• How to clean roller blinds at home. How to clean roller blinds from dirt, can they be washed?


    The modern design industry does not stand still and more and more beautiful things appear in the interior. One of the inventions recent years- This roller blinds. They are as beautiful as regular fabric curtains and as practical as blinds. Roller blinds are easy to use; a home with such an interior item looks stylish and cozy.

    Thanks to the special impregnation of such curtains, dust practically does not settle on them. And if it does shrink, it does not penetrate inside the canvas, but remains on the surface. This allows you to wash the curtains very rarely. If your curtains have lost their original appearance, you need to clean them.

    Dry cleaning of roller blinds

    To prevent the curtains from getting dirty and dust settling on them, the room should be ventilated periodically. The air flow simply blows away dust that cannot adhere to the special impregnation. In addition, you need to get used to the fact that roller blinds are another item that needs to be wiped off. Once every two weeks, wipe the curtains with a dry cloth as you would wipe polished furniture. This will not be difficult, but will allow you to keep the interior fresh for a long time.

    A vacuum cleaner can be used for active dry cleaning. Once every few months, go over the roller blinds with a vacuum cleaner to remove the smallest specks and dust. However, be careful that excessive suction power does not damage the fabric or leave creases and folds on it. To do this, you can buy or sew a special attachment for a vacuum cleaner, which will be used only for delicate cleaning of roller blinds. It is an ordinary fabric that is attached to the vacuum cleaner tube with an elastic band.

    Wet cleaning of roller blinds

    With sufficient and proper care, roller blinds do not require extensive washing for the first few years. But they need wet cleaning at least a couple of times a year. To do this, take a flannel cloth and soak it in warm water. Go over the entire curtain fabric, wiping every corner. After this, wipe the curtains with a dry cloth and leave them straightened so that they dry completely.

    Curtains should be protected from staining in every possible way. When cooking, the curtains should be raised to prevent splashes from splashing onto the surface. The same should be done if children draw near the windowsill. Preventing ink and marker stains is much easier than removing them.

    However, if stains do appear, they can be removed with a regular office eraser. The fact is that a stain falling on the treated coating does not eat into the structure of the fabric itself, but remains on the surface. Therefore, it is quite easy to remove using an eraser. If the eraser does not help, you can use special stain removers. Please note that they must be natural based. Stain removers for roller blinds should not contain chlorine or other aggressive components. Oily stains very easy to remove with wet wipes. They not only remove stains, but also do not leave streaks.

    But no matter how much you take care of your curtains, no matter how much you look after them, sooner or later there comes a time when it’s time to wash them.

    Remember that washing partially destroys the rolled fabric, so you should wash such curtains only when absolutely necessary. You cannot wash such curtains “For prevention”.

    1. First you need to assemble the curtains into a roll and remove the roller shutter. Different designs have different mechanisms, so if you can’t handle it, it’s better not to experiment and call a specialist. He will carefully remove the shutters and show you how to install them back, after which you can do it yourself.
    2. Wash roller blinds in washing machine forbidden. After this wash, they can be thrown into the trash. Hand wash only!
    3. For this you will need a bath. Fill the bottom of the bathtub with warm water and dissolve the detergent in it. This can be powder or laundry soap, the main thing is that the composition does not contain chlorine or other aggressive components. Make sure that the detergent is completely dissolved and there are no grains left in the water.
    4. Lower the roller shutter into the bathtub and carefully straighten one end of the curtain. Clean it with a soft brush or cloth, but very gently so as not to damage the protective coating.
    5. The washed part of the curtains should be rolled up, and the dirty part should be gradually unrolled. This way you can clean (wash) every corner of the roller blinds.
    6. After washing they need to be rinsed. This should be done in the shower, simply washing off the soapy water from the linen. The second way to rinse off soapy water is to fill the bathtub with water and then lower and raise the curtains in the water until they are clean. The curtains should be rinsed very thoroughly, otherwise the remaining soap stains will be noticeable after drying.
    7. Drying curtains also requires observing some nuances. Firstly, the curtains should not be wrung out and, God forbid, twisted. They are simply left in the bath until the water completely drains from them.
    8. After this, the curtains must be straightened and dried in a vertical position. In principle, they can be immediately hung in place and fully opened. Access is important fresh air and draft - open the windows.
    9. Under no circumstances should roller blinds be dried in a curled state. You cannot dry curtains on a clothesline. The formation of creases and folds is unacceptable.
    10. Do not dry roller blinds near heating appliances or a gas oven. High temperature deforms the fabric - it can curl, shrink, or, conversely, stretch.
    11. If folds do form, the curtains can be ironed. However, this must be done extremely delicately and only in exceptional cases. Curtains should be ironed at a moderate temperature, always through gauze.

    These simple rules will help you clean and refresh your roller blinds. If you are afraid of damaging the delicate coating, it is advisable to dry clean the piece of furniture. Experienced professionals know how to clean roller blinds and maintain their original appearance.

    Caring for roller blinds

    At first glance, it may seem that caring for roller blinds requires a lot of effort. However, it is not. Timely cleaning will help you maintain the freshness and cleanliness of the coating, brightness and color saturation.

    Once a year, perform a preventive inspection of the curtain mechanism. It should be lubricated regularly with silicone spray. Operation of the chain mechanism should be as careful and delicate as possible - no need to pull too hard.

    Roller blinds should not be hung near radiators. They contribute to the deterioration of the quality of the fabric. High temperatures can cause curtains to fade or change shape. It is not recommended to hang roller blinds in rooms with high humidity - they will lose their properties.

    Any piece of furniture requires periodic cleaning, and roller blinds are no exception. If you regularly devote a very small amount of time to them, they will look perfect for many years.

    Video: how to wash roller blinds

    Roller blinds, which have become a part of modern life, are easy to care for and use. But, despite their excellent characteristics, they also need cleaning, and especially wet cleaning.

    Is it possible to get it wet?

    Owners of such fabric blinds are well aware that the fabric from which they are made has a special impregnation. It is this that protects roller blinds from various dirt and dust. But no matter how high-quality such impregnation is, sooner or later the curtains have to be cleaned and it is not always possible to deal with dirt using dry cleaning. And most people in such a situation wonder whether it is possible to wash roller blinds themselves and how best to do it. Let's look into this.


    Hand washing of roller blinds is acceptable. True, it is recommended to do it no more than once every six months. In addition, it can be carried out even after it was not possible to get rid of existing contaminants using dry cleaning.

    Hand washing fabric blinds at home has two types: general washing and removing specific stains.

    In the first case, the entire fabric must be washed. The process itself consists of the following stages:

    1. Removing blinds from windows.
    2. Then you need to place the curtain in the bath so that it does not wrinkle or bend.
    3. In a separate bowl, dilute a small amount of detergent in warm water.
    4. Using a sponge, the resulting liquid is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roller blind.
    5. The product should be cleaned with smooth and gentle movements so as not to damage the fabric itself and its impregnation.
    6. The blinds are thoroughly rinsed under running water from the shower until the foam completely disappears. It is necessary to rinse the product especially carefully. IN otherwise Unsightly stains may remain on the curtains.
    7. Now the roller blinds should be dried thoroughly. You cannot squeeze them out with your hands. To dry, the product is laid out on a flat surface, leveled by hand and left for several hours.
    8. Then the curtains are turned over to the other side, leveled again and left until final drying.
    9. Now the roller blind can be hung in place.

    When hand washing curtains in this way, you should give preference to detergents that have a neutral acidity level. It is this that will allow the dirt-repellent impregnation of the product to remain intact. For cleaning it is better to use a regular soft sponge. The water temperature should be no higher than 37 degrees.

    Here it is worth paying attention to what material the fabric blinds are made of. Each fabric must be cleaned and dried in a specific way. As a rule, manufacturers of such products include detailed information about wet washing in the instructions or equip the roller blinds themselves with special icons. These materials should be carefully studied in each specific case, because the sequence of actions may be slightly different. Some fabrics are also prohibited from being washed at all.

    If washing by hand is carried out in order to get rid of stains, then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

    • Remove the roller blind from the window and lay it on a flat surface.
    • A small amount of apply a natural-based stain remover onto a soft sponge.
    • Apply the mixture onto the stain using light patting movements with a sponge and leave for the time specified by the manufacturer.
    • After the specified time, lightly wipe the stain with a sponge soaked in stain remover again.
    • With help wet wipes or just use water to clean the curtain from the cleaning product.
    • Next, you need to leave it until it dries completely.

    By and large, in hand wash there is nothing complicated about roller blinds. In practice, this type of cleaning takes no more than one hour.

    In the washing machine

    Many people think that hand washing fabric roller blinds is a troublesome task and therefore are interested in how to wash them in a washing machine. Until recently, it was believed that such a product could only be washed with water and detergents by hand. Today the situation has changed a little.

    The availability of wet cleaning of such a product in a washing machine directly depends on the material of its manufacture.

    Some fabric roller blinds can be machine washed. In this case, it is necessary to choose the most gentle cleaning agent possible. The washing mode itself should be as delicate as possible. After its completion, the roller blinds must be laid out on a flat surface and carefully smoothed with your hands.

    But before choosing such a wash, it is imperative to study all the manufacturer’s recommendations and warnings. Today, roller blinds can be machine washed only in exceptional cases. Most of the models of these products are designed specifically for hand washing.

    How to shoot?

    But regardless of the type of washing chosen, the first item on the action plan is to remove the curtains. Depending on their type, this action can be performed in different ways. However, the general sequence of actions is almost the same:

    1. Removing the roller blind.
    2. Rolling the fabric into a roll using a chain.
    3. Removing the bracket itself.
    4. Removing the plugs in its side parts.
    5. Removing the fabric from the roller blind.

    Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that when washing by hand, the curtain itself does not need to be removed from the pipe on which it is wound. If the manufacturer indicates that machine washing is permissible, then the curtain must be removed.

    Mini roller blinds can be removed in a similar way if they were attached to a cornice. If attached with double-sided tape, all that is necessary is to detach the tape on the side of the curtain from the tape attached to the frame of the plastic window itself.

    There is nothing difficult in partially dismantling fabric roller blinds, especially if they were installed independently. In fact, the entire removal procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.


    A little earlier in the article it was already mentioned that washed curtains must be dried on a flat and even surface, carefully smoothing them with your hands. However, these are not the only subtleties of drying this product.

    It is also worth remembering that when drying, you cannot use any additional heat in the form of an iron, hair dryer or heater. Fabric blinds should dry naturally.

    During this process, it is necessary to ensure that the fabric itself is not exposed to direct rays of bright sun. This can lead to deformation of the product or premature fading of the fabric.

    On plastic windows curtains should be hung after they are completely dry, but for wooden ones it is better to hang them slightly under-dried.

    To speed up the drying process, if necessary, you can place a large terry towel or other fabric that absorbs moisture well. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the canvas is in perfectly even condition. Otherwise, roller blinds with folds will continue to hang on the windows.

    What not to do?

    Now that you know how to properly wash roller blinds, it’s time to talk about What absolutely should not be done during this process:

    • First of all, you should remember the water temperature. It should not be too hot, as this contributes to the deformation of the fabric, as well as the thinning of the dirt-repellent impregnation. In cold water, detergents dissolve extremely poorly. It's important to find here golden mean and fully comply with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding washing and drying temperatures.
    • Wet cleaning by hand is preferred. If the manufacturer has not indicated the permissibility of use washing machine when caring for the product, you should absolutely not wash the curtains in it. Otherwise, instead of beautiful fabric roller blinds, you will get a lump of shapeless fabric with many folds.

    The secret to the popularity of roller blinds lies in their convenience, functionality and beauty. Manufacturers loudly promise trouble-free care and guarantee a long service life of their products. Which is quite reasonable, because in the manufacture of roller shutters, high-strength materials are used in combination with specialized means for impregnating fabrics. How do they gain mass? beneficial properties– the ability to repel dust and resist various types of pollution, resistance to temperature fluctuations, the influence of UV rays and a humid environment.

    Roller blinds are indispensable in the kitchen, dining room, balcony and nursery, where home textiles, no matter how high-quality they are, are in danger of losing their appearance at an accelerated rate. But no one has canceled the routine maintenance of roller shutters. The easiest way is to use dry cleaning services, however, the quality and speed are correspondingly expensive, so the price of the issue does not suit everyone. In this case, you can completely do it on your own. Let's find out how to wash roller blinds various types and what methods help to maintain the clean condition of light protection systems.

    How to wash at home?

    Polymer impregnations, which are applied to roller blind materials, create a reliable barrier that limits the access of invisible dust particles to the inner layers of the fabric. All that remains is to systematically clean the roller shutters from surface contamination - an inevitable phenomenon due to active use. Many people are interested in whether it is even possible to wash roller blinds at home without harming expensive richly colored fabric or exclusive 3-D photo printing - yes, if you follow the basic rules.

    What's worth knowing:

    • Vertical bends during the washing process are unacceptable; if the material breaks, it is almost impossible to correct such a defect.
    • Machine washable- taboo, even at low temperatures in delicate mode, so you will have to act the old fashioned way, that is, use your hands.

    • Not all products can be washed, with the exception of natural fabrics that have undergone antiseptic treatment. Restrictions do not apply to ordinary fabrics and synthetics without antistatic agents.
    • It is advisable to practice wet processing only in exceptional cases. Contact of the product with water is justified only when dry cleaning methods do not produce results. There should be no “preventative” washing.
    • The fabric cannot be hung to dry, which can cause creases to form on the fabric.

    There are two ways to wash curtains: in one case, they are removed from the fixation mechanism, and in the other, not. In this case, they are guided by the size of the curtains themselves and the presence/absence of a tank of the appropriate volume.

    It’s definitely better to remove mini roller blinds, while larger structures are safer to process on site, so as not to risk an expensive product once again.

    Step 1: remove the curtains correctly


    1. screw the fabric onto the holder shaft as tightly as possible using a chain cord;
    2. remove the protective capsules along the edges of the shaft;
    3. disconnect the guide string and stops from the lower weight bar;
    4. remove the bottom bar, provided that it is removable;
    5. use a screwdriver to push the spring axis into the limiter, disconnect the shaft from the brackets and remove the product from it.

    Step 2: Pre-clean the fabric

    Prepare in advance a flat surface where you can lay out the canvas, as well as:

    • a brush with a stiffness corresponding to the density of the roller shutter material;
    • detergent composition on a natural basis and with a neutral pH;
    • gentle stain remover; aggressive bleaches and solvents should not be used.
    • soft natural fabric.


    • Conduct a visual inspection of the fabric to identify stains, adhered fragments, and other contaminants.
    • To remove fragments that stand out strongly on the surface of the material, you can use a school eraser. More often than not, this simple method is effective.
    • Remaining contaminated areas that cannot be mechanical cleaning, treated locally with a stain remover. Do not forget to study the instructions, which indicate the holding time of the composition.
    • Using a sponge, collect excess stain remover and evaluate the results. If necessary, the treatment is repeated.

    Step 3: wash

    The optimal place for the procedure is the bathroom. If it is impossible to use a utilitarian room, then select a container into which the curtain will fit freely in width.


    • Dilute the detergent composition with warm water. If using powder, make sure all granules are dissolved.
    • The unfolded curtain is treated with a roller well soaked in a cleaning solution or with a spray bottle, which is most convenient.
    • The detergent composition is allowed to absorb. It should darken: this is proof that the components of the detergent have reacted with contaminants.
    • Lather the sponge and treat the surface of the curtain, making gentle circular movements.

    When to stop rinsing? Be guided by the color of the water flowing from the curtain: it should become completely clean. Otherwise, due to the detergent remaining inside the fabric, it will become covered with streaks and stains.

    • The washed fabric is hung up to drain. Half the job is done. All that remains is to properly dry the roller blind without losing the original smoothness, geometry and brightness of the color of the fabric.

    To learn how to quickly and efficiently clean dirt from roller blinds, watch the following video.

    How to dry?

    There is nothing difficult about drying washed clothes.

    Method 1

    • Wait until ¾ of the moisture is removed from the fabric.
    • Place the canvas on a flat surface and straighten it. Dense natural matter can act as an absorbent substrate. It will speed up the drying process.
    • Place the material at a slight angle on a flat, stable base to ensure proper drying and ventilation.

    The use of radiators for drying products is prohibited.

    Method 2

    1. Wait until the water has completely drained from the material, then wrap it around the holder shaft and place it on the window.
    2. Unfold the product, ensuring good natural air circulation in the room, but without drafts.

    Under the influence of strong air currents, the fabric twists, stretches and forms creases.

    How can I clean stains?

    The following methods for cleaning light protection systems can be used in preparation for washing or as an independent measure.

    Special eraser

    When manufacturers of household chemicals realized the true value of the office eraser as an effective tool for getting rid of stains, they quickly included it in their product lines. True, the analog differs from its prototype large sizes. Such erasers help keep the fabric clean, as they are impregnated with a special composition that prevents dirt from penetrating into the inner layers of the fabric.

    Vacuum cleaner capabilities

    Periodic dry cleaning of dust using a vacuum cleaner is a procedure that is recommended for all light protection systems in order to prevent the preservation of decorative qualities. Weekly treatment of the canvases with a stream of air in low power mode is quite enough for this. The situation is more complicated with cleaning roller blinds, which are used in “extreme” conditions - high humidity and intense grease fumes.

    If a regular vacuum cleaner cannot cope with grease and dust deposits, then a washing unit with dry cleaning functions will do just fine. The main thing is not to use it in maximum power mode. High level vacuum provokes deformation of matter, resulting in the formation of bulges, distortions and creases.

    Gels with gentle compositions

    Sensitive fabrics require maintenance using high-viscosity liquid detergents. We are talking about gels that act delicately. Treat contaminated areas with a soft sponge. Problem areas need to be blotted a little and then gently rubbed. The number of procedures depends on the nature of the contamination.

    Caring for day-night models

    One of the popular varieties of fabric roller shutters is the Combo or Zebra model. They are made from day-night fabric, with alternating stripes of equal width: some are transparent, others are opaque. Acceptable methods for removing dust and light dirt for these systems are a vacuum cleaner with a turbo nozzle, a soft brush, and a dry cloth. Keep in mind that the result depends on the regularity of the procedures. Cleaning is needed at least a couple of times a month.

    Having discovered heavy pollution, you will have to resort to washing. All manipulations are carried out with the curtain without removing it from the curtain rod. A sponge and a mild product that does not contain chlorine are used. They act in the same way as when using the gel.

    Strong impacts - twisting and bending vertically is prohibited, as the structure of the fibers of the material is disrupted and the product is deformed. Combo models are dried unfolded to prevent mold from forming.

    What not to do?

    According to the results of independent tests, roll-type light protection systems can last 10 years, provided that they are properly maintained.

    What shortens this period:

    1. Open/closed heat sources - fireplaces, radiators, heat generators located in close proximity to double-glazed windows with roller blinds. Therefore, a protective barrier - a window sill - must be present.
    2. Lack of protective impregnation. Unprocessed products are cheaper and more vulnerable, which is more important to you - decide for yourself.
    3. Increased air humidity, heat. Refuse roller blinds for the bathroom in favor of sanitary roller shutters made of aluminum or plastic.
    4. Hot water and aggressive household chemicals– under the influence of the first, the polymer impregnation is destroyed, and the second changes the performance characteristics of the fabric not for the better.
    5. Operation in rooms with high degree pollution.
    6. When the adjustment mechanism is neglected using silicone-based lubricant. Its action lasts for a year.

    How to keep it clean?

    Roller curtains are in no way inferior to ordinary standard curtains in terms of practicality, convenience and style.

    Having a special impregnation, dirt does not eat into the canvas, but remains on the surface, which greatly facilitates their cleaning.

    This allows you to wash them quite rarely. However, sooner or later this will have to be done.

    It will be useful for owners and potential buyers of this interior detail to know how to wash roller blinds, which is what this article will tell you about.

    The most acceptable frequency of cleaning them, in the form of vacuuming dust, is twice a month.

    A procedure such as washing should be used no more than once every six months. These are average conditional time indicators.

    If necessary, using some detergents, roller blinds can be cleaned once a month. It all depends on the degree of their contamination.

    Prohibited actions in care

    Any thing requires self-care and actions that cannot be used. Roller curtains are no exception; when starting to clean them, you need to know what not to do:

    • The most important prohibition is automatic washing, regardless of their material. Such actions will hopelessly ruin the canvas and the beautiful appearance, there can’t even be any talk;
    • processing the fabric with aggressive chemicals (acetone, solvents, gasoline, etc.) is unacceptable;
    • some advise treating curtains with steam, not taking into account the fact that it can contribute to the disintegration of the dust-repellent coating;
    • After wet treatment, the roller blinds must be dried in a straightened form and in a horizontal position. Various bends and additions in several layers are unacceptable. If this happens, then it will no longer be possible to fix the curtain;
    • Ironing in the care of roller blinds will also do more harm than good. If this becomes necessary and you only need to iron a small part of the fabric, you can do this with the tip of the iron, at a minimum temperature and always through a damp cloth.
    • if the material of the sun protection sheet is made of natural materials, such as bamboo, flax, reed, wood and the like, such curtains should absolutely not be washed;

    Cute curtains on the windows with incredible flounces, flowing ruffles and frills, with cozy floral patterns are today just a separate direction in interior decor. In most cases, owners of apartments and private houses prefer more practical protection from the sun, while getting the comfort they strive for. Therefore, more and more housewives who use modern textiles for windows are wondering how to wash roller blinds at home? This is exactly what we will deal with in this article.

    What are roller blinds?

    Roller blinds are one of the most popular modern options decoration of the window opening. Today, this is a more practical option compared to fabric curtains and a more comfortable and warm option compared to blinds. Therefore, roller blinds are being chosen by an increasing number of consumers. They can also be seen quite often in the works of fashion designers.

    Important! With window decoration, you can play with the existing interior in different ways. By contributing various nuances, you can easily and without much investment refresh the design from time to time. To do this, use the master classes from our publication.

    Without knowing all the nuances, it may seem that caring for roller blinds is very difficult and the process can take a lot of time. But that's not true. Firstly, thanks to the special fabric from which roller blinds are made, dust does not accumulate on the canvas as actively as on regular fabric. Therefore, it is enough to periodically clean it with a cloth.

    How to care for roller blinds?

    • It is necessary to prevent the formation of creases on the fabric during care, protect the product from cuts and punctures.
    • Periodically, you need to lubricate the curtain mechanism with a special compound (oil or silicone aerosol) so that the design mechanism functions properly.
    • Do not apply increased force to the chain mechanism when raising or lowering the curtains. When operating the roller shutter, movements should be smooth, without jerking.
    • Regular ventilation helps keep roller blinds clean. At least once a day you need to open the window wide, while leaving the curtains closed.

    How to wash roller blinds?

    If your product, despite regular preventive maintenance, has lost its original appearance and requires cleaning, there are several ways to wash roller blinds at home.

    Important! Do not forget that frequent washing has a negative effect on the fabric of rolled products. Try to produce it as little as possible. It is strictly forbidden to wash curtains made from natural materials, such as bamboo.

    Dry wash

    Before washing your roller blinds, you can dry clean them:

    • Since the curtains are impregnated with a special dirt-repellent impregnation, dust collects only on the surface of the canvas and does not penetrate deep into the fabric. Therefore, once every one or two weeks you need to wipe the material with a slightly damp cloth.

    Important! There is no need to rub the curtain with force. Rags should only be used on soft fabrics.

    • You can clean roller blinds at home using a dry, enhanced method using a vacuum cleaner with a delicate fabric attachment. Carefully and carefully walk it over the surface of the fabric so as not to deform it with a stream of air.

    Dry cleaning

    Many people doubt whether roller blinds can be washed and turn to a dry cleaner for professional help. This is a more expensive, but easiest way to clean dirt from your roller blinds. Both dry and wet dry cleaning are possible at the discretion of specialists. Your task is simply to hand over the product for service and receive a ready-made clean canvas.

    Important! When choosing a dry cleaner, you need to contact a reliable organization that knows well the features of caring for roller curtains. If you are not ready to pay for such services, choose from our rating the one that suits you in terms of price and quality.

    Removing stains

    Troubles happen when you need to wash roller blinds not completely, but partially because of a stain. This will be quite simple to do using the following means.


    You can clean unstable partial stains on the fabric with a regular eraser. You just need to rub these places with an eraser, the dirt should come off easily.

    Stain remover

    It is better to remove grease and other stubborn stains locally using natural-based stain removers.

    Important! Before using the stain remover, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. Do not use solvents or aggressive liquids such as acetone, gasoline and other similar products, as they will damage the fabric.


    1. Apply stain remover to the contaminated area and wait for the required time, as indicated in the instructions.
    2. Remove any remaining product with a soft sponge.

    Wet cleaning

    The best place to wash roller blinds at home is in the bathroom. In order for washing to be successful and not lead to damage to the material, you must handle the product carefully, following the detailed instructions.

    Important! When caring for roller blinds, only gentle washing is allowed and only in the most necessary cases. It is strictly forbidden to wash the fabric in a washing machine.


    1. It is necessary to remove the canvas from the lifting mechanism. To do this, you need to screw the blade onto the shaft using a chain. Then use a screwdriver to press the spring-loaded axle into the body of the plug and remove the pipe from the bracket.
    2. Lay the curtains in the bathroom unfolded so that the fabric does not form creases or wrinkle.
    3. You need to carefully inspect the canvas for stains. Found contaminants can be removed using one of the methods described above.
    4. Thoroughly dilute the detergent in slightly warm water. Using washing powder make sure that it is completely dissolved and there are no lumps.

    Important! It is necessary to use completely neutral detergents (with a neutral acid balance), as various additives can negatively affect color saturation. Under no circumstances should abrasive powders or other harsh cleaning agents be used.

    1. Dampen a soft sponge in the resulting solution and carefully wipe the surface of the curtain with gentle circular movements.
    2. Rinse off the remaining soap several times with clean water. You can rinse the product in the shower.

    Important! It is necessary to rinse the product thoroughly so that subsequently there are no streaks left on the canvas when exposed to sunlight.

    1. After washing, you can blot the surface of the canvas with dry wipes.
    2. Roller blinds should be dried flat to prevent the product from stretching.
    3. In some cases, you can steam the fabrics with an iron through a damp cloth. In this case, you should carefully go over the seams with the tip of the iron.

    How to care for roller blinds that cannot be washed?

    When purchasing such window decorations, you must immediately clarify whether the roller blinds can be washed by completely soaking them. Not all products tolerate washing well. There are models that cannot be wetted, because the composition is washed off along with the dust, which prevents the product from fading in the sun.

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