• Methodological development on the topic: “Collective creativity of preschool children.” Group work on the theme of Spring in kindergarten. Preparatory group


    Independent creative activity, its characteristics

    Consolidating children's knowledge, skills and abilities in visual arts can take place at the request of children in their free time from classes. This time is mainly reserved for games. But if any of the children wants to draw or sculpt, this should not be prevented. Such a desire sometimes indicates that the child has abilities, and it is necessary to help identify and develop them. In the process of independent activity, children’s various skills are consolidated.
    The visual activity that arises during the game is of a subordinate nature. Its goals and content are determined by the needs of the game. For example, playing “school” necessitates making notebooks, books, and bags for the participants in the game. Some children are engaged in constructing these objects from paper. Such activities develop initiative, Creative skills and enriches the content of the game.
    Children must be provided for necessary material for work outside of class. In group rooms, drawing and modeling supplies should be stored in corners or on shelves in the closet, which children can freely use. IN junior groups such a corner is created when children acquire basic skills in using the material. True, we have to limit ourselves to pencils, since working with paint and clay is complex and requires constant supervision from the teacher. IN middle group Plasticine is added to pencils. Children in older groups can be provided with all the materials they use in class, with only minor restrictions. So, instead of clay, plasticine is given, and instead of starch glue, casein or stationery is given. Natural and other supplementary materials are stored in drawers with compartments that are easily accessible to children. Children use all these materials in their free time from classes and take them with the permission of the teacher. During the work, the teacher observes the children, gives them advice, and makes sure that the work started is completed.

    Ways to organize collective activities in the classroom.

    Collective visual activity is an effective means of solving many educational and didactic problems. The collective form of organization makes it possible to develop the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance, and create the basis for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives.

    The collective visual activity of children, like other types of children's artistic creativity, should be closely connected with play. The use of gaming methods and techniques in such classes increases the effectiveness of artistic activity.

    There can be many specific methods for combining collective and individual forms of work of preschoolers in the process of visual, decorative or design activities. They are born as a result of the joint creativity of the teacher and children. In collective visual activities, children independently distribute responsibilities, exercise collective control and self-control, strive for coordinated actions, they have additional energy, they more easily overcome difficulties and solve complex creative problems, collective initiative and competition are born.

    Classification of forms of organizing collective work of children. A.I. Savenkov, having spent the eldest with the children preschool age The study proposed a classification that allows us to systematize and then constantly complicate the process of joint activity of children from joint-individual to more complex joint-sequential and, finally, joint-interacting. The interaction of children can be carried out in pairs, in a small group (3-5 people) and a large one, actually including all the children of the group. Students can create images simultaneously or by working on the image using the conveyor principle.

    Depending on the levels of development of collective activity skills in children of different ages, the teacher chooses the form of organizing collective work:

    1. Joint-individual.

    2. Joint-sequential.

    3. Collaborative-interacting.

    Teamwork can be different not only according to form organization of work, but also by type, which can be determined by thematic criterion:

    · Production of artistic panels and models;

    · Making gift posters;

    · Making attributes for joint games;

    · Illustration of fairy tales and stories;

    · Decoration exhibitions;

    · Manufacturing of costumes and theatrical scenery.

    How exactly should you organize collective activities with children? First of all, it should be emphasized that the choice of one or another form of organizing collective activity depends on the age of the children, the theme of the picture depicted, the number of children in the group, whether the image is created on a group basis educational activities or in her free time, in the process of independent artistic activity. The complexity of the content and individual images will increase as children age. Collective work can be carried out both in direct organized educational activities with a teacher, and in the morning and evening hours.

    There are 3 stages in organizing work:

    · Preparatory. Objectives: deepening knowledge on the topic of future work, creating vivid artistic images.

    · The main one is getting the job done. Objectives: to provide children with the opportunity to embody images of the surrounding reality in a composition, to create conditions for the creative interaction of children.

    · Final. This is the period of interaction between children and completed work.

    Any collective work must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to make a picture or craft together that would be difficult to do alone. While doing group work, children learn to communicate with adults and with each other. If at the initial stage of such work, children communicate mainly with the teacher, then a little later they begin to communicate with each other. Gradually, under the guidance of an adult, children plan, negotiate, ask, suggest, and empathize. The teacher’s task is to teach children how to negotiate, give in to each other, and appreciate the help of a friend.

    Group work can be carried out at any time age group, in any type of visual arts classes.

    The easiest way to organize group work is in sculpting or appliqué; it is more difficult in drawing. The forms of organization depend on the age and communication skills of the children.

    In younger groups, children each complete the task on their own sheet, and at the end of the lesson, all the work is combined into one or two common compositions. From the very beginning, children should know that they will get the overall composition.

    From the middle group it is possible to complete the task on one sheet of paper. Children stand in front of tables with long sheets of paper on them. Everyone determines their place - puts their palms on the paper so that their neighbor’s elbows do not interfere. Then all children complete the same task, and then complete the drawing with details as desired. There may be this option: each child completes an image on a sheet of the same color as the general background of the composition; after completing the task, small pieces of paper are pasted onto a common sheet that unites all the work. This option can also be used in younger groups.

    In older groups, after preparing the general background, you can divide the sheet into parts and, after completing the task, connect all the parts in the same order.

    Already in the younger group, children can complete the task on one sheet, creating two images of equal complexity; then the group can be increased to three - four or more children.

    It is easier to perform collective work in the application. Each child, in his place, cuts out and glues an object, and then sticks it on a common sheet.

    With children of senior preschool age, collective works based on folk art are created in drawings or applications.

    It is known that children's creativity- a unique phenomenon. Many teachers and psychologists, both domestic and foreign, emphasize the great importance of artistic creativity in all aspects, especially in aesthetic development personality. However, to realize such development, appropriate conditions are required. And if conditions are created in the group for the development of creativity, kindergarten, children enjoy drawing, sculpting, cutting and pasting, constructing various objects, and are ready to spend a lot of time doing these activities. What are these conditions?

    First of all, it's positive psychological climate in a children's group; secondly, the use of such types of activities to develop the child’s creative abilities in a group, such as modeling, appliqué, design, and manual labor.

    A significant number of children, despite their existing skills and abilities, experience difficulties in creative expression. The main reason is: insufficient level of cognitive interests, lack of activity, initiative, perseverance and ability to achieve a goal.

    When solving the problem of developing the collective creativity of a preschooler, the teacher should be based on the following principles:

    Creative realization of each student as a condition for the development of collective co-creation;

    Accounting individual characteristics children when determining their role place in collective interaction;

    Managerial direction in establishing the process of collective activity;

    The child’s comfort in a group of peers.

    Collective works with children are created (starting from early preschool age) in drawing, modeling, appliqué, one type or two or three types in one lesson (modeling and applique, applique and drawing, applique and artistic work).

    In joint and independent activities, most often children perform the image individually, each with their own drawing, modeling, appliqué. But children get special satisfaction from creating common pictures, compositions that combine the images of all the children in the group. Such paintings are called collective works. They have a more significant result for children, they cause admiration, truly like in the poem by V. Mayakovsky: “What one cannot do, we will do together.”

    Therefore, one of the forms of implementation, both in joint activities and in independent activities in kindergarten, is collective work, the result of which is general paintings, panels, compositions in modeling.


    1.1 The importance of collective activities in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.

    In the process of performing collective work, the moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out, the following skills are developed:

    Agree on joint work and its content;

    Work together, give in to each other, help, advise;

    Plan your work, determine its sequence, content, composition, additions;

    Rejoice at your own and your comrades’ successes in creating work.

    All collective work must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to create a picture together, make decorations for the holiday, decorate a group, corridor, hall, make a panel for leisure, for a child’s birthday, decorations for games, performances, posters, a screen book as a gift, illustrate fairy tales, poems, film stills, etc.

    While performing group work, children learn to communicate with each other and with adults:

    At the beginning of the year, children work side by side and communicate mainly with the teacher;

    At the second stage, they begin to talk to each other, first about the task, then emphasizing what the neighbor is doing wrong, asserting that they themselves are performing the task correctly;

    Gradually, under the guidance of an adult, children begin to communicate with each other: plan, negotiate, ask, give hints, rejoice, praise a friend, and so on.

    During classes, the teacher uses different types arts: fine and decorative, music, dance, literature. Integration makes it possible to show children artistic image by different means expressiveness, see it in your own way, understand the creative workshop of the artist, learn to look for ways in creativity, creating your own image.

    Basically, group work is carried out with children of the same age. When organizing work, it is important to correctly unite children to perform joint actions, taking into account their behavioral characteristics. Researchers distinguish several types of children depending on their ability to communicate and interact in a friendly manner. These are sociable-friendly, sociable-hostile, unsociable-friendly and unsociable-hostile children. It is necessary to take these features into account when organizing joint activities. Thus, sociable and friendly children can be combined with children belonging to other types. Sociable-hostiles cannot be united with each other and with unsociable-hostiles, and, moreover, it is inappropriate to unite unsociable-hostiles with each other. If there is a need to work in a group of sociable and unsociable-hostile children, it must be “strengthened” by 2-3 sociable-friendly children.

    It is easier to organize children to carry out collective work on modeling, appliqué, design, it is more difficult to draw, but in practice there are various forms of organization that help solve problems in different types of activities. These forms of organizing collective work gradually become more complex depending on the age of the children.

    Modern look on the aesthetic education of a child presupposes the unity of the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world and artistic development through the means of different types of fine and decorative arts in aesthetic activity. The person of the future must be a creator, a person with a developed sense of beauty and active creativity.


    2.1 Consideration of the organization of collective classes with preschoolers.

    For the successful development of children, we have organized a creativity corner in our group. Where the specific principle of aestheticization of the subject-developing environment and everyday life in general is taken into account. Children in independent activities can choose any art material for work, look at albums and didactic games artistic orientation, find stencils, admire folk art objects. The conditions for development have been created. Purposeful work is carried out according to general pedagogical principles in stages.

    At the first preparatory stage of work, where children’s knowledge on the topic of future work was deepened, no special difficulties arose. Various methodological techniques such as game situations, fairy-tale heroes, problematic situations, observations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction helped me form vivid images that gave rise to the desire to embody them in my own artistic activities.

    I also organized the “Young Wizards” club, where I conducted additional classes according to a pre-created long-term plan.

    In its work, the circle tried to solve the following problems:

    • Relieve psychological stress, help gain confidence in your abilities
    • Increase motivation for visual arts
    • Introduce basic visual materials and teach how to use them

    For example, for those who were unsure of their abilities, afraid to start drawing, constantly repeating “I can’t”, “I don’t know how”, she suggested tinting several sheets of paper. By completing this task, the child learns how to hold a brush correctly, pick up paint on it, and move the brush freely over the entire surface of the sheet, without fear of going beyond the contour.

    For children who did not do what was required according to verbal instructions, or who completed the task slowly, she was offered exercises related to the step-by-step depiction of an object, and used the technique of drawing from a spot. An explanation of the sequence of performing such tasks should be accessible (with multiple verbal repetitions). At the same time, I tried to use visual and demonstration material. It could be my drawing or drawings of other children. Here the children showed an interest in teaching their friend what they had already learned themselves, so that everyone could do well, so that their collective work would be more expressive.

    One of the options for conducting the lesson was that children younger age depicted identical objects (flowers, leaves, snow, snowmen, tumblers, etc.). When all the works were combined at the end of the lesson, the resulting paintings were “Flowerbed”, “Forest”, “Chickens” or from tumblers. And it turned out that the younger group also produces very beautiful collective works.

    There was such a collective work on the topic “They will bake buns, buns, pretzels for us from flour.” The boys had to stick ready-made forms- rings of different sizes. The task was not difficult, but there was only one rope for bagels, and it was necessary to glue your pretzel without interfering with each other. At first everyone hurried at once, everyone wanted to see their bagel in a bunch. Work has stalled. I offered to give in to the girls. The boys all agreed. The girls began to help the boys to celebrate. The connection turned out wonderful. When they started decorating the pretzels with poppy seeds (poking them with black felt-tip pens), the girls gave way to the boys. Progress in children’s relationships and, consequently, in personality development is clearly visible here. At the beginning, the children worked side by side and communicated mainly with me, and then they begin to talk to each other, to give in.

    All collective work must have a purpose. I tried to tell the children about the upcoming collective work in advance. I encouraged the children to create a picture together. Make decorations for the holiday, decorate a group, a corridor, a hall. Create panels for leisure, for a child’s birthday, decorations for games, performances, posters, illustrate fairy tales, poems.

    I would like to give an example of the novelty of the setting and the unusual start of the work and the variability of creating the overall composition. Children completed the image on a small sheet of the same color as the general sheet. After completing the task, they paste their sheet onto a common, unified background that unites all the work. I showed the children a puppet theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”, the performance stopped at the fact that I could not show how big the turnip had grown. Here I offered to help the children urgently. For decoration it was necessary to make a turnip and the children could do it. They set to work with pleasure: someone made the right side of the turnip with a broken appliqué, someone the left side, someone got the tail. They worked together, some children divided the responsibilities: some tore the paper, some pasted it, and many managed to do both. When the parts of the turnip were connected, it turned out to be a really big, big turnip. This picture became the decoration for a puppet theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”. The children were able to watch it all the way through and then more than once organized its showing themselves. The problematic situation helped to achieve results and interest the children, and they also concretely felt the social significance of their collective work. Together they brought the matter to an end. After all, this is already a manifestation of the will, although for now it is impulsive. Similar options, such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, drawing animals from the fairy tale “Teremok”, “Dandelions”, “Beetles are crawling in the clearing”, “Let’s hide the bunnies”, etc. can be used with young children.

    Starting from the younger group, I taught the children to do work together on one sheet of paper with two characters of equal complexity - a fox and a wolf. The task is simple: you just need to divide the territory of the leaf. I always help kids come to an agreement. If two children decorate two mittens, they must agree to have the same pattern. The selection of such topics for work encourages children to communicate, forces them to jointly plan activities, than older age, the more complex the exercises (a hat, scarf, or parts of the Gorodets salt shaker, or painting of a Gzhel service, Khokhloma dishes). The creation of different artistic images is not limited.

    I always remember how important it is for children to be interested in art classes, for their faces to radiate joy and their eyes to glow with delight, and I dream about this. How to achieve an effect in which children, in a comfortable creative environment, learn to interact, develop coordination, motor skills, perseverance, accuracy, self-control, and the ability to finish what they start. It is these qualities that are the basis for the development of the personality as a whole.

    One of the most important conditions for successful children's artistic creativity is variety and variability in working with children in the classroom. The novelty of the environment, an unusual start to work, beautiful and varied materials, interesting non-repetitive tasks for children, the opportunity to choose and many other factors - these are what help me prevent monotony and boredom in children's visual activities, and ensure the liveliness and spontaneity of children's perception and activity. It is important for me to create a new situation every time so that children, on the one hand, can apply previously acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, and on the other hand, introduce new solutions and creative approaches. This is what evokes in the children positive emotions, joyful surprise, the desire to work creatively in a team, a sense of mutual assistance and empathy for the overall result.

    When performing group work, children interact with me more freely; the child has the opportunity to see how I act and learn without my direct instructions. When performing visual arts work, I actively used gaming methods and techniques. Each was based on a specially developed game plot. To successfully complete the job, I came up with several game situations, which gradually succeeded each other, allowed me to maintain the necessary pace and rhythm of the activity, making it more interesting and exciting.

    When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself does what he was assigned, the better the work of the team will be. On the one hand, this creates conditions for the mobilization of the creative potential of the goy child - it requires their manifestation as necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organization also include the fact that it allows a fairly large group of children who do not have experience working together to be involved in collective activities.

    The result of each child’s work is part of the overall composition, clearly highlighted, and it is possible to objectively assess how the tasks of each child’s overall work were taken into account, and how interested he is in the overall success. This is especially important because in conditions of jointly consistent and jointly interacting forms of organizing activity, this result is, as it were, veiled. Selfish children, prone to overestimating their own work, cannot find themselves in such a clearly assessed situation when their bias is obvious and easily provable. On the contrary, children with low self-esteem are evaluated in accordance with their merits to the team.


    1. Belkina V.N., Vasilyeva N.N., Elkina N.V. et al. Preschooler: training and development. Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, “Academy K”, 1998.- 256 p.
    2. Gribovskaya A. A. “ Collective creativity preschoolers. Class notes.” Moscow Creative Center Sfera, 2004.-192 p.
    3. Durova N.V. "Very important conversation”Moscow edition. “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2000, 102 p.
    4. V.Yu., Kazakova R.G., Sayganova T.I., Sedova, Sleptsov
    5. and Smagina T.V.
    6. “ Drawing with preschool children. Moscow, Sfera shopping center, 2004-128p.
    7. Kireeva L.G., Saskova O.A. “Drawing a puppet show: comprehensive classes, plot-role-playing and didactic games” Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.-127 p.
    8. Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A. “Psychology of social giftedness” Moscow, Linkapress 2009.- 272 p.
    9. Komorova T.S. “Children's artistic creativity” - Moscow, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.-105p.
    10. Komarova T.S., Savenkov A.I. “Collective creativity of preschoolers. - Moscow. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.-128p.
    11. Lykova I.A. “ Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, guidelines. Junior group. - Moscow: “Karapuz-Didactics”, 2007.-144p.

    Group work on the topic “They will bake us buns, buns, pretzels from flour”

    Group work based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

    As a rule, in kindergarten and school lessons, children perform the image individually, each with their own drawing, modeling, and appliqué. But children get special satisfaction from creating common pictures, compositions that combine the images of all the children in the group. Such paintings are called collective works. They have more significant results for children, they cause admiration, truly like in the poem by V. Mayakovsky: ? What one cannot do alone, we will do together*.

    Very often at meetings, teachers ask to talk about classes in which children perform collective compositions. The interest of teachers in such activities is not accidental. Children enjoy collective activities, their joint activities to create one common drawing, appliqué, or design. They are particularly pleased with the overall result, which in this case is always richer in content and makes a more vivid impression on them than individually completed work. They understand that together they can produce a more significant image than each individual. In the process of collective activities, favorable conditions are created for children to communicate with each other and the teacher about what they are creating and how best to do it. And upon completion of the image, the children rejoice together at the results of their joint activity. Joyful feelings unite them. However, in mass practice, this kind of classes are carried out sporadically and only in the easiest forms: when each child performs his part of the image as a separate, complete one, which is then combined into general work. What are collective activities for children?

    Collective visual activity is an effective means of solving many educational and didactic problems. The content of the image, which carries a charge of ideological, ethical, aesthetic ideas, contributes not only to solving the problems of aesthetic and artistic education, but also actively influences the formation of the consciousness of the individual as a whole, and the collective form of organization makes it possible to form skills and abilities to work together, build communication, and develop habits to mutual assistance, creates the basis for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives.

    These advantages are obvious and seemingly undeniable, however, interest in collective visual activity both on the part of theorists and methodologists, and on the part of practitioners is very unstable, and therefore collective forms artistic activities are used in pedagogical process occasionally. This is partly determined by the insufficient development of these issues in pedagogical science. At the same time, the educational possibilities of collective visual activity are great, and they were of interest to specialists in the field of children's drawings at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

    A significant increase in interest in the collective visual activity of children, as a means of education and training, was observed in the first post-revolutionary years and the 1920s. When among the main tasks new school the problem of education has come to light children's group and collectivism. One of the most effective means Its solution, as teachers of those years rightly noted, is the joint activity of children, which arouses great interest among them, has social significance and allows for meaningful interpersonal communication. This was repeatedly pointed out by N.N. Krupskaya, emphasizing that in the process of collective artistic activity, conditions are created for collective experiences. And this, in turn, forms a collectivistic feeling and the ability to empathize, which is especially important for the education of humanism. Collective visual activity creates excellent conditions for this, in addition, the educational effect of teamwork in in this case is enhanced by the influence of the content depicted.

    Much attention is paid to the problems of collective visual activity in the works of K.M. Lepilova. A description of a number of collective works on fine art is contained in the publications of A.V. Bakushinsky.

    However, subsequently, in the 30s and 40s, interest in the collective visual activities of children decreased significantly. One of the few exceptions is the works of V.N. Tersky. There is no need to dwell in detail on the reasons for this; it is quite obvious that this oblivion was clearly undeserved.

    An attempt to use collective visual activity in drawing lessons in primary school was undertaken by G.V. Labunskaya and E.E. Rozhkova in the late 50s - early 60s. In a series of articles published in the journal “Primary School”, they proposed a number of collective works for younger schoolchildren.

    In the early 70s, Leningrad researcher I.N. Turro considered the problems of teaching collective visual activity to junior schoolchildren, identified factors influencing students' attitude towards it, made an attempt to classify collective works, and also studied the influence on students' attitude towards visual activity and the formation of their artistic taste.

    Much attention is paid to collective visual activity in preschool pedagogy(N.P. Sakulina, T.N. Doronova, T.S. Komarova, R.G. Kazakova, E.V. Evdokimova, etc.).

    An important circumstance that determines the need to develop and implement a collective form of organizing visual activities is that children of preschool and primary school age really like this kind of work. Firstly, because everyone feels involved in the resulting common product, and this certainly pleases the children; secondly, as a rule, the result is that the picture created by everyone together is more impressive, affecting the children emotionally much more strongly. At the same time, the collective form of the image does not reduce the significance of each child’s activity, nor does it neutralize the individual efforts of each. On the contrary, the overall result depends on the quality of each person’s work; The better the child completes his part of the image, the more beautiful, richer in content, and more interesting the overall composition will be. Therefore, children try to do their part of the job as best as possible.

    Collective classes in drawing, modeling, and appliqué are held not only in our country. Such activities (lessons) occupy a large place in Japanese kindergartens and schools. Japanese teachers believe that collective forms of activity make it possible to cultivate collectivism in children, and this is one of the most important tasks of education in the modern Japanese education system at all levels, starting from preschool.

    Japanese teachers combine the results of children's visual activities into a common composition almost already at the first stage of children's mastery of images. So the teachers of one of the kindergartens in Tokyo showed us a collective drawing made by children of two or two and a half years old on a large sheet of paper (the size of a Whatman paper). We saw compositions made from strips of colored paper cut by children, from rectangles cut diagonally; children created a collective composition “Butterflies? . And although each image, cut by an inept child’s hand, was of no interest individually, together everything in one composition looked quite attractive.

    We also saw the combination of individual children's images into a common work in Portuguese kindergartens.

    Guiding the collective visual activity of children requires more effort from the teacher than just individual visual activity. Particularly complex in this regard is the jointly interacting form of organizing activities. All this requires careful thought, clear planning of all stages of work and approvals, rational placement of materials and equipment.

    It is advisable that collective drawing or appliqué (as individual) be preceded by preparatory stage, which would allow children to deepen their own knowledge on the topic of future work, would allow them to form vivid images that generate a desire to embody them in their own visual activities. For this purpose, you can use excursions, conversations, discussions of books read, viewing reproductions, illustrations, etc.

    Main stage- stage of work execution, it includes planning, execution and evaluation of collective work. Its goal is not only to provide children with the opportunity to embody images of the surrounding world in compositions, but also to create, during collective visual creativity, conditions for creative interaction between children, promoting not only the aesthetic and artistic development of children, but also the formation of their skills to work creatively in a team.

    It is possible to single out a third one, The final stage. This is the period of interaction between children and already completed work; educationally it is no less significant than the previous stages. It is best to leave the composition completed by the children for several days in a group kindergarten, classroom or in an after-school group room. It will more than once attract the attention of children, become the object of a variety of conversations, discussions, games, the birth of new creative ideas, proposals to complement the already created composition. The collective visual activity of children, like other types of children's artistic creativity, should be closely connected with play. This connection is determined by the commonality of play and visual activity: both of these activities reflect the impressions children receive from the world around them. Events and situations are conveyed in them in figurative form. The images created by the child influence him, cause a strong emotional reaction, and increase interest in the activity. The use of gaming methods and techniques in collective classes and lessons increases the effectiveness of collective activities.

    Collective forms of image creation can be used both in working with preschool children, starting with the younger group (as they do in Japan), and in elementary school. Children can be united in creating a collective composition different ages. So, for example, you can create a design for the central wall of a kindergarten or school hall for a holiday. For example, for the autumn holiday, primary and secondary preschoolers can draw grass and flowers; trees and bushes will be drawn by children 6-7 years old. They can also draw clouds floating across the sky. And the kids will complement the picture with leaves flying in the wind. At UVK, it is necessary to include schoolchildren in the creation of such a composition. They can complement beautiful picture by drawing or pasting people walking in the forest, or birds and animals living there. Undoubtedly, the picture created by all the children will bring them a lot of joy. It will also arouse interest among parents, who will definitely want to look at children's creativity.

    Kotkova Galina Nikolaevna,
    teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 57
    Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

    “What one cannot do alone, we will do together”
    V. Mayakovsky

    Relevance .

    Analyzing the actions of children in kindergarten and on the streets of the city, you can see that they strive to satisfy, first of all, their needs, desires, interests, regardless of the aspirations of the people around them, and sometimes without even knowing about them. It is in kindergarten that a child must learn to live among people. And collective work will unite children.

    Developing children to work creatively in a team is one of the most important tasks modern education. Collective creative work is a unique and at the same time natural social and pedagogical phenomenon, which can be the basis for all team activities. Therefore, it is a vitally important, socially necessary matter. It is collective because it is planned, prepared, carried out and discussed jointly by pupils and educators as junior and senior comrades in common life-practical care. It is creative because it is planned, prepared and discussed each time in a new version, as a result of the search for the best ways and means of solving certain vital problems.

    It is known that children's creativity is a unique phenomenon. Many teachers and psychologists, both domestic and foreign, emphasize the great importance of artistic creativity in the all-round, especially in the aesthetic development of the individual. A modern view of the aesthetic education of a child presupposes the unity of the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world and artistic development through the means of different types of fine and decorative arts in aesthetic activity.

    In joint and independent activities, most often children perform the image individually, each with their own drawing, modeling, appliqué. But children get special satisfaction from creating common pictures, compositions that combine the images of all the children in the group. Such paintings are called collective works. They have a more significant result for children, they cause admiration, truly like in the poem by V. Mayakovsky: “What one cannot do, we will do together.”

    The collective form of organization allows each child to develop the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, and develop the habit of mutual assistance. Collective works with children are created (starting from early preschool age) in drawing, modeling, appliqué, one type or two or three types in one lesson (modeling and applique, applique and drawing, applique and artistic work).

    If in younger groups the creation of collective work, first of all, gives the child the opportunity to see how his personal creativity complements the creativity of other children, turning into a solid, colorful image, then in older groups, when performing collective work, children learn to agree among themselves about joint work and its content. Do one thing together, give in and help each other, plan work, rejoice in the successes of your comrades.

    Any collective work must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to make a picture together that would be difficult to do alone. While doing group work, children learn to communicate with adults and with each other. If at the initial stage of such work, children communicate mainly with the teacher, then a little later they begin to communicate with each other. Gradually, under the guidance of an adult, children plan, negotiate, ask, suggest, and empathize. The teacher’s task is to teach children how to negotiate, give in to each other, and appreciate the help of a friend...

    On the path to forming a collectivistic orientation in a preschooler, a number of successive steps must be taken: from the child’s formation of an orientation towards peers (at the first stage) to the creation of a sense of his own importance for them (at the second) and the consolidation of the child’s sense of his own importance in order to obtain an overall result with support each by all (on the third).

    When solving the problem of developing collective creativity, the teacher should be based on the following principles:

    creative realization of each student as a condition for the development of collective co-creation;

    taking into account the individual characteristics of children when determining their role place in collective interaction;

    managerial direction in staging the process of collective activity;

    the child’s comfort in a group of peers.

    The guidance of a teacher at different stages of the implementation of a plan for collective creative activity has its own characteristics. At the first stage, when planning collective actions, the teacher strives to create a motivational resonance - the emergence in each child of a desire to get involved in a collective activity. It is important to unite children with a common goal, the attractiveness of the future result of the activity, to cause an emotional uplift, good business excitement. Providing children with a variety of visual materials is attractive to the common cause. So, for example, for application it is advisable to use not only ready-made colored paper, but also clippings from newspapers and magazines, ready-made drawings by children; for modeling, use both dough and plasticine with clay; for drawing, wax and colored pencils, watercolor and gouache, and various building materials.

    The next stage in collective interaction is the distribution of roles for the upcoming activity among the children. In order for participation in a common cause to help each child open up from the outside best qualities, it is important for the teacher to identify the individual abilities and inclinations of each participant. At the same time, his task is not just to study the child, but to “present” the manifestations of his individual uniqueness and help all children see his best features. Identifying the individual characteristics of children allows the teacher to outline the prospects for the development of collective creativity.

    Another option for organizing children’s cooperation is that the common goal of the activity is carried out by several subgroups and the final result depends on the quality of the work of each subgroup. Activities of this type evoke a feeling of satisfaction in each participant; the child develops a feeling of usefulness and personal contribution to the common cause, which gives him confidence in his abilities. Divided by at will into subgroups, children independently decide what plot will be reflected by their group on the general visual field.

    The final stages of collective interaction are associated with the achievement, awareness and assessment of the significance of the result obtained. At the same time, the teacher focuses the children’s attention on each person’s personal contribution to the common cause, emphasizing that without joint efforts, the implementation of the collective plan would be impossible. It is good when the success of collective activities is assessed not only by the children themselves, but also by people whose opinions they value - parents, other educators, children of other groups.

    Basic forms of joint activities of children :

    “jointly - individual”, “jointly - consistent” and “jointly - interacting”.

    a) “Joint - individual” - is characterized by the fact that the participants in the activity at the beginning work individually, taking into account the common plan, and only at the final stage the work of each becomes part of the overall composition.

    The task is given to everyone immediately, at first they work individually and then adjusted depending on what others have done. When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself does what is assigned to him, the better the work of the team will be.

    This, on the one hand, creates conditions for mobilizing the child’s creative potential, and on the other, requires their manifestation as a necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organization of activity also include the fact that it allows you to involve creative activity a fairly large group of children who have no experience of working together.

    b) “Jointly - sequential” - involves working on the principle of a conveyor belt, when the result of the actions of one participant is in close relationship with the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

    c) “Jointly - interacting” - work is performed by all participants simultaneously, coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

    To systematically conduct classes on collective creativity, each kindergarten creates long-term plan, topics and materials are selected, forms of organization are thought through. Group work can be done in one or several classes. It is important that each lesson has the appearance of completion of a certain stage. Collective visual activity of children can be organically connected with all aspects of children’s lives, and especially with other artistic and creative activities (with different types of games, musical, artistic, communicative).

    When planning lessons, the teacher chooses for each topic one or another form of organizing collective work, taking into account the equipment, age characteristics children. In the classroom, the teacher uses different types of art: fine and decorative, music, dance, literature. Integration makes it possible to show children an artistic image using different means of expression, to see it in their own way, to understand the artist’s creative workshop, to learn to look for ways in creativity, to create their own image. When performing collective works in visual arts, the teacher actively uses gaming methods and techniques. Each one is based on a specially developed game plot.

    Planning stages of work on collective activities .

    Preparatory stage

    To deepen children’s own knowledge on the topic of future work, to form in them vivid images that generate a desire to embody them in their own visual activities (examining reproductions, illustrations, excursions, conversations)

    Main stage. Work execution stage.

    Planning and evaluating teamwork.

    Goal: to provide children with the opportunity to embody images of the world around them in compositions, to create conditions for creative interaction during collective work, and to develop their skills to work creatively in a team.

    The final stage. Children's interaction with completed work.

    It is best to leave the composition made by the children in the group room. It will become the object of a variety of discussions, games, and stimulates the birth of creative ideas and proposals to complement the already created composition.

    Tasks for the development of collective activity of children, developed on the basis of the program “from birth to school.”

    Second junior group

    Learn to create both individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, and appliqués.

    Middle group

    Continue to develop the ability to create collective works in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

    Encourage children to evaluate the works created by their friends. Teach to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children. Learn to identify means of expression.

    Senior group

    Improve visual skills and abilities, develop artistic and creative abilities. Develop children's decorative creativity (including collective creativity). Continue to improve children’s ability to examine work (drawings, modeling, applications), and enjoy the results achieved.

    Approximate thematic planning classes

    Middle group





    Drawing on fabric

    "Carpet from autumn leaves»


    "Gold autumn"


    Modeling plot

    "Let's help the Hen find the chickens"

    Artistic work

    "Bear Cubs"


    Drawing with elements

    "Colorful Blanket"


    "Christmas tree"


    Modeling plot

    "Making Snowmen"


    "Winter forest"


    Modeling plot

    "Congratulations Dad"

    Decorative drawing

    "Flags for the holiday"



    "Flowers for Moms"

    Drawing with unconventional technology

    “We want to be closer to the sun!”


    Modeling plot

    "Tumblers are dancing"


    “Birthday of Mukha - Tsokotuhi”

    Senior group





    Drawing with elements


    Drawing on fabric

    "Bedbed of autumn flowers"


    « Autumn forest»

    Drawing and applique

    "Riches of Autumn"



    "Colorful Flight"

    Drawing and

    "Frog traveler"

    Drawing with plasticine
    (3-4 children each)

    “The wind blows across the sea...”

    (3-4 children each)

    “The wind blows across the sea and pushes the boat…”


    Drawing and
    Artistic work


    The applique is broken
    (3-4 children)

    "Winter day"


    « Christmas tree»

    (3-4 children)

    "Winter Fun"



    "Helping the birds"


    "Animal world"


    Creating the “Red Book of Nature”


    (Dymkovo painting)


    Drawing (ornament)


    (Gorodets patterns)

    "Miracle Tree"

    Decorative drawing

    "Service for Fedora"


    Three-dimensional applique



    "Poultry yard"


    "Under the mushroom"

    Drawing in pairs

    “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye”





    Drawing in pairs

    "Let's play, Shurale!" (based on the work of G. Tukay)


    "Beautiful flowers bloomed"

    Preparatory group






    "Bouquet of flowers"


    "Beauty Autumn"


    "Autumn Mood"


    "Autumn Mood"


    Modeling plot

    "Our little brothers"

    Drawing and

    "At the bottom of the sea"

    Modeling plot

    "Sea bottom"

    Modeling plot

    "The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling"


    Modeling plot

    "White Sea and Arctic Ocean"

    Drawing and
    Artistic work

    “Oh, how fun it is in winter!”

    Drawing in pairs

    "Carnival round dance"


    "Book about winter"




    Drawing and manual labor

    "Children in a Cage"

    Drawing with applique elements



    Drawing (Dymkovo painting)

    "A toy shop"

    Drawing (Gzhel painting)

    "Patterns on glass"

    Drawing (Gorodets painting)

    “Oh, you horses, my horses...”

    Decorative drawing

    "Patterned scarf"


    Volumetric applique

    "Gift for Mom"


    "Flower World"

    Drawing and Application.
    (in pairs)

    "At Cinderella's ball."

    (Ladies and gentlemen)



    « Amazing world hot countries"

    Manual labor


    Drawing (2 groups)

    "Victory Park"


    "My hometown"


    1. Gribovskaya A. A. “Collective creativity of preschool children. Class notes.” Moscow Creative Center Sfera, 2004.-192 p.
    2. Dubrovskaya N.V. "An invitation to creativity." - “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2004. - 128s.
    3. Doronova T.N. "Children's development in visual arts." - “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2005. - 96s.
    4. Kazakova R.G., Sayganova T.I., Sedova, Smagina T.V. “Drawing with preschool children. Moscow, Sfera shopping center, 2004-128p.
    5. “Collective creativity of preschool children” / Gribovskaya A.A. - “TC Sfera”, 2005. - 192 p.
    6. Komarova T.S., Savenkov A.I. “Collective creativity of preschool children.” - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. - 128 p.
    7. Komarova T.S. Children in the world of creativity. M.: 1995.
    8. “Moral and aesthetic education of a child in kindergarten” / Vetlugina N.A., Kazakova T.N., Panteleev G.N. - M.: Education, 1989. - 79 p.
    9. Trunova M. Collective work in art classes // Preschool education. - 2005. -№2. - P. 60.


    An important factor personal development The child's goal is to satisfy his need for positive emotional contacts with loved ones - primarily with his parents. The joint activity of the teacher, parents and children not only develops the relationship between teachers and parents, parents and children, but also contributes to the development of relations between the families of pupils; there is a need to unite people to achieve a common goal. An emotional contact is established between all participants, and the positive emotions of working together are consolidated. Relationships of partnership and cooperation between parent and child develop in the process of creative interaction, which is reflected in drawings, crafts, stories, books of one’s own composition, and projects.

    “Children must become people with a clear mind,
    noble heart, golden hands and
    sublime feelings. Child is a mirror
    families; like the sun reflected in a drop of water,
    this is reflected in children
    moral purity of mother and father..."

    (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

    Preschool childhood is the most important stage in human development, a sensitive period of formation of the basis of personality culture, creative self-realization and the formation of adequate self-esteem. Due to this Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the child’s living conditions, to create an educational environment that will make it possible to realize the tasks of his familiarization with the world around him and initial socialization. A special place in the “adult-child” system belongs to the family. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 44) states that parents are the first teachers and therefore are obliged to lay the foundation for physical, moral and intellectual development the child's personality is already in early age. IN family code RF (Article 63) defines the rights and responsibilities of parents in the upbringing and education of children, it is noted that parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children and have a preferential right to their upbringing. However, the same document (Article 67) establishes the right of other relatives, namely grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc., to communicate with the child.

    Childhood is an unforgettable time in the life of every person. She is filled with the love and care of her parents. It is in the family that the child’s first ideas about the world around him, about goodness and justice, about healthy way life. Many researchers believe that a family with representatives of three generations is the best and most valuable educational environment.

    It must be remembered that the age of preschool childhood is a period when the child is especially attached to home and family. What is important for him, first of all, are the values ​​that are recognized by his parents. Therefore, the effectiveness of the work carried out in kindergarten depends on the attitude towards it in the child’s family. The ability to establish close contact with the family of a preschooler, assist parents in proper organization In raising children, a teacher should be able to do all this. “... The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy for others - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it...” (K.D. Ushinsky)

    Currently, as a result of economic and social changes in society, there is a tendency to increase the number nuclear families arising due to the division of a multigenerational family into a young family (parents with a child or children) and a family of grandparents (grandparents, great-grandparents, great-grandparents). The younger generation strives for autonomy and independence, which leads to a “territorial” stratification of generations and the displacement of elders from the educational process. This reduces the educational capabilities of the family.

    How to establish spiritual communication between children not only with their parents, but also with their grandparents?

    The teaching staff of MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Skazka” has long been working aimed at involving mothers, fathers, grandparents in the educational process not only in the family, but also in kindergarten; They try to instill in children a respectful attitude towards the older generation, arouse interest in their knowledge and life experience. The preschool educational institution has accumulated a wealth of experience in planning and conducting events addressed to preschool educational institution pupils and the family (parents, grandparents of pupils).

    Various events are held for parents, children, grandparents: joint holidays “Older People’s Day”, “Mother’s Day”, open classes with the participation of parents “Vitamin Kaleidoscope” (for older groups), joint physical education and speech classes from the series “Fun Together” walk", competitions: "Let's get to know each other", "New Year's window", "Fun Fair", leisure activities: "Come on moms", "Dad, mom, me - Friendly family", "My grandmother and I are best friends", exhibitions: "With the hands of my family", "Mustache and scratches", "Do-it-yourself dolls", compilation family tree families, a story about my family “My Genealogy”, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

    Events like these help build partnerships with families. They begin to introduce children to the history of the family and the history of the country. Family heirlooms, fairy tales, songs, sayings and proverbs, riddles and toys from the childhood of grandparents are a source of historical knowledge. All work carried out with the families of pupils contributes not only to the enrichment of the educational potential of the family, but also forms in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfamily. Children begin to realize that each new generation lives in different conditions than the previous one, thinks and looks differently. There comes an understanding that people, events, things have their own past, present, and future. This is how ideas about the connection between generations are formed.

    “A family is when there are adults and children, when everyone loves, respects, takes care of each other, when everyone performs the necessary duties, works together, when everyone relaxes, plays, celebrates together.”

    Is it so important to start a conversation about family with questions: Who am I? What am I? The implementation of this orientation is available to children of senior preschool age due to their psychophysiological characteristics. An older child already has an idea of ​​his physical “I” (I am a family member). It is better to start introducing preschoolers to their families from middle age. The work begins with getting to know the families of the students. Filling out questionnaires by parents does not provide a complete picture of the family, and most importantly, they are not available to children. In working with parents, such a form of work as “Child Presentation” has successfully proven itself.

    The presentation can be in the form:

    Album(parents make it at home together with their child, the album is used by both teachers and children in classes). The album contains photographs of the child, his family members, and favorite animals. Each of them must be signed;
    Collage(drawn up on a piece of Whatman paper indicating the child’s name). You can recommend that parents use the following sections: my family (with photos of its members); The house I live in; my best friend; favorite pet; favorite toy; cartoons and fairy-tale characters; I love doing this; I love eating this; my favorite musicians, singers; my first poems, drawings, creative works etc. When creating a collage, it is better to use illustrations cut out from a magazine. This makes it easier for parents and allows the child to actively participate in its creation;
    Newspapers. It differs from a collage in the large amount of text and the presence of headings: “Summer at sea”, “In the village with my grandmother”, “This is what I like to do”, “My story about myself”, “My story about my family”, “What I do in free time";
    Essays by parents. It is written in free form and is used only during individual conversations and training sessions with a psychologist. The information received is also taken into account when working with the child.

    It should be noted that the presentation is an excellent opportunity to get to know not only the child himself, but also his family.

    The use of “Child’s Presentation” in working with parents is primarily due to the fact that when working on a presentation, children use both theoretical knowledge acquired in class and practical knowledge. The presentation allows parents to actively participate in the work of the group, consolidate the skills acquired in the classroom at home, and demonstrate their creative abilities.

    The children brought the created albums to the group. The albums turned out to be different and unusual, and the children got their first ideas about family. Using the album, the children learned to write stories about their family using visual material album.

    Project activities Currently very popular in the work of our kindergarten. Introducing preschool children to the family represents a wide field of activity for a variety of projects based on close interaction with the families of the pupils. “For a child - a preschooler, the family is the first and main link that connects his life with the social environment.”

    In MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Fairy Tale” projects were implemented together with children and parents: “It’s fun to walk together”, “I have the right”, “Hello, dear birch tree!”, “Let’s be friends with Fluffy”, “Our friends are the underground inhabitants- earthworms”, “I explore the world”, “Hand-made book - children’s verbal imagination” (Application)

    The beginning of joint actions uniting the older generation, parents and children was the creation of the book “Vitamin Kaleidoscope”, in which they wrote down educational information on this topic. The contents of the book were supplemented by teachers and family members. And then they looked at it with the children, looked at pictures, photographs, discussed the meaning of proverbs, sayings, sayings, and encouraged them to use them in speech. In search of pictures, proverbs, sayings, people of the older generation united in a creative group, which made it possible to involve most of the parents in educational process in this direction.

    Continuing our work to introduce the child to the family, we created the “I Explore the World” project. The purpose of this project: training parents and representatives of the older generation (grandparents) various forms communication with your child. Based on the questions of interest to parents and grandparents, we jointly outlined topics for discussion: “Do as I do!”, “Teaching order,” “Difficulties of age,” “Grandma, myself!” etc. During the work, parents and grandparents received a lot useful tips: how to teach children discipline, independence, work, how to instill a love of reading.

    By attracting wise grandparents to help young parents, we saw how the connection between generations in the family strengthened.

    One of the effective means of developing a positive attitude towards grandparents is to get acquainted with the family photo album, compile a genealogy “My Family Tree” and stories about the family. Let's give an example of one of these stories. My name is Sasha Gribanova. I am 6 years old. Together with my mom and dad, I came up with the coat of arms of our family. The science of heraldry deals with coats of arms. We created our family coat of arms according to the rules of this science. The basis of our coat of arms is the shield. Yellow- this is justice, Blue colour- this is a clear sky, which means peace in our home. In the middle there are two mushrooms: the big one is the parents, and the small one is the children: me and my brother Kirill. Mushrooms mean our surname, the Gribanovs. Below we are connected by a red ribbon - the color red means love in our home. On the ribbon is the motto of our family - We are together, and this is our strength. Classes and conversations were held with the children, the purpose of which was to enrich the child’s experience and develop cognitive interest in representatives of the older generation. In classes (“How much am I in the word “family”?”, “Who am I like?”, “Who am I, what am I?”) preschoolers learned about the biography of loved ones, family history, and genealogy. Speech games help to develop a respectful attitude towards parents, a sense of compassion and love for older people, teach them to express a kind attitude towards elders, find the right word, overcome the false fear of expressing your emotions (games: “Compliments”, “Letter to Grandma”, “That’s what a mother is!”, etc.).

    Currently, the function of the family in organizing leisure and recreation is increasing. Leisure is understood as non-working (free) time, which a person disposes of entirely according to his own choice and discretion. Free time– one of the most important social values, an independent means of restoring a person’s physical and spiritual strength, and the comprehensive development of the individual. Family leisure includes: reading, watching movies, meeting with relatives and friends, spending time together, walking in nature, playing sports, etc. All this entails knowledge of the world around us. Children learn a lot of new and useful things. There is an interest in learning something more, thus expanding the child’s horizons, increasing motivation to talk about his family, family traditions.

    Reading fiction, watching videos, filmstrips touching on the topic of attitudes towards older people, allow the child to get into the mood loved one, enrich the experience of empathy.

    “Respect and veneration for older generations is the law of our life. You need to respect your elders because they are wiser and spiritually richer than you. In every moment of your communication with your elders, be able to learn from them.”

    Conversations based on the works read help clarify ideas about the norms of behavior in communicating with elders, develop the ability to act tactfully and delicately in a problematic situation in helping grandparents. Literature becomes a source of knowledge about relationships between people, about good and bad deeds, about people’s experiences, about their aspirations. Of great importance here is the emotional speech of the teacher, its sensual coloring, affecting emotional sphere and activating the child’s mental activity.

    Release of congratulatory posters (wall newspapers) addressed to parents and people of the older generation, a concert for mothers, fathers, grandparents, an exhibition of children’s drawings “That’s what a mother is!”, “Grandma through the eyes of children”, “Dad can, dad can do anything !” contributed to the formation of respect for family members and representatives of the older generation.

    Meetings with parents, grandparents, leisure activities, and holidays have become traditional in work of the preschool educational institution. Representatives of all generations of the family are waiting for them and willingly take an active part. In every leisure or holiday, in addition to performances by children, mothers and grandmothers, joint songs, dances, and games, various competitions are held. The most beloved leisure competitions are “Come on, mothers!”, “Grandmothers and grandchildren”: “Recognize yourself” - portraits drawn by children are hung on the wall, adults recognize themselves; “Get to know your grandson” - grandmothers are blindfolded and they look for their grandson by touch; “Guess the melody” - parents and grandparents recognize children's musical works; “An old fairy tale in a new way” - children, together with adults, remake the fairy tale “Kolobok” in a new way.

    The main attention of children must be directed to expanding the understanding of what a family is, assimilation by children family relations, rules of communication and behavior with relatives, children should know what their mother and father are called by name and patronymic, know the name and patronymic of their grandparents. We carry out this work comprehensively, not only games, conversations, works of art about the family, but also the inclusion of family photography in the educational process. “The language of photographs” gives the child an idea of ​​the family. The stand “Gallery of Honor of Our Families” is presented with photographs of families, joint drawings of children and parents, as well as children’s answers to the questions “What is a family?”, “Who is in charge in the family?”, “What kind of family will you have when you grow up?”

    Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the need to be loved is the basic emotional need of a person. Sometimes parents don’t realize how simple it is to show love! They don’t think about how often words of love are heard in the house, how often they affectionately hug the child, how much “quality time” is given to him - the kind of time when their attention is completely devoted to the child, when they do something together.

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