• Beryl: description of varieties, properties and meaning. Beryl gemstone


    The mineral was known to many ancient civilizations. However, the chemical element beryllium, as a component of the mineral, was discovered only in 1798 by the French scientist Nicolas Louis Wacquelin. In the article you will find information about the properties and classification of beryl.

    Beryl is a relatively rare mineral of the silicate group. Found in igneous and metamorphic rocks in many parts of the world. Until 1969, the mineral was the only source of beryllium metal. However, already in the 70s of the twentieth century, it began to be obtained by purifying bertrandite, a beryl silicate hydroxide, which is mined at Mount Spor in Utah. Not a large number of metal is extracted from waste to produce precious gems.

    It is believed that the mineral got its name from the Greek word berullos, which means crystal. From Italian and Sanskrit the word “beryl” is translated as “light green” semiprecious stone” and “blue-green from the sea.”



    Emerald is a precious variety of mineral that is distinguished by green. To be considered an “emerald” it must have a rich, distinct color of bluish-green, green or yellow-green. If the color is not saturated, the subspecies belongs to the “green beryl” group.

    There is controversy over the clear distinction between emeralds and green beryls. There is also controversy regarding mineral inclusions that cause green color- thus, it is believed that only those stones that receive their color due to chromium (Cr), and not vanadium (V), belong to emeralds. The metal-colored subspecies is usually too light to be considered an emerald.

    Emerald belongs to the “big three” colored stones (along with sapphire and ruby).

    Emerald often has an uneven structure, which is why most of the representatives of the subspecies on the market are processed. Cracks are filled with glass or stabilizing resins, which make irregularities less noticeable. They are polished to hide kinks. They are then heated and polished to hide traces of foreign elements in the stone.

    However, after these procedures, even novice jewelry lovers will be able to distinguish real pieces from artificial ones. The latter are bright green and transparent, while natural ones are usually translucent and have visible inclusions of foreign elements and fractures.


    Aquamarine is the second most popular gem crystal obtained from beryl. Like emerald, this subspecies is distinguished by its color. It has a distinct greenish-blue or blue color. At the same time, unlike emerald, even weakly colored stones are called “aquamarine”. Deeply colored specimens are more popular, while slightly blue ones are used to make inexpensive jewelry. In addition, unlike emerald, aquamarine has much less impurities of foreign elements and cracks.

    The color of the stone can be improved by heating, so almost all specimens sold for sale are heat treated (many blue gems on display were likely blue-green or even yellow before use).


    Morganite is known as pink beryl or sparrowite. It is a rare subspecies of the mineral. The color of specimens varies from yellowish-orange, orange, pink and lilac. “Rose”, “salmon” and “peach” are words that are often used to describe the color of stones. The color is thought to be influenced by the amount of manganese (Mn), which gives it a pink hue.

    Morganite is the third most common subspecies. Usually its selection in stores is limited, since fully painted specimens (especially in top layer) not widespread. Like its cousins, morganite is heat treated to improve its color qualities.

    There are artificially made specimens, but they, like natural ones, are not popular. This is due to several factors:

    • light color of most gems;
    • there is no constant source of production;
    • lack of awareness about the stone among consumers.


    Yellow crystal is a durable stone with a beautiful color and low price. It received its unusual name from the Greek language, meaning “gift of the sun.” As with morganite, the stone is little known and therefore not popular. It is known as “yellow emerald,” but trade commissions are proposing to reconsider the use of the generic name.

    A large deposit of the gem was discovered on the territory of modern Germany in 1915. The then famous jeweler Lucas von Cranach was asked to create a jewelry set for the Emperor and King of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm II.

    Green beryl

    Under this name, specimens are known whose color tone is less saturated and pronounced than emeralds. The price difference with the latter is significant, but jewelry with pale green crystals is rarely found on sale.

    Red beryl

    The red specimen is one of the rarest gems in the world. Deposits that can be further used for cutting have been found in very small quantities in the Wah Wah Mountains and Thomas Range in Utah. Some small specimens occur in the Black Ridge of New Mexico, but their size (a few mm in length) is too small to handle.

    It has a deep and rich red color. Precious gems larger than 1 carat are rare and sell for thousands of dollars per carat. It has characteristics similar to emerald - a large number of impurities and cracks.

    The gem was originally named bixbit in honor of its discoverer, Maynard Bixby. However, the name did not take root, as it caused confusion with the manganese mineral bixbite, which was also named after Mr. Bixby.


    Goshenite is the name used to designate the colorless subspecies. In most cases, the name of a mineral is due to metal impurities in its composition, which give it color.

    Occurs in nature in the form of large hexagonal crystals with exceptional clarity and transparency. During the Middle Ages, the stones were processed, polished and inserted into hand-held magnifying glasses, telescopes and the first prototypes of modern glasses. The high hardness of the gem made it one of the most famous minerals in antiquity that was resistant to physical damage.

    Goshenite is rarely used for jewelry because it appearance inferior to other colorless specimens on the market (for example, diamonds and white sapphires).


    Another rare representative of dark blue color. Formed in the soil under the influence of natural radiation. An unsuccessful specimen, since in natural light it loses its dark blue color, turning into a pale brown or yellow gem. First found in a mine in the Mias Gerais region of Brazil in 1917.

    Iridescent beryl

    Aquamarine, golden beryl and emerald are stones that tend to shimmer. When cut correctly, the gems have a cat's eye finish.


    The newest variety of the mineral was found in 2003. Thanks to the lithium in the composition, it has a crimson-red color.

    Chemical composition

    The chemical formula of the mineral is Al2Be3. Consists of the elements beryllium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. Usually colorless stones acquire color due to the inclusion of many trace elements such as chromium and iron.

    A well-polished specimen has a much higher refractive index.

    Physical properties

    • belongs to the class of silicates;
    • has green, yellow, blue, red, pink, orange colors. Also found colorless;
    • glassy luster;
    • light transmission: translucent and transparent stones are found;
    • hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.5-8;
    • specific gravity - 2.6-2,8.

    Production (field)

    Beryllium is a rare metal, so deposits are limited to those places where the amount of the former is sufficient to form the mineral. This process mainly occurs in:

    • granite and rhyolite pegmatites;
    • metamorphic rocks associated with pegmatites;
    • in veins and cavities with hydrothermal activity, where granite rocks are formed.

    The above types of deposits are often found together and serve as a research model for the search for beryl.

    The mineral is also found where carbonaceous shales, limestones and marbles are exposed to regional metamorphism (the process of high temperatures and pressure on the earth's crust). This is how the famous emerald deposits in Colombia and Zambia were formed. The carbonaceous material is believed to “donate” chromium or vanadium to the emerald, elements that are necessary to produce the green color.

    Colombia, Zambia, Brazil and Zimbabwe boast large deposits of high-quality emerald. It is occasionally mined in the United States near Giddenite, North Carolina.

    All precious gems have various inclusions. For example, pure emerald is extremely rare in nature. Thanks to inclusions, you can trace the place where the stone was mined.

    Mineral crystals weighing several tons were found in pegmatites, but they have no value in jewelry. In 1910, a completely transparent stone weighing about 110 kg was discovered in Brazil; in 1965, a nugget weighing about 66 kg was discovered.

    History (mythology)

    Known as the stone of power, it is a precious gem with hidden and mystical qualities. It is mentioned in the Bible because its crystals are kept in the wheels of the Almighty Throne of Glory. It was also used to “cure” stupidity in ancient times.

    According to Egyptian history, gems were used in many areas of life. It was referred to as the Golden Light Gem, i.e. helped illuminate life.

    Legends say that the mineral was used to protect against demons and evil spirits. Ancient sources note that Pliny used powdered beryl to treat eye injuries. It was believed to protect travelers from danger and treated disorders of the heart and spine.

    Golden beryl was used to evoke sympathy and sincerity.

    Scope and scope

    Zodiac sign

    The gem belongs to a group of minerals that includes aquamarine. In the ancient Russian and ancient Italian calendars, it was considered the stone of October. It is believed to bring joy and cheerfulness to the serious Scorpio.

    In addition to this, it increases the power of love and marriage. Yellow colored beryl is the most suitable color for people born under the sign of Scorpio. It increases the level of openness and sincerity in a person.

    Medicinal properties

    Not only does beryl help clear your thoughts, but it can also help you cope with daily stress and let go of unwanted emotional baggage.

    The gem is known to increase the body's resistance to pollutants and toxins.

    Also helps in treating the spine, stomach, heart and liver. Relieves the effects of concussions and helps in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries.

    Crystals are known for their soothing properties - as an elixir, the water helps heal sore throats and asthma.

    Also used to treat problems with kidney stones and bladder stones.

    Magic properties

    The energy of the stone fills thoughts with courage and confidence. It promotes the development of talents and abilities, unlocking potential.

    Crystals are used as magic crystals, as they help find answers to questions of interest, including about relationships, work and spiritual life. The mineral is known as the seer's stone as it develops discernment skills.

    Also promotes concentration by cutting off distractions.

    They relax and have a positive effect on overcoming anxiety.

    Beryl promotes creativity and increases intelligence.


    All precious varieties of beryl are used by jewelers in the manufacture of various types of jewelry.

    Some varieties are used to replace rare gems. For example, golden beryl is an alternative to expensive imperial topaz.

    Overall, beryl is one of the most popular gems in the world and is a favorite among jewelers due to its hardness, beauty and durability. They are usually found as inlays in earrings, pins, brooches, rings and other items.

    Household use

    Beryl was once the only source of the metal beryllium. Currently, bertrandite mining at Mount Spor covers about 80% of the modern metal market. Extracting beryllium from beryl is a fairly expensive process, and as long as bertrandite supplies are sufficient, beryl is not used as a raw material for the metal.

    The common use of the mineral today is jewelry making. Multi-colored stones attract the attention of many buyers.

    In some cases, graphite, steel or titanium may be substituted for beryl. However, it remains an important and indispensable component in many military and aerospace developments.

    How to distinguish from a fake

    It can be difficult to identify beryl. In crystalline form, it has a prismatic and hexagonal shape with flat ends. The mineral's high hardness and relatively low specific gravity can be useful in identifying massive samples.

    Synthetic emeralds, created in a laboratory, have brighter colors and clearer clarity.

    Stone care

    Beryl is a fairly durable material due to its hardness. This ensures that while wearing jewelry, it does not get scratched and is generally well preserved. However, some subtypes of the mineral, especially emerald, have small cracks and inclusions of small elements. These characteristics cause damage to stones upon impact, pressure or temperature changes.

    Like other precious gems, beryl should be cleaned with a mild detergent and warm water. Due to their fragility, it is not recommended to clean emeralds in mechanical systems.

    At physical exercise, cleaning or vigorous physical activity, it is recommended to remove jewelry with crystals. To prevent scratches, it is advisable to store beryl separately from other gemstones (such as topazes, sapphires and diamonds).

    Greetings, dear readers! Today we have a story about the noble stone beryl. The name of this mineral is not known to everyone, but we have all heard about one of its most expensive varieties - emerald. In this material we will tell you in detail what kind of beryl stone it is, introduce its other types and, of course, share with you secrets about what magical and medicinal properties he has.

    What is beryl

    Beryl is an extremely interesting mineral. IN pure form it is colorless, translucent, it is highly respected in the metallurgical industry as a raw material for the extraction of beryllium metal, which is included in light alloys, but it has jewelry value. However, as soon as an impurity appears in a stone, thanks to which it acquires color, it is immediately recorded as a precious mineral.

    Pure beryl is composed of 67% silicon oxide, 19% aluminum oxide and 14% beryllium oxide. When other elements are mixed, the chemical formula, as well as the color of the gem, changes, although slightly.

    Beryl is found in nature in almost all shades in the form of single crystals or so-called druses - “clusters” of several crystals fused together, the weight of which can reach many tons! The mineral lends itself well to cutting, although even in its raw form, the collection of gems of different tones is amazing. Rare and most beautiful shades are highly valued in the jewelry industry.

    All kinds of jewelry are made from the mineral - women's and men's, as well as small souvenirs for interior decoration. Individual specimens of crystals and jewelry made from them cost thousands of dollars; they are kept in museums and private collections of very wealthy people.

    Experienced stone experts will find the bright garnet with a thousand-year history no less interesting.

    From time immemorial

    At the moment, it is already difficult to establish why the stone was given the name that it has; it is only known that the ancient Greeks named the mineral. He can boast rich history, which demonstrates that the stone has been respected at all times and throughout the world.

    • Thus, in Ancient Egypt, the pharaohs used beryl to decorate their clothes, wore stones in the form of jewelry and, of course, decorated their future tombs with it in every possible way. The latter fact is vividly evidenced by archaeological studies of the pyramids.
    • However, it is noteworthy that the stone was still valued not only as decoration. The legendary ruler Nero, for example, owned a monocle with beryl lenses.
    • The gem was surrounded by mystical attention during the Middle Ages; it was used by sorcerers for their magical rituals. It was believed that it was especially good at catching thieves and scammers.
    • It is interesting that at the same time the mineral could be found in churches, but in them it did not play the role of a mystical object, but acted in its classical form - it was used to decorate church utensils, ancient valuable books, and seals. Perhaps the fact that it is classified as one of the 12 biblical stones played an important role in the presence of this gem in temples. The Bible mentions that the linen bag of the High Priest was decorated with beryl.
    • The gem was treated with great respect in Rus' during the tsarist era; many royal regalia were decorated with this mineral. Some of them can still be seen today in gem museums and, of course, they amaze with their luxury.

    Where is the valuable mineral mined?

    There are many beryl deposits in the world; they are found in almost all major countries - the USA, Canada, India, Brazil, Argentina, etc. The mineral is also mined in Russia; the largest developed deposits are located today in the Urals, Siberia and Transbaikalia.

    If we talk about deposits of beryl with impurities, valuable in jewelry, it is worth special mentioning the Ilmen Mountains in the Urals. Large places mining of noble beryl abroad - the Indian city of Coimbatore, Minas Giras in Brazil and all of Colombia.

    However, the record-breaking stone was found in Madagascar; it is an 18-meter crystal that weighs 380 tons! The largest mineral mined in Russia weighs 2.5 kilograms, it seriously loses to the record holder, but is still honorably kept in the mineralogical museum of the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg.

    What colors are beryls?

    There are many varieties of the mineral. Main sign differentiation - the color of the stone, which is determined by the type of impurity. Most often, sodium, lithium, iron, cesium, rubidium, magnesium, and manganese are mixed with beryl.

    Let's look at the most popular beryl stones:

    • Emerald- the most famous and most expensive beryl in existence (individual specimens are valued even higher than diamonds), has a deep green color, which it owes to impurities of chromium and vanadium.
    • Aquamarine- another well-known beryl. Its tones range from light blue to deep blue, and are determined by iron impurities.
    • Morganite- this stone is colored in a delicate pink shade due to the presence of magnesium in its composition. It has a characteristic soft shine. The best examples of morganite are found in Madagascar.
    • Heliodor- yellow beryl, the name of which translates as “sun gift”. This beautiful name it was not given to him in vain. Even the smallest heliodor crystals sparkle fantastically and play with light.
    • Goshenite- a white or colorless stone with impurities of sodium and lithium, which, after appropriate processing and cutting, is hardly distinguishable from a diamond, except that it does not shine so brightly.

    • Augustite- amazingly beautiful, very expensive (the cost can reach $150 per carat) and quite rare mineral. This type of beryllium is most often counterfeited.
    • Mashishe- a stone very similar in color and other properties to augustite, but quickly fades and therefore is much less valuable. They often try to pass off this mineral as its more resistant counterpart.
    • Rosterite is a gem whose shades range from soft pink (almost transparent) to bright fuchsia. This stone contains significantly more impurities, mainly alkali metals, than other types of crystals.
    • Pezzottaite- another pink gem, which was singled out into a separate category only due to the extremely high concentration of cesium impurity it contains.
    • Bazzit- a soft blue mineral, which again deserves to be placed in a separate group due to its high impurity content, only this time in the form of scandium.
    • Bixbit- a rare red crystal, the cost of a carat reaches up to 250 dollars. Bixbite is sometimes called “red emerald,” although it is much less common in nature. At the moment, it is mined in only one place, which is periodically flooded with groundwater, and work in the deposit becomes impossible.

    It is quite remarkable that, despite their general features and similar chemical formula, all berryls look and cost completely differently. Some minerals - for example, bazzite - are not even used in jewelry, but emerald products, on the contrary, are endowed with enormous value.

    Beryl stone: magical properties

    Since ancient times, beryl has been treated not only as decorative stone, but also as mystical. Various amulets were made from it, and the type of talisman adjusted its purpose. For example, figurines of frogs helped to find true friends and gain the favor of enemies.

    The magical properties of the mineral are still believed today, and no matter how much a stone costs on the market, each gem of this rock has amazing magic.

    • It is believed that the mineral in any shade, if used as a decorative element in the home, preserves family ties. And we are talking not only about respect and undying passion of spouses for each other, but also about mutual understanding between generations - children, parents, grandparents. The mineral also eliminates any negativity that they try to bring into the house.
    • If we consider the mineral as a personal talisman, first of all it is worth saying that the stone protects the well-being of representatives of the stronger half of humanity and promotes career advancement. Give your chosen one a man's ring with beryl and, rest assured, dismissals and financial failures will bypass him.
    • However, this stone also favors women. Earrings or a ring with beryl will give the fidelity of your husband, the respect of your children and the sincerity of your girlfriends.

    • Finally, regardless of gender, mineral jewelry in silver or gold will help you find peace of mind, realize your desires and find the right path in life. The stone also accompanies travelers and those preparing to enter into litigation.

    Of course, color plays a certain role in the magical purpose of the stone; it multiplies its magical properties. Thus, earrings with beryl or any other jewelry will give you all the above benefits, but they will also add some special features due to the type of gem.

    Zodiac sign and beryl

    The magic of stones is closely intertwined with astrology and each mineral is especially favorable to certain zodiac signs. Which zodiac signs is beryl suitable for? Most astrologers agree that wearing amulets made of gold and silver with this gem is worth Scorpios, Sagittarius, Taurus, Gemini, Libra And Aquarius. For the rest, it is better to choose a more suitable stone for yourself.

    • The mineral promises great success Gemini. Typical representatives of this zodiac sign have a very unpleasant trait - the inability to finish the job they start. By doing this, they annoy their loved ones and ruin their own lives. Earrings with beryl, gold or silver, as well as any other decoration will help Gemini correct this deficiency. In addition, the mineral will make them less conflicting and prone to compromise.
    • Taurus the mineral will help expand your circle of connections - find new acquaintances, including influential ones, and strengthen relationships with friends. True, this zodiac sign is recommended to wear a gem in silver.
    • The same recommendation applies to Streltsov And Scorpios. How will beryl help these signs? It will make them softer, relieve excess irritability, and help avoid outbursts of anger and scandals.
    • Libra the gem will save you from fatigue, both physical and mental, help you cope with a bad mood and gain vigor.

    • Aquarius with the help of a beryl talisman they will be able to get rid of many negative character traits, in particular the desire to do only what they want, without paying attention to the feelings of loved ones.

    Importance of the mineral for health

    Beryl can not only complement your brilliant image and give all sorts of spiritual benefits, it will also take care of your health. The mineral will help avoid the development of certain ailments and cure existing ones.

    First of all, it is worth saying that the gem generally strengthens the human immune system and stimulates the body’s defenses. The stone is of particular importance for the health of the digestive system; it improves metabolic processes and even helps to lose weight. And in ancient times, such a terrible disease as cancer was treated with the mineral.

    It is important in what form a person wears beryl.

    • Earrings decorated with stones will also help cure headaches and toothaches.
    • A bracelet or ring will help establish healthy functioning of the reproductive system.
    • The pendant will save you from even advanced respiratory diseases, including helping you quit smoking.
    • Beryl keychains will improve men's health.

    Lithotherapists (doctors who use natural stones for treatment) use minerals as a means of healing from back pain and colds. The therapy technique is as follows: the gem is placed on the painful organ and a beam of light is directed at it.

    How to spot a fake

    The stones beryl, emerald, aquamarine, bixbite, augustite and other most valuable and/or rare types are most often counterfeited. Moreover, on today's market there are many truly high-quality fakes that an inexperienced person cannot accurately distinguish from the original - comparison with a photo of a natural gem and other dubious experiments are unlikely to help obtain a definite answer.

    That’s why, if you’ve already decided to buy expensive jewelry, it makes sense to pay a professional extra to help you purchase it without fail. real stone. A gemologist - this is the name given to specialists in precious minerals - knows exactly what a genuine gem looks like and understands the smallest features of one type or another and is able, as they say, to distinguish a fake by eye.

    Well, now you know which stones are beryl, and you probably want to buy one of them for yourself. This desire is commendable, because, as we have found out, this mineral can give a truly blessed life - improve relationships in the family, cope with your negative traits, gain financial well-being and even improve your health.

    Be sure to share this article on in social networks with friends, let them also learn about such a wonderful stone! We will try to continue to please you useful information about stones, well, subscribe to the newsletter if you want to be among the first to know about its appearance by email. Goodbye, our dear readers!

    Team LyubiKamni

    Gemologists identify a large number of varieties of beryl. Depending on the type, this stone is classified as precious, semi-precious, or one of the ordinary minerals. Be that as it may, the crystal has its own energy, helps people solve life problems and improves interpersonal relationships. The properties of beryl have now been fully studied by specialists. Here you will learn the most interesting facts about this amazing mineral.

    History and deposits

    For the first time, archaeologists discovered beryl jewelry (beads) during excavations of settlements of ancient Egypt. Analysis indicated that the jewelry was almost 6,000 years old. Then people believed that beryl revealed the gift of clairvoyance in a person.

    There is also mention of this gem in the Bible. The Book of Books tells that the foundation stone was laid during the construction of the Heavenly Jerusalem. And Nero, the great emperor of Rome, placed it in his monocle. Many churches and temples of those times were decorated with beryl. People believed that this way they would protect the shrine from thieves.

    Beryl is mined everywhere. In particular, in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Mozambique, Kazakhstan, Russia (Ural), Pakistan, Africa and Australia.

    Rare varieties of the greenish mineral with a transparent structure are found on the African and Australian continents. The most beautiful beryls are considered to be stones from South Africa.

    Sizes and shapes

    There are many varieties of beryl in nature. There are 9 colors. The stones vary in shape, shade and structure. In their natural environment, crystals are a hexagon of regular geometric shape, elongated in a vertical plane.

    The structure of the mineral is most often transparent, but translucent specimens are also found. The durability and service life of jewelry made from this mineral are at a high level. The above figure of 6000 years confirms the fact. For its properties, beryl was very much loved by ancient jewelers and nobles of that time.

    The dimensions of the mined jewelry vary widely. Experts have encountered stones several centimeters in size. At the same time, specimens were encountered whose length was calculated in meters. The largest mineral was unveiled in America. The weight of the record holder was 61 tons, and the height of the giant was 8 m.

    Chemical and physical characteristics

    Beryl belongs to the “silicates” class. Its chemical components are oxygen, beryllium, silicon, and aluminum ions. The listed elements complement some types of alkalis. In particular, sodium, rubidium, iron, argon, helium, chromium and water.

    It is the concentration and percentage of these chemical components that determines the appearance, physical properties beryl stone and its estimated value on the jewelry market.

    Crystals are painted in marine shades if Fe 2+ is present in the composition. The yellow color of the stone is provided by Fe 3+. Rich green color is given by chromium salts, and pink red and purple shades- thanks to manganese.

    Despite the fact that beryls vary in value, color, shape and size, their chemical composition is the same and the general formula is Al 2. It is this that unites stones that are dissimilar to each other.

    Hardness ranges from 7.5 to 8 units, and density from 2.6 to 2.9 g per cubic meter. see. The listed properties make it possible to distinguish the mineral from fakes. The main feature is acid resistance. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of glass luster, pleochroism and the presence of inclusions that distinguish natural stone.

    Varieties of beryl

    This is colorless beryl in its original form. Crystals are not considered particularly valuable; their main use is in magnifying glasses.


    A valuable and rare mineral with a rich lemon tint, which provides an insignificant uranium content in the chemical composition. Not radioactive.

    Manganese affects color. The element's percentage changes the spectrum from light pink to deep red or purple. Darkens after heat treatment.


    A rare and very valuable red mineral, worth more than emerald. Today, the entire world volume of the found rock is only 2 kg. This stone is mined only in Utah (USA).


    The stone is called crimson beryl. Found on the planet for the first time in 2002. Found only in the mines of the island of Madagascar.


    It can be colorless or slightly pinkish. Contains sodium, lithium, cesium. Mined in South and North America.


    Amazingly bright stone of azure color. The disadvantage of the mineral is that it cannot be exposed to heat and kept in direct sunlight. The sun affects it so much that the crystal becomes completely discolored and dull.

    Green beryl

    Does not apply to catatonia of aquamarines or emeralds. It is an intermediate species, but the stone is considered precious.

    Noble beryl

    The apple-green mineral is prized by jewelers. Very similar to emerald, there are often brown inclusions inside the crystal.

    The mineral contains chromium, vanadium and iron. Famous for its unique coloring, which contains a shade of sea green.


    A very light blue variety of beryl. Found in Italy, the crystals contain scandium in large quantities.

    This is the most popular beryl in the jewelry industry. It is similar to emerald, but its color is lighter and the cost is much lower.

    A legendary gemstone that has been worshiped by the Egyptians, Persians and Peruvian tribes since ancient times. The reason for this is the unique magical properties and strong energy. The price is not inferior to diamonds. The color is rich green.

    This is a variety of blue beryl. Estimated per carat at 100-150 dollars. Discolors quickly from sunlight.

    Cost depends on appearance

    The price of beryl, as we said above, varies depending on the group. The value and appearance are determined by the amount of impurities and their composition. Other factors include location, rarity, aesthetic appearance, weight of the stone, brightness level and color. Cut is an integral indicator that affects the cost of jewelry.

    The most inexpensive among beryls is quenching. Its market price rarely exceeds $30 per carat.

    The most expensive stone of this group of minerals is augustite. The price for 1 carat of this luxury is $150. When it comes to green beryls, prices vary greatly. The range is impressive (2-25000 times).

    Emeralds are valued higher (about $200), and lower quality green crystals are sold in retail at the most affordable prices. Morganite is classified as an expensive beryl. Price pink stone depends on what minerals are adjacent to it in the decoration.

    Due to its exclusivity, very rare red beryl is not used in jewelry. This made it the most expensive. The cost of cut bixbite starts from 10 thousand dollars per carat.

    Medicinal properties

    Like any mineral of natural origin, beryl has a beneficial effect on the human energy shell and health.

    People who wear beryl jewelry and amulets note the following improvements:

    • normal functioning of the liver is improved;
    • Hepatitis is cured faster;
    • the effect of treatment of the respiratory organs is enhanced;
    • Back pain goes away.

    These facts are proven by science. Therefore, in modern clinics, doctors use emerald and other types of beryl for the benefit of patients. It is recommended to additionally use jewelry with natural stones to achieve optimal results in drug treatment.

    Magic properties

    Ancient peoples deified the green mineral. He was credited with unique abilities to change the reality around him.

    Emerald is held in high esteem by psychics and clairvoyants. It gives insight and will also help develop superpowers in science and magic.

    Beryl is the philosopher's stone. With its help, they develop intellectual abilities, learn and remember the necessary information faster. If you are a lover of reflection and spiritual immersion, this gem will direct your thoughts in the right direction.

    An aquamarine talisman makes the owner bolder, more confident, and also protects against lies and unkind people. Heliodor gives the owner lightness, joy and maintains an optimistic attitude towards life.

    But for a person who is going on vacation or an entertainment event, it is better to remove the jewelry. It can cause excessive frivolity, frivolity and variability. Wearing morganite as a talisman is recommended for people who want to attract good luck.

    Zodiac stone

    The most sensitive people will immediately feel that the talisman speaks to them in its own way. Wearing beryl for the Gemini zodiac sign is recommended without fail. The stone will bring them many benefits - it will enhance the best personality traits and moderate the negative ones.

    Taurus and Libra also fall under the protection of beryl. The best option for them is jewelry with a silver frame. The same applies to Scorpios and Sagittarius. Aries, Leo, Capricorn and Virgo should not wear the stone.


    Totality various types stones, united by the common name “beryl”, have been known to mankind since ancient times. They have long conquered the hearts of the world's first beauties who want to become owners of such a gem and jewelry with it.

    The set of different types of stones, united by the common name “beryl”, has been known to mankind since ancient times. They have long conquered the hearts of the world's first beauties who want to become owners of such a gem and jewelry with it. It has become no less desirable for private collections of lovers of various valuable minerals. Differing in color, but having similar physical and chemical characteristics, these crystals have become very popular, in demand, and, as a result, quite expensive. They are often used in jewelry craft, bringing excellent income to the craftsmen and great pleasure to their owners.

    Beryl stone: origin of name and characteristics

    When figuring out the meaning and origin of the name of the beryl stone, it is worth noting that the word “beryl” comes from the distorted Greek “virillos”, meaning “precious greenish-blue crystal.” True, it remains unknown how this word got into the Greek language. According to K.P. Patkanova, the Persian words “bilor” or “bulur”, which means “ rhinestone", could have been borrowed by the Arabs, after which the name of the stone, in turn, was borrowed from the Arabs by the Greeks. In Rus', this gem had several names: shfel, virnlion, verilios.

    Despite the fact that the gem has been known to various nationalities since ancient times, opinions about it periodically changed. For example, among the ancient Greeks, beryl was considered only a crystal of a soft greenish hue, slightly less valuable than an emerald.

    Precious varieties of beryl stone: groups of minerals

    Today there are about 10 popular and not so popular varieties the most beautiful stone beryl, which include:

    Green emerald.

    Pink Morganite.

    Red Bixbit

    Raspberry pezzotaite.

    Yellow heliodor.

    Blue-green aquamarine.

    Colorless goshenite.

    Nowadays, beryl is not a single specific stone, but a whole group of gems, which also includes:

    Bazzit(a dim blue crystal containing scandium and not used in jewelry).

    Augustite(a blue mineral that tends to fade over time).

    Mashishe(a stone of rich blue tones, but it fades quickly, therefore it is not in demand, has little value and is almost never mined).

    They differ in color, transparency, interest in them on the jewelry market, and cost equivalent.

    Take a look, below are photos depicting a beryl stone, and brief descriptions of each of its types.

    Deposits of beryl of different colors are located in Brazil, Mozambique, the USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, and also in Madagascar. In Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, as well as on the African and Australian continents, beautiful transparent greenish crystals are found. Occasionally, they reflect blue or turquoise. The color range of minerals is due to the presence of impurities of chromium and vanadium. At the same time, the gems found in Brazil are paler and more fragile, compared to African finds. But the most beautiful are the crystals brought from South America. In addition, they are incredibly large compared to other emeralds. Such gems of igneous origin are called emeralds and are precious stones from varieties of beryl.

    No less magnificent than emerald is the beautiful transparent appearance of beryl, which due to impurities of cesium, lithium and manganese has a pinkish, peach, slightly purple hue, called morganite. Those who decide to purchase jewelry with this gem must remember that the cesium in its composition is radioactive, so it is better to wear the stone in rings and bracelets. The crystal was first discovered in California, but today Madagascar and Brazilian minerals are considered the best. The weight of these stones varies: museums store specimens weighing about 600 and even more than 1600 carats, but in most cases they are mined much smaller (gems ​​weighing 25 carats are considered large).

    Varieties of red beryl

    Separately, two varieties of the red mineral beryl should be mentioned:



    The first variety of this gem was discovered in 1897 by the American mineralogist Maynard Bixby in the USA. In honor of him, the stone was named “bixbite”. Today, these minerals are mined only in small quantities in the United States (Utah, New Mexico). Many sellers call this amazing gem “red emerald.” Its shades are rich raspberry and strawberry tones. The stone is quite hard, but also fragile. Today, bixbite is considered the rarest jewelry stone on Earth.

    The second variety of red beryl, crimson beryl, was found in the area of ​​Ambatovita (Madagascar) in November 2002. In September 2003, the new crimson beryl was named "pezzotaite" in honor of the stone's discoverer, Italian mineralogist Federico Pezzota. Since 2002, it was possible to extract no more than 10 kilograms of pezzotaite, after which the deposit dried up. This entailed artificial creation crystals by hydrothermal and flux methods in Russian Federation and Japan. Currently, only single specimens of pezzotaite are found in Madagascar. The gem received its thick crimson color due to the high content of cesium, which can be up to 15% in the mineral.

    Transparent varieties of beryl: yellow and blue stones

    It's hard to ignore the transparent yellow stone, another variety of beryl, heliodor (from the Greek "gift of the sun"). Its shade varies from golden yellow to almost brown, depending on the impurities that the mineral is rich in. Iron gives it greenish tones, and crystals containing uranium acquire a delicate blue color when heated. And yet, it is the yellowish heliodors that are most valuable and in demand. Initially, crystals were discovered in Namibia, but today they are mined in Madagascar, the USA (South Carolina), Sri Lanka, and the Russian Federation. The largest specimens of the yellow variety of beryl stone are found in Ukraine. Here, in Volyn, you can find crystals weighing even 100 carats. This beautiful yellow gem, cut and framed in gold or silver, is worn with pleasure by all the world's beauties as rings, earrings, necklaces or bracelets.

    The aquamarine mineral looks like drops of water frozen in ice crystals. Seemingly discreet, it won the hearts of many collectors and lovers of fine jewelry. For representatives of aristocratic society, this blue variety of the mineral beryl became a distinctive feature. Even the crown of British monarchs is inlaid with it. At the same time, the color range of crystals is quite extensive. They come in the following shades:

    Sky-water (British).

    Greenish (South Ural).

    Rich blue (South American).

    Sinevatogo (Middle Ural and Transbaikal).

    The color of the gems is due to the high concentration of quartz in them (about 70%). Interestingly, the color of the stones changes after being exposed to bright sunlight. Minerals become yellowish, even brownish. It is also interesting that aquamarine is characterized by dichroism (a change in the color of the stone when looking at it from different angles), which distinguishes the original aquamarine from fakes made of quartz.

    The least expensive type is goshenite. It is a colorless, transparent variety of beryl stone, which is why it is often confused with topaz or crystal. But such restraint of the crystal attracts jewelers. Despite the fact that the gem does not emit glare, its transparency, delicate shine, and relatively low cost make it a common material for inlaying jewelry. Decorations with it look strict, festive, and beautiful. Goshenite is in demand among lovers of beautiful crystals, who often purchase it to add to their private collections.

    Beryl cost: stone price per carat

    Regarding the cost different types beryls, then each variety is evaluated in its own way. The value of crystals depends on:

    1. Places of mineral extraction.
    2. Belonging to one species or another.
    3. Brightness of crystal color.

    No less important indicators that influence the value of minerals are the presence of a cut, the purpose for which they will be used, as well as their weight.

    For example, augustite is offered at prices up to $150 per carat, and the most inexpensive in this group is goshenite. The complete lack of color makes this stone unattractive to jewelers. Due to low demand, goshenite is quite difficult to find in cut form. Its price, as a rule, rarely exceeds $30 per carat.

    The situation is completely different with the cost of such a variety of beryl stone as emerald. Moreover, even for this type of gems the price varies greatly. High-quality green beryl is called “emerald,” while low-quality green beryl is sold in retail under the name “green beryl.” Green beryl is incomparably cheaper than emerald, and the range of this difference can be colossal, from 2 to 2500 times.

    According to the Russian standard TU 95 335-88, an emerald, the color of which is weaker than 5 - “light green”, cannot be called “emerald” in the trade - only “green beryl”. The best green beryls cost no more than $200 carats. If we consider the value of emeralds directly, then their cost is based on the quality of the crystals, their purity, weight, and color combination. The price for this type of beryl stone varies from $350 to $8,500 per carat. Moreover, the more massive the gem, the more expensive it is. It happens that large, weighty crystals (from 5 carats) of excellent quality and color cost close to $15,000 per carat.

    Morganite is also an expensive crystal. The price category of jewelry with it, depending on the setting and the presence of additional inlay with other types of gems, may vary. For example, a silver pendant with morganite, topaz and pearls costs $120, and a gold bracelet with morganite and diamonds costs about $6,500.

    Red beryl (bixbite) is extremely rare, and for this reason it is almost never used by jewelers in jewelry. The same factor influenced the fact that it became the most precious of all varieties of beryl. The price for gem-quality cut bixbite exceeds $10,000 per carat. Mostly small stones weighing less than 1 carat are available.

    Collectible non-gem quality pezzotaite crystals are relatively inexpensive - from $50 to $100 per stone. If we talk about cut gem-quality pezzotaites, they are extremely rare on sale, and their price can reach $2500-$8000 per carat.

    The most purchased were massive aquamarines, weighing more than 10 carats, giving off a deep blue color and costing about $300. If the stones are smaller and have a green color, then the pricing policy for this case will be about $20. The value is also influenced by the naturalness of the mineral, as evidenced by various types of irregularities and inclusions, making it more expensive. And a perfectly smooth surface without flaws will most likely indicate the artificial origin of the stone, reducing its cost.

    Heliodor - also precious look beryl stone, the cost of which is influenced by the quality of the crystal, its transparency and purity. An oval-shaped gem weighing 6.5 carats is valued at $650, and a processed crystal weighing 4.5 carats is valued at $400. A correctly cut mineral can reveal the radiance, beauty and grace of heliodor, and products with such inlay will seem sparkling, deep, and shining. Heliodor is often used by jewelers as the basis of a collection. The advantage of this gem is that time has no power over it - even after years it will have a magnificent appearance.

    Magical and astrological properties of beryl

    Since ancient times, the properties and meaning of different types of beryl stone have been known, due to which they were often used by magicians and amulets were made from them. For example, morganite is often used by mystics, people who want to comprehend the truth. It is also perfect for those who strive for spiritual insight and manifestation of talents. Aquamarine is believed to be able to sense the mood of its owner: when it is bad, the stone becomes greenish in tone, and when it is good, the gem is transparent, in heavenly tones. Beryl was considered the stone of philosophers, so it will be useful to all those who like to think. With its help, brain activity is activated, consciousness is clarified, and a person’s intellectual ability develops.

    The magical properties of different types of beryl stone differ from each other. Thus, it is believed that aquamarine makes its owner bold, brave, protects against deception, and goshenite helps to maintain fidelity in relationships, reveal the truth, and expose lies. Heliodor gives peace of mind, positivity, a cheerful mood, is able to relieve depression and melancholy, and also dispel nightmares. When going on vacation, do not forget to wear just such jewelry, but wearing it every day can cause frivolity, changeability, and frivolity. It is believed that Morganite attracts good luck and protects against troubles.

    In general, beryl stone exhibits such magical properties as:

    1. Promotes mutual understanding between a married couple.
    2. Establishes good relations in the family between all its representatives.

    The crystal protects the home from the negative influence of guests or household members, quickly dispelling negativity, because it is known as a symbol of peace and goodwill. In addition, beryl is a kind of guardian of the material and professional well-being of its owners. In case of financial difficulties, you need to wear jewelry with beryl - and things will go up. The mineral will also help you win trial. And for a woman, this gem will become a source of female happiness: her husband will be loving, faithful, her children will be respectful, and her friends will be sincere.

    Knowing the magical properties of beryl stone, you should find out who it is suitable for. Each stone in this group has its own distinct astrological properties. For example, emerald is the birthstone for the month of May. Most astrologers claim that emerald will be a good talisman for Taurus, who will help bring all his plans to life. It will help Sagittarius and Cancer calm down. For Leo, Aquarius and Pisces, the gem will be an assistant in preserving warm relations, family well-being, friendship, love. Jewelry with a green stone has an unfavorable effect on Aries, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. It is worth excluding contacts with the Scorpio emerald.

    Aquamarine is a March gem; it is also suitable for representatives of the water element (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). For the zodiac sign Libra, this type of beryl stone will provide the opportunity to once again demonstrate prudence, fairness and objectivity in the event of a dispute. But it should be avoided by Gemini and Sagittarius, for whom it can cause a lot of trouble and trouble. With Taurus, aquamarine is not able to reveal his positive properties, remaining just a beautiful decor.

    Heliodor, morganite and goshenite are suitable for all zodiac signs, while bixbite and pezzotaite are practically unknown to astrologers, since not many have been able to hold these stones in their hands. For Leo and Pisces, heliodor will become a talisman against adversity, will give confidence in one’s own abilities, will calm down excessive rigidity in Leo, and will give Pisces a positive attitude and help in communication. Morganite interacts well with Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios, and has a great influence on representatives of the air element, becoming their engine, making them successful.

    At the same time, it is believed that most of all, in their own astrological properties Beryl stone is suitable for representatives of the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and Scorpio. He will give active Geminis confidence in their abilities, help them solve the most difficult problems, give them the opportunity to achieve success and not give up what they started halfway.

    Solar beryl will dispel the melancholy, gloominess, melancholic, pessimistic mood of Libra. With its help, a depressive state will be eliminated, your mood will be improved, you will receive a charge of vigor and a desire to conquer new heights. The gem will reduce the manifestation of such negative traits of Libra representatives as laziness, apathy, lack of will, and self-doubt. In addition, he will help during negotiations, establish friendly relations. And for harsh Scorpios, the stone will become a real helper in getting rid of negative emotions, anger, anger. It will give you the opportunity to become friendlier, more caring, to show a strong will and spirit, to feel your importance and invincibility.

    Choose your favorite type of beryl, which will become an excellent talisman!

    Beryl is a stone that is one of a kind. Thanks to its varied color range, the natural product has been known since ancient times. It was famous among jewelers, and the stone was also used to decorate church items. An amulet made from such a stone brings only happiness and protects its owner from diseases and other misfortunes.


    The mineral has been familiar to people since ancient times, but the idea of ​​it changed every year. In ancient times, only pale green beryl was known to people, which was slightly cheaper in price than emerald.

    After a certain period of time, more different shades of stone appeared, and only 9 colors were in demand among jewelers. Not so long ago, the idea of ​​a mineral has changed significantly, so it is perceived not as a whole mineral, but as a group of different ones.

    Beryl stone can be found both single and in the form of druses (German: brush). Some of the most beautiful are formations in the form of columns, which when cut look like a perfectly even hexagon. Most of the stone has a transparent structure, but there are also some crystals that include star-shaped inclusions. The rarest crystals are called cat's eye.

    Description and deposit

    The color range of the mineral is very diverse and can be seen different stones ranging from any shade of red, blue, green or purple. Due to the color range, the breed has many types, and emeralds are considered the most famous.

    The stone has a characteristic glassy sheen, and all its fractures are uneven in shape. The stone is quite hard. The length of the mineral in its raw form can be from a couple of centimeters to a couple of meters. Moreover, its mass can be several tons. In 1828, in Russia, namely in the Urals, scientists found a mineral that had yellow with a green tint, weighing 2.5 kg. A rock was also found in Dakota that was 8.5 meters in length, and the mass of the mineral was 61 tons.

    It is worth noting that large stones are not of particular value, so they are used, as a rule, to remove beryllium, which is used in a variety of modern technology.

    The deposits of the rock are considered to be Russia, Ukraine, the states, Namibia, South Africa, as well as Madagascar and Sri Lanka.


    1. The most famous and expensive among beryls is emerald. It is valued similarly to diamonds, and sometimes even higher, due to its purity of color. Typically the color of the stone is green, but it may be different shades. It all depends on the deposit. The green emerald with a dark tint is most valued.
    2. Aquamarine. The color of the stone is similar to sea wave. The cost of such a mineral is lower than emerald, but not significantly. As a rule, the stone has a uniform color, but you can find a mineral whose middle is golden and the top layer is blue.
    3. Rosterite is a colorless stone, sometimes with slightly pink tints. It is also valuable in jewelry.
    4. Heliodor. This material has a soft green or rich gold color. This type can be completely transparent. The breed is much less common than other types of stone.
    5. A rare but not expensive stone called morganite. Its cost starts at $25 per carat, and the mineral will be a subtle pink color. The deeper the red color, the higher the cost. A bright stone will cost from $100 per carat.

    Of course, the beryl stone, a photo of which can be seen below, has other varieties and every year it is possible that new species will appear. In the photo you can see the mineral aquamarine.

    Where is it used?

    The mineral is widely used for making jewelry. Professionals love working with stone and it is a real pleasure for them to process such a mineral. Jewelry containing stone will have a high price, but remains in demand among its customers.

    In transparent species high degree refraction of light. Therefore, beryl is often confused with diamond and only an experienced jeweler can identify these stones.

    In industry, the mineral is used to obtain oxide. Further, it is used to produce lasers and x-rays. Beryl oxide is also used in nuclear science.

    Application in jewelry

    It is worth noting that not all types are used to make jewelry. Jewelers use only clean and completely transparent crystals, but color is no less important. It should be uniform and rich.

    Many types of such stones are amenable to heat treatment, because of this, crystals can be obtained with more bright color and with unusual refractions. For example, yellow beryl after processing receives an additional blue tint. This is the color that can often be seen in antique items.

    There are a variety of beryl products. This mineral lends itself well to organic matter. It can be given either a standard shape or the most unusual one, but it all depends on the natural structure of the stone. As a rule, the material is used to make rings, pendants, bracelets and other jewelry. In museums you can find necklaces and brooches made of beryl.

    The price of one stone varies depending on the weight, color and its properties. The most expensive ones are those with the minimum number of cracks and other damage. It is not difficult to buy a product with a stone, since they are available in almost any jewelry store, for every taste.

    Magic properties

    The properties of the gem are very diverse and there are both healing and magical properties, which will be presented below in the description. It should be noted that in the East the mineral has always been used for rituals in the form of amulets. It was used to protect people from the evil eye and misfortunes, and also with its help, damage was removed and negative energy was suppressed.

    Magical and healing properties crystals are as follows:

    1. The mineral, which has a yellow color with a greenish tint, as well as beige crystals, can normalize and restore metabolism in the human body.
    2. The gem allows you to increase metabolism and promotes rapid recovery after illness.
    3. For a long time, such a crystal was considered feminine, since its properties helped cope with gynecological problems. A blue gem is very effective for this.
    4. Some believe that the crystal can cure any female ailment. For example, bracelets with a gem can prevent diseases of the ovaries and the genitourinary system. A ring with a crystal promotes quick treatment diseases of the uterus.
    5. The owner of the stone significantly speeds up the process of finding love.
    6. Any jewelry with beryl crystals protects the family from all sorts of temptations. Therefore, it is customary to give products to married couples.
    7. The gem will help people who have been married for a long time. It's refreshing old feelings and passion.
    8. The crystal is used to create amulets and talismans that bring good luck.
    9. The magical properties of the mineral allow you to put the owner’s thoughts in order and also balance feelings. In the East, the stone was used for insanity.
    10. It is recommended to take the mineral with you when traveling long or short.
    11. Natural raw materials help protect the owner from negative impact different energies.
    12. Crystal simplifies the solution of complex problems and issues. It is recommended that the products be worn by scientists.

    In addition to good properties, natural product there is also negative properties, which are that not all of its colors can be used. For example, green color is a sign of a mature stone; it is better not to use it for people under 35 years of age.

    Who can wear the stone?

    Those people who prefer to work a lot, then the mineral will be just the right assistant. It helps relieve fatigue and irritation. In addition, it will also help lazy people. The mineral can invigorate a person and give him a desire to work.

    The main meaning of the gem is well-being. Therefore, it should be used by married couples, as well as people who want to start their own family. It helps to improve relationships with children, parents, husband, wife. Helps maintain harmony and feelings. Also serves as a talisman for the family and removes more negative thoughts and emotions that can be brought into the house after a difficult day at work.

    Determination of authenticity

    Unfortunately, such a natural product is subject to frequent counterfeiting. Of course, each type of mineral has its own way of recognizing authenticity, but it is worth highlighting some similar features that are inherent in any beryl. It is thanks to their similarities that you can identify the original and the fake:

    1. The natural rock will have a characteristic transparency, as well as an unusual shine from the rays of light. No other stone has such shine except beryl.
    2. A transparent mineral undergoes a color change when light is refracted.
    3. In the middle of any natural stone may contain natural inclusions, but not gas bubbles.

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