• How to make a purse, pillow, box in the shape of a strawberry? DIY strawberries from nylon. Master class with step-by-step photographs How to sew a strawberry from fabric


    Continuing the topic of food started last time, in which we prepared delicious preparations for, today I would like to treat you all to a fragrant, ripe berry, rich in vitamins and antioxidants. These are felt strawberries, friends.

    You know, I believe that if you surround yourself with something bright, juicy and highly fortified in winter, then viruses will be afraid to get close to you and you won’t want to get sick. Of course, this is partly a joke. But we will still make strawberries.

    Felt strawberries. We get our vitamins while playing

    Felt strawberries, sewn using this pattern and this master class, can organically fit into your child’s toy food set or become the main decoration for a headband, hairpin or some other hair decoration. It can also become an original keychain for keys or even a phone.

    I’ve also recently been very impressed by the ideas of decorating the kitchen space with beautiful glass jars with different fillings. Why not put 7-8 juicy strawberries in one of these jars?

    But before these amazing transformations are possible, we need to do two important things - collect what we need for the job and make sure we have a suitable pattern.

    Felt strawberry pattern and list of materials for work

    To make it you will need the following list of materials:

    1. green and red felt
    2. white, red and green threads
    3. white beads
    4. padding polyester
    5. glue gun

    As usual, I use hard felt, 1 mm thick. This time, instead of floss, I decided to take the simplest sewing threads. The beads are also the most common ones, made in China.

    You can take my pattern for felt strawberries. It is located at this address. After printing, cut out the berry part and the sepal part. We sew white beads onto the berry detail in a checkerboard pattern.

    This is what a beaded strawberry pattern piece made of felt looks like

    The next step is to join the strawberry pattern piece into a cone. To do this, fold it in half (with the beads inward) and sew it along the straight edge with overcast stitches over the edge. Having reached the edge, we perform a tack, but do not break the thread.

    We turn the part inside out, straighten the seam and carefully decorate the corner. As mentioned earlier, we do not break the thread. We use it to sew the berry detail along the entire perimeter of the upper round cut with straight stitches and tighten the thread.

    Stuffing the part a small amount padding polyester, pull the thread to the end, fasten it and cut the thread.

    We only have a little left. Decorate the sepals. To do this, we sew the sepal part along the edge using overlock stitches. Special attention pay attention to the corners. They must be worked out with special care.

    After the sepal is finally formed, we simply glue it to the shikora part of the berry.

    I think it turned out well! Having sewn a dozen or two of these berries, you can safely fill a wicker basket with them or give all this wealth to your baby. Let him treat all his friends in the yard to a freshly harvested, and most importantly, healthy harvest.

    Sweet, bright and juicy strawberry! Such berries will not leave anyone indifferent!

    And if, before gluing the sepal, you make a small hole in the center of it and insert a small loop of cord, then such a berry can be safely attached to something as a pendant or keychain.

    In my opinion, the idea with toy berries is much more interesting. Although... perhaps you will have even more interesting thoughts and decide to adapt your felt strawberry harvest for completely different purposes.

    I wish you creative success and good mood!

    Today I will share with you how to make beautiful decoration- a sprig of fabric strawberries.

    Products self made are winning more and more people's sympathy. They are very beautiful, practical and of course exclusive. If you or your children are wearing handmade jewelry, they will definitely not go unnoticed.

    What can I say if this product is made by you yourself. There is a reason for pride here. But the most interesting thing is that such products are easy to make at home, at minimal cost. The main desire.

    To make strawberries from fabric we need:
    1. Fabric, preferably velor
    2. Satin or grosgrain ribbon 2.5 cm wide.
    3. Moment Crystal glue or hot glue gun
    4. Needle, thread, scissors
    5. Wire
    6. Tape for making letons or corrugated paper
    7. and glass
    8. Fittings for the middle
    9. Beads for decorating strawberries.
    So let's get started.
    First we will make flowers. I will not describe the process of creating flowers, since it was described earlier in the lesson. You can watch the tutorial and make petals and combine them into flowers - Flowers from satin ribbons Master Class. Round petal.

    After the flowers are ready, we make a center for them. Take a piece of wire, thread a bead through it and twist it. Next (if there is one, we pass it through the rosette for the bead) and pull it through the middle of the flower.

    The flowers are ready, let's move on to creating strawberries.
    Take a piece of velor, cut out a circle with a diameter of 8 cm and cut it in half.

    Fold one of the parts of the circle in half with the right side inward and sew it together at the cut.

    Turn the strawberry right side out, stitch along the top edge with thread, then put any filling inside and tighten the thread.

    We wrap a piece of wire with tape, insert it into the strawberry and sew up the top of the berry with thread.
    Then we stitch the entire surface of the berry with beads, imitating the seeds. We put a rosette for a bead on a branch. The berry is ready.

    Let's take care of the leaves.
    Draw leaf templates on a sheet of paper. Next, we apply tape and a template to the glass, and we will cut out the leaves using a burner. If you don’t have a burner, you can cut the leaves from the tape and burn the edge on a candle, but you won’t be able to get a beautiful carved edge.
    We prepare the letons - we wrap part of the wire with tape.

    Master class on the topic: three-dimensional panel “Strawberry Sprig”.

    Volumetric panel “Strawberry sprig”. Master class with step by step photos.

    Lidiya Mikhailovna Goloveshkina, technology teacher at MBOU Secondary School No. 8 named after A.N. Bliznyukov. Beysug village, Vyselkovsky district, Krasnodar region

    Description: This master class is intended for children from 10 years old, teachers, parents, as well as for all creative people.
    Purpose: gift, kitchen interior decoration.
    Relevance: a gift is an opportunity to give people joy and bring a smile to their faces dear people. A gift can say what words cannot say. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by B. Volin and
    D. Ushakova gives the following definition: “A gift is an object, a thing that at will give, present, give to someone free of charge with the aim of giving pleasure or benefit.”
    Wonderful and wondrous things given for the holidays are displayed in prominent places on shelves or chests of drawers in every home and family. They are pleasing to the eye and become a decoration home interior. So it turns out that many gifts are a memory associated with an event, date, place or specific person. Memorable souvenirs play a significant role in our lives. Some items are especially loved, providing great visual pleasure and creating a nostalgic mood.
    It’s a pleasure to receive gifts, and it’s especially great pleasure to give them, especially those made with your own hands.
    Target: production of a three-dimensional panel “strawberry sprig”.
    involve in active practical activities;
    to cultivate a common culture and aesthetic perception of the environment;
    develop self-confidence;
    form to ecological culture;
    to form aesthetic education.
    activate cognitive activity;
    develop a skill;
    develop the ability to creative thinking and independent activity;
    improve visual perception;
    develop hand-eye coordination;
    to form cognitive interest and hard work.
    Preface to the work:
    In this master class, we will make a three-dimensional panel using different techniques. Thinking about what is better to choose for the panel - flowers or fruits, I wanted to combine two miracles of nature and settle on a strawberry branch.
    Strawberries in Christianity are a symbol of perfect righteousness, humility of true virtue, a righteous person, the fruit of good deeds (the work of the spirit). The Madonna was sometimes depicted wearing a robe decorated with strawberry branches.
    Strawberries are a perennial herbal plant that grows both wild and cultivated by gardeners. Strawberries have a juicy sweet taste and a unique bright aroma.
    Structure of a strawberry bush:

    The history of strawberries is as mysterious and beautiful as the berry itself. Excavations carried out by archaeologists prove the existence of strawberries even in the distant Neolithic times.
    Even then, this fragrant berry grew widely in forests and served not only as a delicacy, but also protected people from accidental bites of poisonous snakes. It was thanks to strawberries that it was easier to notice a snake in thick grass, and trips to the forest became safer. The history of strawberries as a wild berry for making desserts developed in Italy, and the Spaniards were the first to cultivate strawberries.
    Strawberries were also widely used in France, but not as a delicacy, but as one of the best medicines of those times, and in the 16th-17th centuries the history of strawberries entered a new phase - gardeners in European countries began selection work and were able to obtain new, most fragrant, with rich flavor variety.
    Undoubtedly, the benefits of strawberries are undeniable, as confirmed by many historical facts that have survived to our times. So what are the benefits of strawberries? Well, of course, in its many medicinal properties!
    Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C. 100 grams of strawberries contain more than the daily requirement. In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries are second only to black currants. Five medium-sized berries contain as much vitamin C as one large orange. And there is more folic acid in strawberries than in raspberries and grapes. If you eat these berries every day, you will become stronger the immune system and vessel walls.
    Fragrant, juicy strawberries are a wonderful summer treat. This berry comes from America, but now a large number of Its varieties are cultivated all over the world. Strawberries can be prepared in many different ways, they are wonderful on their own or in jams, desserts or baked goods.
    Strawberries have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Therefore, for a sick stomach, it is prescribed as a medicine. Antimicrobial properties of strawberries are used for treatment inflammatory diseases nasopharynx and eliminate bad smell from mouth. Strawberries suppress the development of the influenza virus. The presence of iodine in its composition compensates for its deficiency in everyday food and drinking water. Strawberries have a sugar-lowering effect. Therefore, it is included in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. Taking 4-6 tablespoons of fresh strawberry juice on an empty stomach helps with gallstone disease.
    For kidney diseases and urinary tract It is recommended to consume strawberries throughout the season. It is better to eat at least 400 grams every day. For all kidney ailments, you should drink a decoction of strawberry roots. Strawberries are a natural diuretic and have a calming effect on the liver. Therefore, for rheumatism and liver diseases, it is recommended to use a strawberry diet. For a week you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of berries every day. Salicylic acid, which is contained in the berry, also helps with joint pain. Strawberries help replenish iron deficiency due to anemia. This, among other things, is a proven folk remedy for the treatment of eczema, diathesis, skin rashes, and small wounds. You just need to apply the strawberry pulp on sore spot. Strawberries and a decoction of its leaves normalize metabolism and blood pressure, and relieve insomnia. Strawberries are an excellent preventative against diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.
    Strawberries are a berry rich in antioxidants, vitamins, flavonoids and therefore simply irreplaceable for building immunity and maintaining health. Strawberries, the benefits and harms of which have been discussed for centuries, are able to maintain their beneficial features and frozen, and even with some types of processing. The benefits of frozen strawberries are almost the same as fresh berries just picked from the garden. Frozen strawberries are good for the whole body at any time of the year, even on cold winter evenings, when you can only remember summer when looking at bright photographs.
    This beautiful and beloved berry can bring pleasure and taste, restore health lost over the years and prolong the youth of the whole organism.
    For our work we need the following materials and equipment:
    1. cotton wool;
    2. wire;
    3. yellow and white cotton threads;
    4. nylon tights
    5. semolina;
    6. red gouache, yellow color;
    7. napkins or green wrapping paper for leaves;
    8. PVA glue;
    9. scissors;
    10. tape;
    11. glue brush;
    12. Paper tubes;
    13. Spray paint (black, bronze).

    Safety precautions when working with scissors:
    - store the scissors in a certain place (in a case, box);
    - do not hold the scissors with their sharp ends up, do not bend low towards them;
    - pass the scissors in rings to the person;
    - place the scissors on the table so that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the table;
    - when working, carefully monitor the cut line;
    - do not use dull scissors or loose fasteners;
    Safety precautions when working with glue:
    - glue is a dangerous chemical. Care must be taken when working with it;
    - when working with glue, use a brush;
    - If glue gets on your skin or eyes, rinse them with water. If necessary, consult a doctor;
    - after finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
    Rules of the working man.
    - before you start work, prepare workplace;
    - keep the workplace clean and tidy;
    - take care of tools, save materials;
    - always think about how to do the job better;
    - work together - the main rule of a working person;
    - finished work, clean the workplace quickly and neatly.

    Sequence of work:

    1. Cut the wire to the required length and cover it with tape.

    2. Bend the edge of the wire (twig) in the form of a hook and, clamping a piece of cotton wool (the volume of cotton wool depends on the size of the strawberry), forming a strawberry.

    3. Coat the surface of the strawberry with PVA glue, finally correcting the shape of the berry.

    4. Sprinkle the surface of the berry with semolina over the wet glue and let it dry.

    5.After drying, paint the berry with red gouache. Then we draw the dots with yellow gouache (you can use a toothpick for this).

    6. Cut out the sepals and leaves using templates. For this, these parts can be used different materials(napkins, wrapping paper for flowers or green gelatin-treated fabric).

    7. We give the sepals a shape (you can use a loaf).

    8. To form the branches, I laid out the leaves on auxiliary paper (I used mica) and laid out the veins, a twig of green wire, and covered it with another leaf on top, combining all the cuts. I painted everything with PVA glue. After some time, still damp, I carefully separated them from the mica and transferred them to a dry place for final drying (it dries naturally).

    9. Let's start making flowers. We start with the stamens. To do this, we pass a needle with a yellow thread through a tube of PVA glue (for the strength and shape of the stamen). We remove the needle and wind a thread soaked in glue onto an auxiliary tube (the number of threads depends on the size of the flower).

    10.Cut the thread and carefully remove the wound threads from the tube. We fix the wire in the center and twist it tightly. Using scissors, we cut along the fold of the threads and, forming a stamen, distribute them evenly.

    11.Flower petals can be made different ways. For example: from fabric treated with gelatin or using wire and nylon. I like the second method - from nylon. The wire was covered with white nylon, secured with thread.

    12.Form a flower. We gradually attach the petals to the finished stamen using a thread (there should be five of them). We use tape to cover the branch with the flower.

    Strawberries from nylon. Master class with step by step photos.

    Master class “Do-it-yourself strawberry meadow”.

    Shestak Tamara Yurievna, teacher additional education children MBOU DOD Youth Center "Harmony", r.p. Chany, Novosibirsk region.
    Purpose: The master class is intended for children 7-12 years old. Also, the master class can be useful for additional education teachers, technology teachers, parents and just lovers of handicrafts. The resulting composition can be used to decorate the interior, as a souvenir or gift to a loved one.
    Target: Creating a flower and berry bouquet.
    1. Teach techniques and methods of working with nylon, careful and economical attitude towards the material used.
    2.Develop aesthetic taste, creative imagination, fine motor skills hands;
    3.Cultivate interest in working with nylon, love for manual labor, accuracy and perseverance.
    Handicrafts made from nylon are comparatively the new kind creativity. Very few people know that nylon tights can be used to create things of amazing beauty and originality. I bring to your attention a master class on creating a bouquet of strawberries made from nylon.
    To make berries, I use ready-made colored nylon, which I buy in craft stores. But you can paint white nylon yourself. There are several methods of painting; you can learn more about them in any Internet sources.
    Strawberry berry
    Little sister to the sun.
    Ripens in summer
    It brings joy.
    The kids are enjoying themselves...
    Better than candy!
    A storehouse of vitamins
    They gathered in the berry.
    Create a magical
    Its nectar is medicinal.
    Children are having fun
    Moms and dads...
    Everyone is happy about strawberries!
    /Nezhelskaya T./

    Rules for safe work with scissors:

    1. Maintain order in the workplace.
    2.Scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
    3. Store scissors in a specific place (box, case or stand).
    4.When using scissors, you must not be distracted; you must be as attentive and disciplined as possible.
    5. When passing the scissors, hold them by the closed blades.
    6. Place the scissors on the right with the blades closed, pointing away from you.
    7.When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom.
    8.Do not play with scissors, use them only for their intended purpose.

    Rules for safe work with gypsum and gypsum mortar:

    1.Do not allow dry plaster to get into your eyes. In case of contact, rinse with plenty of water;
    2. Do not allow gypsum dust to enter the respiratory tract;
    3.When working with gypsum mortar, protect your hands with rubber gloves.

    Necessary materials:

    Nylon green, red, white;

    Foam rubber;
    - padding polyester;
    - wire (diameter 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm);
    - green floral ribbon;
    - green, red threads, white flowers;
    - scissors.



    For strawberries, you need to cut a small cone out of foam rubber.

    Tear off a piece of padding polyester with your hands (tip: in order for the padding polyester to lay flat on the foam rubber, the padding polyester needs to be torn off with your hands and not cut off with scissors).

    Wrap the resulting piece of padding polyester around a foam cone. The result was a preparation for the berry.

    Next, take the red nylon, cut off a piece, cut it lengthwise so that you get 2 pieces of nylon.

    We use one of these pieces to cover our berry preparation. For the stem, take a piece of wire (diameter 0.5 mm) and make a loop at the edge.

    We insert the wire into the resulting berry, stretch the nylon, and tie it with red thread.

    Making the sepals:

    You need 5 pieces of wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm. Wrapping suitable size form (spool of sewing thread).

    This makes 5 wire rings.

    Take green nylon and cut it into 5 small pieces.

    We tighten the wire rings. Tie with green thread.

    We cut off the excess nylon and threads.

    Use your fingers to give the resulting pieces an elongated shape.

    We collect berries.

    We tie green leaves to the stem with threads to create a future sepal.

    Wrap with floral tape. The berry is ready.

    You can make as many of these berries as you like. I have 13 of them.


    To make leaves you need 3 pieces of wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm. and 3 pieces of green nylon.

    We take the wire and wrap it around a large needle or knitting needle.

    It turns out to be a spring.

    We pull it out, twist the 2 edges of the wire together. The result was the basis for the leaf.

    We make 3 such blanks.

    We cover it with green nylon and tie it with green thread.

    Cut off excess nylon and threads.

    We collect the stem.

    We wrap leaves on a long piece of wire (0.5 mm in diameter) with green thread.

    We wrap one leaf.

    We wrap the second leaf.

    We wrap 3 leaves.

    We wrap the finished stem with floral tape. Our stem is ready.

    Make 7 such stems.


    Prepare 5 pieces of wire (diameter 0.3 mm). Wrap the spool of sewing thread. It turned out 5 rings.

    Cover the rings with white nylon and tie with white thread. Cut off excess nylon and threads.

    We collect a flower.

    We wrap white rings with thread on a long piece of wire. To prevent them from slipping off the long wire, you need to wrap one edge, on which we will attach the petals of the future flower, with floral tape and only then attach the white petals.

    The result is a flower. Wrap the stem with floral tape.

    You still don’t know how to make a box, a candle, a purse and a pillow in the shape of a strawberry? Need to study urgently! At the same time, you will learn how to decorate a cake or dessert with this berry.

    Colorful jewelry box

    Looking at it, at any time of the year you will be able to remember the summer when such picturesque berries ripened. To make the box bright, take richly colored red and green fabric.

    Here's a complete list of what you'll need:

    • red fabric with small white or black polka dots;
    • green canvas;
    • lining fabric;
    • pins;
    • red button;
    • sewing machine;
    • regular scissors;
    • White paper;
    • pencil;
    • a little cotton wool;
    • red lightning;
    • needle with thread;
    • zigzag scissors.
    First, draw a pattern on a piece of paper. As you can see in the photo, the calculations are given in inches, but they can be easily converted to centimeters, at the same time expanding your knowledge of mathematics. One inch is 2.54 cm. Therefore, having rounded and slightly edited, we decide that the width of the wedge is 7.6 cm; height - 14.5 cm.

    But we need to trim the wedge, so we set aside 3 cm on top and trim it. You have a blank 11.5 cm high; 7.6 cm wide.

    If you want to simplify the task, enlarge the wedge on the monitor screen, apply transparent paper or file, and redraw it.

    Now place the wedge on the red fabric and cut out 4 identical pieces. The same ones need to be made from white fabric. Here's how to make your own box next.

    Can be put white fabric on the red one, place the template on top, outline and cut out.

    Pin each lined piece together and trim the edges with zigzag scissors.

    Now take 2 wedges, fold them right sides together, sew them on the wrong side.

    Then attach the edge of the third workpiece to one of the sides, then the fourth. Sew the edges of the first and fourth parts to create a barrel like this.

    Here's how to make a jewelry box next. Attach the zipper to the top side of the strawberry, pin, stitch, and finish the edge.

    Next, we make a detail so that our berry has a lid. To do this, measure the diameter of the strawberry in this place, cut a circle of the same size from green fabric, but add allowance on all sides for the seam. Sew the other half of the zipper here.

    This is what you should get so far.

    There is very little left and you will know how to make a box. Using the same fabric as the lid and lining fabric such as non-woven fabric, cover the greens for the strawberries. Stitch both pieces together.

    Zigzag the edges and sew a red button in the center. Sew the greens to the lid of the strawberry with a thread and a needle.

    All that remains is to make a “tail”, cutting it out of green fabric in the form of a rectangle, stitch it, turn it onto the face, stuff it with cotton wool, and sew up the hole in the arms.

    Sew it in place, and let the jewelry box take its rightful place in the house!

    How to make a candle yourself?

    Transform your kitchen into a small one for a while home production. Enjoy the moments of making a romantic item.

    To make a candle at home, you need:
    • small glass jar;
    • transparent paraffin gel;
    • wick;
    • red food coloring;
    • strawberry food flavoring;
    • candy-lollipops with strawberry aroma and taste;
    • a little alcohol or vodka;
    • fleece;
    • napkin with a “strawberry” theme;
    • curly scissors;
    • compass;
    • raffia.
    Take a jar and degrease it with cotton wool soaked in alcohol or vodka. Heat the gel in a water bath.

    Attention! The water should not boil or exceed a temperature of 80°C. Also, do not melt the gel over an open fire or in a microwave oven. This may cause the gel to become cloudy or ignite.

    Another trouble that threatens due to non-compliance with these recommendations is an unpleasant odor. If you follow them, this won't happen.

    While the gel is melting, place the lollipops in the jar, placing the wick in the center. Then, holding it, carefully pour in the paraffin gel.

    Sometimes when pouring the gel, air bubbles form and rise up. You can easily get rid of this effect by piercing them with a toothpick. The gel should now harden. And at this time we do the finishing work.

    Place the napkin on the fabric and attach it to it using an iron. Using a compass, draw a circle on this blank larger than the diameter of the neck, cut it out with curly scissors.

    Are the contents of the jar frozen? Then cover it with a made soft lid and tie it with raffia.

    Here's how to make candles at home. Continuing strawberry theme, you can take a short break and have a delicious ice cream. To create it, also use aromatic berries. In the summer heat, such a delicacy will become real ambrosia. Learn how to decorate a cake, ice cream or sweet dessert with strawberries. Read about it right now.

    How to make ice cream, decorate a cake, dessert with strawberries

    Here are the ingredients for such a wonderful dessert:
    • 250 ml milk;
    • 250 ml cream;
    • 100 g granulated sugar;
    • 3 yolks;
    • 2 cups fresh strawberries;
    • 1 tsp. vanilla essence or 0.5 sachet of vanillin.
    Here's how to make ice cream. Sort the strawberries, add 50 g of sugar, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time, lightly beat 3 yolks with the remaining 50 g of sugar, pour in the milk and stir. Put the mixture on the fire, stirring, heat almost to a boil, but do not bring it to it. Turn off the heat and cool the cream. Then put it in the freezer for 3 hours.

    Every 20 minutes, take out the mixture and stir. If you don't do this, the ice cream will form ice grains as it freezes due to the liquid separating.

    Take out the ice cream. Place some strawberries in the bowl, followed by ice cream. Top it with these sweet berries.

    If you want to make ice cream so that it is all rich Pink colour and very low in calories, then use the following recipe. For it, take the following ingredients:

    • 200 g strawberries;
    • 55 g sugar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. water;
    • a little lemon juice.
    Here's how to make this strawberry ice cream recipe. First, prepare the syrup from sugar and water. Mix these ingredients and place on low heat.

    When the syrup boils, boil it for 5 minutes and then cool to room temperature. At this time, we turn the pre-sorted, washed, and drained berries into a puree using a blender.

    Combine strawberry puree with sugar syrup, add lemon juice(optional), mix well. All you have to do is freeze the dessert in the freezer for a couple of hours or a little more and you can serve it!

    If you want to continue your delicious break and learn how to beautifully decorate a cake with strawberries, then choose which method you like best.

    The jelly filling with berries looks very nice. This one requires a springform pan. You can use the one in which the cakes were baked. Place them here, layered with cream. Arrange whole berries.

    To beautifully decorate a cake with strawberries, select only good berries, let them be approximately the same size.

    You can buy ready-made strawberry jelly in powder, dilute it with water, and prepare it according to the instructions. Can be soaked for 20 minutes. 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 150 ml of boiled water, then melt it in a water bath. Add strawberry syrup to taste. You can use strained jam liquid instead.

    If you have strawberry juice, then soak 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 60 g of water, when it swells, melt in a water bath, adding sugar to taste. After this, combine with 100 ml of juice.

    Place the berries on the surface of the cake and carefully pour in the cooled syrup. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Once done, remove from the springform pan to serve.

    When considering how to decorate a cake with strawberries, it should be noted that you can do this with whole or cut berries into circles.

    By the way, they go perfectly with whipped cream. If this is the cream, cut the berries into halves and place them on the surface. The photo demonstrates how to decorate a cake with strawberries more eloquently than any words.

    Isn’t it true that scarlet strawberries look amazing against a snow-white background? Even whole berries with tails will look great surrounded by whipped cream.

    Now you know how to decorate a cake with strawberries, all that remains is to tell you how to decorate desserts and cakes with them. Very simple. Using a thin knife, remove the thin skin of a large berry in a spiral, reaching the middle. Place it on top of the dessert, slightly curled. Place 1 small strawberry in the center of the berry flower.

    After a delicious meal, you can again take up needlework on a given topic.

    The next piece of decor will help you sit comfortably in a chair or take a nap on the sofa.

    We create decorative pillows with our own hands

    Let's get straight to the point, with the following in mind:
    • pink polka dot fabric;
    • green canvas;
    • threads;
    • synthetic filler;
    • ruler;
    • pencil;
    • scissors.

    Fold the main fabric in half. Draw an isosceles triangle on it, so that one side is on the fold. Cut out the triangle. The photo shows how to sew a pillow from bright and pale pink fabric.

    Stitch one unstitched side of the triangle, then trim the tip near it. Sew up this small slit, stitch the 2 formed corners.

    Stuff the blank with padding polyester, pull the edges together, and sew them on your hands. You don’t even need a pillow pattern, since this one is extremely easy to make.

    To make a strawberry tail, cut out 3 pieces like this from green fabric. The 2 small ones are identical and follow the outline of the large one.

    Fold these 2 small blanks right sides together, stitch as in the photo - along the top, unfold.

    Now apply this stitched two halves to the large piece of greenery. Stitch them together and sew the resulting element onto the top of the berry.

    Here's how to sew a pillow with your own hands, which will decorate a room or a chair. If you love this type of handicraft, the next section of the article will also be useful to you.

    How to sew a strawberry wallet

    It is done quite quickly. For such a necessary thing you need:
    • thick red and green fabric;
    • adhesive-based non-woven fabric;
    • white beads or beads;
    • wallet clasp;
    • thread, needle;
    • fabric for lining;
    • iron;
    • scissors.
    Let's start making a wallet with our own hands. To do this, cut out paired parts from red fabric in the form of a berry, and 2 green ones will become strawberry greens. The same blanks must be made from non-woven fabric, but 7 mm smaller on all sides. Only at the bottom of the greenery do not reduce the size.

    Place the non-woven parts on the wrong side of the fabric ones, iron them to glue them. Now place the green blank on the red one. Iron also. Pin the pieces cut for the lining.

    You are starting to get a colorful wallet, made with your own hands - dexterous and skillful. All that remains is to sew beads or beads on it, sew 2 strawberry halves on the wrong side, and turn them on the face.

    Place a clasp on the top of the wallet and attach it with a special tool or pliers.

    You can make a simple fastener using Velcro, snaps or a zipper. Any of these elements must be sewn onto the top of the wallet.

    The work is completed. The result is a wonderful designer wallet, which you skillfully sewed with your own hands. Let no money be transferred in it, and this thing will become a talisman of wealth and good luck!

    How to make small strawberries from paper for room decor, watch this video:

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