• Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev are getting divorced. Zavorotnyuk's husbands: how many were there, and how did each new romance of the actress end? Romance with S. Zhigunov


    Fans of the star couple began to seriously talk about this and fear that one of the most beautiful couples Russian show business is on the verge of collapse. Spouses rarely appear together at public events and spend a lot of time working, so they are almost always busy and far from each other.

    Meanwhile, Anastasia is in a hurry to reassure her fans and to the question of a journalist from the NTV channel, who “intercepted” the spouses after the next ice show, answers that peace and love reign in their family. The actress insists that her relationship with her husband is still harmonious. But due to their total busyness, they have to see each other extremely rarely and spend little time together.

    Chernyshov finds it difficult to be separated from his wife, but she herself perceives the current circumstances quite calmly. Since long separations are associated with work, Zavorotnyuk is sure that this is only for the better, because in times of crisis in the country, a stable job will come in handy. In addition, Anastasia sees this as a big plus for family relations. Rare meetings are valuable because they carry a sea of ​​love and unspent tenderness, which means that every minute spent together will literally be worth its weight in gold.

    Despite difficult breakups, Peter agrees with his wife. Even before the wedding, eight years ago, they discussed the situation and dotted the i’s. Everyone has a favorite job, so it was decided not to give up on their career. Now artists have to be torn between family and work, meeting only for 2-3 days. And yet they understand that they are working for the good of their family, which means it is for the better. Perhaps it was precisely this state of affairs that allowed two strong personalities to maintain a warm and harmonious relationship.

    Let us remind you that the couple recently purchased a luxurious three-story mansion in the Moscow region. The couple had long dreamed of purchasing a home outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. Now their wish has come true. Photos of the family nest appeared on the website of the news portal segodnya.ua star couple, which they decided to “declassify” for their numerous fans. The same web resource always provides an up-to-date overview of the latest news of the last day.
    Now the star family gets together in a cozy area of ​​the Moscow region, taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoying each other’s company. Their daughter Anna, who is currently studying at one of the prestigious American universities, also plans to return here from the USA. Despite the opportunity to stay and work abroad, the girl dreams of starting a career as a producer in Russian show business.

    News regularly appears in the media about the actress’s impending divorce. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her husband, figure skater Petra Chernysheva. Until recently, the couple did not comment on the rumors, and the “wonderful nanny” herself, when asked why she appears less and less in public with her husband, answered that they were both very busy, and Peter often went on tour.

    However, the couple recently told how they managed to maintain harmony and mutual understanding in their relationship for almost eight years. “There can never be absolutely equal relationships in a family. Two different people meet, each with their own character, their own biorhythms, so you always need to adapt to your partner and make compromises. And remember that women and men have different roles in the family. A wife should not forget about the burden that naturally falls on her husband,” StarHit quotes Peter.

    Anastasia admitted that she absolutely agrees with her husband. She said that she makes concessions in many ways, and sometimes gladly fulfills her husband’s whims, even if they seem inappropriate to her. In addition, she stated that for harmonious relations a couple should have not only passion, but also love. “A deep feeling will allow people to forgive, and understand, and meet their partner halfway, and survive all the hardships,” Zavorotnyuk noted.

    June 17, 2016

    The actress admitted that in her relationship with her husband she often has to make compromises

    The actress admitted that in her relationship with her husband she often has to make compromises.

    Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev have been married for 7 years. During this time, the couple went through fire, water and copper pipes together. Now the couple hosts the “New Morning” program on the NTV channel. This is the skater’s first experience as a radio host. According to Peter, a common cause makes his family with Anastasia even more united and harmonious. Several life principles help Chernyshev and Zavorotnyuk avoid quarrels and conflicts.

    “There can never be absolutely equal relationships in a family. Two different people meet, each with their own character, their own biorhythms, so you always need to adapt to your partner and make compromises. And remember that women and men have different roles in the family. A wife should not forget about the burden that naturally falls on her husband,” notes Peter.

    The husband’s position is also supported by his chosen one. Out of passion and love, the star of the series “My Fair Nanny” prefers to choose the latter. As Anastasia says, love is able to understand, forgive and accept a partner, which cannot be said about passion. It is more destructive than productive. By the way, Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev prefer to do everything together. Often the beloved man acts as a personal trainer for the actress; it is he who instills in her healthy habits and helps her not to look her age.

    The couple commented on rumors of their divorce

    Rumors that Anastasia ZAVOROTNYUK is divorcing her husband, figure skater Pyotr CHERNYSHEV, have been circulating on the Internet for several weeks now. Alarmed friends and acquaintances cut off the couple’s phone numbers, sympathizing and wondering why? The spouses are “stupid” - as they say! - they didn’t comment, but flew away together on a romantic trip to the Seychelles.

    According to the actors, lately they have barely been able to spend time together due to their busy work schedules.
    “I spent almost six months in Minsk, filming the military drama “The Hunt for the Gauleiter,” says Zavorotnyuk in an interview with HELLO! - Petya had to live in St. Petersburg for a month and a half, where the Bolero show with his participation was on. And now, in September, he opened his own figure skating school at the Tavrichesky skating rink in St. Petersburg, so he spends a lot of time in his hometown.

    When asked about the breakup, Nastya expressed obvious bewilderment:
    - Petya is very attentive to me and to all the women in our family - to my mother Valentina Borisovna, my daughter Anya, even to our nanny Tatyana Petrovna. He often gives flowers and gifts for no reason at all.
    However, there is still not enough romance in their relationship, Anastasia admits. Chernyshev also believes that their feelings sometimes need a good “shake-up.”
    - Routine eats up these sensations, but you just stop for a second, slow down and focus on your loved one. And then what you felt at the very beginning, you will feel even stronger, I assure you.
    At the same time, the lovers admit that it is quite difficult for them, as two artistic natures, to get along.
    “Petya, tell the truth: you can’t live with an artist,” Anastasia laughs.

    You can’t live with the artist Anastasia Zavorotnyuk! No one! - her husband assents to her. - Only I can and only with this artist. (Laughs.) But seriously, the difference in temperament saves us. It is common for me, like any man, to rely more often on common sense, logic, and, when emotions run high, to judge calmly.
    As for the jealousy that journalists catch them every now and then (and then successfully “divorce”), the couple said that in fact they are not familiar with this feeling.
    “I don’t really understand this feeling – jealousy,” says Peter. - It arises, in my opinion, only when either you are not confident in yourself and your love, or you are not confident in your spouse. Although I understand why this question arose: Nastya is kissing the artists in the frame.
    Anastasia, in turn, admits that she is not so philosophical about such topics.
    - I have a clear position - jealousy can poison life, kill love, so I don’t allow myself to think about it. We must trust each other.

    One of the most charismatic and bright actresses of Russian cinema, celebrates her 43rd birthday on April 3. Today she has everything: Friendly family, adored work and loving husband, without whom Anastasia simply cannot imagine her life. But she did not always feel so happy - the actress had to go through a very difficult and thorny path to finally find out what true female happiness is like. We decided to remember how Nastya managed to create a strong, full-fledged family, which many couples follow as an example today.

    Serious passions have always boiled around Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

    For the first time, the young actress married German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf, whom the girl charmed at first sight. But the marriage lasted only a year: “I was passionate, but probably not in love... Although at that moment I could not evaluate my feelings!” - Anastasia admitted in an interview with 7 Days magazine. Soon the actress walked down the aisle for the second time; her chosen one turned out to be businessman Dmitry Stryukov. “This man seemed so bright, decisive, and strong-willed to me. And I couldn’t resist,” recalls Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. But this marriage did not last long - Dmitry turned out to be too jealous of a husband. A few years later, the actress had no choice but to take the children and run away.

    Only the lazy ones haven’t heard about her next novel. During the filming of the series “My Fair Nanny,” a spark flashed between Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her partner on the set, Sergei Zhigunov.

    For Nastya's sake, Sergei left his wife, the couple spent two years together. But the matter never came to the registry office, and soon the actors broke up. “I can’t say that our relations have worsened. They simply disappeared,” said Zavorotnyuk. After the breakup with Zhigunov, Anastasia began to overcome chronic fatigue, she even developed a real phobia - the actress began to be afraid of people and avoided communication in every possible way.

    It was during this difficult period for Nastya that a fateful meeting took place - on the set of an ice show she met a man who completely changed her life.

    "For the first time in long years I’m absolutely happy!” Anastasia fell in love with figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev with lightning speed: “I still remember both his look and my feelings: it was as if I had been electrocuted!” - the actress told the magazine “7Days”. The lovers' relationship developed very rapidly: just six months later, the couple signed at the registry office, and a month later they got married. She felt that Peter was exactly the person with whom Nastya wanted to spend the rest of her life even when her future husband met her family. “Looking at Petya and my family, I suddenly caught myself thinking that this was exactly what I had dreamed of: peace and tranquility would reign in the house. I know that the children are happy, and now I’m not afraid of anything. For the first time in many years, I am absolutely happy!” - says Anastasia. The household also immediately understood: Peter is a reliable person, the actress will be with him as if behind a stone wall.

    According to Nastya, Petya became the first person to whom her father did not say: “Stop, what are you doing?!” On the contrary, he suddenly said: “What worthy man. I'm incredibly happy for you."

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