• Words associated with February 23


    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be happy! Remain as brave, caring and reliable! Let your arsenal never run out of luck, let your optimism never fade, and let your loved ones delight you with support. Bright victories and valiant achievements! Happy holiday!

    Especially for the site

    On February 23, I wish you courage, strength, and inspiration for achievements! May you always be lucky in achieving your goals and may your friends always support you! Let your heart always be light and light from the fact that you are loved and waited for! I wish you never have any reason to doubt and always win!

    Especially for the site

    You have truly masculine valor, dear! Happy February 23rd! May barriers fall before you, and the breadth of your soul will be marked by the orders of “Love” and “Happiness”, medals of “Joy” and “Triumph”! Let the holiday immerse you in the joy of a friendly feast with noisy fun!

    Especially for the site

    Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, your willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know your boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front! Have a nice holiday, my dear Man! With you I feel very safe! Thank you for being so sensitive, attentive, caring and loving! I wish you only good news at work, as many pleasant memories as possible of home and loved ones, to always feel needed and free at the same time!

    Especially for the site

    February 23 is the holiday of the brave and brave! May success, prosperity and career ups be within your control. Celebrate Courage Day with true friends fun and enthusiasm. You are a true defender, ready to make sacrifices for the good of your family, friends and homeland. I wish you the warmth of true love!

    Especially for the site

    Congratulations to a Real Man, strong and brave, on the holiday of Defender of the Motherland! I wish you happiness and peaceful days. Victory on all fronts of life! May good luck and good mood always accompany you, and may there be only true friends and loving family around you. Happy February 23rd!

    Especially for the site

    Happy holiday to all men! I wish that everything comes true and there is still a little bit left. Enjoy life and always expect a new miracle! Our dear men, we congratulate you on the holiday of courage, nobility and honor - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you happiness, a life filled with peace, good health, prosperity, success and love of loved ones. Let there be no obstacles on your path, and always boldly step towards your goals. Live long and happily with a positive attitude! May all your dreams come true!!!

    Especially for the site

    Honor, Faith, Justice... for you these are not just units of the dictionary, but true components of your whole life, because you are a born defender of your fatherland and your relatives! I congratulate you and wish you happiness with all my heart! May it be as strong and noble as you, may it illuminate your long years warm sun!

    Voice congratulations on February 23 from Putin

    Comic congratulations in prose on February 23

    Postcards for February 23, suitable for congratulations in prose and in your own words

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you imperial victories, deputy salaries, heroic strength, heroic courage, angelic patience, unearthly love and true happiness!
    Happy holiday! On this purely masculine day, I would like to wish you that your heart works like a clock, that is, without interruption. So that your head does not hurt from problems, but from brilliant ideas there was no lights out. So that the liver does not protest from drinking. And so that your soul always feels good and calm. Be healthy, as this is the main guarantee of a high-quality and long life.

    Touching congratulations on February 23 in prose

    I solemnly congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you true masculine endurance stronger sex, patience and perseverance beautiful women. Be healthy, always in peace and safety, determined, cheerful and heroically strong. Let there be order, harmony, unity of souls and love in everyday life and personal life!

    Text of congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland. May your strength not sleep, may your heart be full of courage and love, may your life be full of opportunities and success. I wish you to be healthy, strong, brave, a real hero and an undoubted winner.

    SMS congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you agility and strength, courage and daring, confidence and invulnerability. I wish to be a general in life, and in relation to my destiny, a gallant commander. Success and good luck on all fronts.

    Funny congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Our dear men, our brave and courageous defenders! You are our support, hope and protection! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! Dear, beloved, family, thank you for your courage, responsibility and reliability. We appreciate everything you do for us and are very proud of you, because behind your wide backs we are not afraid of anything! We wish you, our brave, caring and beloved men, good health, good luck in everything, strength, patience and masculinity. Always be so strong and brave. We wish you and your families happiness, love, prosperity and, of course, peaceful skies above your heads!

    Prose on February 23rd congratulations

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and with all my heart I wish you to live in complete harmony and happiness, be respected and always remain a true hero. May fate give you many chances for a great victory, may life flow as a long and cheerful river.

    Cool congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish from the bottom of my heart strong strength and nerves of steel, gallant luck and great victories, good deeds and nobility of soul, unquenchable happiness and mutual love.

    Congratulations to the teacher on February 23 in prose

    We wish our dear defenders a tempered character, remarkable endurance, good health, excellent physical shape and confidence. Let the sky be peaceful, your shoulder nearby - reliable, courage - justified, and nobility - self-evident. Happy February 23rd!

    Congratulations on February 23, serious in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to always move in the right direction of luck towards the great sources of great success. And in order for any business to go with a bang, I wish you strength, endurance, patience, skill, courage, courage, foresight, prudence, talent and, most importantly, health. All the best to you, hero!

    Congratulations on February 23 with humorous prose

    Congratulations on the holiday to our dear defenders - those who gave their debt to their homeland and continue to defend their country, women and children every day! Peaceful sky above your head, good health, complete happiness, good luck, love! May all your plans be easily achieved!

    Congratulations on February 23 to your boss in prose

    Today is a holiday of courage, reliability and strength! Congratulations to everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish that peace and tranquility always reign on our planet. And I would also like to wish you, my dears, good health, more vital energy and only positive things. Let's live together, happily and cheerfully.

    Congratulations on February 23 to men, short prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave goals and great victories, confident strength and good health, courage of heart and nobility of soul, true luck and mutual love.

    Congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to be a modern knight, a hero for loved ones, a brave commander by nature and a brave soldier at heart. Don’t lose your strength and confidence, strive for success and boldly conquer the expanses of glory.

    Congratulations on February 23 to men in prose

    Favorite defenders, from February 23. I wish you, no matter what, remain a man with a capital “M”. Family happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your families.

    Congratulations on February 23, short in prose

    Dear men, we hasten to bring you our sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day; the stronger sex, by definition, is the guarantor of support and protection for those who need it. So be healthy, cheerful, active, cheerful and in demand for many years to come!

    Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to boldly move forward without pain and fatigue, paving the way to victories and the heights of glory of a true hero. I wish to believe in myself, to become stronger and stronger every day, to be invulnerable and unshakable.

    Congratulations on February 23 to the director in prose

    Congratulations on February 23 - the holiday of courage and bravery. I wish you strength and courage, so that luck and fortune will always be with you. May your life be happy, and the sky above your head cloudless and clear.

    Congratulations on February 23 in official prose

    Happy holiday! Don't stop moving towards your goal. May life bring peace of mind, tranquility, a sea of ​​smiles, pleasant memories. Stay courageous, strong, confident, responsible. May the angel protect you and not give you offense. Have a peaceful life with your family.

    Congratulations on February 23 in prose new

    Dear defenders! Today is a holiday for every true man. Let me congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are our wall, protecting us from all misfortunes and troubles. I wish you to remain as brave, proud and strong. Be the kind of people that your parents and Motherland will be proud of! Happy holiday!

    Congratulations on February 23 in prose pictures

    I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you never to stand still, but to constantly move forward, achieve great success, turn your plans and ideas into reality, reach significant heights in your career, love, social and personal life.

    Congratulations on February 23 in prose to a friend

    Congratulations! On this day of courage and heroism, I would like to wish you good health, because a man must be strong. We wish you great patience, because consistency always decorates. We wish material well-being, because this is necessary to build your happiness. Well, the most important wish is a world without tears, without war. Strong family and lots and lots of all-consuming love!

    Congratulations to brother on February 23 in prose

    Dear and irreplaceable men, congratulations on February 23! We greatly appreciate your mighty strength, strong defense and incredible endurance. We wish that fortune always accompanies you on your journey, love and prosperity reign in your families, warmth and comfort warm your soul. May all roads lead to happiness and new victories; may any undertaking bring excellent results and a good mood. May any peak be conquered by your courage and perseverance. Happy holiday!

    Congratulations to employees on February 23 in prose

    On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you health, success, love and always a peaceful sky above your head, so that nothing disturbs your measured, prosperous and happy life, which I also wish for you.

    Congratulations to a soldier on February 23 in prose

    Dear men, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, your skills multiply, your achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, your family give you strength and inspiration, your work bring the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

    Congratulations on February 23rd in prose

    On Defender of the Fatherland Day, let me wish real men courageous actions, personal happiness, kindness and care from family and friends, peaceful and clear skies above their heads. Be healthy, successful and lucky.

    Congratulations on February 23rd SMS short prose

    Congratulations to our men on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish only clear skies to be around you. May the strength of will and spirit, courage, bravery and perseverance, reliability and determination inherent in you be supported by good luck, prosperity, powerful health and increasing well-being!

    Congratulations on February 23 to a guy in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I would like to wish you to courageously and confidently continue your life path on this holiday, eliminating any obstacles on the way to your goal. May every day be filled with rays Have a good mood and personal happiness, let life be famous for good deeds and noble deeds.

    Congratulations on February 23 to officers in prose

    Happy Defender's Day! May your fortitude and health be heroic. We wish that in life there will always be a place for heroic deeds, that you will always be surrounded by reliable, trusted friends. May everything always work out and your wishes come true.

    Congratulations on February 23 to classmates in prose

    Congratulations on the day, which praises courage, honor, patriotism, loyalty to military duty, the ability to create a peaceful environment, ensure the security of the country’s borders and people’s lives. Let honor be according to your deserts, let respect accompany you, let your health not fail you, let your shoulder be strong and your word firm.

    Congratulations on February 23 to your husband in prose

    Dear men! You are an attentive, reasonable and protective half of humanity! It is thanks to you that women know what sound sleep and a calm heart are. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

    Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved in prose

    Dear men! How boring, meaningless and hard life would be without you. On Defenders of the Fatherland Day, we thank you for your fearlessness, strength, optimism, humor, and for being there when we need support and protection. Thank you, our dears! I wish you health, success, faith in the best and happiness. Happy holiday!

    Congratulations on February 23 to clients in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always stay afloat and never retreat from your goal. May any difficulties be easily overcome, may you achieve a brilliant victory every time. Be brave, confident and invulnerable.

    Congratulations on February 23 to grandfather in prose

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Let only good and sincere people meet on your path in life, let your friends be real, and your loved ones be faithful and devoted. Good health, stability and tranquility. Protect your family hearth from evil thoughts of various troubles.

    Congratulations on February 23 to a doctor in prose

    Our dear, respected men, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Congratulations, we wish you to be strong, courageous, courageous, powerful, resourceful, purposeful, true to your ideals. You are our support, protection, reliability. May peace, prosperity and prosperity surround you. Happy holiday!

    Congratulations on February 23 in prose to the leader

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this holiday of strength and courage I wish to courageously bear the title of gallant defender of the Motherland and loved ones, my principles and values. I wish your health to be strong, your loved one to be faithful, your luck to be constant, your courage to be unquenchable, and your happiness to be endless.

    Congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Dear men! Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! You are our pride, our support. You provide support and come to the rescue Hard time. We love, appreciate and respect you. We will try to decorate your life, make it brighter and lighter. We wish you optimism, cheerfulness, good mood. Good luck and success to you.

    Congratulations to pensioners on February 23 in prose

    Today is a gallant holiday of real heroes, and with all my heart I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you inexhaustible strength to achieve true and good goals, iron endurance, steely health and strong nerves. May every opponent and enemy always be defeated, may you always remain in an optimistic and cheerful mood!

    Congratulations to partners on February 23 in prose

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you strength, courage, courage, patience, peaceful skies above your head and solid ground under your feet! Thank you for your patriotism, for our safety, for the peaceful sleep of our children, you are our protection and support!

    Congratulations to dad on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day of strength and courage, I wish everyone to feel the love of their homeland. To be brave, heroic, strong and healthy. Let there be warmth, prosperity and comfort in the family. Progress and advancement at work. I am proud of our defenders and wish only the best!

    Congratulations to boys on February 23 in prose

    Our dear men, congratulations on February 23! I wish you strength, health, good luck, prosperity, happiness. May peace, tranquility and love always reign in your families. May you never have to defend your hearth with weapons in your hands. Good luck, sunshine and joy to you!

    Congratulations from the team on February 23 in prose

    To be a rock, a wall, a support, a protection. Bold, courageous, courageous and reliable. Be able to make important and responsible decisions, not get lost and be confident in yourself. I wish all this on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulations on the holiday!

    Congratulations to women on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! From the bottom of my heart I wish you only the best. May your health improve, your love never leave you, and may good luck always accompany you on your life’s journey.

    Congratulations to military personnel on February 23 in prose

    Happy men's holiday, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Congratulations and express our gratitude for your strength, courage and reliable protection. Stay brave heroes women's hearts and swashbuckling defenders of their mothers. May your path be bright, the possibilities are unlimited. We wish you happiness, a peaceful sky without wars and battles, let only goodness languish in your hearts and share it with the world around you. Do good deeds, and fate will definitely reward you in kind.

    Congratulations to the military on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender's Day! I wish you a clear sky and a bright world of peace and equality. May you be surrounded by simple human happiness, reliable friendship, faithful loving family and open possibilities. Good luck in your business, promotion, useful ideas and eternal positivity.

    Congratulations to veterans on February 23 in prose

    For any of us, the Motherland means a lot. Defending the Fatherland is a noble, selfless cause. I wish everyone a peaceful sky, a calm every day. Let our unique country prosper. May the Almighty be his protection. May each of us always feel safe. I wish our defenders easy service, honor and respect.

    Original congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! On the day of honoring courage, I wish you strength of spirit, strong nerves, perseverance and endurance! You are our protection, support and support. Courage to you, great achievements and many victories!

    Best congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to sincerely wish you true courage and good health, courage of the soul and courage of the heart, noble deeds and great goals, excellent luck and brilliant prospects in life.

    Creative congratulations on February 23 in prose

    I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you brave beginnings and victorious results, good health and confident strength, undoubted courage and great courage, masculine determination and nobility of soul, bright love and good happiness.

    Beautiful congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish you to maintain your spirit strong men, faithfully stand guard over the borders of the Motherland, be a reliable support and support for family, friends and friends, be healthy, prosperous and self-confident.

    Heartfelt congratulations on February 23 in prose

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish that common sense and great strength always help you achieve victory in any matter, that life is made happier and more joyful by true friendship and sincere love, that thunder does not thunder and lightning flashes on your way, May the sun always shine in your life, sending rays of inspiration and gallant courage.
    Today is the day of courage, boldness, bravery, today is the day of courage and honor! I wish you that on this holiday your dreams come true and your hopes come true. May you always be successful, cheerful, beautiful and strong! I wish you to forget about all the troubles and enjoy this February day, on this masculine, long-awaited day.
    Dear defenders, happy holiday! We wish you peaceful skies above your head so that you don’t have to defend your country. I wish you good health, a heroic mile and an eagle mind.
    Congratulating you on the Day of True Men, we wish that nothing disturbs the peace and tranquility of your families, may they always welcome and love you. Achieve goals, dream, travel, discover new things, get carried away, be interested, let your life be an example for others and a reason for pride for your children.
    Dear men! We wish that the state never needs protection. And you never told how this is done. Let your heroic life consist only of gallant deeds and the conquest of women's souls. And so that instead of weapons you would carry beautiful ladies in your arms.
    I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of strong strength and gallant courage. I wish you strong nerves and steely health, real endurance and constant fairness in life. Let your character allow you to show courage in any battle and gentleness towards loved ones, let your soul be filled with the light of courage, and your heart with wisdom and love.
    Dear representatives of the stronger sex, may your shoulder always be reliable, your hand strong, and your mind clear. We wish you to constantly experience a feeling of triumph in life, the joy of fruitful work, a sense of family happiness, care and understanding. Be healthy and successful!
    Happy holiday, dear men! I wish you to be strong in spirit, have a wonderful future and enjoy the taste and aroma of life. And in return receive a gift filled with positive colors. May you be surrounded by reliable people! Good luck with everything.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you courage of the heart, courage of the soul, health of the body and strength of spirit. Let every day be famous for your feat or real deed, let everything be in your hands and always within your power. Be a reliable defender of your family, your dreams, your country, your hopes.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to always be confident in your chosen position. Always set your priorities correctly and be proud of your homeland. Let courage and strength pulsate in your blood. Be healthy, smart, strong and dedicated to your aspirations. Happy holiday!
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be a brave and bold eagle, a brave and invincible lion. May every hero’s day be successful, may every master’s work be successful, may every act of a real man be worthy of respect.
    On this holiday, we wish to preserve the qualities of real men: the ability to protect, give a sense of confidence and security. May your life prosper, be healthy and full of strength.
    February is the harshest and most courageous month of the year. So let's congratulate our men on Fatherland Day. Let us wish them courage, bravery and beauty of soul. I wish you good health and positivity in everything. May your life be filled with the love of your loved ones and friends.
    Happy February 23rd! Only life experience, good health, sincere intentions, bright thoughts in the head, and in the soul - kindness and a reliable person. Be a loyal and responsible person, an interesting person and a true friend. Victories, successful results in all achievements, prosperity, home comfort, promising meetings and friendly people nearby.
    Today these congratulations are for you, dear defenders! Thank you for your courage, bravery and bravery. Because we sleep peacefully while you guard our home. Because you are our insurmountable stone wall. God bless you! And gives more strength, health and confidence. May your home love you, be proud of you, and wait for you safe and sound. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
    I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you a good mood and optimism of the soul, good luck and good health, patriotic ideas and courage of heart, the desire for good and good happiness.
    Happy February 23rd! Dear defenders, I wish you strength of spirit, tempered character and masculine core! Let you take the course as a young fighter, but you will never have to defend your Motherland or a small homeland with weapons in your hands. Positive emotions, health, perseverance and success.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, do beautiful and kind deeds, take care of and deeply love your loved ones, take care of the future and successfully achieve great heights.
    Dear friends, colleagues and family! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish everyone to live in peace with themselves, with their loved ones and with their land! Let happiness come to every home without an invitation or a knock, and let health be the most the best gift! I wish you kindness, warmth, sincerity and love!
    Our dear defenders! We wish you to remain the same unshakable rocks that shield us from adversity, do not allow us to be offended and guarantee a sense of security. And may there certainly be those next to each of you who need to be protected and those who will provide a reliable, loyal rear. Happy holiday, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!
    Congratulations on the most courageous holiday! I wish you strength, courage, health, family well-being, incredible luck. May there always be clear skies above you, and may there be peace in your soul and heart. Happy February 23rd to you.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish a real man perseverance, energy, effectiveness and determination! May the power of will and spirit always help you achieve what you want. Always be brave defenders, support and a reliable family man. Happy holiday!
    Our dear men! Our wall, our defense and our stronghold! Congratulations on your day. We wish that your courage, determination, dignity and honor become something that you want to imitate and admire. We know that you can protect from everything in the world, but I wish that you didn’t have to protect from anything. Happy holiday!
    On this courageous holiday, I would like to wish you health, good luck in your service, and career growth! So that they always wait at home and have a reliable rear. Peaceful sky above your head, remaining a protector and support for your family!
    Congratulations on the most brutal holiday of the year - February 23! I would like to wish real men more strength, patience, good luck and goodness! May there always be peace and tranquility in your homes. Let your loved ones always be under your impenetrable protection! I wish that more worthy defenders of the Motherland grow up in your families, so that they can always take your example of bravery, bravery and justice!
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave deeds and noble deeds, strong strength and excellent health, great goals and grandiose successes, bright hope and sincere love.
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland. I wish you to be a destroyer of problems and a conqueror of success. May you always have enough health and strength to achieve any goal, may every day give your loved ones a reason to be proud of you. Be confident and good looking.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this wonderful holiday of courage I would like to wish you to remain a fair and respected person in any life situation, to prove yourself a brave and courageous man in any battle, to see your prospects and inevitable success in any business, to find your happiness every day and receive pleasure.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to never stop there, constantly strive for excellence, always know what you need from life and how to achieve it, surround yourself loving people and true friends, act according to your conscience and keep your word of honor.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be strong, brave and courageous, confident, persistent and unshakable, impulsive, strong and resourceful, cheerful, smart and purposeful, successful, respected and loved.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this holiday of strength and courage, I wish that a march of courage and justice plays in life, and a waltz of love and hope is heard in my heart. May there be no obstacles to brave ideas and noble deeds, may the fire of great goals and great opportunities always burn on your path.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you respect in any circle of people, understanding of loved ones and support of comrades. May life exclude accidents, may fate ensure success in business, may your strength never dry out, may your heart always remain brave, loving and kind.
    Congratulations to the strong half of humanity on the wonderful February holiday, designed to honor real men! We wish you to be a reliable support to your family and friends, to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to demonstrate difficult situations will, endurance and desire to win. Be healthy, loved and successful!
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! In our difficult times, I wish you to be not indifferent to the misfortune of others, to remember humanity, to serve goodness, to merge your thoughts into peaceful goals, to believe in the future. Be healthy, happy, loved, rich in family joys.
    Happy holiday, our dear defenders! Thank you for our peaceful sleep. I would like to wish from the bottom of my heart iron health, strong support, caring love and good luck that always accompanies you in life. May there always be peace and tranquility around you. And your reliable hands to give only tenderness.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and bravery. Let every day be successful, every action worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible.
    Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be the defenders of your destiny, the guardian of your life, a support for your loved ones and confidence in the future. Peaceful sky and bright sun overhead. Goodness, love, beauty, health, strength, perseverance, good spirits.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I wish you to always be strong, strong, brave and invincible. May it be easy and simple for you to remain a real man in any situation, may it not be difficult for you to achieve great successes and enchanting victories.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish that they would hold weapons only for peaceful purposes, that they would love and be loved, that dreams would come true, that they would achieve their goals, that they would be healthy, courageous, resilient, persistent and selfless in the name of love for the Motherland and for women!
    Our dear men and defenders! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are our protection and support, thank you, our dear ones, for calm and peace. We wish you, our dear ones, good health, courage, strength and good spirits. May your life be easy, positive and successful. I wish you happiness, love and prosperity.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish to be a man of my word, brave deeds, noble deeds, sincere respect, true honor, a generous soul and a brave heart. I also wish you to be strong and healthy, absolutely confident in yourself and your success!
    Today is the holiday of those who make our lives reliable and calm. We congratulate our dear defenders, we wish you to show all due courage, strength and endurance at the right time. And may the sky above you be peaceful, bright and clear as often as possible. Happy February 23rd!
    On the day of February 23, I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of courage and bravery - on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to maintain your fighting spirit, excellent mood and good health. May you always be able to remain a reliable and faithful defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!
    I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and I want to wish you to remain a courageous and brave man, a kind and sympathetic person, in any weather and in any place. May life give you many opportunities to achieve success, countless chances for luck and a lot of great achievements.
    Congratulations to our beloved men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. With all our hearts we wish them health, warmth, joy, peaceful skies above their heads, love and happiness. You are our strength, support, protection. May your life be bright and bright, full of pleasant meetings, events and surprises.
    Dear men and defenders! We wish you to always be in full combat readiness, to have in your arsenal loyal friends, a full wallet, an iron will, a steely character, good health, and deadly charisma. Well, today - “At ease!” And may your loved ones and your iron horse make you happy!
    Congratulations on the most patriotic day - Defender of the Fatherland Day! First of all, I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and also heroic courage, excellent health and boundless wisdom. Let life be full of great and small deeds!
    Congratulations on February 23 and I want to wish you on this holiday, despite the troubles of life and the machinations of fate, to always remain real and a faithful man, a man of word and deed, a man of strength and courage, a man of justice and honor, a man who gives love and warmth to loved ones. Let there be undoubted success in your business, let good luck accompany you in everything in life.
    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and with all my heart I would like to wish you never to deviate from the right path, to constantly replenish your arsenal of health strong forces and optimism, always believe in yourself, find support in loved ones and friends, stand boldly and confidently against any wind in life.
    Happy holiday of strength and courage! May your life be peaceful and measured, may we wish success, good health, mutual love, decent salaries and true happiness to the defenders of our Motherland!

    Wonderful men, congratulations on February 23rd. I wish you not to lose courage and strength of character, I wish you to always stand in defense of your families and your principles, I wish you never to show cowardice or fear, I wish you to remain real men in all situations, possessing all the qualities of a hero and a valiant knight.

    Happy February 23, dear men. I wish you to be real gentlemen, in whose strength four elements live - the fire of passion burns, the water of determination flows, the earth becomes harder and harder under your feet and the air of love is inhaled through your chest. Good luck to you in your business, mutual understanding in relationships, prosperity in your home, health in your body and life in a spirit of cheerfulness, inspiration and confidence.

    Dear men, congratulations on February 23! We wish you great achievements in life, boundless love and endless happiness. Good luck to you and justified hopes, may fate give you many different roads to your goals.

    Dear men! You are our strength, support and support. Therefore, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish you courage, vigor, bravery, health of mind and body. May the sky above your head be peaceful, and may you only have to fight in computer games!

    Dear men, congratulations on February 23! We wish you to be brave, courageous, believe in yourself and support your friends. May your health be strong, your hand steady and your heart warmed by the warmth of home. You are our protectors and support, reliable comrades and friends, loved and necessary, take care of yourself! Happy holiday!

    Happy February 23, dear men. You are our strength and weakness, our protection and support, our love and joy. We wish you to keep your family happiness, friendship with comrades, and peace on Earth under true protection. Health to you, our heroes, success and great luck. Let good legends and beautiful epics be made about your exploits and noble deeds.

    Our dears, our real men. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish only peaceful solutions to conflicts. May you never have to go on the warpath, may there always be a compromise and a mutually beneficial solution. Peace in families, prosperity, prosperity, harmony and all the best!

    Dear men, congratulations on February 23, this holiday is deservedly yours! Without you, everything becomes more complicated, because you balance us and are always ready to help! We wish you family happiness, financial success, masculine wisdom and prosperity!

    May everything in your life be great, dear men! Smile more often and fill every moment with positivity! I wish you to become more successful day by day and achieve all your goals! Let the ladies of your heart be faithful to you and love you with all their souls, so that boundless happiness fills your souls!

    I wish you strength for exploits, intelligence and ingenuity for victories, health and good mood for the desire to seek new adventures. Let everyone be for someone the best defender, a reliable support, a beloved and brave knight. Let everyone feel like a real hero, a very necessary and sought-after person. Happy February 23rd!

    Who will repair the door to the hallway? Who will replace the faucet in the kitchen? Who will caress and console? Who will cover you with a warm blanket and bring coffee to bed? Who will courageously protect me from a spider crawling out from around the corner and drive it away with a slipper? Only - you, my brave lion, my sweetest and most wonderful. Congratulations to you, my support, I wish you a lot of money, strong will, to be pride and a stone wall for me and my family.

    On such a solemn day, my dear, I would like to wish you to fight only on the football field or on the chessboard, to shoot only at the shooting range, your uniform to be from Brioni or Baldessarini, and only I called you a fighter or warrior, affectionately and ear. Happy February 23, my tiger, my general!

    From the entire interface of my soul, I wish you to know as many life hacks as possible to make life easier, always in a stylish outfit. Be aware of all the mainstream, fix all the problems, so that everything is reliable. I also wish you strong health like steel, a wallet full of money, a bucket of luck and a sea of ​​love. Happy February 23rd!

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Let your mission be limited to protecting your wife from lack of money, ridding her of outdated outfits; children - from walking to school, parents - from a feeling of loneliness. Victory to you on all fronts!

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. May there always be a sparkle in your eyes, a smile on your face, and may your heart never know sadness. I wish you to make any decisions without delay and win the hearts of women with the same speed. May fate generously reward you with all honors and benefits.

    Congratulations to the strong, fair, intelligent, courageous, kind, courageous, independent, noble, courageous, wise and courageous. You are my Leopold, Carlson, Ilya Muromets, Baron Munchausen and Lieutenant Rzhevsky. I love you for this versatility and congratulate you on Men’s Day, February 23rd. Stay as cheerful, generous and reliable as you are.

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, but I will not wish for ladies to fall in stacks at your feet - after all, an ambush may be hiding behind them. Let your home be your fortress, and let your beloved be your reliable rear. Let the February frost not cool tenderness, freeze the sharpness of the mind, and not cover relationships with loved ones with thickness of ice! In all circumstances and every day, be a real winner!

    Congratulations on the holiday of real and brave men, namely February 23rd. I wish you a lot of warm words, enjoy delicious food, only from a chic restaurant, travel, only with me, pamper your woman, do not forget your family and friends, be a reliable support and true protection for them. Let life be full of victories, bright colors and sunny days, and let bad weather always drive away the wind of change.

    Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. You are a brave and valiant knight, you can easily cope with the role of a defender. What else does a brave knight need? Of course, a horse. I wish you a steel horse on executive class wheels, the fastest, most reliable and durable. Let him soon show off under your windows.

    I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of real men, on the holiday of courage! I wish you to boldly step towards your dreams, and at the sight of you, let them rush to come true! Let your career ladder have comfortable steps... but I’d rather wish that fate provides you with an elevator that will comfortably take you to the floor you need. But the main thing is that on your life’s path you will meet only good people, which will light the lights of happiness in your eyes.

    My beloved defender, my support and hope, I hasten to congratulate you on the men's holiday! I wish that you are attacked only by happiness, luck and financial well-being, and that your hands only know edged weapons, and only in the kitchen. I wish you to accurately hit your goals and objectives, to take by storm those life obstacles that dare to stand in your way. I promise to protect our family rear.

    Real men are kind and indulgent, generous and responsive, have several money cards, the coolest car, a cottage abroad or at least in the south of our country, buy flowers every day and give expensive gifts... The list is ten pages long, not less if you write down all your beloved’s answers to the question “Who is he?” a real man"Don't conform, don't give in to provocation! Prove in practice who a real man is! Happy holiday!

    Today the whole country celebrates February 23rd! Be in solidarity! All women are 10 times more eloquent than usual! It can’t be otherwise, because the next holiday is theirs, their loved ones! You will hear a lot from your lady! The main thing is not to relax! Keep calm! Your brain should be working feverishly: what to ignore, what to pay attention to Special attention. If they tell you “one and only”, be sure to remember to repeat them to the lady of your heart in 2 weeks! If you remember more, the better. Just change the endings! Let your memory not let you down! Good luck!

    Boldly and decisively reflect all congratulations addressed to you with a wide smile! Remember, the wider your smile, the better! Don’t frown even if you receive a remark from your weaker half. In response to a gift that is unlikely to be necessary and useful, compensate your loved one monetary compensation triple the size! The bigger it is, the more tender words you will receive it as a one-time benefit. Be generous! Remember - today is your holiday!

    I wish you a lot of health, would you say it's corny? Perhaps... But today it will be useful to you more than ever, because today is your holiday - the day of a real man, the day of a protector! And this day can be confidently called yours. After all, who, if not you, deserves the title of a true man and protector? So let the sun shine brighter for you today. Drink, have fun, sparing neither effort nor salary!

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