• How to wash a cashmere coat at home. How to wash a wool coat


    In the cold season, you can’t do without a coat: cashmere, drape or polyester. It keeps you warm in any weather and can last for more than one season if you take care of it properly and wash it in a timely manner. There are two options for washing the product: dry cleaning or at home. Since cleaning services for this type of clothing are not cheap, it is better to know how to wash a coat at home.

    Read in this article:

    Polyester coat: how to wash it correctly?

    It is recommended to wash outerwear made from such fabric by hand, but there are no strict prohibitions on using a washing machine for the same purpose. Moreover, the material is not subject to deformation during mechanical washing and retains its original appearance (if the mode is correctly selected). In order to wash the product you need:

    • purchase washing powder that matches the type and tone of clothing (universal or for removing stains from synthetic fabric). For bright and dark coats, it is better to take a product for colored items. It is also important to use conditioner during washing: it removes static electricity, which is characteristic of synthetics, and makes the fabric soft.
    • select the appropriate settings for the machine: temperature – 40 degrees, mode – delicate or manual with a minimum number of revolutions, spin – disabled;
    • turn on the multiple rinse function (if it is provided in the equipment) to completely get rid of powder residues.

    Before washing a polyester coat, you need to fasten zippers, pockets, and other decorative items (leave the buttons unfastened). It is also advisable to place it in a special mesh bag (this reduces the mechanical impact on the material and the likelihood of deformation).

    Hand washing is done in a bathtub ( a large one will do basin) filled with warm water. Take any product for synthetic fabric, wash out the stains, then lightly wring out and send the clothes to dry (in a vertical position).

    Polyester items do not require ironing after washing. If there is a desire to smooth the fabric, this should be done on the lowest thermostat setting through damp gauze.

    How to wash a wool coat

    It is recommended to dry clean a product made from 100% cashmere. The material is very delicate and can deteriorate when exposed to aggressive substances. If the stains on the clothes are minor, you should try to return them to their original appearance yourself by hand or machine washing. In this case, you need to pay attention to the label sewn into the product. Once you are sure that there are no contraindications for wet washing, you can safely begin cleaning it.

    Dirt on a wool blend coat with a high percentage of synthetic fabric is removed by washing it in a machine. Before washing a wool coat, set the equipment to manual (delicate) mode, turning off the spin function.

    The optimal water temperature when washing woolen items is washing machine(automatic) - no more than 30-40 degrees.

    Using water that is too hot can cause the fabric to shrink and, as a result, the item to shrink. In order to reduce the likelihood of damage to clothing, you should place it in the drum, first turning it inside out.

    The process of cleaning woolen items manually consists of the following steps:

    • heat the water to thirty degrees, pour it into a basin;
    • dilute shampoo or washing powder (Luxus, Spiro Wool) in water until foaming, then put it in the coat container;
    • remove dirt with a soft sponge using light movements;
    • Rinse the clothes thoroughly, wring them out, then leave them to dry naturally.

    A cashmere coat is dried horizontally, placing it on a large towel or sheet (when drying vertically, the wool will stretch under the weight of the water). It will take a long time to dry, but it is not recommended to speed up the drying process with an iron or hair dryer.

    Drape coat: how to wash it correctly?

    Many housewives wonder whether it is possible to wash drape coat. The answer is of course yes. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations for cleaning it. If the product is dirty only in certain places (sleeves, collar), it is better to wash them separately. To do this you need to do the following:

    • prepare a solution (not strong) from detergent for washing clothes made of wool, apply it to the contaminated areas of the fabric;
    • lightly rub the stains with a brush and wash the entire coat with a washcloth;
    • Rinse the item and hang it to dry.

    If the entire coat is dirty, wash it in the same way as a cashmere coat, having previously studied the washing conditions (on the label):

    • water temperature – about 30 degrees (no more);
    • soaking time – 10-15 minutes;
    • cleaning contaminated areas of fabric is carried out with a soft brush or washcloth;
    • Rinse clothes in cold water until soap stains completely disappear.

    Drape items are not twisted or wrung out after washing. The water should drain naturally. Dry the product on a hanger at room temperature or on the balcony (during the warm season).

    General rules for washing coats at home

    It is worth knowing that the higher the percentage of natural fibers in a coat, the higher the likelihood that it may deteriorate after washing by hand or in a machine. In order to prevent deformation and shrinkage of clothing, you must:

    1. It is good to study the label on the product, which contains information about how it can be washed. The picture of an upside down basin indicates that it is not washable in water (dry clean will be required).
    2. Choose the right detergent. It should match the type and color of the fabric.
    3. Fasten zippers, rivets, and straps before washing the coat in the washing machine.
    4. Unfasten (unfasten) the cuffs and fur collars.
    5. Wash items only in slightly warm water.
    6. When hand washing, rub the fabric as little as possible.
    7. Rinse the product in clean water several times.
    8. Remove remaining moisture from the fabric using gentle squeezing movements.
    9. Dry the coat in a vertical or horizontal position (depending on the type of fabric) naturally.

    In general, in order to wash a coat made of any type of fabric at home without losing its shape and quality, you do not need to have any special skills. You can restore the cleanliness and original appearance of the product by following the basic rules of manual and machine cleaning. If you have the slightest doubt about your own abilities, it is recommended to take your outerwear item to the dry cleaner. Our specialists will help you deal with the heaviest stains, preserving the structure of the fabric, and ensure the long life of your favorite coat. Then there will be nothing to worry about, and you won’t have to pay twice.

    Most people prefer an alternative to expensive professional dry cleaning by washing the items themselves. Therefore, in today’s article we will tell you how to wash a coat at home. It is worth mentioning that cleaning outerwear made from various materials(drape, wool, polyester) has its own characteristics. Be prepared that you will have to put in some effort and spend quite a lot of time. For example, you will have to flog decorative elements, otherwise they may be damaged during cleaning.

    Preparing the product for cleaning

    Before wet cleaning, remove the fur collar and cuffs. If they are sewn on, you should rip them off. When washing with an automatic machine, you need to remove metal trim and large decorative parts, otherwise they (and the product itself) may deteriorate. The water temperature should not be high (the optimal temperature is 40 ° C). Woolen items are washed using a special detergent(ideally in the form of a gel), baby shampoo is also suitable. When washing by hand, do not apply physical effort. Carefully crush the item, lower it and lift it out of the water.

    We recommend rinsing several times. In this way, it will be possible to remove white streaks on dark material and yellow stains on a white product. During drying, the coat is positioned vertically or horizontally. You can hang it on hangers or lay it on the table. The optimal drying method is selected depending on the type of material from which the item of clothing is made. Iron the coat in a slightly damp state, placing a thin cotton cloth between the iron and the fabric. Afterwards, the item should be hung up so that it can dry completely.

    Washing cashmere items

    To learn how to wash cashmere coat, read our recommendations. When the surface is not very dirty, try to get by with local cleaning. Take a damp sponge soaked in a damp solution of a suitable cleaning product and gently scrub away the stains. When they disappear, the cleaned areas should be rinsed with low temperature water. If such cleaning is unsuccessful, you can try washing the item. To do this, pour cool water into the bath (temperature - 30 ° C), add a special detergent for cleaning cashmere. We dip the product in water, rinse, leave for a quarter of an hour, and carefully wash by hand.

    Before you start cleaning your woolen product, make sure that the material does not lose color and that the coat can be washed in principle (the relevant information can be found on the label). After such a wash, you should get rid of the soap solution by draining the water. Then pour cool water again and rinse the washed item of clothing. Sometimes it is better to repeat the procedure twice or three times to completely remove any remaining foam. Spinning is contraindicated: you just need to put the item down, straighten it out and wait for the excess liquid to drain. We dry cashmere items by placing them on a cotton pad. We recommend using a towel or sheet. When the backing gets wet, we simply replace it with a new one. Please note that washing cashmere in a machine is contraindicated.

    Cleaning of drape, polyester and wool products

    Before washing your drape coat at home, check the label for cleaning preferences. To restore shine to shiny sleeves and collars, opt for local cleaning. This method will be preferable to full washing. You need to take a special cleaning agent, make a weak water solution and apply it to the dirty areas with a soft brush. Rub them gently without pressing too hard. Afterwards, run the sponge over the entire surface, rinse thoroughly and hang on a hanger to dry.

    If this procedure turns out to be ineffective, you can wash the item as described above. The wool coat can be washed by hand (machine washable if there is a delicate cleaning option). Use cleaning products that are suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics. Machine spinning is contraindicated; just place the product horizontally to drain the water. After drying, iron the coat with a slightly heated iron and hang it on hangers.


    Outerwear requires more careful care. Jackets, coats, and down jackets are exposed to precipitation, wind, and sun. As a result, stains and various contaminants appear on clothes. There are few methods to get rid of them - chemical treatment with the help of professionals or home methods. The first option requires financial costs, and is not always justified. I don't want to part with my money because of a few spots. In this case, the advice of experienced housewives will be suitable. If a jacket can be washed with an automatic washing machine, then with a coat the situation is more complicated. It is not clear how to clean cashmere or woolen item. How to wash a coat at home without ruining it?

    Preparing your coat for washing

    Before you begin any active operations, remove parts that can be removed or unfastened. These are the cuffs and collar, separately. If there is no provision for removing parts, then unlock them. Carry out the work carefully. If you are afraid that you will spoil the thing, then it is better to leave it as is.

    To prepare your coat for washing, follow these steps:

    Cut off buttons and remove all metal parts, especially if you plan to clean the coat in the washing machine. This is done in order not to receive . Plus, large parts can damage outerwear.
    Choose synthetic laundry detergents that are gentle on fabric. Woolen products are cleaned using liquid shampoos or gels.
    Do not soak your coat in hot water. If you clean the product manually, check the temperature. The maximum is 50 degrees.

    To freshen your coat, simply dip the item in soapy water and remove it. Carry out the procedure several times. This way, dust and other contaminants will be washed away and the coat will be cleaned. Do not use force or twist the coat.

    How to wash a wool coat at home?

    Washing woolen items is made difficult by the fact that the item stretches when handled incorrectly. You also need to carefully select your detergent. Take it liquid powders marked for delicate fabrics. How to wash a coat at home?

    In the washing machine. Select a mode for woolen items. Load the coat into the car, pour it into the compartment liquid product. Set the temperature to 40–50 degrees. Remove the spin function. After washing, leave the coat inside the washing machine to drain.

    Do not overdry the item; iron the slightly damp item with an iron. To avoid leaving streaks on the fabric, use gauze.

    Hang the dried and ironed coat on hangers so that the product returns to its original shape.

    How to wash a drape coat?

    Before moving on to a full wash of your drape coat, make sure that such cleaning is necessary. If you find a couple of stains on your outerwear or only the sleeves become dirty during the season, then perform a spot treatment. Apply delicate fabric gel to these areas, then scrub and rinse with water. If you don’t have a special product at hand, take baby shampoo.

    How to wash a drape coat if the product is completely dirty? Prepare a soap solution using liquid detergent. Then place the coat on hangers, over the bathtub, or with plastic underneath. Now take the brush, wet it in the liquid and brush it over the surface of the coat. Choose brushes with soft bristles to avoid damaging the material. Pause on problem areas - cuffs, collar, area around buttons. Thus, completely process the fabric. Then repeat the procedure, only wet the brush plain water. Dry your drape coat in the open air, placing it first on hangers.

    How to wash a cashmere coat at home?

    Cashmere products are very delicate, made of fine wool. These clothes require special care. Forget about machine washable, only delicate manual processing. If you deviate from this rule, the coat will shrink and stretch. The shapeless product will have to be thrown away. To prevent this, find out how to wash a cashmere coat at home?

    Treat stains. Prepare a solution of water and gel for washing woolen items. Then wet the sponge and scrub away the stains. Before applying, wring out the sponge; water should not flow down the fabric. To avoid dirty streams, clean your coat in a horizontal position.
    If complete cleaning is required, then pour water into the bath, the temperature of the liquid is not higher than 25 degrees. Pour in liquid and form foam. Take the coat, remove the parts, don't forget to check the pockets. Completely immerse the item in water and leave to soak.
    Rinse your coat. You will have to change the water more than once. As soon as the liquid after rinsing becomes clear, without any soap impurities, you can finish the procedure. Prepare a flat surface and 3-4 sheets. Squeeze the coat slightly, but do not twist it. Then lay it out on the sheet. After an hour, check if the fabric is damp and change the sheet. When the substrate is relatively dry, ironing can be done.

    The final stage is drying the coat. It is important that the product returns to its original shape and is ventilated. Therefore, hang your outerwear on hangers outdoors.

    Washing a polyester coat

    The cleaning process is easier due to the fact that such fabric is not damaged when washed in an automatic machine. The only obstacle is the large item that will not fit in the washing machine. In this case, all you have to do is clean it manually. Streaming a polyester coat is done as follows:

    If you choose machine wash, then set the right program, for delicate fabrics. Do not exceed the water temperature, maximum 40 degrees. Make sure the spin mode is turned off. To avoid damaging the fabric, place the coat in a special bag.
    Hand washing is done as standard. The only difference from wool and cashmere products is the more active twisting of the coat. Polyester fabric will not deteriorate, it will only wrinkle. Eliminate this deficiency by ironing through gauze. Choose the right detergent. Do not clean black fabrics with white products, otherwise you will find light streaks on your coat.

    Follow the drying mode. Large items take a long time to dry, so the bathroom is not the best option. Choose a place where the coat will be blown by the wind. Place only semi-dry items on hangers, otherwise liquid will accumulate in the sleeves or at the bottom. If these surfaces do not have time to dry within a day, an unpleasant odor will appear.

    27 January 2014, 14:24

    A wool coat always looks luxurious and attractive, especially if it is taken care of promptly and correctly. Typically, to maintain good looking For woolen clothes, you just need to dry clean them at least twice a year. However, there are situations when dirt or other stains, such as blood, grease, paint and other substances that are difficult to wash off, get on the coat. In this case, it is recommended to contact a dry cleaner, where your clothes will be guaranteed to be cleaned. But what to do if you can’t take your coat to the dry cleaner? Fortunately, washing is possible at home. How to wash a wool coat at home to keep your clothes looking attractive?

    Washing a coat - proper preparation

    The first step in cleaning a wool coat at home is to gather the necessary information. A label will help you with this, which must be on the inside of the clothing. It contains all the information about the washing mode and temperature (and permission for it), instructions for drying and ironing, as well as the use of certain chemicals. Before washing wool coat, it is important to study the label in order to recreate the washing conditions acceptable for your product - this will protect your clothes from damage.

    What to do if your clothes suddenly don’t have the required label? In this case, try to find out what material your item is made of. When choosing methods, take into account the material of the coat:

    • Wool. Washing is recommended only using powders intended for washing woolen products. Can a wool coat be machine washed? Yes, only in hand wash mode at temperatures up to 40 degrees, be sure to turn off the spin cycle! All wool items can only be washed at 30 degrees. Natural wool should not be wetted.
    • Polyester. The material is easy to handle and can be washed both by hand and in a washing machine, having previously set the delicate cycle. A temperature of 40 degrees is recommended.
    • Cashmere. Before washing your cashmere wool coat, check the condition of the garment. If the contamination is local, then it is better to avoid washing in a washing machine, since even a delicate washing cycle can lead to inevitable damage to the material. If your cashmere coat is dirty all over, you can wash it by hand by dissolving it in washing water special remedy for wool. After hand washing, the coat should be rinsed in cold water.
    • Drap. Can a wool coat made from this material be washed in a washing machine? No, this is prohibited, since products made from this material do not even tolerate delicate treatment. If you need to wash a drape item, do it with your hands in warm (no more than 30 degrees) water, and under no circumstances wring out the clothes with great force. If there are glued places on the clothes, do not wet them - it is better to carry out local cleaning of the coat.

    So, how to wash a wool coat has become more clear, hasn’t it? Following the recommendations for each specific material will allow you to clean your coat without ruining it. appearance, which is also very important. Remember that washing woolen items too often will negatively affect their quality, so either try to use alternative methods cleaning the coat (for example, going to the dry cleaner), or use the item more carefully, preventing it from getting dirty.

    5 points that are important to remember

    If you want to wash a wool coat in a washing machine, remember these five points, knowledge of which will allow you to avoid many typical mistakes When washing woolen items:

    1. The likelihood that a wool item will deteriorate after washing and become unwearable depends on the level of natural fiber content in the coat. The more natural wool, the higher the likelihood that your coat simply will not survive washing in a washing machine.
    2. Washing powder for wool must be carefully selected not only by the type of fabric, but also by its color - the more specialized the solution, the better the result can be achieved.
    3. Before washing a wool coat in the machine, turn out all the pockets, check them for foreign objects, turn the coat inside out, fasten all buttons, zippers and rivets so that they do not come off during washing in the machine.
    4. When washing clothes, try not to wet the glued areas - the glue may lose its viscosity from contact with water, causing the woolen coat to simply fall apart.
    5. Consider again whether it is possible to wash a wool coat in a machine in your case. The fact is that sometimes woolen fabric is dyed with bad dyes, which tend to wash out when washed along with the dye. Do you want to end up with a bleached coat?

    It is enough to miss just one of these points, and instead of a washed coat, you can most likely end up with shapeless and discolored clothes. Therefore, before washing a wool coat in a washing machine, think carefully about your decision - maybe it’s better to clean the product by hand? It will take more time, but the risks will be significantly less.

    Proper drying is the key to success

    The question of how to wash a wool coat in a washing machine is important, but not the main one. No less important has proper drying of the product, the wrong approach to which can ruin all previously performed work. Remember a few tips for properly drying wool items:

    • If possible, dry your wool coat after washing in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. Natural circulation of air masses is the best suited for drying wool, which in no case should be dried with forced force.
    • Be careful when drying items with a high content of natural wool - lay them out on a horizontal surface and dry them in advance. the required form, from time to time monitoring its preservation - during the drying process, the shape of the product may change slightly.

    To ensure that drying does not cause problems, before washing a wool coat in the washing machine, select a good washing powder specifically for this material. Correct selection The product will help avoid deformation during washing, which will make it much easier to restore its shape when drying. Many people use powders that come to hand - under no circumstances do this!

    You can wash a wool coat, but you need to do it correctly. If you are interested positive result(and so it is), take note of a few useful tips for washing wool coats:

    • If you wash your coat by hand, do several rinses - one will not be enough. With several rinses, yellow stains on white wool can disappear, and white stains on black materials will completely disappear, which will have a positive effect on the appearance.
    • You should dry your coat either horizontally or on hangers - it is not recommended to change the position of the clothes during the drying process. You should also not speed up the process using hot steam and a hair dryer.
    • Do you want to wash your wool coat in a washing machine? Turn off the spin mode, which has a detrimental effect on delicate material, which immediately loses its shape.
    • Before washing, it is necessary to remove all metal items from clothing so that they do not oxidize during the process and subsequently stain the material with rust, which will require washing again.
    • If your washing machine does not have a hand wash mode, you should instead select a delicate wash mode, which is almost identical to hand wash in many respects.

    Now you know whether a woolen coat can be machine washed, and how to treat this or that material. Do not deviate from these tips and recommendations and act in accordance with the information on the manufacturer's label. Remember that wool is a very delicate material, and before washing wool (and polyester) coats, you need to prepare for the wash.

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    On the pages of various information sites you can read that a drape coat cannot be washed in a washing machine. It would seem that here is the answer to the question that nullifies the topic of this article, but it was not so. Experts say that washing a drape coat in a modern machine is still possible. However, there are many restrictions that must be taken into account. And rules that must be followed. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    Preparing the item for washing

    If you are determined to wash your drape coat in the washing machine, then first focus on preparing the item for this procedure. The better the coat is prepared for washing, the less likely it is that it will suffer from this washing. So what actions should we take?

    Never wash a drape coat unless absolutely necessary.

    That's all, you can finish the simple preparation. A drape coat can be laid in washing machine. We will not put any other things, the coat will be washed “in splendid isolation.”

    We wash automatically

    Well, now we can go directly to the question: how to wash a drape coat at home? We agreed that we will wash our coats in automatic mode, although it is quite possible to choose hand wash, it is much more careful and safer. By the way, some users ask the question: is it possible to wash a drape coat by hand and we, in general, have already answered it. Okay, let's get back to automatic washing.

    Well, that seems to be it. The desired program is selected, adjusted along the way, the drape coat can be washed by pressing the “start” button. Next, we can only wait impatiently for the end of the washing program, after which we need to immediately take out the coat and take measures to dry it. Remember that the longer the drape coat is wet, the more likely that it will spoil.

    However, it is absolutely impossible to force drying by resorting to various powerful heat sources, but we will talk about this later.

    Drying and ironing

    It will not be possible to bring a drape product into proper condition without proper drying after washing. After washing the product, you need to find a place where you can put it to dry and let the water drain completely. For example, place the dryer above the bathroom or on the balcony, but then place a large basin under the dryer.

    Do not twist the drape coat with your hands under any circumstances; firstly, this is difficult to do. And secondly, it will wrinkle, and the seams and glued areas of the fabric may come apart due to physical effort. You can also use a large terry sheet to remove excess moisture from the fabric. They wrap the coat in a roll and blot the moisture. Repeat the procedure several times, changing the sheet. When water stops flowing from the product, the coat needs to be spread out on a horizontal surface, giving it. Leave the coat in this position until it becomes slightly damp, only then can you hang it on hangers and move it to a well-ventilated place, such as a balcony.

    The coat hangers will dry well and straighten out. But do not hang a wet item in a vertical position; under its own weight, the fabric may stretch and the coat will lose its shape. Drying such clothes in a special machine is contraindicated. Also, you should not dry your drape coat near any heat sources: radiators, heaters, electric fireplaces, etc. This may cause the item to shrink.

    As for ironing, a properly dried coat will not need it. It is enough to lightly pass the steamer over the coat hanging on the hanger, and you can put the item on again.

    Dry and wet cleaning

    We figured out how to wash a drape coat, and then dry and iron it. Now let's say a few words about dry and wet cleaning, because in fact, these are the main methods of caring for such clothes.

    Particular attention should be paid to dry and wet cleaning, since washing is not required for this item often. And in general, if you carry out such cleaning in a timely manner, then the product will not have to be washed at all, and this will definitely extend its life. Dry cleaning a drape coat involves removing the formed pellets, dust and wool.

    Dust can be knocked out of the fabric by hand or use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment on it. You can remove stuck hairs of wool and pellets using adhesive tape on a roller. You should not tear off the pellets manually. Thanks to dry cleaning, you can get rid of shiny areas on the elbows, cuffs and collar. Here are some ways:

    • Sprinkle the contaminated areas with starch or talcum powder and leave for a couple of hours. After exposure, clean the coat using a clothes brush with soft bristles.
    • Some housewives advise rubbing the shiny areas with the crumb of black bread. However, we would not use this method if the coat is light-colored.
    • To get rid of grease, take a paper towel and iron the greasy areas through it with a slightly heated iron. The fat should be absorbed and the coat should be clean.

    Sometimes you may need not only dry cleaning, but also wet cleaning. If the manufacturer allows this, then if dirt or stains appear on the coat, you can do without a global wash and just wet clean it. To do this you need:

    • Prepare the solution small quantity detergents for washing wool in water.
    • Using a soft sponge or cloth, apply the solution to the dirty area and rub.
    • When the stain is gone, rinse the foam out of the fabric. This should be done carefully, trying to wet the coat around the treated area as little as possible. You need to thoroughly rinse any remaining product to avoid any streaks.
    • Then the coat needs to be dried, removing excess water with a terry towel.

    If dry cleaning does not help restore the collar to proper condition, then try applying a salt solution to it ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 4. This mixture works well on greasy areas, but first test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric.

    So, we managed to answer the question: how to wash a drape coat? If you still have any questions, formulate them and write comments on this publication. We will be happy to read them and answer any additional questions. Good luck!

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