• “And this respectable man, a lawyer, was sitting in front of me at the desk?!” The capital celebrates alumni reunion day. Homecoming Day: Why Some Ignore It and Others Don’t


    We all studied at school, institute, some in college or college. In such establishments you have to spend time side by side with different people who may later become true friends or just friends. It is customary to celebrate the date of the reunion of graduates in a large group, where all fellow students and classmates gather. In Russia it is traditionally celebrated on the first Saturday of February. This is a meeting with the past, so to speak, and A New Look to the present.

    Various meetings

    Everyone celebrates this date differently. Today, many Internet users like on social networks, correspond and communicate. Spicy lovers make various photo collages and display photographs from their school or student years. Invitations are sent to meetings scheduled in advance. A bunch of different holiday fun. In order to find out about this event you don’t need to be too keen on the computer, just have one page in any of social networks will be enough to find your fellow students.

    In any Russian school these days the doors are open to any guest. The holiday is a little sad because we have all grown up and will never return to our school and student years. Our teachers gather for this event to meet their graduates. Now these are not noisy and carefree children, but adults and respectable uncles and aunts. Everyone comes here to once again feel like that naive and carefree teenager, when there were no many worries and problems that we face in adulthood.

    Beautifully decorated school corridors, balloons and flags, everything reminds of a great time spent. Meeting someone who has sat at the same desk with you for so many years is not a wonderful and touching feeling. Many people had their first love during these years and so much is connected with it. vivid memories. Those cute girls with stupid pigtails, who have now become real princesses and queens, those boys who kicked the ball around the school playgrounds, and are now respectable and reserved men.

    Everyone meets within the walls of their school, hugging and expressing special joy after separation. When we meet, we ask about everything that happened during this time, as if we were returning to those days again. We exchange phone numbers for further communication, talk about our achievements and boast about what we have. The alumni meeting is like a book that is flipped back and every time we experience those strongest emotions that are so dear to us.

    How the school welcomes guests

    Usually, schools in the country prepare for this event in advance; teachers and students always prepare ceremonial part. Where the oldest graduates and alumni perform. On the threshold of the school you can see the happy faces of teachers who look forward to this event every year. A mandatory program is a concert prepared by school students, who surprise with various numbers and good humor associated with school years. The whole event must include a tour of the school, you need to look into your class and remember everything and everyone. Original rooms and wonderful sincere words, make the meeting family and friends. Many graduates stay for tea after all the programs, so that once again over a cup of tea they can remember bright stories from school life.

    Universities celebrate this event

    The atmosphere of the holiday also takes place in many universities in our country. The more mature and conscious years of our lives pass here. And the meetings are just as hot as school ones. Already former boys and girls, in mature conscious age, allow themselves memories associated with the years of study in institutions. Respectable young ladies and young men, many of whom have started a family, gather for graduation at universities. Communication is very important at such events; it is for this reason that all graduates gather.

    Fun party

    Such holidays are simply necessary for our society; they carry so much goodness and meaning. Looking back, you can evaluate and reconsider your life. Maybe, by getting together, they will be able to remind you of something most important, something that you simply forgot, spinning around in the bustle of everyday life. At such events, graduates feel at ease, where they can talk about various topics and, most importantly, remember this wonderful time. How sweet it is to hug your teacher, who is getting older every year and has more gray hairs. As you know, every teacher remembers his students. If you attend alumni reunions, he won’t be able to simply forget you. By once again doing something nice for your teacher, you thereby express all your gratitude for his patience and endurance.

    At meetings, everyone looks happy, regardless of age or gender. We will never return to childhood, we can only leave behind the memories that arise when we meet. Pleasant conversations and the best memories make our souls softer and kindle some special light in them. For the celebration, some prepare gifts for their teachers, usually something memorable.

    If you conduct a survey on the street and ask the question whether we need a graduate day, then most likely more people will say yes. After all, when we come to this holiday, we receive so many positive emotions that it cannot be compared with anything. Moreover, we give warmth to our favorite teachers, who in our time do not receive much attention. It’s a wonderful holiday, and we need to celebrate it on a grand scale, because in our lives sometimes we lack simple pleasant things.

    Tonight it will be difficult to get into the capital's cafes without prior reservation: the first Saturday of February is traditionally the alumni reunion day. But the gatherings take place in the evening, and during the day, schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are filled with former students - accomplished adults who, once in their own walls, feel like the same restless schoolchildren. And it seems that everything around is changing, but only this island of childhood remains the same - after all, no matter how much you change the decor, the main link in this invisible connection is people, our teachers. What do they think about this holiday? And why are graduates putting off everything this Saturday to visit their home school?

    Not many schools today officially celebrate alumni day. One of the pleasant exceptions is gymnasium No. 174 of the Moskovsky district of Minsk. Here they approach the holiday thoroughly: they prepare festive concert, information is posted on the website in advance.

    Today the start of the ceremonial part is scheduled for 14.00. But people began to flock to the gymnasium in advance. It’s somewhat reminiscent of September 1, only the audience is much older. And, of course, now you can come to school in jeans without any problems. From all sides you can only hear:

    Wow, what people!!!

    Sasha, is that you?!

    Hugs, smiles, laughter - not a single alumni reunion evening is complete without this. Victoria, 2012 graduate, ran to the concert straight from the plane:

    Now I live between Minsk and Moscow, I arrived early in the morning. I really wanted to sleep, but I decided that I would rest later. I would like to remember our 10-11th grade - these were hikes and get-togethers. The brightest time! Of course, the school won’t be the same without us. It’s changing, and it’s unusual, but it’s still nice to come back here.

    However, the main thing is ahead. In the gymnasium building, the former students are already waiting for their teachers. They are also overwhelmed with emotions. Svetlana Pekarskaya, a teacher of Russian language and literature, has been working at the gymnasium for 31 years. He admits: September 1, graduation, alumni reunion days - every time it is very exciting:

    A child comes to school small and inexperienced, and teachers mold him into a personality - an Olympiad athlete, a musician, an athlete, a theatergoer. Everyone contributes a little. And it’s always hard to let the guys go - it seems like such a stellar release, how can we be without them? It’s also not easy for the kids: the first year or two after graduation they still can’t tear themselves away from school and often run away. Sometimes you can’t believe that this is your student: here is a lawyer, a respectable man. And I remember: he once sat at the desk in front of me! It happens that I’m walking around the area, and from somewhere they shout: “Svetlana Gennadievna!” I turn around and can’t recognize him. I ask questions to understand which release. I cross paths with former students at work, even at our gymnasium. And recently, as the head of the methodological association of teachers of Russian language and literature, I was at an event at one of the schools in the Moscow region. A girl is leading. I come in, she says: “Hello, Svetlana Gennadievna.” And this is my student - now she is a teacher of Russian language and literature.

    The gymnasium is filled with graduates, and it becomes difficult to get comments: after strong hugs, former students tightly surround their mentors. There is no one willing to be distracted by conversations with a correspondent, risking missing out on something interesting.

    And yet I manage to talk with Victor - he left school five years ago. He admits that he came, first of all, to see the class teacher:

    She invested a lot in me and gave me what others could not give. She always supported me, helped me, and even when I was at school difficult questions, has always been on my side. Thanks to her, a lot has happened in my life.

    Deputy Director for educational work Tatiana Polonik picks up:

    His classroom teacher- This is also my class teacher.

    It turns out that for Tatyana Alexandrovna today is both a holiday and a working day. After all, she herself once graduated from the same gymnasium. And 2 years after graduation she returned, but in a new capacity:

    I entered the correspondence department at BSU and was looking for a job, and here there was a vacancy for a teacher-organizer. She came and stayed like that. Both my teachers and my class teacher worked here. It was easy to get started. Moreover, now my classmate, a teacher, works for us in English.

    For Valeria, 1998 graduate, finding yourself within the walls of your native gymnasium is also a common thing:

    Now I’m bringing my daughter here, she will perform at the concert. This year our graduation is twenty years old, we celebrated the anniversary yesterday. And I come to concerts every year.

    There are only a few minutes left before the event starts. Almost all the seats in the hall are already filled, the audience is animated - communication does not stop for a minute. It’s no wonder that such meetings are a long-standing tradition at the gymnasium. D director Marina Voitenkova says:

    Do the alumni themselves help organize the meeting?

    If the issue is anniversary, the guys get involved. For example, they are preparing a page of memories for a concert. But here, of course, the initiative of the graduates themselves is very important. Those who approach the process creatively also plan to perform on this day. But there are few of them. Mostly the guys come to see each other, talk to the teachers, and then leave.

    In the West, graduates, especially wealthy ones, often help their alma mater - they create funds, scholarships, and donate equipment. We haven't heard of this yet. But if we are not talking about millions of dollars, does it happen that former students take part in the life of the gymnasium?

    Small gifts that do not require a large investment are made. For example, several years ago there was a graduate who donated a large set of lamps for lamps. He said: “I graduated here, now I run a company - I can afford it.” We also give as an example our graduate Dmitry Vanagel, whom many know as Dmitry Wrangel. He is a fairly famous showman. We invite him to our events. Those who have already brought their children to school actively help.

    At the same time, probably, when coming to their home school, everyone wants to show themselves with the best side. Have you ever seen miraculous transformations?

    Today it is not customary to come to school and talk about failures. Of course, I want to show and brag about what I have achieved. Sometimes you realize that you have known a person for a long time and, perhaps, behind this boasting there is a desire to hide some problem. But if there is a place where you can come and show your best side, that’s good.

    After the concert, the graduates will go to their classrooms - communication will continue in their home classes. Anna Kozlova, a teacher of Belarusian language and literature, prepared especially for this part:

    With the youngest graduating class - children who graduated from school last year, I will do a non-traditional Classroom hour– I’ll attach questions for candy and small sweet prizes. I would like the guys to share their impressions of their studies, especially the first session. I specially selected aphorisms about being a student and studying.

    Anna Vasilievna He has been teaching for 40 years, and in the 174th gymnasium his experience is approaching 20 years. During this time, she has already graduated three classes, and she can’t even begin to count how many children she has taught:

    My children and I are constantly in touch. There was no release for us to get lost. Lately, we’ve been chatting more often via Viber, and they themselves offer to meet. Twice the children had an evening in a cafe. And, I remember, with my very first release, we met several times at my house. Back then it was not customary to hold meetings in schools. My family only supported this: my daughters were schoolgirls at the time, and they liked to help me decorate the house for the arrival of guests. My husband is a teacher and works at this gymnasium. He was happy about it too.

    Anna Vasilievna has been invited to a wedding by graduates more than once. And those who are younger often come in for no reason, and sometimes ask for advice. In general, the destinies of graduates are different - with some you get to see less often, with others more often:

    I have several couples - guys from the same class, from a parallel school, who got married. Now they are bringing their children to first grade, and we meet almost every day.

    Anna Vasilyevna also keeps in touch with her own classmates. But they can no longer gather within their own walls. This is not easy to remember:

    My school no longer exists. She was in the Chernobyl zone. Ostroglyadovskaya high school in Braginsky district. Although we see our classmates infrequently, we don’t get lost. We meet during anniversary years in different cities - in Minsk, in Gomel.

    But today is not the time for sadness. Soon graduates will gather in the office. They will tell their stories, remember their school years, and even brag about their achievements - after all, who else is able to rejoice at their successes as sincerely as those who were there and helped them enter adulthood?

    February in Russia is a month not only of rallies and revolutions, but also of traditional meetings of school graduates. According to the Soviet tradition, every first Saturday of February (with slight variations) such meetings take place throughout the country. Thousands of fairly grown-up uncles and aunts flock to Russian schools on this day to look at each other after many, many years.

    Why such meetings take place on the first Saturday of February and in February in general is one of the mysteries shrouded in darkness. According to one unofficial version, it is easier for those who study at universities to meet during the winter student holidays. True, this version does not explain at all why this is necessary for those who graduated from universities a long time ago or did not start them at all.

    But, be that as it may, meeting with classmates in February deeply corresponds to the inner meanings of this tradition. February, as a month, is truly one of the strangest of the year. This is the month of timelessness between winter and spring, when after the New Year's bacchanalia it seems that time has stopped, when there is nowhere else to rush. And it is best suited for indulging in an equally strange session of group ritual-symbolic nostalgia.

    Of course, the foundation of this ritual-symbolic act is absolutely Soviet. Moreover, at its core this is not just a ritual, but a sacred rite, albeit an informal one. And this is not surprising: in the USSR, from childhood, the Cult of the School as a Second Family was formed, which was an important component of the public religion of Soviet people. Accordingly, the worship of the School itself was akin to the veneration of the spirits of ancestors: it served as one of the most important links in the chain of the Soviet meritocratic pantheon.

    The power of the Soviet cult of the School lay precisely in its unspoken ubiquity: the school ran like a red thread through the entire life of a Soviet person, echoed in his children, and was always a reminder of itself. It could be ignored, but it was impossible to hide from its radiation. Disliking one's school was considered something between immorality and soft shape anti-Soviet. Not remembering the name of your first teacher in the table of Soviet anti-values ​​meant about the same as not coming to your mother’s grave.

    However, if everything is more or less clear with the Soviet era, then the further evolution of this cult is a much more curious phenomenon. In theory, in the 1990s and 2000s, the Soviet school cult should have weakened, for obvious reasons, in view of the surrounding tectonic socio-political shifts, precisely as an unspoken ritual. But instead, something exactly the opposite happened: it was the ritual significance of alumni meetings that intensified and reached a new level. By the way, in Soviet time Many schools did not hold alumni reunions. Now all schools flaunt an annual show of “connections between generations” with concerts, meetings in assembly halls, with stands “in memory of those years” and other nostalgic arsenal.

    What is most interesting is that for the first time in all time, alumni meetings acquired a pronounced existential meaning, which they were previously deprived of. For the first time in many, many years, the difference between school years and adult life no longer determined by one immovable social formation. And if the rhythms of entry into the “big life” of conditional 1962 and conditional 1982 graduates for the first 5-10 years after school proceeded ABSOLUTELY the same, then the difference between the graduates of 1982 and 1992 is already cardinal. If in the first case the Soviet state and society determined exactly the same rules and standards of life for its newly-minted citizens, then in the second everything was as in the hit of the group “Cockroaches!”: “Everyone went out into life through their own door.” Therefore, the question “how and where are you now?” suddenly began to mean something slightly different: “do you even exist?” So, 30 years ago, a situation similar to the one when one of my classmates became a successful businesswoman, and the other became homeless and begging near the church, was still impossible.

    For the same reason, already in the “zero” years, a huge number of people suddenly felt that all the best, basic, real things in their lives remained on the other side of the 1991 waterline. Hence all this nostalgia of 30-year-olds in the 2000s for the USSR, “discos of the 80s” and the hyper-success of the social network “Odnoklassniki” (note that it is “Odnoklassniki”, and not “Odnokursniki” of any kind). And, curiously, the Odnoklassniki phenomenon itself for some reason did not replace the communication of alumni at traditional meetings, but only spurred it on. For the first time, people meet not just like that, but to make an attempt to glue something that is thoroughly broken and something that becomes relatively whole only at these meetings.

    To some, all this may seem naive, but all these initially doomed to failure attempts, mixed with the phantom pain of losing a huge country, indicate that the country has more serious problems than the problems of corruption, social devastation and lack of power. The country has not developed any strong collective identity, no coherent community in which people would experience their lives more naturally. As a result, what many are looking for in alumni meetings is not nostalgia, where “stars and dreams” are, but rather a lost forever sense of a shoulder in a world where everything was right and after the collapse of which almost everything became wrong. Alas, these sensations have nothing to do with the problems of emerging from puberty.

    But in addition to the lost sense of collective community, which the current Russian society cannot provide to a person, at alumni meetings many people are also looking for their own “I”. That “I” that has long been lost, and which perhaps only they know - those people with whom you grew up year after year. That “I” that was then impossible to find according to the principle “you can’t see face to face.” Then, unlike my student years, there was no serious socialization and experience of life's lies. Modern world carries too much social masks and show-offs, behind which we are accustomed to hide our true face. And at alumni meetings, all show-offs and masks are useless: here you are still perceived as Vasya from 11th A, and not as the cool manager Vasily Petrovich. In addition, there is every chance to re-enter, at least for a brief moment, the state when you were sincere and naive - that is, you were yourself in the truest sense of the word. When the only one worthy social role It was considered to be the coolest in the eyes of the girls and on the board among the boys. Or vice versa - as you like.

    A few years ago, I came across an article by some metrosexual from the capital, who specially went to report on a reunion of graduates and described it with genuine horror: “God, what do I have in common with these strange types with whom I managed to spend the whole 10 years of my life? precious life? Then I thought, I wonder - what does he have in common with everyone else? With classmates, with work colleagues, with friends, with neighbors...

    I don’t know, maybe these people are right in some way, believing that there is something unnatural in trying to enter the waters of a river twenty years ago, looking for community with people who have no influence on your life today, instead of to live for today. Alas, there are more and more carriers of such consciousness, and there are fewer and fewer people who try to feel themselves at least by the absence of what they should mean in this life.

    Just recently, when we celebrated 20 years of graduation, we visited our teachers who were celebrating the 55th anniversary of their own graduation. We, who manage to gather fewer and fewer with each anniversary meeting, were amazed that almost more of the teaching class came. And the most important thing: they, 70-year-old people, even had the strength to make a wall newspaper with old school photographs. Therefore, looking at the graduates of the 2000s, I get scared at the thought of what will motivate them at alumni meetings. If, of course, such meetings take place at all.

    After all, nostalgia is a strange thing. Even in a collective package, it is absorbed deeply personally. And at some stage it ceases to be a brand, but becomes a simple feeling that you are still alive. I realized this quite recently, when we celebrated the 15th anniversary of graduation, we were still indulging in stupid memories of “how it was” from the series “do you remember how you pulled my braids?” Now, in the year of the 20th anniversary of graduation, none of this happened anymore. But with pulsating regularity, my classmates asked each other one question: “Are we all alive?”

    And I still can’t figure out where I begin in this phrase.

    On Sunday March 24, 2019 Football teams will meet in the Euro 2020 group stage qualification Russia and Kazakhstan.

    This will be the second match of the Russian team in the current qualifying tournament. Let us remember that in the first meeting Russia met with Belgium, to which they lost with a score of 1:3.

    The Russia-Kazakhstan meeting will take place on March 24, 2019 in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the city of Astana(which on March 20, literally in a couple of hours, was renamed Nursultan by decision of parliament members). And how can we not remember one of the jokes dedicated to the renaming of the city, and not say in relation to the Russian national football team that it “flew to Astana and arrived in Nursultan.” Although, formally, the city will change its name only after the document is signed by the new head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

    The match will be held at the Astana Arena stadium(Nursultan Arena). Starts at 17:00 Moscow time (20:00 local time).

    That is:
    * Venue of the match: Kazakhstan, Astana (Nursultan), Astana Arena.
    * Broadcast start time is 17:00 Moscow time.

    Where to watch the match Russia - Kazakhstan live:

    In Russia The federal TV channel will broadcast the football match live "Match!". The broadcast dedicated to the game will begin at 16:35 Moscow time, the live broadcast itself will start at 17:00 Moscow time.

    In Kazakhstan Live broadcast of the national football teams' games can be seen on the channel "QAZAQSTAN" at 20:00 local time.

    March 18 in Crimea is a day off or a working day:

    According to the above laws, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol the date "March 18" is a non-working holiday, an additional day off.

    That is:
    * March 18 is a day off in Crimea and Sevastopol.

    If March 18 coincides with a holiday (as, for example, happens in 2023), the holiday is transferred to the next working day.

    If a holiday coincides with annual paid leave, March 18 is not included in the number of calendar days of leave, but extends it.

    Is March 17 a shortened working day:

    If the calendar date March 17 falls on a working day, then the duration of work on this day is reduced by 1 hour.

    This norm is established in Article 95 Labor Code RF and applies to working days preceding, among other things, regional holidays.

    International Women's Day on March 8 is a UN observance, and the organization includes 193 states. Memorable dates, announced by the General Assembly, are designed to encourage UN members to show increased interest in these events. However, at the moment not all member states of the United Nations have approved the celebration women's day in their territories on the specified date.

    Below is a list of countries that celebrate International Women's Day. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states the holiday is an official non-working day (day off) for all citizens, on March 8th only women rest, and there are states where they work on March 8th.

    In which countries is the holiday March 8 a day off (for everyone):

    * In Russia- March 8 is one of the most favorite holidays, when men congratulate all women without exception.

    * In Ukraine- International Women's Day continues to remain an additional holiday, despite regular proposals to exclude the event from the list of non-working days and replace it, for example, with Shevchenko Day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
    * In Abkhazia.
    * In Azerbaijan.
    * In Algeria.
    * In Angola.
    * In Armenia.
    * In Afghanistan.
    * In Belarus.
    * To Burkina Faso.
    * In Vietnam.
    * In Guinea-Bissau.
    * In Georgia.
    * In Zambia.
    * In Kazakhstan.
    * In Cambodia.
    * In Kenya.
    * In Kyrgyzstan.
    * IN DPRK.
    * In Cuba.
    * In Laos.
    * In Latvia.
    * In Madagascar.
    * In Moldova.
    * In Mongolia.
    * In Nepal.
    * In Tajikistan- since 2009, the holiday was renamed Mother's Day.
    * In Turkmenistan.
    * In Uganda.
    * In Uzbekistan.
    * In Eritrea.
    * In South Ossetia.

    Countries where March 8 is a women's-only day off:

    There are countries where only women are exempt from work on International Women's Day. This rule has been approved:

    * In China.
    * In Madagascar.

    Which countries celebrate March 8, but it is a working day:

    In some countries, International Women's Day is widely celebrated, but is a working day. This:

    * Austria.
    * Bulgaria.
    * Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    * Germany- in Berlin, since 2019, March 8 is a day off, in the country as a whole it is a working day.
    * Denmark.
    * Italy.
    * Cameroon.
    * Romania.
    * Croatia.
    * Chile.
    * Switzerland.

    In which countries is March 8 NOT celebrated?

    * In Brazil, the majority of whose residents have not even heard of the “international” holiday of March 8th. The main event of the end of February - beginning of March for Brazilians and Brazilian women is not Women's Day at all, but the largest in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the Brazilian Festival, also called the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. In honor of the festival, Brazilians rest for several days in a row, from Friday until noon on Catholic Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent (which for Catholics has a flexible date and begins 40 days before Catholic Easter).

    * In the USA, the holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt by activists to get the celebration approved by Congress failed.

    * In the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) - most of the country's population views the holiday as a relic of the communist past and the main symbol of the old regime.

    The school years have flown away,
    They can't be returned anymore
    But how do you still want to
    Let's look into childhood.

    For an hour, for two, even just a little
    Come back with all your heart
    To where we were young
    Where it was good.

    February, first Saturday,
    Meet your favorite class,
    Guys! Classmates!
    So how? How is your life...

    There is a special date in February,
    She has a rich memory of school -
    About carefree, golden days,
    About classmates and teachers.

    Years fly by, but feelings do not age.
    We are together again, and we are a little warmer.
    We are boys and girls again for the evening,
    Only one evening - our school meeting.

    Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own path, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we explored the world, learned by copying from each other, fooled around, became friends, grew up and fell in love. This is invariable in our memory. I wish you in the present the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness. Let what has not yet been achieved be sure to come closer to you.

    We all come from childhood, of course,
    Well, ours went side by side.
    We studied, grew serenely
    And they hurried to school.

    We, like birds, then flew away
    Build nests, seek a calling,
    And, after so many years, I’m pleased
    It's like becoming a schoolboy again.

    Many children are growing up,
    Someone made a career for themselves
    Someone looked at the world not according to the book, -
    The turns of fate are different.

    I wish we meet more often,
    Be healthy, find happiness.
    May success, love and support
    They walk the path with us.

    We studied together many years ago.
    We will say “Hello” to each other, a tear will flash.
    The February wind will carry away fragments of phrases:
    “Do you remember...?”, “Physics lesson...”, “Our ball...”, “Our class...”.
    And the kaleidoscope will return the memory to the country,
    Where childhood goes in the rain without an umbrella,
    Where our friendly laughter rings like a bell.
    And the school attracts everyone today like a magnet.
    I wish now you and I
    Remain a light highlight on the board
    Or become a notebook sheet in September,
    To see a shadow in your window.
    Thank you, time, for a magical day!
    Alas, this meeting is in a fairyland
    Possible only in snowy February...

    School years have long flown by.
    They cannot be returned for anything, ever.
    We have grown up and aged a little,
    But, as before, the soul is young.

    We, seeing familiar faces again,
    Let's remember how easy it was for us then,
    How I didn’t want to cram and study.
    We thought life would always be like this.

    And we are sincerely glad to see this meeting,
    In my heart I remain those children.
    May this evening be good for everyone,
    Let no one be sad today!

    Alumni Reunion Day
    Today at school he collects,
    Let youth, ardor and excitement
    Your hearts will not subside.

    Let him give only positivity
    A wonderful and fun evening,
    Let it be remembered for a long time
    This was a wonderful meeting for everyone.

    The years flew by unnoticed
    We all scattered in all directions.
    But today this evening,
    We have met you, friends!

    And again familiar faces
    Painfully familiar eyes.
    I wish we all have fun
    Like children, forgetting about business.

    May the evening be joyful
    And happiness will come to everyone.
    May our wonderful meeting
    It will bring back a piece of our childhood.

    It's good that there is such a date
    And there is a reason to see each other and get together.
    Our class is worth a lot,
    We continue to enjoy our friendship!

    Thanks to the teachers for your concern,
    For teaching me the value of friendship.
    We continue to get together
    Which means it’s important, it’s necessary!

    We are great, we appreciate the years of school
    And we are happy about every fleeting meeting.
    Over the years wisdom comes to us,
    But childhood remains with us forever!

    Events are not forgotten
    Long gone school years,
    And, connected by an invisible thread,
    Sometimes we send warm greetings
    To each other, to get together again,
    And again to look into the eyes,
    Remember your studies with a kind word,
    And say something important.
    Once upon a time we were different...
    Someone is no longer with us...
    But we haven't forgotten at all
    Long gone school years.

    There is something to remember for us today,
    After all, many years have passed.
    And my beloved school
    Our bow and our greetings.

    Taking the first step from here
    They scattered in all directions.
    There are no girls and boys -
    There are madams and gentlemen.

    Dear people -
    Everyone has been calling you for a long time.
    And I really want to go back
    Go to school for at least five minutes.

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