• How to fight off a buyer's conspiracy from a competitor. Powerful spells to attract clients


    Owning your own business is not only difficult, but sometimes even very thankless. It happens that a person works without sleep and rest, tries to develop, invests a lot of physical and mental strength to your business. And when the enterprise begins to make a little profit, a competitor appears on the horizon. And he ruins the business he built with such tenacity and sacrifice. The victim begins to think about how to punish the offender for ruin and hatches a plan for revenge.

    The conspiracy will help get rid of business competitors

    To protect yourself from such situations, it is better to insure yourself in advance. Some read prayer to help them with their work, others resort to conspiracies to get rid of competitors in trade.

    It is better to resort to the help of magic than to engage in industrial espionage or lure away leading specialists from a competing company. A conspiracy from ubiquitous competitors will help save you from a lot of hassle and trouble.

    If suddenly there is a feeling that everything is falling out of hand, things are falling apart, trade has frozen, and there is no desire to fix anything - perhaps there has been a magical intervention from competitors.

    Very often, the successes of the “neighbor” do not allow envious people to sleep peacefully. They are even ready to cause damage, but not to see how someone else’s business is getting richer and expanding.

    Maybe competitors called on dark forces to help get the successful businessman out of the way and harm him. They don't feel guilty. This applies only to the business sphere and “nothing personal.”

    If damage has been caused, rituals have been performed for ruin and loss, you will have to fight and protect yourself from negative influences. What can you do to protect your business from magical interference?

    If you perform rituals correctly, you can achieve success in business

    You can read conspiracies against envy and corruption, perform rituals to attract success and money, and perform a ritual to cleanse yourself of corruption. There are many ways to protect yourself and invite good luck. This article will list only a few of them that you can do yourself at home.

    The most effective conspiracies and rituals from competitors

    To save yourself from possible troubles and complications with competitors, protect yourself and your business. There are many effective magical rituals:

    • a conspiracy to get rid of competitors in trade;
    • ritual against theft and fraud;
    • money plot;
    • prayer for help in work;
    • cleaning the premises from damage and misfortune;
    • conspiracy against envy;
    • conspiracy in trade against serious competitors;
    • prayer for prosperity;
    • conspiracy from their competitors.

    As you can see, the choice is very large. Let's take a closer look at those that have been able to help many people and have stood the test of time.

    Conspiracy on documents

    This conspiracy is used for things that are important in every business:

    • documents;
    • contracts;
    • business papers;
    • financial investments in business;
    • loans, etc.

    For everything that relates to the business sphere and documentation. The conspiracy is very strong, but is valid only for one working day. Therefore, it is best to memorize it and read it every time before an important event:

    • conclusion of an agreement;
    • financial transaction;
    • cooperation agreement;
    • purchasing real estate;
    • loan from a bank, etc.

    The conspiracy on documents is valid for one working day

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic powers, please protect me and protect me from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the witch, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the bare-haired girl, from the self-made woman, from any sorcerer's villain. Prayers Holy Mother of God, through the prayers of the saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, God’s servant (name), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God’s gift, with your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and terrible demon driver and conqueror; Rejoice at the arrival of bright goodness into my home. Make me worthy of all joys and to be a partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

    Some practicing magicians advise placing a pen in front of you during the morning reading of the spell, which is usually used to sign important documents and securities. This way you can provide double protection for your business.

    Make your own amulet

    You can say a conspiracy from your competitors about any thing. Anything will do, the main thing is that the item is comfortable to carry in your pocket or bag and is made of natural material.

    Some people prefer to make universal amulets that are designed to protect against misfortunes, troubles, ruin and disease. You can make such a talisman yourself. Suitable for him:

    • bird feather;
    • sea ​​pebble;
    • rosary from natural stones;
    • ring with any natural stone;
    • figurine made of wood or onyx;
    • silver coin.

    This talisman will protect not only from the machinations of enemies, but also from envy, damage and bad thoughts. Some magicians advise choosing material for amulets from metals, stones or symbols that match your date of birth.

    You can make several amulets with different specifics. Speak one, using prayers to help in work, another from envy and the machinations of enemies, the third for good luck in business.

    Any object can become a talisman, for example a bird feather

    After the protective amulet is selected, the following words are said:

    “Almighty Lord, Savior, send your guardian angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

    This prayer is very powerful and can help in various aspects of life, both in business and in private life. To improve the effect, write down the prayer on three sheets of paper. Give two to your loved ones, and always carry one sheet with you. With such protection, you don't have to worry about competitors and magical interference in your business.

    Here is another prayer that can protect against bad thoughts, human anger, envy and black magic:

    “I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and I unite with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    You must always remember that sincere prayer addressed to God can protect you from misfortunes and many problems.

    A magical way to “brush aside” the machinations of enemies and the envy of ill-wishers

    This conspiracy is quite strong. It will help solve the following problems:

    • disarm competitors;
    • neutralize magical interference and damage;
    • destroy the plans of enemies;
    • protect from any evil.

    The ceremony takes place early in the morning. If you live in an apartment building, open a balcony or window. If it’s private, go out into the yard or garden.

    They take a new broom in their hands and, waving it different sides, they say:

    “I am walking across an open field, seven spirits and seven winds are running towards me. All, white spirits, strong, brave and strong, go to dashing people and keep them on a leash, so that I may be safe and sound on the road and on the road, in foreign lands and relatives, on water and on land, at a conversation and a feast, at home and at work, and whoever thinks evil of me, then you, spirits, help me to this hour and to this time. Goy."

    Such a plot can be useful for different cases. It is especially good to conduct it before a long business trip, signing important papers, or a major transaction.

    Prayers from the machinations of competitors

    The conspiracy to eliminate all competitors is best read on a full moon. If everything suddenly starts to go wrong for no apparent reason, send your energy message to higher powers. This magical ritual will help:

    • remove accumulated negative energy;
    • protect from damage;
    • provide protection for business;
    • protect your business from unforeseen situations with partners.

    During the full moon, they go to the temple and buy 13 candles. As they leave the church gates they say:

    “As soon as my opponent starts doing shit, the conspiracy will immediately take everything away. Amen".

    Arriving home, they retire and light candles. Looking at the fire, imagine all potential competitors. Then they mentally erect a strong wall of concrete between them and themselves. It is necessary to present in detail, in detail.

    Such energy protection on a mental level will become an insurmountable obstacle between you and your business rivals. After the invisible magical wall is erected, they say three times:

    “As soon as my opponent wants to harm, the conspiracy will immediately become disgusting. Let the competitor not start a feud, I will patiently wait for the lunar day. Any evil he does to me will immediately run back to him. I put up a strong defense forever, no one will harm me now. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    After this, the candles are extinguished one by one and a spell is pronounced to get rid of competitors in trade:

    “On the full moon I will gain strength, and now I am not afraid of competitors. Everything that the evil adversary does to me, I return to him a hundredfold. My business will never be ruined, and succession will never overcome me. Let competitors not harm, the forces of the moon will be able to prohibit them. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    After the ritual, the candles are thrown into the trash. This ritual is performed three times every full moon. After this, competitors will no longer interfere with business and will not be able to harm in the future.

    Prayer for envy

    People's envy can push even the most reliable business partner to commit an unseemly act. To prevent competitors from envying and partners from betraying, they carry out magical ritual. The plot is read three times on a new handkerchief and pin:

    “Lord my God, I stand before You, I ask you to protect me tightly, to protect me with this amulet. I ask the holy army to protect Me from evil spirits: Ivan the Long-Suffering, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Postiler, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Headless, Michael the Archangel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archangel Gabriel, Praskovya the Great Martyr. Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia. I stand under your protection, so that you defend me. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After this, the enchanted objects are always carried with them. This prayer is also effective for helping with work.

    How to protect your trading place from business colleagues

    There are many ways to eliminate competitors from the market in a matter of days. This can only be done if the neighbors at the retail outlet suddenly begin to take your potential customers away. When the situation changes dramatically without any reason, competitors use magic.

    Salt will help clean your work area

    To protect yourself from attracting negative energy, damage and the evil eye to your business, you need to take urgent measures.

    First, the workplace is cleaned. A church candle, blessed water and salt can help in this matter. After this, salt is thrown under the counter of the envious neighbor to block the flow of his negative energy. A few pinches of salt are enough, the main thing is that it is illuminated in the church.

    To attract good luck in business again, small coins are thrown into the left corner of the outlet. You can also hide enchanted silver there. Please note that the left corner is determined in relation to the buyer, who is facing the product. If the product is located in a circle, then with your back to the exit.

    After this they put on clothes yellow, take a handful of millet in their hands and, pouring it from palm to palm, say:

    “Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass! I’m not a merchant, but a fine merchant, I sell with honor, I hang with excess, measure with powder, cut with extra, pour with the rest. Be in my barn treasure and harmony, and ergot in everything, without holes, without ruin, Without waste and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar. Take care of the merchant’s conscience, and fate will be favorable to your business.”

    After the conspiracy, the millet is stored by throwing several grains into the left corner every day. When the millet runs out, the ritual is repeated.

    Today our conversation will be about how they can seriously damage profits so that a businessman goes bankrupt, and we’ll look at how a magic ritual is performed. And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give an example of a home method of removing damage by casting wax on knives. This good cleaning, which allows you to remove damage to debts at home, which also works as protection against magic and witchcraft.

    Business sorcerers can curse in any way, but this is not difficult for a knowledgeable person. The magician has the power to change people’s fates; can help a person become rich, or can take everything away, severe damage to eternal debts point it out or do something else. But, any black damage, even for the ruin of a business, even for complete poverty, can be removed.

    How to spoil a competitor's trade - ruin an enemy's business

    There are so many rituals of causing damage in magic! For example, damage to the Moneychanger, which in various sources is also referred to as Merchant or Tovarka. Damage is done independently through a doll or photo of an enemy or competitor, changing his good share to what the sorcerer wants to get rid of. But, in detail, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to analyze not this curse, but the ritual of demonic severe financial damage through the lining onto a piece of meat.

    You need to take a piece of pork and go into the forest. There, go to a young tree, break off the lower branch, and string meat on it. How to do it, read the words of the conspiracy to ruin a competitor’s trade 3 times:

    “The tree accursed by the cross was cut, Christ himself dragged it to the Hologath, if the branch is broken, then (name)’s work is spoiled, God’s body is whipped, and the pig’s meat is scoured by the king of flies, and (name)’s acquired property is lost, what remains will go to the Leshem. Amen".

    “Ashes are dust, business (name) is a grave. Amen".

    And throw that branch directly with a piece of meat to the one who is being damaged when it is impossible to sell. It can be near the house, or it can be where the enemy trades. This way you can cause severe damage to a store, causing the trade of a competitor or enemy to go under, leaving him destitute. Don’t forget about making an offering to the Master of the Forest. In his domain you will perform a magical ritual, and you will give him gifts.

    What to do if trade has been damaged - diagnostics and conspiracies

    A person must resist evil. You can physically fight back. You can punish your offenders according to the law. Or you can resist and defend yourself in other ways - magical rituals. Calmly and with dignity repel the enemy with a strong conspiracy.

    How do you know that damage was done to the sale of goods?

    Witchcraft always leaves traces. A strong magician can hide himself, create protection for the damage caused - an impenetrability that will prevent another magician from seeing it when he diagnoses and.

    But it is impossible to hide the exact symptoms of debt damage. The main signs that magical damage and the evil eye have been caused are:

    • sudden health and sleep problems,
    • apathy,
    • severe depressive state.

    But, if the damage is done for money and business, then, in addition to unwanted changes in the victim’s well-being, her financial affairs will also go down. Such symptoms provide grounds for conducting a magical diagnosis, identify damage to a store or your business.

    Diagnosis of damage can be carried out independently at home using the so-called folk ways. You can do this:

    • with the help of matches,
    • fresh egg,
    • or wax castings.

    If we talk about powerful professional ways diagnostics of damage done to trade, which give clear and substantiated answers about the presence of negativity, then this is undoubtedly a diagnosis on Runes and Tarot cards.

    What to do if your trade has been damaged?

    There can be only one answer: get rid of damage. If the damage is not severe, say, unintentional, i.e. evil eye, try reading conspiracies.

    In calm weather, go outside, look at the stars and read the words of the conspiracy against the evil eye on trade:

    “My mother, evening dawn, look from heaven who ruined me (name), who spoiled my soul. I bow to you, evening star. And how you are always pure and bright, so that I will always be pure and bright, and my damage to my enemy will fall. Amen".

    Here is another conspiracy that helps remove the evil eye from trade.

    Read on the first stars in the sky in calm, clear weather:

    “My mother, evening star, look out from the heavens of my enemy. Remove the damage from me, but they found it on the enemy. Amen".

    Helps remove a lot of negativity magic spell from the evil eye on trade, which is read right where they trade:

    “Saint Peter was carrying a wallet, on his way there was a snake lying across it, whoever counts the scales of this snake will only interfere with my trade. Amen".

    In general, an evil eye cast on finances works well to remove the flush. While taking a shower, read a simple plot against the evil eye on business three times:

    “Water, water, my sister, wash away, rinse off everything bad, everything bad from me (name). Everything is spoiled, everything is fixed, everything is induced, tributaries, ghosts, love spells, bindings, ties, evil eyes, fevers. Everything drunk with drink, eaten with food, taken with a lining, with an evil word, with an evil eye, given by a young woman, a young woman, an old woman, a peasant, an old man, a small child, a cold dead man, a sister, a brother , even the only father, even the mother, even the married husband or wife. Be it the witch of Kyiv, or her sister the witch of Murom, or sorcerers, or witchers, or women, or men. Everything that was not given by me, not said by me, not punished by me, take my words and carry them with you to the ocean sea, to Buyan Island. Lock them up in iron cisterns, with pound keys. Even if it lies there and doesn’t run back to me, doesn’t run, doesn’t come back, strength appears in me. Strength appears, but doesn’t go away. My word is strong, my deed is molded. As said, so it became. Truly."

    The witchcraft spell has a very wide spectrum of action, and therefore with the help of this flush you can not only remove the evil eye from trading in a store, but also fresh damage done in different ways: pads, drink and complementary foods, love spells, etc., i.e. anything that could be considered negative. The financial damage caused by the ruin of trade in the store must be removed both from yourself and from the place where you conduct your business. And here's a simple way to do it.

    ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

    Independently remove severe damage from sales - get trade off the ground

    Fill the glass halfway spring water, hold it in your left hand, and right hand move around the glass clockwise and say:

    “The water is clean, take away all the bad and black evil spirits from my business. Amen".

    Pour out the water at the intersection. Spend at least 3 days on the waning moon. An independent ritual makes it possible on one's ownremove damage from the store. However, if the negativity is strong, this will not be enough.

    To really rid yourself of everything induced, remove financial damage to your affairs, and prevent witchcraft from destroying your business, use powerful rituals from practical magic, such as wax casting through knives.

    Effective removal of financial damage - wax casting through knives

    An independent ritual for removing damage from finances, it works both as cleaning and as good protection from magic and witchcraft of enemies and competitors. It hits enemies hard, both everyday and magical. Each main goal; Damage can be made to a product when it is impossible to sell it, no matter how good or high quality it may be. The product simply ceases to be unattractive to buyers. Try this method to get rid of damage to trade.

    To perform the ritual you will need:

    • clay pot or deep bowl
    • piece of white cloth
    • 2 knives with black handle
    • pure wax
    • deep cup
    • mug, all made of clay

    Do it on the waning moon. Go to a river or stream and use a clay pot to scoop up water against the flow. Cover with cloth and take home. At home, melt the wax, remove the cloth from the pot of river water, and place knives on top in a cross. And, carefully holding this structure over the head of the spoiled person, pour wax through the knives.

    Read the conspiracy to remove damage from trade and from the person himself:

    “Clean water flowed, wax ore. She ran over the stones and (name) fell on her forehead. It rolled over his body and didn’t come back. She went into the water, became a river again, and ran on. She will continue to run, but not come back, but (name) will become whole, and not know the fever. And with her, and near the clear water, two old guards stand, raising their hands from both banks of the cross, and cursing the feverish woman, injecting the feverish woman, and whipping her, swearing, and lamenting: “Go, old man, don’t toss and turn, go to hell’s cauldrons, There you torment souls. Fie on your black stick (spit). Ugh, on your toothy mouth (spit). Fie on your filthy tongue (spit).” Whatever was done by the grave, whatever was sewn with a needle, whatever was sent by the wind and burned out by fire, and spoken by a dead word, was cut by the guards. Yes, it was washed with water, and it was sent into the ground, and it was hidden in it. And (name) appeared clean before the morning Sun, but from now on he will not experience fever. Truly, it is as if the Sun shines in the morning from behind the mountains.”

    Pour wax 3 times directly onto the crosshairs of the knives. Each time, read the plot to remove damage to debts at home. Each time melt the wax and pour in new, clean wax. After this, let the wax cool, remove the knives from the bowl, separate them, and scrape the wax into an empty, clean cup. Then take knives, a cup of wax and a container of river water, and return to that river. Stick one knife on one bank, the second on the other, with the words:

    “You are here to stand as watchmen and drive away the fever from (name).”

    Pour water from the bridge into the river, remove pieces of wax from the cup and throw them as far into the river as possible.

    Give an offering to the river: let a loaf of white bread float downstream, while saying:

    “Take this clean bread from me as a tribute of white bread. Just as you can’t be turned back, (name) can’t become corrupted again. Be as it is said."

    Then take a clean clay mug, scoop up water, this time with the flow, and let the person you took it wash with. severe damage to profits. And the clay pot on which the knives were placed must be broken by the person himself at a pedestrian crossroads. Wrap your head with the cloth that was used to cover the pot at night, and then sleep with the cloth on your head. Do this for three nights in a row. Then remove it away from prying eyes and store it. Cloth - this will be a talisman; you can use it in rituals of healing your diseases, in rituals of removing damage caused by competitors to trade in a store.

    You can also cast from a photo. In this case, instead of washing the patient, spray water on the photo of the person from whom the damage done for trade was removed. Very good wax cleaning. Allows you to eliminate almost any induced negativity: strong cemetery love spells and blood love spells, as well as damage of any nature. It is possible, including independently remove damage from sales that your competitors have done to you.

    clear eyes. From blood, from relatives, from the head, from the back, from things, from a wallet, from gold and silver. Wash and clean from windy, false. Amen to my word. Amen to my work. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    How can you protect your store from the evil eye and damage?

    Once you have established exactly what competitors caused damage or an evil eye on your business (and this, by the way, happens much more often than many people think), take action. Remove negativity and the evil eye from the store. If you can’t do it yourself, turn to magicians. But don’t leave it to chance if you don’t want to quickly go broke and get into debt. If competitors cause damage, it will not end well, and evil people will not stop until they completely ruin you.

    After cleaning and getting rid of negativity, install protection against magic and witchcraft. And here's the ritual how can you protect your store from the evil eye and damage?

    “Crown with a cross, created for every purpose, but flogged by me, stripped of my creatureliness, but marked for my service, spoken of in words and deeds, attached, and attached to me with a shield, if anyone remembers the dead, the spirit of rowan will be thrown away, if the eye the unkind one puts it, he will devour himself with blackness, if anyone speaks a grave talk, then he will be cut with a rowan cross, if someone lets demons in, he will command, then he will wave the rowan slash, and he will drive the demons back, and drive the enemy into the grave. Either it was read with the Drevlyan prayer, yes, then everything of mine is hidden, concealed, cleared away from all evil, since it is unsaid, unknown, then it is covered with a shield, hidden away. Amen".

    Read on the water independent conspiracy from financial damage to debts you need 3 times. After this, take everything out, let the water cool, and wash with it. Pour water into the field, throw branches and berries at the cemetery gate and say:

    “The good stuff was put away, but the bad stuff was thrown away and sent to the graveyard. Amen".

    Conspiracy from competitors understood as a kind of protection from rivals in various fields human life. This is love, and work, and life. The ritual helps to protect yourself not only from the appearance of a competitor, but also from the consequences of this. For example, from losses, loss of reputation, loss of authority among others.

    Examples of conspiracies from rivals and competitors

    1. Speak on a blank sheet of paper 3 times: “I am walking along the road, the clear path. There are no stones in front, no water flowing, no tree growing. Just as my road is empty in front of me, so my troubles and rivals are far from me, from my path.” Burn a piece of paper and scatter the ashes on any path or road.
    2. Take off your undershirt and say to it: “The stranger is running away from my body, from my sweat and blood, from my thoughts and words, shunning me. He won’t touch my deeds, he won’t cross my words, he won’t put on my shirts. I’ll give it to the poor, I’ll tell them to guard and harrow.” Leave the item near any tree or wooden box.
    3. Draw a circle on the road with charcoal, stand in it and say 3 times: “I’m putting a line up as a shield from unnecessary people and unnecessary troubles. They cannot enter the circle, they cannot destroy my deeds, they cannot drive away my words. The prince walks through the valleys, carrying a gilded sword. Whoever of the animals shows himself, he will cut off his head and will not have mercy. I print the key around and hide it in black coal. No one can find it, not even me.” Throw away the coal and, without turning around, go into the house.

    Strong conspiracy from rivals or competitors at work

    Buy white, red and black threads in the store. Unwind them all the way. Crumple the yarn to form a ball. Say to him 3 times: “Red from blood, black from fierce, white from excess.” All extra people to the club, their thoughts in the room. They won’t touch my deeds, they won’t be able to say words. Just as I stand alone, so they stand alone, from me, not for me. I’ll wrap a whip around the ball and hit him on the hands. I’ll wrap the wheel around the ball and roll it through the scaffolding. I will tie a ball with a cross - baptize according to business. What is mine is mine, what is not mine is from me.” Light a ball of thread with a candle flame. Eat the remaining ashes and drink three sips of water. Say: “I lock it with a key, I hide it, I guard it.” Do not make any monetary transactions for 3 days, especially at work. If a competitor nevertheless appears, then you need to spit on your right palm and apply it to the opponent’s footprint. He will stop bothering you and will go away on his own. Conspiracy from competitors not only helps you get rid of unnecessary hassle, but also avoids many problems at work. After all, today almost everyone has rivals or ill-wishers at work who can do harm and ruin relationships with their superiors.

    In this article:

    If you suspect that your business has gone from bad to worse due to the magical intervention of your opponents, try a conspiracy against your competitors in action. Perhaps a similar influence was applied to you, why not reciprocate.

    By protecting yourself by striking a blow to your competitors, you can rest assured that you and your income will be safe and sound, and your business will flourish.

    Conspiracy on business papers

    This conspiracy against competitors is read on all documents on which you put your signature, so we recommend learning it by heart, since your secretary or business partners. Having learned the plot, you will be able to read it mentally, which will not be noticeable to outsiders and will not cause suspicion, ridicule and bewilderment.
    You can also cast a spell on the pen you use to sign business papers, which will save you from reading the spell a hundred times a day if you run a large enterprise and sign hundreds of papers during the day. The pen should be spoken daily in the morning.

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic powers, please protect me and protect me from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the witch, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the bare-haired girl, from the self-made woman, from any sorcerer's villain. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, through the prayers of the saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, a servant of God (imerek), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God’s gift, with your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and terrible demon driver and conqueror; Rejoice, bright goodness is coming to my house. Make me worthy of all joys and to be a partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

    Conspiracy-amulet from competitors

    This amulet should always be carried with you, as a result of which you can not fear not only competitors, but also otherworldly interference in your affairs.

    “Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Amulet against competitors for the workplace

    This amulet is kept in the workplace so that it is invisible to prying eyes. You can talk about anything!

    “Grant me, Lord, a good time, bring me, Lord, to the rank of angel, give me into the hands of the Most Pure Mother of God, I keep the prayer of Christ in my heart. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner! Lord, hear and have mercy on me. Have mercy on me, O Lord, according to Your great mercy, and according to Your compassions, cleanse me from iniquity. Lord, give me peace, and deliver me from my enemies, visible and invisible. And those who envy or who curse me, forgive, Lord, according to Your commandments, reward them all in abundance, with abundance, so that they do not envy and cross my path, without spoiling my business, and without stealing my luck. King David, you are not forgotten by the Lord, you loved him, and he rewarded you with power and kingdom. Grant your meekness to my enemies, so that they may not rise up against me either now or at another hour, never, day or night, morning or evening. Just as your enemies fled from you, let mine also retreat from me. King Solomon, holy prophet! Share with me your wisdom, the beauty of your face, the kindness of your heart, so that looking at me everyone will be amazed and rejoice, and no one will say a bad word about me or make evil accusations. Just as a river flows, washing everything, white stones, yellow roots, carrying away all evil, dissolving sadness, so this word would take away all the bad things, dissolve them, and never turn them back. This list was written in the city of Kyiv, by a holy schema-monk, a monk in the caves of Kyiv. And whoever keeps this list and honors God, the Lord will protect him and save his soul. Amen".

    If you suddenly feel that things are not going well for you, the sale of goods is not going well, everything is not as it should be. Everything “got bad” because your competitors interfered in your business. magical level and you have been damaged. This happens especially often if you are engaged in trading. There are special conspiracies and prayers that are used to remove negative impact, get rid of your competitors.

    How to protect yourself from competitors?

    After all, by protecting yourself by using a special conspiracy, you will thereby save yourself from unnecessary hassle and be sure that neither your business nor you yourself will suffer. There is a conspiracy on documents, business papers that a large entrepreneur needs to sign every day.

    It is valid throughout the day, so it is recommended to know it by heart, because then you can always read it before you have to sign some important document, contract, cooperation agreement, etc. This will also be a good protection against competitors.

    But since it is quite long, you can write it and read it early in the morning before starting work. It is recommended to do this in private so that your employees, and especially the secretary, do not notice, because otherwise You cannot avoid ridicule and gossip. Here's what it sounds like:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic powers, please protect me and protect me from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the witch, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the bare-haired girl, from the self-made woman, from any sorcerer's villain. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, through the prayers of the saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, a servant of God (imerek), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God’s gift, with your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and terrible demon driver and conqueror; Rejoice, bright goodness is coming to my house. Make me worthy of all joys and to be a partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

    Make yourself a talisman

    It should be immediately noted that any thing that can be carried with you without any problems can be a talisman. For women, this could be a small bracelet made of natural stones, even a separate pebble, a bird feather, a leaf or branch of a tree, a small figurine of an angel, which can be put in a cosmetic bag or handbag.

    With such a talisman you will not be afraid of damage. At the same time, you will protect yourself from an unkind look, the impact of an evil word on you.

    Ideally, it is good to have natural objects as a talisman, and it is even better that they “come from” the area where you happened to be born. Masters advise this because the energy of these objects coincides with yours. It itself has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    Remember old custom take a handful of native land with you on the road. All this comes from those time immemorial, when our ancestors were much closer to nature and knew much more than us. Above this item, which you choose as a talisman, you need to read:

    “Almighty Lord, Savior, send your guardian angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

    As we see, this is no longer a conspiracy, but a prayer that will help you both in public affairs and in your personal life.

    There is another prayer that will help protect yourself from enemies:

    “I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and I unite with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    With sincere prayer and appeals to the Lord, you can protect yourself from many troubles, then no other help will be needed.

    How to “switch off” your competitors at work?

    There is a very strong conspiracy that will help you “sweep away” all your competitors. This ritual is performed early in the morning. You need to open the window if you live in an apartment, and if in a private house, then you need to go outside.

    Swing away your competitors

    You should have a broom in your hands, which you wave in different directions, and during these actions you say:

    “I am walking across an open field, seven spirits and seven winds are running towards me. All, white spirits, strong, brave and strong, go to dashing people and keep them on a leash, so that I may be safe and sound on the road and on the road, in foreign lands and relatives, on water and on land, at a conversation and a feast, at home and at work, and whoever thinks evil of me, then you, spirits, help me to this hour and to this time. Goy."

    As can be seen from the text itself, these magic words are aimed at any enemy, unkind person who wishes you harm. They will help in different cases, and not just at work. They are good to read both before a long journey and before important events, and before making decisions that are responsible for you.

    Magic prayers from competitors on the full moon

    If things are not going well for you, then you can send a strong energy message into Space. This magical action will help protect yourself from many troubles, remove negativity if there is damage, and put strong protection on yourself and your business. We need to wait for the full moon and go to the temple, buy 13 candles. You should not read any prayers at this moment, but immediately return home. As soon as you leave the temple, quietly say the following:

    “As soon as my opponent starts doing shit, the conspiracy will immediately take everything away. Amen".

    At home, you will need to lock yourself in the room and light all the candles at once. You need to mentally imagine before your eyes those people who interfere with your work, but in full health and good mood. You must mentally “build” between yourself and them a protective, thick wall of concrete or other strong material. In this way, you will protect yourself at the energetic level from the machinations of your enemies. Then you need to repeat many times in a confident voice:

    “As soon as my opponent wants to harm, the conspiracy will immediately become disgusting. Let the competitor not start a feud, I will patiently wait for the lunar day. Any evil he does to me will immediately run back to him. I put up a strong defense forever, no one will harm me now. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    Or these words:

    “On the full moon I will gain strength, and now I am not afraid of competitors. Everything that the evil adversary does to me, I return to him a hundredfold. My business will never be ruined, and succession will never overcome me. Let competitors not do harm, the forces of the Moon will be able to prohibit them. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

    Then you need to put out the candles and throw the cinders in the trash. Such actions should be repeated 3 times, waiting for the full moon; there should be no break, i.e. three months in a row you do the same action. Then you will not be afraid of any damage, and you will also stop plotting intrigues.

    How to spoil your competitors?

    If you have full confidence that your “colleagues” in a common cause have harmed you, that you are being damaged by their actions, then you can resort to a radical method and carry out such a fairly strong ritual. For this you will need:

    • regular sewing needle;
    • small black thread;
    • salt.

    At home, thread a small thread into a needle, tie a knot on it so that the thread does not fall out of the needle itself, and go to the office or company where you work to gather for a common cause. Find a secluded place and stick a needle near the door so that it is not visible, saying three words:

    "Anger - Ruglis - Gaburhas."

    Then throw some salt under the door. The more that needle stays where you left it, the more impact it will have.

    You should always remember that causing damage is a dangerous and quite complicated matter, therefore, in order not to harm yourself even more, it is better to seek such help from a professional. And try to find out what’s wrong with your business, conduct a market analysis, improve the quality of services, make the goods offered for sale more diverse.

    Try to make sure that you have more clients using the usual methods that are practiced in any type of business.

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