• What to do if a girl doesn't want a relationship? What to do when a girl says she doesn’t want a relationship with anyone, she wants to be friends


    It would seem that she stubbornly looks at you all the time, is embarrassed when talking, flirts when you are in big company, and even with goes with joy at the cinema with you, but as soon as the conversation starts about relationships, her look changes, her mood deteriorates and from a cute little sheep she turns into an inaccessible block of ice. Why doesn’t a girl want a relationship if not everything outwardly screams that it is important and even necessary for her?

    Just friend

    Don't confuse flirting and affection. What you want can be accepted as reality if you like the girl, but not all guys understand the feelings addressed to them. If she is nice, kind and ready to go for a walk with you, this does not mean that she likes you as a guy. For a girl, the word “friend” is not an empty phrase, but a reality to which she strives. Perhaps she wants nothing more from you than friendship, communication, pleasant company when she is lonely or problems pile up all at once. And if this is the case, then you must decide who she is to you and what exactly you want from her.

    If friendship suits you, then there is no problem, if you want a relationship, then try to get through to her heart through the mask of friendship. Talk, walk, help and, no matter how intentionally, show all your qualities, how elegant, a gentleman, kind you are, how you earn a lot, how smart you are, and so on. That is, your task is to show her that happiness is right under her nose. There are hundreds of examples where friendships ended in strong relationships.

    Life goals

    Now is not the time when girls dream of a family, a husband, children and a cozy kitchen in which they can cook dinner for their loved one from morning to night. Career, life goals, dreams, self-development, personal growth - all this is now interesting to women, and therefore, before blaming a girl for indifference or bitchiness, take a closer look at her, maybe she just doesn’t need a relationship right now?

    When you find a girl like this, don’t rush to be disappointed; it’s better to find out what she is striving for and how long it will take. There are girls who don’t date anyone at school, they are completely devoted to their studies and friendships, but at the university they are already starting to look at guys, looking for someone they can rely on, who will support their ambitions and aspirations. What does she want, to become president or just go to university, find a job, learn French, find out and it will be easier for you to navigate time. Do you have the patience to wait for it or can it bring you closer to your desired goal?

    Such girls are interested in guys with similar ambitions, those who do not stand still, help her see in you aspirations and desires, goals in life, invite her to a museum, ride horses, to a place where she is interested in her life goals for a long time, and not entertainment.

    Right choice

    Often, doubts can get in the way of a relationship. making the right choice. Many girls are afraid of serious relationships, because of possible error. Despite the fact that today it is not as difficult to separate as it was in past centuries, a bad and unsuccessful union still greatly affects the psychological and nervous state of both boys and girls, the latter, on top of everything else, are already too emotional.

    Perhaps the girl has already been “burnt” with another guy before and now she’s simply still afraid of stepping on the same rake. Maybe the heart wounds are still fresh, and she expects support from a guy, not affection and a serious relationship? She needs to be noticed, raise her self-esteem again, strengthen her position, find and navigate a new role, determine her real goal and strive for it again.

    In this case, there is no point in pressing or arguing. In this state, girls are very sensitive to insults and any words. If you like her, give her what she needs - become her support and support, but do not forget to remind her that you are not a friend, but a guy who really likes her. Lovely surprises like a bouquet of roses or chocolates will be very useful. This is not intrusive, unlike pendants, chains and other expensive gifts, but pleasant, reasonable and understandable for her.

    Without trust

    There is no relationship without trust, but if you have a reputation as a “bad guy”, without commitment, stability, love, and so on, many girls may not fall for you. No matter how you seduce them, there are those who will still stand, for them the most important thing is confidence in tomorrow, not the size of your wallet or the availability of a car. Look at yourself, whether you are scaring her off with your excessive attention, what experiences you have had and what people around you say about you. Perhaps your reputation is working against you, then start with yourself, if you really need her, but if you just like the girl, just find another one.

    Fallback option

    The choice of bitches is to be ready for anything. This type of girl wants everything at once, and if the guy she likes has already been invited to the ball, the “backup” option is a great way out of the situation. The mistake the guys make is that they become “spare” knowing this and don’t try to change anything. But this role will not change in a day or even a year, if a girl sees in you only a possible alternative to her true feelings, run away from her while you have time, opportunity and desire. There are a lot of beautiful, cute, plump, thin girls around, in general, girls for every taste and color, open your eyes and look past the one who doesn’t see you.

    From such a relationship one can only expect betrayal on her part, constant complaints about the lack of money, attention, true love and joys - that is, nothing good.

    The second option for a “spare” guy is when the girl is just bored. For example, she came to the village on vacation, what should she do there, outside the city? She starts hanging out with local teenagers and, of course, she may seem to like you, although in reality she is just looking for fun until she returns to the city again. In this case, you shouldn’t get your hopes up about a long-distance relationship. This is just a trick of the eye and the ear, such girls come and go without noticing the one they hurt or who they might like, stay away from them if you are not one of the reckless people who are capable of leaving a mark or a wound in her changeable heart.

    Often everything happens exactly the opposite: the girl wants a relationship, and the guy wants freedom. It is the strong half of humanity that has a craving for unlimited freedom and choice of girls. However, today we will consider the opposite situation: a guy likes a girl, he is serious about her. But it turns out that she avoids constancy by hook or by crook.

    Why doesn't a girl want a relationship?

    A lady may avoid relationships for various reasons. Some of them can be corrected, while others are so serious that it will be extremely difficult to change anything in communication with your beloved.

    Reasons why a girl doesn't want a relationship:

    #1 She recently broke up with her boyfriend, and the breakup was hard for her. After a long time of unfreedom and a showdown, she will at least want to live for her own pleasure for a while until she is released.

    #2 Negative experiences in the family. Mom and Dad are always at loggerheads, or even divorced. Or, for example, her mother raised her and instilled in her that all men are assholes, and it is better to stay away from them. This is a rather difficult category of girls.

    #3 She doesn't like you enough. She keeps you as a backup option. It seems to communicate, flirt, give hope, but does not reach a relationship. As soon as another guy appears with whom she falls in love, even the communication that exists will come to naught.

    Do all girls want a relationship?

    No, not all. All people are different. Everyone has their own life experiences and beliefs. Accordingly, life goals. For example, a girl is going to move to another country after some time. And he doesn’t want anything serious until he leaves. This is understandable: she will leave anyway, and there is no need for unnecessary suffering.

    Or another example. She is going through a serious period in her studies or business. She set herself a framework: to put effort into developing her business or study for a year, and not be distracted by anything. This rarely happens. But it happens.

    However, often girls simply come up with excuses for why they don’t want a relationship. And such excuses do not intersect with reality. For example, she may say that she is very busy and has no time for a relationship. And the point will simply be that she doesn’t like you enough.

    The girl doesn't want a relationship, but won't let go

    This is exactly the 100% case when she keeps you in reserve. Ladies love to attract many men to themselves and take advantage of them whenever possible. The more there are, the better. If she doesn't love you, but you can provide some service, then she will gladly take advantage of it.

    Do you have a car and will you be happy to take her wherever she asks? And you will pick up the drink late at night from your friends. This is exactly the moment when she will give you hope for a relationship because she is comfortable with you. And this pleases her pride. Increases self-esteem.

    If you have a feeling self-esteem, then you will immediately refuse to provide such unreasonable services to the lady.

    What a girl says when she doesn't want a relationship:

    • I'm not ready for a serious relationship.
    • I'm afraid of a serious relationship with a guy.
    • I'm not ready for a new relationship.

    These are the basic phrases. There may be a thousand more options and other variations of its explanations.

    What if she doesn't want a relationship?

    First of all, you should determine the reason why she is not getting close to you. And depending on it, take, or, conversely, not take, further actions.

    Recently I broke up with boyfriend. You should give her time. Don't put pressure on her. But constantly monitor her behavior and attitude towards you. Ideally, you will still gradually become closer. If this does not happen, you need to think about the fact that the reason may still be different.

    Difficult life, negative beliefs. Try to show her that life works differently. In the sense that there are couples who are harmonious and happy relationship. That the model of the family in which she grew up is not a standard. And that she can live a much happier life. You should try to periodically talk to your beloved “for life.” Again, without undue pressure.

    She doesn't like you enough. The most difficult case. After all, you can’t order your heart. You can, of course, try to achieve it, and even achieve it. But, as experience shows, (including those around you) such relationships will not last happily ever after. After all, she won’t start loving you anyway. In my opinion, there are two possible options here:

    #1 Find another girl who loves you. Requires determination and great fortitude. Objectively, this is the most correct option.

    #2 Disappearance from a girl’s life for a while. At the same time, you should work on yourself. For example, change your image, start playing sports and become more fit, improve your self-confidence, etc. If you do everything right, then in a couple of months you will appear before her in a different guise. Probably much more attractive to her. But here there are no guarantees of a positive outcome. On this occasion, I remember an anecdote that can serve as the meaning of this article:

    The girl says: you are plump and not pumped up.

    The guy signed up for boxing and won the competition.

    She says: you are not very courageous.

    He became a military man and received titles and medals for special services.

    The girl says: you are not very smart.

    The guy graduated from a higher educational institution, became a doctor of science and began publishing a book.

    She says: you are not very wealthy.

    He developed a powerful business, which soon began to generate great income.

    The girl says: you are an office rat.

    The guy took up car racing, kite riding and bought a motorcycle.

    She says: you're a miser.

    He gave her a huge house in the most prestigious area and a Bentley.

    She says: your business projects have turned you into a callous and soulless man.

    He got rid of all assets, closed the company and spent all the money on charity. And then he came to her - bearded, in tattered pants, with a bouquet of wild flowers in his hand.

    She said: why are you suffering? Well, I don’t love you, I don’t love you!

    Usually girls want relationships more than men. We want to have someone nearby who will take care of us, spend time with us and declare their love. But there are girls who are in no particular hurry to start serious relationship and do not want to bind themselves to any obligations.

    Why doesn't a girl want a relationship?? What is the reason for the fact that she does not strive to have a life partner nearby?

    The main reason for the reluctance to part with her freedom may be a series of unsuccessful romances, which left the girl with many unpleasant memories and the fear of repeating past situations. Fear new love quite understandable.

    Time must pass before you want a new relationship so much that past mistakes no longer matter. Until a girl is open to something new, she will not come across those men with whom she wants to go further than just flirting.

    After difficult breakup there comes a time when you need to rethink everything before diving into new novel. Happens right after long term relationship and a breakup with a loved one, we meet another person with whom we begin to date. But those unresolved problems that existed in past relationships, if not dealt with, may arise in a new relationship. And then it will be even more difficult to deal with them.

    Another reason that a girl prefers to be “in free flight” may be that she has finally found harmony in her soul and learned to enjoy her loneliness.

    Still, relationships add certain problems and it is not so easy to start depending on a person again, to be devoted to him, when you have just begun to feel the taste for a free life.

    If a girl does not feel self-sufficient without a man, then it’s time for her to change, because dependence on a relationship will not lead to anything good. You need to have your own social circle, your own interests and hobbies, so that in case of separation you do not feel completely devastated. And without a relationship, you must learn to be happy, and then soon a loved one will appear in your life.

    A jealous man, who in a relationship constantly limited a girl’s communication with the opposite sex, can influence the fact that after an affair with him she will not want something serious for a long time. Eternal control, mistrust on his part, constant quarrels on the basis of jealousy, they can discourage a girl from wanting to belong to someone for a long time. Now she will constantly think about how to new chosen one did not have the same qualities as the previous one, because it is difficult to cope with the fact that they always do not trust you and suspect you of something.

    Disappointment from unsuccessful relationships gradually passes. Believing in the best helps you perceive past negative experiences without pain. Relationships often end suddenly when we are not ready to leave, but this is not a reason to give up! You must definitely believe in the best, and if you haven’t yet met the person you could love, then you will find him a little later, but it will definitely happen!

    If a girl doesn't want a relationship, which means she is satisfied with life without a man. As time passes, she will be ready to open up again to someone who she feels will be worthy of it. In the meantime, she has the right to enjoy her freedom, in which many advantages can be found. These include trips somewhere, new experiences, communication with friends - everything that we sometimes give up for the sake of a loved one.

    It would seem that the girl the guy was wooing is already attracted to him, pays him a lot of attention, they spend time together, but the girl doesn’t want to hear about a closer relationship.

    She explains this by saying that she is not yet ready for more than what is between her and the young man. In fact, she simply does not need this man. Except for cases when a girl is afraid or does not want to strain to build a relationship, since she does not have time for this. However, youth will also pass, so it’s worth helping the girl and involving her in a relationship.

    How to attract a girl into a relationship

    The guy will have to work hard if his goal is to achieve this particular girl. But before you achieve, you need to understand why this is being done. Is this really the only one you want to go through life with? Or maybe it's just a crush on a beautiful girl? In the latter case, it is unlikely that any good will come of it. U beautiful girl there cannot help but be fans whose attention she is spoiled by.

    If a girl is not eager to start a relationship, but also does not refuse to communicate with a guy, he should pause his courtship and let her know that he has lost interest in her. Let her be nervous. A young man who showed sympathy suddenly becomes just a friend and clearly makes it clear that he does not need a serious relationship either. This will make her wonder what she has to lose. But you need to be real friends: help in difficult situation, engage in common business, talk about topics of interest to both. But the topic of relationships with each other is taboo.

    A girl will not talk to a guy about the impossibility of a relationship with him if he has not shown anything about his love for her. If this happened, she could get scared and decide to prevent further development of actions by talking. If you don’t show her your true attitude, the girl will feel comfortable with the guy and over time she will understand that she is on her way through life with him.

    The expression “I felt like I was shocked” is not figurative. Sometimes random touches can really awaken passion, and a craving for a person appears. This young man don’t neglect it, you can always touch a girl’s hand, her shoulder, and it won’t look vulgar.

    You should never talk to a girl in a pleading tone or persuade her to enter into a relationship. This can cause resentment, contempt and lead to a final breakup. She will simply avoid meetings. You can’t put conditions on a girl with whom you don’t even have a relationship yet. You need to act unobtrusively and let everything take its course.

    Firstly, you need to clearly understand whether the girl you are going to win likes you or not. In the latter case, there is only one way out - stop wasting energy and time on her and switch to another girl. Secondly, you cannot act impudently; no one has ever been able to force yourself to love yourself by force.

    Girls value sincerity, so don’t play with her feelings, but don’t let her play with you either. If it is obvious that she will never cross the threshold of flirting, end the relationship in the bud and move on with your own path.

    If you want a girl to pay attention to you, you will have to change something in yourself. Perhaps she is repulsed by your rudeness, which means you need to become softer. Gray mouse in the office - try to climb a step higher on the career ladder. The girl will understand that you are not hopeless and can achieve success.

    Don't talk about your feelings incessantly, it will just tire her out. Don't talk to her in a pleading tone, it's repulsive and causes pity. And out of pity, a woman is not able to be with a man.

    If a girl has many fans who are ready to carry her train, think about whether you want to become the same train bearer?

    Don’t be fooled by the fact that a girl agrees to go with you to a cafe, cinema or concerts. If you pay for it. Why shouldn't she go? She's just using you.

    Look after the girl, but don’t waste yourself on her completely. What if the relationship never works out, what will be left for the other girl who is truly your destiny?

    And remember, self-respect gives rise to respect among others, especially girls.

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    Every guy, of course, has encountered a situation when a girl doesn’t want to date a guy and refuses him. Usually a young man cannot understand why this happens, what is wrong with him and how he can try to make the lady of his heart fall in love with him.

    What to do if a girl refuses to date? First you need to understand the reason for the refusal, then everything will fall into place. It may be that the girl simply didn’t like the guy, and she doesn’t see him as a future spouse. Here, too, there are different reasons why she might not like the guy. Perhaps he was very persistent and intrusive, so this pushed the girl away. In addition, the young man’s appearance simply may not interest her.

    Another reason is the guy’s unpleasant character traits or unpleasant conversations about him from his friends. It happens that a couple first meets, becomes friends, communicates, dates, and then the girl hears unpleasant rumors about her boyfriend and after that her desire to communicate completely evaporates.

    Of course, you can guess for a long time about why a girl refuses to date, but the easiest way is to ask her herself. After this, you can try to fix something, for example, start communicating with people who are not friends. You can show concern for her, help her in everything, demonstrate your positive traits, and then maybe the girl’s heart will open to this guy. Perhaps after this the young man will be able to move forward in the relationship and become not only a friend, but also the girl’s loved one. After all, close friends often become so close that you don’t want to part with them even for a minute, and this is exactly what a guy who wants to attract a girl’s attention needs.

    It must be remembered that the main goal is to eliminate past mistakes that could prevent you from giving the girl a positive answer. Therefore, there is no need to try to intrusively ask a girl to meet; it is better to do everything carefully so as not to scare her off.

    Why do girls refuse to meet a guy described above, now it is important to understand how to win your beloved? First you need to win her heart, and only after that offer to become a girl, and then a wife. If her heart is won, then she will no longer be able to refuse the guy. It’s worth understanding how to establish a relationship with a girl you like. The main thing is to be a confident guy, but not arrogant. Without this, you shouldn’t even try and approach the girl. Some guys have problems communicating with the opposite sex, and therefore you first need to learn how to talk to ladies, and only then offer to date. You can practice by talking to a hairdresser, a waitress in a cafe, or saleswomen in stores - this will help you gain confidence. It is worth remembering that girls do not like selfish people.

    The next thing that can help a girl like you is to start a conversation with her, because she is unlikely to approach you on her own. You need to show her that the guy is interested in her. You can ask about her hobbies and activities, so there is an opportunity to continue the conversation.

    Don’t despair if a girl refuses to meet you, because maybe she just has important things to do and doesn’t have time to communicate. Moreover, if a girl gave a guy’s phone number, it means she can agree to meet at the next, more convenient time for her. Don’t be nervous, you need to behave calmly with the lady, and also turn on all your charm.

    Interestingly, the restaurant is one of best places to meet a girl. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to take her to the most expensive place; you can simply invite her for a cup of coffee and a bun, and you don’t need to be a miser. After the restaurant, you can change your surroundings and take a walk in the park.

    Guys should remember that it is difficult for a girl to immediately understand what he is like. Therefore, there is no need to insist on becoming this guy’s girlfriend on the first date. You may have to meet several times, showing your friendliness and gallantry, and only after that can you offer to become his girlfriend.

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