• Game 5 questions with a girl. What question to ask a girl about vacation. Friendship test for girls


    You don’t know what you can talk about with a girl when meeting her on a date or via correspondence on VK? We suggest reading 100 questions to ask a girl to get to know her better.

    Most relationships are boring given the fact that two people think differently. And many relationships ended not because of misunderstandings, but simply because both parties were tired of each other. So we decided to run away and try something new.

    To prevent this from happening to you, try adding a little flavor to your relationship. You can start by asking questions you wouldn't normally ask. So, there are a hundred questions in front of you, choose the ones you like and ask.

    100 questions for a girl to cheer you up

    5 questions

    1. If you had to choose between losing your sight or losing your hearing, which choice would you regret?
    2. Given the opportunity to fix one common problem in the country, what would you fix? For example, unemployment rate, deficit or crime, how would you do it?
    3. What would you like to change about yourself?
    4. If you had to choose one of three things: a smartphone, a car or a house, which would you choose and why?
    5. Which actor would you suggest to play an autobiographical role about your life? Why?

    10 questions for a girl to ask her

    This top ten questions will help you interest the girl you like. And also develop the further course of the conversation.

    1. Do you consider yourself a reliable person? Can I trust you with any secret? What will you do if the person who revealed his secret to you has let you down (set you up)?
    2. If a friend hurts you, does she deserve a second chance or not? For what reason would you not give her a second chance?
    3. If there was an economic collapse, severe inflation, depreciation of money, empty store shelves, how to cope with this situation? What would you do yourself?
    4. What do you do if a cashier at a bank or store accidentally gives you more money without noticing?
    5. Having a time machine, what one event from the past of your life would you like to correct? What would you like to see from your future?
    6. What would you do with your friend if you found out that she sometimes cheats on you? Could you forgive her for setting her up?
    7. If you could invent a cure for one deadly disease, what disease would it be for?
    8. Having found a purse with money and documents, will you give them to the police or try to find the owner yourself, or will you take the money and throw away the documents?
    9. What do you think is the most appropriate way to deal with criminals, for example, murderers, rapists, robbers?
    10. Will you cheat on your boyfriend if your ex asks you to date him again?

    15 questions for girls

    1. Have you ever done something mean to your friend that you now regret?
    2. Which would you prefer: a medium-sized house with enough space for the whole family or a multimillion-dollar mansion?
    3. What is your attitude to exotic cuisine? Have you ever tried dishes made from it?
    4. Do you play sports lotto? What would you do if you won a big jackpot? How do you feel about?
    5. How would you manage $10,000 or $1,000,000?
    6. Who in the family is responsible for looking after family budget and is it necessary to conduct it?
    7. What can't you live without?
    8. Do you suffer from allergies, if so, to what?
    9. What should you do if the guy you like is allergic to your favorite pet?
    10. Which celebrity of the past or present would you like to meet?
    11. What is your attitude towards piercings and tattoos?
    12. Are you influenced by someone's prejudices, are you susceptible to them?
    13. Have you ever broken the law?
    14. How did you meet your best friend?
    15. Is it worth allowing public transport be with Wi-Fi, taking into account that it is easy to distract the driver?

    20 questions for a girl

    1. Aren't you scared that technology has already gone too far?
    2. Do you think life today is fair or not?
    3. What would you do with a homeless person who moved into your building? How can I help him?
    4. Do you think politicians are honest people or not? Does their honesty depend directly on how much they are paid or their views on life?
    5. Which country or company would you like to trade with if you have your own business? Who would you take as your partner?
    6. What are your least favorite dishes?
    7. What does success mean to you?
    8. Can you describe yourself in five words?
    9. If you notice that a person has lost his wallet, will you return it to him or take the money for yourself?
    10. What was your favorite school subject, and which one is your least favorite?
    11. Should you walk ahead of a stranger up the stairs in a short miniskirt?
    12. How I would like to live Last year life?
    13. How many SMS messages do you receive on average per day?
    14. Suppose you and your friend wanted the same thing at the same time, would you give her the right to get it first?
    15. What's the highest mountain you've climbed?
    16. What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?
    17. What's your favorite gemstone?
    18. What part male body do you want to see first?
    19. Can you describe the most terrible event that happened to you?
    20. What do you consider to be your best feature or characteristic?

    50 questions to ask a girl to try to get to know her better

    Thanks to these questions, you can find out what a girl likes, her inner world, her thoughts. it's the same good way Show a girl what you're thinking about when you ask her about it.

    1. Do you prefer to work remotely at home or in the office?
    2. Should a couple in a relationship give each other cool nicknames, names or not?
    3. What nicknames did your friends get and why?
    4. What are the two main things you want to know about the person you start dating?
    5. Would you rather spend your weekend playing computer games or making homemade baked goods?
    6. Where would you prefer to learn about current events: television, internet, radio or newspaper? Why?
    7. Have you ever had a bad habit that you were able to break?
    8. What hobby are you interested in? What else would you like to do?
    9. If your family categorically refuses your consent to marry your lover, what will you do?
    10. How are you used to or prefer to celebrate holidays? What are your favorites?
    11. Have you set anyone up in your life? On purpose or by accident? Do you regret it?
    12. How do you react if one of your friends has conflicts with each other?
    13. Is it better to live by your own principles, but to be different from the majority or to be like everyone else?
    14. Do you prefer to solve things according to a schedule or spontaneously? Do you consider yourself a girl whose life is planned according to a schedule or do you not keep track of time at all?
    15. Do you consider yourself a fashionista or don't care about fashion issues?
    16. Do you prefer a skirt or jeans, trendy clothes or comfortable ones?
    17. Which family traditions what kind of family would you like to have in your own marriage?
    18. What makes you feel alive?
    19. What decisions have you ever made that you consider to be the best and worst?
    20. Is there something you will never do again?
    21. In retirement, is it better to have a house in the village or to travel?
    22. What things make you comfortable?
    23. Do you like costume or theme parties?
    24. Do you believe that every person has a calling in life or a higher purpose?
    25. Do you care what other people think about you or not?
    26. How do you take compliments or criticism?
    27. Do you need some control or do you consider yourself completely independent in everything? Why?
    28. Is excess weight a problem or not?
    29. What technologies, sciences, inventions do you want to understand more or better?
    30. What would you like to invent?
    31. Having a lot of money without having to work, where would you like to spend some of it or what to do?
    32. Having the gift of making a man tell you only the truth, what would you ask him?
    33. What trait do you value most in friendship? Do you easily get along (make friends) with people?
    34. Are you a good judge of human characters or not? Have you ever made a mistake because of this?
    35. How much time do you prefer to spend on social networks?
    36. Do you consider yourself an Internet addict or not? How to determine this dependence?
    37. What is the greatest humiliation you have faced?
    38. Are you concerned about preserving the land for future generations?
    39. What movie are you ready to watch endlessly? Why?
    40. Do you consider yourself a patriot or not? If the enemy attacks, will you go to fight or stay in the rear?
    41. What's the best thing to ask a goldfish?
    42. Ever been water skiing?
    43. What life principles are you guided by?
    44. Can you assemble small household or kitchen appliances according to instructions without a man?
    45. Can you change the oil in your car or change a tire yourself?
    46. What will you choose as a gift for your man: fishing, travel or a spa?
    47. Have you studied self-defense techniques?
    48. Do you know how to bake pastries, what is the best one to bake?
    49. When you first cook a dish, do you follow the recipe exactly or do you prefer to improvise?
    50. What is your favorite drink?


    We hope these 100 questions to ask a girl will help you understand each other better. Remember, it is best to answer questions honestly and truthfully. After all, it helps you get to know each other better.

    We are not used to asking questions. On the contrary, we often hide behind a phone or computer screen instead of having a face-to-face conversation. As a result, we feel more isolated than before, even if we have 300 friends on Facebook.

    Many guys feel stressed before starting a conversation with a girl, having no idea what to talk to her about. Therefore, 100 questions for a girl will tell you the topics of conversation and help you start a conversation.

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    Even the bravest young people sometimes get lost when the moment comes to communicate with the girl they like. What can we say about the first date...

    While getting ready, the guy plays out a million scenarios in his head, mentally developing the conversation, trying to make the young lady laugh and interest him. However, very often, at the sight of a beautiful creature, all smart thoughts and planned phrases immediately disappear, and an absolute vacuum reigns in the head.

    Of course, both guys and girls want to avoid awkward pauses in communication, be it the first, second, fifth date, phone conversation or correspondence. To avoid such sensitive situations, we have prepared several interesting questions. Of course, every conversation is unique, and there is no need to copy these same questions, but they can serve as excellent guidelines for your communication.

    With the help of leading sentences, you can develop an entertaining conversation, thereby showing your resourcefulness, humor and interest in the girl. At the same time, you can learn more about her, her hobbies, goals and outlook on life. So, let's begin.


    It is much more interesting for young people to spend their leisure time if they have similar hobbies. Of course, you need to ask about this on the first date. You can do this in direct form:

    • Do you have a hobby? Which?

    If you are involved in any kind of sport, go to the gym, are good at drawing, whatever, be sure to ask what your young lady’s opinion is about this hobby:

    • Do you like sport? Which? What about bodybuilding?
    • Would you mind being a fashion model for me? Your beauty is inspiring.
    • How do you feel about photography?
    • You are so beautiful, I want to draw you. You do not mind?
    • Do you want to learn to play the guitar/dance flamenco?
    • How do you prefer to spend your leisure time?
    • How about active recreation?
    • What attracts you more: a beach holiday or a tour of the most beautiful cities peace?
    • Have you already thought about how you will spend the summer/New Year?
    • Could you visit a nudist beach?
    • Imagine the perfect vacation. What is he like?

    Purpose in life

    All young people, both boys and girls, pay attention to appearance and image when they first meet. If you decide for yourself that everything is fine with a girl’s face and figure, ask about her goals in life. Surely you will be interested to know that the fragile blue-eyed creature is studying to become a surgeon, and the liberated shirt-guy will soon defend his PhD in the study of the stock market. Your surprise will be huge when the young lady opens cards about her life plans.

    • What are your plans?
    • Where do you study?
    • Tell us about your profession.
    • Do you like to plan (day, week, vacation, budget, career)?
    • Describe yourself in 5/10 years.
    • What is most important to you in life?
    • What industry do you want to realize yourself in?

    There is nothing sweeter for a person than hearing his own name. When asking a question, address the girl by name.

    • Anya, what is more important for you – career or family?
    • Ivanka, have you ever had the desire to become famous?
    • Vika, do you have a dream?
    • Are you more of a realist or a dreamer?

    Ask about a girl's qualities

    By asking questions about a girl's character traits, you will not only be able to learn about her, you will also be able to evaluate her objectivity and self-esteem.

    • Rate your adequacy on a ten-point scale.
    • What kind of kid/teen were you? A bully or a good girl?
    • Could you now pack your things and leave with your loved one to the ends of the world?
    • How do you find out about events happening in the world?
    • What role did your education play in your career?
    • Do you like making decisions?
    • Do you often do crazy things?
    • Which of your achievements can you say is the most ambitious?
    • How do you cope with failure?
    • How important is comfort to you?
    • What gives you more pleasure - receiving or giving gifts?
    • Describe your ideal guy.
    • Is it difficult for you to get angry?
    • Are you a confident person in your own abilities?
    • What does happiness consist of for you?
    • Do you like extreme entertainment?
    • What is your most significant difference from others?
    • Tell us about your weaknesses. What are they?
    • What will you never give up under any circumstances?

    Questions about intimacy

    Perhaps, for a first date, such questions will be too frank, and your lady may think that there is, if not a maniac, then certainly some kind of pervert nearby. Of course, cases are different, and many girls are ready to become generous after the first date.

    We will say for sure: if you have already had pleasant communication, and you understand that such things will not frighten or spoil the girl’s opinion of you, piquant questions can be very useful.

    We offer interesting options.

    • Can you take me into your captivity?
    • What thoughts come to your mind during sex?
    • I heard that rough women are very passionate in bed. This is true?
    • Do you cover yourself with a blanket when it's hot, or do you sleep naked?
    • What are you wearing right now?
    • When are you most passionate: during the day, in the morning, in the evening or at night?
    • Where would you like to make love?
    • Do you like being teased?

    If on the first date you ask a girl if she has a piercing on her... (well, you understand), most likely she will send you away, and you are unlikely to have the chance. Even an innocent question about what her favorite color is could cost you that coveted second date. Why? You may seem superficial to her. She has enough life experience, she can tell you a lot, but you can only ask her a meaningless question!

    Women have a strange logic. That's why we've come up with 50 questions for you that will help you avoid ruining a date and get to know your friend inside and out. Of course, you shouldn’t ask all these questions at once on one date; choose a few and dilute the conversation with them.

    1. What would you never repeat in your life?

    2. What would you choose: to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

    3. What was the last reason you cried?

    4. In what situation were you the most nervous?

    5. What fact about you would surprise your parents?

    6. What is your worst habit?

    7. What superpower would you like to have for one day?

    8. Which superhero do you think is the most attractive man?

    9. What's the weirdest thing your pet does?

    10. Where would you live if you could choose any place on Earth?

    11. Who knows you best?

    12. What clubs did you go to at school?

    13. Finish the phrase: “I’m probably the best…”

    14. What was the last book you really liked?

    15. Best show of all time?

    16. At what age did you enjoy living the most?

    17. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

    18. Finish the phrase: “I would be most upset at dawn if I had never...”

    19. Apologize or ask permission?

    20. Endless love or money?

    21. If you knew that you would die in a week, what would you do?

    22. What song have you listened to the most times?

    23. Lie on the beach or wander around Europe on excursions?

    24. If you were a child prodigy, what would you do?

    25. What is the first thing you will do if you win the lottery?

    26. Which celebrity would you trade places with?

    27. If you were a musician, what would you call your first album?

    28. What life story do your friends remind you of from time to time?

    29. If there was only one spice left in the world, what would you choose?

    30. What is the ideal number of people for a Friday night party?

    31. What is the most unpleasant age for you?

    33. Which fictional character reminds you of yourself?

    35. What program did you love to watch as a child?

    37. In any game where you choose a question category, what would you choose first?

    38. What things are you superstitious about?

    39. Tell me about the most terrible incident in your life.

    40. Which person not involved in politics would you support in the elections? Or whose election race would you be interested in watching?

    42. Which dead person would you like to have lunch with if it were possible?

    43. Do you think following the news is important?

    44. Best gift, which you ever received?

    45. Would you be willing to sacrifice one of your fingers if in exchange you could get free Wi-Fi everywhere you went?

    46. ​​What would you do first if you turned into a man for one day?

    47. If you could give a gift to anyone for any amount, what would you give and to whom?

    48. A large comfortable house in a residential area or a tiny house with a beautiful view?

    49. What is the nicest thing others can say about you?

    Many young people have difficulties when meeting the girl they like for the first time. Nonsensical phrases paired with meaningless or inappropriate questions lead to a quick end to the conversation. Let's look at what questions you can ask a girl and what you shouldn't.

    If we talk about the first date, during preparation, guys play out various scenarios in their heads, mentally starting a conversation in order to interest the young lady. But when the cherished moment comes, the planned phrases, along with smart thoughts, instantly disappear, and chaos occurs in your head.

    Every guy strives to avoid pauses when communicating with a girl live, by phone or via the Internet. To avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, I advise you to read the material, which contains the most interesting questions for a girl.

    Every conversation is unique in its own way, you can’t argue with that. I do not encourage you to copy the questions given; use them as a guide when communicating. They will help make the conversation entertaining, demonstrate humor, resourcefulness and sympathy to the girl you like. At the same time, you will learn about the life views, goals and hobbies of your chosen one. But before you ask a girl the first question, listen to the following recommendations.

    • Ask simple, easy-to-understand questions. Using abstruse phrases will lead to the disappearance of the interlocutor’s desire to answer or communicate.
    • Don't overdo it with the number of questions. After hearing the answer, develop the topic and be sure to share your opinion.
    • Be smarter. Ask questions that provoke detailed answers. These, along with a few clarifications, will keep the conversation from dying out.
    • Ask questions that are interesting to answer. Use the answer to develop further communication.

    If you are trying to find a girl, be sure to listen to the recommendations given. They, together with imagination, will serve to achieve the goal. If you want to know what exactly to ask in a given situation, continue reading the article.

    What questions to ask to get to know a girl better

    The soul of a woman - the most difficult mystery, which is difficult to guess. The correct formulation of questions plays an important role in achieving the goal. A correctly chosen topic of conversation facilitates a quick transition to a personal wave. And literally within a few minutes the first idea of ​​the interlocutor appears, and this is the path to conquering the heart.

    There are many sites on the Internet whose pages contain a huge number of questions. Naturally, it is unrealistic to ask them all during a short conversation. But this is not required. To get to know a girl better, the following questions are enough.

    1. Have you ever done anything in your life that you don’t want to repeat?
    2. What can make you cry?
    3. What compliments do you consider the most pleasant?
    4. Which gift in life do you consider to be the best?
    5. If it was possible to send advice to your past self, what would it be?
    6. What age do you consider the worst?

    These simple and harmless questions will help in building a serious and productive conversation, as they contain psychological subtext. After receiving the answers, you will find out the preferences of the interlocutor and her character.

    Don't argue and keep your opinions to yourself. Create a calm atmosphere in which she can talk about herself. This is the secret of obtaining detailed and maximum voluminous information.

    Video tips

    The questions listed are equally suitable for both real communication and correspondence on the Internet. Over time, learn to create questions in your head that are relevant to the topic of conversation.

    Top best questions to ask a girl via correspondence in VK

    Personal computers, netbooks, tablets and smartphones have become an integral part of the lives of young people. Together with the Internet, they provide girls and boys with access to an immense bank of information and entertainment. Young people also use electronics for dating and communication.

    Many people meet on the Internet and over time transfer communication from VK to real life. But only those who are attentive, interesting and ask the “right” questions achieve success. Read below what is the best thing to ask girls about when chatting on VK and others social networks.

    • Do you like to travel? What's your favorite place?
    • Do you love reading? Do you have any favorite writers? What genre of literature do you prefer?
    • What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite band or artist?
    • Have there been any funny incidents in your life?
    • What are your hobbies?
    • How do you feel about sports?
    • What time of year do you like best and why?
    • What do you strive for in life?
    • Do you have a cherished dream?
    • What entertainment establishments do you prefer: theaters, cafes, restaurants, bars?

    Even if you communicate with a girl online, do not forget about respect. Treat your interlocutor as a person. Be careful with compliments about your appearance. It's better to compliment your tastes, achievements or abilities. Always maintain a positive attitude, because it is easier and more interesting to communicate with a positive person. Ask what interests you and don't repeat yourself.

    Good questions when dating in real life

    Sometimes when meeting a girl, guys notice that during the conversation the mood of the interlocutor changes. If at first interest was burning in her eyes, now indifference is clearly visible in them. This is the result of mistakes made during dating.

    The list of mistakes that affect a young lady’s mood is extensive, and one of the first places belongs to “wrong” questions. In this part of the article I will give two simple rules that will help in building a fruitful conversation.

    1. Even if you have a lot of original questions in your head, don’t rush to ask them in a row. The girl will get the impression that she is under interrogation. It is recommended to dilute questions with interesting stories and comments.
    2. Picking up next question, be guided by the development of the situation. If you notice that you can’t spark interest, switch to a more serious strategy. If the questions work, hold your horses a little to achieve success. This will intrigue your interlocutor.

    During the conversation, ask the girl questions, using her story as a guide. If your interlocutor mentions things that interest you, use this to create another question. Believe me, in any conversation there will be something in which you are interested. And you yourself can start a conversation about interests and hobbies. Talking about indifferent things will not lead to success.

    Don't forget about questions with banter. They will help increase your attractiveness and shake the self-confidence of your interlocutor. But remember that a word hurts no worse than a sharp blade. And interesting questions will bring you closer to your goal faster if you demonstrate charisma and confidence.

    To make the conversation with a girl productive, ask more vital, funny, original and interesting questions. Talking about smart topics alone will not help to interest your interlocutor. Below we will look at ten interesting questions to ask a girl.

    1. Do you have a feature that distinguishes you from other girls?
    2. Which masculine qualities do you value most?
    3. Do you worry about what people around you think about your hair, figure, style or clothes?
    4. How do you feel about men and women who smoke?
    5. What should a woman be guided by when choosing a guy: reason, promptings of the heart, feelings?
    6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
    7. What do you want in life?
    8. Do you like tattoos or piercings?
    9. Where would you like to go?
    10. Do you communicate on social networks?

    During the conversation, do not ask all of the above questions. For each, choose the most good timing. And remember, if communication doesn't work out, you might not be right for each other. The emergence of real feelings is spontaneous.

    Top questions in the game "Truth or Dare"

    To play Truth or Dare you need small company and a set of cards containing a variety of tasks or original questions. If a player draws a task card, he completes the task according to the conditions. If a player gets a card with a question, he gives an honest, reasoned answer.

    Actions for the game are designed to be universal so that every participant can perform them. As for questions, there are no restrictions on topics. It all depends on what you want to know about the girl. I will give examples.

    1. Do you like extreme?
    2. Is your heart free?
    3. Do you read other people's letters?
    4. Do you often tell lies?
    5. Do you like to cook?
    6. Do you have many secrets?
    7. Have you ever done ridiculous things in your life?
    8. Do you have a cherished dream?
    9. Do you interfere in other people's affairs?
    10. Jealous?

    As you can see, the questions cover a wide variety of areas. This list can be continued endlessly. To make the game leave a pleasant impression, use your imagination and come up with as many interesting questions as possible.

    List of vulgar questions

    There is nothing good in vulgarity, but sometimes it bears fruit. Its correct use helps to liberate the young lady and kindle feelings in the heart. Girls like guys with a little spice, but they won't admit it.

    Start small and gradually increase the degree. If you go straight to vulgarity, the girl will think you're crazy or preoccupied. But if she's the first to talk about sex, don't hold back.

    If vulgarities do not contribute to the construction of a normal conversation, end the experiment immediately. IN otherwise the conversation will end prematurely. And don’t forget about a sense of proportion. Try to keep the conversation not only about bed topics.

    • You had sexual contact with a guy?
    • How do you feel about sex?
    • Walking around your apartment naked?
    • Does “size” matter to you?
    • Do you watch adult films?
    • Do you masturbate?
    • Would you like to lie down in an extreme place?
    • Do you welcome experiments in sex?

    Even vulgar questions helped in building a conversation, do not consider yourself the king of vulgarity. In most cases, the young ladies go on a counter-offensive, and the guys have to defend themselves.

    I don’t recommend concentrating on vulgarity, because it does not contribute to creating relationships. Additionally, dirty talk is very different from reality. So focus more on real talk and real action.

    What questions should you not ask girls?

    If the conversation with the young lady goes well, communicate on any topic. But even in this case, do not forget about the restrictions. There are questions that are absolutely not recommended to ask - the answer can put the interlocutor in an awkward position, remind you of unpleasant events or spoil the mood.

    Many novice pick-up artists ask, what kind of vulgar questions can you ask a girl? In general, the vulgar question is important tool seduction, and sometimes without them it is generally difficult to overcome the friendly zone. But you need to ask a lady frank questions at the right time, and you should learn how to do this. In this article I will tell you what vulgar questions you can ask a girl, and what you shouldn’t ask in principle.

    Frank questions for a friend: simple rules

    There are at least three rules to follow if you want to use explicit questions to seduce:
    • First you need to achieve a certain trust between you and your new friend. Therefore, if you don’t know anything about her, first ask leading, vital questions. This will help you get to know her better, and she will trust you more. This is female psychology.
    • Leading questions will also help you determine which topics are taboo and which are okay to talk about. Plus, it will help you find out what topics turn her on. In general, you need to learn to calibrate all questions depending on her behavior and character. But only experience will help you with this.
    • However, if you immediately chose for yourself the so-called style of a sexual provocateur or the “scumbag” style, then you will have to skip the first two points. After all, vulgar questions for girlfriends with a trick for them are not just a tool of seduction, but also a manner of communication. But then you must be prepared for the fact that you will only be able to communicate successfully with a certain category of women. AND Only with experience this style will allow you to feel comfortable always and everywhere. and appeal to most of the fairer sex.

    Dirty questions: examples

    Of course, you can ask the girl any other frank question you can think of.. Below I simply provide a list of those that I usually ask. And in general, when deciding what vulgar question to ask a girl, with little experience of such seduction, it is still worth starting with less vulgar ones. And then, when you see that your friend is reacting as she should, move on to more “heavy artillery” in order to consolidate your position.

    So, what are some vulgar questions:

    • Craziest thing you've ever done?
    • What attracts you most in a man, and what do you pay attention to first?
    • Do you like men older than you or your age?
    • What is more important to you: money or love - wealth or relationships?
    • How long have you kissed?
    • Who's the celebrity you wouldn't mind sleeping with?
    • What is your breast size?
    • Ever kissed a girl?
    • How do you feel about sex for money? Are you ready to pay for it or would you prefer, on the contrary, to take money?
    • Do you like watching “adult films” (porn)?
    • Do you take nude selfies?

    • Do you like sleeping naked?
    • Size matters?
    • What are the most sensitive places on your body?
    • What's your favorite sex position?
    • What's the most unusual place you've had sex in?
    • What's the sexiest compliment you've ever received?
    • What part of your body are you most proud of?
    • What do you do best in bed?
    • In what position do you most often experience orgasm?
    • Do you have a sexual fantasy, and if so, what is it?
    • Do you prefer gentle and hard sex?
    • Never dated two guys at the same time?
    • Do you have beautiful sexy lingerie? What are you wearing now?
    • Do you want to kiss me?

    What questions to ask a girl?

    Vulgar questions and compliments - of course, communication with a girl is not limited to this. Not only does she first need to be “stirred up” for such conversations, but during further communication – after sex – she will have to talk about something. For this reason, it is very important to know what to say to a woman in bed!

    But in general It’s better to immediately decide for yourself where you want your communication to lead. But since most often any normal guy wants to get a girl into bed, it’s rare that he can do without asking vulgar questions to his girlfriend. However, there is something that in this case you definitely shouldn’t ask, and sometimes such questions completely discourage any sympathy that has arisen for you.

    I’m talking now about the most boring and banal phrases, such as “what do you do” and “where do you study”, “what do you want to become” or “what are you interested in”. Many people find them convenient because they provide an opportunity to develop a topic and get hooked on something. But in fact, they do more harm. And with each such question, you interest her less and less as a man, and you move into the category of possible friends with whom you can just chat.

    Moreover, when meeting for the first time, try to ask funny questions, a little frank. This will immediately make you stand out from the crowd. But, under no circumstances, do not ask them one after another, as if from a list. Try to develop the topic in each case, ask for her opinion. Show that you are interested in her as a person and as a sexual object. Almost always, before asking a vulgar question to a friend, you need to prepare the ground for this. And only interesting and funny questions are suitable for this. Examples of the first:

    • Are you interested in sports, if so, what kind?
    • If you were invited to act in a movie, what role would you choose?
    • What clothes - style, colors - do you prefer?
    • What touches you more when communicating with a man – voice, look or touch?
    • Do you like it when men stare at you?
    What's good is that cool questions can be on a variety of topics. And if in the case of interesting questions, you need to seem a little serious, then you can joke here. Examples of such questions:
    • If you turned into a man, what would you do?
    • Is there anything for you that it’s definitely better not to tell your parents?
    • What usually makes you blush?
    • Do you like to be in charge in relationships or do you prefer to be led?
    • What will you be when you grow up?


    If you don't know what to talk about with a girl, you're unlikely to be able to seduce her. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, for example, you are a muscular macho, and she is drunk and dreams of sex.

    In most cases, you will have to not only maintain the conversation, but also seem interesting to her. But vulgar questions can help you get her into bed faster, and not stagnate in the friendship zone - if you ask them correctly and at the right time.
    If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

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