• The whole truth about the Norman company in St. Petersburg. Some nuances at work


    Sir Norman Foster is the founder of the high-tech style in architecture; his buildings are characterized by modern technology, sustainability (it was Foster who was one of the first to develop this term) and a certain restraint in appearance. We publish selected quotes from the British architect - about himself, about his own projects and about the future of architecture.

    In a way, I'm still a student. In my youth, when I worked for Manchester City Council, I free time I walked around the city, looking at the buildings... During my lunch break, I got on my bike and went to look at the buildings... And I still, as in the years of studying at architecture school, love traveling, I love studying buildings and cities.

    In the Manchester area where I grew up, it was common to work with your hands. If you wanted to study, you were not like everyone else. Someone from my area had as much chance of getting into university as becoming Pope. I saw how hard my parents worked. Perhaps it was then that my dream of changing lives through architecture and design began. Since then, social responsibility has been very important to me.

    My first director John Barshaw in Manchester, looking at my portfolio of drawings and copied drawings of others, he said that I was like a square peg stuck in a round hole. And he gave me a separate room and the first project. From that moment my life changed.

    A lot of things inspire me. Sometimes I feel like I see more than others see.

    An architect designs buildings for the present, remembering the past and thinking about the future, about which, in fact, nothing is known.

    Around 1970 I became interested in high performance gliders. And one day I took a flight. And from then on I became simply obsessed. Then I became interested in flying airplanes with engines, helicopters, and performing aerobatic maneuvers. In other words, flying has become a part of my life long years forward. Flight opens up perspective, a look at nature, the city. Remembering what you saw from above, you begin to respect nature and think in big categories. Things are revealed from above that cannot be felt at other levels. This is amazing and very important. I want to believe that I, as a designer, have achieved this high level design and precision in conveying an idea precisely because of this soaring high in the skies, when sometimes you rely only on the power of nature... In addition, for me, as an urbanist, a special dimension is very important - more perfect than just drawings. These are like mockups - an indispensable thing in the design process. And when you soar through the skies, what you see is, in a sense, like architectural models: houses, land, nature. And this layout says a lot.

    I think we need to go back to the roots of technology. Everything that was interesting in the past was the advanced technology of the time. This is true for architecture and life today. We have always tried to push boundaries, and this challenge to the human spirit has driven us to seek and create places that improve the quality of life.

    This community, the unity of architecture and nature underlies the world order. Although we start with the idea of ​​creating an expressive object and realizing it with high technology, the main thing is its integration with nature. If you want, you can call it holism or natural synergy. I believe this is where the true poetic dimension of architecture lies. Maybe, like music, this is its purpose.

    In the 1970s we promoted the idea of ​​ecological architecture- buildings that will consume less energy, pollute the environment less, and have a gentler impact on the environment. In fact, these projects were not realized, but they laid the foundation for ideas and buildings that were in demand in the future.

    To be an architect, you need to be an optimist, you need to believe in the future. And then everything is possible. I believe there are both great challenges and wonderful opportunities. Of course, we are now experiencing an energy crisis, a crisis associated with environmental pollution, and global warming. And buildings contribute to this, consuming about 50% of energy, with the rest coming from transport and infrastructure. Anything that will help reduce this consumption and improve the quality of life in the city is good and possible.

    Willis Faber and Dumas headquarters in Ipswich (1975)- this is, in a certain sense, a radical building that anticipated the information revolution even before its first signs appeared. The accessibility of all floors, the huge spans, the central public space, the atrium - all this was absolutely radical and revolutionary in the mid-1970s, whereas now it is standard practice.

    We have always created components, parts for specific buildings. At Willis Faber - ceilings, escalators and floors. This has become a tradition that has evolved from experimentation while working on different projects over the years. Now the difference is that an individual manufacturer comes to us and asks us to come up with elements for him door handles, wall and ceiling systems, instead of ordering a building design from us.

    Before you build anything, listen to the city, Before you demolish anything, listen to your heart.

    Today the architect has the same responsibility as before. But the only difference is that earlier the architect was associated with a specific building, but today his role has changed to the field of infrastructure, which has become a new field for critical reflection. The architect needs to be more involved in the creation of public space. Of course, buildings play a very important role, no less than before, but it is the combination between infrastructure and architecture that takes on new meaning and determines the sustainable development of the environment. This is a new challenge for the future, because today everything is a product of design, nothing appears by chance.

    While working on Swiss Re we made a computer model of a “virtual air tunnel” to test the air flow around and through the building. This was fundamental for two reasons. First, it was necessary to understand the effect of air currents on such a tall structure. Secondly, the effectiveness of the building's natural ventilation strategy should have been tested. These studies also showed that the skyscraper's aerodynamic shape would improve wind conditions in the area.

    Millennium Bridge over the Thames- an arrow of light cutting through the river.

    On Hong Kong banknotes There is a picture of the HSBC bank headquarters. This is very significant for me.

    Design is not just about technology and productivity. I believe that design is the result of both an intuitive vision and a mathematical formula.

    For me, architecture enriches the soul, sharpens the senses of perception. At the physical level, you can calculate and measure everything. But inner feelings cannot be measured, but you know that it moves you, inspires you.

    “How much does your building weigh?”- Bucky Fuller once asked me about the Sainsbury Center for the visual arts in East Anglia. A week later I knew the answer: 5328 tons. It turned out that huge masses fall on the most primitive parts of the structure, on the concrete foundation. An interesting discovery. Bucky always provoked himself and others, challenged himself and those around him.

    I am convinced that the infrastructure of space, communication and accessibility- this is what holds the structure together and is much more important than a single building.

    The master plan always occupies a central position in our work. He has been at the core of our practice since the 1960s, starting with Team 4 when we did the masterplan for Wates Housing (1965) in Surrey. The Willis Faber office, the project in Nimes, and other objects - they are all made with master plans for the development of the environment. In Duisburg - on the restructuring of the industrial part; in Nîmes - to create a pedestrian zone.

    I think that the future is formed as a result of mastering the past and developing modern technologies . Using them for good is what pushes boundaries. In a way, you are trying to anticipate the future by designing the life of this building, which does not exist today. In other words, you are trying to anticipate changes without knowing exactly what they will be. And this applies to so many of our buildings, which have proven that they are able to be ahead of the times, to anticipate changes.

    Two topics will be most important for future growing cities. The first is the role of public spaces. The second is a request for more environmentally responsible architecture.

    There are no technological barriers for the construction of sustainable architecture, only political ones. The architecture of the future can become the architecture of the present.

    St. Petersburg - a noble city. If you look at it from the point of view of an urban planner, you will see how important connections and public spaces are in it and their relationship to the river. We see beautiful buildings, palaces, monuments - everything is magnificent. But the way you move around the city is also a stark reminder of the importance of planning, of the importance of infrastructure.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a routine, I want to get away from everything, relax, ride a bike, think, and then it comes to me the right decision. My mental anguish calms down when I allow myself to relax. But what helps me best is fruitful work.

    BymaterialsinterviewForpublicationsArchitectural Record (1999), Quantrill M. “Norman Foster studio” (1999), Harvard Business Review (2011), BBC News (2000), Foster N. and Jenkins D. “On Foster... Fosteron"(2000), for documentaries“How much does your building weigh, Mr. Foster?” (2010) and “Height. Norman Foster" (2010), as part of a TED talk (2007).

    Why have you become so capricious, dear? “I don’t recognize you at all,” the alpha kept repeating as a joke, returning from the fair. Now everyone goes to the fair and buys delicious pickles for the winter, so Norman decided that he needed to stock up on something tasty, because he knows how much his omega loves something just like that, unusual and magical. Apples in cinnamon or blackberries in syrup? Or maybe both? Norman didn’t know and was at a loss, however, remembering his lover, he immediately realized that he needed to buy both.

    Winter was already in full force outside, the frost literally crept into my felt boots and gave no rest. The soul was yearning to go home, to its omega, into warmth and endless comfort. But Norman was in no hurry at all: he stayed in the city because he realized that he needed to look at his friend, the Herald. And Norman looked in. Yes, he dropped in so much that he stayed there until the evening, drinking tea and tasting different kinds jams. And Norman liked it, but after a while, he realized that it was not very civilized to linger in someone else’s house and disturb people, because omega Herold was in a position, which could not but rejoice. As is customary in their village, Norman thanked his friends as a gift for Holy holiday Christmas by giving a small souvenir in the form of a snowman. It may not be very convincing, but Norman knew how Harold’s omega loved such things, and Herold himself had not accepted anything for a long time as a sign of the old, good and strong friendship. And Norman was not happy about this at all, at first he was even angry, but then he understood. I just understood and began to bring small but very warm gifts to the omega Herold, but Norman meant that this gift was general. It will stand on a small wooden table and delight you with its warmth. At least that's what Norman was counting on, and what happens there isn't that important.

    Alpha said a warm goodbye and thanked him again for the welcome. Norman didn’t know when they would see each other again, but he knows for sure that it won’t be soon, because the alpha bought everything for the winter and is not going to come to the city anymore. For now. Christmas will only come in a week, but it’s better to congratulate all your family and friends right now, because Norman usually doesn’t like to go out into the city the day before, because the severe cold is literally a few days before Christmas, and even more so on Christmas. In fact, Norman loves such trips to close people, but something alarming is languishing in his soul, so this clumsy, tall and large alpha, looking like a kind bear, wandered home, towards the river, where it is now pitch-dark...

    By Norman's standards, it was already about seven in the evening, which couldn't help but upset. The snowstorm has intensified and now you can’t see anything at all. Alpha carefully carried goodies and pickles home, as well as a small brush of spruce. Norman knows how much his omega loves him when the fragrant pine tree spreads notes of its happiness throughout the house. Norman knows how his omega simply loves it when the house is cozy and completely warm. And the warmth could be supplemented by a spruce branch, which would definitely be decorated with homemade balls.

    Norman smiled warmly when he saw a quiet lamp through the windows of the house. The “good bear” burst into the house, putting his favorite sword aside. Now the thought occurred to him that it would be nice to sharpen the blade properly.
    The howling of the wolves only reminded that the alpha was finally home. After all, they live in the forest. Cold, but such a native forest. Civilization here is completely inaccessible and Norman was pleased with this, although he had to spend half a day just to get to the city.

    All his Milo did was worry. He rushed from one corner to another, looking around the small room. Either he will climb onto the stove and look at the prototype of the clock, then he will sweep the house, then he will wash the dishes, then he will read a book, then he will cook food and warm up dinner for the umpteenth time. Milo loved with all his heart his clumsy, kind warrior, so warm and cozy. At first, when they saw each other occasionally but secretly, Milo came to the idea that Norman was the kind of person you literally wanted to live with. His eyes were so warm, so tired, and his smile was so sincere that it was breathtaking. And now, Milo is so happy to see his alpha that he began to carefully get off the stove and went straight towards his Norman.

    I? Capricious? And I'm not capricious. I'm so worried in a special way.

    Milo takes the spruce twig from the alpha and thanks him, quietly pressing his lips to the lips of his lover. Milo blushes, but immediately goes off to decorate and enjoy decorating in a cozy home. The homemade balls were indeed quietly and comfortably placed on spruce branches, and it all looked very homely, because only his Milo, as Norman was sure, could create such an atmosphere of warmth and endless tenderness.

    Norman knew it was just concern and worry. His omega was never capricious, only occasionally he could suddenly cry, but can this be called whims? This is my father's share, my father's fate. And isn’t it possible to simply indulge in tears?

    Milo also knew that his alpha was joking, but the omega inadvertently became embarrassed and turned away from his Norman and began to wipe the table once again, and then wash the dishes, sweep the floor and everything like that. And Norman felt so warm and good that he blissfully stretched out on a chair and simply enjoyed his mysterious Milo, who so diligently did the housework.

    Milo makes tea for his alpha, and then begins to polish the old teapot, because, according to Milo, it is “too dirty and requires care,” but, in fact, it was not dirty, the omega just had to occupy himself with something, because he was embarrassed that in the morning he had been rude to his Norman, who was going to the fair and had not had breakfast.

    Milo frowned. How can you not have breakfast? After all, there will be no strength at all. But Norman also had breakfast, he just decided to help with the housework first, because his little lady is carrying his - Norman - baby under her heart. And only a month has passed, the rounded tummy is not visible at all, but Norman’s instincts say the opposite - to help in everything. And Norman always helped, that’s a fact, but now he has become more attentive to housework. Even more carefully.

    Milo comes up to his Norman and helps him take off his felt boots, but the alpha catches on and doesn’t even notice that he hasn’t taken off his outerwear. Norman was angry with himself for such rashness, but later, when thin fingers began to massage his broad shoulders, he relaxed and broke into a blissful smile. Because he loved his omega so much that his touch could not replace anyone or anything.

    The alpha laid out delicious pickles and sweets on the table, and the omega only admired, and then became embarrassed again:

    Norman, all this costs money... But you didn’t even take the money I gave you. I wanted to help...

    Milo, my beloved Milo,” the alpha turned to his omega and looked at him warmly, and the smile still did not leave his lips, “I really appreciate your help, but I use everything rationally, you know.” Therefore, save your money very carefully, we will definitely need it, okay? - a warm smile does not leave your lips, and your soft gaze continues to look into the eyes of your lover.

    Milo pursed his lips and nodded, because this look inadvertently embarrassed him. Omega looks away and feels warm touches on his lower back, and then the most tender kisses on his tummy, which is still flat, but Norman claimed that he is sure that the tummy is already slightly rounded.

    Norman and Milo are still drinking tea, and then the omega began to put sweets and pickles on the shelves, and Norman helped. Christmas is coming very soon, so the alpha immediately remembered the meat that was in the above-ground cellar adjacent to the house. And although he didn’t belong there at all, it was so cold now that the vegetables and pickles had to be moved into the house. Because vegetables freeze and disappear, and jars crack from severe frost. That's why meat belongs there. Norman was anticipating what delicious food his omega would cook up, so he even licked his lips and smiled contentedly.

    When all the work was done, the sweets were placed in their places, the alpha completely realized that it was time to go to bed. Tomorrow is another hard day: I will probably have to clear the snow from the yard, chop the firewood, and then make a crib for the baby, because Norman has set himself this goal very seriously. And how nice it is to then go into a warm house and feel the aroma of a tasty, appetizing soup, and tender kisses can warm you up better than a stove, Norman noticed this a long time ago, and that’s why he worked hard to receive kisses like this. It’s better if their number increases each time, and sometimes Norman even managed to do this. And how pleasant it is to work with your own hands, how pleasant it is to then hear quiet words of admiration and follow the eyes burning with love and delight. Norman absolutely loved it.
    How wonderful are the days when guests come! Norman and Milo loved days like these! Especially when someone comes to see them late in the evening. The cozy atmosphere always warmed family and friends, and even the wolves dared to approach this cozy house in anticipation of Milo and Norman. Because the forest loved them, and the wolves are ready to give their devotion and peculiar affection to them.

    Norman always enjoyed his nights with Milo. Long conversations did not stop even in a cozy bed, somewhere behind the stove. They haven’t climbed onto the stove for a long time, because there was an incident when the “Good Bear” fell... And now Milo and Norman have made a cozy bed for themselves, which will soon be a little small, because the alpha is preparing for his Milo’s round belly. But this does not frighten both of them at all.
    The alpha loved it when his omega cuddled and kissed him so tightly that he himself inadvertently exhaled and kissed him. Also warm and affectionate, sincere and loving. Tightly intertwined fingers, warm kisses on the lips... Norman loved these kisses. And Milo also loved the kisses of his alpha. Milo was especially amused when his Norman lay down at stomach level and began to read books or invent his own stories and jokes. Norman and Milo are sure that their baby understands everything.

    Norman brought new books into the house. Those books that I managed to grab at the fair. Their village literally snatched books from each other’s hands, because everyone was interested in new fairy tales and stories. It’s also funny to watch when each house exchanges the books they’ve read, and then a whole society of book lovers gathers and discusses what they’ve read until late in the evening. Sometimes Norman went to such events, but he realized that he was quite satisfied with his Milo, with whom he was incredibly interesting. Norman notes to himself that Milo, after all, reads more, because Norman simply does not have enough time, but, in fact, he is not complaining. The Alpha loves the rhythm of his life, but more than that, he loves his Omega, who tells such fascinating stories, who shares something very intimate with him.

    Soon Milo and Norman will go to town. Milo will sell his herbs, from which he expertly made various tinctures, ointments and medicines, and Norman will buy required material, but it will not be so soon... But Norman and Milo usually easily survive the waiting period. Because they are so happy with each other, they feel so good together, that letting each other go seems unthinkable.

    Norman loved having Milo sharpen his blade. He was too heavy for Milo, but under the supervision of his alpha, he did absolutely everything. And Milo laughed loudly and sincerely when they succeeded.

    Dear, tasty and warm dinner is ready,” the warm smile was inviting, and Norman simply could not resist and first of all hugged his wonderful Milo, pressed his lips to his forehead and whispered words of gratitude.

    Norman felt so strongly sincere love his Milo, that the confidence that only he would protect him until the end of his days never left.


    I don’t know what came over me, but I’m incredibly glad that I can write something so warm. I hope you stay warm too, dear reader. True, I really want to hope so.

    Happy holidays to you ◕‿◕

    In the construction market of St. Petersburg, the Norman company is very interesting and noteworthy, because this company is engaged in the construction of urban housing for families with low and medium incomes. The company's management is strictly convinced that every resident of St. Petersburg should have their own place for a comfortable life. Therefore, in addition to the main field of activity, which is the construction of residential complexes, the company plans to enter the market of additional services, significantly increasing the convenience of life within the city. The Norman company performs the tasks not only of the developer, but also of the customer, investor and general contractor in many projects in St. Petersburg.

    History of the Norman company

    The construction company "Normann" began its work in 2004. Initially, the management set as its goal the creation of comfortable, high-quality and, most importantly, affordable housing for all segments of the population. In its motto “one family - one apartment,” the company reflects the mission with which the organization was formed. Over the many years of its work, the company has managed to enlist the support of many companies from the construction industry and has significantly developed in the city market. In the near future, Norman plans to enter the real estate markets in other regions of our country and, in the future, beyond its borders to neighboring countries.

    Norman's facilities

    Despite the relatively small age of the Normann company, it has already managed to implement dozens of remarkable residential complexes within St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Among the most interesting are the following projects:

    • Residential complex “Two Captains”, consisting of two multi-storey buildings;
    • , built using brick-monolithic technology and presented as economical class housing;
    • Low-rise residential complex in
    • Residential complex "Nevskaya Vertical";
    • Residential complex "Otlichnik";
    • Residential complex on Vitebsky Prospekt, consisting of 16 floors;
    • Club house "Kolomyagi-Breeze", which is a 5-storey building of superior comfort.

    Residential complex "Two captains"

    The residential complex is located in St. Petersburg. The facility was first put into operation by the company in 2010. It consists of two buildings that are 20 and 22 floors high. There is also underground parking. The ceiling height is 2.75 meters. Each house has a silent elevator that operates in high-speed mode. There is a concierge post at the bottom of each entrance.

    A large residential complex is located in the south near the city, it consists of twenty houses, the height of which ranges from 17 to 19 floors. There is a metro station not far from the complex. For children there are schools and kindergartens, as well sports grounds and a swing. Each house has a concierge and security post.

    Residential complex "Nevskaya Vertical"

    Each house in the complex is built according to a special design. Almost every apartment has a view of the park. There is shopping mall, schools and kindergartens. A few meters from the house there is the Ice Palace. There is parking on the territory of the complex. The house has a high-speed elevator and a place for a concierge. Apartments are rented without finishing work.

    Three residential complexes are also in the works. Final delivery is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2015:

    • Residential complex "Desyatkino";

    Additionally, the company conducts design work Residential complex "On Zarechnaya", which will include two high-rise buildings, and residential complex "Moroshkino".

    Norman's advantages

    The main advantages of the company lie in the rules prescribed by management, which are certainly followed for each new project. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

    • thoughtful and ergonomic apartment layouts;
    • reducing the cost of building houses due to the use of standard architectural designs for the majority of houses being built;
    • use of environmentally friendly, high-quality and modern materials, which the company receives only from the leading suppliers of our country, contracts with which are concluded for a long period with a fixed price.

    The company strives to create affordable housing for large quantity of people. In this regard, Normann management very often invests in the development of inexpensive land plots. This makes it possible to increase the quality of construction.

    Some nuances at work

    Despite the fact that in production the company tries to reduce the cost of all work as much as possible, but at the same time, the construction cannot be called outdated. For work on sites it is used only best technology, which is contained in the company’s personal parks, as well as leading technologies developed by global and European specialists.

    Get out only 10 minutes

    Cleaning the entire house is an overwhelming task, so tell yourself that you will only dedicate 10 minutes to cleaning, set a timer and whatever you have time to do, you will do. Do this once or twice a day and you won't get tired or feel exhausted. Tip: The easiest way is to run a microfiber cloth over all surfaces, removing dust. This gives the most noticeable clean effect and you will feel more satisfied with your work.

    On the weekend, pack your outfits for the week.

    And hang them on one hanger in advance. If you have only two blouses that you wear to work, then assemble sets according to the principle “everything goes under the first blouse” and “everything goes under the second.” The beauty of this method is that getting ready in the morning won't leave you worried that you have nothing to wear, and you won't waste time looking for the right thing at the very last moment. Having healthy nerves is priceless, isn’t it?

    Another reason to do this once a week: you may find something you will never wear again and mercilessly throw it away. Well, okay, okay, leave it to your daughter when she grows up. At least remove it from the closet onto the mezzanine.

    Check your refrigerator once a week

    This is most convenient to do before going to the store to purchase. Throw away anything expired or suspicious. At the same time, you will discover how many extra products you buy every week. Create a menu for your family for the week, stock the refrigerator, and you won’t have to go to the store for a whole week. Unless for bread, on the way from work.

    Unload yourself, both physically and mentally

    No, we don't mean lying on the couch all day with a bottle of wine. There are easier and healthier ways. Take inventory once a week with a piece of paper of what you like in your life and what you don't. Get rid of the problems that depress you before they accumulate and cause depression.

    If during this mental cleaning you find that you have taken on too many household chores, social burdens or problematic relationships, you can honestly reconsider your attitude towards these obligations.

    Little secret: the peculiarity of our psyche is that it is most strongly influenced by our own fears and experiences, and not by real facts. So, just by dealing with your fears and making at least some decision regarding them, you will get rid of the burden that your own imagination puts on you. How to quickly get yourself in order

    Connect your family

    Distribute cleaning responsibilities between your children, your husband and yourself, and never trespass on someone else’s property. Does your dog's paws not wash after a walk? So, the children took the dog and washed it. And also the flooring of the apartment. I wash the floors only when you fulfill your duties, and the consequences of violations are eliminated by the violators.

    Limit the cleaning area

    In addition to the “10 minutes” rule, you can introduce a location limit. Every day different zones. “I’m cleaning the toilet now and I’m not getting carried away anymore.” As a result, you won’t find yourself an hour later as a lathered witch, cursing the inventors of mops with sophisticated curses.

    Arrange storage units around the house

    Instead of constantly hanging discarded baby clothes, husband socks, and the like in their places, place a couple of laundry baskets in key places. And just casually throw everything that is out of place there. Once a week, or as it accumulates, assign the family to sort out this trash.

    Do deep cleaning in key areas

    If you spend most of your time in the kitchen, clean it thoroughly on your days off. And other places as possible. If you work from home, your bedroom or room from where you work is key. Rule of thumb: Spring cleaning should keep the place that matters most to you clean. The rest is not so important and don’t spend more energy on it than necessary.

    Combine useful with useful

    Think about what brings you pleasure and benefit that can be combined with cleaning? Do a hair mask while you iron? Listen to a tutorial while you sweep? Our consciousness notes what we focus on. And the thought “I study while I clean” will allow you to spend time with more pleasure than “I have to clean while I study.” A simple trick, but it works all the time.

    Photo: fotoimedia/Ingram.

    A child should have household responsibilities from the first years of life. Of course, a two-year-old child will not be able to peel potatoes, but he is quite capable of cleaning up his toys.

    Children must help their parents around the house, and if you do not want to raise a drone that is not adapted to independent life, the baby must be taught to do housework.

    Why young children should help their parents around the house

    If you ask women when they clean up, most of them will answer that they do it while the children are not at home, while they are watching cartoons or doing something. Yes, without children the cleaning process goes faster, but with them it will be much more useful: both for children and for parents. Many are sure that there is no need to overload children with household responsibilities and unnecessary worries. “Don’t take away your children’s childhood!” - shout opponents of children doing chores that are feasible and appropriate for their age around the house. Picking berries in grandma's garden, cleaning your shoes or putting away toys - not a single child has ever suffered from this!

    Why should young children help their parents around the house, why do they need household chores?

    Feeling of belonging to a family. By doing household chores, the child will feel necessary in the family, able to make his own contribution to the family well-being and therefore be its full member.

    Caring for the future. Children who have had no household responsibilities at all are unable to take care of themselves and remain children even when all their peers have already matured.

    Organization. Daily household chores help the child become more organized and transfer this quality to other areas of life: studies, relationships with teachers, parents, relationships with peers.

    A child who knows how to take care of himself will be more successful in independent life, independent, confident in himself and in his abilities.

    How can you teach your child to help around the house?

    How can you teach your child to help around the house without making him hate housework? There is no need to protect your child from “difficult” tasks; you just need to give him tasks that are feasible and feasible at his age. Many are afraid that the child will get in the way and get underfoot. Yes, it will! But how can he learn how to cook pies or wash dishes without this? It is common for us to feel the coolness of water, the softness of dough, the roughness of a waffle towel on our skin, but for a child this is a whole universe that you can open for him while doing such ordinary things as cooking, cleaning or washing. We are so mired in everyday life that we forget how fleeting our children’s childhood is. We will never remember burnt soup or an unwashed floor, but we will definitely remember the burning eyes of our child, who picked up a broom for the first time, tried to wash clothes for the first time, clumsily tries to mix the salad with a spoon that is too big for him. Don't deprive your children of the opportunity to be close to you and explore the world through cleaning up the house.

    Of course, there are things that we must do without a child, for example, cleaning plumbing fixtures with products containing bleach and other chemicals that are not very useful for children. There are household chores that can be done in the presence of the child, but without his direct participation.

    What responsibilities does a child perform in the family (with pictures)

    What responsibilities does a child perform in the family, how can he help his parents? A child can do almost anything! To make it easier for you to navigate, you can make lists of things that you can do without the child, next to the child and with him, that is, with his active participation. To do this, use the following table.

    Housework and child:

    Without a child

    Next to the child

    Together with the child

    Try to fit as few things as possible into the first column: the “No Child” time can and should be spent on something more pleasant, useful and interesting than cleaning. But for many modern mothers, the child’s sleep time is the time to do household chores. Mom also needs to rest and gain physical and moral strength!

    “Next to the child” and “Together with him” you can do almost all household chores, the main thing is to keep him well occupied at this time. If the mother is busy with needlework, then the child can be nearby and develop fine motor skills, sorting through buttons and scraps of fabric. If the mother decides to put things in order in books and documents, the child has a great opportunity to make an applique from unnecessary paper or draw a portrait of the whole family on expired warranty cards. If the mother “declutters” her wardrobe, then the baby can imagine himself as a model and designer and try on various images.

    Children don't have to do the same things you do. They can really just be nearby or at least in the same room with you. If your child is busy building a railway and a city around it, then you can safely take down the curtains or iron the clothes, supporting the game by asking leading and clarifying questions: “Is there a post office in your city?”, “What about without a cafe!” The residents of the town need to refresh themselves somewhere,” “Where does your train go?” etc. The longer you manage to stir up interest in the game, the more time you will have for your business.

    Even the most Small child can do all possible chores around the house - even with a little help from you. You should think and make your own lists of what your child can do that will really help you. How older child, the more help he can provide you.

    Before you make such a list, you need to turn off your biases.

    Offer your child more than you think he is capable of doing. It’s better to try it in practice and make sure that this is not yet available to him, than to wait it out and get a child who will say: “No, you can clean it yourself.”

    Think about what real help a child can provide and what needs to be prepared for this.

    For convenience, you can use a table.

    How can my child help me?

    In addition to the fact that the child can be an active participant in your household chores, he may simply not disturb you. This is also a good help, especially if you have no other help.

    How to do it? Draw a schematic plan of your apartment and write down all the things that you do in one room or another, and opposite these things, write what your child can do at this time. Add and change activities for your child depending on his age and changing interests.

    What should a child do around the house if he is already of senior preschool age?

    Such children may well:

    • vacuum, sweep, wash the floor, wipe off dust;
    • lay out and hang your things in places;
    • monitor the condition of your shoes;
    • water the flowers;
    • carry light purchases, unpack grocery bags;
    • take care of a pet;
    • wash dishes and put them in their places;
    • make your bed.

    Invite your child to look at the child’s responsibilities in the family in pictures - he can probably already do a lot of this on his own:

    Helpers are not born; nurturing a child’s readiness and desire to help is a long and painstaking process, which you can carry out more easily if you allow your child to participate in household chores and “load” him with feasible responsibilities around the house.

    Child's household chores: how children help parents around the house

    Above we discussed the main responsibilities of a child in the family if he has already reached middle and high school. preschool age. But you can become an assistant much earlier! Below you will learn how children aged three years and older help their parents around the house.


    • Collect toys (put them on a shelf, put them in a box, sort them)
    • Place your clean clothes in a closet or on a shelf
    • Place dirty items in the laundry basket
    • Load things into washing machine, pour washing powder
    • Hang the laundry
    • Fold clean laundry (fold handkerchiefs or towels)
    • Sweep the floor with a broom or vacuum
    • Wipe off the dust with a cloth
    • Wipe the dirt from your boots on the floor
    • Take the trash to the bin
    • Take the trash to the garbage chute
    • Wash and dry dishes

    Cooking food:

    • Cut vegetables, fruits, ingredients for dishes
    • Peel the eggs
    • Stir salad or soft dough
    • Serve spoons, cups, plates
    • Pour cereals and pasta into special jars or pans
    • Place vegetables, cookies, pies on a baking sheet
    • Set the table
    • Pour water, compote, juice from a jug or bottle
    • Place food on plates (salads, appetizers, hot dishes - with caution and only under adult supervision!)
    • Decorate pastries and cakes
    • Cut cookies with cookie cutters, make pies
    • Wipe crumbs off the table
    • Place light packages of food in a closet or refrigerator

    Domestic plants and animals:

    • Water the flowers
    • Planting flowers in pots
    • Feed pets and give them water
    • Help wash animals
    • Help in the garden or garden (watering, weeding, planting, picking berries, fruits and vegetables)


    • Retrieving mail from the mailbox
    • Help wash the car
    • Wipe down your shoes after a walk
    • Hang things on a hook.

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