• Caring for a snow-white down scarf. How to properly wash a down scarf at home


    A scarf made from downy yarn is an attractive accessory that can warm you up when it's cool. The airy, intricate Orenburg down scarf has long become one of the main symbols of Russia - products made by the hands of craftswomen are valued along with works of art.

    In order for an openwork scarf or other products made from down yarn to retain an attractive appearance for as long as possible, you need to know how to care for the products and how to properly wash and dry them.

    Principles of care

    A shawl, shawl, scarf or scarf made from down should not be washed frequently. To extend the interval between washes, it is recommended:

    • wear products very carefully;
    • avoid smoking areas - down absorbs odor well, in addition, it can turn yellow from settling soot;
    • each time you remove a scarf, place it in a linen bag or organizer to reduce the risk of snags and contamination;
    • store the product in a bag or organizer in a dry place, ventilate periodically, if not worn for a long time, protect it from moths.

    Before you start washing, down scarves are prepared by combing the down so that it does not mat. For this, use a clean hair brush and a wooden comb, the teeth of which should be rounded. First, the surface of the product is carefully combed on both sides with a brush, then with a comb. It is important not to catch the loops.

    Machine washable

    Wash a thin openwork scarf made of down wool in washing machine means subjecting it to serious mechanical stress. This may cause irreparable damage to the product. Machine programs “for down” are designed for washing clothes and accessories with the appropriate filler.


    It is recommended to dry clean delicate items made from down in order to remove dirt and freshen them. But many are interested in how to wash a down scarf at home and not ruin it. It is preferable to wash a down scarf by hand - even when using a delicate mode, the impact of the machine can irreparably deform the fibers of the material.

    It is important to know how to wash a down scarf by hand correctly, for this:

    • Water at a temperature of 35-37 degrees is poured into the basin - colder water will wash the product worse, and hot water will harm the down. At the specified temperature, the product will remain soft and pliable during washing and will not bunch up.
    • When soaking, washing and rinsing, use water of the same temperature - the difference has a bad effect on the structure of the coat.
    • For washing, use a special product - gel for down products.
    • The special agent is added to water and completely dissolved. Then a scarf is placed in the container. Let it sit for a few minutes, after which it is washed with careful movements.
    • You should rinse at least 4-5 times, changing the water. Be careful not to wrinkle or stretch the product.
    • During the final rinse, it is recommended to add a product to the water, which will make the threads fluff up when dry and will be soft. You can use down softener or home remedies - a little white vinegar or strained fresh lemon juice.

    A conditioner with a pleasant scent is primarily recommended for products made from goat down, which has a specific smell.

    Spin and dry

    It is not enough to wash the product correctly - you need to pay no less attention to the spinning and drying stage.

    During the last rinse, with light movements, gather the product into a “snowball” and gently squeeze it out, squeezing it with your palms. A more gentle option would be to use a net - a washed scarf is placed in it and hung above the bathtub.

    When the water has drained, the product is spread on terry towel or a terry sheet. After about an hour, transfer it to a dry towel or sheet. The procedure is repeated until completely dry. When transferring, do not forget to shake the item, fluffing up the fluff. It is important to straighten the product well for drying, but do not stretch it - otherwise the threads will become deformed.

    Please note: the web dries quickly, you don’t have to change the terry bedding.

    If you wash the product in hot weather in the summer, you can dry the scarf in an original way, making it fluffy. Necessary:

    • Place the washed item in a net and wait until the water stops draining;
    • transfer to plastic bag and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator;
    • after 6 hours, remove and carefully place on a horizontal surface in direct sunlight;
    • wait until the yarn fluffs up without additional effort due to the rapid melting of moisture that expanded during freezing.

    There is also a vertical drying option. To do this, a frame is made from wooden slats to fit the size of the scarf. Along the perimeter on its front side, nails are stuffed in increments of 5-10 cm. Before washing, you need to arm yourself with a needle and strong white cotton thread, the length of which should exceed the perimeter of the scarf.

    A thread is passed through each tooth on the edge of the scarf so that it runs around the perimeter, without compressing the product, but also without unnecessary “freedom”. After the water has drained from the washed scarf, the product is carefully placed on the frame, catching the thread on the nails. When straightened (but not stretched), the scarf will dry quickly without deforming.

    Washing and bleaching an Orenburg scarf

    Over time, white fluff acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint, which spoils the appearance of the scarf. During the washing process, it is recommended to use products that return the threads to their original whiteness.

    To bleach a down scarf at home, you should not use chlorine-based bleaches, as well as other bleaching agents in the form of gels and powders that are on sale.

    Bleaching is carried out using hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite tablets. The volume of product used depends on the weight of the product - it must first be weighed on a kitchen scale.

    Every 100 grams of product requires the use of 5 tablets of hydroperite or 20 ml of peroxide. Ammonia is added to a container of warm water where the active ingredient is dissolved at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water.

    The scarf is placed in a container with the prepared solution for 6 hours and the original temperature is maintained at 25-37 degrees. You can use a heating pad for this.

    After the specified time, the product is taken out and rinsed 6-7 times, changing the water. Then they put it in a net and hang it to drain the water. Then transfer it to a plastic bag or freezer container and place it in the freezer. After six hours, take it out, defrost, carefully unwrap it, shake it to fluff it up and lay it out to dry.

    Proper storage and care will keep shawls, scarves and other down wool accessories in perfect condition.

    If you notice that your favorite cobweb has lost its original whiteness and airiness, then do not despair. There are tried and true ways to wash a scarf at home. This knitted miracle will serve its owner faithfully. Take proper care of the cobweb, then it will not lose its attractiveness for a long time.

    Goat down is a capricious and delicate material; it should be handled with the utmost care. Therefore, you will have to sequentially perform three stages: prepare, wash and dry a white weightless shawl. If you follow the recommendations correctly and scrupulously, the scarf will not fall off and will retain its color, size and shape.

    Before any washing or cleaning, you should carefully comb the down product, preferably with a massage brush, without touching the knitted base.

    Preparation begins with threading a strong thread or fishing line through all the teeth of the scarf sequentially, without missing a single one (the length of the thread should be 40 cm greater than the perimeter of the scarf), after which a knot is tied. A weightless shawl gathered in such a bun will no longer lose its shape.

    Traditionally, after washing, the webs are pulled onto a frame, which has the size of the product plus one centimeter for tension. Carnations or pushpins are secured according to the number of teeth on the edge of the shawl. Make sure the metal is stainless steel so that white scarf was not damaged by rust. If there is no place to take the frame, then prepare a place on a flat surface for drying away from heating devices.

    How to wash cobwebs

    You can wash a scarf only by hand; this is a simple and easy procedure that takes very little time. Use warm water; you cannot use hot water when washing down. As a detergent you need high-quality washing powder for wool and silk, shavings baby soap or shampoo. First, the drug is placed in a basin of water and stirred until the contents are even.

    Then the sequence of actions is performed:

    • the web scarf is placed in a basin and washed with slow, gentle movements, without twisting;
    • if there is significant contamination, leave the cobwebs soaked for 20 minutes;
    • prepare a new solution and wash the product again with light movements;
    • You will need to rinse in several waters, you can add a little vinegar (a tablespoon per five liters of water);
    • Rinse the product with conditioner one last time and take it out, gathering it into a ball;
    • You can squeeze out the cobwebs by wrapping them in a towel.

    To finally figure out how to wash cobwebs, you should first resolve the issue with detergents. Should not be used regular powder for washing machine or hand wash, this can ruin the scarf. Buy a small delicate hand wash bag and keep it in stock for caring for down items. This will guarantee that washing will be beneficial and will not cause significant harm.

    Drying the cobweb scarf

    If you have purchased or made your own hoops in the form of a frame, then stretch the scarf lightly wrung out in a towel over them. The cloves should be touched with thread or fishing line, but not with the cloves themselves. You will get a uniformly stretched scarf, which will not get dirty with rust. First, pull the item in the corners, then along the sides, without missing a single tooth. This work is the most painstaking, but necessary to preserve the external attractiveness of the web.

    If there is no frame, then the shawl is laid out on a horizontal surface, straightening out all the bends and irregularities. It is better to choose white fabric for the bedding to avoid accidental coloring. The outline of the scarf is outlined on the fabric, and a fishing line threaded through the teeth is connected with pins. Try to place the scarf with slight tension, but evenly on all sides. Start fastening from the corners, as when pulling on a frame.

    The web dries for 10 hours.

    You should not comb the scarf when wet; the fluff becomes more elastic and easily comes out of the loops of the base.

    After drying, remove the scarf from the fastenings and carefully remove the fishing line from the teeth. You can slightly lift the fur with a brush, giving it airiness and direction.

    There are many tips on how to wash and dry a down item correctly. They all come down to accuracy and patience. Since this procedure is quite rare, there is no need to rush and you should perform the delicate task carefully and carefully.

    If you slightly stain an item with blood or wine, dissolve aspirin in warm water or apply it to the area with a swab. After 15 minutes, rinse the affected part of the down product. If you wash the cobwebs in winter, then after drying, you can take the shawl out into the cold and roll it in the snow. Pooh loves such baths and responds with an excellent appearance.

    You can leave the scarf in the cold, for example, on a balcony or loggia. Then just shake in a warm place without combing. How to wash hand-knitted down items if they are too dirty? Return White color Those bleaches that do not contain chlorine help. Among the folk remedies, hydrogen peroxide in the proportion of 100g/500ml of water refreshes the product well. The scarf is carefully soaked in the solution for several hours; it is recommended to carry out the procedure after washing.

    Downy knitted items should be stored in pure form, wrapped in linen fabric without folds or creases. In such a tube you can put a natural fragrance made from dried flowers and herbs for the summer.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for cobwebs. You just shouldn’t wear such a snow-white thing and wash it good remedy according to pollution and according to the rules.

    To wash a down scarf, choose liquid and delicate detergents: baby gels, shampoos. The optimal water temperature for such a product is 30–40°C. Eliminate spinning, hand-twisting, and drying under the sun from the cleaning process. Place the shawl in a special bag in the machine and do not use wash balls. Dry the product by laying it on a cloth, away from heating devices.

    Owners of openwork shawls often have problems with cleaning them. A delicate product becomes confused, shrinks, and loses softness after improper washing. Therefore, we will figure out how to wash down scarves and properly care for them so as not to spoil your favorite item.

    How to prepare a down scarf for washing

    Before washing a down shawl, shake it thoroughly.

    Afterwards we untangle the fluff fibers, otherwise during processing the thin pile will become even more tangled. To do this, use a soft brush or a comb with fine teeth.

    You should act carefully so as not to pull out the loops or break the threads of the product. The comb should only come into contact with the fluff, without touching the fabric itself.

    Selecting a detergent

    We select for washing suitable remedy cleaning.

    How to wash down products

    The right choice there will be the following means:

    • soap for children or shavings dissolved in water;
    • hair care products (shampoos, conditioners);
    • liquid soap with a moderate content of pigments and fragrances;
    • fabric conditioner;
    • liquid powder;
    • and silk.

    Advice! Refrain from using granular washing powder - fluff rolls off when washed with it, and the product loses its former appearance.

    Hand washing a down shawl at home

    Before washing a down scarf at home, we select a container for washing.

    A deep basin is suitable for processing a shawl. If more than one scarf needs to be washed or big size, then a bath will do. We fill the prepared container with warm water (its temperature should not be more than 40°C, optimally 30–35°C).

    Dissolve a generous amount of the selected detergent in water and soak the product. After 20–30 minutes, use gentle hand movements to wrinkle the scarf.

    Attention! It is unacceptable to vigorously crumple, squeeze, or rub the item. This is fraught with deformation of the fibers and damage to the fabric.

    The next step is rinsing. Heat the water to 30°C. Cold or hot water is harmful. Rinse several times until the streams flowing from the scarf become transparent.

    Little secrets of hand washing:

    1. Before washing a down shawl at home, dilute the washing liquid in water. Its direct contact with the product is strictly undesirable.
    2. When manually washing a down scarf, it is not recommended to hold it under a strong stream of water.

    Machine wash

    To ensure that the down scarf does not get damaged when washed in the washing machine, we are guided by the following rules:

    1. Do not wash your shawl with other items.
    2. Set the correct temperature (gentle washing of wool or delicate fabrics at 30–40°C is suitable).
    3. Turn off spin.
    4. Place the scarf in the machine in a washing case that will not allow the product to come into contact with the drum.

    Features of drying the Orenburg scarf

    As soon as washing the down scarf is completed, the next important stage begins - drying it at home.

    Drying correctly

    First, let the excess water drain out - you should not wring out the shawl. It would be advisable to hang it in a nylon bag or net. This way the fabric will not stretch or lose its shape.

    The next phase is to straighten the scarf on a flat surface and let it dry.

    Note! Direct sunlight should be avoided when drying. They can dry out the shawl, making it unpleasant to the touch.

    It is better not to use rope and clothespins. Clothespins may cause dents in the fabric. And on a rope, a scarf can stretch and lose its aesthetic appearance.

    Special cases

    Use washing only in cases where it cannot be avoided. When the scarf is only slightly dirty or dusty, resort to cleaning.

    Cleaning a scarf with snow

    Clean the handkerchief on freshly fallen snow, lightly rubbing it different sides on the surface of the snow crust. Repeat the procedure for reverse side scarf. Then lightly shake it off to remove any snow remaining on the shawl.

    If there are stains of dried dirt on the scarf, you should not wash it. Remove it with gentle movements with a dry washcloth.

    To extend the life of a white down scarf by protecting it from yellowing, you need to know how to bleach a down scarf at home and not spoil it.

    Over time, scarves turn yellow due to absorbed dust and dirt. Regular washing cannot solve this problem. Then folk remedies come to the rescue. How to properly bleach a goat down scarf at home?

    Hydrogen peroxide

    A completely yellow canvas will lighten the usual hydrogen in the peroxide from the first aid kit.

    1. The substance is mixed with warm water at the rate of 20 milliliters of peroxide per 100 grams of shawl.
    2. The effectiveness of the solution is increased by adding a tablespoon of alcohol for each liter of water.
    3. The shawl needs to be soaked in this solution for 6 hours.

    At the same time, a constant temperature of the liquid is maintained - the cooled mixture will not give desired result. A heating pad will greatly simplify the task.


    This bleach also helps clean up handkerchiefs that have turned yellow over time. 5 hydroperite pills for every 100 grams of product are diluted in water for washing. You should also add a teaspoon ammonia for every liter of liquid.

    Soak the scarf in the same way as in the case of hydrogen peroxide, but 2 times longer.


    An ordinary medicine will help to cope with a local persistent stain. For this you will need:

    • some warm water;
    • 1-2 aspirin tablets (depending on the size of the spot).

    The pills are completely dissolved in water. The solution is applied to the contaminated area for several minutes.

    Do not rub the wet area. The result is visible after drying: if the procedure was successful, but the stain still remains, it is repeated until the dirt completely disappears.

    Washing features

    Minor natural stains can be easily removed by regular washing using delicate detergents. Its technology is slightly different from the classic one:

    1. The protruding fibers of the scarf should be carefully combed with a soft brush. This will help avoid tangling, matting and lumps.
    2. It is better to gather the edges of the product onto a thread equal to the perimeter of the scarf, and tighten it, bringing the corners together. The area of ​​the item will be reduced and it will be easier to wash.
    3. The water temperature for washing should not exceed 30–40 degrees Celsius. The fiber may shrink due to higher temperatures.
    4. You should not put too much pressure on the shawl in the water; it is better to rotate it smoothly, lightly rubbing the stained areas. To bleach cobwebs with a large area of ​​darkening, you need to leave them to soak for several minutes.
    5. After the main cycle, the accessory should be rinsed in clean water, slightly diluted with vinegar.
    6. It is recommended to wring out the item; the down scarf is lightly squeezed in the palms. To dry the scarf, place it on a flat surface, having previously laid a thick absorbent fabric under and on top of it. Excess moisture is removed by gradually pressing on the different places scarf under the fabric.

    The product is dried horizontally or stretched in a special frame suitable in size. Direct exposure to sunlight and proximity to heating devices are contraindicated.

    Product care rules

    Good news for all housewives - this down product, unlike angora, can be washed in water. Following simple rules, you can bleach the cobweb scarf without the risk of losing it.

    • Handwash. The Orenburg scarf is made of the finest down fiber - any mechanical impact in the drum of a washing machine can stretch, deform and tear it. It is correct to wash the Orenburg scarf only by hand.
    • Delicate spin. You cannot squeeze or twist the web shawl.
    • Soft care products. Habitual washing powders and laundry soap contain too much alkali, which spoils the finest fiber. Instead, it is better to use delicate detergents or children's household chemicals.

    You should wash a scarf only when absolutely necessary or heavy pollution, since frequent friction of fibers has a detrimental effect on appearance. It is not recommended to iron it: if creases or wrinkles appear, the shawl should be carefully hung on a chair or clothesline.

    To wash a white cobweb scarf, all you need are the available products from a housewife’s arsenal. If you strictly follow the recommendations, a bleached down product without a single spot will delight its owner for a long time.

    An openwork down shawl is a beautiful thing, but it requires very careful handling. When wondering how to wash a down scarf at home, there is no need to fear that the process will be difficult. For desired result It is enough to take into account all the recommendations, then this product will not lose its attractive appearance.

    Features of washing delicate down products

    Before washing a down scarf, you need to determine the nature of the contamination. If the cause is an unattractive appearance dirt from the street, then just let it dry, then carefully clean it with a dry soft sponge. In a hit situation blood or wine onto the surface of the product; washing the entire down scarf is also optional. It is worth diluting a couple of aspirin tablets in liquid, then moisten the desired areas with the solution, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

    When the Orenburg downy shawl absorbed unpleasant odors, stale and requires mandatory washing, it will not be possible to avoid contact of a delicate product with water. To prevent the openwork web from shrinking and the fluff matting, you need to do the washing according to all the rules. And it is important to remember that down products do not tolerate dry cleaning, so they need to be cleaned only at home.

    How to wash down scarves: step-by-step instructions

    1. The product needs to be shaken well. Then carefully comb the fluff, first with a massage comb with non-sharp teeth, then with a fine-toothed wooden comb. At this stage, you should be especially careful not to touch the loops or pull out thin threads.
    2. Prepare a bathtub or a deep, sufficiently spacious basin.
    3. Fill the selected container with plenty of water. Before washing a down scarf at home, you need to take into account that it absorbs a lot of water, like other woolen products. In this case, the temperature of the water should be in the range from 20 to 39 degrees. Too cold water will not allow you to wash off the dirt, and hot water will cause the product to shrink, tangling all the fluff.
    4. Add the selected detergent to the container with liquid.
    5. Immerse the spider web in the container for about 25 minutes, soaking. You should not keep such a product in water for too long.
    6. Start washing with gentle movements. It is absolutely forbidden to twist the handkerchief, crumple it or crumple it vigorously, in otherwise it will change its shape.
    7. Afterwards, rinse the delicate item thoroughly. Rinsing occurs at least 5 times, with constant changes of water or under running water. In this case, the following nuance should be taken into account: there should be no temperature changes between washing and rinsing, otherwise the shawl will shrink at least 3 times.
    8. At the time of the last rinse of the product, you should pour a little softening agent into the water, for example, conditioner for wool or delicate fabrics, hair rinse. This guarantees not only nice smell, but will also help make the down scarf light and airy.
    • pulling the scarf by the corners, there is a risk of deforming the product;
    • pour washing liquid onto the shawl;
    • expose the downy handkerchief to strong water pressure;
    • rub, use improvised cleaning devices that can snag, pull or break the threads.
    Such shawls must be washed exclusively by hand; the thin material does not tolerate mechanical stress. washing machine. But in addition to taking this nuance into account, you need to choose a suitable detergent.

    How to properly wash a down scarf: care products
    1. Baby soap, which needs to be dissolved in water. Soap shavings will also work.
    2. Any hair shampoo.
    3. Transparent liquid soap of any brand. It must not contain large quantity chemical components, dyes, strong flavors.
    4. Liquid detergent for washing silk or woolen items. If you dissolve regular powder in water or choose a product used in a washing machine, the delicate fluff will suffer and the scarf will take on a “shabby” appearance.
    5. Fabric softener, for example, Lenor.
    As folk remedies that help to understand how to wash down scarves without the use of synthetic softening agents, as well as helping to wash out all the soap from the fibers of the material, the usual vinegar. A couple of tablespoons of the product should be dissolved in warm water while rinsing.

    Do not use aggressive bleaching agents to wash delicate lace shawls.

    Additional Tips
    • If there is no way to wash the product by hand, then you can send it to the automatic washing machine only by placing it in a special bag (case) that will prevent the scarf from coming into contact with the surface of the drum. If you want to know the nuances of how to wash a down scarf in a machine, you need to remember that the process should take place on a delicate cycle (wool, silk), with a minimum temperature of water heating and without subsequent spinning.
    • When the down scarf has lost its white color, you can soak it for 6-10 hours in a solution of water (about 5-6 liters) and hydrogen peroxide (200-300 grams). Nuance: Throughout the entire soaking time, the solution must be heated without changing its temperature, so that the product does not shrink afterward.
    • To keep the scarf and the fluff on it attractive, after washing it should be wrapped in a roll, packed in a plastic bag and left in the refrigerator freezer for 5-8 hours. Then, after removing the product, shake it and comb it with gentle, leisurely movements.
    • If there is a need not only to understand how to properly wash a down scarf, but also to generally give it a fresh look, you can use another popular recommendation. When weather conditions permit, expose the down product to snowfall or spread it on clean snow, sprinkling a scarf on top. Wait up to half an hour, shake the shawl, dry and comb.

    How to dry Orenburg scarves

    The process of drying a product can proceed in different ways. You must first allow excess moisture to drain from the scarf without squeezing the material. Afterwards, blot the scarf a little with a towel and shake it. And then choose one of the drying options.

    How to dry a down scarf
    1. Stretch it on a special frame with a mesh purchased at a hardware store.
    2. Secure it using a fishing line threaded through the outer loops onto nails driven into a homemade frame. It should be the same size as the down product.
    3. After blotting off the remaining dense water soft cloth, the shawl should be spread on a towel or other fabric, carefully straightening it, but not stretching it. During the drying process, the delicate product must be shaken from time to time. The fluff is combed after drying.

    The entire time the shawls are drying, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable (natural) room temperature in the room. Do not place down scarves near heaters or radiators.

    To clearly see the whole process of caring for a scarf of this type, as well as to discover another drying method, you should watch the video below:

    Although an openwork down scarf is a delicate thing, caring for it at home is not particularly difficult. It is only important to do the washing correctly and not to resort to it too often, so as not to constantly injure the thin wool threads.
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