• Sad quotes about friendship. Sad statuses about friendship


    Statuses about forgotten friends will make you think about the past... But this is not a time for sadness, but only a chance to rethink your values.

    Almost everything can be returned. Except the forgotten time

    1. Friends need to be returned. But before that, make sure that they do not become completely different people.
    2. It happens, in childhood we pulled each other out of snowdrifts, but now you don’t even say hello...
    3. It happens that you turn on a song and automatically remember a certain person.
    4. Most often you remember someone who was your friend, but should have become more.
    5. It would be cool if you came from the past. We would chat, hug, laugh... and run away again.
    6. Did you also have a friend with whom you stole cosmetics from your mother and secretly put on makeup?
    7. It seems to me, or were friends more real before?!
    8. Don't forget your friends. Chat, make friends, meet. While you can.
    9. True friendship does not end... Until boyfriends, husbands, and children appear.
    10. It’s hard to imagine, but with half of the friends you have now, you most likely won’t communicate in a year.
    11. We were friends when we couldn't pretend. We were friends when we were sincere.
    12. Don't lose those friends who could tell you the truth. No matter how obnoxious they may be.
    13. I miss my past friends much more than my exes.
    14. As soon as you begin to value yourself a little more, you catch yourself thinking that you have lost more than half of your friends.
    15. I had to lose many people in my life. I only feel sorry for those with whom it was possible to remain silent, and this silence was not annoying...
    16. I don't want to go to the sea. An ideal summer was when I picked up my friend every morning, and we went for a walk together in the yard.
    17. You don't have to miss your friends. Friends need to be returned!
    18. I thought I could go to heaven. But then I remembered my friend, with whom we had a weird thing when we were 16 years old, and I lost hope.

    Know how to be the first to leave, but also know how to ask for forgiveness.

    Life scatters us in different corners. But sometimes you really want to remember the past and establish a status about friends who forget.

    1. The worst thing is to want, to seek meetings with those who do not expect to meet you.
    2. Practice shows that it is better to have a friend who, in principle, has few friends.
    3. If a friend has unfairly abandoned you, YouTube is already in a hurry to help you.
    4. She was just flirting with my boyfriend. And then I wondered why I just didn’t want to communicate with her.
    5. Whatever one may say, it is difficult to leave a person because of his actions. People often break up due to changing interests.
    6. Don't be happy if your friend gets married. Well, she will forget about you!
    7. If you lose weight, you get more attention from guys and... less attention from girlfriends.
    8. If your friends have forgotten about you, do not remind them of yourself. Let them understand for themselves how bad it is without you.
    9. Rather, learn to distinguish friends from acquaintances, and there will be less disappointment in your life.
    10. Having a camera and good clothes is not always good. You immediately have a bunch of “I don’t understand where they came from” friends.
    11. Our songs with guitar were the most touching. Now we are in different cities, in different families, we have different lives.
    12. We had a lot of cool moments. It's a pity, I will never forgive you for my forgotten friendship...
    13. Yes, I'm not one of those lucky ones who have faithful friends. Mine are unlikely to come if I feel bad. It’s unlikely that they’ll come see me if I’m sick...
    14. Friends on social networks are strange friends. You can have such discussions in private, but in life you can say hello every other time.
    15. The only shame is that it took me a long time to make concessions. And the fact that you stopped communicating is no longer offensive.
    16. I miss you. But I don't think that's a reason to forgive what you did.
    17. I used to want our children to be friends too. Now I think: God forbid this happens...

    When complaining about a friend, remember that friends are chosen

    1. The more crazy your friends are, the more you miss them when they leave...
    2. A friend is there to tell you the truth. Even if he is not asked to do so.
    3. Our paths diverged. It may be sad, but it gives some hope for a better future.
    4. Sometimes you realize that you shouldn’t have appreciated your friend. And you don’t do anything about it...
    5. Many of my friends, unfortunately, became ex-friends. But I still don’t want to condemn them?
    6. You can’t part with friends with whom you could do some pretty stupid things together.
    7. It’s sad when you quarrel with a person, and because of this you have to not communicate with the whole company.
    8. When they swore to you eternal love- this is somehow understandable. But when they promise you eternal friendship... guys, this promise must be kept.
    9. The more friends who betray, the more valued are those who remain.
    10. In order not to become former friends, you need to help each other on time.
    11. There are some people who make it immediately clear whether you will make friends with them or not.
    12. It's a shame when you have to not say hello to people you used to protect.
    13. Some people should be transferred from the status of “friends” to “ former friends" And do it on time!
    14. Forget what happened. Forget the grudges. But don’t forget good friends...
    15. How simpler man, the more friends he has. And if over time there are fewer of them, it means you are smarter.
    16. Former friends are those who crossed some boundaries. Personal space or kindness!

    Appreciate real friends, and don’t be afraid to say goodbye to fake ones!

    Best statuses about friends on Status-Tut.ru! Only the most selected statuses about friends collected in this section. Probably only a very unsociable person or an inveterate misanthrope can do without friends. Communication is one of mandatory conditions to maintain and maintain friendly relations. Friends are not just people who know your secrets and mistakes. Friends are those who have always been with you, who were happy and sad with you. They say that a friend is a friend in need, thanks to the website Statuses - Here you will always find statuses about friends with meaning, and your friends will know how you feel about them. In order not to feel lonely, you need to communicate with friends more often, our funny statuses about friends will allow you to make peace with your friend and find a reason to laugh at yourself. We cannot always devote time to friends, and they are often busy. Our statuses about the best and most devoted friends will help you express your feelings and delight your close friends.

    With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier to keep in touch with people close to us. There will always be a few free minutes to write a short message to your friend or girlfriend on the Internet, remind you of a meeting, or share a thought that just came to mind. By putting a status about a friend, you can easily show him that you remember him, value your friendship with him and appreciate it. The most devoted friend is the one about whom you can say that you would go on reconnaissance missions with him, a friend who will cover your back. And the Statuses-Tut website will help you choose the right saying or quote about your friend.

    Quotes about friends and betrayal!

    It happens that just yesterday you considered this person to be your best friend, even your brother, but today you realize that you were wrong. If your friend, as they say, “suddenly turned up,” then look for statuses about the betrayal of friends on Statuses-Here. In every person’s life there are friends, and when we part with them, a part of ourselves goes away. Sad statuses about friends will help you express the depth of your feelings. But there are also truly faithful people, and no matter how far away your friend is, the warmth of your heart, the most sincere wishes you can express thanks to statuses about your most devoted friends. However, it very often happens that the person you trusted as yourself turned out to be a traitor, and you are disgusted that you have not seen this for so long. Statuses about friends who betrayed you will allow you to tell this false friend everything you think about him!

    Statuses about friends for social networks!

    Friends are not just people with whom you feel at ease and comfortable, who will come to your aid day and night, in any weather, they are your second self. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are! Our funny statuses about friends - this is a world filled wise sayings about friendship in general and friends in particular. After all, the main thing is to preserve your friendly attitude for life. So that thirty years from now you can proudly say at your alumni meeting that the best and most faithful friends are your friends from school. Do you want your friends to always know on your social media page that you remember them and are looking forward to visiting you? Our statuses for classmates about friends will help you with this.

    Friends will appreciate your friendship status!

    Today, in the age of computer technology, we forget about simple communication at the table with friends and like-minded people. We live in a virtual world of SMS messages and emoticons, and it’s time to get together, like in the good old days, in a friendly company somewhere outside the city, in the countryside, and sing songs with a guitar to the crackling fire. And our statuses about friends will help you bring them together. Your friends hang out only in contact, because, according to them, this is the most advanced social network, well, we have wonderful ones for them too, funny, sad and simply beautiful statuses in contact about friends. The most important thing for any person is to know that friends will come to his aid in any situation. And for us it is important that your friends always know, anywhere in the world, that you remember them and are looking forward to meeting them. And our website Statuses-Tut.ru will help you say words of gratitude to your friend by simply choosing the right status about your friends!

    A friend is the person who recognizes you from afar and breaks into a smile at the sight of your distant silhouette

    A friend took her husband and seamstress away from her. She couldn't forgive the last one.

    They say about bad friends that they remain lonely forever...

    A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself. Michel de

    Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    Friendship is not a service; no thanks are given for it. Derzhavin.

    I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it. Karl Marx

    A childhood friend will help you move to a new apartment, and good friend will help cover up the traces of the crime.

    In general, friendship can only be judged in relation to people mature age and a mature soul. Cicero Marcus Tullius

    Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not the enemy, but the friendship. Democritus

    A man without friends is like a falcon without wings. Proverb

    Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    I came to my friend to cry for my life and laughed until the morning

    All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend. Voltaire

    In friendship there are no calculations or considerations other than itself. Michel de

    When your friends are happy, you are happy too.

    He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends. Bias

    Snitch is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. Ibn Hazm

    Friends are when they listen, understand, don’t judge, but difficult moments help.

    A friend is someone who has seen you without makeup, but still thinks you are beautiful;

    Betrayal now promises many benefits. Devotion has become a feat for a person. Visakhadatta

    True friends have a lot in common and have everything in common.

    Someone has a love relationship and I have a great friend over there

    There is no way to insult your friends! But pinning is a sacred thing!

    What can you say about friends who have forgotten you? It’s better not to talk, but to do it - forget about them, they are not friends, they are acquaintances.

    I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood. Esther Clark

    Never make excuses! Your friends don't need it, but your enemies won't believe you anyway

    The secret of happiness: never compare your health, wife and salary with others.

    A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. Seneca.

    Whoever becomes friends with you to gain benefits is not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy. A. Shukur

    It’s easy to talk and remain silent with a friend. V. E. Mikhaltsev

    Hidden enmity is more dangerous than overt one. Cicero Marcus Tullius

    If you pay more attention to your enemies than to your friends, then you will always have more enemies than friends.

    It's better to die than to doubt your friends. Macedonian.

    A best friend is someone who helps us bring out the best in our soul. G. Ford

    True friendship is truthful and courageous. Johann Friedrich Schiller

    He has all the properties of a dog except loyalty. Samuel Houston

    The main thing in life is to stay with people who have the same type of cockroaches in their heads.

    Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, arising from long association and mutual obligations. David Hume

    If a friend takes your mistress away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely, so that you can meet him when you feel grateful to him for this.. Albert Guinon

    • People are like a piano: the white keys are your friends, the black ones are your enemies, and most importantly, you need to go through both the black and white keys so that you can play a beautiful melody.
    • I never miss my friends. And not because they are always next to me. But because I always feel their presence in my heart.
    • U successful people most often there are many envious enemies, and losers often have many friends instead of enemies.
    • It's a shame when people barge into your life to change it, saying that they care. And in the end they leave only because they don’t care.
    • Friends are the most an important part of your life. Appreciate their tears, cherish their smiles, and even better, cherish your common memories.
    • Sad statuses and quotes about friendship - With the help of friendship, you can get twice as many joys and reduce sorrows by half.
    • If your friend is sad, thinking about life, support him in this, because, God forbid, he will then think about death!
    • Only enemies tell each other the truth. Friends and lovers, entangled in a web of mutual debt, lie endlessly...
    • Sometimes I want to shoot my friends, but if it weren’t for their friendship, I would have shot myself long ago.
    • Loneliness also manifests itself when surrounded by wonderful people who understand you, if each of them has someone closer to you.
    • Appreciate the people who come in those moments when it’s not they who feel bad, but you.
    • There is no need to seek friendship - it is a useless and unnecessary activity. You can look for new shoes in the store. And friendship is a gift of fate.
    • Only true friends can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile.
    • Smile and you will never be without friends. Frown and you will only get wrinkles.
    • True friendship is a slow growing tree. It must endure the shock of misfortune before it can earn its name.
    • If you've survived the loss of a friend, you can survive anything.
    • And God grant that everyone has a faithful and devoted person next to you, who will never abandon you and will support you in moments of despair.
    • Friends are the kind of people who will make you laugh, even when you are not in the mood to smile.
    • Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself.
    • Friendship is like cement that can withstand a lot.
    • Love asked friendship: “Why do you exist if I exist?” Friendship replied: “To leave smiles where you leave tears...”
    • A friend is not someone who will be with you in moments of sadness, but someone who will share your success without a drop of envy.
    • I would like to be sad because my best friend is leaving, but I can’t, because he is going to fulfill his dream and seek happiness!
    • Appreciate those who can see three things in you: the sadness behind the smile, the love behind the anger, and the reason for your silence.
    • There are a huge number of our friends walking the streets, we just haven’t met them yet.
    • Unlike people, dogs never pretend: they love their friends, but they bite their enemies.
    • Having enemies is not so scary, it’s worse not having friends.
    • It was hard for me, very sad, cold, sad... and it seemed that the whole world had turned its back. But a friend extended his hand - and everything changed!
    • There are times when a person's best friend is loneliness, and best friend- silence.
    • You can forget someone you laughed with, but you can never forget someone you cried with.
    • It's not bad if friendship begins with laughter, and it's best if it ends with it.

    True friendship knows no envy.

    Friendship unites people much more powerfully than love. Dietrich.

    Yes, I have several real girlfriends, but we don’t really like each other.

    Even when he is not your friend, don’t give away your secrets.

    The heat of friendship warms the heart without burning it. La Rochefoucauld.

    We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds may also be bitten. Ralph Emerson

    The betrayer will never forgive us for his betrayal. Nicholas Gomez Davila (quotes about betrayal)

    A friend is the only person with whom I can think out loud...

    I decided to clear my list of friends on VK, it turned out that I have no friends.

    When modern man removed from friends, he takes his likes and proudly leaves.

    Few people can value friendship, but everyone loves to talk about fidelity!

    Women's loneliness is rather the absence of a close friend.

    Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him. Benjamin Franklin

    Important friends are for important things. Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

    It is more difficult to fulfill the duties of friendship than to be delighted with them. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    Friendship does not mean a long acquaintance and communication with some person. This means letting him into your life and soul forever.

    The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. Nikolay Platonovich

    Who himself good friend, he also has good friends. N. Machiavelli

    A friend is the one who doesn’t abandon you, but is always there

    Snitch is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. Ibn Hazm

    True friends are those who have one soul in two bodies. Michel de

    Everyone in the world is my allies, and I open my arms to my enemies so that they strengthen and elevate me. A. de Saint-Exupéry. "Citadel".

    True friendship is precisely a chosen kinship. Ernest Wilfried Aeguwe

    In relation to your friends you need to be as little burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

    A brave soul will not become treacherous. Pierre Corneille

    True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.

    I always argued with the male sex that female friendship it happens Guys, sorry, I was wrong

    You can't have too many friends. Alexandre Dumas (father)

    Nothing strengthens a friendship more than knowing that this friend is better than the other. Honore de Balzac

    Other people only after selling are convinced that they had some kind of price. Leszek Kumor

    They sell for a decent price worthy people. Hot Petan

    They say about fake friends I didn’t recognize it in time...

    Friends in happy circumstances should appear only by invitation, and in unfortunate circumstances - without an invitation, on their own. Isocrates.

    A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends. Proverb

    Of all the living creatures on earth, I would like to have only a dog as a friend, only it is not capable of betrayal. Tikhonov Alexander

    Friends are the family you choose yourself...

    He who wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

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