• The meaning of the word kitty to a girl. If a guy calls you affectionately by name, what does that mean?


    Friends and “partners” of the opposite sex often call each other not by their real names, but by nicknames and cute nicknames. Most often, people do not think about the sound of these nicknames. There is a complete analogy with a person’s name - sounds and words carry a certain energy, in addition to the meaning of the names themselves.

    Often, cute nicknames for girls and guys use the “K” sound (for example, as a suffix “-ka”). From point of view emotional state, “k” expresses the idea of ​​intimacy, simplicity and lightness.
    The sound “Ш”, according to statistics, generally occurs 3 times more often than in ordinary dictionary words. The sound “sh” distracts your partner from everything around him, allowing him to focus on you. Likewise, this sound is used in simple communication to require silence: “chsh-sh-sh...”

    Also very popular in pet names the sound “L”, which gives the word an emotional connotation.
    The sounds “X” and “F”, on the contrary, are used in affectionate nicknames much less frequently than in ordinary conversation, because most often they express dissatisfaction.

    Using certain nicknames, a person does not particularly think about the emotional coloring of the sounds included in this word - everything happens unconsciously. Words are chosen subconsciously, reflecting deep feelings and experiences.

    How can you find out what your loved one really thinks when calling him by this or that nickname?

    Below we present you a list of the most common affectionate nicknames, as well as the true meaning of the feelings of the person who uses these nicknames in communication. With the help of this interpretation, you will be able to understand the real feelings of your loved one towards you.

    The meaning of affectionate nicknames

    Baby - Your partner actively calls you for contact (most often with sexual intentions), but your real feelings are of little interest to him.

    Hippo – Your partner’s feelings are absorbed by you, he is attentive, respects your independence, but is not averse to playing.

    Baby – Your partner is specific and does not tend to complicate things. Perhaps he lacks a sense of humor.

    Dear, dear – Your partner in a relationship values ​​confidence and certainty. Feelings come second for him.

    Durynda - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. He is energetic and ready to take control of the situation.

    Hedgehog, hedgehog - Your partner gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he can be unrestrained, but deep down he is afraid of losing you.

    Toad – Your partner is energetic and playfully assertive, but deep down he values ​​your relationship very much.

    My life - Pathos reveals your partner’s tendency to overdo it. Just in case, it’s better to check if he has another “life” attachment somewhere on the side.

    Hare, bunny, hare, bunny - Your partner is prone to excitement and is not averse to playing with you. Don't be fooled by his appearance - deep down he is jealous and watches you closely.

    Gold, gold, gold - Your partner emphasizes the significance of your relationship, although his mind greatly prevails over his feelings.

    Kitty, pussy, pussy, pussy - Your partner is in the mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

    Goat, goat, booger - Your partner feels complete intimacy with you. You are very important to him dear person, although he is not averse to teasing you.

    Sweetie - Be careful, your partner reacts very strongly to your behavior and seems to consider you his property.

    Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten - Your partner feels closeness and an inextricable connection with you. He wants you to believe him, or tries to convince you of his loyalty.

    Crocodile - Your partner is emphatically energetic. He is not in the mood to beat around the bush and is not inclined to hold back his emotions for long.

    Krokozyabra - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. Often his behavior seems unrestrained and picky, but he does not hold grudges for long.

    Doll, doll - Your partner is passionate about you, but does not attach too much importance to the relationship. Paw, lapulya, lapusik - your partner is very active and ready to work and live for you.

    Swallow - Your partner is very attentive and absolutely confident in you.

    Fox, fox, fox - All the attention of your partner is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.

    Beloved, beloved, love - Your partner is prone to sensual excess and is ready to act decisively and assertively.

    Lyalya, Lyalik - Your partner is not at all inclined to restrain his feelings.

    Little, little, Masik, Masya - Your partner’s feelings are very deep, he is ready to be caring and attentive.

    Baby, baby – the feelings you evoke in your partner are immeasurable. You absorb all his attention, and he expects the same from you.

    Bear - Your partner is a very sensual person, but is not in a hurry. He is careful and doesn't want to lose you.

    Sweetheart, darling - Your partner promises you a strong relationship. His feelings are in balance with his mind.

    Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka - the feelings you evoke in your partner are very strong. He tends to get carried away and often does not know the limits.

    Mouse, little mouse - Your partner’s feelings go beyond, even if this is not visible from his behavior. Occasionally he can be intemperate, but he is very attached to you.

    Pampushka - Your partner expects complete intimacy and interaction.

    Donut - Your partner wants to attract your attention with all his might. Subconsciously, he seeks to protect himself from possible rivals.

    Belly, belly, telepot – your partner is clearly committed to creating and arranging family hearth, and this thought captivates him.

    Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - your partner is looking for full contact with you, but most likely, behind this there are not so much feelings as practical interest.

    Fish - Your partner views your relationship rather in a business-like manner. He puts first place not romance, but practical interest.

    Pig, piggy, piggy - Your partner energetically calls you for contact and is ready to take the situation into his own hands.

    Sweet, sweet - Your partner consciously emphasizes his emotionality. At the same time, in his soul he is balanced and calm.

    Baby elephant, baby elephant - Your partner attaches great importance to your relationship. His emotions are focused on you, and he expects complete reciprocity.

    Sun, sunshine, sunshine - your partner experiences genuine tenderness and keen interest in you.

    Tiger, tiger cub - Your partner respects your independence. He is not averse to making fun of you, but in fact he is offering you an equal union.

    Hamster - Your partner is prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.

    Chicken, chicken - Your partner offers you active contact, but, perhaps, deep down he is afraid of something.

    Miracle, monster - Your partner literally demands your attention, emphasizing the importance of your relationship.

    Chocolate - Your partner offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in reality you absorb all his attention and deep down he expects the same from you.

    Berry - Your partner is energetic, self-confident and values ​​his independence. Feelings come second for him.

    The most affectionate nicknames:

    The most affectionate, in our opinion, are the following nicknames:

    • For girls: kitten, swallow, sweetheart, sunshine
    • For guys: Masya, bear cub, darling, tiger cub

    Opinion from the forum on the topic “Cute nicknames”

    I like to call my husband all sorts of nicknames - from kitty to heffalump, he is not offended. Do you give any nicknames to your loved ones?

    Sometimes this happens, I call my wife either “pretty girl” or “cutie”. But you can’t overuse it, she prefers affectionate ones on behalf of her.

    But of course! And a lot, and constantly1 He is thin, I really like that he doesn’t get fat. And I like to call him “fatty” and “little one”!

    I also like it when my man transforms my name into an affectionate form) But I usually stop using cute nicknames. Although I mercilessly exploit a whole list of addresses to my husband not by name. Yes, I am a contradictory person) Among the extreme variants of cute nicknames: Yurkozyabr. I identified my beloved as a strong and brave dinosaur)

    What about last name transformation? An affectionate nickname? I know a family where the husband and wife address each other by their last name (the same), but with different intonations.

    If my wife addresses me by my last name, it means she’s dissatisfied with something, and I don’t think such “cute” nicknames sound very good.

    And my wife and I only call him by such cute nicknames. Either “sun”, or “Masya”, or something else like that. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I’ve forgotten my wife’s name.

    I don’t like nicknames, especially “cute” ones. I can call children nicknames, but adults and these “musi-pusi” are somehow stupid, behavior like teenagers.

    Affectionate derivatives of the name - that’s all that, alas, I have enough imagination for. And for some reason this does not come without difficulty. Maybe some complexes buried inside?

    Nicknames of loved ones? In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, so that communication does not turn into “baby talk.” This quickly becomes annoying.


    My husband and I like to call each other affectionate nicknames. As soon as we started dating, we immediately came up with nicknames for each other. Now we call each other by name only when we are angry.

    All over the world, lovers come up with tender nicknames and affectionate names. They are whispered in each other's ears or used instead of signatures in letters and SMS; they are used to describe body parts of loved ones, places for dates, corners where lovers often visit. This love language is born from a subconscious desire to protect your space. The couple separates itself so much from the outside world that it becomes like a small country. What is hidden behind these cute words? Psychologists have deciphered the most common nicknames and divided them into groups.

    Angel, angel- don't rely on strong feelings. Your partner is most likely only interested in your appearance and a fleeting connection with you.

    Baby, baby- just a name during the courtship period, he is unlikely to be interested in your real feelings. His desires are definite and he doesn’t want to complicate anything.

    Darling, dear- your partner in a relationship values ​​certainty and confidence. This is usually what they call feelings in couples that have already cooled down a little or are in second place.

    Hedgehog- this is what they call someone or someone who literally “injects” and does not completely let them into their life. If this sounds like you, think about it. Maybe we should hide the thorns?!

    Hare, bunny, hare, bunny- very playful relationships, perhaps not always serious. Very jealous people can also call it this way.

    Gold, gold, gold- this nickname emphasizes the importance of your relationship for your partner. But still, in your relationship there is almost no place for madness and spontaneity.

    Highlight- your partner emphasizes your individuality and uniqueness. Meeting you is a great happiness for him. Don't let his hopes down.

    Pussy- this is the name of a girl who evokes strong sexual desire.

    Kisulya- this nickname suggests that the person has not fully determined his attitude towards his passion. This is no longer just another entertainment, but also not a loved one.

    Kitty, Kitty- some kind of intermediate nickname. Your partner has not yet decided whether he wants to get close enough to you. This is a kind of “duty” nickname.

    Kitty- the nickname implies a sea of ​​tenderness and warmth. A person wants to take care of his soul mate, to shelter him from all adversity and misfortune.

    Sweetie, sweetie- most likely they consider you their property.

    Sweetie- words with the diminutive suffix “-chka” are an intermediate nickname and take root at the transition stage of relationships. When the relationship becomes more serious, Sweetie transforms into Lapusik (prevails romantic mood), Lapendra (ironic-affectionate) or Lapycha (respectful-friendly).

    Chanterelle, Fox- usually called this for its external resemblance to an animal or for its characteristic features - intelligence, cunning, ingenuity. It can also mean that your partner doesn’t really trust you.

    Foxy- the word consists of a combination of sounds that is pleasant to the ear. The desire to please is dominant, and the relationship in this couple is very tender.

    Beloved, beloved, love- does not always mean what the word implies. Perhaps it’s just a habit to call all your passions that way.

    Mouse- this means that next to you the man feels like a strong knight. Mice are cared for more tenderly than other “animals”. Such a nickname is a guarantee that your relationship will be long.

    My, my, my- This possessive pronoun means that your other half is very possessive. Perhaps you will experience frequent (often not always adequate!) scenes of jealousy.

    Sheep (lamb)- this is what they call a girl or guy they like, and flirting or an easy relationship is possible. But nothing serious.

    Fish- looks at your relationship rather in a businesslike manner. It is not romance that comes first, but practical interest.

    Sun, sunshine- feels genuine tenderness and keen interest towards you.

    Yours, yours- but when a person signs letters and SMS like this, it’s good. This means that he really loves and wants to belong to his partner with all his soul.

    Baby, Baby doll, Little, Baby- in this couple the main emphasis is on procreation. And while the child himself is not there, the guy and the girl subconsciously perceive each other as half a child.

    Miracle- this is evidence of an enthusiastic feeling. Your shortcomings are not noticed at all, but you are put on a pedestal. But be careful, falling from a pedestal is very painful. Be careful not to disappoint your partner.

    Kukurenok, Smumrik- unusual and completely incomprehensible nicknames for outsiders - a sign of the deep closeness of two people. The more creative and unusual you call each other, the further your relationship has gone, the more you closer friend to a friend.

    An increase in the vocabulary of your “own” language is an indicator that the relationship is progressing and becoming deeper. And vice versa: if there are fewer such words, it means that love is declining.

    People in love often call each other affectionate nicknames. Family psychologists are convinced that based on this affectionate name, which your partner gives you, you can find out his true attitude towards you.

    All the most common nicknames used by people in love with each other can be divided into several semantic groups.

    1 group &mdash, traditional nicknames

    Beloved, sweetheart, dear, etc. These nicknames are distinguished by the fact that they contain the very attitude of a man towards a woman.

    Beloved &mdash means he loves, dear &mdash means he values. As a rule, such nicknames do not carry any ambiguous meaning. So if your partner calls you by traditional nicknames, then everything is fine with his attitude towards you.

    Group 2 &mdash, children's nicknames

    Baby, baby, baby, etc. These nicknames indicate a clear division of roles in a couple. A man who calls his beloved by such nicknames makes it clear that he is the main one in the relationship, and his other half is a defenseless creature whom he is ready to protect, instruct and guide.

    Group 3 &mdash, abstract nicknames

    Sun, miracle, happiness, etc. Such nicknames indicate that a man feels very good next to you, he experiences joy and positive emotions when he is next to you.

    Group 4 &mdash, animals

    Bunny, pussy, little fox, fish, etc. Some nicknames from this group can sometimes seem offensive to a woman. But if your loved one called you a hamster, this does not mean at all that you have big cheeks and it’s time for you to lose weight. No! With such nicknames, as a rule, men emphasize their readiness and desire to take care of their partner. show tenderness and affection. In some cases, animal nicknames are a manifestation of sexual play. Sometimes men show imagination and come up with original nicknames - giraffe, owlet, skunk, pug, etc. With such unusual, sometimes even offensive in some sense, nicknames, men only emphasize that they love their women for who they are.

    Group 5 &mdash, official nicknames

    If a man calls you by your last name. then this speaks of equal relations in the family. By this he emphasizes that he always takes into account your opinion and you are a dear person to him. If the nickname is even more official in name and patronymic &mdash, Maria Ivanovna &mdash, then this means that the man treats you with respect, albeit with some sarcasm.

    What do diminutive names mean?

    • glasses, echka (Katechka, Marinochka)&mdash, I feel for you warm feelings, comparable to those experienced towards children. You make me want to protect you, take care of you and help you in everything.
    • ik (Svetik, Lelik)&mdash, I have tender feelings for you, I feel very comfortable with you, you are both my beloved and a faithful comrade whom I can rely on.
    • Enka and Onka (Nadenka, Veronka)&mdash, you evoke a whole range of feelings in me, you are a special person in my life whom I value very much.
    • Yushka, Usha (Tanyushka, Valyushka)&mdash, I’m afraid of losing you, I want to always know what’s happening to you, whether everything is okay with you. I really care about you.

    What do your other halves call you? We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

    Men often like to call their partners affectionate names. They come up with funny and cute nicknames for their loved ones, and do it on an intuitive level.

    Of all the possible options, he decided to call you the sun, and not baby, for example. Why? The point is that he himself enjoys the sound of this word.

    Sometimes a man can call it differently. It depends on what mood he is in today and what he wants to convey.

    In addition to the semantic load, each sound carries a certain effect on a person’s feelings:

    • For example, sound "F" can clearly express wild and burning reactions. It is often used when you are acutely dissatisfied with something - “Ugh”
    • The sound “X” means sharp excitement (exclamations “ah”, “oh”).
    • A sound "SH" on the contrary, it fascinates and attracts attention. In it it can much more often than in others. This sound absorbs attention and forces you to break away from other things. When silence is necessary, say “sh!”
    • The second most common nickname is: sound "K". It is often used in affectionate nicknames: bunny, baby, honey. This sound focuses on sensuality, tenderness, and care.
    • The third one is sound "L", it can be found in affectionate nicknames 50% more often than in others. It means that emotions overwhelm us, but we are not afraid of it, but rather open up to them. When we have good mood we sing "La-la-la", and when we are not happy with something, we say "Crap!".

    Listen to what and how your partner tells you. After all, even just the sound of a word will tell you a lot about your chosen one’s feelings for you.

    Does your man often call you bunny or kitty? Or maybe just sweet or dear? Have you ever wondered what this means?

    Psychologists advise you to listen to the nickname that your loved one gives you, in this way he unconsciously expresses his attitude towards you. After all, every nickname contains very interesting and useful information.

    Affectionate nicknames

    Sunshine, berry, doll, sweet, candy, honey. Such nicknames are mainly found in the initial stages of a relationship. They show that a man is attracted to you and has boundless tenderness. Falling in love and passion dominates your relationship now. Enjoy the candy-bouquet period.

    Animal nicknames

    Kitten, tiger cub, elephant calf, squirrel. These messages show that your chosen one has a playful and tender attitude towards you. He is ready to take care of you and give you his warmth and affection.

    Standard nicknames

    Beloved, sweet, dear, dear. This is how men usually call those in whom they are confident and whom they want to call their wife. They take responsibility for you and are ready to be with you under any circumstances.

    Official nicknames

    Does a man call you by your first or last name? This means that your man strives for an equal relationship. In this way, he emphasizes that he values ​​​​your opinion, and you are a close relative to him. Calls you by your patronymic - the man respects you, but there is also a share of sarcasm in the relationship.

    Children's nicknames

    Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, little. When a man calls you that, you can be sure that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall. Such a man is ready to do everything himself, and for him you are his little miracle, which he adores. But don’t get too used to the role of a baby, because it is much more profitable to become a charming seductress.

    Abstract nicknames

    Sun, miracle, happiness, gold, my joy. These nicknames imply that the man feels very good around you. He experiences the most joyful and positive emotions when you are around. Only sometimes you should add more passionate emotions.

    Funny nicknames

    Donut, crocodile, crocodile, musya, telepub, booger. Your partner feels complete intimacy with you, he is inextricably linked with you. He is energetic, does not walk in circles, and does not hold back his emotions. It requires the same from you.

    These nicknames tell a lot about the man who uttered them, and also reveal his true intentions towards you. Listen to them and draw the right conclusions.

    What does your nickname mean?

    In order to finally understand your partner’s feelings, let’s take a closer look at the following examples of nicknames:

    • Calls by name– he values ​​you as a person, respects and trusts you. But try, nevertheless, to bring zest and passion into your relationship.
    • Darling- your lover dreams of building happy and happy lives with you long relationship. The influence of his mind is directly proportional to his feelings. He avoids quarrels with you, and simply despises scandals and intrigues.
    • Princess- idolizes you. He can fulfill any of your requests. Ready to protect you and take tender care of you. Just don’t abuse his good attitude.
    • My dear– considers you best girl. He has confidence in you and is grateful to you for everything.
    • Darling– really loves you. He has the most reverent and sincere feelings for you. But he also wants to receive care, tenderness, affection from you. If you give him this, then your relationship can very soon develop into a strong and happy union.
    • Sun- he has the brightest and most tender feelings for you. You are attractive to him like a magnet, so he is very drawn to you.
    • Kisa– he loses his head over you, and therefore wants to quickly move on to close contact. Prefers playfulness, carefreeness, affection. He's avoiding seriousness for now.
    • My girl– protects you, and already considers you completely his. He is confident in you, and he wants you to become confident in him. Fully ready to envelop you with care and attention.
    • Zaya– wants to play with you, because he loves excitement. But at heart he is quite jealous, and you are always under his close attention.
    • Sun– for him you are a gentle and bright creature. He protects you and is always interested in you. Continue to give him the brightest and most joyful emotions.
    • Baby- directs all his attention to you. He is fascinated by you. But he also wants to receive the bulk of your attention.
    • Native- He values ​​you madly. You have already become part of his family. He trusts you and believes that you can build a happy future together. Appreciate this attitude.
    • Expensive– values ​​the relationship with you immensely. He senses that you both invest a lot in the relationship and really appreciates it.
    • My little- he adores you. His feelings towards you are very deep. He is always ready to take care of you.
    • Baby– his attention is focused entirely on you. He's madly in love with you. And he expects the same return from you.
    • My joy- appreciates you very much. You bring him the positive emotions he needs so much. You are the most important thing for him now. important person in life.
    • Sweeties– focused on finding full contact with you. But be careful, his feelings may be superficial. His first priority is practical interest.
    • Beauty, beauty- admires your appearance. But the danger is that he only sees your outer beauty and not your inner beauty. Therefore, you may not be considered for a further serious relationship.
    • Girlfriend– grateful for the support and communication. But you are more of a friend to him than a girlfriend. Think about it. Perhaps it makes sense to show your femininity and arrange a couple of tender romantics.
    • Kitty– feels a close, inextricable connection with you. He doesn’t want to part with you, and intends to show his loyalty and care.
    • Sweet– considers you incredibly attractive. But he is a calm and balanced person. Therefore, crazy actions are not for him.
    • Child- Take care of you. Considers you small and defenseless. The main thing is that at the same time, he feels you not only as a child, but also as a mysterious coquette.
    • Sweetie– very emotional towards you. Believes that he has already conquered you.
    • Lapulya- he is ready to do a lot for you. He is quite active and can take bold actions. Use them for good.
    • Doll, doll- are very passionate about you. But perhaps it is only externally that you attract your chosen one. Think about this, and try to become his friend.
    • Fish- treat you in a business-like manner. Romance is not the first place in your relationship. Perhaps a couple of sensual ones romantic evenings will help you.
    • Tiger cub– your partner emphasizes your independence. He respects you and is ready for equality. But sometimes, try to show your femininity so as not to become just a partner for him. Mischievous, harmful - loves to play with you. I'm ready to forgive your pranks. He himself is mischievous and cheerful, so he likes your whims and games, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    Pay attention to what your lover calls you. Interpret his words and message correctly. Thus, you will begin to better understand how your partner is feeling at the moment, you will be able to significantly improve your relationship and direct it in the direction you need.

    Do you want to know what they mean? affectionate nicknames , which lovers tenderly use towards each other? What do you affectionately call your fiancé? What does your loved one call you?

    Reveal the secret and find out the hidden subtext of your lover’s tender words.

    The meaning of affectionate nicknames: what nickname did your loved one choose for you?

    • Baby, baby - despite the fact that your partner is courting you, he is unlikely to be interested in your real feelings.
    • Hippo - your partner is absorbed in you, respects your independence, although he doesn’t mind playing with you a little.
    • Baby, your boyfriend is quite specific in his desires, and does not intend to complicate anything.
    • Dear, dear - your loved one values ​​certainty and confidence in a relationship. Unfortunately, feelings are secondary for him.
    • Stupid, stupid - your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake and completely control the situation.
    • Hedgehog, hedgehog - your loved one gives special significance to your relationship. Sometimes he shows intemperance, but because he is afraid of losing you.
    • Toad – your man is energetic, playful and assertive. And he also values ​​it very much. love relationships with you, despite the strange nickname he “awarded” you.
    • My life - pretentious statements often betray a tendency to overdo it. Carefully find out if he has another “life” on his side.
    • Hare, hare, bunny, bunny, bunny - your loved one has a penchant for excitement and loves to play. Keep in mind that deep down your partner is jealous and is watching you closely.
    • Gold, gold, gold - like this with gentle words your partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship, but his mind still prevails over his feelings.
    • Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy - your boyfriend is in the mood for very close contact, without wanting to complicate the situation.
    • Goat, goat - your partner feels absolute closeness with you. You are truly a very dear person to him, even though he makes fun of you.
    • Sweetie - they already consider you their property! Be careful.
    • Kitten, kitten, cat, cat, cat - your loved one feels an inextricable connection and absolute closeness with you. He wants to convince you of his loyalty.
    • Doll, doll - your lover is passionate about you, but he does not attach too much importance to your relationship.
    • Paw, lapulya, lapusik - your loved one is very active, and at the same time is ready to live and work for you.
    • Swallow - your man is very attentive, and also absolutely confident in you.
    • Little fox, little fox, fox - all the attention of your loved one is absorbed only by you, and he expects the same in return.
    • My love, beloved, beloved, your partner is ready to act assertively and decisively, but at the same time has a tendency to sensual excess.
    • Lyalya, lyalik, lyalya - your loved one is so emotional that he often cannot control the outburst own feelings– both bad and good.
    • Little, little, Masya, Masik - the feelings of your soul mate are very deep. Know that they are ready to take care of you.
    • Baby, baby - you absorb all the attention of your loved one, and the same is expected of you.
    • Bear - your partner is a very sensual person, but does not intend to rush yet. He's just being cautious and doesn't want to lose you.
    • Darling, darling - such affectionate treatment promises you a lasting relationship. Your lover's feelings are balanced by his mind.
    • Mulya, musipusechka, musya - your man’s feelings are extremely strong. He often does not know limits and tends to get carried away.
    • Little mouse, little mouse - your partner is very attached to you. Sometimes he is quick-tempered and unrestrained, but his feelings are deep.
    • Pampushka - the beloved counts on mutual understanding and complete intimacy.
    • Donut - your loved one is trying to attract your attention and dreams of protecting himself from potential rivals.
    • Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - your partner is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there is more practical interest than sincere feelings.
    • Fish - your lover looks at your relationship from a business point of view. What comes first for him is not romance, but practical interest.
    • Sweet, sweet, sweet - by consciously emphasizing your emotionality, your loved one still remains balanced and calm in his soul.
    • Baby elephant, baby elephant - your partner attaches great importance to your relationship and expects reciprocity in return.
    • Sunny, sunshine - your soulmate shows a keen interest in you and experiences genuine tenderness.
    • Tiger, tiger cub - your partner respects your independence. He offers you an equal alliance, although he is not averse to making fun of you sometimes.
    • Hamster - your loved one can easily succumb to immediate impulses, as he has a tendency to impulsive actions.
    • Chicken, chicken - the man is offering you active contact, although perhaps something worries him.
    • Miracle - your loved one literally demands your attention, emphasizing how important your relationship is to him!
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