• DIY paper star (diagrams, templates). Volumetric paper star: step-by-step photo review of How to make a 3D star from cardboard


    As a rule, the older a person gets, the more nostalgic he begins to remember his childhood years. For many adults today, this time is permeated with Soviet symbols, among which red stars can be noted.

    In this master class I will show several options on how to make a star out of paper with your own hands step by step photos. This five-pointed symbol may still be relevant today. For example, a red star is perfect as or for decoration New Year's interior. It is not difficult to make it from paper, focusing on the proposed master classes.

    01. DIY voluminous paper star

    To create a three-dimensional star, we will need to prepare:

    • red paper;
    • scissors;
    • pencil;
    • ruler;
    • PVA glue.

    First, cut out 5 squares of the same size from red paper.

    Our blanks have a side of 9 cm.

    After this, you can begin to add each square. First we make a diagonal fold.

    Then we unfold the square blank. Right side let's bend towards the middle.

    A similar fold should be made on the left side.

    Now we need to make bends in the upper part of our workpiece. First we bend the right side.

    After this, we make a fold on the left side. Our blank took the shape of a rhombus.

    Fold it in half.

    The top layer needs to be folded to the side.

    In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that on the reverse side the vertex of the triangle coincides with the fold line.

    Unfold the workpiece slightly.

    Smooth the fold lines.

    Now we begin to straighten one of the rays future star.

    Carefully straighten its inner layer.

    Now we give the workpiece the following appearance. We have an element consisting of one whole beam and a half.

    We need to make 4 more such blanks.

    You can start assembling the star, and for this you will need glue. Apply it to one half of the beam.

    After that we insert one element into another.

    So we connected 2 modules.

    We glue the remaining elements together in a similar way. Our volumetric paper star is ready.

    02. How to make a star using modular origami technique

    Technique modular origami allows you to create three-dimensional figures using the same elements. Our master class presents the step-by-step production of a star from several modules.

    To work you will need 10 square sheets of paper. We took red writing sheets.

    We start by making one module. For it we need two sheets. First we bend them along two diagonals. Now these same sheets of paper should be bent in transverse directions, but in the other direction.

    From one we fold the workpiece in the form of a double square.

    From another sheet of paper with pre-designated folds, we fold the workpiece in the form of a double triangle.

    Now we insert the triangle inside the square.

    We bend the protruding ends from the square inward. First we do this from two opposite sides.

    Then we unfold the module blank and bend the protruding corners again. This is how we got one of the modules.

    We need to make 4 more such modules for the future star. Let's start connecting the modules. They will be attached to each other due to the corners protruding on the sides.

    Two corners of one piece should be inserted under the folds of the other from the inside.

    We insert the corners of the other module from the outside under the folds of the adjacent one.

    So we continue to connect the individual modules.

    We close all 5 elements into a ring.

    You can leave the origami star as is, or you can slightly raise its upper part.

    03. Volume star made of paper for a postcard

    On a white sheet, draw a star stencil, as in the photo, and prepare a sheet of red cardboard.

    Cut it out.

    Bend the workpiece - all the short strips are bent inward, and the long strips are bent outward. Glue it to the base. This way you can make a three-dimensional star for a postcard for February 23 or May 9.

    How to make a five-pointed star out of paper video tutorial

    It's hard to imagine New Year without a dressed-up, bright evergreen beauty that gathers the whole family around her, helps create a festive atmosphere, and fills the house with a fabulous, exciting aroma. To decorate a Christmas tree, you don’t have to run to the store for toys; you can do them yourself, using improvised materials that can be found in everyone’s home. Today we will tell you how to make a star for a Christmas tree with your own hands in order to decorate the top of the tree.

    Very beautiful decoration The Christmas tree will be made from completely ordinary materials that can always be found at hand. Such a star-top will look very original on an evergreen beauty and create a festive Christmas mood. And the process of making it is quite simple and will not take too much time.

    Materials required for manufacturing:

    • cardboard from the box;
    • wire;
    • special tool pliers;
    • comfortable scissors;
    • scotch;
    • dry glitter;
    • bright tinsel;
    • Polish for hair.

    Let's get to work

    You need to cut out two identical five-pointed stars from cardboard. Bend them so that they are voluminous. Glue them together with tape, after putting pieces of fabric, crumpled paper, and cotton wool inside to give more volume. In order to ready product Subsequently, place it on the top of the Christmas tree; a wire spiral must be placed inside the star. To prepare such a spiral, you need to take the wire and wrap it tightly around a stick. The excess piece of wire must be cut off. It is best to create the product when the Christmas tree has already been installed, and you can more accurately compare the actual dimensions of the spiral and the star itself.

    Lubricate the voluminous star generously with glue and carefully sprinkle it with glitter so that the cardboard underneath is not visible. Allow the product to dry thoroughly. Later, use hairspray to cover the top with glitter so that it does not fall apart. The edges of the star can be decorated with elegant tinsel. The top star is ready, all that remains is to put it on the Christmas tree.

    Beautiful, easy to make star

    This star for New Year 2020 is very easy to make. Therefore, you can also involve small children in the making of these stars.

    For this decoration you will need:

    Make this template in whatever size you want.

    Copy the template onto colored paper of 2 different colors and cut out 2 blanks. Then bend each of the 2 blanks 3 times along each of the 3 corners, as if 3 ribs are formed.

    You will get 2 halves like this:

    Now we connect the 2 halves together:

    If you glue a stick or pencil inside one of the halves, you will get a top for the Christmas tree. You can make garlands from such stars for a Christmas tree, or decorate a room with them.

    A five-pointed three-dimensional star made of paper will be a wonderful decoration for a Christmas tree. A large product can be used to decorate the top of a tree; small ones will look beautiful on Christmas tree branches.

    For this decoration you will need:

    • paper;
    • Printer;
    • scissors;
    • glue.

    To make a voluminous five-pointed star, you can use any thick type of paper. This could be cardboard, old magazines, books, or other types of similar material. For large tops you need to use dense materials; for small stars you can limit yourself to plain paper. For a large five-pointed top, you need to take five sheets of cardboard. Select your favorite jewelry size. Using a printer, print out 5 blanks of the rays of the future star. The resulting templates must be carefully cut out. First glue each piece separately. Then all 5 rays must be glued together. This decoration can be made more festive. For example, decorate the rays with sparkles, sequins or beads. You can make each ray of the decoration from different colors of paper. Then you will get a beautiful, multi-colored top.

    Voluminous eight-pointed top

    Making an eight-pointed star on top out of paper is quite easy. With this decoration you can decorate not only christmas tree. You can decorate a room, window, lampshade and New Year's gift. The size of such a decoration for the New Year 2020 depends on the size of the paper.

    We will need:

    • thick paper;
    • pencil;
    • glue;
    • scissors;
    • decorative thread.

    Let's get to work

    You need to take two sheets of colored cardboard, or another type of thick paper, and shape them square shape. After this, each sheet must be folded in half. Once - horizontally, another time - vertically. After this, you need to bend it in half twice diagonally. Next, you need to use scissors to make small cuts along the perpendicular folds. Such cuts should be half a line long. There are 4 of them to make in total. One opposite the other. After this, the edges of the cuts need to be bent one towards the other. You should end up with four triangles. The next step is to coat one side of each ray with glue and glue the second one to it. The result will be one half of the future star. In the same way you need to make the second blank. After this, they need to be glued to each other. When the New Year's decoration is ready, you need to make a hole in one of the rays and thread a decorative thread into it. If you don't have colored cardboard, you can safely use regular multi-colored paper. It is very impressive if you decorate the product with shiny details, beads or other New Year's tinsel.

    Star 3D

    These tops are easy to make. They are made from thick paper and are a very original New Year's decoration.

    We will need:

    • colored cardboard,
    • ruler,
    • pencil,
    • scissors.

    Let's get to work

    On thick paper you need to draw two five-pointed stars. To do this, you can use cardboard of one color or several. The next step is to turn Special attention. We make cuts. On one of them it is necessary to cut from the top of the corner to the center, on the other workpiece - from the inner corner also to the middle. After this, the blanks need to be inserted one into the other. This decoration can be decorated with sparkles, artificial snow or other New Year's tinsel.

    Small paper stars will perfectly decorate a Christmas tree, home or holiday gift for New Year 2019.

    We will need:

    • colored paper;
    • scissors.

    Let's get started:

    Any type of paper is suitable for these little stars. These can be regular colored sheets, or pages of glossy magazines, packaging, or any shiny paper. The main feature when working with it is to cut the strips correctly. Their length should be 221 millimeters and width 9. The paper must be cut into pieces of a similar size. After this, you need to take one such strip and fold it into a loop. In this case, one tail should be much shorter than the other. The small tail must be wrapped in such a way as to form a knot. This is a very neat job. It will require a lot of patience and delicacy. After this, the resulting knot must be tightened very slowly (so as not to tear the paper) and pressed. The result will be a smooth pentagon. The tail must be tucked in the middle. After this, the strip with the resulting pentagon needs to be turned over and the tail tucked inside this figure. If the strip turns out to be very long, it can be folded in half and only then hidden in the middle. Further, long end must be wrapped around each side of the existing pentagon. It needs to be about 15 turns, but not less than 10. Each edge must be turned at least twice. The end of the ribbon is hidden inside. Everything is ready :)

    Master class with video instructions:

    All that remains is to gently press on the middle of each edge. It will turn out voluminous New Year's craft. It can be decorated with shiny New Year's tinsel.

    Origami star

    A beautiful origami paper star will perfectly decorate not only a festive Christmas tree, but also a room for the New Year 2020.

    step 1 step 2 step 3
    step 4 step 5 step 6
    step 7 step 8 step 9

    For this craft you will need:

    • sheets of plain paper.

    The main thing is that the material is not too dense and bends perfectly. You can use both children's colored paper and regular newspaper.

    Let's get to work

    First you need to make a square with straight sides. After this, such a sheet needs to be folded twice. Once - vertically, the other - horizontally. There will be 4 marked squares on a piece of paper. The corner of each of them needs to be bent towards the center. Two corners that are located opposite each other need to be opened. After this, the paper must be bent along a horizontal fold. This turned out to be one of the preparations for the future elite. You need to make 5 similar figures. The blanks need to be inserted into each other. Those corners that you bent will hold the finished structure. When folding New Year's decoration, pay special attention to ensuring that the corner of one block is inside the second, and the corner of the second is inside the first. When you attach the last part, you need to glue a loop to one of the corners.

    The star has long been an image-symbol carrying its own meaning. We are used to seeing a star on the top of the Christmas tree for decoration and in the interior of our rooms on the eve of the winter holidays and on New Year's Eve.

    So that you can also decorate your favorite corner and make it a little more cozy, you can try making a star out of paper and cardboard with your own hands. Although it is simple, such crafts look very interesting and impressive. From ready-made small stars you can make a garland or a whole composition, or simply throw volumetric stars from paper into a box with a gift. It will look great!

    • A five-pointed star inscribed in a circle is nothing more than a symbol of perfection. It means the 5 elements (5 elements that make up the whole world).
    • The six-pointed star of Bethlehem refers to the Nativity of Christ.
    • Eight-pointed - began to bear the name of the Virgin Mary.

    How to make a star out of paper? Different ways

    So, the first and quite popular way of making paper crafts is a technique called quilling. It consists of creating certain compositions from strips of colored paper, twisted in a certain way and connected to each other.

    To do very a simple star from quilling step by step, us you will need: strips of paper of several colors (you can buy them at a craft store or cut them yourself, the desired width is 5 mm), scissors, PVA glue, an awl, a pen rod or a toothpick (to wind the paper strips).

    For each ray, you need to make 3 small elements in the form of a leaf or drop, one medium one, which will be in the middle, and one more - the largest one, encircling all the others. First connect the middle loop to one of the small elements, then glue two more on the sides. And only at the end encircle the entire resulting part with another strip. Do this in several layers to make the loop stronger. Make 5 of these parts and glue them together. Our first star is ready!

    Gallery: paper star (25 photos)

    Volumetric eight-pointed and five-pointed star made of paper

    The simplest way

    There is also a simpler version of a voluminous five-pointed star. Simply cut out 2 star parts using a template or a self-drawn diagram. To make the drawing even, you can first draw a circle and then fit the finished star into it. So all the rays will be the same in length. Better to use thick cardboard, available in different colors. In each of the parts, make a cut to the centers. In one - in the center of one of the rays (upper), and in the second - in the center of one of the recesses (lower). All that remains is to insert them into each other and that’s it.

    All these options are more suitable, for example, as Christmas decorations or just pendants for anything, as they turn out quite big size. But you can also make small convex stars. They will look very interesting as a garland if you string them on a strong thread. So how are they made?

    Small convex stars

    To make such stars, prepare strips of paper 9 mm wide and 221 mm long. It is important to make them even so that there are no difficulties in further work. Make a loop closer to one of the ends and insert the end of the strip into it. Then remove it inside with reverse side blank, and wrap the remaining strip around the resulting pentagon. For each face - at least 2 layers. All that remains is to squeeze their middles towards the center, and the first star is ready.

    For the next eight-pointed star we will need 8 squares of four different sizes. Fold each of them as in the picture. Then glue squares of the same size together to make 4 eight-pointed stars. Now connect them together. These are the stars we got.

    Useful tips

    If you want to decorate your home for a holiday or just like that, and you want to do it yourself, then a star is one of the elements that will always look beautiful in a room, on a stele, on a chandelier or Christmas tree.

    In this master class you will learn how to make stars with your own hands using a huge number of different methods.

    All the methods are quite simple, so everyone can choose what they like best.

    Read also:How to make a beautiful SNOWFLAKE

    What can you make a star from?

    The main material from which you can make a star with your own hands is paper. You can use cardboard, plain paper, thick paper, magazines, old books, newspapers.

    How to make a 3D star out of paper. Five-pointed star.

    You will need:


    Thick colored paper


    1. First you need to print the blank. To do this, download the templates from this link. The template has two sizes of stars - you can make one star by printing the first page, and a larger star by printing the 2nd (twice) and 3rd pages.

    2. Cut out the templates and bend them in the places indicated by the dotted line.

    3. Glue all the parts together and you will have a three-dimensional five-pointed star!

    Scheme on how to make a star

    How to make a voluminous star with your own hands

    Such a star can be hung in a room (on a wall, window, chandelier) as an interior attribute or used to decorate a gift.

    You will need:

    Thick colored paper (colored cardboard)

    Simple pencil


    Thread (ribbon)

    1. You need to start with two sheets of paper, each of which should have a square shape.

    Each sheet of paper needs to be folded in half horizontally and vertically. Next you need to bend it in half diagonally twice (see picture).

    2. Using scissors, make cuts along the perpendicular fold line. The cut should be approximately half a line or slightly less. You need to make four such cuts in total.

    3. Fold the edges as shown in the image.

    4. Now prepare the glue and lubricate one of the sides of each ray of the future volumetric star and glue it together (see picture).

    5. Make the other half, following the same instructions.

    6. Finally, glue the two halves together and decorate to taste.

    How to make a star out of paper

    Making such a star is very simple. It is made of just two stars cut out of cardboard or thick paper.

    You will need:



    Thick colored paper or cardboard


    1. Draw a star on thick paper or cardboard. You can do this by eye or use a video tutorial.

    How to draw a five-pointed star

    2. You can decorate the stars as you like and cut them out.

    3. Now you need to make a cut on each star - on one it should go from top to bottom (from the outer corner to the center of the star), and on the other, vice versa, i.e. from bottom to top (from the inner corner to the middle of the star).

    4. Using the cuts, connect the two stars by inserting one into the other.

    How to make a paper star. Convex star.

    These beautiful little paper stars will be an excellent decoration for your interior, postcard or gift.

    You will need:

    Colored paper (you can use pages from an old magazine)

    Scissors (stationery knife)

    * The key point in this master class is the correct cutting of paper strips.

    * Stripes must be even. In this example, their width is 9mm and length 221mm.


    1. Cut paper strips.

    2. Take one strip and make a loop out of it (see picture).

    3. Next is a short ponytail paper strip you need to wrap it and tie a knot. Do everything carefully so as not to tear the paper. Slowly tighten the knot, press it and hide the remaining tail by tucking it into the middle.

    You should end up with an even pentagon.

    4. Let's move on to the most interesting and at the same time simple process - making an asterisk.

    Wrap a long strip around each side of the pentagon. You need to do 12 to 15 wraps. This means that each edge needs to be wrapped at least twice.

    5. Tuck the remaining tip of the paper inside your star.

    6. Now be very careful and careful.

    Hold your pentagon with two fingers of one hand. At this time, use the fingertip of your other hand to lightly press on one edge. You need to get to the middle of the edge.

    This process needs to be done with all the edges and you will get a beautiful star.

    How to make an origami star

    How to make a big star. Book pages.

    Despite the fact that this star looks very beautiful, many may be unhappy with the damage to books. IN in this case old, unnecessary, technical books are used.

    You'll need:

    Paper or plastic three-dimensional star

    * You can make a three-dimensional star out of paper yourself (see or) and proceed further according to the instructions.

    Old book


    1. Cut off one-fourth of the book's pages and roll them up.

    2. Glue the bags to your star as shown in the picture.

    3. Apply a little glue to the edges of the bags and sprinkle them with glitter.


    How to make a New Year's star

    You will need:

    Double-sided thick colored paper


    1. First you need to prepare 4 sizes of squares. You should have 8 squares of each size. In this example we used following sizes: 18cm, 13cm, 10cm, 7cm.

    2. Fold each square as shown in the picture

    3. Start gluing squares according to size. The first one is large and then descending.

    You should get a star like this.

    How to make a star for a Christmas tree. Decorative star.

    You will need:

    Star pattern

    White cardboard

    Green and red felt


    Simple pencil

    Glue gun

    Brown thread

    1. Prepare white cardboard and trace a template star on it. Next, cut out the star.

    2. Now, slowly, you need to draw another star inside. It should turn out as shown in the picture.

    3. Cut out the star inside the blank.

    4. Using a glue gun, attach brown string to the star and cover the star with it.

    5. The star is almost ready, you just need to decorate it a little. To do this, prepare felt in red and green colors. Cut out two circles from red. And from green leaves. Glue the cutouts to the star.

    How to make a Christmas star

    DIY paper star. Rainbow star.

    How to make the Star of Bethlehem with your own hands

    This beautiful decoration is perfect for any room.

    If you want to decorate your home for a holiday or just like that, and you want to do it yourself, then a star is one of the elements that will always look beautiful in a room, on a stele, on a chandelier or Christmas tree.

    In this master class you will learn how to make stars with your own hands using a huge number of different methods.

    All the methods are quite simple, so everyone can choose what they like best.

    The main material from which you can make a star with your own hands is paper. You can use cardboard, plain paper, thick paper, magazines, old books, newspapers.

    How to make a three-dimensional star out of paper?

    Five-pointed star.

    You will need:

    - Printer

    - thick colored paper

    - scissors

    1. First you need to print the blank.

    2. Cut out the templates and bend them in the places indicated by the dotted line.

    3. Glue all the parts together and you will have a three-dimensional five-pointed star!

    Scheme on how to make a star

    2. Using scissors, make cuts along the perpendicular fold line. The cut should be approximately half a line or slightly less. In total you need to make four such cuts.

    3. Fold the edges as shown in the image.

    4. Now prepare the glue and lubricate one of the sides of each ray of the future volumetric star and glue it together (see picture).

    5. Make the other half, following the same instructions.

    6. Finally, glue the two halves together and decorate to taste.

    How to make a star out of paper?

    Making such a star is very simple. It is made of just two stars cut out of cardboard or thick paper.

    You will need:

    - pencil

    - ruler

    - thick colored paper or cardboard

    - scissors

    1. Draw a star on thick paper or cardboard.

    2. You can decorate the stars as you like and cut them out.

    3. Now you need to make a cut on each star - on one it should go from top to bottom (from the outer corner to the center of the star), and on the other, vice versa, i.e. from bottom to top (from the inner corner to the middle of the star).

    4. Using the cuts, connect the two stars by inserting one into the other.

    How to make a paper star? Convex star.

    These beautiful little paper stars will be an excellent decoration for your interior, postcard or gift.

    You will need:

    - colored paper (you can use pages from an old magazine)

    - scissors (stationery knife)

    * The key point in this master class is the correct cutting of paper strips.

    * Stripes must be even. In this example, their width is 9mm and length 221mm.

    4. Let's move on to the most interesting and at the same time simple process - making an asterisk.

    Wrap a long strip around each side of the pentagon. You need to do 12 to 15 wraps. This means that each edge needs to be wrapped at least twice.

    5. Tuck the remaining tip of the paper inside your star.

    Hold your pentagon with two fingers of one hand. At this time, use the fingertip of your other hand to lightly press on one edge. You need to get to the middle of the edge.

    This process needs to be done with all the edges and you will get a beautiful star.

    How to make an origami star?

    You will need: paper, scissors. Cut the paper into squares and fold according to the pattern.

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