• What kind of dirty questions can you ask a guy? Get ready for adventure. What intimate questions can you ask a guy?


    The development of information technology does not stand still, and if in the last century people from different cities got to know each other and had an active conversation through letters, today not everyone can boast of such experience. Correspondence could be delayed for long years, because the long-awaited answer was very long and informative, and we had to wait for months for it. Currently, social networks have simplified communication between people from different cities, in the Internet space between people and their significant other. Girls, being the most curious, rack their brains over what questions to ask a guy via correspondence, so as not to scare him away and not seem intrusive.

    Maiden strategy

    Nowadays, many services have been developed for exchanging quick electronic messages, and in a few days you can find out almost everything about a person. The main task before meeting someone in the virtual world is to determine who the pen pal will become in the future: a friend, a close friend or a partner. Based on this, the girls develop tactics and think in advance for the guys a question that will encourage a pleasant conversation. You should not expect that a young man will instantly reveal all his cards and tell everything about himself in detail.

    It's no secret that girls are much more talkative, but excessively long speeches can scare off a pen pal; he will get the impression that his virtual girlfriend has forgotten about him and is conducting a monologue. Whatever the conversation is about, two people must take part in it, and the talker, having told about herself, must wait for a response from the interlocutor. Having prepared the guy, the girl will be able to get him talking and learn more about his personal life and interests.

    First meeting day

    Very often, men search for girlfriends on social networks, and girls, even with a strong desire, are embarrassed to send a friendship proposal to the guy they like, and are more likely to vote for photos, become regulars on his page, but not start dating. This fear is due to the fact that in the minds of women, it is the man who should take the first steps, but not vice versa. It doesn’t matter who initiated the acquaintance, the main thing is to establish contact and ask about the mood, state of mind, and only then move on to talking about hobbies and leisure time. On the day you first meet, think about interesting questions for guys, so that each of the interlocutors, if there are several of them, feels the need for such communication and talks with pleasure on abstract topics.

    Male psychology

    Young people are more secretive than the fair sex, and prefer to listen more than talk. Women enjoy long conversations, but men, on the contrary, may get a little tired of long conversations. Because of this, misunderstandings arise in relationships when a girl says something for a long time and asks her lover to repeat or express his opinion, but he just shrugs.

    Young people try not to show themselves in the worst light, so it is better not to ask some questions to a pen pal at all, so as not to put him in an awkward position. Men prefer to remain silent about their wealth, and only very rich owners of mansions or expensive cars can make an exception. So, asking about a car, you can confuse your interlocutor if he drives not an expensive Mercedes, but his grandfather’s Volga. Before you come up with a question for guys, ask whether they will enjoy talking with you, or whether they will prefer to ignore an overly curious person.

    If the guy is just a friend

    Depending on status young man a certain line must be drawn in relation to you, beyond which it is not recommended. If you made an acquaintance with a guy with the intention of finding a reliable friend in him, ask about his views on life, hobbies, education or place of work. It is recommended to ask guys to relax when talking to you. From such communication it turns out real friendship, which, after banal correspondence on the Internet, develops into trips to music festivals, exhibitions or cycling. Ask your potential friend to reminisce about a fun childhood and talk about the first time they fell off a bike, their first trip to the zoo, or their first bad cooking experience. Don't be shy and tell him about your mistakes. Having made a guy laugh heartily, you can be sure that he has probably been missing a friend like you for a long time. Don't ask your friend about his views on feminine ideal, first sexual experience or about the desired number of children, otherwise the young man will think that you are applying for the role of his companion.

    Madly in love...

    It's no secret that many of today's newlyweds did not find each other in real life, and on the Internet. Studies show that marriages concluded after meeting in the virtual world last much longer. The successful development of communication should be monitored by two people, not just a man. Sometimes a girl should take the initiative and get a potential partner to talk. Questions to your beloved guy should help you find out as much as possible about him. The main thing is not to be stupid and not to ask about former relationship men, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask about his views on the ideal housewife. Moreover, it will be better if the girl in love asks the young man about his mother. If a guy really loves his mother and speaks exceptionally well of her, rest assured that she is his ideal. When you hear a guy say, “You look so much like my mother,” you can expect that your relationship with this person will be strong and long-lasting, marriage and a happy family life are possible.

    For guys, the question shouldn't be a big mental burden. There is no point asking a basketball player what he thinks about probability theory or discussing Kant's philosophy with an architect. It is not recommended to ask a stranger about his religious and political views, or the number of partners. Communication with a young man should be positive, so you should also not be interested in his past, which contains sad memories, otherwise he will avoid further meetings with you.

    Anonymous question service: get to know Him better

    Even the bravest girls do not always dare to ask a guy about something indecent or intimate. In this case, anonymous question services such as ask.fm will come to the rescue. The young man is not shy and writes in response about his personal life, sympathy or antipathy for a certain person, and even about his sexual experience. You can ask a guy questions on “ASK” of any kind, even about yourself. Many girls take advantage of this and openly ask if he likes Masha Ivanova and if he wants a further relationship with her. The young man does not want to seem like a fool to the anonymous public, so he will answer clearly and reasonably.

    And do you love me?

    The big mistake girls make is that they are usually very impatient and from the first days of communication they pester the guy with questions about their attractiveness. The time will come when anyone will be able to find out about the other person’s attitude towards themselves, but if you constantly ask: “Do you like me?” - you can be sure that such straightforwardness will not lead to anything good. Maybe the answer will satisfy you, but it’s unlikely that your conversations in the future will be as frank. It should not be asked for selfish purposes, besides, men don’t really like it when women take the initiative into their own hands, so even the most impatient girls should wait until the interlocutor begins to show sympathy and the first signs of attention.

    Beware: lies!

    Never trust someone 100% until you have met them in person and learned as much as you can about that person. IN social network a nerdy boy may appear to be a millionaire from the USA, and no one will know the whole truth. To make sure that the person who appears to be in the photographs is really the person you pose, offer to chat with him via webcam. On the Internet, everyone tries to seem better than they really are. Communication on the Internet should be easy and relaxed, so try to ask them to be relaxed in conversation with you and not try to create the image of a serious macho. Choose the right tactics, then the interlocutor will trust you, and the communication will be long and interesting.

    Some girls who dream of rekindling the flame of passion again think about what vulgar question to ask a guy? This a great way to quickly attract attention and bring newness to the relationship. Of course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the fine line between provocation and insult. An incorrectly formulated question, even with a positive message, can destroy an already fragile relationship.

    First, you should identify the goals that are being pursued. Depending on this, we will select questions with varying degrees of “vulgarity.” Agree, the questions asked to a classmate and a beloved guy should be different.

    Competent play with intimate issues is quite complex, but incredibly interesting. You should not directly ask questions like “When and how did you lose your virginity?” or “Did you measure your penis with a ruler?” If you want to cheer each other up, it's much more interesting to catch a man. For example, he says that it is inconvenient for him to correspond on the phone, because, you see, he has large fingers. Catch him by saying that this is for good.

    Intimate questions you can ask a guy include:

    • How does he feel about sex in unusual places?
    • Does swearing during sex turn him on?
    • About sexual fantasies.
    • How does he feel about girls who like to walk around the house and sleep naked?
    • What would he do if you settled on a desert island?
    • What sex positions does he prefer most?

    What interesting questions can you ask a guy?

    Interesting questions It’s easy to dilute communication. Get philosophical. Ask him if he was making a movie, what would it be about? Find out how a young person feels about extreme sports. Laugh together, talking about the cats that jumped from the 8th floor - whether they celebrate Airborne Forces Day or not.

    Top 10 ridiculous vulgar questions for a guy:

    1. Would you give a 55-year-old woman a cunnilingus for a million dollars?
    2. How many times a day do you masturbate? Does your hand hurt?
    3. Have you ever wondered how much penis enlargement surgery costs?
    4. Admit it, do you like being friends with gays?
    5. Honey, can I buy a vibrator?
    6. What size is your dignity? … Brain!
    7. How does he feel about threesomes?
    8. Does he shave? intimate area or not?
    9. How many times a day can he do this?
    10. For sex with beautiful girl What is he ready for?

    Sexual questions for a guy - good way excite and provoke a guy. This will help you find out interesting intimate details of his life. The psychology of relationships is this: it is necessary to constantly introduce notes of piquancy. Discussing vulgar topics helps to understand the reasons for your partner’s behavior, especially if the guy doesn’t want a relationship.

    Top vulgar questions for a guy to stir up passions:

    1. Do you spy on a girl in the shower or locker room?
    2. When you first watched porn, what were your impressions?
    3. Who was the first object of your fantasies?
    4. Which famous book heroine would you like to make love with?
    5. What will be your first thought when you see a girl wearing your T-shirt on her naked body?
    6. What color of erotic lingerie excites you the most?
    7. Do you often talk to your friends about vulgar topics?
    8. Do you like discussing your worth with a girl?
    9. Do you get excited when you see a woman dressed as a nurse, a police officer, or a student?
    10. Who is your favorite porn actress?
    11. How long can you go without sex?
    12. What attracts more: oral or anal sex?
    13. Do you prefer to wake up with coffee in bed or a gentle blowjob?
    14. What do you think best time days for sex?
    15. Does it excite you if someone else catches you with your beloved during an intimate process?
    16. Are there times when you don't wear underwear?
    17. Do you want someone else to watch the sex?
    18. How do you fight an erection when you see a sexy girl in public?
    19. What is impossible to excite you?
    20. Are you dreaming of trying it with twins?
    21. Does the thought of trying to have sex discreetly in a public place appeal to you?
    22. How sensitive are your erogenous zones, where to look for them?
    23. You call affectionate name your “friendly body”?
    24. Are you more attracted to experienced girls or virgins?
    25. In what position did you make love for the first time?

    The questions that are appropriate to ask an adult man are different. Usually, mature man I have little interest in voyeurism or other amusements of the “explosion of puberty.” Vulgar topics are appropriate, but awkward, offensive questions about size or homosexual experience should be avoided.

    Top vulgar questions for a man:

    1. Are there taboos in your intimate life for you?
    2. How do you feel about sex in the workplace?
    3. What type of women are you most attracted to?
    4. Is sex a way of spiritual and physical reunification or a marital duty?
    5. What's the sexiest thing a woman can do?
    6. What smells make you think sexually?
    7. How often do you want to diversify intimacy with experiments?
    8. What was the most unusual experiment in bed?
    9. Are you inclined to have mistresses or stir up interest in your wife?
    10. What is the most acceptable frequency of sex?
    11. Do you think erotic costumes are a good way to add something new to a relationship?
    12. Do you like sex in the shower?
    13. Is a holiday romance a betrayal or a way to escape from routine?

    What questions should you not ask a guy to get him interested?

    If the girl hopes for a long and serious relationship, you need to know what questions should not be asked to a man under any circumstances. These include clarifications about the income of a loved one, his sexual orientation, views on the political situation in the country, as well as disputes regarding religion. By asking such questions, a girl will demonstrate a complete lack of education, tact, or even commercialism.

    The right questions to ask a guy about include hobbies. Find out what your loved one dreams about. Find out what he wants to achieve in life. Develop communication in a direction that is interesting to both. There is no point in talking about motorcycles, unless, of course, you are not an ardent fan of two-wheeled transport. Otherwise, the girl’s pretense looks, at least, pathetic. In conversations, a compliment on the matter and light flirting are appropriate.

    We hope that this material was useful to you and now you know exactly what interesting questions you can ask a guy.

    What's a dirty question to ask a guy? Attracting attention

    Marina Nikitina

    Often girls get lost when communicating with the guy they like; they don’t know what topics to talk about and what questions to ask. But it is important not to push a man away from you, to attract his attention. Correctly selected questions will help you get to know the young person better.

    If you have known the guy for a long time, then the task becomes much easier. After all, you already have an idea about his preferences and desires, you know what the young man likes to talk about and what you shouldn’t ask. In any case, we suggest using our advice.

    Talk about hobbies

    The young man will tell you what is really interesting to him, perhaps the story will drag on. Listen patiently, find common ground and smile. Perhaps this will be the beginning of a long, serious relationship.

    Career Questions

    Ask the young man whether he is studying or working, about his career, and plans for the future.

    What institute did you study at?
    What subjects did you love most?
    Why did you choose this particular specialty?
    Where do you work?
    Do you love your job?
    What exactly do you do at work?
    Are you planning to develop in this area or do you want to try something else?

    Questions concerning his personality

    Ask a few questions that characterize the guy’s inner world.

    Do you consider yourself an open person?
    If you could change one quality about yourself, what would it be?
    What do you love most about yourself?
    What values ​​are most important to you in life?
    If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
    Have you ever regretted anything in life?

    Questions about family

    Ask the young man what kind of relationship he has with his parents and other family members, whether he has brothers or sisters, and whether he often gets to see them. This way you will show true interest in his personality. But don’t insist if the guy doesn’t make contact and avoids discussing this topic.

    About friends

    Ask a man about his friends, this will help reveal his personality more widely. Moreover, this will allow you to learn more about the people the guy will soon introduce you to.

    We offer several possible questions:

    Do you have a lot of friends? How many of them are the best?
    Do you often meet with friends?
    Where do you usually spend time with friends?
    Do you like to travel with friends?
    Are you communicating with?
    Do you have friends with whom you have been together since childhood?
    How much do you trust your best friend?

    About childhood

    Ask the young man to talk about his childhood. Was it very different from yours?

    How was your childhood?
    What city were you born and raised in?
    Do you have colorful childhood memories that you will remember for the rest of your life?
    As a child, who did you dream of being?
    Did you like studying at school?
    Would you like to go back to your childhood?

    And a few questions about relationships

    This topic is deeply personal for many. So you should ask them when you reach a certain level of comfort between you.

    What do you pay attention to when you see a girl for the first time?
    What qualities are most important to you in a girl?
    Would you change your habits for the sake of your loved one?
    Would you continue dating a girl who is terminally ill?
    What will you never forgive your partner for?

    What questions should not be asked?

    Be careful with questions of an intimate nature, about past relationships; not everyone likes to discuss such topics. This will cause awkwardness and...

    Refrain from being interested in financial opportunities: he will suspect you of being prudent. Refrain from asking questions about unpleasant things, his problems. Such conversations will cause . Men do not like to show weaknesses; if the desire arises, they will share it themselves.

    Try not to turn the conversation into an interrogation; be sure to give the young man the right to speak.
    Do not impose yourself under any circumstances if the guy is not in the mood for communication. Perhaps he is not in the mood that day.
    Do not interrupt your interlocutor, otherwise he will no longer have the desire to continue the story. Besides, it's impolite.
    Learn to listen, men love it.
    Use your sense of humor. Just kidding, this will help “break the ice.”
    We recommend asking clarifying questions, this will show your interest in the conversation.

    February 16, 2014

    In the article you will learn:

    Greetings, readers! You know, if I asked my beloved some questions directly to the forehead, then I would get the same answer... Just kidding!

    I know for sure that it is better to agree on the shore and get to know the person well before diving into the abyss of the future. Therefore, I have prepared questions for a guy about love and relationships that you can ask.

    Moreover, it is important to know not only what to ask, but also How ask. Nobody likes questioning with bias, but sincere interest is very pleasant. In addition, it promotes confidential conversation and truthful answers.

    About the eternal

    Don’t be afraid to ask questions about yourself, about attitude towards you, about love. A person who really likes you will not feel any difficulty in answering you. Well, unless, of course, you ask for the twentieth time this evening. Dose them carefully.

    By the way, you can read about betrayal in relationships.

    Intimate questions

    Avoid vulgar questions if you don’t know the other person well! Since this will not be to everyone’s taste and can create a vulgar image for you. But erotic questions can become an exciting and bonding moment between you.

    Tricky questions for a guy

    Trick questions, at first glance, are about something abstract, but in fact, when answering them, your loved one will talk about himself. They should be asked very at ease in light conversation. Since the guy at this moment is relaxed and ready to share his thoughts with you. Don't take the answers too seriously, but they will give you a lot interesting information about the values ​​and internal attitudes of your chosen one.

    Family matters

    While you are still dating, you can talk about any topic. But if the prospect of marriage or cohabitation looms ahead, be sure to talk about family life:

    Can't do without them

    Here I will write a list of questions without which indispensable for any couple. A positive answer to any of them can seriously cast doubt on the relationship that has begun:

    About simple and fun

    And these questions are good ask by correspondence. They are not at all annoying, but at the same time they create a topic for communication and help to learn more about each other:

    1. Who do you think you were in a past life?
    2. Do you believe in omens?
    3. Do you store your socks like everyone else, in the corners of your apartment?
    4. Do you also like to call your car something affectionate?
    5. What holiday do you love most?
    6. If you were an animal, what would you be?
    7. If you describe yourself in just two words, which ones would you choose?
    8. Is the glass half empty or half full?


    In total it turned out 53 questions for a guy to get to know him better. Moreover, not only his attitude to love, but also family attitudes, values ​​and readiness for serious relationship.
    Listen to the answers and you will definitely understand whether you are on the same path. But ask very carefully, tactfully and under no circumstances initiate an interrogation. Listen carefully and be sure to clarify your answers. Remember that a man is an individual, and he may have a different opinion than you.
    Take care of each other! June was with you again.
    You can subscribe and share the material you like with friends.

    When you meet a new guy on the Internet, the first question that arises in your head is: what questions can you ask a guy via correspondence? Some say that you need to be sincere and communicate with a new acquaintance as with everyone else.

    But do not forget that from the first days you need to show your best best sides. Although communication by correspondence is easier than meeting in person, you cannot fall flat on your face by asking stupid questions.

    So, here's what you can ask a guy in a text message. If you already know what he does, then this could be a good topic to start communication with, for example:

    • How did you go to the gym today?
    • What's new at work today?

    If nothing is known yet, then the first thing you need to do is find out about your favorite hobbies, work or institute. For example, here’s what you can ask a guy in a text message:

    • How was your day?
    • How are you?
    • What are you doing?

    You shouldn’t immediately attack the guy and ask him what year Moscow burned. Also, in the first couple of years, you should avoid asking questions about previous relationships.

    The questions you can ask a pen pal also depend on his age; it would be inappropriate to ask a 17-year-old guy if he has a car, just as it would be inappropriate to ask a 30-year-old guy what grades he got in school.

    If you met a man from another city, then it would be good to talk about it, for example:

    • Is your city big (small)?
    • Is it cold here? (ask about the weather)
    • I've been dreaming of going there for a long time! (if we are talking about a metropolis or a famous city).

    Here's something else you can ask a guy in a text message:

    • Where have you traveled? (this question will help you find out whether a person is sociable, whether he likes new acquaintances and places).
    • What are you reading now? (if the guy says that he doesn’t like to read, then you should think about further continuation of communication).
    • Do you have a brother/sister?
    • When is your birthday? Who are you according to your zodiac sign?

    If the acquaintance occurred before any holiday, then of course you should not forget about it.

    • Are you going somewhere for New Year?
    • How will you celebrate February 23?
    • Have you already prepared a gift for your mother (sister, grandmother) for March 8?
    • Shall we go on holiday together for the May holidays? (depending on the situation, this question can sound either humorous or quite serious).

    When thinking about what you can ask a guy in a correspondence, the main thing is to choose questions that will help you find common interests. It can be anything:

    1. Pets;
    2. cars;
    3. love of music, films, TV series;
    4. trips;
    5. work, college, school.

    If a personal acquaintance has already taken place, then you should not delay the next meeting. There is no need to think that only guys are obligated to ask you out. Read about what questions you can ask a guy on a date here. Here's how to schedule an appointment:

    • What are you doing tonight?
    • I’m also going to this station, let’s meet?
    • I suggest going for a bike ride (go on a picnic or just take a walk) on the weekend.

    This list of questions can be continued endlessly, the main thing is to remain yourself, because this is the only way to find your true soul mate.

    What questions to ask a guy to interest him?

    What questions should you not ask guys?

    Questions you can ask a guy in correspondence

    1. Which one is the best best gift did you receive?
    2. What did you dream of growing up as a child?
    3. Do you have any nickname?
    4. If you could go on vacation right now, where would you go?
    5. What would you never do in life?
    6. Is there something that you have long dreamed of doing, but have not yet accomplished?
    7. If you could live in any other city, where would you live?
    8. Which famous historical figure would you like to be?
    9. What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
    10. What was your best birthday?
    11. What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
    12. What's the craziest and most spontaneous thing you've ever done in your life?
    13. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
    14. What is your greatest achievement in life?
    15. What do you like most about the city where you live?
    16. What would you do if you won $1 million?
    17. What's your favorite movie/book?
    18. You're a night owl or an early bird?
    19. If this was the last day of your life, how would you like to spend it?
    20. How close are you with your family?
    21. What is your idea of ​​true love?
    22. Which one is the most funny story happened to you in life?
    23. Is there a person in your life whom you admire?
    24. Do you believe in love at first sight?
    25. How would you describe your friends in three words?
    26. What is the earliest memory of your life?
    27. If you had three wishes that could come true, what would you make?
    28. Do you believe in horoscopes and characteristics of zodiac signs?
    29. What was your worst online dating experience/worst date?
    30. What's your ideal weekend?
    31. Do you prefer beach or active holidays?
    32. Most hooligan act in life?
    33. What's your least favorite thing about dating?
    34. How did you meet your best friend?

    And some funny questions

    1. What's in your fridge right now?
    2. Do you believe in aliens?
    3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
    4. Steak or cheesecake?
    5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
    6. Where are you most afraid of tickling?

    The article “What questions can you ask a pen pal” partially uses materials

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