• DIY tooth made from napkins. How to make flowers from napkins with your own hands step by step. Photo. Flowers from napkins: interesting ideas


    Sometimes we all want to refresh the walls in our apartment or house, to create a new everyday background. But after going through many options, people often come to the conclusion that there is no point in wasting their time on this and abandon this idea.

    Now we will tell you and clearly show how you can make flowers from napkins with your own hands step by step, thereby adding zest and something new to your apartment, with a minimum of effort and getting maximum pleasure!

    Yes, at first glance this may seem strange. After all, how can hygiene items that are already familiar to everyone add new colors to the room?

    By collecting flowers from paper napkins with your own hands, you will create a pleasant atmosphere in your apartment. Today the range of paper napkins is simply huge. They are offered in different colors (thousands of colors and shades, various designs and patterns), density and material. This will greatly simplify your work, and the result will delight the eye with its beauty for a long time.

    Get to the point! How to make flowers from napkins with your own hands? Just a few steps and you'll be ready.

    To get started, what materials will you need:

    • Bright paper napkins;
    • A thread, wool yarn or wire;
    • Scissors;
    • Tape (narrow colored tape, quite popular in floristry).

    Life hack: for everything to work out and you immediately like the result, we recommend taking several multi-colored napkins of different densities. Then each created flower will be unique. And the remaining napkins will be useful in Everyday life or at the festive table, if they are very beautiful!

    DIY napkin flowers: instructions for beginners

    Step 1:

    To begin, cut the napkin into two parts, as shown in the photo. When you unfold the napkins, you should end up with a rectangle, not a square. If you want to make voluminous flowers, you will need a napkin consisting of several layers.

    Step 2:

    Place the napkins on top of each other and begin accordion folding. The smaller the accordion step, the more beautiful your flower will turn out. Using multi-layer napkins, you will get lush flowers that will look like real ones.

    Just follow our step-by-step instructions and you will definitely succeed!

    Step 3:

    In the central part, tie the accordion with wire or thread and cover the top with a piece of napkin to hide it.

    Step 4:

    Using scissors, trim the edges of the napkins to form petals. If desired, you can also make the edges of the petals different shapes: triangular, semicircular, etc.

    Step 5:

    Let's start straightening the petals. Start shaping your flower from the top layers, gradually lifting each layer and creating a bud shape. Leave the last layer even so that the flower can stand on a flat surface and take on the shape of a water lily.

    This is what a beautiful pink peony looks like, made at home.

    Ready! Now all that remains is to repeat until the flower arrangement is ready.

    Let's return to the beginning of our material - the walls. Try decorating the walls in your room with the resulting colors. You can also make leaves for the flowers using the same tissue paper, wire and glue. Of course, it is better to use for leaves green color, but you can show your imagination and surprise your guests!

    An excellent eco-decoration idea - take it on board!

    By the way, if you get together and make light flowers from napkins with your own hands, they will be suitable not only for decorating walls. You can also use them as original decoration for the table or whatever creative gift a friend, mother or loved one.

    Give complete freedom to your imagination and turn ordinary paper napkins into real works of art!

    Have a nice time!

    Use all kinds of colors and textures

    Give your interior sophistication and novelty!

    Take some paper napkins - white, yellow or pink.

    Stack them in an even stack.

    Cut out circles from napkins (you can cut the whole stack at once).

    Now we can start creating the flower, but let's first make one more small touch - thanks to it our flower will be much more beautiful! Take a felt-tip pen of any red color (red, burgundy, orange) and paint the end of a stack of paper circles with it - like this:

    This is what you should get:

    Now we need to secure the stack of napkins in the center. A stapler is ideal for this:

    You can make notches along the edges with scissors, although this is not necessary.

    Separate upper layer stacks, lift and squeeze with your fingers - like this:

    Do the same with all the layers one by one, down to the very bottom.

    The result will be a flower like this:

    All that remains is to attach a stem to it. For the stem, use a green cocktail straw. Glue it with glue or double-sided tape to the base of the flower below.

    If you don't have a green straw, you can take a straw of any color and wrap it in green paper - regular colored or corrugated.
    A bouquet of such double flowers will look great in a vase on a festive table. You can use these flowers to create voluminous postcards, decorating New Year's costumes, etc.

    Method 2

    Take one napkin folded in four.

    Take scissors.

    Cut the edge of the napkin (where the fold is) about 1 cm wide. Don’t throw it away - we will need it later.

    Fold the napkin like an accordion - the more folds, the better.

    In the center, tie the accordion with a strip of napkin that you cut off at the very beginning.

    Now straighten all the layers of the napkin, lifting them up, so that you get a flower:

    The flower will turn out more beautiful if the accordion’s edges are cut off at the corners or rounded before “fluffing” it:

    Then the flower will look like this:

    You can also decorate with these flowers festive table, new Year costume, you can make a wreath out of them; They are great for holiday home decoration.

    Method No. 1

    1. Take a table napkin yellow color, which consists of three layers. Separate all these layers.

    2. Then take two thin layers and fold each one four times.

    3. Fold each of the resulting layers very much in four again.

    4. Now you need to carefully layer the layers on top of each other.

    5. Let's take a stapler and staple all these layers together.

    6. For greater strength, we will punch them again, and the paper clips must be placed crosswise.

    7. Then, from the resulting square of napkins, we will cut out a circle.

    8. Along the edges of the circle with scissors, we must make many cuts about 10 mm deep at approximately equal intervals.

    9. Now we need to lift the top thin layer.

    10. Press it with your fingers to the center of the circle.

    11. In the same way, we will lift all the layers following the first and also press them with our fingers to the center.

    12. In exactly the same way, we must lift all the layers of the napkin one after another. You can sometimes lift two or three layers at a time.

    13. As a result, we got a lush, beautiful flower.

    14. To make leaves for a dandelion, you need to take strips of green paper measuring approximately 4x10 cm, fold them in half and cut off the corners.

    15. The cloves need to be cut out in sections. First, use scissors to make a cut perpendicular to the fold line, then an oblique cut, and so on.

    16. Now let's unfold the sheet and bend it a little. In the same way, we will cut out several more leaves of different sizes and other shades. Only the lower part of the leaves needs to be glued to the base of the flower. We will make the stem from a strip rolled into a tube. thin paper Green colour. So we made flowers from napkins with our own hands.

    Here's ours The yellow napkin flower is ready.

    17. In order to make small flowers apple tree branches, also take two layers of white colored napkin and Pink colour. Fold each layer four times, then four more. Place the resulting layers on top of each other. Staple the napkin in four places.

    18. Then cut it into four parts along the marked lines. Cut out four flowers. You can use a template for this.

    19. Lift and squeeze the top layer of the flower with your fingers to hide the paperclip.

    20. In the same way, lift all the following layers in turn. At the end of the work, squeeze the entire flower a little.

    21. Now straighten the flower and give it the splendor you need. We made our own flowers from napkins.

    Twist twigs from brown corrugated paper. Take brown paper for our branch. The branches will turn out to be of different configurations if you change the depth of the cuts and their number. Now we need to glue flowers and leaves to our branches.

    Method No. 2

    You can also make one like this in which flowers from napkins will participate.

    The background for this work is a finished drawing. In the middle of sunflowers there are real seeds. And we will make the petals as follows.

    1. Take a small strip of corrugated paper. Cut off the corners at the edges. These will be the tips of the petals.
    2. Now we will twist the strip twice, but not in the middle of it, but approximately divide our strip approximately 1:2.
    3. At the point of twisting, fold it in half.
    4. Now we will stretch the paper and try to give the petals a slightly deeper shape.
    5. We have a double petal. It is a little larger on the outside and a little smaller on the inside.
    6. It is necessary to glue the petal with the part where we twisted it, about 5-6 petals per flower. Thus, the flowers are voluminous and very beautiful.

    Method No. 3

    You can also make it from napkins beautiful bouquet roses
    DIY flowers made from napkins can be used as a gift for relatives on March 8th or a birthday.

    To make a bouquet you will need red, green, yellow paper napkins and definitely scissors.

    1. Unfold and straighten the red napkin.
    2. Now cut off about one third of it.

    3. Carefully peel off one layer of the napkin if it is consists of 3 layers.

    4. Then carefully fold the napkin in half. Now you need to bend its upper half in half, as shown in the figure.

    5. Wrap the upper part of the strip very loosely around your left index finger in the same way as shown in the figure.

    6. Our rosebud preparation should look exactly like this.

    7. Then try to tightly twist the napkin along the bottom folded edge.

    Decorate baskets with Easter cakes and colored Easter eggs using handmade paper flowers! Making them is very simple: you just need multi-colored three-layer napkins and a little patience.

    Fold napkins in two contrasting colors as shown in the photo. Fold in half and tie with thread. Using scissors, trim the edges into a semicircle shape. Then peel back the layers of napkins to form petals.

    To make it more elegant, you can trim one of the napkins at the very beginning of the work so that the yellow petals (the middle of the flower) are shorter than the pink ones.

    Another way to make a flower: divide a three-layer napkin into separate layers, fold each layer 8 times and sew the middle with a stapler. Trim the edges of the napkin into a circle shape and make cuts about 1 cm deep. Then carefully, layer by layer, form the petals with your fingers.

    To make flowers with pointed petals, use scissors to shape the edges of the napkin into the desired shape.

    Making a rose from napkins is a little more difficult, but the result is worth the effort.

    Motherhood wishes you Happy Easter and festive mood!

    The art of origami - folding paper figures - is loved by everyone, regardless of age. How to make flowers from napkins so that the process is not too labor-intensive, but the result is amazing?

    Often, upon arrival at a hotel, adults rejoice like children at the sight of towels folded in the shape of a swan or fish. Aesthetic pleasure is complemented by the knowledge that guests are welcome and ready to provide the best service. The same feelings will be felt by family and friends who come to dinner and find an original folded napkin near the device.

    How to make flowers from napkins? No special skills are required; even a beginner can elegantly fold a flower. There are only a few mandatory rules And simple steps on turning a rectangular piece of paper into a blooming flower.

    Typically, paper napkins come in square or rectangular shapes. To make a flower from a napkin, you need to use standard square ones. Preference should be given to monochromatic colors, since carnation leaves with small images of Santa Claus will look a little strange.

    Cellulose napkins are too thin and do not hold their shape well, so thick paper tablecloths are an ideal option.

    You can choose a couple of sets different shades and put together several types of flowers. Table setting will only benefit from such variety, and guests will be delighted.

    General rules for making flowers

    When two-layer plain napkins are found, you need to consider that one of them will be used for training. You should not try to fold a flower twice from the same napkin and place it on the device. It will come out crumpled and sloppy.

    Very thin versions are also suitable for rolling, but only for the simplest types of flowers. They will make attractive golden balloons without any clear curves. Similar rules apply to napkins made of crinkled paper. It is so beautiful in itself that it makes no sense to roll a flower of a complex shape.

    Exotic buds will come out of perforated paper. Small dots will emphasize the originality of the petals.

    Napkins can be scented, but usually the smell does not match the type of flower. In this situation, a drop of suitable aromatic oil applied to a rolled rose or carnation will help out.

    Various flowers from napkins

    You should try to choose a shade of the napkin that is close to the natural color of the flower. No matter how unusual a blue or purple aster looks, a dark scarlet or snow-white one will be much more elegant. If the service is very light, bright crafts They will decorate the table and attract even more attention. A short, simple master class will explain how to make a flower from napkins.

    There are two options for making this flower: from colored napkins or from white ones, colored along the edges with a felt-tip pen. If you intend to use them for their intended purpose and not as decoration, it is better to go with the first option, otherwise your guests will get their hands dirty.

    The step-by-step instructions are as follows.

    1. Fold the napkin like an accordion and fasten it in the middle with a bobby pin.
    2. Lightly pinch the edges to make them jagged.
    3. Crumple the napkin on both sides to create uneven petals, like those of a real carnation.
    4. Remove the bobby pin and tie the middle with thick thread.
    5. Spread the flower.

    For decorative flowers one more step is added. Bye white napkin held invisible, you should color the very tips with a red or burgundy felt-tip pen.


    It will take 6-7 yellow napkins to make the flower voluminous and fluffy. The procedure is as follows.

    1. Staple a stack of napkins with a stapler in the middle crosswise.
    2. Take a round saucer of suitable size and draw a circle on the top napkin.
    3. Trim unnecessary corners.
    4. Starting from the top layer, scrunch the napkins to imitate dandelion petals.


    This flower is distinguished by many thin long petals, which makes it seem terry. Its center is most often light, so yellow and dark pink napkins are used.

    1. Cut strips of yellow napkins 2 cm wide and 16 cm long.
    2. Make strips of dark pink strips 2 cm wide and 32 cm long.
    3. Place 4 yellow strips together, bend them in half along the entire length and roll into a tight roll.
    4. Place 4 dark pink strips together and cut them crosswise into narrow petals, not reaching the edge 0.5 cm.
    5. Twist the whole edge of the pink napkins around the yellow ones and tie the flower with thread. Fluff the petals.

    For a bouquet, a wire is placed inside the yellow roll, the short end of which ties the flower together instead of a thread.


    A beautiful contrasting flower is made from napkins of four colors: red, pink, black or brown and green. Red and pink can be layered so that the petals are thinner and more delicate.

    1. Fold two red and two pink napkins along the fold line to form squares.
    2. Cut out oval petals, leaving the center intact.
    3. The petals from the pink napkin should be slightly shorter than the red ones.
    4. Cut circles with a diameter of 5 cm from a black napkin folded along the fold lines. You will get 4 circles in total.
    5. Cut 8 circles with a diameter of 4 cm from the green one.
    6. Unfold the red petals and place them on top of each other with a slight shift. Add pink petals on top in the same way, followed by black circles. Lay out the green circles last. Staple the structure in the center crosswise with a stapler.
    7. Cut the black and green circles in 6-8 places.
    8. The petals wrinkle, repeating the effect of uneven poppy petals. The middle is strongly wrinkled to form something like a round poppy box.

    It is better to fold the rose from a thin single-layer napkin of rich pink or orange color.

    1. Unfold the napkin, then fold it diagonally.
    2. Moving from the wide edge to the corner, roll it into a tube.
    3. When there is 5 cm left to the corner, twist the resulting tube from the left edge to the right into a loose roll.
    4. Turn the napkin over so that the corner faces down and tie it with thread at a distance of 1 cm from the bottom.
    5. Fluff the bud and unfold the corner so that it represents the lower petals.


    You don't need any additional tools to make a lotus. Red, white and green napkins are taken in two or three layers so that the petals can be neatly folded.

    1. Unfold one napkin of each color and place them one on top of the other, starting with white and ending with green.
    2. Fold each of the four corners so that it reaches the center. In this case, the green napkin should not be visible; only the white one remains outside.
    3. Turn the structure over with the folded corners facing down and repeat the steps.
    4. Holding the center of the napkin with your hand, turn out each corner and straighten the green and red petals.

    Place a glass or glass in the center of the paper lotus.

    The color of the napkin should be uniform and the same on both sides so that the shape of the product does not seem skewed. A pattern in the form of small flowers is acceptable, but not desirable.

    If you plan to make not only the flower itself, but also secure it to the stem, you need to take green wire and cut it into equal pieces. If desired, you can cut out several small leaves from corrugated paper and string them onto the future stem.

    It is better for beginning needlewomen to try collecting carnations or lotuses. They are easy to make, but turn out very elegant.

    Interior decoration with flowers from napkins

    In many modern cafes with a minimalist interior, bright paper flowers and figurines are often the only accent and decoration of the space. They are very inexpensive, they can be quickly replaced, completely transforming the room. For different holidays, special flowers and their shades are chosen. For example, for an anniversary, three-dimensional figures are made from garlands of flowers.

    It’s fun to figure out how to make flowers from napkins at home with your children. Kids love homemade items and will long remember the holiday for which they decorated the room. The kitchen looks nice with flowers attached to the furniture for March 8, or white and soft pink lotuses glued to the window in winter before the New Year.

    In addition to a beautifully folded napkin for each guest, you can put a flat vase on the table, where spare napkins-flowers will lie.


    According to the thousand-year-old teaching of Feng Shui, the surrounding space needs to be changed so that new acquaintances, activities and hobbies appear in life. Multi-colored roses and carnations folded from napkins will bring happiness to the house because they are beautiful and joyful.

    The time spent assembling them cannot be called wasted, because the flowers will delight the guests. Moreover, friends will appreciate the idea, and the atmosphere at the table will immediately become light and carefree. Not a single skill is lost just like that; it can come in handy at the most unexpected moment, so even without the advice of Eastern sages, you need to learn new things.

    Gaining practical skills is important and useful, so it is necessary to understand in practice how to make flowers from napkins.

    My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

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