• Diminutive words of endearment for a guy. Affectionate nicknames


    In a relationship between two loving people There will always be tenderness and romance. Affectionate, funny, understandable only to two people, like a magic thread, connects lovers, creates an invisible barrier, fencing off the rest of the world. And it doesn’t matter at all what affectionate word they call their beloved man, the main thing is that your chosen one knows for sure that this address is intended only for him - dear, dear, the only one!

    We are lucky - the Russian language has many words that convey tenderness, affection, and love. And how many names can you name with diminutive suffixes! Moreover, no special language skills are required to turn, say, the stern Alexey into the gentle Alyoshenka, Leshka, Lekha and even Lesik. And this list goes on and on.

    It’s more difficult for those ladies who communicate with foreigners. Try to form a diminutive name in English language- nothing will work out for you, simply because such a possibility does not exist in principle (well, they didn’t have enough imagination!).

    Much more important than the word itself are the intonations and emotions contained in it. Even such an unusual, but affectionately pronounced “my monster”, accompanied by a smile or a kiss, changes the meaning to the exact opposite.

    Attention and tact

    Choosing pet names for your loved one is not difficult; usually the words themselves come to mind in moments of tenderness. Try calling different variants, look how he reacts to this or that affectionate word.

    An affectionate word can express your feelings, hint at the intimacy and tenderness of your relationship, but sometimes it hurts. Try not to touch on problematic topics. For example, if you try to call your man “hippo” or “elephant,” this may sound like a hint of excess weight. And a man will consider the word “chupacabrik” to be an indication of unattractive appearance.

    If a husband and wife have lived together for many years, the home name of their loved one can tell its own little story. Thus, “horror flying on the wings of the night” conveys a slight sexual connotation, and “red sun” will remind the husband of a joint vacation and an unsuccessful tan.

    Time and place

    It is not always appropriate to use homely terms of endearment in the presence of other people, especially if these are distant acquaintances or co-workers. What is said in the bedroom should stay there. Calling a guy “baby” in front of old friends is not a very good choice.

    If you have only recently known each other and have not yet had time to get to know each other well, it is enough to use diminutive suffixes in the name of your loved one: Vanechka, Zhenechka, Sashenka, etc. There are many more possibilities in our great and powerful language. In the same English language, John will remain John, and in Russian, Evgeny will become Zhenechka, Dmitry will become Mitenka, Dimochka, Alexander will turn into Sanechka or (which completely confuses foreigners) into Shurik.

    It happens that a guy doesn’t like the diminutive form, then he help will come classic: dear, beloved, dear. Each time you use this or that address, carefully monitor the guy’s reaction or simply ask if he likes such an affectionate name.

    Love in English

    Foreigners for the most part will never be able to fully experience all the tenderness, softness, and subtlety of affectionate treatment. How can you convey your love to them? What word do those who have to communicate in English call their chosen ones?

    In English there is a concept of diminutive name(pet name), however, the same phrase is translated as “pet name”. That's almost full list English tender words:

    • Babe - baby, the most popular word.
    • Baby (baby) - the same baby or child.
    • Honey - cute (literal translation - honey).
    • Sweetheart, sweetie – literally “sweet heart”, used in the meaning of “dear, sweet”.
    • Angel – no translation needed here.
    • Prince – prince (the castle and the white horse are on his conscience).
    • Love, my love - my love, beloved (addressing a person with whom you have really strong feelings).
    • Dear - dear, this word can be used to address family or friends, or a guy you met recently.

    The choice is huge

    There are many options for how you can affectionately call your loved one:

    1. Classic set. Beloved, gentle, affectionate, dear, dear, sweet, tender, desired, beloved, sunshine, precious, only... If you add “my” to these epithets and choose the right intonation (gently, a little languidly, slightly lowering your voice), the result will surpass all expectations. Tone and emotional message are very important. When a lady in a luxury store takes the “samovar pose” (in the sense of “hands on hips”) and loudly says in a capricious voice: “Mi-i-i-i-il, I want that fur coat!”, then no tender words will not save the situation.
    2. Funny little animals. Bunny, cat, hippopotamus, baby dragon, tiger cub, lion cub, fish, hedgehog, fox cub, bear cub... You can combine these affectionate nicknames with adjectives: unshaven hedgehog, red fox, fluffy bunny. Just make sure first that the guy really won’t be offended by the “cat” who has been annoying everyone for a long time.
    3. Fantasy without borders. Pretty, charming, sweetie, honey, pie, superman, little vampire, angel and any other names of heroes of films, cartoons or books. This treatment will make you seem like a little girl, and your lover will feel like a strong and significant person.
    4. Names that convey the characteristics of a man. Macho, daddy, breadwinner, protector, my hero, strongman... You know the strengths of your boyfriend or husband better than anyone else. Find that quality that you can rightfully be proud of, and emphasize the dignity of your man in an affectionate name.

    This list is only small example flexibility and ambiguity of our language. Everyone can come up with something of their own, understandable only to two people. loving woman. Don't hold back your imagination! Just don't forget to ask your boyfriend's opinion.

    Many young people use various pet names in relationships. This applies to both boys and girls. Therefore, many ladies are trying to figure out what to call a guy funny and affectionately. In fact, there is a whole list of nicknames that are perfect for your loved one. But don't resort to them too often, otherwise you will anger him.

    What to call him funny, but affectionately?

    The guys have a very developed sense of humor. Therefore, you can turn on your imagination to the fullest. To the number funny words to his address can be attributed:

    • Unshaven;
    • Sexbomb;
    • Elephant;
    • Little Badger;
    • Glutton;
    • Kissing and so on.

    You can come up with a nickname based on his body parameters, appearance or hobbies. But you shouldn’t hurt what’s dear to him. Also, there is no need to emphasize obvious shortcomings. For example, if he has a complex because excess weight, then no “baby elephants” and “hippos”.

    Standard kind words for a guy

    There is a small list of words that girls have been using to call guys for many years. They are not unusual. But at the same time, it is impossible to offend or “touch a nerve” with them. The following expressions are at your disposal:

    1. My good;
    2. Sun;
    3. Native;
    4. Cute;
    5. My joy;
    6. Handsome and so on.

    Such words give confidence and increase self-esteem. To many they seem banal. But on the other hand, they are always received well. Such expressions can be used both in private and in big company. No one will find it strange if you say that.

    How to call a guy intimately?

    In addition, there are expressions that no one should hear. These phrases are intended for personal use. Alone with him you can use the following epithets:

    • Sweet;
    • Passionate;
    • Hot;
    • Gentle;
    • Sexual;
    • Desired.

    If a guy has an athletic build, then indicate this in your compliments. You can praise his facial features: nose, lips, cheeks, eyes, etc. Many men also like this.

    Don't forget about his advantages in bed. All guys love it when a girl admires their intimate talent. But such admiration should not be fake. Otherwise, it will be immediately noticeable.

    Unusual kind words

    Unusual sweet words For a guy it needs to be used with great caution. After all, what seems cool and interesting to you may not suit him. Unusual words include: music, ryashka, cat, mouse, fluffy, etc. You can also come up with beautiful nicknames yourself.

    But don't be afraid of banality. While you're racking your brains to come up with phrases, you may forget about relationships. The main thing is mutual love. And the words can be different.

    And if he doesn’t like the nickname you came up with, you shouldn’t use it. Otherwise, you will cause irritation and provoke scandals in relationships.

    Should you use pet names?

    Many guys can't stand any compliments at all. If you come across such a person, then do not force him to such types of affection. After all, this is not suitable for everyone.

    Refrain from using various nicknames in a company or on the street. What's in home environment It looks normal, but from the outside it can look more than stupid.

    Don't force him to come up with nicknames for you in return. Do everything selflessly. Some guys call a girl solely by her first name, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    If you use intimate nicknames, then you should not tell your friends about them. Those who know the guy can find out about this. Then he will be in stupid situation. And your relationship will be at risk.

    Don’t worry about what you can call a guy in a funny, affectionate or original way. After all, this is not the main thing in a relationship. Don't get hung up on nicknames, otherwise you may lose love.

    But if you prefer girls, here you go.

    Every couple develops cute nicknames. How to affectionately call your beloved guy so that he likes it? It depends on how old your man is, what type of character he is and where you use this nickname. In our article we have collected the most common male nicknames. In addition, you will learn how men like to be called and what nicknames it is better to never use.

    The chosen one with a good sense of humor and easy disposition will accept both a standard “bunny” and an extraordinary “crocodile”. Don't limit yourself to anything:

    • Orange (for redheads!)
    • Eggplant
    • Bon Bon
    • Barmaley
    • Bogatyr
    • Vitamin
    • Teen Wolf
    • Magic
    • Darling
    • Big guy
    • Cowboy
    • Thorn
    • Curly
    • Favorite
    • Pet
    • Teddy Bear
    • Romantic
    • Sweet
    • Treasure
    • Sexbomb
    • Smart girl

    Feel free to use derivatives of names, but watch your partner’s reaction.

    Such men are rare! Don't take advantage of his kindness.

    Your chosen one - classic man? He will definitely not approve of your “Lapulya” and other too sweet names. Try to use small, affectionate abbreviations of the name. For example, Vovochka, Pashenka.

    If your soul still asks for some kind of nickname, take the standard “native” and change it into “darling”. This is the maximum he will allow you. Here are more options:

    • Angel
    • Apollo
    • Atlant
    • Dear
    • Dear
    • Native
    • Rodimenky
    • Genius
    • Hercules
    • Hercules
    • Hero

    Does your lover have strict rules and is generally extremely serious? If a man turns his nose up at melodramas and comedies, and prefers fishing to restaurants, or is simply a very serious person, you should not irritate him with affectionate but overly sweet treatment. After all, the goal is to please both.

    But the nicknames from positive energy he might like:

    • The best
    • My happiness
    • My joy
    • My winner (sets you up for success!)
    • Gold (attracts money)
    • The only one
    • My heart

    Don't misrepresent his name. He won't appreciate it.

    Suitable for all men without exception:

    • Full name (for example, Vladimir)
    • Short name without syushu suffixes (for example, Volodya, Volodya; antiexample, Volodyusechka)
    • Dear, beloved, dear.

    What not to call the man you like

    You should NEVER use the following nicknames:

    1. A pet name should not insult or belittle a partner. If a young man is embarrassed about his fatness or short, you should not call him “Hippo” and “Baby” or, conversely, “Slender” and “Giant”. Even if your partner doesn’t seem to mind, deep down it can offend and demotivate him. Not to mention “Loshariki” and “Klopiki”. Forget about "Men", "Men" and "Baldheads".
    2. Should not contain a negative message. Words have their own energy and associations. “Bunny” can run to the left, “Baby” can lose self-confidence, “Devil” can betray.
    3. Don't use nicknames from his childhood. Let them remain the prerogative of bosom friends.
    4. Don't rephrase his last name. A surname is a man’s pride, it denotes his family, and he will pass it on by inheritance. You shouldn't joke about her.

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    In what situations should you not call your loved one by an affectionate nickname:

    1. IN in public places. Whether you call him “Masik” or the exotic “Cactus” in the line for bread, it is not appropriate. A similar rule applies when shouting on the street and in a restaurant in front of a waiter. Use a short name without shu-shu suffixes or the “you can always” list from our article. Exception: alone in a taxi with the driver.
    2. In front of his friends. No merry fellow would find it funny if he was called “Pussik” in front of his childhood friend. Use the list from the previous paragraph.
    3. In front of his or your parents. Maybe your mother will be touched when she hears “Kitty” or “Bunny” in relation to your chosen one, but his dad will not appreciate it. He raised his son, a Man with a capital M. It is most appropriate to call your loved one by their short name.
    4. With mutual friends / with your friends. It’s better to limit yourself to a set of “you can always”, but if your lover doesn’t mind, and the rest of the company too (!), call each other as you would in private. The only taboo: the very words from which your nicknames are derived must be appropriate to pronounce in public.

    Affectionate nicknames It's best to use when you're alone. Let him be yours intimate secret for two. This will make both your loved one and those around you feel comfortable.

    If you want to always remain the only one for him,... This will refresh your relationship.

    Do you want to diversify your relationship and add color to your relationship? family life? in a new article on our website.

    Do you want to please all guys without exception? To do this, you need to know and consistently develop all the qualities that they value most.

    In this article we have put together. They will help preserve feelings for many years.

    To make a man feel like he's the only one affectionate name not enough. It is necessary, from time to time. All the secrets the right compliment in our article.

    Look for a nickname for your loved one in your heart, and then it will only bring joy. And if you have a lot of imagination, re-read our article!

    Sometimes tenderness for a loved one is so overwhelming that you want to express it not only in deeds, but also in words. How to affectionately call your loved one? Before offering options for affectionate nicknames, let's think about how and when you can call your soulmate, depending on different situations.

    1. Girls are more inclined to search for affectionate names for their loved ones, but men approach this differently. There are those who don’t like being given affectionate nicknames. In this case, it is better not to contradict and call your loved one by name (you can come up with affectionate variants of names, if the person does not mind). There is another situation - he or she does not mind when you call him/her affectionately, but he/she does not use gentle words towards you. Do not rush to be offended; perhaps the person is simply not used to it or does not know how to do this. If you are offended by this attitude, ask him to call you affectionately, but do not insist on this request. If a person can and wants, then he will call you affectionately, if not, then he will have to get used to it.
    2. A familiar nickname or a kindly spoken name is better than offensive words. For example, if a girl has a complex about her fatness, the nickname “my bun” will only upset her. The nickname you choose should please the person and evoke only positive emotions! Observe the reaction of your loved one after pronouncing another nickname out loud. If he has a dissatisfied grimace on his face or a feeling of resentment, forget about this word forever. You can also ask directly whether the person likes what you call him.
    3. Of course, the use of affectionate nicknames, no matter how sweet and kind they may be, depends on the situation. Most people, especially men, do not like it when intimate and tender nicknames are used towards them in public places. This looks like putting your personal life on display, which can be unpleasant for both your loved one and those around you. Therefore, in such places, limit yourself to addressing the person by name, or if you really want to call her affectionately, then whisper gentle words in her/his ear so that no one else hears.
    4. Many people are so fond of using affectionate nicknames large quantities that they are simply boring. If you don't have a good nickname for your loved one, remember that his name, spoken with deep feelings, will always be nice to hear.

    Options for how to affectionately call your beloved guy: beloved, dear, dear, dear, sweet, the best, cat, kitten, cat, bunny, bunny, sun, sunshine, baby, baby, toddler, donut, gingerbread, lion, lion, bear , bear, fox, wolf cub, lapusik, prince, king, handsome, music, tiger cub, tiger, my happiness, my joy, my life, angel, angel, hedgehog, fluffy, imp, Cheburashka, unshaven, little dragon, dragon, goat, crocodile, hamster, owlet, mouse, hippopotamus, murzik, light, little ray, Apollo, Hercules, cutie, peach, little meteor, little penguin, naughty boy, etc. Come up with your own original nickname, which can reflect the person’s bright positive personality, and he will be pleased with it!

    Options for how to affectionately call your beloved girl: beloved, sweet, wonderful, dear, sweet, best, dear, bunny, bunny, baby, baby, baby, baby, kitty, kitty, kitty, sun, sun, beauty, beauty, doll, cutie, baby, angel, little angel, fluffy, sweetie, sweetie, candy, caramel, princess, queen, goddess, mouse, barbie, scratchy, squirrel, little fish, horse, little fox, little fox, fox, pusechka, pussy, baby, swallow, bee, cutie, pumpkin, berry, snowflake, snow maiden, hamster, goat, witch, dove, my girl, star, sweetie, zest, droplet, moth, charming, charming, bird, flower, little mermaid, my heart, my happiness, reed , fairy, queen, chicken, sorceress, naughty girl, etc.

    There are many options for how you can affectionately call your loved one. The main thing is that gentle nicknames strengthen and improve your relationship, and not alienate you from each other.

    Any relationship requires a lot of work. This is especially true for a newly created couple, who are still looking for their common ground, whether in some way conceding to their partner or not. Very important point Any relationship is what people call each other. And for many inexperienced girls, the question may arise: how can you affectionately call your boyfriend so that he likes it.


    The most common variant of affectionate words is the names of animals. Many are indignant: well, it looks like a zoo, there are cats, bunnies, bears and penguins. Despite all the outrage, these are the most common and pleasant words to hear, so this is a great option for what you can affectionately call your boyfriend.

    The word “sunshine” is often used as a tender nickname. Why not, that means this person simply illuminates the life of her partner. You can also tell your loved one: you are my planet, my space or my universe. The guy will be very pleased to hear this.

    When choosing a phrase to affectionately call your boyfriend, you should not ignore nicknames - lisp. So, many people like it when they are called babies, lapuli, pupusiki or manyusik. If you want to call your boyfriend that, you need to think about whether he will like such a nickname, because if a guy vertically challenged, he may have certain complexes: the word “manyusik” may simply offend him.


    When choosing what to affectionately call your boyfriend, you should pay attention to his person and look for some features there. So, an excellent way out of the situation could be the nickname Handsome, Hercules, Sexy Boy, etc. A word that will only emphasize the feature that distinguishes him.

    Pleasant words

    If you choose, a list of such words is a great help. Yes, you can simply choose pleasant words and translate them into humans. For example, many guys will like the following addresses: my dear, my boy, my happiness, my treasure. Warm, reliable, necessary ones will also do.

    Something of your own

    It often happens that a couple chooses non-standard affectionate nicknames for each other, sometimes calling their significant other simply made-up or combined words.


    You don’t have to worry too much and call the guy a diminutive on his behalf. There are quite a few Sashun, Dimchikov and Olezhek in the world.

    You can also use humor and call the guy a funny nickname. However, you should make sure that it will not offend a person. So, you can call your loved one a toddler, a Teletubby, a salad, etc.

    You can also try calling your boyfriend what he calls his significant other. So, if a guy says “darling”, you can answer “darling”, if “pussy” - “kitten”, etc. There is nothing wrong with this, because a real couple always mirrors each other’s words and actions.

    You can choose any nickname for your boyfriend and call him affectionately in different ways. Just don’t think too much about what kind words to say to a guy, everything should come from the heart, phrases should be sincere and desirable. Only then will there be harmony in the couple, and it will not be forced, but natural.

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