• How to flirt with a girl correctly? Complete instructions with examples


    Every woman has inner charm and is capable of flirting. The only thing that prevents you from expressing yourself in this path is modesty. At the sight of an elegant and worthy man Any woman has an irresistible desire to be closer to her object of desire.

    However, in order to attract a man’s attention, you need to be able not just to flirt, but to do it skillfully in order to make the right impression and at the same time not be intrusive and straightforward.

    What you need to know about flirting?

    It's simple, simple flirting can make the wrong impression about a woman, presenting her desire to get acquainted as a subtle hint prostitute. Correct execution allows a woman to win and win over the attention of the man she likes, without allowing him to think about her in any wrong way.

    First you need to understand what flirting is and why is it needed? This word means a direct conversation, accompanied by conditioned signs and gestures, which makes it clear to the interlocutor about the emerging sympathy and desire to get to know each other better. This is a special type of art that every person possesses, regardless of gender - man or woman. The most important thing in this art of dating is to flirt correctly, without going beyond the bounds of decency.

    The ability to competently master this art allows a woman to quietly master the male mind and direct it in the direction that seems more beneficial to the woman. Flirting is needed not only for building personal relationships, but is also always useful in Everyday life, since thanks to flirting, any woman looks more charming, attractive and pleasant in the eyes of society.

    The main components of proper flirting

    So, in order to learn how to flirt correctly, you need to master two main components:

    1. Love yourself.
    2. Techniques for proper flirting.

    In order to start flirting easily and freely, you need to be a confident woman. To do this you need:

    1. Get rid of complexes
    2. Like yourself
    3. See the woman in you

    Complexes always interfere with living and enjoying life. Every person, even the most seemingly ideal one, has his own internal complexes that prevent him from relaxing, liberating himself and loving himself for who you are. Self-hypnosis and attention from men help in the fight against complexes. Therefore, by flirting, a woman increases her self-confidence, and thereby improves her skills.

    After the complexes stop disturbing the fragile consciousness, the woman will feel desired, attractive and beautiful. Then you need to consider the woman in yourself - fragile, charming and charming; it is precisely such persons who arouse interest in the opposite sex. After working on yourself, after crossing the barrier, you can start flirting with men.

    There are several basic rules in flirting techniques. The first is to tease a man. A man must see a desire to be with him; this can be shown by frequent glances in his direction, a smile, and even biting his lower lip. However, as soon as the man approaches, it is necessary to behave as if nothing had happened, as if the young man himself was the initiator of the acquaintance.

    Flirting is also a little provocation. A girl can flirt with a guy in such a way that he does not fully understand the hints about the desire to get to know each other better. It could be a fleeting glance or a short smile. This behavior of a woman will confuse a man, and as a result, as practice shows, a man will still decide to meet a mysterious stranger.

    For those women who do not wait for the first step from a man and approach men first, it is necessary to develop a certain strategy. The fact that a woman makes the first step speaks volumes; basically, it is a sign of ease and a desire to make a short-term acquaintance. Well, at least that’s what more than half of men think. Therefore, a woman must learn to limit her flirting. That is, when meeting someone, all assertiveness should turn into modesty, so that a man does not have the desire to take advantage of a woman.

    Flirting with a man a woman should exclude all sad and painful topics for communication, no emotional conversations. Such a conversation with a man should leave an aftertaste of celebration and fun. You can joke, but it is better if the jokes come from a man. The most important thing is to be able to listen, laugh at jokes and funny stories, smile and flirt with your eyes.

    Many women do not understand what flirting with the eyes is? One look can replace a thousand words, therefore, when a woman looks at the object of her desire, she should imagine how she sees the continuation of the acquaintance; this may contain both vulgarity and romance. The most important - don't say anything out loud, but show it with your own eyes. Thoughts and desires will definitely be reflected in the look and the man will certainly feel strong feminine vibes.

    The main rules for successfully flirting with a man

    When flirting with a man, a woman must pay attention to what she says. You cannot make vulgar hints, so as not to look easily accessible in his eyes. You also need to learn proper gestures and touch rules. During a conversation, you can lightly touch the man’s hand, but the touch should not be long, a few seconds are enough. A light touch will signal sympathy. A smile, looking into the eyes and down are an integral part of any flirting; you can also touch the hair, but also not for long.

    Curling locks of hair around your fingers for a long time can be a bad sign. If you have the opportunity to go to the restroom, you should take the chance. Movements should be smooth and graceful, and you can also glance at the man briefly over your shoulder. It's never too late to flirt, the most important thing is not to forget about femininity and charm.

    What a girl is looking for in a guy is not Hollywood looks or a mountain of money, but unique sensations and feelings that she can experience from communicating with him. The ability to flirt is the highest level of communication. At the same time, it is important not only what you say, but also how you say it. Look, smile, body position: everything plays a role.

    Basic rules of flirting

    The most important questions a guy should ask himself when flirting with a girl he likes are:

    • Isn't she bored with me?
    • Is there an emotional connection between us?
    • How badly does she want to continue communicating?

    Just as there are no identical girls, there are no universal rules of seduction drawn from past experience. Therefore, you should concentrate on your partner, see and understand her feelings - and then she will not refuse you attention.

    How to behave

    Correct behavior will allow you to playfully melt away the wariness of the strictest girl and give a sexual impulse to communication.


    To get a girl to like you, you need smile more often. A natural, sincere smile is the basis of good flirting.

    When smiling at a girl, control:

    • Does the girl smile back?
    • How natural is her smile?

    does not arise at lightning speed in response to yours, but only after some time, as if after “receiving” your emotions. And the sincerity of a smile emphasizes the asymmetry of the wrinkles it causes around the eyes.


    Correct eye contact– one of the main elements of successful flirting.

    Only when you look at the girl with interest do you demonstrate your readiness to extend the conversation.

    The so-called official look - the one that is directed directly into the eyes and nowhere else - will not cause reciprocal emotions. Success will be attentive, intriguing and appreciative, as if you like not only the girl’s eyes, but the whole of her.


    The mistake most guys make is that they don't take the plunge. touch the girl you like. Touch can cause strong sexual desires not only for boys, but also for girls. This is a kind of natural signal demonstrating that you are the one who is allowed access to the body.

    You should gradually increase the intensity of socially appropriate touches - for example, holding your hand when crossing the road or holding your waist when entering a cafe.

    When greeting, you should hold your hand slightly longer than usual, touching your shoulder with the inside of your palm to attract attention to yourself, hugging when meeting, parting, or simply in happy moments.

    Naturally, at the beginning of a relationship, touching should be careful and appropriate, so as not to send the wrong signal to an unfamiliar girl.

    You should ensure availability mutual sympathy girls - she will strive to be closer, look into your eyes and show that she enjoys your company.

    Friendly and open girls It's unusual to get upset when a guy touches them.

    If a girl is shy and closed, then you need to be sure that she really likes you.

    There must be touching unobtrusive and timely. If you start touching a girl too early, she may regard it as an invasion of her personal space.

    Body position

    When flirting, it is important to monitor your body position - it should be natural.

    You should not try to appear taller or bigger, stick your chest out, spread your legs or elbows wide, and put your hands in your pockets.

    Attentiveness and respect for the girl will be emphasized by the willingness to give her a seat by moving on the bench, or tilting your head towards her during loud music in a club.

    Some postures eloquently indicate a lack of interest on the part of the interlocutor - scratching some part of the body, crossed legs or arms turned towards the toes of shoes - all this speaks of hostility.

    You can understand that a girl is flirting with you by the following signs:

    • If she tilts her head towards you or to the side, this indicates her interest.
    • If she mirrors your pose, then you can be congratulated - she really likes you.

    At the beginning of dating, you should not too quickly invade the personal zone of an unfamiliar girl with a radius of less than a meter. She may regard this as rudeness and haste on your part. It is better when, if your behavior is correct, the girl herself will give a signal for “violating boundaries.”

    Talking to a girl while flirting. Words decide everything

    It is believed that the first impression of a person depends 35% on his manner of speaking and 10% on what exactly he says. Different intonations applied to the same word take on diametrically opposed meanings in flirting.

    If a girl answers you quickly and monotonously, then this indicates her indifference; if it’s slow and in a low voice, she likes you.

    A conversation with a girl should be conducted easily and naturally, preferably on topics close to her. In this case, it is advantageous to try to talk more about her, show increased interest, and listen to her carefully. Be sure to repeatedly tell her during the conversation what you especially like about her.

    There's a lot here useful tips about: where you can learn this, what to pay attention to, common mistakes.

    You can read more about what topics you should talk about with girls in.

    Tips from will help you overcome fear and shyness when communicating with a girl.

    It is important to keep the conversation positive and cheerful. The topic may be serious, but it is desirable that it be discussed without a touch of despondency or boredom. Even if the girl remains dissatisfied with the communication, it is better if an opinion is formed about you as a cheerful person than as a person devoid of a sense of humor.

    Those men who can make them laugh. In addition, girls are more willing to accept affection and courtship in those moments when a guy is trying to cheer her up.

    If another girl suddenly shows interest in you, do not refuse her - this will show that you are an interesting and sought-after gentleman. This kind of teasing and ambiguous behavior will surely make the girl prove to you that she is better than everyone else.

    When you are convinced that the girl has sympathy for you, only then is it worth introducing “heavy artillery” into your flirting arsenal - advances and hints about taking your relationship into a more intimate direction.

    No matter how unapproachable the girl may seem, she dreams of being seduced by a gallant, responsive, self-confident and attentive young man. Even if she realizes that lessons in seduction are being honed on her, she is still happy to plunge headlong into such a tempting pool.

    Example of flirting

    Flirting is a conversational game. Any dialogue can be turned into a masterpiece of flirting, after which an indelible impression will remain about you, or it can turn into dullness and banality, so that you just want to forget about it.

    Boring dialogue for example:

    AND: What did you do yesterday?
    M: I was at the cinema.
    AND: And How?
    M: Fine. Liked. What did you do?

    An example of real flirting:

    AND: What did you do yesterday?
    M: You can’t imagine, it was so cool... But try to guess! (the game has begun)
    AND: Well, I don’t know... did you go to the club?
    M: Well done! Here's some candy for that! Yes, we wandered through a couple of hot spots.
    AND: And what's there?
    M: Okay... I'll tell you. Just don't tell anyone else! (this is already said in a whisper, close to her ear, grabbing her elbow) Do you promise?
    AND: Yes!
    M: Okay, so be it, I'll tell you for a kiss. Moreover, I missed you so much there...

    Mistakes when flirting

    Often, guys in love do ridiculous things, creating a deliberately unsightly impression of themselves in order to interest a person, but in the end they have the opposite effect.

    Questionable methods of seduction include:

    • Advertising yourself as a rich and successful macho. Playing with large bills in front of a girl leads to the fact that she begins to feel like just a good purchase.
    • Frank talking about sex. A girl may be offended by stories about a guy’s past relationships or his sexual exploits, since she strives to be the only one in someone’s life. Therefore, such stories are not destined to continue.
    • Boasting. Guys who like to brag about meeting a celebrity or rich parents are viewed with caution by girls. In their eyes, this is not combined with a set of positive masculine qualities.
    • Alcohol abuse. If a guy, in order to overcome the persistent shyness and embarrassment before a meeting, “for courage” takes a little wine - this is a nice act, but it’s another matter when he knocks back glass after glass, without knowing the measure.

    Be sincere and attentive, and good luck in flirting will not bypass you!

    Dr. Monica Moore, a psychologist at Webster University in St. Louis, found that flirting is more effective than physical attractiveness. She studied the behavior of bachelors in bars, shopping centers, cafes and other places where people usually meet. Observations and surveys have shown that the most popular among the opposite sex are not the most attractive people, but those who, using basic flirting techniques, demonstrate self-confidence and a willingness to make contact. It doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman: just showing genuine interest in someone is enough to be halfway to meeting and liking.

    What techniques can be safely called classic - after all, our grandmothers used them, and, most likely, their granddaughters will use them?

    How to flirt correctly


    Let's remember Gabriel García Márquez, who advised smiling more often, because someone can fall in love with your smile at any moment. Scientists agree with him, and advise smiling slowly and restrainedly: men like to overcome barely perceptible resistance - let only the eyes smile first, then the corners of the lips, and only then the smile will “play” 100%.

    Eye contact

    How to flirt with a man correctly? An important technique is the same “shooting with the eyes” that the mother taught her daughter in the famous film “ Bat" Scientists have discovered that “shots” not only attract attention and are a signal to the opposite sex, they can make us more attractive in their eyes. In 1989, the scientific publication on psychology, the Journal of research in personality, published the results of 2 studies. In both cases, the experiment participants were asked to simply look into each other's eyes. This alone was enough for, after some time, men and women to experience an inexplicable but strong sympathy for the “object of study.” French flirting lessons.

    How to flirt with a guy the right way: touching

    According to scientists, fleeting touches are the most efficient technique flirting. Surveys among singles in dating sites showed that it is important not just to touch the person you like, but to touch correctly. Touching the face is considered intimate and is therefore not always welcome. People perceive pats on the shoulder and handshakes as friendly gestures, which means they are of little use in the difficult task of flirting. If you want to be remembered by your “object” and like him, lightly touch his shoulder, forearm or waist.

    Modern flirting techniques are more straightforward and neutral at the same time, and all thanks to the Internet. Like and compliment under the photo in in social networks, a comment on a post on the wall, the status of a stranger or unfamiliar person of the opposite sex is already a signal. Inviting friends, following status, sending funny pictures or interesting posts from groups is a more expressive signal. Registering on apps like Tinder is literally an announcement that someone is ready to meet and date. Where to meet a man after 35.

    Is female flirting different from male flirting?

    Is flirting with a girl the same as flirting with a man? Scientists' answer: yes and no. The methods are approximately the same, but the reaction of the opposite sex makes adjustments. So, if a woman touches a man, he perceives it as flirting. If a man touches a woman, the reaction will be unpredictable. For many representatives of the fair sex, touching is too much, especially at the very beginning of dating. What remains? stronger sex, except for ardent glances? Researchers have found the answer - dominance displays. It turns out that in order to appear attractive to a man, a woman only needs to be attractive. To appear attractive to a woman, a man has to dominate the space and environment. He subconsciously takes up more space than necessary (puts his hand on free place near); speaks louder than necessary; behaves “at home” with men (puts his hands on shoulders, playfully pushes); surrounds himself with pretty women. If a man next to you behaves like this and casts long, expressive glances at you, he is out hunting, and you are the prey. It's time to flirt, smile and flirt!

    Flirting rules

    The main rules of flirting

    Don't ignore context

    The more informal the environment, the better we recognize flirting. If you want to be noticed in a cafe or bar, just smile or ask neutral question. If you want to attract attention to mall or on the street, you will have to overcome modesty and try harder - for example, give a compliment or ask for help.

    Change your tone of voice and pace of speech

    Scientists do not yet know for sure why this happens, but men are drawn to women who speak either faster, or slower, or a little louder, or in a half-whisper, or with a normal timbre, or with a slightly lower and hoarse voice. This is the mysterious rule for flirting with a man.

    Show interest in the conversation

    Should there be a mystery in a woman? Let it be better in a man. Research has shown that than more woman interested in the conversation more man interested in a woman. This does not mean that you should chat incessantly, but only means that the man diligently maintains the conversation, and the woman appreciates his attempts and rewards his efforts.

    Be a little more direct

    The researchers analyzed the most popular phrases to start dating, and then surveyed representatives of both sexes about their reactions to the “classic” phrases. It turns out that there are 3 types of “starter” tricks: direct (“I’m a little embarrassed, but I really like you”), harmless (“Did you like the movie?”) and funny and humorous (“Can you give me some raisins? Do you have some?” no? Then maybe we can at least get to know each other?”). Do you think everyone likes a sense of humor? It turns out that no, both men and women do not like humorous tricks. In other respects, opinions differ: women are more comfortable making acquaintances if a man addresses them with a harmless phrase, and men like directness in women, at least in showing sympathy towards them. Remember also about an interesting communication phenomenon discovered by psychologists and called “subjective signal amplification”: it seems to us that our flirting is obvious. In fact, we exaggerate our own signals and efforts, and the recipient may not even notice them. So the rule of flirting is this: Be a little more direct when you're talking to a guy.

    Be yourself

    You can go out of your way trying to please everyone at once, but your attempts will be much more effective, your flirting will be more successful, and your acquaintance will be more promising if you try to remain yourself and just wait for the exact person who likes you for who you are. “Hooking” this person will be easier and many times more pleasant. By the way, scientists have proposed 3 questions, the answers to which will instantly show whether the person in front of you is “yours”: “Do you like horror films?”, “Have you ever traveled to a foreign country alone?” “It would be great to give up everything and move to live on a yacht, don’t you think?” If your answers match those of the “target”, you are probably made for each other.

    Avoid tired people

    It turns out that people are much less receptive to flirting if they are tired. This effect is even more obvious when the fatigue is mental. Just don't waste your time and energy.

    Let your body speak for you

    The body language of a flirting person is very expressive and is easily “read” by the object of interest on a subconscious level. If you want to be liked, relax: your body will turn at the desired angle, take “open” poses, your pupils will dilate, and your facial muscles will form a half-smile - in general, they will do 80% of the “work” for you.

    What flirting rules seem effective to you personally?

    Communication with the opposite sex can also be called an art, because the outcome of the conversation and communication we will get will depend on how well we do it. Flirting is an integral part of life, because... good communication between the opposite sex always involves flirting. It can vary depending on the person and the circumstances, so you need to know who to flirt with and how to flirt. You will learn about this by reading the article.

    In fact, flirting can be called one of the branches of the art of seduction. Those who know how to flirt very quickly win people over and win the attention of those they like.

    Flirting is not just some spoken words and phrases, it is:

    • body movements
    • sight
    • facial expression
    • certain poses, etc.

    Learning to flirt is not so easy, because it is not a theory that you just need to remember, but also practice, and you need to do it skillfully and with feelings.

    1. In practice, it has been proven that a woman’s slightly open mouth turns men on with a half-turn, and if we add to this a slight tilt of the head towards the man, this is a win-win option.
    2. Men love it when a woman sits with her legs crossed, and if she slowly and confidently changes their position, this can attract the attention of 90% of the male sex who watches this action.

    It is very important not to do everything stiffly, because overly polished movements and actions will look forced and will cause nothing but laughter in men. Everything should be:

    • smoothly
    • gently
    • sexually
    • mentally
    • sincerely (in in this case, you need to be a skilled seductress to play interest in a certain “object”)
    1. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial all women wore very long hair and throughout their lives they tried not to shorten them. This was originally a symbol:
    • femininity
    • nobility
    • sexuality

    In fact, men, even if they don’t notice it (everything happens on a subconscious level), become aroused when a woman gently and slowly straightens her hair, digging into it with her thin fingers. It would seem like the most ordinary movements - but what is the result?

    1. The correctly selected scent of a woman’s perfume is the key to the success of any flirtation, because sometimes just one scent is enough for a man to become yours entirely. Scientists have proven that perfumes with notes of vanilla and cinnamon are excellent aphrodisiacs for men.
    2. The look is the most important, powerful, striking weapon of a woman.

    It only takes a few seconds for a woman to look at a man piercingly and directly for him to understand that this is a signal allowing him to “step into uncharted territory.”

    Remember, a typical glance at others does not exceed 1.9 seconds (this has been proven by scientists), but as soon as a woman holds her visual attention on a man for more than two seconds, a slight excitement will “run” through his body.

    In this case, you should not overdo it, because too long and intense a look will not cause anything other than bewilderment and awkwardness. You shouldn’t glare at a man as if you were an anaconda and were going to strangle your victim, everything should be:

    • easily
    • at ease
    • spicy
    • fascinating

    The famous author of a book about the secrets of flirting writes that a woman’s gaze should also be able to talk. Looking at a man, she should mentally say “you are magnificent.” Such a view will be quickly understood and regarded exactly as needed. Among other things, the length of this phrase determines the length of the gaze, which is enough to send a hint of flirtation.

    The ability to use peripheral vision is a great way to notice when a man turns in your direction, so that at that moment you can intercept his gaze with yours, thereby secretly expressing your interest in him.

    The ideal flirting look is an over-the-shoulder look.

    1. A man's finger touches a woman's lips. This gesture can be a control gesture in the fight for male attention. Again, we remind you that you need to do this gracefully and sexy so that it doesn’t look like small child who is trying to put his finger in his mouth.
    2. The outer shell plays an important role in flirting. Femininity is the main criterion that helps a woman capture a man:
    • plump lips moisturized with lipstick or lip wax
    • well-groomed, gentle hands making smooth and leisurely movements
    • plasticity and gracefulness of movements of the whole body

    1. Don't forget about distance. In this case, compliance with this criterion plays an important role; as soon as you approach a stranger closer than 25 centimeters, you will violate his personal space (a term from psychology). This counts intimate area, the invasion of which by an unfamiliar person will only push the man away.
    1. Self confidence. This is the main rule when flirting. Insecure and very shy women are unlikely to attract the attention of a luxurious man.

    Women quite often make the following mistakes that lead to failure in flirting:

    • Know how to hide your sadness and despair, the lack of male attention, otherwise a man, as soon as he feels even a hint of your doubt and uncertainty, will turn his gaze away from you. If you decide to flirt with a man, harmony and calm should reign within you.
    • The lack of a smile on your face can scare a man away. Seriousness is not a state for flirting, that’s for sure.
    • A large crowd of people around you will also not give a man confidence, and he is unlikely to want to show attention to a girl who is with everyone.

    Learn to flirt, and communicating with men will be a pleasure for you, especially now you know how to flirt with a guy correctly.

    How to flirt with a girl correctly?

    The art of flirting is much more difficult for men because they:

    • more strict
    • less emotional
    • not so open

    Despite this, in most cases, a woman waits for the first step from a man, so every guy who wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex must learn to be a pick-up artist.

    So, let's get down to the basics of flirting that every cute pick-up artist should master:

    1. It all starts with a smile. This Golden Rule, which works 100%. If they smile back at you, be sure that you have already won this “battle”. You shouldn’t even approach a girl without a smile, so a smile is the main component of your flirting with a girl.
    2. When you have managed to attract the girl's attention and you see that she is really interested in you, then you can approach her:
    • confident
    • leisurely
    1. When talking to a girl, you should definitely give her compliments, just avoid stupid and banal phrases like:
    • you are so Beautiful
    • your eyes are the color of the sea, etc.

    It is better to use compliments, so to speak, individual, not general, so that they are selected specifically for this girl (specifically about her clothes, facial expressions, etc.)

    1. Making eye contact during a conversation is mandatory rule. Always look at the girl with interest, she will like it, and she will be convinced that you really admire her.
    2. Touching. A very important component of flirting, they should be:
    • unobtrusive
    • spontaneous
    • light
    • tender

    1. Listen to the woman with interest, asking leading questions, thereby showing that you are interested in her.

    Flirting should not be an obligation, it should bring true pleasure to both. It is not difficult to interest a woman, the main thing is that she understands your message and responds to it.

    How to flirt by correspondence correctly?

    If you are afraid to flirt in person, you can also attract the attention of the opposite sex through correspondence. Here, too, there are nuances and unspoken rules that everyone who wants to seduce the object of their adoration and attention should know about:

    1. Try sending an empty message. It doesn't always work, but still. If a person is interested in you, he will definitely call you back or write that he received an empty SMS from you. Thus, you will check whether it is worth continuing to flirt with this or that person. Ignoring such a message means complete disinterest in you.

    If a person is not indifferent, he will even respond with a questioning SMS, which means you are guaranteed a pleasant conversation.

    1. Send your selfie. Let it be light:
    • cute
    • sexy

    Remember, do not send a photo of yourself in nude style, this is not flirting, but imposing yourself, in this way you are offering your body, and this is already vulgar and stupid.

    1. Sometimes send messages with hints, but very subtle ones, to convince the person that you are attracted to him and are interested in him, like:
    • You haven’t written for so long, I already miss our correspondence
    • I was waiting for your SMS, etc.
    1. A guy should constantly text compliments to a girl.
    2. Even if you don’t have time, take a couple of minutes and send a cute emoticon or SMS in a few words.
    3. Don’t forget to warm up the SMS correspondence with a slight sexual overtone, this will warm up the situation and prevent the correspondence from getting boring.
    4. Always check the correct spelling of words and phrases in SMS so as not to look illiterate in her eyes.
    5. Do not write SMS in the form of banal phrases and rhymes; remember, it is more pleasant to read original SMS, rather than poems and phrases found on the Internet.

    Despite the possibility of flirting via SMS, you should not delay it, and a personal meeting should take place soon if you want your relationship to move to the next level.

    How to flirt with a man correctly in conversation?

    A woman, in addition to gestures, must be able to flirt during a conversation, because even if her gestures attract attention, and inarticulate sounds and sentences “flow” from her mouth, the man obviously will not like it.

    The main rules for flirting between a woman and a man during a conversation:

    • a woman should not be too talkative;
    • A woman should answer questions in detail, but at the same time, not stretch out her story for half an hour;
    • during a conversation, light and relaxed touches can be used, this attracts the man even more;
    • speak quietly enough and not quickly, this manner of conversation excites men;
    • don’t show yourself as a know-it-all and too smart, this turns men off;
    • do not “stick” to a man, but only respond to his flirting;
    • in conversation you need to be quite modest;
    • be able to listen;
    • speak calmly, without haste;
    • stories should be short and interesting.

    Flirt with gestures, your actions and conversation - it brings pleasure not only to you, but also to the man with whom you are doing it.

    How to flirt with a man at work?

    Flirting with a man in a cafe, on the street, in a park, at a bus stop, at dinner is not the same as flirting at work, here everything is completely different:

    • situation
    • circumstances
    • people, etc.

    Here you need to know the rules, so to speak, of workplace flirting:

    • First of all, remember that flirting should remain flirting, do not move on to closer and serious relationship, if you are not going to develop them outside the office. Never give hope to a person if you do not feel sincere sympathy for him.

    • Be unobtrusive so that it is easy and pleasant to communicate with you. You shouldn't contact the person you're flirting with too often, it gets boring too quickly.
    • Do not forget that flirting is a game in which there should be understatement, so flirt subtly and very gracefully so that they do not want to stop communicating with you.
    • Flirting in the workplace should under no circumstances interfere with work, this is the main rule.
    • You shouldn’t go too far in flirting at corporate parties and events, because under the influence of alcohol and Have a good mood It is very easy to go beyond what is permitted.
    • Do not flirt with a superior employee if his wife works at the same enterprise or company. This could have a negative impact on your future career.

    And in general, before how to flirt with married man , think well about possible consequences. You can flirt at work, but be careful, remember this.

    How to flirt with your husband correctly?

    If you think that you can only flirt with a stranger or a handsome man, you are mistaken. You cannot stop flirting even in marriage, because relationships (especially in marriage) must be constantly and regularly warmed up.

    Your husband should remain the object of your adoration, despite the amount of time spent in marriage - do not forget about this.

    Some important rules flirting in marriage:

    1. It is clear that such flirting is different from flirting free woman, so everything here should be richer and brighter (with touches intimate places etc.).
    2. Flatter your husband (not often, but regularly), this turns men on and does not allow them to cool off towards you.
    3. If you don't flirt with your husband, someone will do it for you - so don't be lazy:
    • flirt
    • touch
    • kiss
    • give compliments
    • behave, in the truest sense of the word, dissolutely

    Marriage is not the end of flirting and other pleasant moments, it's just new stage in relationships with loved ones.

    1. Always look at your spouse with loving eyes, believe me, he will notice and appreciate it.
    2. Feel free to blatantly pester your husband:
    • visiting
    • on the street
    • on a walk
    • in the cafe

    Never cease to surprise your husband, excite him and be for him best wife in the world. Everything is in the hands of a woman, and no matter how difficult it may be at times, everything that will happen in the life of a married couple depends on them; it’s not for nothing that they are called the keepers of the hearth.

    Learn to flirt, it will come in handy in life, and more than once. Among other things, it is worth noting that flirting is pleasant, because attention from the opposite sex is always flattering and pleasing, no matter what age you are.

    Video: “How to learn to flirt?”

    The girl should know from the very beginning, What do you like. Otherwise there will be no flirting. That is, initially there must be attraction to a girl. If it is not there, then flirting is out of the question.

    What it is

    Flirting means showing your intentions. Flirting is a game between you when you like each other. This is flirting and coquetry, this is the exchange of pleasant vibrations among people of the opposite sex, a manifestation of sympathy.

    You can flirt both verbally, with the help of words, and without words. There are no boundaries!

    Happens light flirting - this is a more superficial manifestation of sympathy for each other, usually in words or with a glance, without long touches. This could be a short chance meeting or a short conversation.

    For example, a fleeting and passionate glance at each other by an unfamiliar guy and a girl can already be considered light flirting. Or if one of them winks or smiles flirtatiously at the other.

    1. Voice what you like about her

    Let her know why you are with her now. Tell me why she attracts you and turns you on. Showing your intentions and sympathy is the basis of flirting.

    If a girl is somehow capricious or testing you, you as if you remind both yourself and her why you are together.

    An example of my acquaintance

    She needs to see that you show sincerity and real sympathy for her.. It is to see and feel, and not just hear in words.

    Then she will open up to you and the course of the acquaintance will change.

    Voice it and don’t be shy to say what attracts you to her. It could be her hairstyle, her nose, her femininity, her birthmark, her cuteness, whatever.

    If you're in a situation with a girl where she's being rude, testing you, or talking about boring things, remind yourself why you like the girl: she's sweet, harmless, innocent. Voice these things.

    Answer these questions for yourself and tell her about it out loud.:

    1. How does she make you glow inside?
    2. What is it about her that makes your eyes sparkle?

    Important video from me

    My video on the topic of why persistence is so important when flirting with a girl. Also here I talk about how guys stuff their brains with unnecessary pick-up information, and how this prevents them from meeting the girl they like.

    2. Look - why is it so important?

    I'm very open with girls. I look boldly and playfully into the eyes. I project my intentions towards her through my gaze.

    Everything becomes clear through a glance. You let this wave of passion be in your eyes. Keep it in your sight.

    You give her your love. You get imbued with what she does and how she does it.. You understand everything by looking at each other.

    What you need to be able to see in her eyes

    Know how to see in a girl's eyes:

    1. Free spirit and sense of adventure.
    2. Learn to see yourself in her! See the adventurous characteristics of your personality in her eyes!

    Let go of the result. Otherwise, you will ruin the whole process of pleasure and pleasure from flirting with your eyes.

    The girl is literally can tell everything by the eyes. Your eyes can tell whether you are relaxed, centered, confident, or tense. Or he feels comfortable, in the moment and free.

    Video “What a good look should be”

    The most neutral look is the look with which you are not trying to please. Natural non-reactive natural flowing look.

    Watch this video and see why the look is much more important than words, and why it is so important.

    How to hug a girl correctly and all the subtleties of hugs.

    3. Give her the opportunity to talk too.

    If you're invested in the conversation only you is not real interaction. She won't even see you as a person, but just a walking emotion.

    Start focusing on a longer conversation in time. Otherwise, in the opposite case, it doesn’t cost her anything to say goodbye, since she didn’t say anything. To learn how to flirt with a girl, you don’t have to be chatty and talk a lot.

    4. How to stand or sit: correct position

    Sideways communication is awkward position.

    If she stands sideways, has not fully turned to you, stands half-turned, That:

    • Turn her towards you. So that you look directly at each other. Eye contact very important.
    • Or stand in front of her yourself, right in front of her face.

    « Turn around, look at me. Don't sit half-turned"- say this phrase to flirt with a girl in a more comfortable position.

    5. Smell her neck - arousal and sensuality will increase

    To sniff your neck correctly, read the following 5 points:

    1. Don't go in for a kiss right away. Gently lean her against the wall.
      Don't lean on her with all your weight like a faucet. You don't even have to touch it.
    2. Just tell her the phrase: “I want to feel your scent, how you smell!”
    3. Everything you start doing nowthis is to inhale her aroma, carefully sniff her neck.
      If her hair is in the way, move it away. Do this for ten minutes.
    4. You will change the side of your neck, at this time you should be eye contact.
      Look at the lips, build up sexual tension and move to the other side of the neck.
    5. Don't puff on a girl's neck - it won't excite her. Your breath is soft and fresh.

    As the distance between you decreases, sensuality increases.

    6. Talk cheek to cheek

    The closer you are to a girl, the more she feels you and your condition. The closer you are, the stronger than yours presence for her.

    Communicate at a minimum distance from her face. To literally feel her breath. Communicate so that your cheek touches her cheek.

    If a girl comes close to your head during communication, speaks in your ear, lightly touches your cheek, then do the same! Keep this closeness between you!

    Kiss on the cheek. Smell her neck. Whisper words in your ear. These are very subtle and pleasant secrets of flirting.

    7. Use the secrets of your smile

    A smile is an excellent method of conveying your state..

    Remove your stony super serious face. Smile. Even an inner smile is enough.

    Smile whenever you want, for yourself, and not because you have to.

    I smile sincerely, from myself. The girls tell me: “ You have such an infectious smile. You smile, I want it too smile".

    8. Hold her hand in yours

    The way she lets you hold her hand says a lot. You can adjust your calibration when you hold her hand.

    You can do massage her palm.

    9. Know what you will do with a woman.

    Know what you want to do with her, how you want to spend your time with her. Tell me what you want to do with her.

    You can give her a massage

    For example, give her a massage. “If you want, I will give you pleasure, pleasure and massage.”

    Let each other relax and relieve tension, experience pleasure from touch.

    Do fun things that bring you together.

    It's a mistake to go out to eat or go to the cinema.

    No need to go somewhere to eat or watch a movie together. I've never gone to the cinema with a girl. There you will not get close at all, and you will not be able to flirt with the girl.

    Project calmness, humor, non-judgment, and your own passion, for example.

    Life is a great experiment. You can make a lot of cool stuff.

    10. There will be no flirting if there is no attraction.

    The whole flirting process will be effortless and stress-free if you feel attraction and passion for her, sexual attraction. If all this is there, then there should be no problems with how to flirt with a girl correctly.

    Otherwise, if you're flirting with a girl you don't like, That there will be following errors:

    1. She feels that you don't like her.
    2. She feels that something is wrong.
    3. You start trying. As a result, you try to do what you don’t want.
    4. You are not yourself.
    5. Lost interest and passion.
    6. You get the feeling that you are wasting your time and the girl’s.. This condition is transmitted to the girl.
    7. The situation will be similar to when the package runs out of ketchup., and you squeeze the rest out of there. In the same way, you will squeeze out of yourself a passion for a girl that actually does not exist.

    Put your new knowledge into practice. Re-read the 10 rules for flirting with a girl.

    You can learn even more secrets of flirting from me in my training program and individual training.

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