• DIY jar of good mood templates. A jar with DIY wishes “100 reasons why I love you” for your loved ones. What wishes can be written on pieces of paper?


    Have you ever received medicine as a gift? No? Is this an inappropriate gift? Isn't this tactful? What if this is not a simple medicine, but a special one? Have you heard about happiness pills? Not yet? Lost a lot! This is a great way to cheer up the hero of the occasion,
    pleasant surprise for loved one, a wonderful add-on to any gift, even as a main present they will be good. Especially on holidays for which it is customary to give sweets - March 8, Valentine's Day, etc.
    This is a wonderful gift that has a guaranteed and pronounced effect that will be reflected on the face of the recipient immediately upon presentation. At the same time, making it with your own hands is not at all difficult.

    Stage one

    What will you need? Firstly, the “pills” themselves. Any small sweets will do the job perfectly. suitable size and cheerful colors: chocolate dragees like M&Ms, chewing marmalade, sugar balls, nuts in chocolate or yogurt, soft caramel or creamy toffee - anything will do, even any small candies in fairly bright candy wrappers. If the recipient has own preferences, of course, it’s better to take them into account, because medicine should lift your spirits!

    You can make not tablets, but a mixture, for which jam, preserves, syrup and even compote are quite suitable!
    Secondly, packaging! Ideally, a beautiful jar with a lid (if our “medicine” is liquid, then the lid needs to be sealed), which is easiest to look for in the bins; you will definitely find some nice jar!
    Pour the “medicine” into the jar and screw on the lid. What's next?

    Stage two

    Now you need paper and imagination. And also a ribbon, a shaped edge puncher or shaped scissors.
    The first thing to do is the label. On paper using a printer we beautifully print out the name of the drug “Vitamins of Happiness”, “Potion of Smiles”, “Pills of Love”, “Pills” Have a good mood" etc. The Red Cross and the pharmacy snake cannot be left aside either! We cut out the finished label with curly scissors and glue it onto the jar with our own hands.
    Well, and most importantly - instructions for use! It must be compiled and printed on a printer, because what is medicine without instructions?

    It must certainly contain all the required sections:
    1. name of the medicine;
    2. description of the drug;
    3. composition;
    4. indications for use;
    5. contraindications;
    6. method of administration and dose;
    7. release form;
    8. storage conditions.
    As a result of a flight of fancy, you may end up with something like the following document.

    Name of the drug. "Happy Pills"
    Description of the drug. “Pills of happiness” - a drug of the latest generation! Produced by the most cheerful and happy pharmacologists as part of a program to spread affordable happiness among people.
    Working with the utmost care, it actively fights sadness, despondency, depression and bad mood.

    Compound. Each happiness pill contains: 10% pofigina, 22% cheerfulness, 30% mood enhancer, 15% sadness banisher, 23% smile.
    Indications for use. Recommended for use as the main medicine in situations of chronic lack of smiling, a critical decrease in the level of endorphins in the blood and other happiness-deficient conditions.
    Method of administration and dose.1 tablet 2 times a day. In acute happiness-deficiency conditions, the dose can be increased to 3 tablets per day. When taking the medicine, remember one happy incident for each dose.
    Contraindications. Not detected.
    Release form. Unique. The tablets are generously packaged in glass jar with lid.
    The drug is available without a prescription.
    Storage conditions. Store at room temperature in a place accessible at any time of the day.

    If you don’t have a printer, then all of the above will have to be written beautifully by hand, but the effort is worth it.
    The finished instructions are folded and tied with a ribbon to the neck of the jar. All! The gift is ready!

    Happy Pills: Advanced Level

    Now we can talk about specifics.
    1. Jar and lid.

    They can be further decorated with your own hands. For example, paint a jar with acrylic paints, decorate it with decoupage, knit or sew a beautiful case. The lid can also be made more “medicinal” by drawing a red cross or making a decoration from polymer clay.

    2. Instead of a jar, you can make a real medicine box.

    To do this, you will need cardboard, a color printer and a little time to draw a suitable image in a design program to decorate the box. You can take a box of any medicine as a sample. In the same way, you can pour candy into the box, or you can put marshmallows rolled into rolls, sheet marmalade or candied fruit. In general, anything that won’t rattle and spill out of the box will do.
    3. If you don’t have much time left, you can, on the contrary, simplify the whole process and use regular pills with vitamin C instead of candy, and take a jar with baby food. And execute simple steps described in this video master class.

    4. If you wish, you can also make “tablets” with your own hands.

    The simplest and most obvious thing is to melt the chocolate and pour it into shaped ice or cookie molds. After traveling for a couple of hours in the freezer, happiness in candy will be 100%. Another easy option is sweets made from crushed dried fruits. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs and dates are crushed in equal proportions, rolled into small balls and rolled in cocoa or coconut flakes so that they do not stick to each other. The instructions for use will also have to be amended, since the shelf life of such sweets still does not exceed a month, and it is better to store them in the refrigerator.
    Happiness pills - unique gift! This is not just a way to give the same candy. The form of packaging and presentation turns them into a real antidepressant that can make the most inveterate melancholic smile. Give your friends and family happiness and smiles, especially since it’s so simple!

    Gifts with a joke are more than gifts. This is not a one-time thing that was given, laughed at and forgotten. Such gifts should please constantly or for quite a long time.

    The popularity of stores that offer joke gifts is high. But everything there has already been reviewed, bought and donated a thousand times, and therefore is uninteresting. It is best to make such a gift with your own hands. And you don't have to be a jack of all trades. A little accuracy, imagination, humor, and the most simple sweets and a glass jar you will make a good surprise for your friends or loved ones.

    We present you 5 interesting comic ideas. Funny and easy to do. Anyone can do it.

    A hammer plus an acorn plus the simplest pacifier. It is not necessary to give a real hammer. It is enough to buy a toy instrument. The acorn can be replaced with any large seed (for example, pumpkin). Place all three items in a beautiful box. You can glue silk ribbons inside and tie objects. It will be more beautiful this way.

    Punch some colorful confetti with a hole punch and sprinkle a little into the box. You can put an inscription on the box: “Set of a real man” or “For a master with golden hands.”

    The joke is kind, sweet and funny. Give it to anyone, it will make everyone happy. And if the hammer is real, then the gift will be useful.

    Good mood bag

    What an amazing certificate you can make using scrapbooking technique!

    The main helpers in the process of preparing a gift with your own hands are your imagination and sense of humor. Jokes should not exceed ethical standards. Let everything be a little naive, with childish spontaneity. To make these funny gifts, you don’t have to wait for a specific holiday. Please your loved ones or work colleagues, make them laugh, lift their spirits on an ordinary weekday. Pleasant and funny little things made with your own hands will not leave anyone indifferent. Let all your joke gifts turn out to be fun, interesting and long-lasting!

    If you want more happiness in your life, try a very simple method that I have been using successfully for the past three years. It's called "The Jar of Happiness" and is credited to writer Elizabeth Gilbert.

    The idea is simple: you write down your victories, happy moments, compliments, successes on a piece of paper every day (in principle, you choose the frequency yourself) and put these pieces of paper in a jar. Then you choose the day when you pull them all out and read them. Personally, I like to read them on the last day of the year to feel a sense of accomplishment, but you can do this on your birthday or any other day when you're feeling particularly down and need a reminder of something good and positive.

    Decorate your Jar of Happiness and place it in a prominent place. If you don’t want to “advertise your happiness,” then take an old coffee can and hide it in a secluded corner. The choice is yours.

    What can you put there?

    Whatever! You can throw “lucky” tickets there, memorabilia, found coins - it’s up to you. When I first got myself a Jar of Happiness, I always wrote the date on my notes so that I could more accurately remember the day and period of my life. Having a physical collection to store and read makes it more efficient—not like writing on your phone. Plus, your jar is a great reminder to always put a little happiness in it. If you miss a day, don't worry - just don't forget about this sweet and pleasant ritual, which immediately puts you in a positive mood.

    My first Jar of Happiness dates back to January 2015. I was so inspired by this idea that I filled it out in just six months. And I, being a stickler for the rules, didn’t do anything else with it, because it was, as it were, not the New Year for which I planned to open the jar. When 2015 came to an end, I had already forgotten about the bank, and I was not in the mood to study my happiness. Therefore, please, there is no need to turn a pleasant and fun ritual into a routine process with any obligations.

    I also like to add fire to any ritual, so after reading all my notes, I burn them on New Year’s Day. This is just my personal desire! You can add any additional actions - if you don’t like the “jar”, ​​get yourself an Aquarium of Happiness. The container doesn't even have to be private: create family jar, add notes and items to it, then read and review it monthly, quarterly, or whenever you need motivation. Ultimately, turn the jar into a time capsule and don't read its contents for years. Remember that only you set the rules for your own happiness!

    A jar of happiness, made with soul, will please anyone. The undoubted advantage of this gift is that you can decorate and fill it, taking into account individual characteristics person.

    A gift made with your own hands is always unique; it exists only in a single copy for a loved one. When you make something, you put a part of yourself, your time, attention and care into it.

    How to make a jar with wishes with your own hands

    To make a jar with wishes, you will need a few supplies. There can be a lot of design options, it all depends on what occasion and to whom this gift will be presented.

    Method 1: vintage style wish jar

    Vintage is a style of romantic people who prefer the beauty of bygone eras. To make a gift in this style, you will need:

    • glass jar;
    • jute thread;
    • tea (coffee), paper.

    First you need to give the paper an aged look. This can be done with tea or coffee.

    Brew the drink, pour it into a wide, shallow bowl and place the paper in there for ten minutes. Then carefully remove it and dry it. After the sheets have dried, you can iron them through the fabric or put them under a press for a while. But be careful as the paper can tear easily.

    There is 1 more original way aging paper, you will need milk and matches (or a lighter). Sprinkle a piece of milk with milk, then pass a match under it - a yellow tint will appear in those places where drops of milk fell.

    From aged parchment you can make scrolls with wishes or a beautiful label for a jar. Sign the leaves by hand or print the prepared templates on a printer. Attach the labels to the jar using glue or double-sided tape. To give the gift an even more vintage look, decorate part of the jar with twine and tie the scrolls with ribbons or jute thread.

    For a gift in vintage style, a decorative method such as decoupage is perfect. You fix an image or pattern on the surface of any thing. Reverse decoupage is suitable for decorating a glass jar. It can only be used to decorate transparent items. Technically, direct and reverse decoupage are no different. The only caveat is that the drawing is glued from the front side to the back side of the object. After which the background, coating and other details are already drawn up.

    It will be difficult for a beginner to decorate transparent objects. But with due persistence and diligence, anything is possible. To work you will need:

    • acrylic paint;
    • beautiful napkin;
    • glue;
    • decoupage varnish;
    • file;
    • sponge;
    • brush;
    • alcohol.

    Treat the surface of the product with alcohol so that the paint lays down in an even layer. Apply primer or PVA glue with a sponge. Decide on the color of the paint, preferably it matches the color of the napkin.

    For a deep shade, cover the jar with acrylic several times. Don't forget to give the jar time to dry. Remove uneven surfaces using fine sandpaper.

    So, the most creative moment of design has arrived. Take a napkin with a pattern or picture and carefully tear off the picture. Do not cut with scissors, tear with your hands. Separate the layer with the pattern from the other layers, do it carefully and carefully.

    Place part of the napkin on the file, pattern down, and moisten it with water. Using a soft brush, try to smooth out any rough edges, bubbles, or creases. Allow excess water to drain. Place a napkin on the jar and carefully smooth out the pattern. Remove the file. Smooth out part of the napkin with the brush again, then cover the image with varnish - this is the most difficult part of the job.

    After the napkin has dried, you can apply another 1 with a pattern. You can decorate the surface with patterns or elements of floral designs. At the end of the work, we cover the dried surface with decoupage varnish, it is advisable to apply several layers. Be sure to dry each layer of varnish; this will give the vessel smoothness and protection from moisture. In this way you can decorate a jar from baby food, tea, coffee or any other glassware.

    To give the item an even more vintage feel, you can work using the craquelure technique. This will require craquelure varnish. Wipe the base of the jar with alcohol and apply a layer acrylic paint. It will then shine through the cracks created by the varnish. Dry the jar. Apply the next layer of craquelure varnish. Dry the surface. Apply a third coat of paint, but choose a different color. When all the layers are dry, you will notice cracks on the surface of the product, like in old paintings by Flemish painters.

    Method 2: bright jar with wishes

    Decorate the jar in a bright style - such a gift will definitely lift your spirits. Suitable for decoration are colored ribbons, paints, tape with a funny or cute print, elegant wrapping, artificial flowers, rhinestones.

    Make notes with wishes and a label from wrapping or colored paper. You can paint the jar itself or cover it with bright tape; you can glue flowers or rhinestones to the lid. Give space to your imagination, and you will definitely come up with something original and cool.

    In addition to scrolls, you can make a sweet wish jar by filling it with candies, marmalade, cookies and nuts.

    If you want to give a gift for New Year or Christmas, you can make a jar with a caramel apple preparation. Place chocolate dragee or nut crumbs at the bottom of the jar. If you plan to make several of these apples, you can sort the candies by color and choose each friend his favorite. But the mix will look more impressive. Add creamy or chocolate toffees on top, preferably in wrappers. Close the butterfly, and in addition to it add the apple itself.

    You can secure it to the lid by tying it with twine or ribbon. Also don't forget about a wooden skewer; you can use it instead wooden stick from a sushi set. Write instructions for preparing the treat, glue it to the bottom of the jar or secure it with a ribbon

    If your friend loves cookies, then you can collect such a jar for him, and to make it more interesting, let him prepare cookies according to your recipe. Pour all the bulk ingredients needed for the treat into a jar, add a little chocolate on top for melting. Attach a list of missing products (milk, eggs, butter) to the jar and write instructions for baking a delicious dessert. This gift is suitable for those who love to cook.

    For chocolate cookies you need:

    • 2 eggs;
    • flour (by eye);
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 2 cups sugar;
    • 150 g butter;
    • 0.5 tsp baking powder for dough;
    • 0.5 tsp spoons of soda;
    • 200 g chocolate;
    • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla.

    Mix flour, sugar, eggs, soda, baking powder. Break the chocolate and add to the dough. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the dough balls on it, shape them and place them in the oven. In half an hour, the delicious cookies will be ready.

    There are also unsweetened options for gift jars. These could be spices, snacks. Fill the jar with the mixture, from which you can quickly and easily prepare a hot, tasty soup. Your gift will definitely be colorful and original. When making a jar, use instant ingredients:

    • flakes;
    • pasta;
    • dried herbs;
    • garlic;
    • dill, parsley;
    • dry chicken or vegetable broth;
    • dried vegetables (carrots, peas).

    Before giving a jar, try brewing the soup in a mug yourself; if the tasting goes well, feel free to present this gift. Your idea will be appreciated. Don't forget to decorate the jar with a bright sticker with the name of the soup.

    1 more unusual idea— place the preparation for potato pancakes in the jar. This idea will appeal to everyone who decides to surprise their friends. A great option for the morning after a party. You need to add a little butter and eggs to the preparation and bake pancakes.

    On Christmas or New Year's Eve, everyone is decorated with garlands, why not put this decoration in a jar - a kind of surprise will be in place.

    You can also place jewelry in the jars (women will like it), cufflinks or a tie clip (if the gift is addressed to a man).

    Method 3: jar with wishes in a nautical style

    A jar with wishes, decorated in a marine style, will be a wonderful gift. It will remind the owner of the most pleasant moments of relaxation. To make a present, you will need everything related to the marine theme. These can be shells, starfish figures, beautiful pebbles, white, blue or dark blue ribbons.

    Glue shells to one side of the jar; Decorate the gaps where the sticky composition remains with sand. After everything is dry, remove excess sand. Place pebbles at the bottom of the jar and glue a label to the front wall. The lid can be tied with ribbons. If you have starfish figurines or a small anchor, you can attach them to a ribbon or place them inside a jar. It will be great if you make notes in a marine theme.

    For color scheme nautical style Characteristic are black, gold colors (golden anchors, sea emblems), and the harsh color of the canvas (sails). Sea and sky can have different shades depending on the time of day. Turquoise tones in combination with white and delicate pink they will create a soft and calm image.

    What wishes can be written on pieces of paper?

    Pay attention not only to the decor, but also to the content. There are a great many options for wishes, it all depends on what occasion they will be dedicated to. When starting to decorate a gift, first make a list of wishes and what you would like to say to the recipient of the surprise. DIY jars with wishes can surprise and delight the person for whom they are intended.

    Wishes related to feelings and emotions

    • colorful mood;
    • uncontrollable fun;
    • sparkling joy;
    • sincere smiles;
    • loud laughter;
    • pleasant company;
    • highlights;
    • sparkle and enthusiasm;
    • lightness in the soul;
    • joy from every day;
    • happiness;
    • love;
    • faith;
    • strength of spirit;
    • novelty;
    • optimism;
    • positive;
    • warmth of hearts;
    • harmony with yourself and the world;
    • affectionate hugs;
    • pleasant atmosphere;
    • lots of compliments;
    • delight.

    Wishes for career, success, fame

    Your loved one or friend has started a new job - support him with our selection of encouraging words. Tie leaves with wishes with ribbons:

    • conquering professional heights;
    • easy start;
    • glory and honor;
    • bold plans;
    • the scope of ideas;
    • implementation of plans;
    • firmness of intentions;
    • productivity;
    • cloudless prospects;
    • recognition of merit;
    • honor;
    • respect from colleagues;
    • sound management;
    • entrepreneurship;
    • great discoveries;
    • new horizons;
    • brilliant ideas;
    • broad-minded;
    • clear thoughts and goals;
    • tailwind;
    • many possibilities;
    • change for the better;
    • become a virtuoso in your field;
    • don't be afraid to pursue your dreams;
    • break patterns;
    • stay true to yourself.

    Wishes for wealth

    Material goods make a person's life interesting and comfortable. Fill the jar with money - a good option for those who don't know what to give. There is no such thing as too much money. In this case, the question of how much to put in is automatically removed. You can put small change coins and bills of different denominations into the jar. Chocolate coins mixed with change look beautiful. Complete the gift with parting words:

    • prosperity;
    • abundance;
    • financial independence;
    • sea ​​of ​​money;
    • financial well-being;
    • welfare;
    • luxury;
    • big salary;
    • high salaries;
    • treasures;
    • prosperous life;
    • profitable business;
    • endless income;
    • harvest;
    • buy a new apartment (car, etc.);
    • easy to repay the loan.

    Wishes about good luck and gifts of fate

    You can use this selection to create notes with wishes for every day, just to please a friend or loved one:

    • pleasant moments;
    • gifts of fate;
    • smiles of fortune;
    • fulfillment of dreams;
    • Good luck with business;
    • unlimited happiness;
    • fortunate circumstances;
    • crazy possibilities;
    • readiness for something new;
    • be a magnet for good luck;
    • dreams come true;
    • patronage of heavenly powers;
    • great luck;
    • luck;
    • all kinds of benefits;
    • valuable prizes;
    • all the best.

    Wishes for life events

    Many events happen in everyone's life. You can use this collection to prepare jars with wishes for your birthday and many other important occasions:

    • fairy tales around;
    • miracles and adventures;
    • magic in life;
    • dreams come true;
    • self-confidence;
    • flights of fancy;
    • a delightful holiday;
    • travel and experiences;
    • new discoveries;
    • cheerful and loyal friends;
    • tenderness of loved ones;
    • exciting stories;
    • happy future.

    Wishes about character qualities

    When choosing words, focus on the individual characteristics of the person to whom the gift will be presented:

    • persistence;
    • patience;
    • fortitude;
    • courage;
    • originality;
    • resourcefulness;
    • love of life;
    • enthusiasm and energy;
    • ingenuity;
    • thinking like Sherlock;
    • wisdom;
    • charm;
    • confidence;
    • determination;
    • spiritual purity and warmth;
    • charm;
    • lightness;
    • attractiveness;
    • clear mind;
    • excellent memory;
    • stress resistance;
    • be in good shape;
    • excellent physical shape.

    Wishes for health

    Warm words related to health are suitable in almost any case:

    • feeling cheerful;
    • strong nerves;
    • sea ​​of ​​energy;
    • good health;
    • good health and mood;
    • longevity;
    • always be in good shape;
    • rest and relax more;
    • clear mind;
    • excellent vision;
    • incredible memory;
    • smartness;
    • good health;
    • beautiful and strong body;
    • never get sick;
    • flowering of strength and energy.

    Wishes for love, family, friendship, communication

    Show special affection when preparing a gift for family and friends. Fill the jar with aromatic tea for your loved ones, complement it with warm wishes:

    • strong love for many, many years;
    • mutual tender feelings;
    • happy family gatherings;
    • true friends;
    • passionate hugs and kisses;
    • happy family life;
    • pleasant and cheerful communication;
    • mutual understanding and patience;
    • fiery love;
    • comfort and coziness;
    • romance;
    • attention from relatives;
    • harmony and peace in the family;
    • good neighbors;
    • additions to the family;
    • adorable children;
    • reliable rear;
    • always get help;
    • spiritual communication.

    These jars of happiness with wishes can also be used for inspiration if you are doing a competition at a wedding. Spin 100 scrolls with good wishes and put them in a beautiful box, invite the guests to take turns taking out the scrolls and reading out congratulations - the newlyweds will definitely be pleased.

    Good afternoon to all residents of SM! A little background. We were invited to a birthday party quite unexpectedly. And to the person about whom they say “everything is there.” Just handing over an envelope with money is no longer for me (after I settled in the Country). But there was practically no time: they invited me in the evening, when there was no time or energy to go shopping. But you can also find a lot of interesting things for creativity at home. Moreover, I recently saw a wonderful idea on the Internet. It so happened that the very moment for its implementation had come. And I got a “Jar of Luck and Good Mood”

    For the jar, I took a 1 liter plastic container jar. And she put a bunch of goodies there - dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits, sweets. But this is our “magic” jar! Therefore, each content component has its own power. This is what is written in the instructions on the back.

    Here's what it says:
    Ingredient properties:
    Lollipop - the end of all problems! For the problem to resolve itself, you need to put some candy in your mouth. State out loud: “Problem (sore throat, resentment, failure), get ready to resolve!” Then, with pleasure, dissolve the lollipop, saying: “The lollipop will dissolve, and that’s the end of the problem (sore throat, resentment, failure).”
    Cashew - so that money (“cash”) is always available in the required quantity.
    Dried apricots - for courage. And in a state of courage, everything comes easy and simple!
    Hazelnut - has a calming effect: relieves mental anguish, reduces heartbeat))
    Walnuts - attract success))
    Chocolate and marmalade - everything will go smoothly!
    Dried bananas will protect you from deception, thieves and fog
    And dried pineapple - so that everything is just great!

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