• Important points and rules on how to train a dog to use a leash. How to teach a dog the command “Near!”: advice from dog handlers



    Getting used to a leash is one of the most important steps in raising a dog, because even the smallest and most domestic pets occasionally go out for walks, where they have to be restrained in their attempts to escape or meet other people.

    If this question is also very relevant for you, take a couple of minutes to read our material, from which you will learn how to teach a dog to walk on a leash.

    In general, before we begin, it is worth noting that there are two situations in life:

    • I need to train my puppy to use a leash,
    • I need to train an adult (over 1 year old) dog.

    All of the following is approximately equally true for both cases, so we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following rules for both owners of puppies and adult dogs.

    Getting used to the collar

    In the first case, the only thing the right way There will be simple stops to train the puppy to walk next to you. As soon as your pet starts to rush forward and pull on the leash, stop. Don’t tug or pull in response, just stand up, showing that with such behavior you will not go anywhere further. As soon as he stops, realizing the futility of his attempts, call your pet and give him a treat, and then continue the walk together. Practice shows that this way dogs quickly understand what is required of them.

    When doing the opposite behavior, proceed in the same way - do not drag the animal along with you. Just stand up and calmly call the lying pet to you, luring it with a treat if necessary. When he approaches, take a few steps together and only then give him the sausage or cheese.

    Do these steps every time your ward gets out of control, so that it is easier for him to learn the sequence of further actions and ultimately understand what exactly the owner wants from him.

    Important clarification for owners of adult dogs

    If you need to teach an adult dog to walk on a leash, you should be prepared for difficulties. As we have already said, the general “outline” of behavior is completely similar to puppy training, but in this case it is recommended to pay attention Special attention regularity and relationships during the walk.

    First, try to walk your dog on a leash as often as possible, up to several times a day. This will allow you to develop a habit much faster, which is much more difficult for adult animals than for puppies.

    Secondly, show that you are in charge on the walk: do not let the dog pull you along with you, try to walk a little ahead, as if showing that you are the one choosing the road. The same applies to “controversial situations”. If your pet reacts aggressively to other dogs or wants to play with them, stand up and sternly, but without shouting, call him to continue the walk. As a result, the pet will appreciate your dominance and calmness and will follow your example.

    And in conclusion, let's give one more important advice: First walks on a leash will be equally stressful for both a puppy and an adult animal, so try to give your pet maximum attention. Instead of looking at your phone and nervously dragging your dog along, pulling it away from every obstacle, pet, praise and treat it. Only this way, walking on a leash and the leash itself will be a reason for joy for your dog, and not a reason to hide in the farthest corner.


    On the command “Near”, the dog should align itself with you on the left side so that her shoulder is level with your leg, and move in this position until you let her go for a walk. The dog must follow the command both on a leash and without it. Despite the fact that this exercise seems simple to you and me, for a pet it is considered one of the most difficult.

    You should start teaching your puppy the “Near” command only when he already knows how to walk on a leash and knows not to push or pull. It is best to start training at the age of 6 months, since the “Nearby” command is sometimes based on harsh coercion, which cannot be done with small puppies. So, let's look at how to teach your dog the "Near" command.

    How to train a dog to walk next to you on a leash

    Put your dog on a leash and start moving forward. Give the command “Near” and by pulling on the leash, force the dog to take the desired position. Walk her in this position for several steps, then loosen the leash. If your pet continues to walk nearby, actively praise him. It is better not to give treats while moving, as this may confuse the dog and it will stop. If the pet does not obey (goes to the side or forward), repeat the command again and pull it with a leash. Pull gently, without anger or sudden jerks. At the beginning of training, move in a straight line and at the same speed.

    This stage of training the “Near” command can be completed only when the dog moves according to the command. Even if your pet only walked 5 steps next to you, it doesn’t matter. Loosen the leash even more, take a step to the side and say “Walk.” Now is the time to give your pet a treat. Do not end the session or reward your dog if he pulls on the leash, moves to the side, or leaves the “near” position before you command “Walk.”

    When the dog understands what is required of it, start walking her “side by side” on a very loose leash. In this case, the dog will most likely break the command, and you will have to correct him. Now, as a punishment, use a jerk with the leash (for puppies it should not be too strong). Before you make a dash, be sure to say the command “Nearby”.

    When you can move in a straight line, try to teach the dog to walk side by side at different paces and with changes in direction. This should be done like this: order the dog to walk next to you and take a few steps in a straight line, then smoothly change the speed (or direction). If the dog moves to the side or forward, repeat “Next” and use a leash to help the dog take the correct position. When the dog has done everything right, praise him.

    Please note that repeating the “Nearby” command when changing tempo is not a signal to act, but a compulsion. If a verbal command does not help, yank the dog with the leash. You must teach your dog to independently monitor changes in pace and direction of movement. However, remember that the dog will not be able to follow too sudden changes in speed and direction, so it makes no sense to demand this from him.

    How to teach a dog to walk next to you without a leash

    You can accustom your dog to the “Near” command without a leash no earlier than at the age of 6 months, and the pet must move well “near” on a leash.

    Take a longer leash and first act in the same way as in the first stage- give the command when the dog is walking on a completely loose leash. However, gradually increase the distance from which the command is given (if the dog is further than 5 meters from you, then first you need to give the command “Come to me”, and only then “Near”).

    When the dog has learned to execute a command from a distance of 4-5 meters, try to command even when she is walking without a leash. Remember: in order for your pet to perfectly follow commands without a leash, he must regularly walk “side by side” on a leash. If you are lazy and force your dog to walk “side by side” only without a leash, then in a week it will stop obeying.

    Attention! Common mistakes:

    • The biggest mistake is issuing a command after jerking the leash. Don't lose control of yourself and watch your movements.
    • Changing speed or direction too often.
    • Driving your dog on a fully taut leash.
    • Frequently repeating a command without any need, when it just seems to you that the dog has started to move away. If the dog knows what is required of him and deviates slightly, then simply correct him gently with the leash. Use the command and jerk only if the dog has clearly relaxed.
    • Giving a command in a threatening tone. The dog will begin to perceive walking nearby as punishment.
    • Premature transition to practicing the skill without a leash.

    No matter the size of your four-legged friend, training in well-mannered behavior and walking on a leash is one of the most important rules good manners. A simple device will prevent accidents (collisions with vehicles, fights with yard dogs), allow you to take walks within the city, use public transport, control unwanted actions of the pet.

    Training with early age, knowledge of training tricks, patience and a competent approach are the key to successful training.

    Read in this article

    At what age should a dog be taught to use a leash?

    Experienced amateur dog breeders and professional dog handlers strongly recommend that owners accustom their puppy to a leash after the pet has become accustomed to a collar or harness. Your baby should be put on his first gear at the age of no later than 1.5 months. When the puppy gets used to the presence of a leather strap around its neck and calmly reacts to manipulations with it, you can proceed to the next stage - attaching a leash to the collar.

    Young animals have an active psyche and often gladly accept innovations from the owner. A puppy aged 1.5 - 2 months can be more easily trained to wear equipment. However, this process does not always go smoothly.

    Some animals negatively perceive a foreign object on their neck, get scared, refuse to go, resist, get nervous, and try to chew through the thing they don’t need. In this case, the owner should be patient and master training skills.

    Rules of conduct for the owner during training

    In order for the training process to be productive, the owner must follow certain rules during training sessions with the pet. Dog handlers in this situation give the following recommendations:

    • Training should be carried out in a familiar environment for the animal. The puppy must be allowed to sniff an object that is new to him, but playing with it and biting it is strictly prohibited. The first training is best done in an apartment or in a closed courtyard area where the pet lives.
    • Training should take place in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. The presence of unauthorized persons is not recommended. To prevent the puppy from being distracted, you should limit the number of household members during the lesson.
    • The best time for training is 2 - 3 hours after feeding, so that the treats used during the training process are interesting to the puppy.
    • Hyperactive animals often have difficulty responding to even simple training techniques. In this case, dog trainers recommend conducting training sessions after a long walk, when the pet’s energy is not so active.
    • The owner should be patient and prepare for the fact that the process of training even a young animal to walk on a leash will take more than one day. Depending on the temperament of the ward, the frequency of classes, and the persistence of the owner, the training process lasts from one week to a month.
    • The effectiveness of training largely depends on the consistency of the owner. During training, it is necessary to achieve obedience and correct execution teams, do not move on to the next stage until the previous one is mastered.
    • During a training session, it is strictly forbidden to shout at the puppy, much less punish the animal with a leash. Negative emotions will develop fear, mistrust, and anger in the pet towards both the owner and the equipment, and will complicate further training.
    • Training should not be tedious for a young animal. The puppy gets tired after 10 - 15 minutes, so training should be short.
    • The choice of equipment is of no small importance for productive training. The collar should not put pressure on the puppy's neck. It is best to use light and soft harnesses and leather accessories.

    The equipment should not have any foreign odor that distracts the animal from its activities. At first, you should get a short leash no more than 2 meters. This length allows the pet to get used to the innovation and helps the owner control and correct its behavior. Retractable structures (roulettes) are not suitable for training.

    Patience, consistency, affection and a friendly attitude of the owner towards the ward are the key to effectively teaching the puppy the basics of education and the intricacies of dog etiquette in public places.

    How to teach walking on a leash and collar

    Proper behavior on a leash can be taught to a dog at any age. The easiest way to raise a puppy. Training an adult requires more time, patience, and has its own nuances and tricks.


    After the puppy learns to ignore the collar, the owner should begin teaching him to walk on a leash. In the first couple of days, experienced dog handlers advise only to fasten the leash to a harness or collar. The puppy needs to be called, stroked on the head, and the equipment discreetly fastened on. After several such repetitions, the animal will calmly relate to this manipulation. When the puppy gets used to the sound of the carabiner being fastened, training can continue.

    Experienced dog handlers often resort to training leash tactics. For this purpose, a rope no more than 2 meters long is attached to the collar.

    The lesson should be carried out in an open and safe place so that the pet cannot hurt itself or run away. The puppy is given freedom - the training leash drags along the ground.

    This technique allows the dog to get used to the accessory and allows the owner to control unwanted behavior and limit movement by stepping on the free end of the rope.

    Once your puppy gets used to the training device, he will not be afraid of the leash.

    If the puppy refuses to walk on a leash, sits down or lies down, you should not force or pull him. It is necessary to caress, encourage, and distract the pet from its equipment with the help of affection and play. Turning your attention to entertainment, new toy, the puppy will no longer perceive the leash as something alien and scary.

    Having overcome the fear of a foreign object, the baby can be taught to walk with it. You can entice your pet with you using treats or a favorite toy. Many puppies understand well that they need to follow their owner if during training they take a bowl of food and carry it in front of the animal. This method is effective if training is carried out before feeding.

    If the puppy, on the contrary, tries to run ahead and pulls on the leash, the following tactics should be used. As soon as the animal pulls on the leash, you must stop immediately. You cannot pull the puppy. You need to wait until he approaches, and only in this case continue moving. This should be done every time the pet pulls on the leash.

    To prevent a young animal from getting tired, training should not exceed 5 minutes for each month of age. If the dog is 2 months old, then training should not last more than 10 minutes.

    Adult dog

    There are often situations when there is a need to train an adult animal to a leash (long stay in an enclosure, nursery, etc.). Training techniques are somewhat different from leash training a puppy.
    Training an adult dog should begin with a long leash of at least 5 - 8 meters.

    For classes, you must choose an open area. When the dog gets used to walking on a long, loosely hanging leash and is no longer afraid of it, the length can be shortened.

    As a rule, an adult animal is reluctant to follow the owner, lags behind and refuses to walk on a short leash. In this case, dog handlers recommend attracting the pet’s attention with a treat, luring and enticing the animal along with you. The tasty piece should be kept in the dog’s field of vision and you should make sure that when getting to it, the pet does not run ahead or block the road.

    The duration of classes with an adult dog should not exceed 20 - 30 minutes. At the slightest sign of overwork and inattention, the training should be stopped and the dog distracted by playing.

    To learn how to train a puppy or adult dog to use a leash, watch this video:

    What to do so that the dog does not pull and walks next to you

    Having accustomed your pet to a leash, the next stage in training is to practice the skill of walking nearby. This command is especially relevant for large four-legged friends. You can teach your dog not to pull on the leash using a long device.

    The owner must understand that if he pulls the animal, the resistance on his part will only increase. Therefore, as soon as the dog pulls on the leash during a walk, you must immediately pull it back with a short jerk and immediately release the tension by reducing the length. As soon as the dog loosens the leash, the jerking immediately stops.

    At the moment when the dog walks freely on its own (without jerking) and does not pull the owner, it should be encouraged, called and treated with a treat.

    An adult animal can be trained to walk on a loose leash using a “strict” collar. Its design has spikes and with a short jerk causes discomfort at the pet's. After the skill of freely following the owner has been practiced with a “strict” collar, it should be secured with ordinary ammunition.

    During training, you should change the length of the leash and introduce novelty into the training sessions - alternate the environment, location, practice turning after the owner, conduct classes at different paces. Training can be considered complete if the developed skill is the norm of behavior for the pet.

    How to organize walks without a leash

    Walking without a leash should be started only after your four-legged friend has learned to walk freely on it without the slightest tension. By this time, the dog should know and carry out the commands “Come to me” and “Nearby” on demand.

    At first, distracted by new objects, including strangers and dogs, the animal loses contact with its owner and becomes disobedient. Under no circumstances should you punish a dog for inattention and fascination with a new subject or object. The owner can attract attention and thereby attract the animal with a favorite toy, an invitation to an interesting game, the sound of a clicker, etc. Each approach to a call or command should evoke only positive emotions in the dog.

    Walks without equipment should be carried out in a calm and familiar environment for the pet. When the dog gets used to it, to complicate the task, you can ask your partner to distract its attention and at the same time ensure that the “Come to me” command is carried out flawlessly.

    In order for a dog to approach its owner without fear and caution, you cannot immediately put it on a leash. The animal should be praised, given a treat, played with and given the opportunity to independently explore the area. The dog should not have the association that the command “Come to me” means the end of an interesting walk.

    Accustoming your four-legged pet to a collar and leash is the basics of dog education. The owner should be patient and use some techniques and tricks during the training process to quickly and easily accustom the dog to wearing equipment. Only a positive stimulus, constant contact with the animal, consistency and regularity of training will develop the correct behavioral reactions in it.

    Walk with well-mannered dog– not only pleasure, but also safety for both the dog and the owner.

    Useful video

    To learn how to train a dog to walk without a leash, watch this video:

    you have acquired fluffy pet. While he is very small, he looks into your eyes and tries to please you in everything. But time goes by quickly, your baby is growing up, like people, his character will begin to deteriorate. adolescence. And having become an adult and realizing that he does not have a leader, he can try to command himself. To prevent this from happening, you need to start training as early as possible. Today we will talk about how to teach your dog the “near” command. This is one of the components of the mandatory training course that every dog ​​must undergo, regardless of breed.

    At what age should you start training?

    The earlier the better. Since teaching a dog the “near” command may not work quickly, experts recommend starting from the very first day, as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of your home. The foundation for this is an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance and love. You don’t scold a child because he doesn’t know how to go to the potty or hold a spoon, do you? Your puppy also learns everything gradually, and the more you love, praise and support him, the more successful he will be. the process is underway training. Already in the first days of adaptation, you can affectionately call the baby - “come to me”, “near” - and praise when the puppy does everything correctly.

    What happens if the dog does not receive the necessary knowledge

    Have you ever seen an owner on the street who is skipping, trying to hold back a leash that is stretched to the limit? This is an example of the owner not knowing how to teach the dog the “here” command. Accustomed to walking as it pleases, the dog does not consider it necessary to take into account the owner or the rules. traffic, other pedestrians, which is bad in urban conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to delay training; the general course of training must take place at a young age, so that all norms of behavior are internalized as dogmas. Any dog ​​trainer will tell you how to teach a dog the “near” command, and we will talk about this today.

    Let's start classes

    Be sure to use the “nearby” command at home. Gradually the puppy will begin to understand what is required of him. After the adaptation is completed and your doctor has given you permission to go outside, you need to begin accustoming him to a collar and leash. And only when the puppy is completely accustomed to these attributes can the training be continued. Since it is impossible to teach a dog the “near” command without training, use every walk for training. To do this, take the leash and start moving by giving the appropriate command. If the puppy walks obediently, then actively praise him. If it rests and pulls to the side, gently repeat the command.

    Duration of training

    Now you know the team is “nearby”. Do not forget that you cannot force a puppy to work for a long time. Usually the training is continued until the first success. Even if the puppy only walked 5 steps nearby, it doesn’t matter. Praise, give a treat and, stepping to the side, give the command “walk”. After the break, you can repeat it by calling the puppy with the command “come.”

    Making the lesson more difficult

    The next question is usually "how to teach a dog the 'heel' command without a leash?" To do this, you need to wait and not As soon as the puppy begins to walk on command calmly, without jerking to the sides, begin to loosen the leash. Every day, give your pet more and more freedom until the leash is completely hanging. Usually, when the leash is loosened, the dog begins to violate the command. To do this, the owner must pull it in time (not too hard), thus indicating punishment. After this, the command is given again and the movement continues.

    As you learn, you can complicate the task, walk not only in a straight line, abruptly change the direction of movement, invite other people with dogs to the site. Lessons will be especially effective when you walk straight for a long time and then smoothly move to the side. If the dog moves straight ahead by inertia, correct it with the help of a leash; if it turns behind you, then praise it.

    When can you start off-leash training?

    It's up to you and your pet. There are breeds that are more and less capable of learning. But as soon as the dog begins to flawlessly perform all tasks with a slack leash, you can let him go and work only with voice commands. From now on, start walking along quiet streets without a leash, using it only on central avenues with busy traffic. These are almost all the recommendations on the topic of how to teach a dog the “near” command at home. As you can see, you don’t even need the services of a professional handler or dog handler to master this command. All you need is time and daily pinning of the quote.

    Gross mistakes

    Take them into account, since you can teach your dog the “near” command, with or without a leash, only by avoiding them. If the dog deviates from the intended course, you need to give the command again, and then jerk the leash, and not vice versa, as most people do. Especially in the first stages of training, you should not change the direction and speed of movement very often. It is better to choose a large circle for movement. You cannot lead your dog on a fully taut leash. If she doesn’t obey at all, you need to choose the most successful few steps, praise her and let her go for a walk. After a break, try again.

    Don't repeat the command too often. If your dog changes course slightly, gently correct him with the leash. Only in case of a serious violation is the command given again. It is very important to give the command in a calm, soft tone. Strict pronunciation and shouting can lead to the dog beginning to perceive the command as punishment. And finally, don't force things. Start walking without a leash only when the skill is fully developed.

    The “Nearby” command benefits the pet and is the basis of training. It is very important to know the right ways teach the animal this command. Even those dogs that pull on the leash with all their strength and pull the owner can become an ideal walking companion.

    The “Nearby” command should be learned from the age of three months. By this time, the puppy should be well acquainted with walking on a leash. Before you start training the “Near” command, you need to teach the animal to sit on command..

    Classes should be conducted in a place that is familiar to the dog, where it will be comfortable, it will feel safe and will not react to foreign odors.

    Attention! Learning the “Nearby” command is open at any age. The main thing is knowledge of the basic commands: “Come to me” and “Sit.”

    In what situations is the command given?

    1. The command is required at the moment the movement begins and before its character changes. They give the command and immediately move. Before stopping, you must command “next to you, sit,” and only then stop. It is important that the animal sits close to the left leg, and not further away.
    2. It is served before turning. To turn right, say “nearby”, then turn to right side. To the left – “nearby” and begin to turn left. To reverse the movement, you need to command “near” and turn.
    3. Before changing your pace. While moving at a constant pace, you should say “near” and slow down. To speed up, do a similar chain, only speed up the movement at the end.


    To position the dog's head correctly, special harnesses are used.

    The given standards apply to those individuals that are intended for performances. Getting your companion dog to follow you exactly in any situation is unnecessary. For pet the command should mean:

    • movement is strictly at the owner’s left foot. The shoulder should be parallel to the person's knee. She should move at the same pace as the conductor, being at a minimum distance from him. At the very beginning of training, a half-meter gap between the animal and the owner can be allowed, but over time this gap must be reduced. The dog should almost stick to the person's leg;
    • the head is positioned straight. Sometimes the dog raises its muzzle, looking at the owner’s face - this is acceptable. To practice correct head positioning, you need special harnesses.;
    • if the trainer stops, the dog must sit up on its own without waiting for a sign or command. The croup is close to the leg. In the absence of a command, an ideally trained dog does not change its position. If the trainer turns around, the animal follows him and sits down again;
    • when executing the “near” command from a distance, the dog must go around the owner and sit next to the left leg;
    • when the trainer turns, the dog goes around him from behind.

    It should be borne in mind that for animals that are not preparing for performances, the movement may be such that it does not cause discomfort to the owner. For example, for left-handers, you can teach your dog to walk on the right. The main thing is confidence in the complete control of the animal, which moves at your feet without a leash.

    If you got yourself a German Shepherd puppy, check out how to train it. If you have taught your dog the basic commands, it will not be superfluous.

    The first thing to do for training is to choose the right place. It is best to choose an area that is familiar to the dog. It is important to choose a time when there will be no other animals present that can distract your pet.

    Before starting training, choose a convenient place for training.

    Before starting training, you need to thoroughly walk your dog. Going for a run at the stadium, leaving the poles, and letting them swim is an ideal start to the lesson.

    Later exercises can be carried out in front of other animals or people. At this stage, it is important that the pet is not distracted by noises, smells and sounds, continuing to move strictly nearby.

    There are several ways to teach a dog the “near” command, each of which is suitable in specific situations.

    Old school - "jerk"

    With this technique, the owner must be able to do two things: make the correct jerk and catch the moment at which the command should be given. You need to make the shortest and sharpest jerk possible. The command is given one moment before, clearly and confidently. The purpose of the jerk is to put maximum pressure on the dog, to “hit” it. In this way, the animal develops a reflex to the command. Subsequently, the animal will perfectly follow the command.

    From the beginning the command is made, then a jerk is made.

    In practice it looks like this. The owner commands “nearby”, makes a jerk and moves at the same instant. The leash is held 30 cm from the carbine with your left hand. As long as the dog is moving as it should, you should walk without interfering with the process. If the leash only gets tight, you need to repeat the command and make a jerk. If the dog moves correctly, it should be praised.

    Over time, a reflex to the command is developed, so there is no need to make a jerk. At the training stage, you must strictly follow the instructions. The effectiveness of training can be increased if you use not an ordinary collar, but a strict one with spikes inside.

    Attention! When buying a parfors, you should tell the seller the type of wool and breed of the animal so that he can select the characteristics of the teeth correctly.


    Another teaching method is to use tidbits. To do this, you need to hold the treat in front of the dog's nose - she will try to take it away. After this, they give the command “near” and begin to move, moving their hand forward. The dog follows her. While moving, you should give a little food and praise your pet. The animal will not pay attention to anything other than food. Gradually, you can give treats less often, increasing the intervals of passage without treats.

    Attention! It is very important to constantly praise the animal, even for the slightest achievements. At the end of the exercise, you must use a gesture indicating the end of the workout.

    Reinforcement is necessary for any command, including when teaching the “nearby” command. When a puppy just begins to learn to walk on a leash, you need to immediately teach him to move around on command. When doing the right things, you need to give a treat. At first, the puppy should move for food. You can’t give it away, you just need to praise the dog. Repeat the workout three times a day, for 10 minutes.

    Reward your dog with treats.

    It is very important to reward with EITHER words OR treats. Both incentives should not be used at the same time.

    Working without a leash

    Before you start teaching the “heel” command without a leash, you need to make sure that she walks perfectly side by side on a leash.

    You can teach your dog to walk side by side without a leash starting from the age of 6 months. You need to purchase a long leash. Start by walking on a loose leash. Gradually, the distance for issuing the command should be increased. If the animal is further than five meters away, it should first be called by commanding “come to me.”

    After the dog follows a command on a long leash, it is necessary to begin commanding “nearby” when the animal is walking freely. To prevent your pet from resisting the task, he must regularly repeat walking nearby on a leash.. If this is not done, the animal will very quickly stop obeying.

    Features of training

    Mistakes that are made when training a team nearby

    Inexperienced pet owners often make mistakes in training.

    • The most blunder – voice command after the dash. It is very important to fully control your actions and follow the algorithm.
    • Excessively frequent changes in direction or speed.
    • Constant tension on the leash.
    • Using a command too often unnecessarily. If the animal understands what is wanted from it and has only slightly deviated from the course, it can be gently corrected with a leash. A command and a jerk are required only when the animal is clearly distracted.
    • The team's threatening tone. In this case, the dog may consider walking as a punishment.
    • Early transition to walking without a leash.

    Important! You can’t hit the dog, shout, or get nervous. The command is repeated once. You can’t show your weakness to a dog, because you are the leader!

    You need to assign a team at every opportunity. During a long walk, it is important to dilute it with stops, turns, changes in speed - this way the dog will not relax, always remaining focused on the owner.

    For clarity, watch the video of how a dog is taught a command nearby.

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