• How to check if a guy likes you. How to make it clear that there is no reciprocity. He gives you awkward looks

    Natalya Luchina

    Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seeming funny, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc. How then, if a man does not show or directly talk about his feelings, can you find out if he likes you?

    In addition to ordinary language, every person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world there are vivid examples courtship language among males - they spread their tail, change their plumage, organize exhibition fights... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have developed intuition, and therefore they always feel if they like them. In essence, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have this ability yet, don’t be upset, understanding body language can be learned, and no matter what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can find out from non-verbal manifestations how he feels. So, what postures and gestures will a man show you that he likes you?

    Gestures of a man in love

    This may not necessarily be love, but only its beginning. So, what body manifestations indicate sympathy and interest in you? If a man is turned towards you, his feet and knees are directed in your direction, this is a sure sign of his interest. The body itself can also be used as a barrier between you, if a man does not want to communicate (this needs to be checked, maybe he wants to, but is still afraid). The simplest way to use your body as a barrier is to turn your back to you, or turn half-turn. Often, a man can use foreign objects - a folder, laptop, backpack, etc. - as an obstacle between you and his body.

    Gestures of a man in the hip area

    Body poses that highlight the hip area are more sexual in nature. So, men can sit or stand with their legs spread wide apart - demonstrating their masculine strength, or taking a dominant, hanging position “above you”, resting their hands on their hips, tucking their fingers into the belt, again, emphasizing the genital area. Despite the fact that these poses carry information of a more sexual nature, they can also serve as compensation for a man’s feelings of internal insecurity, and speak of his desire to look more masculine, strong, and in a “dominant position.”


    Our boundaries do not end with the boundaries of the body, but also include the space around us. The distance between you speaks about the nature of communication, and is divided into so-called. zones. Social zone (1.2 – 3 m) - for strangers, personal (46-120 cm) - for business, official dating, and intimate zone. In our culture, the zone of “intimate” contact, intended only for very personal communication, is 15-45 cm. A man who likes you will try to penetrate your intimate area. He will either come too close to you, or begin to lean on the back of a chair or railing behind you - imitating the currently prohibited hug movement. He can give you his hand, thereby violating your boundaries, try to touch you by chance. (Depending on which side he extends his palm towards you, you will see whether he strives to take a commanding position in his relationship with you, or is completely open and trusts you (a sign of trust is open palms)).

    Facial expressions of a man who likes you

    Maximum emotions are revealed by the language of a man’s face, and especially by his gaze and eyes. The more time he looks at you, the more he likes you. At the same time, his pupils dilate (constriction of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates hostility, aggression), his head may be tilted to the side. His gaze is directed into your eyes and slides down, below the chin, to chest level - this is the so-called. intimate look (look at the forehead and to eye level - business, from the eyes to lip level - social, friendly). There is also a “flirting”, enticing sideways glance, with the eyebrows slightly raised and a smile always present.

    A smile on the face, by the way, can express different emotions, and not always positive ones. A symmetrical (the same on both sides) smile is considered sincere, which arises slowly and remains on the face for a long time; it speaks of openness and sympathy. If there is no smile on his face, then his lips are usually just relaxed. Any asymmetrical quick movements of the lips, nervous smiles, or pursing of the lips indicate that the man is experiencing discomfort. If he is busy with some thoughts of his own, he may run his tongue over his teeth, suck or curl his lips.

    Gestures of a man who is embarrassed by you

    But in the presence of you, a man experiences not only sympathy, interest or sexual attraction. Along with the desire to get closer to you, there is a fear of being rejected. The situation changes and he can alternately be overcome by many different emotions - uncertainty, anxiety, fear, tension, awkwardness, embarrassment, the desire to control, boasting, the desire to attract attention and even aggression. All these feelings are reflected in body language, even if a man tries to hide them from you (even if he himself is not fully aware of them).

    In any case, if you are attractive to a man, in addition to sympathy, he will show uncertainty and excitement or tension in communicating with you. Usually people, in order to relieve tension, start fingering various items(rosary beads, for example), fiddling with your clothes, buttons, etc. Touching your body and face also calms you down; to relieve anxiety and calm down, a man can use body swaying, he can stroke himself, rub his face, his mouth may become dry from excitement, and he will lick his lips, spin in a chair, etc. Often men begin to preen themselves, straighten their tie, smooth their hair - these gestures convey information about his desire to look more attractive, and at the same time help him relieve tension. Tension and excitement can look like increased energy, activity (waving hands, active gestures, increased tone of voice, verbosity), or in another way - a man will become “inhibited”, it will be difficult for him to squeeze out words, he will be very awkward, clumsy in movements.


    In the first stages of dating, signals of fear and tension may be stronger than signals of desire and sympathy. Therefore, if you are in doubt, you can experiment with “speaking with your body.” Try to approach the man, and see what he will do - respond to your movement, or, on the contrary, begin to move away. Show your sympathy for him - smile, look at him with an “intimate look,” extend your hand to greet him, etc. Even if he doesn't understand non-verbal language, his body will answer you. But do not forget that all signals should be considered not separately, but as a whole, as a single picture - taking into account all its nonverbal cues, both his words and his behavior towards you. If, despite all his and your nonverbal signals, he does nothing to express his sympathy for you in words or actions, then there is a serious reason why he does not want to get closer to you. Whether he wants to, whether he can overcome this reason is unknown. You can choose for yourself whether you want to wait for him to continue the relationship, at the risk of being left with nothing, or whether you just need to satisfy your pride now that he likes you and look for a more suitable partner who is not just emotionally passionate about you, but is ready and deliberately wants to win your love.

    We tried to describe the most common postures and gestures of men in the presence of an attractive woman. In fact, there are more of them, but you just need to start with the main ones to answer the question “Does a guy/man like me” without any verbal clarification. This is already very, very much!

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    How to understand that a man likes you? This question arises for most ladies after meeting an interesting person, if it’s a pleasure to spend time with him. According to statistics, women who are hopelessly in love with members of the opposite sex are often susceptible to love experiences. This same category of women often most of all wants to know whether the men they are attracted to like them.

    You can recognize signs of sympathy by facial expressions, looks, gestures and other behavioral characteristics of representatives of the stronger sex. To discover all this, natural attentiveness is required.

    Signs that a man likes you

    How can you understand that a girl likes a young man if he doesn’t show it outwardly? A man's communication with a woman can actually tell a lot. Psychologists note a number of signs that help to understand that there is a certain male sympathy for a lady.

    The most obvious sign of a man's good disposition towards a woman is an open smile. Through it, he sincerely demonstrates that he is glad to meet and is ready to communicate.

    You can understand that a man likes you by gestures, paying attention to hand movements. If, upon meeting, he spreads his arms wide to the sides, this means that he wants to hug the girl. To obvious signs of manifestation male sympathy They include touching your neck and your hair, touching the collar of your shirt, and pointing the toes of your shoes at your interlocutor.

    In addition, unconscious copying of female gestures will be evidence of male sympathy. Often, by copying a woman’s gestures, a representative of the stronger sex wants to impress the object of his interest. positive impression. It is a good sign if during the conversation the man turns completely towards the woman. These signs include open gestures: loosening a tie, showing palms, unbuttoning the top buttons of a shirt. All these movements confirm that the interlocutor is comfortable in the company of this woman. Also, reflecting interest includes attentive listening, accompanied by a slight tilt of the head towards the interlocutor.

    You can easily talk about sympathy between a man and a woman if touching occurs during communication. If a young man, whenever the opportunity arises, tries to touch a lady’s hand, you can be sure of his sympathy. With the help of this gesture, the partner unconsciously shows other representatives of the stronger sex that this woman is busy.

    If during a walk a young man supports a lady by the elbow and hugs her, this indicates his desire to take the woman under his protection.

    Evidence of a man's sympathy is a display of gallantry. For example, he offers his hand, lets you forward, helps you put on your coat. But this sign may also indicate a good upbringing. To confirm your guesses, you need to observe his behavior while communicating with other ladies. If the person you are interested in shows similar signs of attention to other ladies, then you should not attribute romantic overtones to his actions.

    How to tell if you like me to an unfamiliar man? This becomes obvious if he tries to meet as often as possible or strives to systematically fall into the field of view of his desired object.

    A man wants to please if he tries to attract attention to himself through emotional conversation or other tricks. So he tries to stand out from the crowd so that he is noticed by the girl for whom all this is intended, while he will periodically glance in the direction of his chosen one.

    Alone with the object of his affection, a representative of the stronger sex will try to talk on a variety of topics, and will replace awkward pauses with a radiant, open smile. A clear sign Of interest will be questions regarding preferences, hobbies, women's tastes, life in general.

    How can you understand that a man likes a girl? If a man does not hesitate to look at a girl, then this means that she is interested in him. If a man is skeptical about the fair sex and says that he can’t seem to find the right girl, then this probably means that, suitable girl exactly you.

    You can understand that a man likes you from a telephone conversation if the interlocutor’s voice is excited, polite, tactful, and it will help to recognize signs of sympathy by correspondence a large number of jokes, nice words, emoticons.

    It is important to remember that individual representatives of the stronger sex, unable to express their sympathy and hiding their interest in every possible way, turn into rude people. Grown men can often hurt with caustic remarks and outright reproaches.

    How to understand that a married man likes you? A man who is next to the lady he likes tries to look taller, and at this moment his body is slightly stretched upward and tense. When talking, it is important to pay attention to his face and if the eyebrows are slightly raised, expressing surprise, then this indicates sympathy.

    During communication, you should also pay attention to the tone of a man’s voice; if the tone is measured, then this indicates interest. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the man maintains eye contact. If he holds, then this also indicates sympathy. It is necessary to focus on how he behaves if someone approaches him. If, after talking with other people, he immediately forgets what your conversation was about, then the girl is not that important to him. If a man admires appearance, gives compliments to the female mind, then this also indicates deep interest. If the chosen one is interested in his personal life and carefully finds out all the information, then this is a sure sign that he has certain plans for the girl. If a lady catches a man’s gaze on herself from head to toe, then this indicates that the man admires her.

    You can understand that a married man likes you by his body movements, which also participate in the conversation. If a man often leans towards his lady to tell her something; if the body is turned towards her, then this is a sign of disposition and openness to communication.

    If a man looks away when a woman suddenly notices that they are looking at her, then this is a sign of interest with a desire to hide this moment. Sign good attitude pleasing in small things, minor gifts, provision of any kind of services, but frequent calls, messages and letters will indicate deep passion and love.

    How to understand that a male colleague likes you? This is not difficult, it is only important to be able to distinguish the desire to flirt from sincere sympathy. A sign of a colleague's sympathy is the man's behavior. A brave colleague, passing by a woman, may cast unambiguous glances and, as if by chance, touch female hand. A modest colleague in love in the presence of the object of sympathy is often lost, behaves ineptly and awkwardly. He tends to be either overly active or overly uptight.

    By applying feminine cunning, you can find out how much a colleague is interested in a female person. To do this, you need to ask for help and be alone. If a colleague is in love, then he will prove himself to be a hero. While the man is busy with business, you should start a conversation on neutral and abstract topics. You can start a conversation about a new exhibition, concert, film. Any man will understand such a hint and if he has sympathy, he will take the opportunity to keep the lady company. If he does not have sympathy, then he will not take advantage of this situation.

    Hello! I can’t understand my director’s attitude towards me, maybe you can clarify the situation. In general, everything is normal and within normal limits, we communicate at work, but there are times when I don’t understand whether this is basic politeness or his sympathy for me. He is married and I am single, and he knows it. He somehow unobtrusively tries to take care of me, helps with little things and is always very friendly with me and smiles. Please help me understand what this is.

    Hello. I hope you will respond to my comment. I like a man, he is 27. I am 20 and the age difference confuses me a little. He says he's hooking me up. (He works as a counselor) I said that maybe he will find someone else. To which he replied, he is looking for his granny. (I just said that I'm 20 and old) On New Year invited me to his place, but I refused. When I meet him, I’m embarrassed to look at him. One day, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and hugged me. When we meet, he always hugs. He says that he likes me, but he doesn’t write. I'm afraid that I'll let him in and he'll deceive me. Help

    • Hello Anna. Whether this guy will deceive you or not, only time will tell. Any relationship is dynamic, and even if the guy likes you now, everything can change after some time. Enjoy today and the moment, allow yourself to be happy.

    Hello! I'm 36. I've been married for almost 10 years. I always felt happy in my marriage. I had enough of my husband’s love and the attention of strangers caused discomfort. But a few months ago, a young man called out to me. I was leaving the yard of the house, and he drove in. I had to stop to let him pass. And instead of rushing, he asked: “Do you like coffee?” “Yes,” I answered. “I love coffee, but only in the morning and with my husband.” She smiled and left. In the evening I told my husband. We laughed. The man was handsome, with a nice car. I liked that situation, so I remembered it. And everything would have remained just some pleasant incident, but I began to notice that same car. I began to wonder who the same coffee lover was visiting. It turned out that he is my upstairs neighbor. We periodically began to meet at the entrance, but every time he pretended and pretended that he was seeing me for the first time. I have a dog. When we run into him, and at that moment I am with the dog, he examines it, turns around, but does not raise his eyes to me. When I see him in his car, he looks at me. I can’t stand this look and am the first to break eye contact. One day it seemed to me that he suddenly saw me, got scared and left.

    Hello! I like the neighbor downstairs, young, lonely, not stupid, we met when we received the keys to a new apartment, my mother initiated communication with him, at the first meeting he asked about me, what I am, who I am, he didn’t ask me anything like that directly ( I’m 26, he’s 28), the first month after we moved, I often came to visit on weekends for tea, but everything was limited only to conversations in common topics, renovations, moving, not a single hint of anything, but when he crossed paths with my mother on the street, he always asked about me, if I was at home, etc., then he disappeared for two months, didn’t come to visit, showed up a couple of weeks ago, just came to visit as never before, we had a nice conversation on general topics, he invited me to visit him in the evening, to show him what furniture he had chosen, all the conversations were on general topics, and that’s it, I went to my place, on the weekend I came to visit again, drank tea, talked on general topics, no hints about anything. I began to lure him with pies, pastries, he came with joy, I treated him, and that’s all, I liked him as a man, but I never had such experience in communicating with men, all the men I liked always showed signs attention, hug, joke, talk about personal topics, and this is the first time, I don’t believe in friendship between a man and a woman, so I can’t understand, he comes just as a neighbor or he likes me, but he’s either in no hurry, or he has somebody. I never openly showed the first man that I liked him; the initiative was always from the man. From what I know about him: he has an older brother and sister, he loves his mother very much, he talked to her very nicely on the phone in front of me and called her “mommy” (but his mother lives in another city and doesn’t see her often) , lives alone, was not married, very independent, bought an apartment himself, moved, did all the renovations, etc., did everything himself, I haven’t seen him with women. Friends advise him to take everything into his own hands, but he does not look like an insecure man, he is purposeful, accomplished in my opinion.

    When he comes to visit, I always greet him with a smile and say that I’m glad to see you.

    Hello! I am 25! Could you help me! I can't quite understand! I have a man at work who is 33, I liked him! But I don't understand it! I constantly catch his eye on me, I notice that sometimes he tries to be where I am! We corresponded for some time, talked about interests, work, family, he shared with me about his ex-wife! But in person the conversation doesn’t go well at all, and if something needs to be decided at work, he tries to make a move and leave or starts to get nervous and aggressive! What does this all mean?
    Thank you

    • He really likes you... so he gets nervous when talking or even moves away so as not to ruin everything! Take the first step yourself, in the sense of making fun, start different conversations on any topic, and make him feel comfortable next to you, you will see, as soon as this fear of ruining everything goes away, he will open up to you!

    the man paid attention for a long time, but did not take the first step at all. In the end, I waited and waited and didn’t get it. Then he somehow completely closed himself off from me.
    when we saw each other, he even stopped looking at me, didn’t say anything to me, and when he said hello, he looked at the floor.
    liked to touch something
    but this was all replaced by the fact that he was worried why I was without a hat in this weather, whether I would freeze - as if by chance

    and I'm confused, I don't know how to behave

    what can you say about all this?

    Hello. I'm 21. I've only had one relationship. Free now. I came to visit a friend. She lives with her brother. He is 3 years younger than me. At first we didn’t communicate. And then somehow it got better. And we could sit and talk for hours. Mostly he came when he saw me and told me different cases from your life. I listened to him, laughed, it was interesting. So we started communicating more often. I noticed that he was looking intently into his eyes. Often catches my eye. During a conversation, especially, if I say something, he looks into my eyes very carefully and intently, I try not to look away and also look. And then I feel like I can’t help but watch. What a special atmosphere it seems. Over time, I began to notice that during a conversation he straightened his hair, touched his neck and arm, and even pulled up his socks. We got hooked on coffee bags and when he went to the store, he bought them for me. It was nice. Then we often fooled around with him. When I was in no mood, he tried to support me, asked about my family and personal life. And he himself told quite personal information about his family and previous relationships, although I did not ask. One day I was getting ready to go to the store, got up from the stool, and he put his hand on my shoulder and sat me down, saying that he would come with me. And as a result, he often put his hand on my shoulder. When they walked side by side, he seemed to touch me with his body, even in the store he put his hand on my shoulder when he said something. Then I noticed seemingly random touches. When we were talking again, he touched my elbow; when he walked past me and I had to move away, he lightly touched my side. When I sat down next to him to show him a video of his legs. When the bracelet broke, he directly took my hand and began to fix it, and then said: why didn’t you take it off? And then I took it off my hand and fixed it. When he handed something over or took it from my hands, it was as if he was touching it on purpose. At the same time, he looked at it again intently. He said that with people like me he could behave naturally and be himself. He noticed things in character that others did not notice. It's like he sees right through me. There was such an atmosphere... When I look at him, it’s as if there was some kind of connection. But. He has a girlfriend whom he recently started dating. And once he said that he was in a hurry. The fact that it’s good to be with her, but when she’s nearby he wants to leave, and when she’s not there, he wants to meet her, communicate, etc. I understand that the story is very long. But I want to understand: is this friendly sympathy or something more?

    • Hello Maria. Male psychology is that men are experimenters by nature, who over time develop a desire to diversify their own existence. To the stronger sex attention from representatives of the opposite sex is very flattering and the presence of a permanent relationship is not a hindrance to this. You will be able to understand whether it is friendly sympathy or something more over time if the guy decides to court you.

      Hello Maria. To understand this, you need to step back a little, deprive him of the opportunity to be with you. After looking at his reaction, you will understand everything yourself. If you like him, tell him that you can't see him that often, it's not good for his girlfriend. Then he will make his choice. A man, losing something important, will strive to win it. And, having spent some effort on this, he will value it and be afraid of losing it.

      Most likely more! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have opened up like that, especially since he was in a hurry with his girlfriend... give him time, right now he’s just confused...

    Hello. I have a fatal situation. Familiar, entrance to the house. When we remain in unity, it burns when we are like a rock with someone. We correspond constantly, see each other often, but I can’t understand him. We are both not alone.

    Hello! I need help... 9 months ago I broke up with my man (he thought I was jealous and hung up). After almost 4 months, I called him myself. Since then, I sometimes call and talk about everyone and everything, just not about our relationship. He helped me buy equipment for the house, helped with my child. But he doesn't call. Recently I asked for help with furniture. I agreed. How to evaluate his behavior? Does he want our relationship back? We dated for almost 4 years. And we are already over 40...

    Hello, I’m an adult girl, but I can’t fully understand whether he likes me?!) Just six months ago there was no action on his part, we work together, and now he’s even trying to touch me. As someone passes by, they will hit either the chair or me. The other day he took me by the waist, removing his hands and quickly leaving him, I didn’t expect this. Explain what this is?!) P.S. I really like him. Thank you.

    • And what is his look??? What words does he say??? Does it do any nice things??? Like protection, help with something, compliments, gestures... write in more detail

    Hello! I found myself in a slightly strange situation. IN last days one acquaintance began to write every day, asking how I was. It seems like we communicated normally before, I’m generally happy to listen to everyone I know, but to write every day. I respect this person for certain reasons, but that is not love. He is married and has a child. He says that I am his good friend and acquaintance, he was glad to meet me. She always calls her kind, smart, beautiful. Perhaps I’m worrying for nothing and maybe it’s true, out of a purely friendly gesture, he writes and says something like that. I just wouldn't want to be in awkward situation Moreover, this is one of my former teachers from foreign language courses.

    • Hello Lada. Write to a friend about your feelings and doubts directly, “I wouldn’t want to find myself in an awkward situation,” the situation will immediately become clearer for you.

        • Good afternoon, Svetlana. You're right. The topic addressed in this thread is not psychological problem. If you want to understand the attitude of a representative of the opposite sex towards yourself, it is not a difficult task for a mature person.

    Hello. Please tell me, I would really like to know... A friend of mine glances at me, but as soon as I notice it, he immediately looks away. When communicating, he looks from his eyes to my lips. A couple of times I noticed how he was watching me. We communicate just like acquaintances. How can all this be assessed?

    Hello. Thoughts about my colleague’s sympathy for me began to creep into my head. We are constantly fooling around like children, and if someone sees us they will definitely say “ kindergarten! All the time he tries to hurt me with words, to say something not the most pleasant, it got to the point where we (as a joke, of course) start pinching each other, he pulls my hair and jacket, spanked me several times and pinched my butt... And several times he scolded me for not answering the phone, of course during working hours, we don’t communicate outside of work, we also have separate lunches. The fact is that he is married, of course I have little experience, but it seems to me married man You shouldn’t behave like that towards a colleague. I wouldn’t say that I have sympathy for him as a man, but our jokes help make the work process not so tedious or something. Maybe there is no subtext, and the young man (30 years old) is also trying to somehow escape from everyday work?

    Tell me, are these signs that you like me or is it just me???? In general, my intuitions have always been completely ok (I’m a Scorpio), but in in this case I don’t trust myself - I like this comrade too much. We work together, he has been working with us recently, but I have known him for a long time, he worked in our company, but in a different division, now he works with us. He’s not the biggest boss, but he’s big, he’s focused on ethics, subordination and in general he wants to be correct, there’s always attention on him and on me too, so an affair at work is dangerous and not what he and I need. he is gallant and well-mannered, so I don’t pay attention to manifestations of politeness and constant compliments... But there are signs that make me think - 1. he blushes when we meet in private, one day I unexpectedly walked into his office, he looked at me with absolutely frantic eyes, I asked if I could come in, he looked at me, he was dumbfounded, he was silent, I had to go in without permission, I don’t know what he was doing there, maybe he was sleeping? Then he seemed to wake up and began to do what I asked only very twitchily - instead of just looking at his calendar, he turned the entire computer around - I won’t go to him again. He always smiles broadly and radiantly, and quietly, and I would even say gently, greets - although he never complained about his voice - and - each time he greets me quieter and quieter, and on Friday he even switched to a whisper. whispered - hello Svetlana - I’m shocked, I’m not sure that someone else greeted me like that. True, I can only smile in response because my throat is constricting and I’m afraid to squeak in response, so I don’t answer anything at all and just smile. 2 I keep seeing so many random encounters, I don’t have anyone, I decided to check it out - I stood in the corridor and talked with colleagues - I passed by five times. — I thought that his route usually didn’t go exactly there. 3 He speaks to me quietly, with my colleagues he neighs like a horse in front of me, he jokes with my friends - not with me - he just smiles. He tends to joke a little patronizingly - for example, when giving his assistant candy - don’t eat too much, your stomach will hurt, with my colleague, my closest colleague, he suddenly became best friend - Michael (my French-born colleague) won’t pass by him without making a wisecrack and will comment on his beard, nothing like that has ever happened to me, I dyed my hair bright red - only the lazy one didn’t say anything to me about this, but he wouldn’t have done it with me It was better to be so kind. 4 assents to me and often says “that he too”, for example - my manager, his subordinate, says - here Svetlana loves India, he was happy and says about me too - although no one asked him, he recently spoke in colors about his difficult past - for a long time he worked in the same position as me and was involved in the same group as me. Although I see that indeed our points of view coincide in many respects and our assessments of the situation are similar... And people have already begun to notice this... I say this crap needs to be reduced by 2 cm, he comes and says - it’s better to reduce this crap by 2 centimeters. so... In group disputes he always supports me, especially when I am under pressure - although this may not be an indicator, I may just be right)). Our meetings with him always drag on for 2 hours instead of the planned 30 minutes, I am pleased to talk with him, there is a suspicion that he, too, the rest of the people are sitting there dying - when will they shut up?! :)) 5 when we are just starting group communication and I come or he comes - at the first moment he doesn’t look at me at all, as if I’m not there - everyone is already looking at me, but not him, when I’m already directly addressing him - he gives me his embarrassed smile and finally starts talking to me - I must say not the last person in the company - why should he ignore me?? This is what pisses me off. He made an unfortunate joke at my expense, I said behind his back, thinking that he had already left - what kind of ignoring is this? But he apparently heard the file that he was going to send to my manager - he sent it to me and copied my manager - why react so sharply to women’s whims?? Where the hell is his business ethics? 7 When he thinks, they don’t see him, he has a very tough expression on his face and he slouches a little, but in my presence I can say that he is an absolute sweetheart and his back is absolutely straight. I don’t talk about the strange tasks that he sends me with enviable regularity through my supervisor, because perhaps only they seem strange to me - in fact, perhaps they contain a huge strategic meaning that I cannot understand with my almost failed mind. I like him, so I can’t always control myself and it’s clear that I also unconsciously signal that I like him, perhaps I provoke him myself, although no one has told me yet, thank God, that it’s noticeable that I like him. What kind of person is he - he is emotional, I guess that he is a bit of an adventurer, he expresses his desires quite freely, what he likes and what he doesn’t like, he loves to give advice, but he is very good organized person, smart and quite pragmatic, he is an adult, but the difference in our age is not ahtung - 6 years, although I am sure he thinks that I am younger. In general, lately I go to work like it’s a holiday! :)) so what would you say?

    Hello, why did a stranger look intently, long and often into the eyes, and when their eyes met, he did not look away? I constantly felt his gaze. And when we met by chance, he blushed and walked away, trying not to look into his eyes

    Hello. I like one colleague who is not free, he thinks that I am not free either. We meet often, but we haven’t communicated much; it seems to me that he always looks at me appraisingly. Recently he came to my office and we talked for about 10 minutes mainly about me, or more precisely about my current places of work. During the conversation, I tried to shift the conversation to him, like where did you work, etc. It seemed to me that we had such a good conversation, but on the same day I met him in the place where we usually crossed paths and... when he saw me (I’m sure he saw me) he turned his back to me and pretended to be communicating with colleagues, but didn’t see me . Could this be an indication that the person has lost interest? Did I scare him somehow? Thank you in advance for your response.

    Hello, I'm 14 years old.
    In your article it was written that if a guy accompanies me home, then he is interested in her, so there is a similar situation with my classmate just along the way and he often goes home with me.
    My friend also says that he looks at me during the lesson, although he is sitting behind me and I think not at me, but at the board. From 2nd to 4th grade he infuriated me, sometimes he would pull my braid, sometimes he would kick my chair, and in 5th grade he changed dramatically and became friendly and even supportive in difficult times.
    Due to the fact that we often communicate both in class and during breaks, our classmate asked me right in front of him if I liked him, and I answered: “Are you crazy? Of course not, I’m not interested in such nonsense like love.” (I was 12 at the time), but he didn’t react at all and simply remained silent, but did not stop communicating with me, and even on the contrary, he would give me advice during the lesson or treat me to something delicious.
    Our relationship doesn’t bother me, but I don’t know if I like him, and if he likes me?
    Please help me as an adult would a child.

    Hello. There is a boy in my yard, he is a year younger than me, I like him, with his behavior he shows that he can like me too. After all, he constantly finds a moment to touch me somehow, make fun of me (but not offensively), and in general treats me differently than all other girls. But another girl from our yard likes this boy, and compared to me, he constantly laughs at her and doesn’t seem to notice her, but on the contrary, he notices me and treats me much better. There were moments when he had a choice of who to sit closer to me or to another girl and he sat next to me, also snuggling. And when I fell, he helped me get up; when I couldn’t climb a tree, he helped me by extending his hand. Of course, I think that he likes me and to check this, I want to hug him before leaving, since we have never hugged before. Do you think it’s worth confessing your sympathy to him or is it better to wait a little longer for him to do it?

    • Hello, Yana. It would be better to wait, boys like to conquer girls. By confessing, you can scare a boy away from you; he may lose interest, since the male sex at a young age is afraid to show their weaknesses in the form of an open manifestation of sympathy.

    Good afternoon My name is Tatyana, I am 28 years old. I am married, my husband is 19 years older than me. We have been together for 7 years, no children. I love him, he also loves me very much, he is ready to do anything for me. Previously, I didn’t look at other men at all, but after a long separation from my husband 2 years ago, it seemed to break me. Since then, I have freely flirted with men, but it has never come to the point of falling in love. A year ago we met a classmate, he got a job with my husband (he is the head of the security department). Now we see each other periodically. Previously, at school, we didn’t really communicate, I wasn’t interested in him at all, but now I like him, and it’s so good that I dream about him from time to time, I’m already afraid that I won’t speak in my dreams. In general, the point is that I have a feeling that the relationship with my husband has outlived its usefulness (and I have sympathy for this guy. Usually I feel whether a man likes me, but I would like to know for sure that I am still married. In general, I’ll tell you about his behavior:
    Yesterday I needed to talk to him about a very sensitive topic: a friend has depression from unrequited love, I asked if he had any unmarried friends. His first answer was:
    - Do you want to marry me?
    “No,” I say, “I don’t want to marry you!”
    Gradually we moved on to the question of why he is single (he is my age). To which he replied that his demands were too big.
    All the time from the moment of meeting, he did not stop smiling, looked at me point-blank, came to a distance of 40 centimeters, no more. I know him from college, he’s always positive, so I’m at a loss. During the conversation, he first smoked, then put his hands in his trouser pockets and did not take them out.
    Please help me understand the degree of his sympathy.

    My name is Natasha, I am 30 years old, married, my son is 5.6 years old. I met a 40-year-old divorced man by chance at a meeting with classmates. I won’t say that I don’t love my husband, no, I love him and am faithful to him, even though he is rude to me, he even raised his hand before. But in communicating with this man, his name is Sasha, I realized that I liked him as a man. I used to be able to flirt with men, but it never went beyond flirting. But this time everything is somehow different. I understand people quite well, not only based on my conclusions, my profession forces me to (I am a neuropathologist-psychotherapist), I have helped many of my friends save their families. I see and clearly see that this man also liked me, even at the first meeting, and he himself told me this directly. He was married, had 2 children from his marriage, did not abandon them, which speaks of decency, but also of attachment to his ex-wife... He wants to continue our communication... But I can’t decide whether I need it or not. But I know for sure that I really want new feelings. Please advise!

    • Hello, Natasha. The code of ethics of a psychologist prohibits giving advice to a client, since any advice is a decision from the point of view of the person who gives this advice. Advice is an instruction, an indication of what to do, based on personal experience, including complexes and prejudices.
      No one knows better than you what to do. Only you know all the specifics of your situation.

    Hello, my name is Nastya, I’m 14. There is a boy in my yard (a year older than me). When I started walking in the yard, we didn’t communicate so well, but then after a while we started talking very well. We’ve been talking every evening for a year now, I like him, but I don’t know if he likes me. There was such a case when he shouted at me and his friend out of anger, so we were offended and left the gazebo, I’m an emotional person and that’s why I burst into tears. But in the evening at 23 (as usual at this time we start chatting) he sent a huge letter of apology. And there is another boy in our yard (he is a year younger than me) and I think that he likes me because when we were running he ran and slapped me on the butt. And when we were watching a video with a friend, he lay down on my lap to see what we were watching. I don’t know who I can like, help me figure it out.

    Hello!!! I like one guy, he is 4 years older than me (I’m 18). I’ve never had a boyfriend, so I don’t know much about it. Help, the situation is this: we work together, he’s cute, funny, sociable. With me he jokes all the time, mocks, calls him chubby, dark, funny, strange, clumsy, and so on (all in an affectionate way, a smile on his face, as if he gets pleasure from it). He bullies, pushes, pokes all the time. I also noticed that when he jokes, he looks at me. Sometimes it seems that he likes me, but sometimes he can call me little, baby, brother. It seems that he is joking. He always asks why I don’t have a boyfriend. He doesn’t talk to other girls That’s how he communicates, and by the way, I already know his mother. Could it be that he likes me or he treats me like a little sister?

    Hello. My name is Sofia. I am 14 years old. There is a guy in my class that I like. He tries in every possible way to attract my attention, tapping me on the shoulder, etc. He takes my things and tries to make me laugh, while looking straight into my eyes. Then he’ll take my backpack, put it on himself, or put it on another desk. Jokes in front of me. No matter how stupid it may have been, he gave me a jumper. If I ask him something, he will answer with a joke. Sometimes I notice people staring at me. Here is an example of one situation that recently occurred. He did something funny, I laughed, he said something like “high five, don’t break it,” and when we were sitting next to each other, at one moment he began to look me in the eyes for a long time for no reason. Without looking away. Could this mean something? He treats other girls differently and does not show any of the above. And if this means something, then how can I get the first step from him, how can I show that I care about him too?

    How do you know if a guy likes you? There is no need to guess. You need to take a close look at the man and listen to what and how he says. Many secrets are revealed to an observant person. So if you want to understand how sincerely this or that person treats you, stop listening and watch. A person can control words, but he will not be able to play emotions and control his body at the same time.


    If you don't know how to tell if a guy likes you, look him in the eyes. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can read a lot in the eyes of your interlocutor. For example, tenderness and affection. A person who likes you will not just look at you, but admire you and smile with his eyes. In the process of such a look, wrinkles form under the eyes. Your friend may break into a barely noticeable smile, which will support the gaze. How does a guy look at the girl he likes? Long and continuous. But when you casually look at a guy, he will most likely look away. And if not? Then you will be able to notice dilated pupils. They always become larger when a person looks at something that he enjoys contemplating.

    Voice timbre

    How do you know if a guy likes you? Listen to how he speaks. A person always tries to sound more pleasant to his lover. The guy may slow down his speech and speak breathily, and his voice will become lower. A man will speak with his chest, because this is the sound that is best perceived by the female ear. Slowness and drawl of speech, even if it is unusual for a guy, can create a miraculous effect. If you understand that it is pleasant for you to be in the company of an acquaintance precisely because you like to listen to his voice, then the likelihood that he is deliberately trying to please you is very high.


    It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to fake emotions. How do you know if a guy likes you? Look at how he behaves in your company. If he is lively and active when communicating with friends, then he is unlikely to give up on you. But underneath the outer confidence there is often hidden inner excitement. If a person worries more than usual, it will show. Most likely, the guy will take some object from the table that he can twirl in his hands. This could be a pen or a folder. A guy's voice can change greatly due to excitement. Your friend may start saying a phrase loudly and end it almost in a whisper. Well main feature Excitement means increased sweating. When talking to you, a guy may mention that the room is too hot. If you realize that the room is cool, think about whether you are making the guy worry?


    A common reaction of the two different sexes to each other is excitement. It often transitions and can even be accompanied by embarrassment. This feeling comes to those guys who do not often contact girls. For example, your friend may work in men's team and be friends exclusively with representatives of the stronger sex. So how then can you tell if a guy likes you? The signs are very simple. A guy may blush when talking to you, shift from foot to foot, be embarrassed and take a long time to find his words. And some men cannot even utter a single coherent phrase. Of course, such cases are rare and mostly only with very young guys. If you notice that someone you know feels out of place around you, he probably likes you.


    A person does not give the last place in life tactile sensations. He tries to touch what he likes more often. Therefore, there is no need to guess whether the guy likes me. Do a simple test, look at how often your friend looks for a reason to touch you. This could be an accidental touch of the shoulders if you are sitting close, or a deliberate holding of the hand when he is passing something to you or saying hello. There can be many reasons. And some guys don’t even try to somehow justify their actions. If you see that a guy often tries to intentionally touch you, know that he cares about you.

    Doesn't know where to put his hands

    The guy invited me to the cinema, but he behaved somehow strangely. Either he is actively gesticulating, or he is trying to put his hands deeper in his pockets. If you notice this strange behavior, you know the guy is worried. It is human nature to get lost when he feels awkward. This often happens when a man is left alone with a girl he likes. The guy may hesitantly take your hand or hug you. But he can do such an action as if as a joke. This way he tests your reaction. If you didn’t take his hand away and didn’t turn away from the hug, then the next time the guy hugs you won’t be a joke.

    Change your appearance

    How to conduct a simple test to see if a guy likes you? Look at him carefully. If a guy has always looked unkempt, but now dresses to the nines, wears cologne and goes to the hairdresser - this is proof that he has decided to conquer woman's heart. Yes, but on beautiful picture they are also pleasant to watch. So, if a guy tries to look prettier, this is clearly a sign that he wants to like you. Are you not sure that the transformation was done especially for you? Then tell the guy you like his shirt. If, after this compliment, the item of clothing you like often flashes before your eyes, draw the appropriate conclusions. Should you tell a guy you like his hairstyle? Why not. Such compliments will definitely not ruin your relationship, but on the contrary, will help the guy understand that you care about him too.

    Increased attention

    Even shy guys can take decisive action. If a man pays increased attention to you, this should tell you about his sympathy. For example, at a party where there are many girls present, a guy may communicate with you very often. He will offer you drinks, invite you to dance, and sit next to you. All this can hardly be called random coincidences. You may often meet a guy in the city or at college. When you meet, he will greet you, smile and compliment you. It is easy to guess that such “dates” are rigged. If a man is looking for a woman's company, this is a clear signal that he is interested in her candidacy.


    Increased attention can manifest itself in different ways. For example, in the form of flirting. The guy can openly flirt. Most often in such cases, the man moves very close to the girl, looks into the eyes and looks at the lips. He jokes and smiles. Touch plays an important role here. The guy may not hint to you that he likes you. He will simply communicate casually and try to charm you with his charm. Discreet men will not behave relaxed. They know the boundaries that should not be crossed. Therefore, you may not hear dirty jokes or compliments about your sexuality. But the gaze and gestures will be gentle, and the touches will be frequent.


    If a guy likes you, he will want to know more about you. How to do this if not with the help of questions? A man may be interested in your place of work or study. Questions can relate to both your hobby and your personal life. If a guy asks something too explicit, know that he wants something serious to happen between you. You can ask the guy counter questions. For example, ask something personal. If he gives you an answer right away and doesn’t think long about whether to give you an answer, it means he’s not indifferent to you. The more often a man opens up to a girl, the more likely that his interlocutor is interesting to him.


    A guy who wants to interest a girl will always rely on humor. A good joke can bring people closer. Humor helps remove boundaries and make conversation less formal. But be prepared for the fact that jokes may be directed at you. Thus, the guy wants to understand how you feel about him. If he, as if by chance, says that it is dangerous to deal with a girl like you, and that he would never dare to ask you out on a date, keep in mind that this is a hint. He is waiting for you to refute this information and give him the green light. But be careful with your jokes. Men are very touchy creatures. If you inadvertently decide to laugh at his appearance, you can scare off your gentleman. So, if you want to keep the conversation in a humorous tone, it is better to laugh at yourself.

    personal information

    A person who is trying to impress you always wants to appear in the best light. If a guy talks to you about how successful and smart he is, don’t view this as a sign of selfishness. You should understand that a man behaves like a peacock and fluffs his tail in front of you. Or perhaps the guy is simply shy and therefore talks about a topic that seems safe to him.

    If a man shares with you details of his childhood or school years, you are not indifferent to him. And if he's trying to find out more about you, that too good sign. Men are very calculating. They will not throw words to the wind and ask what is not interesting to them. So if a guy asks a question, keep in mind that he really wants to know the answer.


    Have you been invited to have a cup of coffee and you cannot understand the man's intentions? He likes you. You shouldn’t ask the guy why he invited you; it will only demonstrate your low self-esteem. Perhaps it was difficult for a man to invite you to a cafe, and inappropriate questions may confuse him. But still, some girls do not believe until the very end that you can fall in love with them. If you are one of these people, then look for confirmation in non-verbal signs. The guy who sits across from you asks questions, smiles sweetly and tries to touch you? What other confirmations are needed? Don’t try to speed up the course of events and don’t demand a report of feelings ahead of time.

    Telephone conversations

    Do you have a friend whom you have known for many years? How does a guy talk on the phone? He can not only discuss course assignments or work reports with you. Do your conversations begin with the guy being interested in your affairs and how you feel? Or perhaps he consoles you and gives you relevant advice? Of course, that's what friends do. But if a man calls you every day or every other day, this is a sign that he cares about you. Why else would he waste his time on you?


    Have you ever talked to a man live? How to tell if a guy likes you by correspondence? This may seem quite simple. If a guy writes himself, it means he is not indifferent to you. But there are also nuances here. A man may be interested in you for a reason. Perhaps he needs something from you. For example, he wants you to do him a favor, or he is a pick-up artist and is training his seduction skills on you. How to understand such subtleties from correspondence? Pay attention to how often and for how long the guy communicates with you. Have you just logged into a social network and immediately received a message? Or maybe this is repeated day after day? Then your gentleman learned the time when you check your VKontakte or Instagram page. If communication is hectic and your interlocutor is trying to find out more about you before calling you for a personal meeting, then this is a good sign. He's probably searching on the Internet your soul mate, not a one-night stand.


    What other way is there to find out if a guy likes you? The test will help resolve all your doubts. You need to honestly answer the questions:

    • How often do you date a guy?
    • Is the man flirting with you?
    • Does your guy prefer your company to other girls?
    • Do you communicate with the prospective gentleman in in social networks?
    • Do you often make eye contact with a guy?
    • Do your friends joke or seriously say that you and your boyfriend look good together?
    • Is a man trying to find out more about you through mutual friends?
    • Does your guy always find time to talk with you?
    • Does your friend often compliment you?
    • Does a man offer his help in solving everyday problems?

    If you answered yes to these questions more often than no, then the guy is definitely not indifferent to you. Of course a man may consider you a good man and communicate with you like a friend. Therefore, you should always rely on your heart and intuition. They rarely deceive girls.

    In fact, there is no way to say absolutely exactly how to understand whether a man likes you or not. You can ask the question directly, however, if a man is cautious or shy, he may answer “no” or change his mind about courting such a brave girl. How to be?

    Below we will give you some tips on how to understand, how to understand that a man likes me or not.

    If a man is very timid, then this prevents him from starting a relationship with a girl he really likes. This can be determined if you pay attention to his gestures and phrases. Watch how he looks at you, as his gaze will reveal all his hidden feelings.

    You just need to learn to correctly identify the signals that a young man, at the subconscious level, gives to the girl that he likes so much.

    As mentioned earlier, one of the first signs that a man likes you is his gaze. A young man who is trying to hide his feelings will look timidly and hesitantly, or, on the contrary, will look at the girl with an appraising gaze. When a man starts trying to catch your eye as often as possible, then most likely he really likes you and shows sympathy for you.

    The second sign that reveals a guy's true feelings is gestures. When a guy sees a girl that he likes so much, he begins to straighten his hair and clothes, see if he has gotten dirty somewhere, and shake off specks of dust from his trousers.

    Sometimes, when a man sees a girl he likes, he subconsciously holds on to the belt thumbs. You should also pay attention to facial expressions young man. If he sometimes raises his eyebrows when talking to you, then he likes you.

    If a man shows sympathy for you, then he does it through verbal contact - he tries to touch or hug you in any way, he wants to take over your personal space.

    If a man tries to involve you in a conversation on absolutely any topic, then most likely he is not indifferent to you. A sociable and quite adequate young man may suddenly become silent or show sarcasticness, although this is a strange way to show sympathy, but it is so. The guy begins to help the girl he likes a lot and sometimes to the point of obsessiveness.

    How to understand that a man likes you by his behavior

    If a woman understands sign language very well, then it will be very easy for her to understand whether a particular man liked her or not. This can be shown by various gestures and movements that can very well reveal the most secret thoughts of any man.

    The behavior of this or that man, his reaction speaks volumes. You can learn a lot, including about yourself, or more precisely about your attitude towards yourself. Does he like your communication or your presence in general? Men are always trying to stand out somehow, to show that they are the original ones.

    This can be understood even by the man’s gait. If a man likes a woman, then in front of her, or rather when he passes by, every man tries to straighten his back, turn his shoulders, and show his masculinity.

    If a man is in big company, then he will try in every way to stand out or be in the center, so that it is specifically for him greatest attention. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this. You can also tell that a man likes you by looking at you. If a man likes a woman, he will glance at her quickly every time, as if by accident.

    How can you tell if a man likes you? There are many ways. You can also tell by your voice. After all, if any person is nervous, then he gets excited, and his voice rises sharply. And if a man likes the girl he is talking to, then he will speak in a lower and velvety voice.

    Don't forget about gestures, which can also indicate that a man likes you. If a man often straightens his tie, a man can also show a sign of sympathy if he straightens his hair. After all, by this he is trying to say that he likes you, he is trying to look as good as possible and show himself in all his glory.

    Also, a man’s gaze can show sympathy. His eyes will be well opened, and there will be no hostility or hatred.

    If you do not see any such signs, then do not worry and carefully observe the man’s further behavior. If he tries to meet you, then this is a very good sign that shows a lot.

    In general, there are quite a lot of signs by which you can understand that a man likes you. The main thing is to be very careful and attentive. Pay the most important attention to small details, because they are very important and from them, you can understand a lot, even more than was said from the mouth of this or that man.

    How to tell if a shy man likes you

    Of course, if you yourself like to “shoot” your eyes and you are surrounded by constant male attention, then it will take you less than a minute to unravel these intentions. On the contrary, in the case when a man’s interest on the part of you is something more, you, accordingly, expect only the most Serious relationships. It’s much more difficult to navigate here, since a man’s misinterpreted intentions can cause disappointment in the future.

    To understand that a man likes you, you should watch him very carefully, notice for yourself how he behaves in the company of other people. This will clarify his desires for you. It is quite possible that attentiveness and charm flow out of him left and right, being his everyday measure of behavior. In this case, it is a simple sign of attention on his part and nothing more.

    Pay attention to his movements. How he touches his face, ear or lips, how he strokes his chin, touches his cheek and hair with his hand. How he tries to correct any unnoticeable flaws in his clothes, does he notice them at all. How he strokes his tie and pulls down his sleeves.

    It is quite important not to lose sight of his gaze and facial expressions. Male gaze lingers on you a little longer, he tries to catch your furtive glance at the same time, slightly parting and running the tip of his tongue over his lips or biting it lightly, slightly and playfully tilting his head forward, winking, raising an eyebrow, and at the same time he works on the surrounding audience.

    You can understand that a man likes you if you try to feel his signs of attention. He will always listen to what you say and express his approval in every possible way. He brings his palms together, ostensibly applauding you. In addition, he very often leans in your direction.

    Take a closer look at his posture. Noticing that you are looking at him, he instantly becomes more dignified, trying to look more impressive, slimmer and more elegant in your eyes. He tries to turn his elbows, thereby visually enlarging his chest, sometimes he simply puts his hands in his pockets or leans his hand against the wall at the height of his shoulder.

    Arm yourself with the way a man touches you, either accidentally or on purpose, maybe trying to wrap you in a friendly hug.

    Please note that every time he talks to you, he is trying to discover his intelligence and talents, and after a while he may start talking about loneliness and, of course, his long-standing desire to find his love, etc.

    I must say that this is far from complete instructions in order to understand that a man likes you. I think with a little thought you can add a couple of points from your own experience.

    In addition, we should not forget that any of these signs or even a combination of several of them may well mean nothing, because we are all different, and accordingly we behave completely differently.

    Let's figure it out now. Young men are not inclined to tell ladies about their feelings, but they really want to know. It's rare that he himself will tell you cherished words, and therefore it is important to understand this delicate matter yourself.

    Some girls prefer to ask such questions themselves, but not everyone will be willing to answer them, and if you do this often, you can even scare him away. Now let's talk about

    First of all, pay attention to emotions, actions, conversations and draw the right conclusions. His movements will tell you about his feelings that he may be hiding. But you shouldn’t be too categorical; you shouldn’t consider any of his gestures or movements in your direction as a sign of sympathy and “throw yourself” into his arms. It often happens that a girl even considers looking at herself in her favor, but this may not be the case. At school or college, we make eye contact with almost everyone, but this does not mean that everyone has feelings for you.

    So, how can you tell if a man likes you based on his emotions? It is no coincidence that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Does the guy often look at you with special warmth and an unusual expression, does he always follow you with his eyes? Does the guy laugh even if you made a bad joke? When you are delayed or do not answer calls because of important matters, he worries, but he cannot contain his excitement in front of you? All of the above - sure signs that he likes you.

    By his behavior. If you have mutual friends, ask them if they have noticed any changes in the guy’s behavior in general, or if he behaves differently in your presence. He became silent, and more talkative in front of you, or vice versa. He began to walk less often and was always doing things, even those that were not typical for him. When you are sitting next to him, try to accidentally touch him; if he does not move away, but, on the contrary, makes an attempt to approach you, it means he has feelings. Don’t be afraid that he suddenly jumped up, got nervous, and ran away somewhere; this could be normal embarrassment. Among other things, a guy can also use some “tricks” to understand whether he is interested in you. He may move closer, waiting for your reaction, or “as if by chance” touch, often look into your eyes. This is also a sign of interest, try to support it. Smile friendly, start a conversation, show that you care about him too.

    How can you tell if a man likes you by changes in his interests? You love them and he doesn’t like them at all, but he looks through them with you without a ton of objections and conditions. The desire to share your hobby, even if it doesn’t work out for him. These are all regular attempts to get closer to you.

    Changes in communication will also tell you the answer to this question. from his conversations? The guy listens to everything you say, tries to find out more about you by asking questions - he is definitely interested in you. He can also talk about his emotions, problems, personal experiences. Such revelations are of great value, since men do not like to reveal themselves and their feelings to strangers. If a guy trusts you, don't let him down. But before you “get closer”, it’s worth going through a test of feelings, and only time will tell.

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