• How to clean a cashmere coat? How to wash a drape coat at home


    In the cold season, you can’t do without a coat: cashmere, drape or polyester. It keeps you warm in any weather and can last for more than one season if you take care of it properly and wash it in a timely manner. There are two options for washing the product: dry cleaning or at home. Since cleaning services for this type of clothing are not cheap, it is better to know how to wash a coat at home.

    Read in this article:

    Polyester coat: how to wash it correctly?

    It is recommended to wash outerwear made from such fabric by hand, but there are no strict prohibitions on using a washing machine for the same purpose. Moreover, the material is not subject to deformation during mechanical washing and retains its original appearance (if the mode is correctly selected). In order to wash the product you need:

    • purchase washing powder, corresponding to the type and tone of clothing (universal or for removing stains from synthetic fabric). For bright and dark coats It is better to take a product for colored products. It is also important to use conditioner during washing: it removes static electricity, which is characteristic of synthetics, and makes the fabric soft.
    • select the appropriate settings for the machine: temperature – 40 degrees, mode – delicate or manual with a minimum number of revolutions, spin – disabled;
    • turn on the multiple rinse function (if it is provided in the equipment) to completely get rid of powder residues.

    Before washing a polyester coat, you need to fasten zippers, pockets, and other decorative items (leave the buttons unfastened). It is also advisable to place it in a special mesh bag (this reduces the mechanical impact on the material and the likelihood of deformation).

    Hand washing is done in a bathtub ( a large one will do basin) filled with warm water. Take any product for synthetic fabric, wash out the stains, then lightly wring out and send the clothes to dry (in a vertical position).

    Polyester items do not require ironing after washing. If there is a desire to smooth the fabric, this should be done on the lowest thermostat setting through damp gauze.

    How to wash a wool coat

    It is recommended to dry clean a product made from 100% cashmere. The material is very delicate and can deteriorate when exposed to aggressive substances. If the stains on the clothes are minor, you should try to return them to their original appearance yourself by hand or machine washing. In this case, you need to pay attention to the label sewn into the product. Once you are sure that there are no contraindications for wet washing, you can safely begin cleaning it.

    Dirt on a wool blend coat with a high percentage of synthetic fabric is removed by washing it in a machine. Before washing a wool coat, set the equipment to manual (delicate) mode, turning off the spin function.

    The optimal water temperature when washing woolen items is washing machine(automatic) - no more than 30-40 degrees.

    Using water that is too hot can cause the fabric to shrink and, as a result, the item to shrink. In order to reduce the likelihood of damage to clothing, you should place it in the drum, first turning it inside out.

    The process of cleaning woolen items manually consists of the following steps:

    • heat the water to thirty degrees, pour it into a basin;
    • dilute shampoo or washing powder (Luxus, Spiro Wool) in water until foaming, then put it in the coat container;
    • remove dirt with a soft sponge using light movements;
    • Rinse the clothes thoroughly, wring them out, then leave them to dry naturally.

    A cashmere coat is dried horizontally, placing it on a large towel or sheet (when drying vertically, the wool will stretch under the weight of the water). It will take a long time to dry, but it is not recommended to speed up the drying process with an iron or hair dryer.

    Drape coat: how to wash it correctly?

    Many housewives wonder whether it is possible to wash drape coat. The answer is of course yes. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations for cleaning it. If the product is dirty only in certain places (sleeves, collar), it is better to wash them separately. To do this you need to do the following:

    • prepare a solution (not strong) from detergent for washing clothes made of wool, apply it to the contaminated areas of the fabric;
    • lightly rub the stains with a brush and wash the entire coat with a washcloth;
    • Rinse the item and hang it to dry.

    If the entire coat is dirty, wash it in the same way as a cashmere coat, having previously studied the washing conditions (on the label):

    • water temperature – about 30 degrees (no more);
    • soaking time – 10-15 minutes;
    • cleaning contaminated areas of fabric is carried out with a soft brush or washcloth;
    • Rinse clothes in cold water until soap stains completely disappear.

    Drape items are not twisted or wrung out after washing. The water should drain naturally. Dry the product on a hanger at room temperature or on the balcony (during the warm season).

    General rules for washing coats at home

    It is worth knowing that the higher the percentage of natural fibers in a coat, the higher the likelihood that it may deteriorate after washing by hand or in a machine. In order to prevent deformation and shrinkage of clothing, you must:

    1. It is good to study the label on the product, which contains information about how it can be washed. The picture of an upside down basin indicates that it is not washable in water (dry clean will be required).
    2. Choose the right detergent. It should match the type and color of the fabric.
    3. Fasten zippers, rivets, and straps before washing the coat in the washing machine.
    4. Unfasten (unfasten) the cuffs and fur collars.
    5. Wash items only in slightly warm water.
    6. When hand washing, rub the fabric as little as possible.
    7. Rinse the product in clean water several times.
    8. Remove remaining moisture from the fabric using gentle squeezing movements.
    9. Dry the coat in a vertical or horizontal position (depending on the type of fabric) naturally.

    In general, in order to wash a coat made of any type of fabric at home without losing its shape and quality, you do not need to have any special skills. You can restore the cleanliness and original appearance of the product by following the basic rules of manual and machine cleaning. If you have the slightest doubt about your own abilities, it is recommended to take your outerwear item to the dry cleaner. Our specialists will help you deal with the heaviest stains, preserving the structure of the fabric, and ensure the long life of your favorite coat. Then there will be nothing to worry about, and you won’t have to pay twice.

    We all understand that it is better to entrust washing expensive outerwear made of wool, cashmere or drape to professionals, but this is not always available, and dry cleaning will take many days. Is it possible to wash wool coats yourself, what is the best way to do it?

    Use our proven ways to wash a wool coat at home so that the item remains wearable. If in doubt, it is better to refuse a full wash, preferring to gently treat only contaminated areas using soft sponges.

    How to wash a wool coat at home

    Wash at home wool coat unlike you can if you use detergents for wool. A special washing powder or gel is good because it perfectly removes dirt from woolen products, but does it carefully, while maintaining the excellent appearance of the clothes.

    The universal powder contains enzymes, with the help of which the most specific stains can be easily washed, but they are also very dangerous for wool, since universal enzymes corrode proteins, and woolen fabric is by nature these same protein fibers.

    With each wash of woolen products with universal liquid and powder detergent compositions, it will become more and more noticeable that the product is corroding clothing, so it is extremely dangerous not to use special remedy for wool products.

    Attention! The prohibition against washing wool is always indicated on the packaging. universal remedy and is duplicated with a picture depicting a crossed-out sweater, scarf or skein of yarn. If you need to urgently wash a wool coat, and the right remedy no, you can always use powder for children's clothes, but you need to take 1.5 times more of it.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to wash a wool coat in a washing machine

    • We carefully inspect the clothes so that there are no unnecessary objects (badges, brooches, etc.) left on them. We empty our pockets of unnecessary things.
    • Turn the coat inside out and fasten it with buttons or a zipper. We roll it up and put it in the washing drum.
    • Wool coats should be washed separately from other items.
    • The mode for woolen items is set (with a temperature of no more than 30-40°C and the lowest spin speed).
    • Extra washed woolen item is not wrung out, but carefully removed from the machine and hung on hangers so as to allow the water to drain.
    • Dry clothes in a place with good ventilation.
    • We regularly check clothes for dryness, as they should be ironed in a slightly damp state. Ironing of all woolen items is carried out only through gauze.

    Please note that the washing method described above is not suitable for fabrics with a composition of 100% wool. In an automatic washing machine, you can only wash coats made of wool blends, i.e. Only 50% wool should be listed on the clothing tag. If the coat is 100% wool, it must be washed only by hand, gently and without twisting.

    Features of washing cashmere coats

    Cashmere is a very fine woolen fabric that is made from the wool and undercoat of the Kashmir mountain goats. Natural soft and delicate cashmere is expensive and difficult to care for, so wash cashmere coat at home you can only do it manually.

    Most likely, someone you know has successfully washed their cashmere item in a machine and convinces you that it is not dangerous. You need to understand that different people may simply mean cashmere as an expensive fabric, or they don’t even know what their clothes are made of, and the seller told them when purchasing that it was 100% cashmere, which is not true.

    It’s better not to machine wash your cashmere coat at home, but to take it to the dry cleaner. At home, there is a high probability of damaging it irrevocably - the fabric will become deformed and shrink.

    So let's get started hand washing your gorgeous outerwear. If there is only a single stain on the item, then you do not need to wash the coat completely; we will limit ourselves to treating the stain with a damp sponge and soapy water. You need to make sure that there is a minimum amount of water and that it does not spread all over your clothes.

    How to wash a cashmere coat by hand:

    • We will wash in a large amount of water, so we fill the bathtub with water. The water is barely warm, no more than 25-30°C.
    • The wool product dissolves thoroughly in water - we need good foam.
    • The coat (without unnecessary items in the pockets) is carefully placed in the bath and soaked for a while.
    • We wash clothes without rubbing, coats just wrinkle easily.
    • The item is rinsed in several waters and does not twist, which is extremely important!
    • The washed coat should be carefully laid out on a large terry towel or even a sheet so that all the water is absorbed. For these purposes, you will need to change the towels several times to dry ones.
    • When the fabric becomes noticeably dry, it needs to be ironed at the appropriate setting through gauze.
    • After ironing, the cashmere coat is hung on hangers outside or in a room with a strong hood to dry completely.

    How to properly wash items made from drape fabric?

    Drape is a well-known fabric for sewing coats, because it has important properties - wear resistance, wrinkle resistance and the ability to keep the shape of a sewn product. Drape fabric is multi-layered, for its production different manufacturers use different technologies, grades and types wool yarn, therefore, before washing a drape coat at home, you need to carefully study the information labels on the clothes.

    Is it possible to wash a wool coat yourself? Yes, if there are appropriate recommendations from the clothing manufacturer. If you don’t know for sure, then you should carefully consider the outerwear. If there are glued areas on the drape coat, then washing is excluded. If they are not there, washing is done by hand, as is the case with cashmere items.

    How to remove dirt from a drape coat with glued inserts? Clean it with a soft brush:

    • Prepare a soap solution from cold water and Not large quantity special powder or gel for wool products. The solution should be weak to avoid streaks on the fabric.
    • Using a small sponge, apply soapy water to the stains on the drape and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    • Next, brush the dirt with a soft bristle brush.
    • Using a clean rag, remove any remaining soap suds from the coat.
    • Dry your clothes naturally on hangers.

    As you can see, all the ways to wash a wool coat at home are simple, budget-friendly and effective, but there is always a possibility that the item may get damaged after washing at home. It all depends on the additives and dyes that make up wool fabrics. You cannot plan for everything, so it is better to use the services of a good professional dry cleaner. Good luck!

    Outerwear saves us from cold and wind. Having taken out their favorite coat from the closet, many want to bring it into proper condition. First of all, remove dust and dirt. Unfortunately, dry cleaning services are available to few. Therefore, let's talk about how to wash a coat correctly yourself.

    Rules for preparing clothes

    There are several rules that can be followed to avoid unpleasant consequences after washing. After all, the main task of this procedure is to rid clothes of dust and dirt, while the color and shape of the product should not be affected. So, how to wash a coat at home?

    1. First of all, you should study the information provided by the manufacturer on the labels. Usually here you can find the answer to the question of whether this product can be washed in washing machine. If the label indicates a crossed out basin, it is better not to experiment.

    2. At the second stage of preparation, you should unfasten all fur elements: collars, cuffs. If the product is sewn in such a way that it is impossible to remove these elements, they should be carefully torn off. It is important that after this procedure there are no holes left on the product, so do this very carefully.

    Some housewives wrap the fur with plastic film. Sometimes it helps. But if the film slips off during washing, the coat will be ruined forever.

    3. Large metal parts should also be removed: jewelry, buckles. During washing, they can catch on the fabric, resulting in puffs and even holes. For the same reason, buttons, locks, and fasteners are removed.

    4. It is better to dry clean before washing. The product should be knocked out on the balcony, so most of the dust will be removed. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment.

    5. Oily stains should be sprinkled with starch or talcum powder. If this doesn't help, for dark shades gasoline should be used. For light material, use a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.

    6. For some materials it is better to choose a special detergent. It is better to prepare cashmere cleaning gel, shampoo or baby liquid soap in advance.


    When thinking about how to wash a coat correctly, you should pay attention Special attention and for detergent. After all, not many people know what to use regular powder Do not use for washing delicate fabrics. After all, grains settle on the fabric and provoke the appearance of stains. It is better to choose a liquid detergent for washing such products. Today in retail outlets you can find the following liquid detergents marked: for wool, for cashmere, for delicate fabrics.

    If you can’t buy detergent, you can prepare it yourself. The powder can be diluted in water in advance.

    When purchasing a detergent, you should also pay attention to the recommendations for the color of the product. White fabric will not be harmed by detergent for colored laundry. But using a detergent for white fabrics when washing brightly colored items will completely ruin them.

    Conditioner should also be used. It removes static electricity and softens the fibers.

    Some housewives use hair conditioner. After this product, the material becomes smoother and more pleasant to the touch.

    Washing rules

    How to wash a coat at home? There are basic rules for washing outerwear:

    • All delicate materials must be washed at temperatures up to 40 o C.
    • Repeated rinsing will eliminate the appearance of white streaks from the powder.
    • It is imperative to dry outerwear hanging on hangers. You can also straighten the product and all folds on a horizontal surface and leave the product there until it dries completely.
    • When washing by hand, do not wash the fabric or wrinkle the product. It is better to lift and lower clothes into the water.
    • Do not iron delicate materials. It is better to use thin cotton cloth or gauze. Do not overdry the product, otherwise you won't be able to get rid of the wrinkles.

    Features of the material

    By looking closely at the information on the product tag, you can understand that washing it in a washing machine is a bad idea. But if you decide to refresh your coat in this way, you should pay special attention to the quality of the fabric. Cashmere, wool and polyester - each material has its own characteristics, which means it requires special care. How to wash a coat in a washing machine, taking into account the type of material from which the product is made?

    Washing a wool coat

    Made from wool? After all, everyone knows that wool is prone to shrinkage. Woolen items should be washed properly.

    Basic washing principles:

    • The product must be washed by hand or on a hand wash cycle.
    • It is necessary to use special detergents for wool.
    • The water temperature should not exceed 40 o C.
    • Wool products should not be wrung out; they are easily deformed.

    A woolen coat should be dried in order to keep it in shape, it is better to hang the product on hangers. The water will drain, but the coat will not stretch.

    Particular attention should be paid to folds. They should be smoothed out, bends should be straightened. A dried coat can be ironed through gauze.

    After drying, the coat must be hung in fresh air to prevent the appearance of a musty smell.

    Cashmere coat

    Cashmere clothing is a must-have in any woman's wardrobe. It is very easy to ruin such precious clothes, because they require special care. How to wash a cashmere coat correctly?

    Remember, this material cannot be washed in a washing machine. The fabric will deteriorate, because the material is prone to shrinkage and deformation. It should also be remembered that pellets easily form on the surface of this material. After such shocks, it will not be possible to bring your favorite thing back to life. Therefore, we will not take risks and give preference to hand washing.

    Stains on cashmere clothing can only be removed with cold water without using any products. This method works well with fresh stains. A old stains can only be removed using additional detergents. Only dirty areas need to be cleaned.

    Coat if the pollution is heavy? First of all, you should read the information on the label. If the fabric does not require dry cleaning, the coat can be washed in cold water. You need to take a full bath, add a special cleaner or baby shampoo. The product should be periodically raised and lowered, slightly kneading with your hands.

    Particular attention must be paid to rinsing. To do this, fill the bath again and again and “bathe” the coat in it. This procedure should be repeated several times to ensure that the cleaning agent is completely removed.

    Remember, a cashmere coat cannot be hung to dry on hangers. The product should be carefully laid out on a terry towel in a horizontal position.

    Polyester coat

    How to wash a polyester coat? This material can be called universal for outerwear. It does not get dirty easily, does not deteriorate after washing, and wrinkles little.

    Before sending the product for washing, you should also read the information on the tag on the inside. After all, if you treat the temperature regime irresponsibly, the product can also be damaged. If the heat is too high, the curves may seize and will no longer be smoothed out.

    Polyester is negatively affected by chlorine, so you should carefully study the composition of the bleaching agent.

    Rules for washing polyester clothes:

    • Delicate washing mode (no more than 40 o C).
    • All zippers and buttons must be fastened.
    • Can be placed in a special linen bag for washing.
    • Any powder can be used.
    • You should use a conditioner to make the fabric soft.
    • Rinse the product thoroughly.
    • Do not squeeze.
    • Hang to dry on hangers.

    If you don't trust the washing machine, you can wash your coat by hand in warm water. Remember, you cannot twist the product.

    How to clean a drape coat

    First of all, you should read the information on the label. You can first try tackling the stains with a damp, clean cloth. This method does not pose any risk to the material.

    Wet cleaning involves using a weak solution of detergent for delicate fabrics. The surface of the coat should be cleaned with a thick cloth or soft brush. Movements should be smooth.

    Afterwards, clothes should be rinsed and hung out to dry in fresh air.

    If this procedure does not produce results, then the same steps should be taken as when washing cashmere.


    As you can see, you can wash your coat in a washing machine, but you should pay special attention to the material of the product and the manufacturer’s recommendations. This way you can not only get rid of dirt and dust, but also keep the product in its original form.

    If you are not sure and do not know how to wash a coat at home, then it is better to turn to specialists. After all, poor ventilation will cause cashmere coats to develop unpleasant odor, and the woolen product may stretch due to incorrect position. And such washing results do not justify the absence of dust and dirt on the product. In this case, you will have to spend money on purchasing a new coat.

    Cashmere products are in high demand and popularity due to special properties this material. A cashmere coat looks elegant, beautiful and stylish, and also provides excellent warmth. Like anyone else natural material, cashmere is demanding in terms of care and cleaning. Knowing a few rules of care and the features of this fabric, you can safely wash a cashmere product at home without fear of ruining it appearance.

    Specifics of the material

    Cashmere (the second name for pashmina) is a fabric made from the wool of high mountain goats. It gets its name from the Kashmir region of India. This is an area, most of which is covered by high mountains. The goats that live in that area have a particularly warm and soft undercoat, from which cashmere is woven. Similar goat breeds are also successfully bred in China, Afghanistan, Mongolia and Iran. The wool is collected by hand, and the process of making fabric is labor-intensive and requires special care.

    Wool fibers are very thin, easily torn and damaged during processing, so products made from pure cashmere are quite expensive. But their cost is certainly justified high quality and beautiful appearance of the products.

    In addition to pure pashmina, manufacturers also use mixed fabrics to produce clothes. Cashmere products may contain other types of wool or synthetic material. Such products require less complex care and even tolerate machine washing well.

    Preparing for washing

    Before you wash your cashmere coat at home, carefully read the label. It contains important information for product care. Please pay attention to the following points:

    • Product composition. The label must indicate whether it is 100% cashmere or whether the fabric contains admixtures of other materials. If you see the “WS 100%” icon, washing in an automatic machine is contraindicated. This icon indicates that the coat is made only from natural wool, in this case from cashmere.
    • The label may have a schematic icon depicting a crossed out basin of water. This is the "do not erase" icon. In this case, the manufacturer informs us about the special delicacy of the fabric. To clean such a product, you must contact a professional dry cleaner.
    • If the coat label says materials other than cashmere, pay attention to what specific materials they are. A mixture of cashmere and synthetic fibers is less delicate and will easily withstand washing in the washing machine. If pashmina is mixed with natural wool, the product will still have to be washed only by hand.

    Immediately before washing, prepare your coat:

    • Empty pockets, unfasten decorative brooches and linings.
    • Unfasten the hood, if there is one.
    • Fasten all zippers, snaps and buttons, including pockets.
    • Turn the coat inside out, with the bottom lining facing out.

    After preparing your cashmere coat, you can proceed with the washing option that suits your needs.


    To hand wash items made from natural wool, do not use regular washing powder. It eats too deeply into the fibers of the fabric, and to wash it out of natural wool material requires repeated rinsing, which can negatively affect the preservation of the appearance of the product. By suitable means are special powders or gels for wool and cashmere.

    You can also use hair shampoo. The shampoo removes dirt from natural fabric fibers well, without spoiling or injuring the structure of the material.

    You also don’t have to worry about the color of the product fading or changing.

    You can properly wash a cashmere coat by hand at home as follows:

    1. Fill a large basin or bathtub with water. The water temperature for washing should be no higher than thirty degrees. Add cashmere detergent or shampoo to the water and stir thoroughly until a large amount of foam forms. If there is slight contamination, you can use colder water, but under no circumstances should you raise the water temperature above the specified threshold.
    2. Soak your product in the prepared solution. Soaking time 15-20 minutes. If your coat has areas with heavy pollution, such as stains or scuffs on sleeves and cuffs, these should be washed carefully before soaking. To do this, you need to apply foam from a cleaning agent or shampoo to the stained area and carefully, without strong pressure, rub it into the fabric with a dry sponge or soft brush. After washing, you can soak the entire product.
    3. After soaking, the coat should never be wrung out or twisted.

    The process of proper drying of natural pashmina products will be described below.

    A more detailed process for hand washing a cashmere coat is described in the following video.

    Machine washable

    As already mentioned, machine wash can be safely used for products that, in addition to cashmere, contain synthetic materials.However, even in this case, it is important to follow several rules:

    1. You can wash a cashmere coat in an automatic machine only in the gentle cycle. Gentle wash programs are usually called “Delicate”, “Wool”, “Gentle mode”, “ Handwash", "Gentle wash".
    2. Water temperature at machine washable, as well as with manual, should not exceed thirty degrees.
    3. The coat should be placed in a bag for washing in the machine, or you can use a sheet or duvet cover, depending on the size of your product.
    4. You cannot use the spin mode even at minimum speed.
    5. The drying mode in a washing machine for a cashmere coat is also unacceptable.

    Drying the product

    After washing, it is necessary to remove excess water from the product. This can be done in two ways. You can place the coat horizontally over the bathtub, laying it on a wooden grate and allowing the water to drain. If this is not possible, the coat is wrapped tightly terry towel or a cotton blanket.

    After the towel has absorbed some of the water, it should be replaced with a dry one and repeat the procedure again.

    When the product gets rid of excess liquid and becomes damp, it must be carefully laid out on a dry cloth in a horizontal position. Make sure that you lay out the product evenly and that there are no folds or bends. Do not place coats to dry in the sun or near heating appliances., generating heat. The presence of drafts is also undesirable. As the fabric gets wet, replace it with dry one.

    Despite the enormous popularity of outerwear made from bologna and other waterproof fabrics, classic coats do not lose their relevance. A variety of colors and styles allows you to “fit” this wardrobe item into almost any look. One of its disadvantages is that it is difficult to care for. Careless self-washing can lead to deformation of the product, and dry cleaning requires financial costs. Let's look at how to clean a coat at home without washing to refresh its appearance, and how to wash it properly.

    You should take care of your coat every day before or after putting it on. It is enough to walk over the fabric with a dry brush to remove dust and small debris. It makes sense to carry out “general” cleaning of the coat at the end of the season or when significant dirt (stains, shiny areas) and an unpleasant odor appear.

    Basic ways to clean a coat at home:

    1. Dry. Involves treating the product with a soft bristle brush and applying various means in the form of powders or aerosols, the purpose of which is to absorb contaminants without the use of water.
    2. Wet. This involves using water and cleaning agents in individual areas, as well as wiping the entire product with a damp sponge or brush. In addition, this type of cleaning can include steaming the coat using an iron or steam generator.
    3. Wash. Can be done manually or in a washing machine using powder or gel products. Only suitable for certain types of fabric.

    The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of contamination and type of material. It is very important to read the product label. It indicates the composition of the fabric and the rules for caring for it: washability, water temperature, ironing mode, and so on.


    Before you clean your coat, you need to properly prepare it:

    1. Check your pockets and take everything out. Shake the thing out.
    2. In a well-lit place, hang the coat on hangers or lay it out on a horizontal surface. Inspect it carefully to see the dirtiest areas. The collar, sleeves and pockets get dirty the most. In addition, you should look for any stains on the lining and front surface.
    3. Pre-dry clean with a brush to remove most of the dirt and dust.
    4. After studying the label, decide on the processing method. Test the effect of the selected drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

    Let's figure out how you can dry and wet clean coats made from the most popular materials - cashmere, drape and wool.

    Cashmere coat

    When figuring out how to clean a cashmere coat at home, you should know that the genuine material is made exclusively from the hair of Kashmiri goats. This soft and warm fabric is very expensive. In mass production, cashmere substitutes are most often used, which are created from fibers of wool, lavsan, cotton, viscose, polyester, and so on. Therefore, the compositions of different “cashmere” products may differ significantly.

    In many cases, a cashmere coat can be washed by hand or on a gentle cycle using a machine. liquid products at a temperature not exceeding 30°. The product must not be crushed or wrung out. It is necessary to hang it over the bathtub so that most of the water drains, and then lay it horizontally on a terry towel.

    If there is no information on the manufacturer's label that allows washing, or the item is not very dirty, it is better to wet clean individual areas. Let's figure out how you can clean a coat yourself at home without washing if it is made of cashmere. To remove stains, you can use one of the following recipes:

    1. Sweat marks. Combine vinegar (ammonia) with glycerin in equal parts. Apply to stained area for 20 minutes.
    2. Grease stains. If you have a question about how to clean a light coat, the best way to apply talc is to sprinkle it on the mark and leave it for 2-3 hours, then remove it with a brush. Refined gasoline can be used on colored fabrics. Soak a cotton pad in it and rub the stain until it comes off.
    3. Fresh traces of food and drinks (coffee, tea, wine). Sprinkle the stain with fine salt. Once it absorbs the dirt, shake it off.

    After using one of the described products, the residual mark is removed using a soft sponge and a solution of laundry soap. At the end, the area should be treated with clean water and blotted with a terry cloth. To refresh the entire coat, go over it first with a dry brush, and then with a slightly damp one and let it dry for a while. fresh air in the shade or on the balcony.

    Tip: When removing stains, move from the edges to the center. It is better to prop up the lining. A light cotton towel should be placed under the area to be treated so that the contamination does not “imprint” on other layers.

    Drape coat

    When solving the problem of how to clean a drape coat at home without washing, it is important to consider that this fabric consists of two layers of woolen threads and is very thick. It is not recommended to wash it yourself. Cleaning must be dry or wet.

    Treatment algorithm for minor contamination:

    1. Hang your coat on hangers.
    2. Brush along the entire length with a dry brush in the direction of the pile.
    3. Wet the brush and process the product again.
    4. Leave to dry in a ventilated room.

    If a wardrobe item or its individual elements need serious cleaning, you can use one of the following methods:

    1. Dissolve carpet cleaner in water. Foam it and apply it to the fabric, but do not let it get wet. After the foam has dried, remove it with a brush.
    2. Crumble the rye crumb onto a black coat laid out on the table. Roll the crumbs over the fabric with your hands. Use a brush to remove the resulting bread balls that have absorbed dirt.
    3. Dissolve a little fabric softener in warm water. Soak a sponge or microfiber cloth in the liquid and wipe the coat in the direction of the pile. Wash the sponge/napkin in clean water and treat the product again.

    When solving the problem of how to clean a white coat, it is better to use Vanish carpet powder:

    1. Place the product on the table.
    2. Sprinkle the product on it.
    3. Rub it into the fibers with your hands (wearing gloves).
    4. After an hour, remove the powder with a dry brush and walk over the fabric with a damp sponge.

    Safe Alternative to Vanish – baking soda. It is applied in a similar way.

    To clean stains and heavily soiled areas:

    1. Combine washing gel, powder or laundry soap shavings with water in a ratio of 1:4. Mix.
    2. Soak a sponge in the solution and apply problem area. The fibers should become damp.
    3. After 20-30 minutes, rub the fabric with a sponge or brush soaked in clean water.
    4. Remove any remaining moisture with a napkin.

    Note: If after cleaning there is a need to iron the coat, you should set the iron temperature to no higher than 200° and place a cotton towel on top of the product. In addition, you can use a steamer.

    Wool coat

    When thinking about how to clean a wool coat at home, you need to remember that this fabric requires careful handling. Cleaning steps:

    How to clean a wool coat at home if it is significantly dirty? You can use warm water in which a special detergent for woolen items is dissolved. You need to moisten a brush or sponge in the liquid and process the product. If the manufacturer does not prohibit it, the coat can be washed in the same way as cashmere.

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