• What to do to be a good friend. How to be a good friend. Why do you need friends?


    When we say the word “friend,” we immediately remember our childhood and our school friends, who remain in our memories and our hearts for the rest of our lives. Friends are always present nearby, sometimes we turn to them for advice, and sometimes for help. Friends are wonderful interlocutors and wonderful listeners for us, which is especially important. They will always be near us in Hard time and will help if necessary, how good it is to have friends. Without them, life would not be so interesting and diverse.

    How to become a good friend

    In order for you to have real friends, you must first become a good friend yourself, and for this you need:

    No less important in friendship is the ability to keep your friends' secrets. Having betrayed you once, they won’t believe you another time. If you see that a friend is upset about something, you should not limit yourself to the question: “What happened?”, You need to find out everything to the end and, if possible, help him.

    Now you know everything about what it means to be a good friend and how to appreciate those around you. This will help you to always be in the circle of people loyal to you, always ready to help you for your strong friendship. We wish you good luck and only good and long-lasting acquaintances.

    Friendship is something that not a single person on our planet can do without. Every person wants to have real friends. Moreover, we are talking specifically about friends, relationships with whom are based on equality and selflessness, and not about those who maintain relationships with you only to obtain their own benefits.

    First, you must realize that the planets and stars do not revolve only around you, and you are not the center of the universe. Become simpler and understand that you are surrounded by exactly the same people as you. You must learn to talk to them without arrogance, bias, or contempt.

    It goes without saying that avoid completely conflict situations no one can, but it is necessary to try to ensure that they are resolved as quickly as possible. If quarrels are a normal model of communication for you, then there is no need to talk about any friendship.

    One of the main distinguishing features of a good friend is that he will never reveal other people's secrets to anyone.

    If a person right and left tells secrets that were entrusted to him by other people, not a single person will want to have anything to do with him.

    An essential quality for someone who is interested in how to become a good friend, should be the ability to provide support and sympathy to loved ones. If necessary, you should be the first to offer help on your part, and not wait until you are asked for it.

    For those who want to learn how to make friends themselves and make good friends, we can recommend the following tips:
    1. The first thing you need to do is accept yourself with all your characteristics. If you can’t do this, then how can others accept you?
    2. By accepting yourself, you realize that you are ready to accept others. Every person has their own shortcomings, but don't be too harsh on others and remember that you are not perfect either.

    3. Try to spend time with people close and important to you. Very often this is difficult to do because of things that seem more important to you. However, if you move communication to the top of your list of life priorities, you will have time for everything.

    4. Learn to listen to people. Despite its apparent simplicity, the art of listening to people is very complex. Very often we ignore the information that our interlocutors tell us during a conversation. If you want to become a good friend, then you must pay attention to everything that others tell you.

    6. Do not forget that on each issue, any individual person has his own point of view, which seems to him the most correct. A true friend will always take this into account and, instead of trying to convince someone, will first try to understand his thoughts.

    7. In order to become closer to someone, you need to find common ground and common interests with him. This will help you set up friendly relations. In order for the search for common topics not to become something difficult and impossible for you, you must constantly work on yourself, constantly expanding your horizons.

    8. The most important thing you should always remember is that if someone close to you needs help, you should not wait until they ask you for it. You simply must take the initiative into your own hands and do everything to help your friends in difficult situations for them.

    Good friends are always worth their weight in gold. None of us wants to be lonely, we always strive to find someone who will accept us and appreciate us, without any complaints.

    Many people wonder: Why does she or he have so many friends? And they can't find the answer. It's all about ourselves. In order to have many friends, you must first become a good friend yourself. And how exactly will be discussed in this article.

    Basic Rules You Must Follow to Become a Good Friend

    Treat yourself with respect

    Whatever you are, always treat yourself with respect. Otherwise, how can you want to become a good friend to someone if you cannot become one for yourself? You will be surprised how effective this rule is; as soon as you take it into account, you will notice qualitative changes.

    Don't refuse help

    Many have heard the saying: “A friend is a friend in need”? It really is like that. Only true friends will not leave you without help in difficult times. And also, helping doesn’t mean sacrificing something; sometimes it’s just enough to listen to a person.

    Chat on different topics

    Talk to your friends about various topics. Don't be embarrassed if the conversation turns to topics that are unpleasant or personal to you. On the contrary, continue the conversation, this will make your relationship trusting and your friendship will become even stronger.

    Respect your friend

    If you respect your friend, then do not allow various rumors to appear behind his back. This is a huge mistake that many people make and, accordingly, then lose friends. To become a good friend, on the contrary, you need to present him in a good light.

    Show your real self

    True friendship only appears when you have nothing to hide. That is, you do not pretend to be someone, but behave the way you want. For example, many people make the mistake of flattering a person when they first meet. Do you think this is not visible? Of course it’s obvious, but if at first you don’t pay attention to this, then later you will simply lose trust, and, accordingly, true friendship. Instead of flattery, you can use a compliment. The difference between a compliment and flattery is simple. Flattery is emphasizing fictitious advantages, while a compliment is emphasizing real ones.

    Compliance with all these at first glance simple rules, will help you become a good friend to your friends. Don’t forget one simple and old rule: “The way you treat people is how they treat you.”

    You only have many friends in childhood and adolescence. The older a person gets, the fewer friends he has. There are many reasons for this, but the main thing is not to lose all your friends and learn to be a good and reliable friend yourself. How to do it? Follow the 10 rules given in this article and you will become the best friend in the world.

    1. Be faithful. Friendship and betrayal are two incompatible concepts. Betraying friends is a low act that has no justification.

    2. Take time. You are close people, at least occasionally share your leisure time. It doesn’t have to be often, but there should be a connection between you. Let it be in the form of going to football, getting together once a month, sharing a hobby or traveling.

    3. Do not use friends for personal gain. You are not friends for the sake of PR, material gain or new position. Friendship connects hearts. If you maintain a relationship with a person for selfish reasons, then you are worthless.

    4. Remember birthdays. Congratulating a friend (friend) is a sacred thing. If your memory is leaky, set a reminder in your phone. So you won't miss an important event and you can congratulate your friend, even if you are on different continents.

    5. Jealousy kills friendship. When your best friend gets married (or a friend gets married), you shouldn’t be jealous of his family or give him ultimatums or tease him. Don't force anyone to choose between you and your family. Try to become a friend to the whole family, including children. Then you will always be a welcome guest and a reliable friend.

    6. Help under any circumstances. True friend or a friend will not leave you in trouble, will lend a helping hand and will not look for excuses. He will simply come at any time of the day or night and help. At least a kind word.

    7. Don't date your friend's ex/steal your friend's boyfriend. It is not right. This situation doesn't look good. It will be unpleasant for your boyfriend or girlfriend to see you together. This is not friendly.

    8. Be honest. Friends are people who can tell the truth to your face and still maintain a great relationship. You can honestly express your opinion and not be a hypocrite.

    9. Learn to keep secrets. Become the most reliable safe in the world. A friend can frankly say anything, hoping for understanding and support. Your task is to keep the secret, no matter how juicy it may be.

    10. Respect your friend's personal space. He (she) may have things that he does not want to discuss. You don’t need to be a sticky fish who wants to know everything. There are aspects of life that a friend has the right to keep secret.

    Being a good friend is not an easy task. But everything will come back a hundredfold. True friends are valued and respected. You won't be alone. There will always be someone who will listen, support and understand.

    Useful tips

    Do you have friends or at least one friend? Then you are a very happy person. And let it seem to you that having friends - it's absolutely natural; in fact this is far from the case. Otherwise, where would people come from who have no friends at all?

    We must call a spade a spade - even if it is difficult. Because it is not so important how exactly your friend reacts at the moment - but if he a true friend, then such a person should appreciate the fact that you are honest with him.

    Encourage your friend

    Encouragement and encouragement are some of the the most important moments, which will help you become a true friend and see such friends near you. No matter how lousy your mood is - a true friend will always let you know that you are special and that everything will be OK.

    A true friend will always support you on your journey, giving you the strength to realize that you can overcome this path. A true friend will never stop supporting and encouraging you even if you have reached your goal; rather, it will help you find your next goal!

    We must not only take, but also give

    As in any other relationship (for example, business or love), it is impossible to just constantly take. To become a good friend, you need to learn to give your friend what he needs. (your time, truthful word, provide other support).

    Moreover, you should also learn to accept what your friend gives you in return. Don't demand too much by implying that you gave more. But it's worth keeping a balance in these things to show that you respect your friend and appreciate his attention.

    Get over yourself sometimes

    From time to time, in relationships between friends, someone may feel like they are being taken advantage of. This is an unpleasant moment. But don't go crazy! Even if this is the case, make an effort to remain friends for as long as possible.

    Perhaps now your friendship is in such a period, when you can give more to your friend. Perhaps after a while you will switch roles. Believe me, this is the least you can do, and therefore always stay in touch - a true friend will do so.

    Strong friendship

    Respect what makes you different from each other

    There is no doubt that the best relationships are built on mutual interest. However, being a good friend means respecting the line where your mutual interests end. To maintain friendly relations, we must learn to recognize this boundary in time.

    In fact, the most strong relationships are tied between those people who are slightly different from each other in terms of some interests. It is worth respecting these differences (even radical ones), as they help friends develop and complement each other.

    Don't take friendship for granted

    It doesn't matter how long you've been friends. It also doesn't matter how strong you think your friendship is. You should never take such relationships for granted, something you got for absolutely nothing.

    History knows a huge number of cases when the strongest friendships fell apart for the most insignificant reasons. Do not allow yourself to underestimate friendship, because it is a real value and your wealth that should be protected.

    Don't judge

    When people start judging each other, that's when true friendship ends. Of course, as was said earlier, true friends are free (indeed, even must) to tell the truth to each other, it cannot be otherwise.

    However Do not confuse sincerity with the desire to condemn your friend for some action or spoken word. Also avoid comparisons - and especially God forbid you express yourself in such a way that someone is a better friend! Be wiser.

    Selfless friendship

    Try to focus on positive things

    And again we return to the fact that true friends should try to tell each other the truth. The fact is that finding flaws and pointing them out is the easiest thing to do. However, the secret true friendship is to look for positive moments and encourage them.

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