what to give a man if you have no money at all, with 100 rubles in your pocket you can do much more. For example:

    • Balls with wishes. The idea is the same as with certificates, but you write your wishes on paper, put them in balloons and inflate them. You can burst everything, or you can offer to choose, for example, 3 out of 10, and not say what was in the rest. Also an element of surprise. You can offer to guess what was in others, and this way you will learn about the man’s other desires for the future.
    • Fortune cookies. Very few ingredients needed. Write tender words or predictions, make a simple dough and bake. It will be a lot and interesting.
    • Candies with tender notes, attached to them with ribbons. The point here is not the candy at all, but the general tenderness, so you only need a little of it. When you have little money, you can give a man even budget caramels, wrapping them in notes, or unwrap them and put a note inside.
    • Antibooks– creative book covers. If you don't know what it is, search online and you will definitely laugh at this unbridled creativity. Only for men who read books in public, for example, on the subway. A great idea for a budget gift for men.
    • Textile marker. Depending on where you find them, you can even buy two or three, in different colors. You can use them to decorate old T-shirts and take funny photos, or decorate each other's things at a party. Unexpected and fun, although the idea is, in general, nonsense. But up to 100 rubles.
    • Anti-stress head massager. When there is little money, this is what you can give a man. Another little thing, but it’s very amusing at the party, they vying with each other to snatch it out of their hands. By the way, this thing can also be very romantic.
    • Yo-Yo toy– for men from 15 to 40. Many remember it from childhood, and will be happy to remember old tricks, repeat the movements from Youtube videos, and they will have fun. Not very expensive, but so much fun.
    • Mask for sleep- Another one inexpensive gift for a man who can be both simply funny (close the birthday boy’s eyes and come up with competitions), and incredibly romantic, promising and unexpected.

    Many gifts from this series are simply funny and funny, but it all depends on how you present them. Depending on who you are giving them to - your loved one or just a friend, choose something suitable for the situation.

    Ideas for budget gifts for men in the range of 300 – 500 rubles

    Strictly speaking, this is not exactly the case when there is no money at all, but it is not very much either. That is, there is definitely not enough for something serious and large, but you can choose a completely worthy present.

    • Book. Why not? An interesting publication or a new book can be equipped with an anti-book. In general, if the recipient loves paper books, you can definitely give them as a gift. You can ask the sellers for help, they will tell you what to choose as a present, what is new, interesting and popular now. Well, be guided by the person - for some a collection of oriental wisdom, for others - a new product from a popular blogger.
    • Flask. It would be better if it was full, especially since you can spend even a small amount. All men like flasks, and even if he doesn’t carry it with him all the time, it’s just nice to have.
    • Cigarette case. For those who smoke. A lighter is already banal, they always get lost anyway, but a cigarette case is unusual and stylish.
    • Beer mug or glass. Convenient and can be used almost immediately during the holiday. And even if the recipient already has such a thing, they still fight. Either give a wooden one or a metal one - one that will last forever.
    • Radio controlled car. Strictly speaking, many would like a drone or a helicopter, but the gift does not fit into this amount, but you can find a car. Just not on wiring, it’s not that interesting at all. Buy batteries right away, because most likely the gift will be unpacked and used right away.
    • Lego. It’s not obvious, but when writing this article, three men between the ages of 20 and 40 said that they would like to receive at least a small set of this construction set. A funny, inexpensive gift for a man, but also original.
    • Massage candles. This is already a romantic thing, and if you don't massage each other regularly, now is the time to do it. He will be excited. Moreover, they are very interesting sensations, and such a massage is memorable.

    Many men are children at heart, so they like something original, funny, funny. Even a gift for a loved one does not have to be romantic. And toys are definitely better than teddy bears, hearts, scented candles or something similar that girls like to give to their lovers.

    Gift certificates: a sea of ​​ideas up to 500 rubles

    When it comes to experience certificates, many people think that they are very expensive. Of course, all these plane flights, jeep trips, and other active recreation. However, even here you can find many options for pleasant gifts. We were guided by Moscow prices, so it may be even cheaper in other cities. So, ideas budget gifts certificates for men up to 500 rubles.

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