• Questions for children why. How to correctly answer children's questions “Why?” When does the “age of why” begin?


    We have long forgotten about the mechanism of ebb and flow. As for the color of the sea, we rather vaguely remember that it seems to depend on sunlight, but how can we explain this... A little embarrassed, we mumble a vague answer that is unconvincing even to ourselves. And we promise ourselves to look it up later in the encyclopedia. Don't look for answers, we did it for you.

    Question: “Why do stars shine at night?”

    Answer: Stars are small suns that are very, very far from the Earth... Therefore, at night they look like shiny points. During the day we cannot see the stars because the light of the sun is too strong.

    Question: “Why does the sea rise and fall?”

    Answer: This is what we call the ebb and flow of the tide. They depend on the Moon, which, like a huge magnet, attracts water when it is above the sea. The sea rises when the Moon rises in the sky and falls when the Moon sets.

    Question: “How did sand get here on the beach?”

    Answer: Sand consists of tiny rock fragments. The rains carry them to the rivers, then the rivers carry them to the seas. In water they shrink to the size of a grain of sand. The waves move them and collect them on the beach. Sometimes the wind blows from the sea, lifts the sand and moves it, and then dunes appear on the beaches.

    Question: “Why does the Sun burn?”

    Answer: The sun is a huge fireball that has not burned out for a very long time. He warms us and sends us light. Without it, there would be no people, no animals, no plants on Earth. But you need to be very careful and lubricate your skin well with sun cream in the summer, otherwise you may get sunburn.

    Question: “Why do rainbows exist?”

    Answer: A rainbow appears when the sun meets the rain. When sunlight hits raindrops, they send out red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet rays that create a beautiful arch. You yourself can create a rainbow in the garden using a hose: turn your back to the Sun and make a thin stream of water. And look at the result...

    Question: “Can I take off when there is a strong wind?”

    Answer: No, but when the wind blows very strongly, you may fall, so it is better to stay at home. It is the wind that creates waves on the sea. When it blows very strongly, the waves become high - this is a storm. And then even large ships can sink.

    Question: “Why does the bank give you money so easily?”

    Answer: The bank doesn’t “just” give me money, it gives me “my” money, the money that I, for example, earned. I can't walk around with a whole bunch of bills, and the bank keeps them for me. And every time I need them, he gives me some part. Enough for me to put my card in the ATM. My name is on the card. The big computer checks to see if I have any money left. And if I have nothing left because I’ve already spent everything, then he doesn’t give me anything.

    Question: “Why do you need to eat in the morning?”

    Answer: When you wake up in the morning, you feel hungry. Which is not surprising: you haven’t eaten all night. And your body needs energy to function properly. We put gasoline in the car to make it work. It’s the same with the body: you need to feed it in order to grow, run, think...

    Question: “Where does the food we eat go?”

    Answer: She makes a great journey into a tube called the digestive tract. It enters through the mouth and comes out through the anus (the hole through which you do poop). Food enters the mouth, is sent to the stomach, which transforms it into porridge and sends it to the small intestine. It is at this moment that nutrients are distributed throughout the body. Everything that the body does not need is transformed into feces.

    Question: “Why can’t I fly like a bird?”

    Answer: Because human beings do not have wings and they are very heavy! No heavy animal can fly. An ostrich, for example, despite the fact that it has wings, cannot fly - it weighs too much! To fly, you need to rely on the air with your wings. If we wanted to build artificial wings, we would have to make them gigantic so that they could bear our weight.

    Question: “Why do bees sting?”

    Answer: To protect yourself. Bees have always been afraid of bears who wanted to steal their honey. As soon as they see anyone approaching the hive, they mistake him for a bear and sting him.

    Question: “Why do we yawn?”

    Answer: We yawn when we are tired or bored. This is a signal that we are losing control over our body. In fact, we are slowly falling asleep. By pulling the jaw down, a yawn forces us to take a deep breath. And this awakens us!

    Question: “How does a baby come out of a woman’s belly?”

    Answer: After nine months of life in the belly, the baby is ready to be born. Mom's belly is also ready for this: it pushes the baby down, towards a small tunnel called the vagina. Once the child has descended sufficiently, the tunnel widens to allow the child through. Mom pushes with her stomach, spreads her legs... and the baby appears through the pussy. As a rule, he comes out head first!

    Question: “Why do I need a belly button? And why doesn’t Vanya’s navel look like mine?”

    Answer: To feed the baby who lives in the mother's belly, she feeds him through a tube called the umbilical cord. At birth, the doctor cuts it and ties a knot. This will be the navel. The shape of the navel depends on the shape of the knot that the doctor tied: some stick out, others form a depression.

    Question: “Why do I sleep alone?”

    Answer: Previously, people slept with the whole family in one room, because it was warmer, because before there were no radiators, and a stove was heated in the house. Now we have large, well-heated houses: children can sit in a room, alone or with a brother or sister, and parents in another. This allows loving parents to be alone with each other. When you grow up and fall in love, you too can share your bed!

    Question: “How can ships float?”

    Answer: They stay on the surface due to the force that pushes them out and keeps them on the water. It's called the "Archimedes force." But you need to be careful: if the boat is small and too heavy, it may sink. Therefore, for example, it is forbidden for more than three or four people to get into a boat.

    Question: “How can a large and very heavy plane fly?”

    Answer: He flies thanks to his wings. But to take off, he needs enormous strength. And it is given to him by the motors located under the wings. They send out very hot gas that lifts the plane very high into the sky.

    Question: “Why does the sun set?”

    Answer: You probably have the impression that the Sun is moving? In fact, the Earth moves like a top, but you don’t feel it. As it rotates, it either turns toward the Sun, and then it is day, or goes into the shadow, and then it is night.

    Question: “Why does ice cream melt?”

    Answer: Ice cream is made from water or milk, sugar and vanilla (or strawberry, lemon...). All this is mixed and frozen. When you buy ice cream, they give it to you from the freezer: it is still very cold and hard. But the more time passes, the more the water or milk heats up. And it becomes liquid again. If you don’t eat it right away, it will melt... Do you remember when you took an ice cube in your hand, and after a while it turned into water? So it’s the same here.

    Question: “Where does thunder come from?”

    Answer: Look at the sky, there are many huge black clouds on it. When they are filled with water, wind and electricity they explode, this causes a flash, this flash of lightning makes a lot of noise when it crosses the sky: it is thunder. Sometimes we see lightning and hear thunder at the same time. This indicates that a thunderstorm is very close. Sometimes we see lightning long before thunder. This means the storm has moved away from the house. If you want to know how far away a thunderstorm is, start counting by bending your fingers as soon as you see lightning. Did you count to five? This means that she is about five kilometers from you.

    Question: “Why do you need to fill your car with gasoline?”

    Answer: When you ride a bicycle, the wheels rotate the muscles in your legs. The car has no legs. For it to move, force must be applied. And gasoline gives strength. It moves the mechanism that turns the wheels.

    Question: “Why does that person have dark skin?”

    Answer: The skin produces particles of color, melanin. If she produces them in large quantities, then turns black. If very little - white. It also depends on where we live. For example, in Africa, people have black skin, which protects them from the sun.

    Question: “How does the postman know who needs to give the package to?”

    Answer: Before sending a package, we always write the name and address of the person to whom we are sending it. Same with postcards and letters. A person’s address is the place where he lives: house number, street name, city, country. And so the postman knows exactly where to send the parcel.

    – A special fat is secreted on the flies’ legs, with the help of which the fly can even cling to glass.

    Why does a squirrel need a tail?

    – the tail serves as a parachute and rudder for the squirrel during the jump.

    Why does a bear go into hibernation?

    – if the bear did not go into hibernation, he could die of hunger, since in winter he would not have enough food. During hibernation, the bear very sparingly uses its fat reserves accumulated over the summer and autumn.

    Why does a camel have a hump?

    – the camel stores fat in its hump for a rainy day.

    Why does the grasshopper chirp?

    – Male grasshoppers chirp to attract attention. Grasshoppers have a special vein on their wings that they use like a bow.

    Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?

    – The giraffe’s long neck helps it pluck leaves from tall trees.

    Why do cats move their paws?

    – when kittens eat milk from their mother cat, they work with their paws so that the cat produces as much milk as possible. Kittens associate these movements with warmth, softness and pleasant sensations. Therefore, when a cat feels good, he involuntarily begins to “flip” his paws, “remembering” his childhood.

    Why do birds fly to the South?

    – if we talk about insectivorous birds, then they fly away to warmer regions for the winter, because in winter they would have nothing to eat.

    Why are baby boars striped?

    – the striped coloring of small wild boars has a protective function, they help them camouflage. The stripes resemble the play of light and shadow in the forest.

    What do bees make honey from?

    - Bees make honey from flower pollen.

    Why don't chickens fly?

    – chicken is an artificially bred bird. She has heavy bones and wings not suitable for flight.

    Why does a dog stick out its tongue?

    – when a dog is hot, it “sweats” through its tongue. The moisture from the tongue evaporates and the body temperature decreases.

    How does a camel survive without water?

    – A camel stores water not in its hump, but evenly throughout its body. His body uses water very carefully. Therefore, the water he gets from food is enough for him.

    Why don't dogs like cats?

    – Not all dogs don’t like cats. In some breeds (for example, hunting ones), the prey instinct is strong, and the cat is perceived as prey. In some cases, the dog shows interest and curiosity towards the cat and runs after it in order to play and communicate.

    Why do crocodiles cry?

    – with “tears” excess salts are removed from the crocodile’s body. In addition, “tears” protect the crocodile’s eyes from dirt and bacteria.

    Why are elephants afraid of mice?

    – there is a version that a mouse can climb into an elephant’s trunk and block its breathing. However, an elephant only needs to sneeze a couple of times to solve the problem.

    Why is a zebra striped?

    – The zebra's stripes confuse the predator, allowing the zebra to escape.

    Why don't we see pigeons?

    – pigeons build their nests in places inaccessible to people. Baby pigeons spend their entire childhood in the nest and leave it, having already acquired their usual appearance.

    Why do horses need horseshoes?

    – a horseshoe is needed to protect the hooves from wear and tear and from the traumatic effects of hard ground.

    Why does a lizard drop its tail?

    – in case of danger, the lizard controls this process with the “power of thought.” Throwing away her tail, she manages to hide.

    Why do birds line up in a school?

    – the strongest bird flies in front of the wedge. It takes on the greatest air resistance. The remaining birds line up in such a way as to make the flight as easy as possible and take on the least amount of resistance.

    Why does a cow always have diarrhea, but a goat never?

    – cows do not conserve water, since for a long time their ancestors grazed on green pastures rich in vegetation. On the contrary, the ancestors of goats, in a dry climate, were forced to value every drop of liquid.

    Why does an elephant have a trunk?

    – An elephant’s trunk is an elongated upper lip, fused with the nose, which serves the elephant not only as an organ of smell, but also as a hand. Due to its structure, without a trunk, an elephant would die of starvation because it would not be able to reach food.

    Why does a cat need a mustache?

    – Whiskers for a cat are an important organ of touch, capable of detecting any movement or rustle even in complete darkness. They are simply irreplaceable when hunting. In addition, it is through its whiskers that a cat can distinguish hot from cold, which often saves its life.

    Why can't fish live without water?

    – Fish, like all other animals, cannot live without oxygen. But their body is structured somewhat differently than ours: instead of lungs, they have gills that extract oxygen from the water. If a fish is taken out of the water, it will die, deprived of access to oxygen.

    How does a spider weave a web?

    – The spider has special glands in its abdomen that produce liquid silk. Upon contact with air, it immediately hardens, turning into the finest threads.

    Why does a peacock have such a beautiful tail?

    Beautiful tail Only male peacocks have it. They need it to attract females. The more beautiful a peacock's tail is, the more likely it is to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

    Why don't fish drown?

    – Fish have a swim bladder, which is filled with oxygen and prevents the fish from drowning. But some fish, for example, a shark, do not have such a bladder, and they remain afloat thanks to their motor activity.

    Why do cats' eyes glow?

    – In cats back wall The eyes are covered with special reflective crystals that allow them to see better in the dark. Thanks to this feature, cats' eyes can reflect light in the dark, but they cannot glow on their own.

    Why don't walruses freeze?

    – Walruses live in the Arctic and, as you know, swim with pleasure and for a long time in icy water. Their amazingly thick skin and a layer of fat underneath help protect them from the cold.

    Why can't you pet a dart frog?

    – The dart frog, which lives in Latin America, is extremely poisonous. She secretes a poison that covers her entire body and protects her from predators. Even just touching such a frog can cause death.

    Why do swallows fly low before it rains?

    – Swallows feed on small insects that they catch in the air. In good dry weather, warm air lifts insects high, and swallows catch them in flight. Before a thunderstorm, the air becomes humid and heavy, which forces insects to descend lower. Following them, the swallows also find themselves closer to the ground.

    Why are hedgehogs prickly?

    – Nature awarded hedgehogs with thorns to make them invulnerable to enemies.

    Why don't penguins fly?

    – Since penguins live on the ocean shores, they feed exclusively on fish. In order to get food for themselves, they are forced to swim a lot. To make it easier for them to swim and dive, their wings turned into something similar to fins or flippers, and penguins lost the ability to fly.

    Why is a black cat considered a bad omen?

    – This belief originates from ancient times. In the Middle Ages, people believed that a black cat was a witch who took the form of a cat. A meeting with such a cat certainly foreshadowed misfortune.

    Why is the Red Book red?

    – Red is the color of anxiety and the importance of the problem. to his bright color, this book attracts public attention.

    Why is the ladybug called that?

    – A bug called “ladybug” is known to everyone. At the slightest danger, ladybug orange milk is secreted on the legs, which has a protective function. Because of this, she got her nickname. The word "god's" most likely means "darling."

    Why does a leopard hide its prey in a tree?

    – The leopard, unlike many other animals, which prefers a solitary lifestyle, is an excellent tree climber. By taking refuge in a tree and hiding its prey there, the leopard thus escapes from uninvited guests who encroach on its food.

    Why does the cuckoo throw eggs out of the nest?

    – As you know, cuckoo mothers do not care for their offspring. They “entrust” this work to other birds. The female cuckoo secretly places her egg in someone else's nest, and the unsuspecting bird hatches the cuckoo's egg along with her own. Once born, the cuckoo shows extreme gluttony. In addition, due to its large size, the chick soon becomes crowded among its half-brothers and sisters, even if they have not yet hatched. The cuckoo clears its territory, throwing them out of the nest, one by one. For this purpose, he even has a special notch on his back.

    What do snakes smell?

    – Snakes have a well-developed sense of smell. But they smell not with their nose, but with their tongue. In the snake’s mouth there is a deep pit, the “Jacobson’s” organ. By sticking out its forked tongue for just one moment, the snake catches microscopic particles in the air, and then puts its tongue into the hole and receives all the necessary information.

    “Mommy, why is the wind blowing”, “Why is rain dripping from the sky?”, “Why is the ice melting?”, “Why are chickens yellow and the hen white?”, “ “... etc.- such questions from the baby initially evoke a feeling of pride in the parents. A child’s curiosity is perceived as evidence of his full development. And mom and dad pick up reference books, leaf through encyclopedias, look for answers on the Internet and talk with experts with only one goal: to explain to their baby why this happens and what it’s connected with.

    But the flow of questions does not stop, and the parents’ enthusiasm is gradually replaced by fatigue from the constant "Why?", to which it is simply impossible to find answers. “Mom, why do the stars glow at night, but you can’t see them during the day?”, “Why is the car moving?”, “Why don’t hamsters brush their teeth?”, “Why is blood red and not black?”. Excessive “meticulousness” in exploring the world begins to tire mom and dad and over time only causes irritation. What to do in such cases? How to respond correctly to your child's questions?

    How to properly react and answer constant children's questions: what? Where? When? what for? and why?

    First of all, there is no need to be nervous. Your child is growing and has reached that age that psychologists call “age of why” (3 - 5 years old. At this time the child is most actively interested in everything that surrounds him). Find strength in yourself and try to understand your baby, because the world is so big and interesting - he wants to know absolutely everything about it!

    When does the “age of why” begin?

    Just a few months ago, the baby was not particularly talkative, he was quiet and calm child. Today, he haunts his parents; his questions try to stump the logic of adults. Endless “why? and why?" catches them wherever they are: at home, in the park, in the store. This is due to the fact that your child has reached a “special” age when he is interested in knowing everything about everyone. This period of development usually occurs during the most interesting childhood– from 3 to 5 years.

    How do moms and dads behave in such situations? Some stubbornly try to remain calm and answer all questions as they come. Others try to change the subject, to “evade” the answer, so to speak, so as not to damage their authority in the eyes of the child with their “I don’t know.”

    Keep in mind that the last option will not suit your baby at all. He will "torture" you no matter what. If you decide to make an excuse and say the first thing that comes to your mind, the child will immediately feel it. A new series of questions will await you to clarify your answer. Therefore, if you “suddenly” don’t know something, promise your child to answer this question a little later, say: “I need to clarify something so that I can give you a detailed answer.”

    Reassure yourself that all parents go through this “test”.

    From the forum Catherine:

    I heard the formulation somewhere: “This is a difficult question. I can’t answer it right away, I need to think.” Then, when there is an answer, you raise the topic itself and tell it if you are still interested. But this is not for frequent use.

    Don't be afraid to get into trouble

    If a question stumps you, don’t get angry, avoid answering, or not answer at all. It’s better to admit that you don’t know the answer, but be sure to read about it in a smart book and later tell your baby. It’s good if there are children’s educational books, then you can look for the answer to the question together with your child.

    Some features of children's logic It’s funny to watch how the period of “why” begins in children. At first, the baby, as if by chance, to himself, begins to voice out loud what he sees and comment on what is happening. For example, while walking on the street, he notices a butterfly and begins to reason in a quiet voice:

    It seems that he is talking to himself and does not expect any explanation from you. And if you start explaining to him what exactly that same butterfly on a flower does, you will get the impression that he is not listening to you. The baby simply continues to observe the object of study and draw his own conclusions, thinking about the oddities of the world around him.

    Please note that these reasonings are precisely his first not yet voiced “why?” Every day there will be more and more thoughts out loud, they will sound louder, and after a while they will be completely replaced by questions specifically posed to you.

    Keep in mind that your child expects only truthful, comprehensive answers from you.. None “You’re still small, why do you need this?” or “Wow, how curious we are!”. We say “no” to baby talk and reproaches about his excessive curiosity. Children are very sensitive to this behavior of adults.

    They will sulk if you don't answer them and get angry if you tell a lie. They will frown, distract you from your work, endlessly fiddling with their persistent: “Well, tell me why, well, tell me!”. This child’s question seems stupid and unimportant to you, but for him, your answer may contain the answer to the mystery of the universe, the whole world, into which he is trying to penetrate with his inquisitive mind and realize his role in it, to find his place.

    Answers to children’s questions should be informative, expressed in simple and accessible language. Children need to understand what you mean when you answer their question. In addition, you should encourage kids in every possible way in their desire to know everything - be patient with their curiosity, be friendly and demonstrate your willingness to answer the next stream of their “why?”

    The desire to explore the world in children at this age resembles a tsunami, sweeping away everything in its path. Brain activity reaches its maximum, speech develops, and thinking surprises with its originality. The vocabulary is replenished with various expressions, the baby seems to be trying to express himself in his own language. During this period, children’s imagination is revealed as never before, so many mothers and fathers consider its manifestation excessive.

    How should parents react?

    Under no circumstances should parents protest against the manifestation of children's imagination. Do not offend your baby with such an attitude towards his feelings of the world. It’s better to take a break from everyday affairs, try to dream with him, come up with unusual fairy-tale heroes– you will get great pleasure from this: the world of childhood smells of magic and freedom of thought.

    Ask your child how he sees the world, and you will be surprised at what you hear from him. We adults don’t think about many things for a long time and forget why this or that event happens. The kid will find “his own” explanation for everything, tell why fish swim and how a plane flies. Of course, these explanations are not always true, but how fantastic they sound!

    Children love to explore this world in the company of adults. But, even if you don’t find time to become a “companion” on this journey, believe me, they can handle it just fine without you. Get ready for the fact that in search of answers to all your questions, your child can disassemble the alarm clock, pick apart all the buttons of the TV remote control, try to insert a rusty nail into the socket and open all the taps in the bathroom to see how water will pour out of it.

    To understand what motivates your child, mom and dad need to remember their childhood. Do not infringe on the interests of your baby and do not extinguish the “ardor” of his curiosity. Try to behave in such a way that your child considers himself a pioneer. Get involved in this game. He needs your support. Rejoice at his “discoveries”, praise him more often, because he so needs your approval.

    Answer calmly and clearly

    Don’t brush your child off, don’t say that you’re tired of his questions. How you talk to your child determines whether he or she will develop a desire to further explore the world around him. When answering questions, try to make the explanations accessible to children.

    What are the dangers of parental laziness?

    By refusing to answer all your child’s questions and not helping him to understand the world, you risk bringing a lot of problems upon him in the future. For example, hearing the constant “Don’t bother me, you see, I’m busy!” or “How annoying you are with your questions!”, the child will gradually lose interest in research and thereby miss out on many opportunities.

    Your behavior will come back to haunt you a little later, when he goes to school. There, the child will not show much zeal for knowledge, lessons will be real torture for him - he will be tormented by boredom. Teachers will start complaining about him: “He's not interested in anything at all. He yawns all the time in class!”. But before this kid was so inquisitive, but no one supported him, encouraged him, or paid him due attention. So the light of his interest in life went out.

    Therefore, do not forget to praise your children for any activity shown in studying a particular event or subject. Be there, encourage them for their next attempts to study this complex world, express your delight and pride for them. This is very an important part their lives!

    Stimulate your child’s activity, be amazed at his intelligence and observation. When you pick up your child from kindergarten, don’t rush to ask what they had for lunch. Better find out what new he learned today: “What did you do on your walk today?” or “What interesting things did you learn today? What did you see?". His new impressions are what should interest you every day.

    Let's explore the world together with a child

    It is difficult for an adult to plunge back into childhood in order to understand the thoughts of a child. To do this, you will need a few simple but very effective tips:

    1. Organize any joint activity. This way you can find out what and how your baby is thinking. Encourage the “outpouring” of his questions. Answer them with enthusiasm.
    2. Buy beautiful illustrated books and encyclopedias. Look at the pictures together and discuss them. Offer to come up with your own names for the animals and birds in them. It will be funny and will allow you to understand how your child thinks.
    3. Play various group games with two or more participants, invite your “why’s” friends and other family members to play games together.

    You can use games that you remember from your childhood or ask your teacher kindergarten What games do children of this age like most? Consult with psychologists which games contribute to the development of children and awaken their interest in exploring the world. These can be fairly simple games that do not require special skills or preparation.

    Examples of exercises for children

    1. “A series of questions”

    This game can last forever. Start with any question, for example: “Where does the water in the lake come from?”. The answer might be: “When it rains, water accumulates in the lake.”. Next question from you can be: "Why is it raining?".

    This game can be continued for a very long time. If your child finds it difficult to answer any question, help him and explain it yourself. Such a game will show the child how much he already knows, and will allow you to “show off” your intelligence, thanks to which your authority in the eyes of little man will increase significantly.

    If you also don’t know something, it’s not scary at all. You can say: "Wow. I myself don’t remember why this happens. Let's see together what is written about this in the book.". Believe me, firstly, this will bring you and your baby closer, because you don’t know the answer to this complex question together, and secondly, he will learn from you to look for answers in books and encyclopedias. In the future, this skill of communicating with such literature will be very useful to him.

    2. “What happens...?”

    This game is designed to develop children's logic and the ability to compare objects to each other by their size, width and length.

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

    The game can start with any question, for example: “What is a house like?” The child answers: big, beautiful, white, multi-story. Then you can ask them to compare the size of a house and a mountain. The child will imagine the height of the house and the mountain. The mountain will be higher. He learns to compare.

    Then ask your child to describe the road. The answer will be: long, short, wide, narrow. Then you ask: “What is wider – the road or the path?” “Of course, the road!” - the baby will answer.

    Observe which questions your child likes best - about animals, nature, people or household items. If he likes to talk more about the house, ask the question: “What is green in our house?” He will answer: an apple, flowers in a pot, a curtain in the kitchen, my dinosaur... Stop at one of the items he listed and ask him to complement its description: “What else is an apple (a curtain in the kitchen or flowers in a pot)?” The baby will begin to list for you: sour, sweet, hard, soft, round.

    If you play this game often, your child will clearly understand the difference between many objects and learn to compare them in many ways.

    3. "Ask"

    Take any picture with a plot and invite your child to ask you what he doesn’t understand in this picture. If you cannot answer, he answers for you. Then you lose. And ask your child to make up a story based on this picture in order to “voice out” the plot. This game will allow him to fantasize and show off his knowledge.

    4. “We come up with new things”

    Take old pencils, unwanted pen caps, chocolate foil, a plastic cup from the ice cream eaten and invite the child to come up with a new use for them, to make something new out of them. He will be interested in becoming an “inventor.”

    5. "Metamorphosis"

    Tell your child that he can transform into any thing he wants. Ask him to tell you how he feels after the transformation, how this thing lives, what it thinks about and what worries it. Let him talk about her thoughts, about the past and the future.

    Play together

    1. The game “What flies?”, beloved by many children.

    First, a leader is chosen (usually the mother). The presenter begins to quickly ask: “Does the TV fly?”, “Does the car fly?”, “Does the sparrow fly?” The answers must be immediate - yes or no. You can shout them out, or you can agree to wave your hands when the answer should be “yes” and not wave when “no”. The game ends when the participants score a sufficient number of points (this is discussed immediately).

    2. “Finish the sentence”

    You will need a ball or any other object that can be passed from hand to hand. The game is that the one holding the ball (an adult) begins a sentence, for example: “It snows in winter, and in summer...”. The one to whom the ball is given (the child) must finish it: “It’s raining.” Along with the answer, the participant must return the ball back. “Fruits grow on the trees, and in the beds...”, “A squirrel jumps on the branches, and a dolphin...”, “The artist paints pictures, and the cook...” - we can continue ad infinitum.

    3. “Finish the word”

    You name the first syllable of the word, the baby must come up with and name the second. It is not necessary that he guess exactly your intended word. The main thing is his ability to select words for a given syllable. Then switch roles with the baby - he now names the beginning of the word, and you name the end. This game will significantly replenish and expand your child's vocabulary.

    4. “Professional specialist”

    The game is quite simple. You say: “What does...a firefighter do?” The kid answers: “He’s putting out the fire.” You: “What is the teacher doing?” “He teaches children!” - the child answers. Start with professions known to him: baker, doctor, builder, nanny. Then move on to professions unknown to him: engineer, veterinarian, flight attendant. If he cannot explain himself, help him - tell him what, for example, an engineer does, where he works.

    5. “Who can name more objects...”

    Round, square, triangular, cold, hot, sweet, etc. The game is that you and your baby take turns naming objects of a certain shape or feature, who is bigger. For example, you tell him: “What objects square shape You know?". He will say: “Cube”, you tell him: “TV”. You continue: “The carpet in the living room.”

    The game should stop at his word, let the baby be the winner in this game. This will boost his self-esteem and teach him to think big.

    It’s good if you are one of those parents who willingly participate in the development of their baby, despite problems with fatigue and lack of time. It is very difficult to find the strength to constantly “work” as a reference book for your baby. But believe me, this stage will not last so long. And when it ends, you will remember it with tenderness.

    Be sure that your efforts will definitely be rewarded - the baby will learn to draw conclusions, connect things that are different in nature and understand the essence of events. You will become truly happy when you realize that it is all your fault. After all, for him you are the closest and dear person

    , who was the first to come to his aid in exploring the world.

    Read also: telegram channel

    To slightly paraphrase one of the greats, first we teach children to walk and talk, and then to sit and be silent. Why is that? Because the curiosity and ebullient energy of most children are capable of driving any parent, even the most patient one, crazy, several times in half an hour. From about three years old, children ask questions in tons, packs, literally wholesale, and each answer only becomes the basis for composing a new question. The obvious reason

    • - children just want to know, even if they don’t understand why they need it. But there are other answers to numerous children's questions. For example:
    • parents are the main authorities, and children believe that they know the answers to all questions about the world and life, and the ritual “I’ll ask mom” is a kind of request to confirm that you love the baby, that he is dear to you;
    • children ask questions simply out of a need to communicate (then they listen to the answers), from a desire to talk or attract attention (then they don’t really need answers);
    • some questions “grow” out of fear (“why is the dog barking?” asks a child who is afraid of dogs, even if he does not admit it);
    • many questions are repeated because the child does not immediately learn the answers;
    • children are looking for a place for something new that they encounter in the existing picture of the world and system of knowledge;
    • sometimes new knowledge conflicts with previous knowledge, and children have to seek clarification;
    • if previously a child unconsciously solved the questions and tasks posed to him in an applied way, by the “scientific poke” method, then at the age of 3-5 years he learns to realize the inner nature of things and the ability to find answers abstractly; Well, he has to ask a lot;
    • due to a leap in development: the questions posed imply that the child is aware of the likelihood of more than one answer, in addition, the baby can formulate the question so that the adult understands what is being asked.

    If we haven't yet convinced you that children's never-ending questions are something to be happy about, consider the opinion of scientists who (in particular, researchers from the University of Washington) believe that asking questions and thinking about answers to them speeds up the development of children's brains. During “parental torture,” neural connections are formed in the child’s head, and it’s not far from getting good grades at school and being praised as “smart.”

    Probably, the topic of children's questions is really painful, because many scientific minds are occupied with it. Thus, several groups of researchers at different times tried to quantify the load on the parental psyche. It turned out that children ask up to 300 questions a day. The scientists probably came across some very curious subjects. According to other scientists, everything is not so scary: on average, up to 8 questions a day, however, at least half confuse parents. Finally, a third group of researchers calculated that over a period of two to five years, the average child asks about 40 thousand questions, that is, on average 35-36 per day.

    And to these endless “what? Where? When?" - and much more often “why” - moms and dads need to answer. Moreover, no matter how scary it may sound for parents who are tired of children's questions, they should encourage children to ask, that is, in fact, create a conducive intellectual development Wednesday. Need to Regularly praise your child for asking questions- for good, interesting questions.

    According to psychologists and pediatricians, the complete absence of questions between the ages of 3 and 5 years should be alarming. Among the reasons may be a speech delay, a lag in cognitive development (that is, in the development of all thought processes, including memory, logic, imagination, perception, etc.) or emotional problems.

    The main task of an adult at the “questioning” stage of a child’s development is to maintain interest in knowledge, curiosity, pleasure from analyzing new things, from the process of cognition. The only way is to answer, and do it in such a way that the children are satisfied with the answers. Remember that by not brushing aside children's questions and not answering them formally, you are thereby developing your child, and at the same time expressing respect for him and taking him seriously.

    All parents' answers to children's questions can be roughly classified.

    The answer is “dummy”

    Examples: “When you grow up, you’ll find out,” “Because!”, “When you learn to use the Internet, you’ll find out for yourself.”

    Advantages: saving time and effort.

    Disadvantages: we unconsciously tell the child what he asked stupid question(read: he himself is stupid); we do not live up to expectations and lose authority.

    Verdict: bad answer.

    Answer with reference to the universe

    Examples: “This is how the world works” or “This is how God decided”

    Advantages: saving time and effort; somewhat true; a response aimed at religious education (if this is the goal).

    Disadvantages: for a child, such an answer is the same “dummy”; depending on the character and perseverance, the answer either will not give the child food for thought, or will provoke new questions (“What is the world / God / Universe?”)

    You've probably heard these questions from your children:
    - Why the sky is blue?
    - Why is the grass green?
    - Why doesn't the sun fall?
    - Why do planes fly but don’t flap their wings?

    The answer is “according to science”

    Example: “The sun does not fall on the Earth because it is at a distance of 149,600,000 kilometers from the Earth, weighs 332,940 times more than Earth, and the Earth’s gravitational field is not able to attract the Sun to itself.”

    Pros: very informative and detailed answer.

    Disadvantages: the child is unlikely to understand it - in this case there is little chance of second-guessing and second-guessing; such an answer “quenches” children’s curiosity.

    Verdict: conditionally bad answer.

    The answer is “fairy tale”

    Example: "The sun doesn't fall because it is actually a brightly glowing wizard flying across the sky."

    Advantages: any invention is a universal answer when there is no time or desire to understand the issue.

    Verdict: bad answer.

    Answer with variations

    Example: “Some people think this way [explanation], and some people think that way [explanation].”

    Advantages: by offering several answer options, we broaden the child’s horizons and encourage him to think.

    Disadvantages: who is right?

    Verdict: good answer - at different conditions(for example, if you have your own reasoned opinion).


    Example: “What do you think?”

    Advantages: development of logic, analytical abilities, speech skills of the child; gives you time to Google and find the answer without losing face.

    Disadvantages: sometimes the child simply has no answer options - the question is too complex or abstract; provokes a wave of new questions.

    Verdict: good answer - under various conditions (for example, if we are ready to continue the conversation, discuss, debate)

    * Good answer- one in which you answer intelligibly, clearly and to the point, and do not go away from the topic or show off your knowledge.

    Answers about questions

    Some children's questions may seem meaningless, but if they are persistently repeated several times, this is a request for help, an indication of the baby's internal anxiety. You will have to decipher the encoded messages and offer help. Sometimes to do this you just need to take a break from business and “get to the bottom” of the cause of the question or find out its true meaning.

    Children ask some questions knowing the answers. Often this is a request to confirm that the world is standing still, and the child’s ideas about it are still relevant. If the repeated questions become irritating, like “Mom, were you 20 years old? Was it 22 years old? And 80 years old?”, then such questions are an indication that the child is asking to pay attention to him, to communicate, to talk with him (and not necessarily about age or your “adventures” at 20 years old).

    Some children's questions can be embarrassing, as they relate to sex and procreation (classic) or social order, the behavior of other people (harsh reality).

    Why does grandpa smoke if it's harmful?

    Why can't you pee in the park?

    Why is it wrong to swear, but dad sometimes does it?

    Why is calling names bad?

    Why shouldn't I discuss strangers out loud?

    Why does Vasya have a lot of toys, but I have few?

    Why does auntie have a mustache? (naturally, in the presence of my aunt - and loudly)…

    These questions are no less important than the usual questions about the structure of the world around us. They reflect the situation currently experienced by the child and indicate an internal conflict. Therefore, answer thoughtfully so as not to instill in your child ideas for which you yourself will criticize him later.

    By the way, answering in too much detail or even trying to predict questions in advance is harmful to child development. According to psychologists, this destroys curiosity, and the proof is that in schools, where children are required to learn something that is not very interesting to them, they ask much fewer questions (by several times!) than at home at an early age.

    How to answer if you don't know the answer?

    Figure it out together - or admit that you don’t know the answer, and promise that you will find out, and then actually find out and tell it. Advantages of this approach:

    • the child realizes that there is no universal knowledge, but there is an opportunity to obtain it (in children's language this may sound like “I, too, can become smart, like all adults”);
    • the child will become familiar with ways to obtain knowledge;
    • The child’s trust in you will increase because you honestly admit your shortcomings (not knowing the answers to “super important” questions like “Why is the grass green?” is definitely a shortcoming), and then strive to correct them.

    Search and don't give up

    Let's talk about ways to “get” answers to tricky children's questions.

    1) Search engines - their search algorithms are constantly being improved, so that if you really want to, you can find an answer to any question in them children's question; “advanced” search options using operator commands will help you.

    2) “Stupid Frequently Asked Questions” (sfaq.ru) - theoretically a site for adults, but many questions can also be asked by children, for example, “How much does a million dollars weigh?”, “If a cat crossed the road, and then ran into reverse side- does this cancel the sign or reinforce it?”, “Why does the horse have one pair of knees back and the other forward?” etc.

    3) “Adult” question-answer services: Russian-language TheQuestion (thequestion.ru), Askee - questions and answers (askee.ru), Genon - a convenient search for answers to questions (genon.ru) and English-language Quora (quora.com). Their advantage lies in the thoroughness of the answers and the fact that they are often answered by experts (or refer to reliable sources). This also includes KnowKak.ru - answers to all questions How? (znaikak.ru) - the service specializes in those questions that begin with the word “how”.

    4) “Children’s” sites answering questions:

    • project “Pocket Scientist” (pgbooks.ru/life_with_kids/researcher/) - you will have to look for answers inside the issues, but you will save time on their interesting formulation and presentation;
    • Email science - children's questions that you could not answer (elementy.ru/email) - here you can ask a “tricky” question to the site creators by email or find answers to already questions asked;
    • 100 thousand why - answers to children's questions (allforchildren.ru/why) - questions are sorted by question words, which simplifies the search;
    • WhyChka (pochemu4ka.ru/index/pochemuchka_otvety_na_voprosy/0-576) - answers to questions can be found both in the list and in the headings.

    5) You will find answers to some questions

    Photo - photobank Lori

    Activities with children

    Why? Answers to children's questions.

    1:504 1:513

    “Mom, where do babies come from?”, “Why does it rain?”, “Why does a camel have a hump?” or “Why do I wear boots, but the dog doesn’t?”; “Why does this aunt have huge eyes?” - these are the questions children sometimes ask. It’s just that your child has grown to the age when he wants to know almost everything! This is the "age of why"!


    Sometimes adults get lost in answer to these and many other questions and cannot find answers. To equip you with knowledge, we offer you answers to some of your “why” questions.

    1:1462 1:1471 1:1480 1:1485 1:1494

    Why do spiders fly on cobwebs in autumn?


    2:503 2:512

    In autumn, many young spiders go on long journeys. Sitting on the top of a blade of grass, on a leaf or on a twig, the spider releases a web. The wind picks it up, the spider stops clinging to the leaf and flies away along with the cobweb. He is still so small and light, this spider, that he is held in the air by a barely noticeable cobweb thread.


    Running across the flying web, lengthening and shortening it, the spider will either fly higher or descend lower. He can absorb the entire web, and then descend to the ground. Autumn web- this is the work of thousands of young spider pilots. This is how young spiders move to a new place of residence!



    Why is one squirrel called a parachutist?


    3:607 3:616

    Lives in India and on the island of Ceylon taguan squirrel. She is the size of domestic cat, and its front and hind legs are connected by a thick membrane. The membrane is not simple. With its legs stretched out, the taguan jumps from the top of the tree. The membrane serves as a parachute for it, and the animal seems to fly from top to bottom along an oblique line.


    The thick and fluffy tail serves as the squirrel's rudder. The Taguan's eyes are sharp: it lands on the branch it needs without making a mistake. We also have flying squirrels. There is a flying squirrel in the taiga. It is smaller than our ordinary squirrel and can jump and fly twenty to thirty meters.



    Why are autumn flies evil?


    4:572 4:581

    They say that by autumn flies become angrier - they begin to bite painfully. Our ordinary housefly does not bite either in summer or autumn. She can't bite - she has nothing to bite. Look at the housefly's head - the proboscis sticks out in front. The end of this proboscis is wide and flat, like a child's shoe. This proboscis can suck up liquid, but it cannot pierce the skin.


    And yet, at the end of summer, flies bite. It's not the housefly that bites, it's autumn zhigalka. This fly is called a zhigalka because it stabs very painfully with its proboscis. - as if it’s burning, burning. And this fly is called autumn because it is more common in late summer and autumn.


    The zhigalka looks like a housefly. It is the same size, the same color. So they think that it is a simple fly that bites. But it is not difficult to distinguish a live fly from a simple fly. The zhigalka's proboscis is sharp and sticks out forward. Her body is wider and shorter.


    In a simple fly, when it sits, the wings are directed back, while in a fly, they are spread out to the sides. The zhigalka flies quickly and deftly, without buzzing. In rooms it often flies low, near the floor.


    Take a closer look at the flies in your rooms at the end of summer and you will immediately notice that they are different. You won’t see a burner on the table, on bread or near milk. She doesn't even sit down to eat jam. All this is not her food. The food for the burner is blood. She sucks it like a mosquito.

    4:1178 4:1187

    Why is the boletus called that?




    In the forest, a red cap of a mushroom peeks out from under old fallen aspen leaves. This is an aspen boletus. And a little further away, under that birch tree, a brown boletus cap sticks out. I carefully tear apart the fallen leaves. Yes, there is a whole family of boletus mushrooms: two, three, four... One is smaller than the other. In order not to spoil the cap of the mushroom, I take hold of the bottom of the stem. The root of the mushroom sits tightly in the ground. I'm filming quietly upper layer earth and I see: from the root to the ground they go to different sides thin white threads-mycelium. These threads are so intertwined with each other that it is difficult to keep track of where they go next.


    It turns out that my entire family of boletus mushrooms is connected to each other underground by these white threads, and all these baby boletus mushrooms are siblings, grown from the same ball of threads, from the same mycelium. The threads of the mycelium, making their way in the ground between the roots of flowers and trees, absorb water and food along the way. Their food is fallen old leaves and last year's rotting grass. Threads water and feed the leg and cap of the mushroom. But what is it?


    Individual threads of mycelium come very close to the living roots of birch. They entwine the roots from all sides, they penetrate into the very root. The food they get from the old rotting remains of plants is not enough for them, and they extract sap from living trees by sucking on their roots.


    But the tree itself does not lose from this proximity: the threads of the fungus serve as additional roots for it and feed it in turn. The threads of boletus are “friends” most often with the roots of birch, the boletus is “friends” with aspen, the saffron milk cap is with the Christmas tree, and so on; that is why each mushroom is found mostly around one specific tree.


    There were no boletus in Sweden. And when larch was transplanted there, new mushrooms for Sweden appeared in these new forests - larch boletus.

    5:1439 5:1448

    Why does the snow squeak?


    6:503 6:512

    Try to catch one snowflake and you will see that this one beautiful star consists of many small crystals.


    No matter how small these crystals are, when they break, a cracking sound is heard. When one crystal breaks, it is impossible to catch the sound. And when many of these crystals break at once, a cracking sound becomes audible, and we say that the snow is creaking.

    6:1155 6:1164

    Why do skates slide on ice?


    7:1745 7:8

    Misha was told that the skates glide because the ice is smooth. Misha stood on the glass, even smoother than ice, and his skates did not slip. Why is this?


    The skates slide because the weight of the ice melts. A thin layer of water forms between the skate and the ice. This water, like a lubricant, allows the skater to glide. The layer of water turns out to be so thin that before the skate has time to pass, the water freezes again and only a trace remains on the blue surface of the ice.


    If it costs a lot severe frost, the skates don't glide so well. Every speed skater knows this. Now neither Misha nor his comrades will try to slide on the glass, no matter how smooth it may seem.

    7:1163 7:1172

    Why do crabs have flowers on their shell?




    There are crabs in nature with flowers growing on their shells. How can this be, you ask? And like this. Algae, polyps, sea worms, and sea anemones live on the crab's shell. It seems like it's just a moving island. It is difficult to guess that this island, inhabited by animals and plants, is a crab. When such a crab wants to eat, he uses his claw to take one of his cohabitants from the shell and puts it in his mouth. This crab is not only well hidden from enemies by a live tire, but also always carries a ready-made lunch with him!

    8:935 8:944

    Where are they flying to? migratory birds?




    It turns out that storks, cranes and swallows flew to Africa; we went to the very middle of Africa, to visit hippopotamuses. The starling also flew to Africa, but not so far - he got to Egypt, and that’s enough. Wild geese flew to Africa, to India, and others stopped in Persia. Although the cuckoo is a poor flyer, when it began to fly away from the winter, it also reached Africa. They live there in the forest, but they don’t crow. Our cuckoo in Africa is silent; when visiting, it seems to have become mute.


    Birds do not build nests in foreign lands and do not hatch chicks. Some fly ten thousand kilometers, and some just a thousand.


    The rook does not fly far. It feels good in winter in the south of Ukraine, and it’s not bad in the North Caucasus either. It’s filling, not too cold, and close to home. He’s not in a hurry to fly away in the fall: he doesn’t have far to fly. And in the spring, of all birds, he is the first to fly: he’s just a stone’s throw from the south of Ukraine to Moscow: he flapped his wings for three days, and he’s home.



    What birds winter near us?


    10:586 10:595

    Late autumn came, the guys noticed that the cheerful wagtails, fast swallows, and tireless starlings were no longer visible. Migratory birds have flown south. And what birds stay with us for the winter?

    10:949 10:958

    11:1462 11:1471

    Who can feed themselves: black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges. Flocks of tits fly through the forest, and among the tits there is a woodpecker. Like a leader: wherever he goes, the tits go. A woodpecker is chiseling the bark of a tree with its beak, and tits are jumping in the snow, picking up fallen larvae. They feed near the woodpecker, so they fly after it.

    11:1994 11:8 11:11 11:20

    Near people there are sparrows, jackdaws, crows, pigeons, and in the villages yellow buntings also stay. Goldfinches fly through copses and wastelands, feeding on burdocks.

    11:296 11:305

    12:809 12:818

    But among the familiar birds, suddenly in winter an unknown bird will flash by. We didn't have these in the summer. Who is this? It turns out that some birds come to us for the winter.

    12:1113 12:1122

    Which birds come to us for the winter?


    In winter, flocks of plantains fly along the roads; like sparrows rummaging through horse dung. In the forest, on birch branches, tap dancers hang, and red-breasted bee-eaters sit on rowan trees. It’s quiet in the northern forests, from where these birds came to us for the winter. And these squinting eyes are so calm that you are amazed. You come up to him, and he won’t mind anything. You can knock it down from a tree with a stick. But the bee-eater will live with us for a little while, and then it won’t let us get close - it will fly away.



    13:512 13:521

    What birds build nests in winter?


    Of course, you won’t find a nest in every forest in winter, but if you try, look, you’ll see. Spruce; at the top there is a nest; There are eggs in the nest, and a bird on the eggs.


    14:1371 14:1380

    Her beak is crooked and crossed. This beak is good for peeling fir cones. This is a crossbill, a tramp. So crossbills wander throughout their lives from forest to forest. They will end up in the forest, where there are a lot of cones, they will linger - they will build nests and hatch chicks. And they don’t care about winter. It’s frosty, the jackdaws are freezing in flight, the trees are cracking, and their chicks are sitting in the nest. There are a lot of spruce seeds - the chicks are well-fed. The nest is deep, with fluff, and it is warm. And in the cold it will cover the mother with itself. Then it's really good.



    How do you know which birds fly where?


    15:593 15:602

    How do you know which bird is flying to where? Make a mark on the bird with paint? It is forbidden. The rain will wash off the paint. That's what scientists came up with. A light ring is put on the bird's leg. There is a number on the ring. The number is written down in the book. If such a bird falls into the hands of a person, you can find out where its homeland is by its number.

    15:1133 15:1142

    For example, they put a ring on a crane in a swamp near Tver. And this crane was killed in the fall near Odessa. This means that the crane was flying from near Tver to the south through Odessa. They usually mark chicks on the nest with rings - this is the easiest way. Bird rings told us many different things about birds: what roads do birds take to fly south, where do they spend the winter, and do they fly back to the same forest from which they flew.



    Which fish has eyes on its side?


    16:574 16:583

    Yes, this is a flounder fish! There is such a lazy fish, its name is flounder. She lives at the bottom of the sea. It swims little and never rises to the surface of the water. The flounder lies on the bottom not on its belly, but on its side: its side is wide, lying on it is good and comfortable. She always lies on the same side.

    16:1098 16:1107

    Why do flounder have eyes on one side?


    17:1698 17:8

    He will lie on his side with one eye looking at the sand. What's the use of such an eye? And the flounder's eyes are located in a special way. Not like all fish, one is on the right, the other is on the left. She has both eyes on one side and the other side is blind. The one on which she lies.

    This does not happen right away; the flounder hatches from the eggs - it swims, like all fish. And at this time she has eyes on both sides. The flounder is growing little by little and lying on its side more and more often. And at this time the bones on her head begin to grow differently. They grow so much that the head becomes warped: on one side they grow stronger, on the other weaker. And it all ends with both eyes being next to each other. By this time, the flounder is already becoming quite lazy.

    17:1273 17:1282

    What kind of fish can shoot?




    Don't think that fish shoot from a gun. Fish shoot water from their mouths. He will take water into his mouth and splash it. Sprays accurately and doesn't miss. The most accurate shooter among fish - splash fish. He lives far from here - on the island of Java.

    18:405 18:414

    19:918 19:927

    The splasher will see a fly on a leaf above the water, take some water into his mouth, stick his head above the water, and splash. Fuck! The fly fell: a spray gun knocked it down with water. He swallows a fly and starts looking for another one. The spray gun shoots about a meter and a half and always misses.

    19:1352 19:1361
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