• Wedding toasts from a witness: ideas, tips and examples. Cool toasts of the witness and witness at a wedding in your own words


    2012-10-04 19:14:52: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Dear young people! The famous humorist Kozma Prutkov said: “A wedding ring is the first link in the chain married life" The great Englishman Bernard Shaw also stated: “The wedding ring is a symbol of slavery.” But the same Englishman finally admitted: “To get married is stupid, not to marry is even stupider.” Therefore, dears, let's drink to you, to new family, for the fact that today you foolishly committed a wise act in life!

    2012-10-04 14:20:22: Wedding toasts from a witness

    They say that for a marriage to be happy, it is not enough to find a good person. You still need to try yourself... to become like this!
    Dear groom! We absolutely know that the bride is exclusively good man. Therefore, the success of your union depends entirely on you. May your union be joyful!

    2012-10-01 23:04:30: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Two people meet.
    -Are you married?
    - Married.
    - For a long time?
    - It depends on my wife. Sometimes it’s like we got married yesterday, and sometimes it’s like we’ve been married for forty years. Dear newlyweds, live your whole life the way you just got married yesterday!

    2012-10-01 09:12:18: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Night overtook the three wanderers on the road, and they decided to ask to spend the night in the first house they came across. They knocked, the owner opened the door and asked:
    -Who are you?
    - Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in, master, to spend the night.
    - Unfortunately, I only have one free space. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in. The sick mother said: “Let Health in.” The young daughter asked to let Love in, and the wife - Wealth. They argued for a long time, and the travelers, tired of waiting, went on to look for accommodation for the night. Friends! So let's drink to ensuring that your home always has a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

    2012-09-29 21:08:30: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Two women meet. One says:
    - My husband and I always spend our holidays together. What about you?
    - Usually we are together too. But five years ago, as an experiment, we went on vacation separately.
    - So how? Did you like it?
    - Yes to me!
    - What about your husband?
    - I didn’t ask him... He hasn’t returned yet!
    So let's drink so that we don't experiment on our family vacation!

    2012-09-28 03:25:35: Wedding toasts from a witness

    IN folk tale“How a man divided a goose” says that a savvy peasant gave the head of the goose to the master, because he is the head of the family, and the neck to the lady, because as she turns, so it will be. Let's wish our young people that the husband will always be the head, and the wife the neck, but the head and neck act together and in concert! It's bitter, friends!

    2012-09-28 00:28:28: Wedding toasts from a witness

    There are three words that denote the desire of people for each other: infatuation, infatuation and love. Each of these states is beautiful, and in our current case there is no point in separating them. I would like to wish our young people all three of these states in one bottle! Bitterly!

    2012-09-26 18:05:23: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Dear young people! We wish you that your life will be as bright, joyful, and fun as your wedding. Love and be loved, sacrifice for each other and your sacrifice will be returned to you a hundredfold. Be happy!

    2012-09-26 16:43:20: Wedding toasts from a witness

    American educator Felix Adler said: “The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.” So let's drink to the families who strengthen public safety!

    2012-09-25 19:24:47: Wedding toasts from a witness

    The sages say: “So get used to working as if you will live forever, and yet the fruits that you will manage to create
    Palaces and gardens - you will need them all during your lifetime.”
    The sages say: “So fill yourself with work, as if you were on the verge of death, and remember what you didn’t do today, you will never have time to do.”
    I raise my glass so that the newlyweds may live with kindness and advice all these years in a row.
    And they would be able to work as the sages speak about it in their sayings.

    2012-09-25 11:55:12: Wedding toasts from a witness

    A young girl driving a car was hit by young man riding a motorcycle. The blow was not strong. The young man rose from the ground and addressed a passerby:
    - Would you agree to be my witness?
    - I don’t know what to say! - the passer-by answers. - Actually, I wouldn’t advise you to get married after such a short acquaintance!
    We know that the bride and groom have known each other a little longer. We have no reason to dissuade them from getting married.
    For the young.

    2012-09-24 10:31:20: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Friends! Today at an early hour
    Suddenly the muse visited me!
    She came to ask about you
    And she gave me a toast for good luck!
    What tender words
    She dictated to me, brothers!
    And... my head started spinning!
    I have to admit now...
    Search for eternal words
    Take a spoon full of tenderness!
    And let it burn like firewood,
    Love passion is inevitable!
    And Muse’s toast was simple:
    “We must love each other steadfastly!”
    And I, a single boy,
    Raising my glass, I’ll shout to you: “Bitter!”

    2012-09-23 13:34:37: Wedding toasts from a witness

    In paradise from the apple tree
    Having once tasted the sweet fruit,
    Eve became Adam's wife -
    Since then people have been getting married!

    2012-09-23 08:37:08: Wedding toasts from a witness

    In any feast, buzzing merrily,
    Always find something to do
    Enthusiast, carefully watching
    For all those who don't drink to the bottom.

    The attention is nice, to be honest,
    As long as there is no intrusiveness in him...
    My friend, listen to an experienced toastmaster,
    I want to give you one piece of advice.

    Lei, don’t be sorry - no words, no different jokes,
    Yes, and guilt, since the occasion is not dry.
    But respect the guest, And the meeting is a holiday
    Don't fill it with "demyan's ear".

    Someone else's glass, like someone else's wife,
    The more interesting she is to you,
    The more likely it is to be annoying
    Always the one to whom it is given.

    Here's my glass. Don't be offended if
    Today it is empty - there is no problem.
    That's why we sit down at the table together,
    So that our souls are not empty.

    2012-09-22 01:10:07: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Today we have witnessed how two hearts entered into an alliance to beat inseparably and faithfully, as one, for the rest of their lives. They met a long time ago and exchanged declarations of love and vows long ago, and from today they began to belong to each other. So let fate, which helped them meet, which was favorable to their feelings, continue to be their good companion, weaving only roses into their thread of life. I propose to raise our glasses to the newlyweds, to their happy future. Bitterly!

    2012-09-21 19:46:11: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Dear newlyweds! Dear guests!
    Once I have the right to vote, I will use it to remind everyone here of what the Bible tells us. In the holy book we read about how the Lord God built a garden in Eden and placed it at the disposal of the first people - Adam and Eve - instructing them to care for it. This means that the first newlyweds in the world were gardeners. Heaven was their garden, and maintaining it was their responsibility.
    Our newlyweds today, like Adam and Eve, have settled in their own, long-desired Paradise - the Paradise of their married life. You must nurture and nurture your garden, clear it of all kinds of weeds, then it will become cheerfully green and blooming. May no evil force be able to evict you from your Paradise.
    I address the same words to the inner Paradise, the heart's Eden. May no evil force be able to evict them from there either. May this Paradise never turn into a barren desert of indifference and hostility.
    Be vigilant, young people, make sure that no tempting serpent brings slander and misunderstanding into the love-filled paradise of your heart.
    Let us wish the newlyweds that our newlywed couple will grow and bloom in a fragrant garden!

    2012-09-21 00:26:40: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Connecting your lives is a great blessing at any age. Now there is someone to rejoice with, someone to cut, someone to exchange words with and someone to look after. We rejoice for your happiness. Family is an oasis in the indifferent desert of life. Let's drain the glasses for a long time and happy life ringed, for their health and happiness! God bless you! And bitter!

    2012-09-20 19:34:47: Wedding toasts from a witness

    The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of women. An intelligent, kind, non-quarrelsome wife can... good fairy, create an atmosphere of love, joy, jokes, humor at home, that is, an existence full of joy, happiness and bright light.
    It is in the power of a woman to make a long golden morning out of married life.
    Let's wish all this to our newlyweds, let's wish them a happy family life. And let my greetings with a sparkling glass of wine be the outward expression of our wishes. Bitterly!

    2012-09-19 21:34:39: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Wedding toast from a non-drinker

    2012-09-18 20:47:54: Wedding toasts from a witness

    Guys, you had a hopeless situation. This happened a long time ago, when on the mountain of the gods Olympus, Aphrodite and Hermes fell in love with each other, and they had the fruit of their divine love. I won’t name the name, you know it yourself. Then Zeus was very angry and divided this fruit into two halves - male and female. Since then, these soul mates have been looking for each other all over the Earth and if they find them, they are united by love again. And that's all it takes for these halves to be together. Eternal love to you and do not let Zeus rest, give him your divine fruits.

    As a rule, not everyone is awarded the honorary title of witness. The newlyweds choose only the closest people for this role. The witness, in turn, needs to “keep up the brand” throughout the wedding, because he will be given no less attention than the young people. He should prepare good gift, as well as a toast for the young, which he will pronounce in front of all the guests. That's why I choose congratulatory speech due attention should be given.

    What you can and cannot say when congratulating the newlyweds

    If you have the fortunate opportunity to be a witness at a friends wedding, treat preparing a toast for the bride and groom with special attention. Remember that for him you should choose words, perhaps, as carefully as for the first declaration of love.

    After all, with an inappropriate and incorrect toast you can offend the bride and groom, as well as the guests who were invited to the event.

    Here are a few important points that should never be included in a congratulatory speech:

    So what should a congratulatory toast be like for the bride and groom, delivered by a witness? Necessarily add a little friendly, warm and kind irony to your congratulatory speech. Let both the newlyweds and their guests smile while listening to your congratulations. Don't forget to make your toast short, succinct and meaningful. The point here, of course, is not that you limit yourself to the banal phrase “Congratulations on your marriage.” However, you should also not write a toast on three A4 pages. By the way, your speech should not be banal. Remember that All wedding participants, including the heroes of the occasion, expect creativity from the witness. Don't disappoint people, make your congratulations original.

    Types for the witness

    It's no secret that congratulatory toasts come in different forms. Which option should the witness choose? There are several classifications of congratulations similar type. They are divided according to the form of writing.

    Toasts in verse

    This option is ideal suitable for those who has acting and, of course, poetic abilities. The latter are needed to compose a rhymed text, and the former are needed for its vivid reading. It is worth noting that one can do without poetic inclinations in in this case it is possible, since toasts for the witness in verse are available on the Internet, as well as in specialized publications. But no one will perform the speech for you, so try to do it in such a way that the newlyweds and guests will remember your congratulations for a lifetime.

    Toasts in prose

    This version of congratulations is classic, however, it should not be confused with boring and monotonous. Prosaic speech is preferred mainly by those who, for some reason, do not like poetry or simply do not want to learn them. Despite the fact that poetic speech is much more melodic and easy to hear, a toast in prose can also be beautiful and expressive. After all, the main thing is not the form, but the content. Congratulatory toasts of a witness can also be classified by content.

    Classic congratulations

    They are suitable for witnesses who do not want to use irony. In such a toast, the witness can include standard congratulations and wishes.

    The main thing is to make sure that it is not banal and boring. You can add a little creativity even to a classic congratulation.

    Cool congratulations

    Comic toasts go “with a bang” at any holiday. Wedding ceremony is no exception, so the witness can add a little irony to his speech. True, he should not forget that humor should be appropriate, kind and warm. IN otherwise there is a risk of insulting and offending the bride and groom or the guests present at the event. If you are not sure that the heroes of the occasion will like your jokes, it is better to refuse to use them. This version of congratulations, like the previous one, can be either in verse or in prose.


    This type of congratulations is always very popular. It combines qualities such as wisdom and irony. Such a toast begins with a beautiful or humorous legend, and ends with a philosophical saying and an invitation to drink to something, someone. From the description of the contents of a congratulation of this type it is clearly seen that it ideal for witness.


    Such toasts can be used both when presenting a gift and when making a dinner speech. Here everything depends on the preferences of the witness who is going to congratulate the newlyweds in this way. They can be both in poetry and in prose.

    Examples of toasts from a witness

    The witness can compose a congratulatory speech for the newlyweds on his own. If you don’t have the time or desire for this, you can already use ready-made options toast.

    Here are their examples:


    In prose

    Dear bride and groom! Today I have the honorable role of witness. For me, these are not just words and responsibilities. I witnessed how a new family was born. I was next to you at the most important moment in your life - when you agreed to be husband and wife in front of all the guests. I hope that you will live a long and happy life together, walk the same path hand in hand, and your family will be friendly. Very soon you will probably have children, thereby delighting grandparents who are looking forward to their grandchildren. Love each other, don't quarrel, live peacefully and well. Bitterly! *** Your wedding day is one of the most important days in your life. Dear friends, I am incredibly happy to witness that your union is legalized. You are family now. Just listen: FAMILY! How proud and majestic it sounds. Despite the fact that there are as many as seven “I”s in this word, there are only two of you so far. But what exactly is the problem? Where are two loving people, there are a lot of kids there too! Dear newlyweds, live in joy, do not leave each other in grief, be one whole, no matter what! Happiness and prosperity to you! Bitterly!

    In verse

    Today is a wonderful wedding day!

    What, friends, can I wish for you?

    Let the jokes and songs never cease

    We will congratulate you for a long time!

    Live long, peacefully, passionately,

    Keep your union faithful!

    May your every day be happiness

    I'm not afraid to jinx him!

    I am your witness today

    And I want to wish you

    Until the diamond before the wedding

    Live together peacefully!

    Don't get sick, don't fight,

    Be happy always

    Meet with your loved ones more often,

    Be together forever!

    Cool toasts from a witness at a wedding

    In prose

    One witness was asked how you agreed to perform such a role at a wedding if you cannot be firmly sure that the newlyweds really love each other and will live a long and happy life. To which he replied: “Whether they live or not, what difference does it make? I came to drink and hang out, and the rest is not important to me.” I want to tell you right away that this was a very bad witness. So, I'm not like that at all. I am firmly confident that our newlyweds will celebrate both a silver and a golden wedding. Don't let me down! Bitter for the young!

    In verse

    Come on, guests, don't get bored,

    We congratulate the young people!

    I am a witness - an important guy,

    Brave, kind and courageous.

    I want to congratulate the young people,

    Not afraid of universal rules.

    I wish them all the best,

    There is no other way!


    This type of toast is preferable to use in prose.

    High, high in the mountains lived one wise and very respected man. Young people came to him every week to ask for advice. And so one groom appeared to the sage on the eve of the wedding. He did not know what to do, because he loved his future wife, and her parents did not want this marriage. The sage ordered him to invite the bride's parents to him on the wedding day early in the morning. On the appointed day, the guy led them to the sage and, calling him aside, asked what to do now. The sage told him to run to the wedding, and he himself would find something to talk about with his parents. This is how a beautiful, magnificent wedding took place, at the end of which the bride’s parents, who had become noticeably wiser, appeared. Let's drink to the fact that your parents are wise and good people, which did not become an obstacle for you, and you found your happiness, which right now you promise to all of us never to lose! Bitter for the young!

    Short toasts from a witness at a wedding

    In prose

    You can wish a lot for a wedding, and you will probably hear all of it today. And I wish you mutual understanding and patience. Let this be, and the rest will follow!

    In verse

    A family was born today!

    Happy Wedding Day to you, my friends!

    Your wonderful, faithful union

    May hundreds of muses be preserved forever!

    As we said above, the toast should not be too long; you can congratulate the newlyweds beautifully and competently in a minute, for example, as in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QZv4SCa6_U

    The role of a witness at a wedding is one of the most honorable. falls on his shoulders large number responsibilities. First of all, it is helping the bride and groom in any situation. Witnesses adjust their dress, hairstyle and makeup. Witnesses keep wedding rings and participate in the bride price.

    Among other things, the witnesses also need to make a congratulatory speech. Their words are among the first to be heard. Friends don't just talk beautiful words, they support the married couple and try to wish maximum quantity positive points.

    Congratulations to the newlyweds from a witness

    The role of witness is often played by one of the closest people on the groom’s side. This could be a relative or friend. If you are chosen as a witness, it means you are trusted and respected.

    Original wishes

    If you want to distinguish yourself at a celebration, you need to think over a speech that will not be repeated.

    Will surprise guests at the event.

    1. The state of falling in love is a happy time, it is replaced by love and mutual respect.
      Love is an interesting thing, it should always be supported. This is the fire that improper care, it might just go out. The task of the young is to find common interests, start a common business, a child, a family, so that love always burns with a bright fire.
    2. Cupid is a symbol of love, born from a mixture of passion, tenderness and chaos.
      I would like to wish the spouses to find their Cupid and keep him as long as possible.
    3. Let's raise our glasses to the man who became the main hero of this day.
      Of course, this is our groom. I would like to tell him one important piece of wisdom. Every evening and morning you need to kiss your wife. Thanks to this, men live longer by as much as 15 years.

    Cool toasts

    The most popular and widespread version of the congratulatory speech are. They are the easiest to compile.

    In addition, thanks to them you can best express your wishes.

    1. Man began to ask nature to make warm nights all year round.
      Then he will not have to light a fire and burn candles. But nature refused. The man got angry and stopped lighting the fire. In the end he became cold and mad. I would like to wish the young married couple not to forget that they are the masters of their lives. And let them remember to light the fire of their love every evening and night.
    2. The flower and the wind once fell in love with each other.
      The wind blew on a beautiful rose, and she gave him a fragrant scent for it. The wind blew stronger and stronger each time. One day he blew so hard that the rose broke. The wind decided that the flower simply did not like him. Newlyweds, love each other tenderly and reverently. Only such an attitude can be reciprocated with sincerity and respect.
    3. Doctors say that love heals many diseases.
      I would like to wish the young couple that warm feelings been with them throughout their lives, then they will be able to get rid of all ailments.

    Touching wishes from a boyfriend or girlfriend

    At the wedding not only sound funny words , but also often those that can sink straight into the soul.

    In most cases they are all present.

    1. Today, on this significant day, a large number of relatives, friends and loved ones have gathered around the table.
      Let us remember the words of the philosopher who claims that the more friends you have, the further you are from each of them. Wait, but that’s how many friends are at the table today. Let's try to continue to gather as often as possible and for no reason.
    2. Guys, I'm sorry to report this news, but as a witness, I have to.
      Our friend was kidnapped and it was done by an angel. Now look, this angel is sitting next to the groom. And we, the groom's friends, can only be happy for our loved one. Let him be kidnapped, in love and mad with love for as long as possible.
    3. Life is a zebra.
      Along its length there are different stripes. Sometimes they are white and light, sometimes black and dark. I would like to wish you to always stand firmly holding hands during difficulties. Instead, overcome problems and enjoy the bright spots in life. Save your love and increase it.

    Useful video

    The best wedding congratulations.

    Song of the witness at the wedding.

    Toast of the witness.


    The witness and the witness can say two different toasts at a gala event, or they can come up with one together interesting option. Guests often expect the greatest creativity and flight of fancy from them. Therefore, you should think carefully before writing original wedding toasts.

    This troublesome, but still extremely pleasant and exciting burden of witnessing, which your best friend has placed on you, imposes certain obligations. Of course, you, to a greater extent than other guests, will help the newlyweds in organizing their celebration, and also take an active part in it (for example, participate in competitions). This also includes the words you will say when you raise your glass in honor of the newlyweds.

    Cool bridesmaid toasts for a wedding

    We offer you several options original toasts from a witness at the wedding:

    • My beloved! Don’t think that it’s like in fairy tales - a wedding is a happy ending. Not at all! Yours happy story it's just beginning! And I really hope that soon a new one will appear in your fairy tale, albeit a small one, main character!
    • Dear friends! Our government prohibits having many wives. But looking at our beautiful bride, there is no doubt that she is so radiant and beautiful that even if our groom is offered a whole harem in return, he will still refuse!
    • Girlfriend, you are incredibly beautiful today. You glow and shine brighter than the sun. You are like a diamond, you are the most exquisite jewelry in the world! (Name of the groom), you are lucky that such a jewel as (name of the bride) went to you! Be happy!
    • My good ones! When I first saw you, I realized - this is forever! Your love is so strong that it is, perhaps, enough to light a real fire of love. So let this flame warm you for many years, bringing warmth and light to you and your loved ones!
    • Dear newlyweds! We all know how important it is to wake up in the morning with good mood when it’s cozy and the sun is shining, and your loved one is nearby. And for this to always be the case, our beautiful bride must become the sun for her husband, warming him with her kindness and care, creating comfort in the house. And the groom, in turn, should always be there, protecting his beloved! Let's raise our glasses so that newlyweds always wake up in the morning in a good mood and next to each other!
    • My dears! You are like early morning and dew, like a cold blizzard and snow, like a beach and a warm sea. You are the two pieces that perfectly complement each other. Your union is beautiful, just like you. And I raise this glass so that it will always be like this!
    • My beloved friend! The day has come when you became married woman! Just like you, I was waiting with trepidation for this exciting moment. After all, now you won’t be able to wear all your beautiful short dresses and skirts anymore, so you can happily give them to me so that I can also find myself a husband!
    • My beloved, dear. My very best friend. I have known you for so long that if all those days that we knew each other were turned into stars and sent to the sky, it would become so bright and light that the sun would no longer be needed. And today I am handing you over to the caring hands of your husband, and I want to wish you that there will be so many of your days spent together that the whole galaxy will not be enough to contain all these stars!

    Toasts from the witness in her own words

    For a witness who wants to make a toast at the wedding in her own words, simple and from the heart, you can offer the following options, some thoughts from which you will want to use in your congratulations:

    • I am very happy for you, my dears. I’m so glad that I can’t convey all the excitement that I’m feeling right now when I say these words. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to live together for many years!
    • Today I give mine best friend to be the lawful wife of (groom's name). I hope our friendship will only get stronger from this, and soon we will not only be friends as families, our children will become our best friends!
    • Guys, I'm so happy for you that I can barely hold back my tears. You are so beautiful and happy today. And I really want you to remain like this always!
    • Dear (Bride's Name) and (Groom's Name), I remember the day you met, I remember the first time you called yourself a couple. I remember all those important points, which you chewed during this time. You've been through a lot together. And I want to tell you only one thing: keep this love within yourself and carry it through your whole life!
    • Today is not only one of the happiest days for you, it also fills all your loved ones, friends, including me, with happiness. Take care of each other, appreciate each other. Do everything so that every day you live together is filled with love.
    • I raise this glass to my friends, (bride's name) and (groom's name)! Today they have become legal spouses and I am immensely happy for them! I want to wish you: fidelity and love, prosperity and health, happiness and mutual understanding, and of course, healthy children!

    And the most important thing in congratulations is to simply convey the feeling of joy that the witness experiences (we hope that she experiences) for her friend who is getting married.

    Witness plays an important role at a wedding. Therefore, as a person who is not indifferent to the fate of a friend, I must definitely say a few nice words at his wedding.

    Dear guests! How did it happen that you and I are walking today at this fun, noisy wedding? The origins of this solemn event go back to the not very distant past. Then our groom had just met his bride and was not thinking about any wedding. They walked under the moon and talked, talked, talked. About nature, about the weather, about youth fashion, about the moon, about the stars... And suddenly he felt that there were no more words left - and proposed to her! So let's drink to those men who, without finding the right words, make an offer!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful - bright and cloudy days. And the peace and well-being of your life, dear newlyweds, depends on your prudence and consent! So let everyday trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    Friends! As a friend of the groom, it is with special feeling that I raise a toast to the happiness of the newlyweds. I wish them lasting family happiness for the rest of their lives. I hope to attend their silver and gold weddings. All that remains is for us, his friends, to find brides.
    The wind blows, the wind blows, the wind blows in a streak.
    Take a closer look at me, girls, I'm single for now!
    For your happiness, dear bride and groom!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    One day on the street I met an old friend of mine who had recently gotten married.
    - How are you doing? How's yours family life? - I ask him.
    “Terrible,” he replies.
    - Why, you just got married! - I am sincerely surprised.
    - My wife wants to divorce me, because it seems to her that I don’t quite harmonize with her new curtains in the bedroom.
    I want to raise a glass to harmony in your young family!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    One day a friend of mine complained to me:
    - Imagine, I gave my wife the book “How to Save Money.”
    - So what? What is the result? - I was sincerely curious.
    “I quit smoking and lost twenty kilograms,” my friend answered.
    So, I want to wish the bride that she saves money, but at the same time does not forget about her husband’s health!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    Wearing gold rings,
    There is a stamp on the certificate...
    Well, young spouses,
    Should we wish you this day?
    So that music sounds in the house,
    So that the two of you don't get bored,
    Live together, interestingly,
    So that there is happiness - the house is full!
    Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
    And only at the wedding
    Let it be for you

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew about everything that was happening in the world (for example, how much water is in the seas, how many birds are in the sky, etc.). And so one young couple decided to test this sage, to prove to him that he is not omnipotent and does not know everything.
    They caught a butterfly. And they decided to do this: Put this butterfly in your palms and ask the sage - what is in our hands? He, of course, will answer - a butterfly. Then we ask - is it alive or dead? If he says - alive, we will clasp our hands and she will die, if he says dead, we will release her.
    They came to the sage. And they ask what we have in our hands. The sage is a butterfly. And alive or dead? The sage answered - everything is in your hands!
    We wish you newlyweds your love, prosperity, etc. was in your hands. Love each other and be happy!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    We have gathered here today
    Not for drinking, but for a reason.
    We want this life
    You saw it right away, from a young age.
    Keep your soul warm
    For years, no, for decades.
    If you have kids,
    Give everything to the last drop
    We want you, just like now,
    Even in the most old age,
    Every day, even every hour,
    They definitely held hands.

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    I congratulate you on your solemn marriage. I had the great honor of not only being present at your wedding, but also serving as an honorary witness. I cannot describe all the feelings that are now boiling in my soul. I am infinitely happy for my best friend, who has finally found such a wonderful soul mate. Today you look simply magnificent, I wish you to stay at this level for another hundred years. And at the same time, during these hundred years, increase not only your family capital, but also the number of members of your family.

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    Today I have the honor of not only being an honorary witness at your wedding, but also expressing my sincere congratulations to you, my best friends. From today you have left our ranks of youth not united by the sacred union and joined a new era your life. This is an important step that you took at the same time as you stepped onto the mat at the registry office. Today you are surrounded by pigeons, and tomorrow storks will circle above you, looking for a place to land.

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    I am indescribably happy for my best friend. From today he has become a real family man. Although I am not yet in danger of such a fate, I still want to give you, young people, a few parting words for your future life. Firstly, become an example for us unmarried people, secondly, invite us to our first christenings, thirdly, just live happily.

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    My dear friends! I was present at your wedding from the very beginning to this moment and have not seen a happier expression on your faces than now. You simply emit a rainbow glow that has enveloped not only us, but the entire environment. I just dream, having found myself in such a situation, in about two years, to see you nearby, but in the amount of three copies.

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    So let’s drink so that our young people share not only sorrows and blows of fate with each other, but also joys, pleasures, and fun!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    One day I was told the following story. A certain Ivanov gathered guests on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of marriage. The invitees had noisy fun and did not notice the absence of the hero of the occasion. Only him best friend Sidorov came to his senses and went in search. He found Ivanov in the bedroom. He sat in front of an empty bottle of vodka and cried bitterly.
    - Buddy! Why are you crying on such a joyful day? Why don't you have fun with your guests and your wife? - asked the surprised Sidorov.
    “You see, I can only confess to you alone,” Ivanov answered through tears. - When my wife and I lived for five years, I hated her so much that I even went to a lawyer to consult what would happen to me if I killed her. The lawyer said that I would get twenty years in prison. Today I would be free.
    So, in turn, I would like to wish the groom never in his marriage to regret what was done or, rather, what was not done.

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding
    Before the wedding, the bride “bargained” one condition from the groom: once a year she would disappear from home for three days, and her husband would not ask her anything, nor where she had been, nor what she had done. They lived in joy and happiness, but after a while the young husband noticed some tension in his young wife. He asked her the reasons for this, but she only reminded him of their agreement and disappeared for three days. And when I returned home, everything was fine again, wonderful, they lived happily again, in perfect harmony.
    This story repeated itself every year for three years.
    The husband could not find a place for himself - he was tormented by curiosity and burned by jealousy. During another such absence, he could not stand it and quietly followed his wife. And this is the picture that appeared before his eyes - his wife, having gone deep into the forest, turned into a viper and hung upside down on a branch for three days, with poison dripping from her tongue. And only after the poison stopped dripping, she turned into a woman again and went home.
    So let's drink so that poison never accumulates in your family, in your relationships! And if this happens, let’s pour it out not on our loved ones, but somewhere far in the forest, so that, God forbid, it doesn’t bring grief to others!

    Congratulations and toasts from the witness at the wedding

    Dear newlyweds, dear guests! As a friend of the groom, I, of course, regret to state the sad fact of parting with him. However, we, his friends, learned that he was to blame for the disappearance of our dear friend became a bright angel who kidnapped him, and today he is returning him to us again and inviting us all to witness his happiness. Rare people have such happiness - meeting an angel in earthly life. And here we have one of them. The young bride - bright and pure - an angel in the flesh leads our friend to the paradise of family happiness. Therefore, friends, let us not regret the loss of a friend, because we are placing him under the protection of the most beautiful and virtuous creature who will take care of him and illuminate his path with a ray of hope even in days of sadness. It even seems to me that this bright angel threw one of these clear rays of hope into our midst, and we now hope that our friend is not lost, but, on the contrary, happy.
    So, friends, let’s raise a glass to the health and happiness of this angel - the young newlywed!

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