• Sad quotes about friendship to tears. Quotes about friends who forgot about you


    It is hard to imagine human life without friendship and love. Without the joy of having them and the despair of losing them. Statuses about friends can meaningfully tell about such acquaintances, but still not fully understandable due to their versatility in relationships.

    Statuses about true friendship

    Statuses about friends with meaning are usually in demand among users. But these short statements can be used in other ways. For example, using them to cheer up a friend via SMS.

    • "Friendship is like wine. Its quality depends on time and endurance."
    • “The chief power of friendship is to share sorrows and combine joys.”
    • "A true friend is rooting for you and always believes in you."
    • “True comrades come to a holiday by invitation, but in grief - without asking.”
    • “Even traveling down the wrong path will be joyful with a friend.”
    • “Friends will come when you feel bad and call you when they feel good.”
    • "Friends - emotional background life."
    • "Comfort in communication is characteristic of acquaintances. Comfort in silence is characteristic of friends."
    • “From conversations with friends, you can create a diary of your own life.”

    Statuses about traitorous friends with meaning

    • "When I was cheerful, I had many friends. As soon as everything changed, I felt how alone I was."
    • "An enemy is even better than a former friend."
    • "You shouldn't test the strength of friendship. Most likely, it won't last."
    • "Apparently it's hard to continue to love a friend with problems."
    • “The value of things is learned when they are bought. The value of friends is learned when they are lost.”
    • “I realized that you can’t tell much about yourself even to your friends when you lost them. Now they are enemies who know too much about me.”
    • "Yes, friends are a treasure. Judging by how many of them are fakes."
    • “A traitorous friend is worse than an enemy. After all, you rely on him when you need to be afraid.”
    • "There were three of us with friends. Two betrayed me."

    Friends with meaning are the hardest to write. After all, the feeling of abandonment makes a person extremely vulnerable. It is important to try to understand that the emotions experienced are the norm, followed by calm and rethinking.

    Statuses about friends with meaning: sad

    • “Often we become unnecessary to friends because they have something more important than friendship.”
    • "The presence of friends should be more felt in their absence."
    • “Sometimes we do things for our friends that we wouldn’t even do for ourselves.”
    • “Not so long ago I called these acquaintances friends.”
    • "With age it becomes more gray hair and fewer friends."
    • “It’s better if a friend judges or directly says that you are wrong. But he will still remain close.”

    Funny statuses about friends

    • “Has your friend moved away because she found herself a boyfriend? No problem. Set the status on social networks “I think I’ve fallen in love with my friend’s boyfriend,” and she will definitely find time for you.”
    • "Friends will always pick you up when you're down. Right after they're done laughing."
    • not only knows about all your shortcomings and mistakes, but also regularly reminds you of them.”
    • “You don’t need to prepare in advance when your friends come to visit. They will figure out what to eat and how to entertain themselves.”
    • “Only real friends say this phrase: “If you were a guy, I would marry you!”
    • “A friend didn’t invite you to the party? So this day is not today.”
    • "The most interesting part telephone conversation friends begins with the words: “Come on, bye!”
    • “It’s not so important why your friends are inadequate. What’s more important is why you feel comfortable with these people.”

    Statuses about friends with meaning are often funny. After all, friendship is impossible without a fun pastime, general humor and good jokes.

    There can never be too many friends, there can only be many acquaintances. A best friend, and there will only be one. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about friends. Some of them will help you understand what true friendship is and what a fine line it has, while others will amuse you and lift your spirits. We are sure that in humorous statuses about friends, almost everyone will recognize themselves or their friends!

    Friendship is a relationship that a person becomes immersed in as a child. While playing in the yard, children begin to make friends, then friends appear in kindergarten, at school, among students. At work, finding a friend is already much more difficult; as a rule, by this time a person already has friends, and possibly experience of betrayal, so he is in no hurry to let someone get too close to him. In addition, the spirit of championship and competition is always in full swing at work, so it’s good if friends are not connected by a common type of activity - then they have nothing to share.

    Friends are not just people you can meet to chat and have fun. Friends are, first of all, people to whom you are ready to open your soul. A true friend will never envy, but on the contrary, will only rejoice at the achievements of his friend. A friend is a person who always speaks the truth, perhaps even criticizes in private, but in front of others he will never dare to talk about the shortcomings of his friend. A friend is a person who believes in you, who can give you a magic kick and tell you that everything will work out for you!

    It's strange that we are afraid to be friends with those with whom we shared the best moments of this short life. Who else can we be?

    It happens that friends with whom you have lived a lot highlights, they just become acquaintances...

    Friends should be valued regardless of their origin. (Kate Morton)

    Friends are much more valuable than diamonds.

    A true friend is always by your side. He shares your joys and sorrows. When you are in trouble, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for you, without thinking about the consequences, without expecting a reward, you rarely come across such friends, if you meet him, take care of him. It is your strength. (From the movie Rebel Spirit)

    A true friend is support and moral support, but he does not expect benefits and always helps unselfishly.

    The best cure for melancholy is meeting with friends.

    With friends, the world becomes brighter and life more fun.

    It's not hard to die for a friend. It's hard to find a friend worth dying for.

    True friends are ready to do anything for each other.

    In friendship, unlike in love, friendship requires obligatory reciprocity. And equality at all costs. But not in the sense of sameness. (I. Efremov)

    Friends are the same in their rights, but in tastes they can be different.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Russian folk proverb)

    Understand who is next to you a true friend or not, only difficulties and trials will help.

    If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children even before you entered the house will tell you whether you are considered a friend. If the children greet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, it means that your friend does not want to see you. Then turn around and return home without hesitation. (Menander)

    Now I’m waiting for my friend to finally have children, I want to check if he’s happy to see me...

    Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice at their successes. (O. Wilde)

    A true friend will never envy, he will only be happy with all the successes of his comrade.

    About funny, good, best

    In a circle of true friends there can be no sharp corners.

    Among friends there are no traitors, liars and gossips.

    Where is the wise and true friend? Become one yourself!

    To have a good friend, you must first become one yourself.

    He who is a good friend himself has good friends.

    Your friends are a reflection of you.

    A true friend is the person to whom you don’t need to say “make yourself at home.” He's already at the refrigerator.

    A friend and his family are something like close relatives.

    Friends are those people who hate your ex more than you...

    Friends are ready to tear up anyone who hurt you.

    Probably, each of us has a “pen pal” who lives far from us, but at the same time knows more about us than those who live nearby.

    Because he doesn’t know anyone from your circle, and won’t tell anyone anything, which means he won’t betray you.

    Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t give a damn about, because you’ll have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she’ll get there.

    They don’t send friends, because they may never return.

    True friends are friends who won't let you do stupid things alone.

    True friends will either talk you out of stupid things or go with you to do them.

    About betrayal

    You won't understand anything about friendship until the friend who was the best betrays you.

    To become real, friendship must go through difficulties. If one cannot stand them and betrays them, then there was no friendship...

    When you're in a car, with money -
    Friends rock you in their arms.
    When you buy them wine -
    They laugh with you at the same time...
    You give gifts, you rush to them,
    You worry and value friendship.
    You come and help them in trouble.
    You're crying... Where are your friends today?
    When you don't have a car, but are in debt.
    When not above the ground, but at the feet.
    Take a closer look at who's next to you,
    Is this a friend given by fate?
    And those who laughed in unison
    And we spent a million with you,
    Today they will also laugh,
    It’s up to you to discuss with your enemy.

    The more money you have, the more “friends” you will have...

    When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness.

    They don’t stand on ceremony with friends and they don’t get offended by anything, because that’s how they are, but with acquaintances you have to treat them politely...

    Friends are not capable of evil, otherwise they are accomplices.

    And if one friend is capable of causing harm to another, then he is a traitor.

    There is no enemy more cruel than a former friend. (Andre Maurois)

    After all, he knows so much about you...

    An enemy is usually made out of a friend.

    From friendship to enmity, as well as from love to hatred, there is one step.

    Do not make acquaintances with those who betrayed old friends - just as they betrayed old ones, so they will betray new ones.

    Don’t make friends with him, don’t expose yourself to betrayal.

    Why do those who, as a rule, protect with your chest, stab in the back?

    A friend is the closest, and at the same time the most a dangerous person, because he knows everything about you.

    The statuses are cool, funny and meaningful

    Mom was right. It's better to have a hundred friends than a hundred toys. Especially when your friends are as funny as Petya. (From the song V. Thunder Ship)

    Only out of these hundred will only one be the best.

    There is only one person you can rely on.
    - I thought there were two of us. (From the movie Dr. House)

    In friendship, two people must be confident in each other.

    True friendship is when the message “I’m sick” is answered with “Are you nuts??”

    After all, there were so many joint plans...

    Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center rolled into one!

    Sometimes this is also a stylist, makeup artist and... spy...))

    A true friend is not the one who sympathizes in trouble, but the one who shares your joy without envy.

    A friend is the person who recognizes you from afar and breaks into a smile at the sight of your distant silhouette

    A friend took her husband and seamstress away from her. She couldn't forgive the last one.

    They say about bad friends that they remain lonely forever...

    A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself. Michel de

    Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    Friendship is not a service; no thanks are given for it. Derzhavin.

    I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it. Karl Marx

    A childhood friend will help you move to a new apartment, and good friend will help cover up the traces of the crime.

    In general, friendship can only be judged in relation to people mature age and a mature soul. Cicero Marcus Tullius

    Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not the enemy, but the friendship. Democritus

    A man without friends is like a falcon without wings. Proverb

    Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    I came to my friend to cry for my life and laughed until the morning

    All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend. Voltaire

    In friendship there are no calculations or considerations other than itself. Michel de

    When your friends are happy, you are happy too.

    He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends. Bias

    Snitch is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. Ibn Hazm

    Friends are when they listen, understand, don’t judge, but difficult moments help.

    A friend is someone who has seen you without makeup, but still thinks you are beautiful;

    Betrayal now promises many benefits. Devotion has become a feat for a person. Visakhadatta

    True friends have a lot in common and have everything in common.

    Someone has a love relationship and I have a great friend over there

    There is no way to insult your friends! But pinning is a sacred thing!

    What can you say about friends who have forgotten you? It’s better not to talk, but to do it - forget about them, they are not friends, they are acquaintances.

    I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood. Esther Clark

    Never make excuses! Your friends don't need it, but your enemies won't believe you anyway

    The secret of happiness: never compare your health, wife and salary with others.

    A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. Seneca.

    Whoever becomes friends with you to gain benefits is not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy. A. Shukur

    It’s easy to talk and remain silent with a friend. V. E. Mikhaltsev

    Hidden enmity is more dangerous than overt one. Cicero Marcus Tullius

    If you pay more attention to your enemies than to your friends, then you will always have more enemies than friends.

    It's better to die than to doubt your friends. Macedonian.

    A best friend is someone who helps us bring out the best in our soul. G. Ford

    True friendship is truthful and courageous. Johann Friedrich Schiller

    He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty. Samuel Houston

    The main thing in life is to stay with people who have the same type of cockroaches in their heads.

    Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, arising from long association and mutual obligations. David Hume

    If a friend takes your mistress away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely, so that you can meet him when you feel grateful to him for it.. Albert Guinon

    Friendship is like a diamond - it is rare, expensive and there are a lot of fakes.

    There are times when a person's best friend is loneliness, and his best friend is silence.

    Love and Friendship met once. Love asks: “Why are you needed in the world when I exist?” And Friendship answers: “To leave a smile where you leave only tears...”

    We choose our own friends, but best time leaves.

    The true value of wealth is learned when it is acquired, and the value of a friend is learned when it is lost.

    A friend says: “That’s it! I’ll sing now!” And after all, the infection got drunk!

    The secret of women's happiness is simple - caring man, beautiful manicure, new shoes and my best friend nearby. Fat best friend.

    Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, permanent and lasting feeling that you can preserve for life, if only you do not try to borrow money.

    Never speak ill of yourself - that's what friends are for!

    A friend came. We started pickling cucumbers with it. It all ended with us snacking on them later.

    A true friend will never ask “why?” She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

    When my friend says she's depressed, my liver starts to twitch convulsively.

    When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are!!!

    A friend shares her innermost thoughts with her friend: “The French love the most beautiful, the Germans love the most, the rabbits love the fastest, but the goats love the most!”

    They say friends don't lie on the road. Anything can happen to mine.

    True friends come without an invitation not only to celebrate, but also to help.

    If every real friend of mine gave me five rubles, I would already have 5.5 rubles.

    Best friends are ready to give their lives for each other, but when it comes to chewing gum... fuck you, it's the last one.

    I’m waiting for a friend to come over for tea… I’m wiping my glasses.

    Never make excuses to anyone! Your friends don't need it, but your enemies still won't believe it.

    Friendship is a 24/7 concept.

    A friend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center.

    Is it only for my friends that the “do not disturb” status acts as a red rag to the bull?

    How is an enemy different from a friend? The enemy will always tell you the truth, but before that you need to get your friend drunk.

    When we go out with friends, we become those people our mother told us to stay away from.

    Friendship is not 327 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t send a damn, because you’ll have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she’ll get there!

    It’s good to have someone nearby to whom you can say what you think. After all, with everyone else, you need to think about what you say.

    When a man and a woman are friends, everything is very simple, but incredibly difficult. After all, many things are practically impossible, although theoretically possible...

    Friendship is such a simple word, but not everyone knows how to be friends, think about what a simple word, but you need to be able to value it.

    Law of Friendship - You may not be delighted, but you still have to like it.

    You are my friend, we are friends, you are a fool just like me.

    IN friendly relations In opposite sexes, there often comes a time when one of the friends begins to want more than he already has. From this moment everything begins to fall apart...

    I D I O T is an ideal friend and a great comrade!

    It's good when a dog is a friend, but bad when a friend is a dog.

    - Guys, Vovan will come now. Whoever he greets first among us is a sucker! — Guys, hello everyone!!!

    A friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future and accepts you as you are in the present...

    You don't have to have friends, you have to be friends with them!

    A friend is not someone you want to drink with, but someone without whom you don’t want to do it.

    The winner has many friends, and only the loser has real ones...

    If life gets tough, hit a friend with a stool! Hit harder and don’t regret it, there are still plenty of friends...

    The only things worse than smart enemies are cunning “friends”!

    Friends are those who already have something in your kitchen at home, and you haven’t even had time to undress.

    For casual relationships we pay the venereologist, for regular ones we pay the gynecologist, and for friendly ones we pay with the liver.

    No matter what you tell, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, higher, better, stronger, tastier, richer...

    They become friends, not add them...

    On this page you will find sad quotes about friendship, you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

    I don't know how to offend needlessly. Be capricious, swear and scream. Envy and get angry every hour. I also don’t know how to BETRAY!

    Learn to distinguish your friends from those with whom you drink beer on the weekend.

    He who has many has no friends

    The worst enemies are former friends.

    This happens - his friend loves me, I love him, and he loves my girlfriend!

    I don’t understand myself: first, for some reason, I picture in my fantasy how my boyfriend is tumbling with his ex, and then I kill myself, how could he.

    There is nothing more painful than when your heart is filled with love, but instead you are offered only friendship.

    What many mistakenly call female friendship, in fact, is just a mutual exchange of pleasantries.

    We became more than that too quickly, friends.

    The most vile crime is abusing a friend's trust. Henrik Ibsen

    When you go up the path to wealth, may you not meet a friend along the way.

    They don't check a friend. The worthy moves away, the unworthy adapts, and time becomes sad.

    A quick friendship ends in a long enmity. Victor Suvorov

    Some friends hold our hand, others hold our hands. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

    Both in friendship and in government activities, pretense and flattery must be excluded. Marcus Tulius Cicero

    A bad and treacherous person will turn love into enmity and confusion if he aligns himself with friends. John of Damascus

    Some things can be revealed to wives, some things to friends, some things to children - after all, they are all worthy of trust. But you can’t reveal everything to everyone.

    There are two to be feared: one is a strong enemy, and the other is a treacherous friend. Unsur al Maali

    Sad statuses about friendship - Love and friendship met. Love asked friendship: - Why are you needed? Friendship answered: “I am needed to leave a smile where you leave tears.”

    True friendship is when you come suddenly, say “Let's go for a walk” and go for a walk, and not when every evening you try to agree on tomorrow via SMS and, for various reasons, put it off until another day

    In most cases, the friendship between a man and a woman is overshadowed by the delusion of others that it does not exist, because, trying to prove to everyone the lack of love, they flirt and lose each other.

    Female friendship is full of surprises, for example, my boyfriend’s correspondence told me about his ex best friend more than 5 years of friendship!

    In my opinion, friendship implies mutual understanding, so the eternal “clear” and “understandable” from friends just kill me! It feels like they aren't listening...

    A friend is someone who will understand and sometimes judge, but will never abandon or betray

    I want to have a friend in my old age whom I could call and yell in an old voice: Well, old goat, when are we going to spend our pension?

    The whole beauty of Friendship between two people is that Joys are multiplied by two, and Troubles are divided in half!

    Friendship is when you are walking down the street with a friend and suddenly you fall, and she laughs and falls next to you.

    A friend is a walking diary of my life

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