• Folklore in the second junior group. Summary of OOD on speech development with elements of Russian folklore in the second junior group on the topic: “We are going to visit grandma for delicious pancakes


    Ryabova Lyubov Anatolevna
    Lesson on familiarization with Russian folklore in the second younger group“A good guest brings joy to the home”

    Lesson in the second junior group

    « A good guest is a joy at home»

    Target: Continue to introduce children to Russian folklore. Shape cognitive activity, attention, memory, speaking. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.

    Activating the dictionary: kitty, cat-cat, fluffy, affectionate, gingerbread.

    Material: toy cat, balls of thread large and small, two baskets large and small, gingerbread cookies.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Grandmother sits in a village hut (educator). Children enter.


    Hello dear guests. I'm always happy to have guests. A good guest is a joy at home. (children say hello). Come into the hut, make yourself comfortable. Let's sit next to each other. Let's talk okay.

    The children pass and sit down.


    What a great fellow you are for coming to me. You know, I don’t live at home alone, my cat Vaska lives with me. Where did he go? (walks, looks). Let's call him!

    Children: - Kitty Kitty Kitty!

    There is a meowing sound behind the door. Grandmother goes to the door, takes the cat (toy).


    Here is my cat Vaska, I have him good(petting the cat, placing it on the table).

    Like our cat

    The fur coat is very good.

    Like a cat's mustache

    Amazingly beautiful.

    Bold eyes, white teeth.

    Children I repeat nursery rhyme with the teacher.


    Do you know what a cat can do? (children's answers). That's right, cats are agile, they can jump high and run fast. They are fluffy and affectionate. They live with the children, the guys feed them and look after them.

    And my cat is also a prankster.

    The cat stole the ball,

    I hid in a corner so that grandma wouldn't find out.

    The gray ears were not crushed.


    Oh, he is a prankster! Look, all my balls have scattered. Guys, help me collect them. We collect small balls in a small basket, and large balls in a large one.

    Children collect scattered balls.


    Well, thank you! Vaska, why are you so sad?

    The little pussy is coming from the kitchen

    Her eyes are swollen.

    What are you crying about, little kitty?

    What are you crying about, little one?

    How can I, little kitty, not cry?

    How can a sick person not grieve?

    Someone licked the foam

    Yes, he said it to the pussy.

    Grandmother calms the cat.

    Don't cry, don't cry

    I'll buy a roll.

    Don't whine, don't whine.

    I'll buy another one.

    Wipe away your tears

    I'll give you three.

    Guys, who else wants to feel sorry for the cat? (children come out and recite a nursery rhyme)


    Don't be upset, Vaska! Let's play with the guys better.

    I don't feel like playing for some reason. There’s no sun in the sky, it’s not shining and I’m bored.


    And now we, together with the guys, will call the sun! (Children say a nursery rhyme)

    Bucket sun

    Come up quickly

    Light up, warm up

    Calves and lambs

    More little guys (the sun is displayed)

    Grandmother: -Here comes the sun to us guests it came to everyone smiled: for both children and the cat. Let's smile at him too. Look, my cat is happier and wants to play with you.

    Outdoor game: Shadow-shadow-shadow

    The cat sat on the fence

    The sparrows flew in

    Clap your hands for them.

    Fly away sparrows

    Beware of the cat.

    The children sit on the chairs, the cat whispers something in grandma’s ear.


    My dear children, the cat is telling me something... Oh, that’s it!

    It turns out that today he visited the mill where I make flour for bread (a picture of a mill is displayed).

    Let's ask, what was he doing there?

    Cat-cat, where have you been?

    At the mill

    Kitty cat, what were you doing there?

    I ground flour.

    Little cat, what kind of flour did you bake?

    Gingerbread cookies.

    Cat, cat, with whom did you eat gingerbread?

    Children shake their fingers - don’t eat alone, don’t eat alone!

    Of course, I have so many gingerbreads that there is enough for everyone.


    We're hungry, my dears. dear guests? Sit down at the tables and enjoy the treat.

    Children eat gingerbread.

    Publications on the topic:

    Lesson to introduce children to Russian folk art“I am a teacher of the 21st century” Music. manager: Hello, I'm glad to see you again. Let's say hello to the guests who are present.

    Cockerel and his family. Objectives: To introduce children to toys depicting a rooster, hen and chick; Provide knowledge about pets;

    “Family is my joy” Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​family. Objectives: - to consolidate the ability to determine the names of relatives.

    Lesson for children of the second junior group “The rural hut is full of Russian spirit”"Raising children in the traditions of Russian national culture." Tasks methodological material for children 2nd ml. groups: 1. Expand vocabulary.

    GCD in the second junior group “Family, my joy” GCD Educational area"Socially - communication development» Topic: “Family, my joy” in the second junior group of the MDOU kindergarten.

    Cherepanova E. N., Kovaleva E. G. Summary of play interaction between children in the group younger age, educational psychologist and educators at “Joy”.

    Elena Chigrik
    Summary of a folklore lesson in the second junior group using the “In Grandma’s Yard” layout

    Target classes: Introduce children to folklore works, which tell about a cat, a dog, a hen, chicks.

    Expand your awareness of the world around you. Form cognitive activity.

    Emotionally enrich kids with the warmth of folk poetry. Convey through the means of national art bright, bright feelings when meeting your favorite characters. Cultivate a humanistic good attitude towards "to our smaller brothers".

    Cultivate a love for the native language, enrich speech with words and lines of poems, nursery rhymes, and songs.

    In progress lessons use musical techniques, emotional and artistic expressiveness, as well as other methods of indicative reinforcement.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Shadow - shadow - shadow,

    The cat sat under the fence.

    The sparrows have flown

    Clap your hands with them:

    Fly away, sparrows!

    Beware of the cat!

    Children, do you want to go for a walk?

    Then suggest what let's go:

    Child: Chiki-chiki-chikalochki

    Oleg rides on a stick,

    And Yana is in the cart

    He cracks nuts.

    Interesting offer, who else? will offer:

    Child: Because of the forest, because of the mountains

    Grandfather Egor is coming.

    Himself on a filly,

    Wife on a cow

    Children on calves

    Grandchildren on baby goats.

    Offer some light:

    Knocking, strumming down the street:

    Foma rides a chicken

    Timoshka - on a cat

    Along a crooked path.

    Educator: Uh-uh-uh

    The locomotive whistled

    He drove the trailers

    I'll take you a long way.

    Children and their teacher travel, walking one after another.

    We've arrived!

    And who did we come to?

    TO grandma.

    Hello children, my grandchildren. Come on in. Oh, who is it that lies in our path and does not allow us to pass?

    Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!

    Don't sit on the path.

    Our baby will go

    It will fall through the pussy.

    The pussy ran away.

    Do you want to know who lives in my house? yard? (children's answers).

    -Guess the riddle:

    Clucking, clucking, calling the children together,

    Gathers everyone under his wing, (children answer - CHICKEN)

    Here's another guess riddle:

    They showed up in a yellow fur coat

    Goodbye two shells. (CHICKENS).

    Now let's play with you. I will be a mother chicken, and you will be my chickens. Dramatization of the song "The Hen and the Chicks".

    Ku-ka-re-ku! Children, who is this? (COCKER).

    Our cockerel is loud,

    In the morning he screams "Hello"

    He has boots on his feet

    Earrings hanging on the ears

    There is a comb on the head

    That's what a cockerel he is!

    Let's all talk about the cockerel together.

    The cockerel goes, the comb goes on its side,

    Red beard, oil head.

    He gets up early and doesn’t let others sleep.

    He sits on the fence and screams the loudest!

    How does the cockerel crow, guys? (children's answers).

    Let's be cockerels, let's be walk in the yard, like cockerels, look for grains.

    Children walk around the hall to the music, waving "wings", crow, pecking grains. Grandmother quietly takes the dog (toy) and scares the cockerels. A game repeated several times.

    Guys, it looks like it's starting to rain. Let's tell all the little sayings about rain together.

    Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

    You won't let us go for a walk.

    “It’s raining, it’s pouring rain,

    Get the little kids wet!”

    Hurry up and hide under my umbrella.

    Now let's call everyone together Sun:

    Children: “Sunny, sunshine

    Look out the window

    The kids are waiting for you

    The kids are waiting."

    Did you like my place? (children answer).

    And I’ll bake you some pancakes for your trip.

    Okay, okay

    Grandma baked pancakes

    I poured oil on it,

    Gave it to the kids

    Dasha is two, Oleg is two.

    Our pancakes are good grandmothers

    Children thank grandma(the teacher takes off his apron and scarf).

    Let's go to group eat our pancakes grandmothers.

    It's time for us to return. We get on the train and off we go.

    Chu-chu-chu-I'll ride home!

    The children and their teacher leave.

    Publications on the topic:

    Lesson notes using the computer presentation “In the Poultry Yard”“In the Poultry Yard” (using a computer presentation) Purpose: Continue to introduce children to poultry. Objectives: Develop.

    Summary of a folklore lesson in the second junior group “Visiting Grandma Zabavushka” Goal: To continue to develop children’s interest in the history of some items of Russian everyday life, in Russian folklore. Objectives: 1. Educational Continue.

    Didactic manual: layout "In Grandma's Yard". Joint work of teachers and parents of our group "Sunshine". Children with great.

    Abstract of the educational activity "In Grandma's Yard" (middle group) Objectives: to clarify ideas about domestic animals; give an initial idea of ​​their lifestyle and the benefits they bring;.

    Summary of a lesson using ICT in the second junior group “Wild animals in winter” Summary of a lesson using ICT in the 2nd junior group “Wild animals in winter” Compiled by: teacher Andreeva E. A. Goals: -expand.

    Methodological development of a thematic day in the second junior group “In the Poultry Yard” MORNING: Conversation: “In the poultry yard” - clarify children’s knowledge about poultry and their young. The game is an imitation of “Two Geese”. D/s with pictures:.

    Summary of an integrated lesson with elements of folklore in the junior group “Walk through a fairytale forest”

    Municipal budget preschool educational institution No. 175 Tula

    Completed by the teacher: Belkina Olga Vladimirovna G. Tula 2015

    Goal: development of all components oral speech children, generalizing children’s knowledge about the life of domestic and wild animals; create favorable conditions for the timely emergence and development of non-situational cognitive communication; stimulate children's curiosity in the process of cognitive communication.

    Educational objectives:

    • Replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about oral folk art;
    • consolidate children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena;
    • consolidate and expand children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals;
    • enrich the vocabulary with a vocabulary on this topic that is significant for the cognitive form of communication.

    Developmental tasks:

    • develop connected speech;
    • lead to the ability to expressively imitate animal voices;
    • develop children's curiosity, memory and thinking;
    • develop visual perception.

    Educational tasks:

    • cultivate a desire to tell familiar nursery rhymes together with the teacher and independently;
    • cultivate a love for Russian folklore;
    • cultivate a caring attitude towards animals;
    • promote the development of a culture of communication with adults and peers, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness;
    • interest in fiction.

    Integration of educational areas.

    1. Health. Strengthening physical and mental health. Security motor activity children during class, formation of correct speech breathing, formation of correct posture; development of mental processes. Development of creative initiative.
    2. Physical training. Using outdoor games during educational activities.
    3. Social and communicative. Formation of ideas about domestic and wild animals; developing a love for Russian folklore.
    4. Cognition. Expanding children's horizons, development cognitive activity; introducing children to characteristic features autumn, developing interest in the beauty of the forest and its inhabitants. Creating in the minds of children an idea of ​​the integrity of the world, the interconnections of everything around them.
    5. Communication. Improving the lexical, grammatical and pronunciation aspects of children's speech. Activation of vocabulary - autumn, leaf fall, wild and domestic animals, nursery rhyme.
    6. Reading fiction. Introducing children to elements of Russian folklore.
    7. Music. Development of musical and auditory perceptions, education by means musical art the child’s feelings, character and will.

    Methods and techniques:

    • Surprise moment.
    • Creating a game situation, artistic expression.
    • Phys. just a minute.
    • Help from the teacher: questions, demonstration, praise, encouragement.

    Preliminary work: memorization: nursery rhymes "A fox walked through the forest..." , "Like our cat..." , "Cockerel, cockerel..." ; poems by A. Barto from the cycle "Toys" ;

    dance to the song "Guilty Cloud" , looking at illustrations about domestic and wild animals, learning a Russian folk game "Across the Forest Lawn" , conversations with children about wild and domestic animals.

    Material: Toys – fox, bunny, bear, cockerel, cat, horse; everything you need to imitate a forest; recording the sound of forests, rain, pets.


    Children with a teacher are included in the group. Greet guests.

    Q: Kids, let’s go with you to a fairy forest today.

    On a smooth path,
    Our feet are walking
    Our feet are walking
    They don't get tired at all.
    Here the children will dance,
    Spin around in place
    And everything will go further!

    (children walk one after another, sticking out their legs, making springs, moving their arms, spinning).

    Recording the sound of the forest.

    Q: We walked and walked, and then we ended up in a fairytale forest. Oh, look who's hiding behind the tree here. (children see a fox) Let's say hello to her and remember a nursery rhyme about her and she will come to us.

    The fox walked through the forest,
    The songs started ringing.
    The fox tore the stripes,
    The fox was weaving bast shoes.

    Q: Look and the fox came out to you, pet her. Tell her goodbye and let's move on. (sound of the forest)

    Q: Look, guys, how many colorful leaves there are around. Why are they like this? What time of year is it now? (Autumn) And when a breeze in the fall tears leaves from the trees and they fall, what is it called? (leaf fall)

    (The sound of rain sounds.)

    Q: Oh, children, the autumn rain has begun. Let's make it go faster, let's dance for him.

    (Dance to the song "Guilty Cloud" )

    Q: Well done, the rain is over. (Crying is heard somewhere)

    Q: Who is that crying there? (Approaches the bunny) Who is this sitting?

    D: Bunny.

    Q: Let's say hello to him! He's kind of sad and lonely. Ah... I guessed, this is the same bunny from the poem by A. Barto. Guys, let's remember this poem. (Children read a poem in chorus). We have to feel sorry for him, let's pet him. So he became happier. (Children come up to the bunny, stroke him and tell him goodbye).

    Q: Would you like to all play a Russian folk game together? “The bunnies galloped across the forest lawn...” (the game is repeated 2-3 times)

    Q: The bunny was walking through the forest, and the bear was sleeping in the den.
    The bunny ran closer and called the bunnies to him.
    The bear heard and started roaring:
    “Who dares to make such noise here?” (Children jump, V. imitates the actions of a bear, calls the little bunnies to him and shakes his finger)

    Q: But the bear woke up. Bear, don’t swear, don’t make noise, do you have a headache or something? It’s better to listen to a poem about yourself. (D. read a verse "Teddy Bear..." , imitating the actions of a bear).

    Q: So the little bear stopped being angry. Let's say goodbye to him and go further through the fairy forest.

    Our feet walk along a smooth path,
    Jump over a puddle, jump over a hole,
    Boom - they fell. Where have we ended up?

    Q: Before us is a fairy-tale little mansion. I wonder who lives in it? (A funny grandmother comes out of the little house).

    V. and D. - Hello! (Everyone says hello together)

    Q: We were walking through a fairytale forest and came to your little house.

    B-Z: Hello, dear guests. My name is Granny-Funny. Are you probably tired? So sit down, and I’ll tell you with whom I live in the little house. Want to?

    D: Yes (sit down on chairs).

    B-Z: Since everything here is fabulous, let's play. When you hear a sound, you must guess the animal that makes it. And then you will understand who I live with. (rooster crows) Who is this?

    D: Cockerel.

    Q: Let’s remember a nursery rhyme about him:

    Cockerel, cockerel,
    golden comb,
    Oil head,
    Silk beard!
    Why do you get up early?
    You sing loudly,
    Don't you let your children sleep?

    (a cat can be heard meowing)

    B-Z: Did you find out who?

    Q: Children, tell me a nursery rhyme about the cat

    Like our cat (hands on the belt; turns the body left and right)
    The fur coat is very good (we stroke ourselves from shoulder to wrist)
    Like a cat's mustache, ("twist" mustache)
    Amazingly beautiful (palms to cheeks and shake head left and right)
    Bold eyes, (we blink our eyes)
    The teeth are white. (show teeth)

    (horse sounds)

    B-Z: And do you know this animal?

    Q: Shall we tell you about the horse? (Children tell "I love my horse" ) .

    B-Z: So you guessed all my animals. Well done!

    Q: Children, let's tell Grandma-Funny who we met while we were walking through the magical forest: Fox, Bunny (the cat was abandoned by the owner) and Teddy bear (with a bump on his forehead). Guys, are these animals wild or domestic? (wild) And those who live with their grandmother? (domestic)

    Q: It’s good here, but it’s time for us to say goodbye. As they say: "Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!" (gathers all the children near him)

    B-Z: And I packed some treats for you on the way! (basket with bagels) Have a nice trip!

    V. and D. Thank you and goodbye!

    This is how we walk - look!
    We raise our legs - one, two, three!
    How the legs walk - tramp, tramp, tramp!
    Right along the path - we came to the group!

    Q: So we came to the group. You enjoyed our trip. Let's remember who we met.

    Q: You were great today! Let's now wash our hands and eat Grandma-Funny's treat!

    Long-term plan

    On an individual basis methodological topic:

    « Folklore as a means of developing communication skills"

    for 2015-2016 academic year

    with kids II junior group

    Educator: Budak T.M.

    Use of technology:

    1. Educational.

    2. Health-saving.

    3. Gaming.



    « Folk art in raising children” T.S. Komarova; “The Joy of Creativity” O.A. Solomennikova;

    « National holidays V kindergarten» M.B. Zatsepin;

    “Theatrical activities in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old” A.V. Shchetkin;

    "Organization theatrical activities» N.B Ulashchenko;

    “Environment of development of a preschooler, essence and structure” V.K. Shalaeva, N.V. Smirnova;

    “Holidays in kindergarten” S.N. Zakharova; Magazines " Preschool education", "Child in kindergarten"; T.A. Budarina, O.A. Makreeva “Introducing children to Russian folk art”, “Childhood - Press” 2010 E.A. Antipina “Theatrical performances in kindergarten” “Sphere”, Moscow, 2010


    Recently, in almost all countries of the world there has been an intensive growth of national consciousness. Our country is no exception in this matter. This is due to the problem of restoring ethnic identity, which was largely lost at the end of the twentieth century.

    It is folk culture that is capable of reviving the continuity of generations, transmitting moral principles, spiritual and artistic values ​​to the younger generation, and the preschool period of childhood is favorable for familiarization with its origins. Turning on the child before school age in various types of activities based on folk art material are one of the main conditions for the full moral and aesthetic education of a child and the development of his artistic creativity.

    Unfortunately, most Russian people are very superficially familiar with their own folk culture.

    Children's folklore- This is a special area of ​​folk art. It includes a whole system of poetic and musical-poetic genres of folklore. For many centuries, jokes, nursery rhymes, and chants lovingly and wisely teach a child, introducing him to the high moral culture of his people, to the origins of his native, true Russian folk art. Bright epithets, text repetitions, apt comparisons allow the child to get acquainted with the world of ancient Russian culture, with the history of the Russian people.

    Research shows that children's knowledge of the characteristics of their native culture is at a very low level. Consequently, there is a need to organize work to familiarize with it already in early preschool age.


    Evoking a positive emotional response to Russians folk tales and folklore works.Contribute to the formation of interest in Russian folklore.Learn to read different types by heart literary works. Involve parents in reading Russian fairy tales and works of Russian folklore.



    Work with children

    Subject: You are welcome, dear guests

    Educational technology

    1. Conversation with children “About the nesting doll.”Introduce children to the hut and its owner; teach to listen carefully, perceive and remember nursery rhymes; develop interest in Russian folk toy matryoshka.

    2. The cockerel is a golden comb. Introduce the children to the inhabitant of the hut - Cockerel; talk about his role in the life of the Russian people; develop memory and active speech of children.

    3. Like our cat. Introduce the children to the inhabitant of the hut - the cat Vaska; learn a nursery rhyme like our cat; to cultivate a caring, affectionate attitude towards animals with the help of children's folklore.

    Gaming technology

    1. P/game “Birds, go to their nests!”

    2. Finger gymnastics"Friendship"

    Topic: Autumn walks along the paths

    Educational technology

    1. Reading nursery rhymes “Kitty-Kitten”, “The cat went to the market”. Introduce children to the content of nursery rhymes, call the appropriate emotional attitude to the characters; develop the ability to listen to the text of a work; learn to reproduce the words of the text intonationally expressively affectionately when addressing the cat and reproachfully when speaking

    2.We went to the garden. Clarify children's ideas about vegetables, enrich their vocabulary with the words vegetables, vegetable garden, beds, solid, round, oblong; teach to recognize and show vegetables by description, touch, in kind and in the picture; contribute to the development of intonation expressiveness of speech.

    3. The Cockerel Family. Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about appearance a rooster (large, he has a comb and beard on his head; he has a fluffy tail with bright plumage), a chicken (large, but the tail and comb are smaller than those of a rooster) and chickens (small, yellow, fluffy, always running after their mother hen ); teach children to guess simple descriptive riddles by finishing the answers to them in rhyme; develop interest in modeling, consolidate knowledge of color, learn to find similarities with real objects, and carefully use plasticine.

    4. Kolobok. Remind children of the content of the fairy tale Kolobok; develop the ability to dramatize individual fragments fairy tales; develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech.

    Gaming technology

    1. Game: “Walk” 2. Game – improvisation “Leaves in the Garden”. 3.Game "Imaginary Journey"

    Health saving technology

    1. Finger gymnastics “This is our game”, 2. Exercises “ Bubble", "Cheerful Piglet".

    Working with parents

    Consultation for parents

    “The influence of folklore on the formation of personality”

    Making crafts from natural material: “Favorite fairy tale characters”

    Making caps for the round dance game, supplementing the material for the “Theater” game

    Crafts exhibition



    Work with children

    Subject: « Listen to the nursery rhyme, my friend, and play it."

    Educational technology

    1. “A dream is walking near the windows” Introduce children to the cradle (cradle, shaky) and lullaby songs; learn to sing lullabies quietly, affectionately; develop memory and active speech of children.

    2. “Water, water, wash my face” Introduce the children to the washbasin, tell them how to use it correctly; learn to tell a nursery rhyme expressively; develop self-service skills, a love of cleanliness and neatness.

    3. “Water is off a duck’s back, but Vanya’s skin is thin” Repetition of the nursery rhyme and familiar lullabies; consolidate the sequence of actions when going to bed; learn to sing lullabies quietly, affectionately; fix the purpose of the cradle and washbasin in the hut.

    4. “Zayushkina’s hut” Remind the children of the content of the fairy tale; learn to dramatize a fairy tale expressively; introduce children to the Russian folk game Bunny.

    Gaming technology

    1. Game "Grandfather Silent", 2.game “Shadow”, 3. s/i “Journey to autumn forest", TRIZ

    "Guess what I wished for"

    Health saving technology

    1. Finger gymnastics “Fairy-tale creatures”, 2. corrective exercises for the eyes, development of children's plastic surgery.

    TSO (audio recording of sad and happy melodies).

    Subject: "Magical Holiday"

    Educational technology

    1. “The Girl and the Fox” Introduce children to the fairy tale Snow Maiden and the Fox; preparation for staging fragments of a fairy tale; introduce children to the game Who Called; develop auditory attention.

    2. “Oh, you winter-winter.” Enrich children's vocabulary with sheepskin coats, mittens, felt boots, shawls; introduce the peculiarities of Russian winter clothes; develop memory.

    3. “Foka boils water and shines like a mirror” Introduce children to the samovar and its purpose; tell children about the tradition of tea drinking; cultivate the desire and ability to help elders.

    4. “Santa Claus's chest” Develop interest in riddles and solving them; develop memory and imagination; create the mood for the upcoming holiday.

    Gaming technology

    1. d/i "Get to know the guest", 2.Game “Find identical snowflakes”, 3. “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”, 4. “Guess who I am?”, Imitation and improvisation games.

    Health saving technology

    1. finger gymnastics “Ice, wind and frost”, “Christmas tree”, “Snowball”,"We decorate the Christmas tree"

    Working with parents

    1 Consultation “Development of children’s speech in theatrical activities.”

    Creation of a photo collage “How we celebrated the holiday”;

    Equipment for a subject-development environment

    Production of attributes, costumes.

    Selection of toys, attributes, literary works, costumes, musical accompaniment;



    Work with children

    Topic: “We are artists.” Educational technology

    1. “The carol has come - open the gates” Introduce children to the holiday of Christmas; learn Christmas carols; introduce children to the tradition of baking Christmas cookies - roe deer.

    2. “Jolly Spoons” Learn to solve riddles; introduce household items (wooden spoons, samovar); develop general speech skills to speak loudly, expressively, using intonation, speech rate, voice pitch; cultivate interest in folk art.

    3. “Housewife's Helpers” Introduce children to household items such as a rocker, buckets, a trough, an iron; talk about their purpose; learn to compare ancient objects with modern ones, find similarities and differences; cultivate a desire to help adults.

    4. “The chicken sweeps the doormat with a broom” Develop memory; interest in small folklore genres; cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance.

    Gaming technology D/i "What first, what then?Game "Mirror", “Your own director”, “Guess who I am?”, Imitation and improvisation games.Game "Rainy - Sunny".

    Health saving technology

    Finger gymnastics. "Winter", " Winter fun»

    Topic: Acting out fairy tales using various types theater: “Geese-swans”, “Zayushkina’s hut”.

    Educational technology

    1. “Annual Maslenitsa” - our dear guest Introduce children to the Maslenitsa holiday; tell how it was celebrated in the old days; develop children's speech activity.

    2. “Three Bears” Remind children of the content of the fairy tale; practice comparing objects by size; establish rules for table setting.

    3. “Masha and the Bear” Learn to show a familiar fairy tale on a flannelgraph; enrich children's vocabulary; develop children's spatial orientation; consolidate knowledge of hut interior items

    4. “There comes a horned goat.” Introduce the children to the new inhabitant of the hut - the goat Masha; repetition of a familiar nursery rhyme with dramatization; talk about the benefits of goats for humans.

    Gaming technology

    D/game “Guess what I’m doing”, construction: Masks for the theater, Game “Continue the phrase and show”,

    Health saving technology

    Finger gymnastics“Herringbone”, “Frost”.

    Working with parents

    Consultation “How to choose a fairy tale for the little ones”

    Conducting the quiz “Continue the nursery rhyme”

    Equipment for a subject-development environment

    Flat table theater

    Creation of a card index “Poteshki”



    Work with children

    Topic: “A funny carousel”

    Educational technology

    1. “On a visit to the Hostess” Familiarization with small folklore forms; arouse in children the joy of repeating (pronouncing and coaxing) familiar nursery rhymes, pestles, stretches, lullabies together with the teacher; promote the formation of expressive intonation speech in younger children preschool age.

    2. “Come, spring, with joy” Repeat the signs of spring; learn with children the chants Swallow, swallow, Rooks-kirichi; introduce children to the tradition of baking larks.

    3. “Trn-strum, guselki” Reinforce the names of familiar Russian musical instruments; learn to listen to Russian orchestra performances (recorded) carefully; develop interest in Russian folk music.

    4. “Visiting Grandma Riddle” Fix the names of pets (cat, dog, goat, cow, etc.); activate mental activity during the game; practice expressive intonation during onomatopoeia; cultivate love and respect for animals.

    Gaming technology

    Game “We won’t tell you what we are doing, but we will show you.” Work on sketches “Buying a theater ticket”, “Consolation”.

    Health saving technology

    Breathing exercises “Steam Locomotive”, “Stork”,

    Finger gymnastics “Mom’s holiday”

    Subject: "Turnip".

    Educational technology

    1. “The white-sided magpie was cooking porridge” Introduce children to a new Russian household item - a clay pot; repeat the names and purposes of previously studied household utensils; learn to tell a familiar nursery rhyme expressively.

    2. “Turnip” Learn to tell a fairy tale using a series of pictures; develop children's active speech; prepare children to dramatize a fairy tale.

    3. “In Grandma’s Yard” Create a favorable atmosphere for children’s word creation; activate children's vocabulary; clarify children's ideas about different forms folklore (rhymes, chants, lullabies, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.), their purpose, teach them to pronounce them loudly and clearly.

    4. “Ryaba Hen” Introduce children to original text fairy tales; develop memory and speech activity of children; talk about the tradition of painting eggs for Easter.

    Gaming technology

    Health saving technology

    Rhythmoplasty exercise “Bears in a cage.” Tongue twister “Sasha knocked down the bumps with a stick”

    Working with parents

    Consultation “Development of creative abilities in preschoolers”;

    Consultation “Children’s development in theatrical activities”;

    Equipment for a subject-development environment

    Making masks.


    Work with children

    Subject: “If you go on a journey with a friend”

    Educational technology

    1. “Sunny, dress up, red, show yourself” Learn to expressively tell chants and nursery rhymes about the sun; teach children to create an image of the sun with a spot, a linear outline, followed by painting; develop children's active speech; cultivate love for native nature.

    2. “Who lives in the mansion” Remind the children of the content of the fairy tale; learn to guess riddles about animals; develop memory and creative imagination.

    3. “Fair” Tell children about the fair, the buying and selling process; teach to remember and tell jokes, poems about the fair; develop children's memory and speech.

    4. “Fairy tales lead a round dance” Develop figurative, expressive, emotional speech in children, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary; help children remember familiar fairy tales; induce in children a desire to retell a familiar fairy tale with the help of a teacher, to suggest the right words, help construct sentences of 3-4 words correctly; cultivate a love for oral folk art

    Gaming technology

    Game with imaginary objects, Game “Me too!”, TRIZ"What I was - what I became"Game "Funny Monkeys"Game "Say a polite word."

    Health saving technology

    Finger gymnastics “Our group”,

    "Don't cry, my doll"

    Working with parents

    Consultation “Fundamentals of theatrical culture”;Master class for parents: “By playing, we develop children’s speech.”

    Organization: MB DOU No. 206

    Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk

    Target: Development of speech in children through familiarization with Russian folklore.


    To acquaint children with the elements of Russian folk life, as well as with words - historicisms: hut, upper room, cast iron, grab, samovar;

    Learn to distinguish the sounds g and k by ear, pronounce words with these sounds and isolate them from phrases;

    Practice forming nouns in the genitive case;

    Enrich children's vocabulary;

    Develop skills of clear, intelligible pronunciation of words with the help of nursery rhymes and songs;

    Foster a love of Russian folklore and friendly relationships between children.

    Preliminary work: conversations with children about life in the village, about Russian life, household items; learning the song “Cockerel”; nursery rhymes “Ladushki, pancakes”, “Like our cat”; games “Mice dance in circles”; counting rhymes; reading fairy tales “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Snow Maiden”, “Masha and the Bear”.

    Equipment: wooden house, fence, Russian hut decoration, stove, samovar, cast iron pot, pot, grip, toy cat, cockerel, chest, wooden spoons, bells, book of riddles, baked pancakes, hat for the cat. audio recording of Russian folk melodies.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children with a teacher walk in to Russian folk music.

    Educator 1. “Guys, have any of you been to the village? Have you ever been to a Russian hut? Do you like to visit? Today we will go to visit Grandma Varvarushka. Let’s look into her upper room - that’s the name of the room in a Russian hut. Let's see how Grandma Varvarushka lives, let's go."

    And here is a small house,

    Smoke rings above the chimney,

    Apparently, dinner is being cooked,

    Is there anyone here or not? (Knock on the door)

    (The teacher comes out in the role of grandmother Varvarushka in a Russian sundress and meets the children)

    Grandmother Varvarushka: “Oh, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’ll quickly unlock the door. I’m waiting for guests to come to the yard.


    I'll put together a bridge

    I'll pave it with silver,

    I'll let all the guys go.

    Hello dear children, hello dear children. Let's get to know you. My name is Grandma Varvarushka. What's your name? ".

    Children take turns saying their names.

    Grandmother Varvarushka: “Come on, guys, to my room. I will treat you to pancakes and play interesting games. Look how cozy and warm it is in my hut, it’s good, and how much goodness is visible and invisible. There are benches and a table. What else is there?

    (Children's answers)

    And this is the mother stove. She rules everything in the house: when it’s cold, she’ll warm you up, if you’re hungry, she’ll feed you delicious porridge and treat you to lush pies.”

    Introducing children to a grip and a cast iron pot, a jug, and a samovar.

    Grandma Varvarushka: “You can also bake delicious pancakes in the oven. Can you guys help me bake pancakes?”

    Children's answers. "Let's help, grandma."

    (Reading the nursery rhyme “Ladushki-pancakes” with the children)

    “Okay, okay!

    Grandma baked pancakes

    I poured oil on it,

    I gave it to the kids.

    Masha is two, Pasha is two,

    Vanya is two, Anya is two.

    The pancakes are good

    At our grandmother's."

    (imitate actions)

    Grandmother Varvarushka: “While the oven is baking pancakes, I will show you the samovar! It boils water itself. It has handles and a spout, water flows from it. Soon we will drink tea from the samovar. In the meantime, the samovar boils water, I will show you and my cat - Vaska I’ll introduce him. He catches mice at night, and during the day he warms himself on the stove and purrs. Have you seen him on the street? Yes, here he is (the cat is sitting under the fence).

    Guys, what nursery rhyme do you know about a cat? Tell me."

    (Children say a nursery rhyme)

    "Like our cat

    The fur coat is very good

    Like a cat's mustache

    Amazingly beautiful

    Bold eyes

    The teeth are white.

    The cat will go out into the garden,

    All the people will be alarmed:

    Both the rooster and the hen

    From a village street

    They will invite the cat to visit,

    They’ll give the cat a treat.”

    Grandma Varvarushka: « Guys, the cat meowed in my ear that he wanted to play with us. Do you want to play with Vaska? Let us be the mice and choose the cat as the counting rhyme.”

    Counting book

    1. The counting begins:

    A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,

    Two crows, a sparrow,

    Two magpies, a nightingale.

    2. Behind glass doors

    There is a bear with pies.

    Teddy bear, little darling, friend,

    How much does a pie cost?

    A pie costs three,

    And you will be the one to drive!

    The outdoor game “Mice Dance in a Round Dance” is played.

    Children dance in a round dance, with a cat “sleeping” in the middle.

    "The mice dance in circles
    The cat is dozing on the bed.
    Hush, mice, don't make noise,
    Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
    How Vaska the cat wakes up
    He will break up our round dance.”

    Grandma Varvarushka: “I also have chickens, a cockerel, geese and ducks.”

    A verbal game is played: the teacher says the first line, the children say the second, etc.

    “Our chickens through the window -

    Co-co-co, co-co-co!”

    “Our ducks in the morning -

    Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!”

    “Our geese by the pond -

    Ha-ha-ha! Ga-ga-ga!

    What about Petya the Cockerel?

    Early in the morning

    He’ll sing k-ka-re-ku to us!”

    Grandmother Varvarushka: “And now I want to introduce you to the cockerel Petya

    Let's look for the cockerel together."

    (Children find a cockerel on the fence)

    Grandma Varvarushka: “Hello, Petya the cockerel! You probably get up earlier than everyone else, don’t let all the kids sleep, do you sing your songs? Guys, let’s sing the cockerel’s song: “The golden comb cockerel.”

    A child with a cockerel stands in a circle, and the children around him dance in a circle and sing a song. The melody turns on.

    "Cockerel, cockerel

    Golden comb

    Oil head,

    Silk beard,

    You don’t let the kids sleep.”

    Grandma Varvarushka: “Did you like our song, Cockerel? Promise us not to sing loudly and not to wake the guys. Sit on the fence and watch how the guys and I continue to play.

    I have a magic chest. Fairy tales live in this chest, let’s open it and guess the riddles about Russian folk tales.”

    1. It’s hard for the gray-haired grandfather

    Harvest from the garden bed.

    He decided to call his friends.

    Holding each other tightly,

    They pull everything from the garden. (turnip).

    2. The mouse found a home for itself,

    The mouse was kind.

    In that house after all

    There were a lot of residents. (“Teremok.”)

    3. And the road is long,

    And the basket is not easy,

    I would like to sit on a tree stump,

    I would like to eat a pie.

    ("Masha and the Bear".)

    4. From his native lodge

    He ran away along the path.

    He could run without legs.

    Who is this? (Kolobok.)

    5. The beautiful maiden is sad,

    She doesn't like spring

    It's hard for her in the sun,

    The poor thing is shedding tears.

    (Snow Maiden.)

    6. Good little hero

    Shared his home with a fox.

    And the fox was angry

    And she chased the bunny away.

    I can return my house myself,

    The cockerel helped him.

    (“Zayushkina’s hut.”)

    Grandma Varvarushka: “Well done, guys, you guessed the riddles.”

    Grandmother Varvarushka: “And in my magic chest there are spoons and bells. What are spoons for?

    (Children's answers)

    Grandma Varvarushka: “Do you know that you can play on spoons! Let's play ".

    (Children play spoons and bells to a fast Russian folk melody.)

    Grandma Varvarushka: “Oh, we’ve been sitting too long, it’s time to look into the oven. Oh, and the pancakes are already completely ready. How rosy, and how delicious they smell, probably sweet, but delicious. I invite you, children, to the table I will treat you to tea from the samovar, and with pancakes!”

    He treats the children to tea from a samovar with pancakes. Russian folk music plays in the background. After tea, the children and their grandmother lead a round dance and dance.

    List of used literature:

    1. Litvinova, M.F. : Russian folk outdoor games for children of preschool and primary school age - M.: Iris - press, 2004.
    2. Melnikov, M.N. Russian children's folklore: M.; 1987.

    Internet resources:

    1. http://www.playwithus.ru/poteshki.htm
    2. http://iplayer.fm/q/song+cocker+golden+comb/
    3. http://gamejulia.ru/zagadki-pro-skazki.html
    4. http://doshvozrast.ru/igra/igrapodvig01.htm
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