• If an Englishman falls in love. Men in England and affairs of love


    The vast majority of foreigners consider Russian girls beautiful. As for other qualities and abilities, opinions differ. Today we will tell you what the British think about us, honestly and without embellishment.

    Personal care

    Nature has generously gifted Russian girls, and their mothers, older sisters and friends taught them how to properly take care of themselves. Slavic appearance is something that is valued always and everywhere, especially against the backdrop of unmade-up and, at times, uncombed English women. A girl from Russia does not forget about makeup and manicure even on an ordinary rainy day, and in order to style her hair, she does not need a special occasion or holiday.

    Sense of style

    A Russian girl carefully chooses her wardrobe. She will never wear a pink miniskirt with sneakers and will not go to a club in winter in an orange top with a low neckline and denim shorts. She has a lot of designer clothes, expensive dresses and brand bags in her closet. She knows what colors are trending now, how to properly highlight her strengths and skillfully hide her flaws, if she has any at all. And of course, business card Russian beauty - heels, and not just 10-centimeter ones.

    Sexy Russian accent

    Yes, yes, what you are so ashamed of and what you are diligently trying to get rid of is actually your advantage. In the company of British men, a Russian accent is considered the very highlight that will help you stand out from the crowd.

    Whoever said that the British have the best sense of humor in the world clearly flattered them. The residents of Foggy Albion themselves do not think so. Russians, according to the British, joke better than anyone else in the world. A non-standard view of the world, slight sarcasm even in relation to her own country and the ability to play with words distinguish the girl from Russia.

    Love for coffee

    A cup of tea with milk is something that an English woman will definitely ask for when she comes to visit, and then she will also inquire about the type of tea that the guy offered her. Russians don’t bother about this, especially since half the brands you know - Lipton, Pickwick or Indian tea “with an elephant” - don’t exist in England at all. But a Russian girl will happily go to a coffee shop, and not to the usual Costa, but to a cozy place like those in St. Petersburg. Inviting a Russian girl to Starbucks means hurting her feelings. So the British young man you'll have to look all over Tripadvisor to find anything worthwhile.


    If it’s coffee, then in a beautiful cafe, if it’s dinner, then in an expensive restaurant. No fast food or cheap eatery. Not paying for it in a cafe means looking like a fool or a miser. It’s better not to come without flowers at all, but to give jewelry, perfume and other surprises for the holiday. It doesn’t matter that March 8th is not celebrated in England - if a girl is from Russia, she should receive a gift on this day.

    Intelligence further enhances attractiveness. Thanks to school and university, as well as curiosity and a thirst for learning everything new, Russian people know much more than the British and other Europeans. The Russian girl will easily tell you what the Tower is famous for, what happened to Princess Diana and how many kingdoms are part of Great Britain, which will confuse the Englishman.

    The British only know what the USSR is from BBC films and TV shows. So any information about the Union, life behind the Iron Curtain and rationed food, even if you only know about it by hearsay, from your parents and grandparents, will be received with a bang and with your mouth open!

    I will write about English men. I think that the text will dispel some myths that are very strong among women in Russia. During the Soviet era, there was a belief that a foreigner was practically a prince on a white horse. Such a misconception can be justified by objective reasons, the Iron Curtain, etc. But I noticed that the myth about a certain exclusivity of men over the hill is still alive than all living things, and it is still considered very prestigious to marry a foreigner. I have never had such ideas, so it’s surprising for me to come across them every time, especially among educated women

    I will describe how courtship occurs and generally try to give some characteristics to men in general. I will write about the English family later, as well as about wider aspects of the culture. Let me make a reservation right away that I am writing from the position of traditional and conservative views.

    Common features

    In England, men are less likely to cheat. But not because the British are so moral, it’s just the principle of “fair play”. Taking someone else’s is bad. In addition, the British are inert, do not reflect much on the topic of feelings and love, and do not like to change the existing order of things, but to have a mistress It’s still very costly in terms of time, finances and energy, just like leaving an established family

    The British are not pretentious in terms of appearance. You can often see a handsome man paired with an unsightly woman, sometimes downright ugly. And not because English women are scary and there is no one to choose from, not at all, in Britain the cult of appearance and body is actually not very developed, plus again inertia plays a role: they follow the path of least resistance, usually ugly women are more accessible and accommodating. Older men do not pretend to have relationships with young men; they mostly choose women their own age.

    The British pay fair alimony after a divorce. Again, the fair play principle, plus legislation under which you won’t be spoiled, although if there is a loophole for non-payment, they use it like little ones. After a divorce, they may not see their children for years and they may not care about them at all, even if they pay all the alimony

    The British drink, they drink a lot, but they still slip into outright multi-day drinking bouts less often. Again, it depends on the social stratum, but if you take the middle peasant, then the percentage of clinical alcoholics is less than in Russia, but here there were no cataclysms like in Russia, from which you not only go into binge drinking, but hang yourself.

    English men rarely become outright dependents, with the exception of professional gigolos, but only because a rare English woman will allow such a situation.

    In terms of appearance, the British take care of themselves, but without fanaticism. Americans love jokes about the crooked and neglected teeth of the British, it's true. In principle, there is no cult of athletic, pumped up bodies among men. Well, they try not to overeat, they do aerobic exercise to the best of their ability, which does not lead to a muscular body. In the lower social strata, nutrition is not monitored at all.

    The gentleman is already a dinosaur

    Many women in Russia believe in the myth that the British are all gentlemen, and in general almost every aristocrat... if not by blood, then by vocation. There is no trace of gentlemanliness here. And it didn’t exist in the sense of courtliness even before the sexual revolution. A true English lady had to be able to steadfastly endure all the vicissitudes of fate and not complain, she did not have to expect concessions from men. At the moment, in fact, there is not even a courtship ritual. This does not depend on the social stratum... by the way, it’s a paradox, but among ordinary hard workers from the working class there are more courteous and courteous men than among those higher on the social ladder.

    Fear of embarrassment

    The English of both sexes are generally very constrained people; the biggest nightmare for an Englishman is to find himself in a situation of embarrassment, i.e. in a situation of awkwardness, confusion, embarrassment. Almost all communication codes are designed to avoid this situation or not allow it to arise. Another cultural aspect is that the British are not straightforward, they like to walk around their gardens, speak in allegories, or simply do the absolute opposite of what they think; open expression of feelings is not accepted. This is also part of the process of avoiding embarrassment. In this aspect, the relationship between M and F is simply a minefield for the poor fellows, at every step there is a risk of embarrassment, they are very afraid of refusal or misunderstanding, they are afraid to express the seriousness of their intentions and feelings, the British generally do not like straightforward, deep seriousness in all respects, this is considered bad manners. English women on the love front are much more relaxed and straightforward than the British, otherwise they would stop reproducing altogether.

    Flirting and courtship...so to speak

    The British don't know how to flirt. Or rather, they know how to flirt, but only within the framework of polite etiquette, when it does not oblige anyone to anything. In England, unlike the USA, flirting in the workplace is not a crime and is even part of some corporate culture. There are special places for social flirting - a cafeteria, a printer, etc.

    But if an Englishman falls in love, although this is a big word given their temperament, well, let’s say, he begins to feel attracted to a woman, then a bottleneck arises. This bottleneck is overcome in a unique way. Two ways

    1. Irony and sarcasm. Banter. How in primary school: Hit the girl on the head with his briefcase, showing sympathy. So it is with the British. Sympathy is expressed in jokes and banter. In principle, it can actually be funny and funny if a woman is okay with self-irony, I really like English humor, but over time it gets boring and begins to irritate.
    2. Outright rudeness. A paradoxical situation arises, but despite all the fear of embarrassment, it is easier for an Englishman to get drunk and say something like: “fancy a shag” (which means “let’s get laid”) than to invite a woman on an “official” date. Because a date is too straightforward, too direct, too open about feelings and intentions. And it doesn’t seem shameful to offer a fuck casually, if they refuse not so embarrassedly: “I seemed to be passing by here, I had an urge, and you seem to work well as a sperm receptacle.”

    Dating problem

    With the above-described features of communication, the problem of dating arises. Relationships usually start either at work, or in the learning process, or through a circle of friends and acquaintances. It is not customary here to approach a complete stranger while sober in broad daylight. I remember once an Englishman met me in the park where I was taking photographs. When I told my local friends about this, this passage was discussed for a very long time. Everyone was very surprised and alarmed that he just came up to meet me like that. As a result, my friends agreed that nothing good should be expected from this man... in principle, that’s how it turned out.
    If we talk about certain dating clubs, then again the principle of indirectness and beating around the bush works. After all, a club or a dating site is too openly a statement of its intentions. Therefore, on dating sites, the British are rarely the first to write, they “wink”, like, but rarely openly write a message. Those friends of mine who found a couple through websites took the first step themselves.
    author of the article:

    Therefore, acquaintances between complete strangers often occur in a drunken stupor in clubs and pubs. A man gets drunk until he loses his pulse and then, having become bolder, approaches the woman he likes, if the woman doesn’t mind, then immediately on the sofa or in the corner they begin straight-up foreplay, end in someone’s home in a bed, and get acquainted in the morning. Very romantic. Many of my local friends met their regular boyfriends and even husbands this way, and these are not the lower social stratum, but educated young professionals from good families. If a man has not reached the point of conditioning, then he will stare at the woman in a daze, but will be afraid to approach... even if she is already wide-eyed, flirting. Sometimes they simply do not understand the language of flirting and coquetry, even the most overt flirtation. Feminism also plays a role here. And without aggressive feminism, the British are not particularly brave, but with feminism they are so afraid of everything. Women have already begun to take the dating process into their own hands and are the first to approach. Therefore, men often play the role of muslin young ladies. Confectionary-bouquet period? no, there is almost no such thing here.
    author of the article

    It should be noted that the aggressive ideology of feminism, homosexuality and other rainbow freedoms has had a very significant impact on the relationship between a man and a woman. It's unavoidable. Men are feminized, women are masculinized.

    First date

    If, after all, a certain stage of courtship has begun, well, at least the first “official” invitation to a date has been announced, then you should not expect anything exciting. The British are generally not very impulsive and hide their feelings, everything goes according to the hackneyed boring scenario. An invitation to the cinema is already something interesting. The theater is something out of the ordinary! A bouquet of flowers - wow, what an entertainer! Basically, this is an invitation for a glass of beer in a pub, for coffee, or less often for dinner in a restaurant. The bill is usually split in half. It's rare to pay for a woman. This does not depend on the man’s income. Paying for a woman is too straightforward and feminism again, but if you pay, it means that sex will happen that same evening. And even without paying the bill, the man expects the woman to agree to sex on the second “officially” announced date. Yes, English women themselves don’t mind, as I wrote above, it’s quite normal to immediately jump into bed when drunk.

    Don't expect any interesting compliments, beautiful confessions, see above. It’s good if they say “you look gorgeous,” which means “you look great.” They also resort to this technique - to compliment not the woman’s appearance itself, again too straightforward, but the items of her wardrobe, like a beautiful blouse, or this color suits you. It is not customary to show concern openly, even if the couple is already officially dating. Recently, the tabloids were screaming that Prince William opened an umbrella over Kate and carried it, and even, believe it or not, His Highness’s hands did not wither.
    They don’t walk you home, even if they live close to each other. If they accompany you, then further sex is implied.

    The inertia and laziness of men sometimes reaches the point of ridiculousness. If some kind of acquaintance has taken place and phone numbers have been exchanged, then often men seem to begin to arrange a first one-on-one meeting, and then they say something like: “listen, I’m tired here, let’s just come to me, we’ll see.” movie or cook something." read - “I’m too lazy to get up from the couch, so come on, let’s have a quickie.” In my opinion, hiring prostitutes is much easier in this case.

    Most Englishmen are deprived of some instinctive courage of a male to achieve a woman, to invest some effort so that she becomes yours. If a woman hesitates to have sex, even if the woman is very beautiful, smart and just a godsend, then men immediately switch to those who are more accessible and accommodating. Therefore, intercultural marriages have become so widespread, when the British marry black women, Chinese women, Filipino women, etc. Less hassle

    Asexual Society

    But what about secular gallantry? It is precisely in relation to women that it is not here. There is a non-gender politeness when people hold doors or let people through, regardless of gender. Here they don’t accept or give coats to women, they don’t pull up a chair, they don’t help them carry a heavy bag in the subway or the airport until the woman asks. In front of women they freely swear, make obscene jokes, including in a professional working environment, and the higher the rank, the less any limits are observed at all. It has become typical to address a woman as “mate,” which means friend, or can even be translated as “dude.” Initially, the word was used in informal communication among men of the lower classes, now beyond gender and beyond classes. It seems that society is completely asexual. If anyone is active in this regard, it is gays and lesbians. And heterosexuals are nailed down from around the corner like a bag of dust

    There are also positive aspects to this non-gender attitude towards women. It’s quite easy to make acquaintances at all sorts of seminars and professional events; you can calmly exchange contacts with men and they won’t perceive it as flirting or an ambiguous proposal. This is called socializing, convenient.

    Among the British there are also men in the traditional and, let’s say, “continental” sense of the word; they are often about 40 or older. There are also enough men who are self-confident, not inert and not amoeba-like, and younger, but again this is not the rule, but rather the exception.

    The Irish are already more like men for the most part, because Irish society still retains its traditional way of life. But the Scots are strange, I don’t like them at all, they are quite hysterical and greedy, the British have jokes about their stinginess.

    I will write about the English family later

    Britain, Britain, mistress of the seas... The glorious past of the great empire, the exploits of brave soldiers who paid for its power with blood and lives - these echoes of past greatness still leave their mark on the worldview of the British.

    It cannot be otherwise: the nation, which at one time conquered and turned half the world into colonies, looks somewhat down on the non-British part of it. In addition, the island geography of Great Britain partly explains the detachment and individualism of its inhabitants: Europe is a “continent” of which they completely refuse to recognize and perceive themselves as a part. Everything British is good and trustworthy because it has stood the test of time and become Her Majesty's Tradition. Everything “continental” is vain, changeable, and therefore short-lived and should be treated with caution.

    This is roughly what a Briton thinks - a fan of customs and traditions (sometimes that have long since become obsolete, but still exist, contrary to common sense and expediency, solely due to the British people’s dislike of any changes). Old is gold - that’s what the old one says English proverb, emphasizing the real value of everything past and old.

    Traditionalism and adherence to established, unshakable rules are a funny and often a source of jokes trait of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. However, jokes are jokes, and the constancy of the British in their affections is a sign that for the most part they are reliable people who know how to keep their promises and can do business with. Isn’t this what women who come to a dating site to look for their soulmate are looking for in men? They are fed up with changes in life and now especially value constancy and predictability. Few Englishmen start relationships on the side, much less leave their wife for a young girl. Walking around the city, you can often see older people holding hands and treating each other with tenderness.

    The British marry late, mainly after 30 years. Here it is considered the norm to live in a civil marriage for several years before getting married. One of the reasons why they still get married is the reduced tax for those who are married. Most British people become fathers after the age of 35.

    The British love to be close to their children and raise them. You can often meet fathers with strollers in parks. If the family is separated, the Briton will regularly pay the elements. But not at all because of love for children, but because of strict legislation. If at least one loophole is found, in order to save their finances, they will take advantage of it. But at the same time, during a divorce, the man still continues to spend a lot of time with his baby.

    A big advantage of the British, especially for divorced women with children, is their love for children, and without dividing into theirs and others. An Englishman will have no problem marrying a girl with a child and will take care of and raise her child.

    In families, there is usually no separation of concepts into male and female. women's work. A man can cook, hang laundry, wash dishes, tidy up, and help his wife around the house. And this is without shouting that such matters do not concern him and that it is beneath his dignity. In the UK, equal rights for partners in running a household are accepted, so the British are eligible bachelors.

    The dank and damp climate of Great Britain has left its mark on the temperament of its inhabitants - you will not find too violent passions and bright emotions here: if someone expresses their feelings too noisily in the middle of a London or Liverpool street, then we can give an absolute guarantee that it is anyone , but not a born Briton, a true and unflappable English gentleman.

    The island's cold weather makes the locals hardened. Here you can often find a Briton in a light T-shirt and shorts when there is a strong wind outside and the weather is not at all warm. Don't be surprised if your fiancé or husband is bewildered by how you wrap yourself before going out.

    Gentlemanship is as constant and an integral sign of a true Briton as adherence to tradition. Today it has little in common with high society manners and means only an established and ingrained habit of “playing by the rules.” “This is not cricket” - this is what the British say, disapproving of someone's dishonest actions and unwillingness to keep their promises.

    The British are always polite, which instantly melts the hearts of Russian girls. “Please” and “thank you” are the most common words spoken by Brits. And he will expect the same from his chosen one. Here men do not welcome rude girls.
    Scandals, screams, broken dishes are rare in family life with an Englishman. He will not tolerate noise and loud scandals. But we must pay tribute to the British. They always try to find out the cause and solve the problem. Until the last moment, a British resident will seek consensus with his soul mate.

    By the way, open reproach and condemnation are not accepted in British society: sometimes the only reaction to misbehavior can be only pursed lips and an arrogantly upturned chin - it is believed that this should be quite enough for the offender to understand how low he has fallen in the eyes of others .

    However, it would be a mistake to think that the British are dry and impenetrable pedants. Probably no one knows how to make fun of themselves as desperately as they do: even in the most difficult, sometimes tragic, life situations The British not only completely retain their presence of mind, but also find the strength to joke about what is happening. These people's sense of humor is absolutely amazing.

    Often, after a date with an Englishman, many girls begin to complain about his stinginess because he invited them to a cafe and did not pay the bill for two. This has less to do with the character and greed of the man, and more to do with the standard behavior of women in the UK. The girls here are independent and pay for all their purchases and lunches in cafes, even on dates. This is why separate billing has been adopted in the UK. But once you show the Brit that you don’t mind being looked after, he will shower you with flowers, interesting gifts and going to cafes. Men in Britain are not greedy at all. Yes, many of them are then very frugal in family life and do not accept unplanned expenses, but they do not skimp on courtship.

    Planning family life with a resident of Foggy Albion, it is worth considering that sports broadcasts and gatherings with friends in the pub will play a significant role in his life. Beer is the favorite drink of the British. English men don't go on a drinking binge, don't come home on wobbly legs and don't make scandals. But they drink a lot. And you have to get used to the fact that your husband can show up drunk late in the evening after watching a football match with friends.

    Having moved to Britain, you will have to adapt to their diet. Breakfast is a must here. And the famous joke “Oatmeal, sir” perfectly reflects its essence. Oatmeal, wheat or corn flakes are ideal breakfast options. Eating late, after 7 pm, is not accepted here. And it is unlikely that you will be able to change the habits of your English husband. You'll probably have to adapt to new schedule nutrition.

    Britain is a country of collectors. And, perhaps, after a couple of months of relationship with your boyfriend, you will learn about his unusual hobby. It is not necessary that he will collect stamps, unusual mugs or travel postcards. Collectibles are sometimes amazing. These could be unusual labels from purchased goods, bright caps from beer bottles, or funny shaped glasses. Collecting occupies an important place in the life of any Englishman.

    The British love walking around their country. Therefore, when marrying a British man, you should be prepared to spend frequent weekends in nature. A married couple riding bicycles in the outskirts of the city after a working week is not uncommon here.

    The British also know how to celebrate: for example, their wedding is not a prim, monotonous ceremony that sets teeth on edge, but fun party with an abundance of treats and observing many wedding traditions(ah, these traditions!). For example, a bride invites five of her bridesmaids to the wedding, whose dresses are specially sewn to match the bride’s outfit and are paid for by her mother. There is no question of stinginess and saving at a British wedding: it is believed that a luxurious wedding is the key to a prosperous life for the newlyweds.

    These videos will clearly show how weddings take place in England:

    However, the life of a young wife after the wedding will not be a continuous series of shopping tours according to her mood: every purchase should be expedient, good and worth the money. And your behavior should also become what is customary in Britain - restrained and friendly. And if you are also a skilled housewife with good manners and a smiling gaze, then you will clearly be welcome on the Island. A Briton will not understand the foolish waste of money because he liked “that blouse”, or his mood has suddenly deteriorated and only shopping can lift it. All purchases must be planned and accounted for family budget. Thoughtless purchases can cause scandals in the family and worsen relationships with your husband.

    Remember one thing: daring clothes and bright, flashy makeup will not be appreciated by your husband, his parents, or neighbors.

    What interests any woman above all? That's right, men. Surely some of you have had the desire to meet a true Englishman. But that's what he is like the man is English?

    Naturally, they differ from Russians in quite a few ways. First of all, they do not like initiatives from a girl in a relationship, which, unfortunately, is what some of our men are guilty of. The man himself invites you on a date, he himself proposes to start a relationship, he himself proposes without hints. It wouldn't hurt for us to learn.

    Men of England Quite good-natured, they are happy to help when necessary. Like all Englishmen, they are conservative, restrained in emotions and gallant, and they are very proud of these qualities. You can also familiarize yourself with popular men's.

    What may be a little surprising is the constant consistency and moderation in everything. The British don’t start quarrels over trifles, never show jealousy (why waste time, you’re still together anyway) and constantly clarify all the little things. If something is unknown to an English man or happens unexpectedly, be prepared for obvious bewilderment on his part.

    Men there look at life as a program on a computer. All actions must be clearly programmed and debugged, just like in life everything should be point by point. Partly they are like this because of their upbringing; from childhood, boys are raised there without pampering, they make many demands, sometimes very serious.

    British men love to look after, doing it elegantly and beautifully. They give gifts and flowers to their chosen one, but this is only after a certain period of meetings, not immediately. Suddenly she doesn’t suit him as a girl - English practicality does not allow wasting money in this case.

    But the British are usually in no hurry to get married. And here everything is simple - a family in England needs a good income, life there is expensive, so they marry only those in whom they are completely confident. Quite reasonable, I must admit.

    In England, there is a custom that is a little strange for Russian girls: on the first date, the man pays the entire bill, and on other dates the bill is usually divided in half (whether in a restaurant or in an expensive one). This is where Russian men take advantage; we are ready to pay for our companion on every date.

    By the way, when you start a relationship with an English guy, don’t expect that you will spend Saturday evenings together. According to tradition, Friday and Saturday are times for all-male gatherings with friends. Therefore, if a man suddenly asks a girl out on a date on Saturday, everyone around him will decide that he has no real friends. At first, this division of days of the week can be a little annoying, because the girl wants constant attention. And the English man has a weekly Saturday outing with friends to the pub.

    Unlike our men, in England the male sex is more reserved when communicating with unfamiliar people. It’s in our bars that two complete strangers can discuss their new car or ex-wife. But in England you won’t find this, they are ready to discuss only secular topics with strangers, and even then the conversation will be unemotional, they will not interrupt you, even when they hear an obvious lie. Although, for us this may seem like a plus.

    This is how they appear Englishmen, English men in particular. To understand them completely, you need to communicate with them a lot and for a long time, and even then you simply won’t notice all the character traits.

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    Whether you like it or not, for communication with native speakers, good command English language It’s not enough, you also need to be familiar with the culture and traditions of the English-speaking people so as not to get into trouble by asking a question from.

    “The British nation is unique in this respect: they are the only people who like to be told how bad things are, who like to be told the worst.”

    “The British nation is unique: they are the only people who like to hear that everything is very bad, and even worse”

    ~ Winston S. Churchill

    The national character of the English people is felt better than that of any other people. There is a sense of superiority in him, which can also be called “island pride”. British patriotism is based on a deep sense of security, in which they, as a nation, have been for centuries.

    Appearance and character of a typical Briton

    The British are easy to recognize by their appearance and demeanor. And by looking more closely, determine what part of the country this person is from

    Appearance of a typical Briton

    A middle-aged Englishman is usually tall, his face is wide, reddish (rarely tanned), with soft, saggy cheeks, and often with blue, expressionless eyes. Women, like men, are often also very tall. Both have long necks, slightly bulging eyes and slightly protruding front teeth.

    Compared to the English, the Scots and Irish look simpler, but more colorful. Squat with a lively face and a firm gait, the Scots often have thick red hair. Scots usually have light eyes - gray, blue, green. It is also typical for the inhabitants of Scotland bright skin, which is not blushed by the cold northern sun.

    Scotland has the highest percentage of red-haired people in the world - around 13% of the population has red hair.

    Many often confuse the Scots with the Irish, they say, Irish appearance — this is bright red hair, freckles and Blue eyes. So, this is a stereotype. On city streets you will more often meet guys with dark hair and a red beard. The performer of the role of Harry Potter is a typical representative of Irish appearance: a narrow face, often elongated, sunken cheeks that turn red in spots, not “apples.”

    Order and calm

    The British value discipline very highly and are considered the most well-mannered and polite in the world. Since the British have a specific politeness, it is often confused with coldness. Violent temperament and ardent passions rage under the guise of coldness and superiority. Principles of “gentlemanly behavior”(exemplary self-control), were elevated to a cult under Queen Victoria, but are still active today.

    The British are slow-moving, tend to avoid sharp corners, and have an inherent desire to be away from prying eyes, which gives rise to a cult of privacy. Sometimes it's enough to watch the English crowd on national holiday or at a football match to feel how the national temperament is breaking from the reins of self-control.

    For example, they politely respect and respect their and your personal space, do not poke their nose into your affairs, do not ask questions, even just finding out a person’s name without a good reason is indecently rude.

    The English are distinguished by moderation, which they do not forget about both during work and in pleasure.

    There is almost nothing ostentatious about the Englishman. He lives first of all and most of all for himself. His nature is characterized by a love of order, comfort, and a desire for mental activity. He loves good transport, a fresh suit, a rich library.

    Among the bustle of people, it is not difficult to recognize a real Englishman. No noise or scream will confuse him. He won't stop for a minute. Where necessary, he will certainly step aside, turn off the sidewalk, swerve to the side, never expressing the slightest surprise or fear on his important face.

    Naturally, they want to see the same manners in others. Therefore, the best reason to start a conversation with a friend or even an unfamiliar Briton is

    Habits and lifestyle of the British

    “My home is my castle,” the British joke, preferring to spend their evenings in quiet family circle, discussing the events of the past day in front of the fireplace.

    Conservativeness or loyalty to tradition?

    The British value public order very much. and they are never rude. Their passion for gaming is widely known, but despite this, the British are very serious in business matters.

    The British are often called conservatives because of their adherence to traditions, which they passionately try to preserve in their original form. But it is this commitment that is most attractive to tourists from all over the world.

    In Britain, anything that has stood the test of time is considered a tradition.: rituals and habits, features of life and behavior (for example, green hedges, bright red letterboxes, right-hand drive and left-hand traffic, double-decker red buses, judges in eighteenth-century robes and powdered wigs, fur bearskin hats on the royal guards that they They don’t take it off even in 30 degree heat).

    You can find out more about the way of life of the British in the article

    After work, residents of England like to spend time in pubs, football matches and various clubs (for example, fans' clubs, gardening clubs). They really like these places, because here they feel more relaxed, make new friends more easily, united by a common interest.

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