• Project work my family. Outline on the topic: Lesson summary "My Family"


    Lesson notes in kindergarten for older children preschool age. Topic: “My family. Pedigree"

    Target: expanding children's understanding of family history in the context of the history of their native country.
    - Strengthen ideas about family relations and relationships.
    - Know the concepts of “pedigree”, “ family tree»
    - Be able to create a family tree
    - Cultivate love and respect for your family members.
    Preliminary work
    Getting to know your surroundings:
    a) “Me and my family” (what the family album told about);
    b) children's stories about members of their families.
    Conversations “My family”, “My brothers and sisters” (using photographs), “I feel good when...”, “A day off in our family”, “About how to behave with mom, dad, with the rest of your family"
    Compilation of stories “My relatives”, “Our family traditions»
    Methodological support:
    - photos of family members
    - drawing of a tree (for each child)
    - a panel with a picture of a tree.

    - Guys, what's it like today? beautiful morning. I'm glad to see you all. Let's give it to each other good mood. I smile at you, you smile at me.
    “All the children gathered in a circle.
    I am your friend and you are my friend.
    Let's hold hands tightly
    And let’s smile at each other.”
    - Guys, place your palms on your chest, where your heart is. Listen to how it beats. Feel and imagine how your palms are filled with the warmth and kindness of your heart. Now let's share the warmth of our hearts with each other and release it into the group.
    Look at the picture. Who is depicted on it? Do you think this baby is happy? Why?
    - Tell me, please, are you happy children?
    - Why do you think you are happy or what is needed for happiness?
    (children's answers).

    Crossword puzzle about family.
    * There is a girl living in your family, but she is your (sister).
    * Whoever comes out of diapers is a small (child).
    * Who loves you children more? Who loves you so tenderly? And takes care of you without closing his eyes at night? (Mother) .
    * May your family be spared by bad weather, I wish you children great (happiness).
    * It is given to you, and others use (name).

    That's right Family is the main thing. To be happy, every person needs to have a family.
    Listen to Mikhail Schwartz's poem "Family"

    On the easel picture 7 I

    Reading the poem “Family” by M. Schwartz
    Family is a strange word
    Although not foreign.
    -How did the word come about?
    It's not clear to us at all.
    Well, “I” - we understand,
    Why are there seven of them?
    No need to think and guess,
    All you have to do is count:
    Two grandfathers
    Two grandmothers,
    Plus dad, mom, me
    Folded? That makes seven people
    -What if there is a dog?
    Eight "I's" come out
    -No, if there is a dog,
    It turns out. In! family!

    Children listen to the poem and discuss its content. Demonstrate sensory perception of the poem.
    The teacher focuses the children’s attention on the word “family”, asking them to answer the question: “How many words does family consist of?” Let's check. Children name family members and keep count (two grandmothers, two grandfathers, mother, father and child).
    - Let's talk about family. What is family? Children's answers.
    – Family is mom, dad and children. A family is loving and caring parents and their child. Only relatives can be family members. – But family is not just relatives, it is people who love each other, help, respect, speak kindly to each other. What do you think is the first word a child says?
    That's right, MOM.
    Game "What's Mom?".
    (The only one, affectionate, caring, dear, kind.)
    Guys, think and tell me how you and your family are similar and what differences there are.
    Children determine the characteristic difference of each family - the similarity of family members. Then the children determine the second characteristic difference of the family - a common surname. They are asked to name the names and surnames of their parents.
    The game “Name the middle name” is played. With a ball.
    The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that in addition to the last name and first name, each person has a patronymic. The patronymic is given to the child by the name of the father, for example, if the father is Sergei, then the child’s patronymic is Sergeevich.
    The teacher calls male name, and the children say what kind of middle name he will get; girls name middle names for daughters, and boys for sons:
    Alexander - Alexandrovna - Alexandrovich;
    Oleg - Olegovna - Olegovich;
    Ivan - Ivanovna - Ivanovich;
    Vasily - Vasilievna - Vasilievich.
    The family can be friendly, cheerful, dancing, beautiful, athletic. All families are different - there are small and large, if there are many children in the family - this is the large family. People from different families They differ in surnames, names, appearance. Every family has its own traditions. Family traditions are the rules of behavior adopted in the family that are observed in the family.

    Physical education minute
    I have a family
    She is very friendly.
    Mom and I are baking pancakes (Imitation of movements.)
    Unprecedented deliciousness!
    My grandfather and I are digging beds. (Imitation of movements.)
    My grandmother and I plant flowers. (Imitation of movements.)
    Dad and I play football. (Imitation of movements.)
    We score the ball into the goal.
    I love very much (Wrap your arms around yourself.)
    Your sweet family.

    Family is relatives living together, your relatives. Tell me, who are called relatives? Closely related people. Relatives are called grandparents, brothers, sisters. What does the word “ROD” mean? ROD – all relatives who have the same last name. We have rings on the table.
    Any genus can be represented in the form of these rings. The first ring is (grandfather and grandmother). The next ring, what should we call it? (Mom and Dad)
    This ring is children, i.e. You. Next is your future children. What did we get?
    Children: pyramid.
    - Using the pyramid you can tell about the pedigree of any family. So what is a pedigree?
    Pedigree is the history of a clan or family. And then people came up with the idea of ​​sketching their “family tree” in the form of a tree.
    (Showing a family tree, where leaves and branches depicted generations and family members.)
    And this tree began to be called the “Family Tree”

    You and I were not born on our own; we are all branches and leaves of a huge human tree.
    As a tree grows, so does each family – from the most ancient ancestors (roots) to the youngest representatives of the genus (green leaves). Moms and dads in the family tree can be compared to branches, grandparents - to a strong trunk. It is thanks to this association that a schematic representation of the pedigree connections of each family is called a family tree (tree).
    - A family tree is an image of the history of a family in the form of a branched tree. A family tree helps to preserve the memory of our ancestors; thanks to it, we better know the history of our family. Just as a tree is strong because of its roots, so the strength of a family rests on its roots. Using a family tree, you can learn about the lives of your ancestors. Each of us has such a tree. For some it is large, for others it is small. This is the stream of our ancestors. The tree has its roots going back centuries. Thus, knowing our roots, we can sometimes explain to ourselves our choice, and our origin too.
    Genealogy or pedigree is a systematic collection of information about the origin, succession and relationship of families and clans; in a broader sense - the science of family ties.
    Educator:- Now let's sit down at the tables. Look, there are photographs on plates in front of you, please find yours.
    – At the very top on the crown of the tree is your photo (Kolina, Tanina, etc.). If you have a brother or sister, then you glue it next to your photo, and below on the right is dad, on the left is mom. Even lower under the parents, their parents, that is, your grandparents.

    – Today we talked about the family tree
    *What do you remember most?
    * Liked your tree of life, why?
    * Will you continue working on your tree at home with your parents?
    * What new did you learn from our lesson?
    (Answers from the guys)


      cultivate love and respect for family;

      expand children’s understanding of the family and the responsibilities of family members;

      develop auditory and visual attention, visual memory, thinking, speech, imagination, general and fine motor skills; hand-eye coordination;

      develop verbal and non-verbal communication, the ability to act according to the rules.

    Materials: Albums with family photos; musical accompaniment; a picture depicting family members; ball; simple and colored pencils; drawings depicting a hare family; blanks for parents, “construction” materials (mosaics, cubes, construction sets).

    Progress of the lesson



    Nature wakes up

    (Hands up.)

    Washed with dew

    (Washing movements.)

    Both guys and animals

    (Hands on the waist, turn with a squat to the left.)

    Wash with water.

    (Hands on the waist, turn with a squat to the right.)

    The forest woke up, the meadow woke up,

    (Hands up.)

    Butterflies around woke up

    (Hands down.)

    The grass and flowers woke up,

    We woke up with you too!

    (Hold hands, look at each other.)

    Children stand in a circle, in a chain, greet their neighbor and say that they are glad to see him.

    Lesson topic message

    Psychologist. To find out what we will talk about today, you need to guess the rebus: 7I.

    Today we will talk about our relatives, dear people who live next to us.

    Game "Family"

    Psychologist. Let's remember all the family members. We name one by one and repeat the previous name. (Based on the principle of the “Snowball” game.)

    Photo exhibition, conversation

    Everyone sits on chairs in a circle.

    Psychologist. Today you all brought a group photo of your family, Let's look at them together.

    Here is our magic ball. He will help us tell about his family. Who lives with you? Tell me. (Children take turns telling the story, passing the ball, showing photographs.)

    Or maybe some of you also have pets? Let's select parts from this building material that are similar to your favorites, and say, what animals are they and what are their names? (Children take turns (take construction parts, naming their pet.) Do you help take care of them?

    Reading the fairy tale “Dream”

    Psychologist. Now sit back and listen to the story.

    Once upon a time there lived a naughty little bunny. He did not listen to mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother. His family loved him, but he didn’t notice it. He did not help his parents and his brothers and sisters.

    One day the little bunny fell asleep. And he sees a dream. He sits on a stump, sad, alone. (Let's show how a sad little bunny sits.) And next to him there is neither mom nor dad. Both grandmother and grandfather are gone. The little bunny became scared - no one could protect him. No one can feed him. (Let's show how scared the little bunny was.) He called his relatives, but no one answered him... Then the little bunny remembered that he had brothers and sisters! He called them. But no one answered him... The little bunny was scared - and there was no one to play with! All alone left!

    Then the little bunny woke up from his mother’s gentle touch. His mother smiled at him and kissed him. And the little bunny was happy! (How happy was the little bunny?) He ran to the kitchen, and there his whole family was already waiting at the table: dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers and sisters. The little bunny realized that he had no one closer and more beloved than his family. He realized that he needed to love his family and help them in everything!

    Analysis of a fairy tale

    Psychologist. Did you like the fairy tale? Did the little bunny understand correctly that the family needs to be loved and helped? Why do you need a family? (To have someone take care of you, love you.)

    Outdoor game "Hare Family"

    Psychologist. Now we'll play a little. Imagine that you have turned into little bunnies.

    Images of members of the hare family are attached to the chairs, and children have cards with the same images. At a signal, children take their seats at the appropriate chair.

    The game is repeated.

    Finger gymnastics « Friendly family»

    This big finger -

    (Clench your hand into a fist, straighten your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.)

    This is dad dear.

    Next to dad is our mother.

    Next to my mother is my eldest brother.

    Following him, little sister -

    Sweet girl.

    And the smallest strong guy -

    This is our sweet baby.

    Friendly family!

    (Clench your hand into a fist several times.)

    "Hide and Seek" task

    Psychologist. Find and color all the family members who are hidden in the picture.

    Mission "House"

    Psychologist. Now finish drawing a house for your family. Think: what kind of one will you have? Who will live in it?

    After the children have drawn, everyone shares their opinion.

    Game "True - False"

    Psychologist. I will tell you some phrases, and if you agree with me, raise both hands up, and if you don’t agree, stomp your feet.

    Family is all my friends and acquaintances.

    Family is me.

    Family is relatives who live nearby.

    My parents may be younger than me.

    Grandma is my mother's mother.

    Grandpa is my dad's dad.

    Family is people who love each other.

    Grandparents are my parents.

    “I am the daughter of mom and dad.

    All people need a family.

    Yes, I wanted to confuse you, but I couldn’t! Clever girls! I see that you all know why a person needs a family.

    Game "Associations"

    Psychologist. Look what I have prepared for you. (Shows a drawing of a family.) I will show family members, and you will name them in unison.

    Let's try to compare each of them: compare mother to a flower (children's answers; a psychologist can record children's answers on pre-prepared forms for parents). Dad will be like sports equipment, grandma like dishes, grandpa like furniture, sister or brother like a toy.

    Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

    Psychologist. What games did you like the most? Let's hold hands and say goodbye.

    Mom and dad are my relatives.

    I have no relatives more dear to me.

    And sister and brother,

    And the big-eared puppy Tishka.

    I love my family very much.

    “Goodbye” I say to you!

    "I and my family"

    Goals and objectives of the program:

    Program goals: : Familiarizing children with the world around them.

    Program objectives:

    1. Give children an idea of ​​the composition of the family, relationships with relatives

    2. form an idea of ​​the principle of pedigree

    3. cultivate a sense of affection for family members, pride in their achievements, and a sense of gratitude for their care.

    Expected Result:

    1. Children are given ideas about the composition of the family, relationships with relatives

    2. ideas about the principle of pedigree have been formed

    3. a feeling of attachment to family members, pride in their achievements, and a feeling of gratitude for their care is formed.


    1. edited by N. F. Vinogradova - “To the educator about working with the family”

    2.Kirgizova L.V. – “Become human”

      Danilova A.G. – “Ethics and psychology of youth relations”

      Orlova L.P. – “If you are polite”

      Ostalovskaya I - “Culture of communication between boys and girls.”

      T. M Afanasyeva - “Family”

      Magazine " Classroom teacher» No. 3 1999

      Magazine “Child in kindergarten” No. 4 2001

      Magazine " Preschool education» No. 11 2001

    “I am the seven “I”s”




    Form ideas about the closest people: each person has his own circle of close people; We have special relationships with loved ones.

    1. Lesson - conversation

    “most beloved (family members)”

    2. Conversation “My Family History”

    3. Lesson - conversation

    "Role modern family»

    An idea has been formed about the closest people: each person has his own circle of close people; We have special relationships with loved ones.

    Lesson - conversation

    “most beloved (family members)”

    Target: consolidate ideas about the closest people: each person has his own circle of close people; We have special relationships with loved ones.

    Material: album "My Family".

    Progress of the lesson:

    Who are “Close People”?

    The teacher suggests talking about the most beloved, dearest people. Close people are people who are always nearby: both in joy and in sadness; We love them, we value them, we don’t want to upset them, but only want to please them.

    The teacher says that every person has close, dear people. Reads A. Kondratiev’s poem “Mom is Nearby” (does not say the title of the poem)

    Who's next to you?

    Next to you?

    In joy anyone

    Anyone in grief

    Who's next to you?

    Next to you?

    At night and in the morning,

    Today, like yesterday, -

    Who wishes you

    All sorts of good things?

    Who's next to you?

    Next to you?

    The teacher suggests saying to whom the poem is dedicated, who else the children can call “close and dear”; lists his loved ones (during the conversation, material from the album “My Family” is used).

    The teacher sums up the first part of the conversation: each person has close people: mothers and fathers, grandparents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, etc.

    “Why we love our loved ones”

    The teacher suggests continuing the conversation and thinking about why children love their loved ones. During the conversation, the teacher emphasizes that close people have a special relationship.

    Conversation “My Family History”

    Target: Establishing mutual understanding between parents and children so that they can successfully solve common problems in the process of joint activities.

    Progress of the lesson:

    To establish mutual understanding between parents and children. For them to successfully solve common problems in the process of joint activities, such forms of cooperation as drawing up family stories and preparation family holiday.

    Excursions around the city were held for parents and children, they became acquainted with its symbolism and the history of the microdistrict. For many children, it was unexpected to hear that some families were (or were) the first builders of the city. There was an interest in learning in more detail about their relatives, who came here very young from different regions of the country, about the traditions of the places where they came from, about the emergence of family traditions inspired by the indigenous population.


      What you can tell about yourself?

      Who is in your family?

      What do you know about your brother, sister?

      What holidays are celebrated in your family?

    (Children's answers).

    Educator: The child could not only retell everything that he learned from adults, but also “feel” the peculiarity of the time when his grandmother was young and his mother was a little girl; get to know the games they played, and play them yourself, draw the clothes they wore.

    Home stories.

    Parents talk about their childhood. A family album is being considered. It is explained who is captured in the photographs (mother is the child’s grandmother, father is the child’s grandfather, etc.)

    My mother's house and room.

    It tells what games parents played in childhood. Photos of the school, classroom, and house where the parents lived are shown.

    Family heirlooms.

    Parents talk about family heirlooms. It is advisable to give the child some trinket - “news” from the country of his parents’ childhood.

    Interesting stories.

    Parents tell how they were waiting for the birth of their child, why they chose this name for him. A funny incident from his life is told.

    Family history.

    Parents and their children draw a family tree, portraits of great-grandparents, etc.

    Under the guidance of adults, children collected photographs of their relatives and friends, listened carefully and remembered the memories of their mothers and fathers, and even compiled a family tree.

    We continue to work with the family. All this helps us achieve consistency and unity in the “teacher – child – family” system.

    Lesson - conversation

    "The role of the modern family"

    Target: formation of a child’s personality in a modern family.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Many young parents understand the need to shape a child’s personality from an early age. For a modern family, the problem of the style of relationships between family members is relevant.

    There are two opposite types family education– authoritarian and democratic.

    At democratic style In family education, parents are the organizers of the life and activities of the entire family team. In families of a democratic type, children also become active participants in the life of the family, its work, and recreation very early. Children develop initiative, resourcefulness, and the beginnings of a creative approach when performing assigned tasks and in play. At the same time, parents enjoy authority over their children. Punishment in such families is usually not used - censure or grief from the parents is enough.

    Family traditions – customs passed on from generation to generation – are a valuable means of education. Code of Conduct.

    Teachers reveal the most important role in raising children through experience. best families, data from pedagogical, psychological and social literature, as well as with the help artistic means. The main feature of family education is that it is the most emotional in terms of the content and forms of relationships between adults and children. Parental love towards children and the reciprocal feeling of children towards their mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and towards their brothers and sisters helps adults overcome a number of difficulties, create a joyful family atmosphere, and cultivate the necessary family qualities in children. Living together, sharing household chores - all this helps families fulfill their main task - raising children.

    "In the family"




    1. To form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other and care about each other; Foster a desire to care for loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

    2.realize your attitude towards family life.

    1. “Me and my family”

    2.Collective creative celebration

    "In the family"

    5.TEST: « Are you ready for family life

    6. Lesson “Portrait of a Family”

    1. an idea of ​​the family has been formed as people who live together, love each other and take care of each other; Foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

    2. aware of one’s own attitude towards family life

    Lesson: “Me and my family”

    Target: To form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other and care about each other; Foster a desire to care for loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

    Progress of the lesson:

      Guys. Today we have a photo exhibition “My Family” open in our group. Who wants to talk about their family?

    (Children, if desired, approach the photo of their family and tell them who is depicted. As the stories progress, the teacher asks about family members, whose name is, where the family was photographed).

      Guys, did you notice that all the children smiled when they talked about their family? Who guessed why the children were smiling? (Because children love everyone in their family: when mom and dad are together, there is always a good mood, joy, happiness: it’s nice to remember that day when everyone took pictures together).

      Do you love everyone equally or is there someone in the family whom you love more than anyone? Who wants to tell us about this man? What is he like? (Stories at the request of children).

    The teacher offers children illustrations from children's books that depict families of animals and birds (rooster, hen, chicks; a cat with kittens; a bird with chicks in a nest, etc.)

      Do you think these pictures can be said to represent a family? Why? How does a cat feel around kittens? How do chickens feel around a rooster and hen?

      That's right, both animals and birds experience a feeling of joy when they are surrounded by their family, because children make their parents happy by the fact that they grow up, get stronger, and learn everything new in life. And the cubs are happy that their parents warm them, protect them, and take care of them.

      Who in your family takes care of the children? How are they cared for? (children's answers). Do you take care of the adults in your family? What are you helping to do? (We help wash the dishes, bring slippers for grandma, look for a newspaper for dad, etc.).

      It’s so good that we all have a family. You are the happiest children in the world, because your families love each other and everyone lives happily together.

      Who is the eldest in your family?

      Who is the youngest?

      Who is whose mother?

      Who is whose son (daughter)?

      Who are you to your mother? For grandma? For a brother (sister)?

    Families are big and small. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family.

    The family has been revered since ancient times. The people made up many proverbs.

    In the sun it’s warm, in the mother’s presence it’s warm.

    There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

    The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.

    Gold and silver do not age; mother and father have no price.

      What would you like to wish for your family? (children's wishes to their family)

    After the lesson, the children draw their family.

    Activity: Collective creative celebration

    "In the family"

    Host: Hello, dear parents, grandparents and children. It's good that we all gathered together today.

    Children are a wonder of the world

    I saw it myself.

    And he considered this miracle

    To the most wonderful miracles.

    We answer to the future:

    Our joy, pain and sadness,

    Our future is children.

    It’s hard to take it off, so be it!

    Our children are our strength,

    Extraterrestrial lights,

    If only there was a future

    As bright as they are.

    Host: what is family? This is love and care, work and joint recreation, joy and sadness, habits and traditions. I will tell you one legend about the family. In ancient times there lived a large and Friendly family out of a hundred people, and peace, love and harmony always reigned in her. Rumor about her reached the ruler of the country. He called the head of the family to him and asked him. How do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other? Tat took the paper and wrote something on it. The answer surprised the ruler: the word “understanding” was written a hundred times on a piece of paper!

    Now let's get acquainted. When meeting people, it is customary to hand over your business cards. So we would like to receive from you something like a business card (verbal, musical, dance).

    (Speech by parents and children).

    Presenter: Since ancient times, people have been concerned about issues of family relationships. In the 16th century, a curious book, “Domostroy,” spread in Russia. It gave teachings and instructions to husband, wife and children. There they talked about the most important thing - the responsibility of spouses for each other, for their children. Behind elderly parents, for the spiritual, moral and material well-being of the family. Let's remember proverbs and sayings about love and family. Van needs to correct what was said incorrectly.

    Don't be born beautiful, but be bornrich (happy).

    Love is a ring, and the ring hasNo problem (there is no beginning and there is no end).

    Darlings only scoldon Fridays (amuse themselves).

    Host: Remember the legend about big family Where did understanding reign? There was another rule in the old days. All the threads of government in the family were concentrated in the hands of one person - the father. Submission to him was unquestioning and complete.

    Of course, you can brush aside the past. It's so simple! But it's always there. Scientific research shows that our ancestors directly influence our physical development. Unfortunately, now we have little information about our ancestors. But in the old days it was not like that. Before marrying a son or a daughter, people learned about future relatives up to the fifth generation!

    Family honor, interest in your family - all these are branches of a large tree. A name that is patriotic. You can’t live as Ivans who don’t remember their kinship. Let's check to what extent they know their relatives in your families.

    We invite participants to draw their own family tree. (Children complete the task together with their parents.)

    Host: Now we will have a real grandmother’s chest. There are a lot of interesting things in it. Choose what you like, and let each family show their own fashion parade. (the model show is accompanied by cheerful music)

    How many mistakes we could avoid if we never forgot that each of us is a link in the chain of generations. Our good deeds and actions inspire our children and grandchildren, while our bad ones place a heavy burden on them. After all, they inherit not only the color of our eyes and hair, but also the history of our lives.

    Now each family will show us an exhibition of family heirlooms. Our children will be our guides. (a tour of the unusual exhibition is provided).

    Presenter: The next part of our holiday is fun competitions. Each competition takes 3-5 minutes.

    COMPETITION No. 1"Morning"

    There are always urgent things to do at home, especially in the morning: everyone is in a hurry, trying to help the lady of the house. The male half of the family competes in the competition. Grandfather peels onions, son peels potatoes, father wipes dust.

    COMPETITION No. 2"Do it yourself"

    Grandma sews buttons on father's shirt, mother ties his tie, daughter puts books in his briefcase.

    COMPETITION No. 3"Your schoolbag"

    Children are rushing to school. A boy and a girl from each team put in their backpack school supplies. The one who puts it together the fastest wins.

    COMPETITION No. 4"Money loves counting"

    (Distribution of money to pocket money.) In each team, someone counts the coins, and at this time the leader tries to distract everyone with conversations.

    COMPETITION No. 5 « Homework»

    The workday is over, but family troubles are not over. The children sat down to their lessons. Their parents help them.

    Lesson 1: From a set of letters you need to make as many words as possible, while the same letter should be used only once.

    Music lesson: Mothers call the song that their parents sang in their youth, children - the song of their mothers and fathers, grandparents - the favorite melody of their grandchildren.

    Home Economics Lesson: You need to cut and sew in five minutes child dress and demonstrate it.

    COMPETITION No. 6"Bouquet of flowers"

    Flowers are scattered on the table; two girls from each team, blindfolded, collect them into a bouquet and give them to their relatives.

    COMPETITION No. 7 « Tender words»

    From each team, dad and mom compete to see who can say the most kind and tender words to each other.

    Blitz tournament for teams

    Questions for the first team:

      Why can't you bake bread? (without crust)

      in which year do people eat more than usual? (in leap year)

      What does half an orange look like? (for the second half)

      Which tree does a crow sit on after rain? (for wet)

      In which fields does grass not grow? (in the margins of a school notebook)

      What comb can you use to comb your hair? (rooster)

      name the five days of the week without giving numbers or names of days. (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

      What does a watchman do if there is a sparrow sitting on his hat? (sleeping)

    Questions for the second team:

      what clock does it show? right time only twice a day? (which are worth)

      where does the water stand? (in glass)

      What disease does no one get on land? (nautical)

      what do people walk on but never drive? (on a chessboard)

      what is between the city and the countryside? (conjunction “and”)

      What can you watch with your eyes closed? (dream)

      my father's son, but not my brother. Who is he? (myself)

    At the end of our holiday, we invite each team to say what family means to them. (responses from parents and children)

    Host: I remembered a fairy tale. One day Good came to visit Evil. Evil began to treat Good to tea, but instead of sugar, he put salt in the cup. Dobro tasted the salty tea and said: “Your sugar is not very sweet. Here’s some money to buy yourself some sweets for tea.” The evil was distorted, but there was nothing to do, I had to take the money. So good repaid evil with good.

    Indeed, it is better to always pay back kindly, leaving behind only good things, heartfelt memories, and drinking tea with sugar. (a samovar is served on the table. Prizes are awarded to the participants and the results of the holiday are summed up).

    “Friendly - not burdensome, but at least apart.”

    Target: Expand the concept of “Family”, give an idea of ​​its functions and types; develop a belief in the importance of family; cultivate a sense of affection for family members and pride in their achievements; develop skills of tolerance for the shortcomings of family members; instill the desire to actively participate in household chores, resolve problems that arise in the family, provide assistance to elders, and take care of younger ones.

    Equipment: fragments of the videos “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “Kid and Carlson”, drawings, photographs, reproductions of paintings depicting different families. Exhibition of books about family.

    It's bad for a person when he is alone.

    Woe to one, one is not a warrior...

    V. Mayakovsky

    “It’s bad for a person when he’s alone, woe to him alone, he’s not a warrior alone...” Apparently, the overwhelming majority of people will agree with V. Mayakovsky. Indeed, to overcome loneliness, people do not join parties, but start a family. From time immemorial, seven have helped a person to be born, grow and live. Throughout the history of mankind, outside the family it was impossible not only to exist normally, but even to survive physically.

    Could a person live alone in ancient times? Why did he need a family?

    And in today's civilized world, although there is no need to keep the fire burning, protect yourself from wild animals, or manually cultivate the land, people still strive to stick together and get along with each other, despite the difficulties associated with this. It is difficult to consider a person without a family to be completely happy. What is family? A family is a small group of people based on marriage or blood relationship.

    Who does the family consist of? The family consists of spouses and children.

    Are there families organized differently?

    Simple families

    Complicated families

    Two parents and children

    Parents, children and other relatives

    One parent and children

    One husband, several wives and children (Aboriginal Australia)

    One wife, several husbands and children (Eskimos, Tibetans)

    Thus, a family is a complex organism, and it is not for nothing that it is called “seven selves.” After all, in a family, each of us has many incarnations: I am a daughter, mother, sister, niece, granddaughter, etc.

      Who are you in your families? (children's answers)

    That's how many roles we play. In each of us you can simultaneously find the characteristic features of all our ancestors: mother’s nose, grandmother’s chin, father’s character, etc., and sometimes it is an explosive mixture. To know ourselves better, we must study our family, its ancestry. You have already compiled your family tree in class. Tell us what happened as a result? (children's answers)

    Why do you need a family? What are its functions? For all peoples and all religions, the purpose of the family is the same. Families have changed, but their purpose has not. As a hint, our children prepared poems about family. (children's performance)

    After the children’s performance, the teacher shows a fragment of the video film: “Moscow does not believe in tears” and asks the question: “What functions does the family perform?”

    Family functions.




    Household: circle of household chores.

    Educational: raising children, the role of mother in upbringing, lack of male attention.

    Psychological: creating coziness, comfort, a calm environment in which a person can relax.

    In preparation for the lesson, you wrote mini-essays: “What I want my family to be like.” (children read out their essays)

    To consolidate knowledge about the functions of the family, fill out the table. (children fill out the table0

    Function name

    Function type

    Cleaning of the apartment

    Checking the child's health

    Washing dishes

    Discussing the day's events with family members

    Cooking lunch

    Games with a child

    Sympathy for someone in trouble

    Reading a book (to son, daughter)

    Delivery of products

    Conversation with son (daughter0) about relationships with peers

    Flower care

    Watching and discussing a TV movie

    Pet care

    Praise for a job well done

    Very often there are conflicts in families, their reasons may be different. Try to resolve some of them.

    (a letter from a ten-year-old boy to his grandmother is read out. E. N Khorniva: “If there is a conflict in the family”)

    Is the boy right? What advice can you give him?

    How can the conflict be resolved?

    Everyone should have household responsibilities. Let's check if you are ready for family life? (a survey is conducted “Are you ready for family life?”)

    Learned? Now draw a conclusion: maybe something needs to be changed in your views, in your behavior?

    And finally. Last task6 how do you imagine the ideal happy family?

    It must be done in the form of a drawing. Maybe it will be a drawing of a family, parents and children, or maybe it will reflect some of your ideas about the ideal happy family. (children draw)

    This concludes our lesson. Thank you very much.

    Development of artistic skills.

    Lesson “Portrait of a Family”

    Target: To instill in children a good attitude towards dad, mom and themselves: teach them to convey these images in a drawing available means expressiveness, teach to see the emotional state, convey joy.

    Equipment: sheets of paper in the form of frames (for portraits), paints, brushes, napkins, color screen and inserts with facial images of various emotional states.

    Preliminary work: looking at family photographs, portraits. (explanation that a person can be depicted as in full height, and up to the waist)

    Progress of the lesson:

    The teacher asks the children if they love their parents, did they take pictures with them in a photo studio? Do they have photos of grandparents? Maybe someone has such a photograph (painting) in a frame hanging on the wall?

    Reading a poem by A. Kushner

    If you see what's in the picture

    Is anyone looking at us?

    Or a prince in an old cloak,

    Or a steeplejack in a robe,

    Pilot or ballerina,

    Or Kolka is your neighbor,

    The painting must be called a portrait.

    The teacher suggests drawing a family portrait - dad, mom and yourself, depicting only the heads. Clarifies facial features, method of hair transfer. Encourages children to remember what mood their parents are most often in. Joy? Sadness? Asks children to depict these states with facial expressions. Shows them on a color screen (inserts inserts into the screen depicting native emotional states, pays attention to which color is best used to express a person’s state, how to draw a mouth). If there is difficulty in depicting facial features or hair, the teacher provides individual assistance.

    At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up and the children's drawings are handed in.



    Lesson notes

    on the topic: “My family»

    in the Teremok association

    1st year of study, 5-7 years

    Additional education teacher:

    Grigoryan Vera Mikhailovna

    Kavkazsky district


    Target: nurturing love and respect for family and friends, knowledge of one’s last name, first name and patronymic of parents, one’s clan and pedigree.



    Activate children's vocabulary by deepening knowledge about their family;

    Improve dialogic and monologue speech;

    Continue to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue between the teacher and the child;


    Consolidate knowledge about the related relationships of words;


    To instill in children love and respect for their family members, a desire to express their feelings to loved ones.

    To form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together;

    cultivate a desire to care for loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

    Preliminary work: looking at family albums with photographs; conversation based on photographs; children's stories about their family members; learning individual poems; preparation of planar images of trees and photographs of family members; working together with parents to compile a family tree; reading fiction.

    Lesson plan

    I. Organizational moment. (2 minutes).

    II. Main part. (10 min).

    1. Conversation.

    2. Physical exercise "Family exercise"

    III. Practical part. (15 minutes).

    1. Didactic game"Pick up the signs."
    2. Game “Compare who is older and who is younger.”

    IV. Summary of the lesson. (3 min).

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Organizing time.

    “The flower itself is me, and also my sister,
    Mom and Dad are my leaves,
    Grandma and Grandpa are my homies.
    Our flower flaunts in the green meadow,
    We all love each other in our family.”

    Guys, have you guessed what we will talk about today and what is the topic of our lesson?(Children explain)

    II. Main part.

    1. Conversation.

    Today we have all gathered together as one big happy family.

    What is family?
    Father, mother and me,
    And my sister-
    This is our whole family:
    - Well, what about grandma?
    - Well, what about grandfather?
    What is family?
    Father, mother and me,
    Baba Zoya, Baba Zina, Grandfather Egor, Vasily
    And my sister
    That's our whole family.

    How to call these people in one word: dad, mom, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather?

    What do you guys think family is?

    A family is a union of two people; who fell in love with each other and decided to start a joint household and live together. Once married, they become husband and wife. Then children are born into the family, and the spouses become father and mother.

    – It’s so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, everyone lives cheerfully and amicably together. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family. A family may be small - for example, a mother and a child, but if they love each other, it is real family. It's good if the family is big. Who lives in your families?

    Sometimes a person’s family is called “relatives.” Choose words close in meaning to the word “relatives”, i.e. related words - parents, relatives, relatives. Relatives are mom and dad, grandparents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts.

    2. Physical exercise.

    “I love my mother, I will always help her.
    I wash, rinse, shake the water off my hands,
    I'll sweep the floor clean and chop the firewood for her.
    Mom needs to rest, mom wants to sleep.
    I walk on tiptoe and won’t say a word.”

    1. Practical part.

    1. Didactic game "Pick up the signs."

    And what are they like, people dear and dear to us?

    Choose as many words as possible that tell about mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc.

    Mom (which one?) - kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle, smart, demanding.

    Dad is strict, smart, strong.

    Grandmother is old, kind, sympathetic, affectionate, friendly, gray-haired.

    Grandfather is old, wise, gray-haired.

    Sister - cheerful, perky, restless, older, younger, little, big.

    Brother - strong, weak, small, big, older, younger, agile.

    1. Game “Compare - who is older? Who is younger?

    Dad - grandfather: /Grandfather is older, and dad is younger/;
    Mom - grandmother: /Grandmother is older, and mother is younger/;
    Grandfather - grandson; /Grandfather is older and grandson is younger/;
    Grandmother - granddaughter; /The grandmother is older, and the granddaughter is younger/;
    Brother - sister; /The brother is older, and the sister is younger/.

    1. Ball game “Who works in your family?”

    /finish: dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, me/ goes to work - sews - earns money - checks homework - goes shopping - teaches homework - cooks food - takes care of flowers - wipes dust - washes dishes – cleans the house – irons – plays – washes – reads – makes crafts –

    IV. Summary of the lesson.

    Guys, what would you like to wish for your family?

    What should you do to ensure that everyone in your family has a joyful mood?(don’t offend, don’t quarrel, help, give gifts, get good grades, work, love each other, relax together...)

    Our lesson is over, goodbye.

    It's time to return to your group.

    The children say goodbye.

    Target: Give children an idea of ​​family.


    1. Cultivate respect for family, goodwill in communication, obedience, and hard work.
    2. Learn to name all family members.
    3. Develop and enrich emotional sphere children through positive experiences .

    Material: colored pencils, a sheet of paper divided into parts, circles of colored paper (red, blue, green, orange - of different sizes), colored squares (yellow and Brown), glue.

    Board design: sample for practical work with colored geometric shapes, story pictures on the topic "Family".

    Progress of the lesson

    I.Organizing time:

    1. Greeting. Emotional mood.

    Game - quiz “Who will help?”.

    Goal: Development and correction of auditory perception.

    Guys, let's play a game called "Who will help?" I will ask you questions, and you, after thinking, will answer me.

    Who will help you get out of bed or from the sofa early in the morning so that your cute son won’t be late for school?
    - If suddenly a tragedy happens, you tear your pants, who will quickly sew them up and put them in order?
    - Who will help my daughter pull up her socks?
    - All the guys love to eat delicious food. Who in the house can cook dinner best?
    - Everyone, of course, guessed – these are our mothers.
    - Guys, there are circles of colored paper on your tables. Imagine that the red circle is your mother.

    Now listen to the other questions.

    If the lights in the house go out, is the light bulb burned out? Who will help us, who can fix it?
    - Mom looked at a lot of things in the store. Who will help bring them home as quickly as possible?
    - On the bright day of March 8, he helps his mother: cooks, washes, cleans - congratulates her on Women’s Day.
    - Who will teach his son to pound, plan, and solder? Who will help you become stronger and study only at 5?

    Of course, these are our dads.

    On your desks there are circles of blue paper. Imagine these are your dads.

    And who is it? Listen to the questions.
    - Who will help mom and dad take out the trash as quickly as possible? Who will keep the house in order every day?
    - Who will please you with an A? Who can help me wash the grater?
    - Who will help mom if there is no bread in the house?
    - Who will go for a walk with the dog?
    - Who will water the flowers?
    - These simple tasks are within the capabilities of children - sons and daughters.

    On the desks there are circles of green and orange paper - these are “children”. But let's decide together what color the sons will be and what color the daughters will be. (Sons are green, and daughters are orange).

    II. Main part.

    1. Introduction to the topic:

    a) the word of the teacher.

    Let's look at our circles. We have mothers, fathers, and their children - sons and daughters. They are all family, they live in the same house, they all help each other. They all love each other and understand.
    - And how, in one word, can we unite these people?
    - This is family. It is very difficult for people without a family. There are no relatives nearby loving people who will always come to the rescue, caress, pamper. Take care and love your family. Don't quarrel, don't upset your loved ones. Be happy.

    Love to the moon (Gennady Kuznetsov).

    I love mom and dad
    I speak for the truth
    And not at all for fun.
    I love my sister and my cat
    And dogs and ducklings,
    And chickens and piglets.
    I even like elephants.
    I love everyone to the moon.
    I love to the stars, to the sky...
    I love okroshka with bread
    And I love jam
    Cartoons, movies and hide and seek,
    Chocolates with marmalade,
    I love grandmothers very much.
    Grandmothers are always busy
    Now in the kitchen, now in the garden,
    So everything is fine with them.
    I need my friends.
    I love everyone to the moon.

    Dad didn't remove the paint
    He's probably tired.
    I'll help you paint the frames,
    I am my mother's assistant.
    Dad will be happy now:
    Helped paint the door.
    Here they are entering the hall...
    Dad took out the strap,
    Mom pointed to the corner
    And the face became serious.
    I cried my eyes out
    She started sniffling.
    Dad says sternly:
    “You can’t take it without asking.”
    I've become quite big
    I help mom and dad
    I collecting toys.
    Painting is not allowed here.

    What other bad things can naughty children do? Should such children be punished?

    And here's another...
    “My mother’s daughter was a bitch: she screamed loudly, broke toys, was rude to her mother, and didn’t like anyone. But the girl’s mother was kind and she treated her with kind words.

    Which sweet words do mothers say to their children?

    b) Finger warm-up “Counting”.

    - Guys, let's remember the little count and stretch our fingers. Place your hand in front of you with an open palm and bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

    This finger is grandma
    This finger is grandpa
    This finger is mom
    This finger is daddy
    This finger - I will be -
    This is my whole family.

    So who did we forget to tell you about?
    - Yes, indeed, in our families our grandparents often live next to us - these are the mothers and fathers of your parents. In addition to the colored circles, you also have yellow and brown squares. Yellow is “grandmother”, brown is “grandfather”.

    - Now take a piece of paper. This leaf is unusual. Look at it carefully. Take glue and stick leaves of “all members” of your family in the windows. First label the one who is most important, then those who will stand behind him. (5 min.) (Show sample on the board). That's all assembled.

    c) Children's stories about their families.

    d) Responsibilities of family members.

    Each member of a large or small family has responsibilities.
    - Let's remember what is usual in the family does mom?
    -What about the family? does daddy do?

    Dad's gift (Gennady Kuznetsov).

    Dad gave me a toy
    This is a freckled dog.
    Dad knows that the dog is
    This is your best friend.
    A friend will always give me a paw,
    Because it's from dad.
    I'm talking to my dog
    As if alive, out loud.

    How can children be useful? But children are different and sometimes upset their parents with bad actions.

    Listen to the poem "Helper".

    Assistant (Gennady Kuznetsov).

    I've become quite big
    I help mom and dad
    I collect toys
    I wash the doll's skirts,
    Tomorrow I wiped the shelf,
    I rolled the dough on the table,
    “Washing” the watch under the tap -
    Mom will be happy!

    2. Practical work.

    Give the children sheets of paper divided into 6 parts and ask them to draw all the members of their family.

    III. Bottom line. Consolidating the results of the lesson.

    I want you to close your eyes now and imagine something very good that happened in the life of your family. Imagine an affectionate mother, a fair father, a sister or brother with whom you often play. You will feel how warm and joyful you have become and how light your soul has become...
    Remember how you feel now and store these sensations in your memory.

    Open your eyes.
    - Guys, who did we talk about today?
    - What one word can we unite mom, dad, children?
    - What should obedient children be like?
    - How can children help their parents?

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