• The mystery is that there is bread and milk in the refrigerator. What riddles about family exist?


    There's a viral thing going around on Facebook (in in the best sense this word) game. The following situation is proposed:

    It's 7 am, you're sleeping, and suddenly you hear a knock on the door of your house. It's your parents who have come to have breakfast with you. You have: bread, milk, honey, butter and juice. What's the first thing you'll open?

    Are you sure you're not part of the Facebook game?

    If the player answers incorrectly, he changes his avatar for a day to the image specified by the questioner. Answers should be sent in a personal message, apparently so that “the hero of the day does not rejoice ahead of time” (c)
    Since several people from my feed (and all of them are far from stupid!) changed their avatars, I decided (purely for myself) to try to understand the situation. I don’t repost on FB because it’s dishonest.

    1. IN It's 7 am, you're sleeping, and suddenly you hear a knock on the door of the house. - If I had heard calling signals from the doors at such an early hour, I would have thought three times about opening the door at all. That is, if someone persistently continued to pound on the door, I would think - who could it be? .
    1.1. Joke:
    Knock on the door at half past six in the morning:
    - Who's there?
    - Is this Rabinovich’s apartment?
    - Yes, this is Rabinovich’s apartment...
    - Open up, KGB!
    - You know, but there is no one at home.
    - What do you mean no?! Who's talking?
    - Moscow speaks. Moscow time is five hours thirty-four minutes.

    If so, I urgently remember where the addresses, passwords, appearances and flower pot, which must be placed on the window. The first - I eat, the second - I put on the windowsill, get dressed and humbly hand over my mortal body to the clutches of justice.

    1.2. Acquaintances/relatives who suddenly arrived and do not know what post office, telegraph, telephone, hotel and restaurant are.
    Happens. Sometimes circumstances are such that checking for lice cannot be avoided. What to do. I pull up my pants and go to open the door.

    1.3. Hello, I'm Aunt Charlie, from Brazil, where there are a lot of wild monkeys.
    Parents.... At seven in the morning.... Brrrrr.... So, what happened?! (The remnants of the dream instantly disappear) Why are you here? Fire? Flood? Earthquake??? No!

    2. E then your parents came to have breakfast with you.
    To begin with, I would drop myself some valerian and take a bite of validol. What a surprise!
    - So, ancestors, confess where you hung out all night, so that you ended up without a penny on the other side of the city?

    No, I don't want to moralize. To be honest, I used to break into the house of friends, or even my parents, at a very inopportune hour, and it also happened with a lady, because “again the last train ran away from me” (or bridges were drawn), so it was an everyday matter. But just to eat for company, at seven in the morning! Hm. No, there's something here.

    3. You have: bread, milk, honey, butter and juice
    I am on a diet? Am I vegan?? No, I just didn't wake up. What a wild array of products? And this is what I have for breakfast? Are you seriously?! Perhaps I got up too early...

    4. What's the first thing you'll discover?
    - So, prisoner, tell us how you spent this morning, minute by minute. Remember - we still don’t believe a word you say.
    - I was at home. Slept. I was at home sleeping. Sleeping in my own bed. I was awakened by persistent knocking on the door...
    - Let's say. What happened next?
    - I opened my eyes ( NB №1)...
    - Further!
    - Opened his mouth ( NB №2), yawned, asked to himself: “Who’s there?”
    - AND?
    - I went to the door and asked again “who’s there?” - since the question was not heard the first time.
    - Well, come on, admit everything.
    - I admit: my parents were there.
    - Are you kidding me? Seven in the morning?
    - Yes, I was surprised too, but I opened the door ( NB No. 3).
    - And who knocked?
    - Dad.
    - Whose?
    - My.
    - For what?
    - She and her mother came to have breakfast with me.
    - Seven in the morning?
    - Yes.
    - Have they run out of food at home?
    - Don't know.
    - What about the cafe? Why aren't there any McDonald's nearby?
    - Don't know.
    - Oh, you're being dark, citizen. Okay, let’s say they don’t like catering. What did you treat them to?
    - Bread, milk, honey, butter and juice ( NB No. 4).
    - What should everyone do at once? Juice milkshake and sandwich with honey? Don't you feel sorry for your parents at all?
    - It’s a pity, but for some reason I ended up with this strange grocery set at home.
    - And they ate it?
    - I think yes.
    - Why “think”?
    - Because I won’t eat that at seven in the morning.
    - This is what I believe.
    - Thank you, citizen investigator. I will try to justify your trust, and not disgrace my comrades in the face of the world behind the scenes.

    Summarize. We have already collected four notabene: 1 - eyes; 2 - mouth; 3 - door (if you like: standing at the closed door with your mouth - again); 4 - refrigerator to get milk, butter and juice; containers with milk and juice; again the oil is wrapped in something. And it’s also better to cover the honey so it doesn’t get sugary.
    If the question in the riddle is “what will you open first” - consider it abstractly - it turns out that the first thing I did was open my eyes.
    If from the point of view of setting the table - a refrigerator. Because the order of uncorking the dishes at such an early hour, in my opinion, has no meaning.

    You are strong and brave
    And the biggest one
    You scold - to the point,
    And you praise - with all your heart!
    You are the best friend
    You will always protect
    Where necessary - you will teach,
    You'll forgive me for the prank.
    I'm walking next to you
    I'm holding your hand!
    I imitate you
    I'm proud of you.

    Everyone knows this word
    Wouldn't change it for anything!
    To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
    What will happen?

    Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?
    Will let you steer the car
    And he will tell you how to be brave,
    Strong, dexterous and skillful?
    You guys know everything -
    This is our favorite...

    Who is not joking, but seriously
    Will a nail teach us to hammer?
    Who will teach you to be brave?
    If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
    And scratched my knee,
    Don't cry? Certainly, …

    I'm not alone with my mother,
    She also has a son
    I'm too small next to him,
    For me he is the eldest...

    There are two people standing at the entrance to the museum. One of them is the father of the other's son. How is this possible?
    It was husband and wife

    Who washes, irons, sews.
    Does he sing lullabies?
    Who treats us for colds?
    Who is the boss of all the dishes?
    Cups, spoons and pans,
    Brushes, rags and pills.
    Who wakes us up early in the morning?
    Well, of course it is...

    Who is the cutest in the world?
    Who do children love very much?
    I’ll answer the question directly:
    Ours is the cutest of all...

    Who never gets tired of loving
    He bakes pies for us,
    Delicious pancakes?
    This is our...

    Who rocks the cradle for you,
    Who sings songs to you?
    Who tells you fairy tales
    And does he give you toys?

    Who is the most tender in the world?
    Who's cooking us lunch?
    And who do children love so much?
    And who is more beautiful?
    Who reads books at night?
    Raking mountains of trash
    Doesn't scold my brother and me.
    Who is this? Our...

    There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?
    Son, father, grandfather

    The bravest, the strongest,
    In the morning with a soapy beard,
    It's important to drive a car,
    He will drive a nail into the wall bravely,
    Loves us and our mother,
    This is our favorite...

    Without anything in this world
    Can't adults and children survive?
    Who will support you, friends?
    Your friendly...

    Who loves both me and my brother,
    But does he prefer to dress up?
    Very fashionable girl -
    My eldest...

    Who's with mom's sister?
    Does he come to us sometimes?
    Looking at me with a smile,
    "Hello!" - tells me...

    Who can guess the riddles?
    He recognizes his relatives:
    Some are mom, some are dad,
    Who is a sister or brother,
    And to know your grandfather and grandmother -
    There is no need to think at all!
    All the relatives with whom you live,
    Even uncle or aunt
    Definitely your friends,
    Together you are one...

    Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Cheche, Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

    I'm glad for him, and he's glad for me,
    We go to one kindergarten,
    We have only one parents,
    One beloved circle of relatives,
    Just toys, a scooter.
    All because he is mine...

    Who does the hard work
    Can I do it on Saturdays? —
    With axe, saw, shovel
    Ours is building and working...

    He didn't work out of boredom,
    His hands are calloused
    And now he is old and gray -
    My dear, beloved...

    The word is warm heart warms,
    And without this word there is no life.
    Morning, noon and evening I stubbornly insist
    This word is eternal, affectionate -...

    Moms elder sister -
    Doesn't look old at all
    With a smile he will ask: How are you living?
    Who came to visit us?

    Will cook, wash,
    He will stroke everything, play,
    He will hug and kiss everyone,
    He will regret it, he will take a deep breath.
    Will become the most, the most friend
    Who is this? Our...

    Knits warm gloves,
    He'll play clap.
    There are gray streaks in my hair,
    That's mine …

    Who worked all his life
    Surrounded with care
    Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
    Did you respect ordinary people?
    I've been retired for many years
    Our ageless...

    Who is your favorite person in the world?
    And is he responsible for the whole family?
    From paycheck to paycheck
    What would we do without...

    Who came to me this morning?
    Who said: “It’s time to get up”?
    Who managed to cook the porridge?
    Should I pour some tea into a bowl?
    Who braided my hair?
    Swept the whole house by yourself?
    Who picked flowers in the garden?
    Who kissed me?
    Who as a child loves laughter?
    Who is the best in the world?

    Two mothers, two daughters, and everyone came in wearing three shirts.
    Mom, grandmother and daughter

    Who sits on a chair in the hall,
    Knows everything that is in the magazine?
    For football and hunting
    I really want to go hunting with him.
    He will give us the answer to everything.
    This is our favorite...

    In this section you will find riddles about family: mom and dad, grandparents, brother and sister, uncle and aunt. Riddles about friendship and riddles about friends.

    In a huge variety of different children's riddles, riddles about family and riddles about friends occupy a special place. Kids are great at guessing riddles about their mother; in some ways they are even more like rhymes and can be used in various quizzes and competitions. No less loved by children are riddles about dad, grandma and grandpa.

    Riddles about family are always interesting, because they tell about the people closest to you, their characters and moods. Family is the most important thing we have. Only in a close-knit, friendly family are created the necessary conditions for intellectual and emotional development child. Riddles about family show the relationship between close relatives and the responsibilities of each of them.

    Very close to the riddles about family are riddles about friends. After all, mom and dad, grandparents, sister and brother are, first of all, our most best friends who should not offend each other.

    Not a childish topic at all.
    On April 26, exactly 33 years ago, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which became one of the largest man-made disasters in history.

    Only five days after the explosion, on May 1, 1986, Soviet authorities at Chernobyl made a terrible discovery: the core of the exploded reactor was still melting. The core contained 185 tons of nuclear fuel, and nuclear reaction continued at an alarming rate.
    Beneath these 185 tons of molten nuclear material was a reservoir containing five million gallons of water. Water was used as a coolant in the power plant, and the only thing separating the melting reactor core from the water was a thick concrete slab. The melting core slowly burned through this plate, descending to the water in a smoldering stream of molten radioactive metal.
    If this white-hot, melting reactor core were to touch the water, it would cause a massive, radiation-laden steam explosion. The result could be radioactive contamination of most of Europe. Based on the death toll, the first Chernobyl explosion would have looked like a minor incident.

    Thus, journalist Stephen McGinty wrote: “This would entail a nuclear explosion, which, according to the calculations of Soviet physicists, would cause the evaporation of fuel in three other reactors, level 200 square kilometers, destroy Kyiv, pollute the water supply, used by 30 million people, and made northern Ukraine uninhabitable for more than a century" (The Scotsman March 16, 2011).

    The School of Russian and Asian Studies in 2009 made an even more grim assessment: if the reactor's melting core had reached the water, the ensuing explosion "would have destroyed half of Europe and rendered Europe, Ukraine and parts of Russia uninhabitable for approximately 500,000 years."

    The experts working on the spot saw that the melting core was devouring that very concrete slab, burning through it - getting closer to the water every minute.

    Engineers immediately developed a plan to prevent possible explosions of the remaining reactors. It was decided that three people would go through the flooded chambers of the fourth reactor in scuba gear. When they reach the coolant, they will find a pair of shut-off valves and open them so that the water completely flows out before the reactor core comes into contact with it.

    For millions of people in the USSR and Europeans who faced imminent death, illness and other damage due to the impending explosion, this was an excellent plan.

    The same could not be said about the divers themselves. There was no worse place on the planet then than a water tank under the slowly melting fourth reactor. Everyone understood perfectly well that anyone who fell into this radioactive brew would be able to live long enough to complete their work, but, perhaps, no more.

    Soviet authorities explained the circumstances of the impending second explosion, the plan to prevent it and the consequences: in essence, it was inevitable death from radiation poisoning.
    Three people volunteered.

    The three men volunteered their help, knowing that it would likely be the last thing they would do in their lives. These were a senior engineer, a mid-level engineer and a shift supervisor. The shift supervisor's job was to hold the underwater lamp so that the engineers could identify the valves that needed to be opened.

    The next day, the Chernobyl trio put on their gear and plunged into the deadly pool.

    The pool was pitch black, and the light from the shift supervisor's waterproof lantern was reportedly dim and intermittently extinguished.
    We moved forward in the muddy darkness, the search did not bring results. The divers sought to complete the radioactive voyage as quickly as possible: every minute of the dive, isotopes freely destroyed their bodies. But they still haven't found the drain valves. And so they continued their search, even though the light could go out at any moment, and darkness could close over them.

    The lantern did burn out, but this happened after its beam caught the pipe from the darkness. The engineers noticed her. They knew that the pipe led to those valves.

    The divers swam in the dark to the place where they saw the pipe. They grabbed onto it and began to rise, grabbing it with their hands. There was no light. There was no protection from radioactive ionization, which is harmful to the human body. But there, in the darkness, there were two valves that could save millions of people.

    The divers opened them and water poured out. The pool began to empty quickly.

    When the three men returned to the surface, their job was done. Nuclear power plant employees and soldiers greeted them as heroes, which they truly were. They say that people literally jumped for joy.
    During next day All five million gallons of radioactive water leaked from underneath reactor four. By the time the melting core located above the pool made its way to the reservoir, there was no longer any water in it. A second explosion was avoided.
    The results of the analyzes carried out after this dive agreed on one thing: if the trio had not plunged into the pool and drained it, millions of people would have died from a steam explosion that would have changed the course of history.

    Over the next few days, the three began to exhibit inevitable and unmistakable symptoms: radiation sickness. After several weeks, all three died.

    The men were buried in lead coffins with sealed lids. Even deprived of life, their bodies were thoroughly saturated with radioactive radiation.

    Many heroes went to great lengths for the sake of others, having only a small chance of survival. But these three men knew that they had no chance. They peered into the depths where certain death awaited them. And they plunged into them.

    Their names were Alexey Ananenko, Valery Bespalov and Boris Baranov.
    Three people who saved millions.

    Here are collected riddles about family. Or about the 7th (family). And who is included in these families? Yes, that’s right, our dear mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents. Big and Friendly family. You will find riddles about all these wonderful people on this and other pages of our site. There are also riddles about aunt and uncle. Attention, if you click on the picture, it will open in a new large window.

    Who can guess the riddles?
    He recognizes his relatives:
    Some are mom, some are dad,
    Who is a sister or brother,
    And to know your grandfather and grandmother -
    There is no need to think at all!
    All the relatives with whom you live,
    Even uncle or aunt
    Definitely your friends,
    Together you are one...

    She's the best in the world
    You can't live without her
    Masha and Pasha have it
    And of course I have.

    Without anything in this world
    Can't adults and children survive?
    Who will support you, friends?
    Your friendly...

    Everyone knows this word
    Wouldn't change it for anything!
    To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
    What will happen?

    Dad, mom, older brother,
    Tanya, grandfather Ignat -
    There are a lot of different relatives here.
    And who are they all together?

    That's the thing...
    There are not seven of us, but three:
    Dad, Mommy and me
    But all together we are...

    Mathematical riddle about family

    We are a huge family
    The youngest is me!
    You can’t count us out right away:
    There is Manya and there is Vanya,
    Yura, Shura, Klasha, Dasha,
    And Natasha is also ours.
    We're walking down the street -
    They say that Orphanage.
    Count quickly
    How many children are there in our family?

    Riddles about mom

    Who is the cutest in the world?
    Who do children love very much?
    I’ll answer the question directly:
    - Our dearest...

    Riddles about dad

    Who does the hard work
    Can I do it on Saturdays? -
    With axe, saw, shovel
    Ours is building and working...

    Riddles about grandma

    Who never gets tired of loving
    He bakes pies for us,
    Delicious pancakes?
    This is our...

    Let me not go to kindergarten,
    I eat pancakes at home.
    Pensioner, I'm glad
    My dear …

    He will always treat you with jam,
    The table will be set with refreshments,
    Lada is our darling,
    Who? - Dear...

    Who cleans the house in the morning?
    Who makes the big samovar?
    Who's with little sister plays
    And takes her to the boulevard?

    He'll bake a pie for us,
    Cook cottage cheese for breakfast,
    And he will read his magazine,
    As always, everything goes well.
    Who are we asking about now?
    Kind words did you say?
    (about grandma)

    Who's in the kitchen with the ladle?
    Always standing by the stove,
    Who darns our clothes?
    Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
    Who is the tastiest person in the world?
    Always bakes pies
    Even dads who are more important
    And who is honored in the family?
    (to grandma)

    Who will sing us a song at night,
    So that we can fall asleep sweetly?
    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
    Surely - …

    Knits socks better than anyone else
    He will tell a glorious tale,
    Sing a lullaby
    And he gives us advice.

    Riddles about grandfather

    I come to him for the summer,
    His life is not yet finished!
    We go fishing together
    In winter we go sledding!
    He has a gray head
    Knee length beard
    He is a man and he is gray
    To dad - dad, to me he is...

    He didn't work out of boredom,
    His hands are calloused
    And now he is old and gray -
    My dear, beloved...

    I love him more candies,
    I value him more than coins,
    I am his ancestor, but not his son,
    Some people have two, I have one.

    There are wrinkles on his face
    Gray hair is visible.
    This homebody -
    Our favorite...

    He is the eldest in the family
    The wisest in the yard,
    The head is all gray,
    And he gets up at dawn.

    He will teach you to work,
    Have fun from the heart
    He is an example to all the guys -
    Our dear beloved...

    I am always rightfully proud of him,
    Even though he’s all gray now.
    Who looks good from the portrait? -
    This …. it's mine!

    Who worked all his life

    Surrounded with care

    Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

    Did you respect ordinary people?

    I've been retired for many years

    Our ageless...

    Riddles about brother

    I'm not alone with my mother,
    She also has a son
    I'm too small next to him,
    For me he is the eldest...

    I'm glad for him, and he's glad for me,

    We go to the same kindergarten,

    We bought a cool girl -
    For me real...
    (little sister)

    Mom and dad say
    That now I am an older brother,
    What kind of doll is in the stroller?
    Crying from terrible shaking?
    There are tons of sliders in the bathroom!
    Brother, who is she?

    I don’t know what to tell you.
    If you're not here, I miss you,
    I smile - you are nearby.
    You and I are two...

    Riddles about uncle

    Who's with mom's sister?
    Does he come to us sometimes?
    Looking at me with a smile,
    Hello! - tells me...

    Riddles about aunt

    Mom's older sister -
    Doesn't look old at all
    With a smile he will ask: How are you living?
    Who came to visit us?

    Riddles about family - mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents and relatives - uncle and aunt in poetic form with answers. All riddles are easy to understand and understandable to children. If you learn a riddle about grandparents with your child, and then tell it to them, then everyone is guaranteed a sea of ​​positive emotions.

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