• Facial care is a minimum program. How to choose the right skin care without going broke


    Dear readers, greetings to everyone! With you is makeup artist Olga Ramazanova. In my practice, I have often encountered the fact that women simply do not know how or do not want to use skin care cosmetics. As a result, there appear premature aging faces, dark spots, deep wrinkles, and even serious diseases of the dermis.

    But all these problems can be avoided or delayed! If you care about your beauty and health, then read this article on how to care for your facial skin at home.

    Skin types

    Dermatologists distinguish several skin types: oily, combination, normal and dry. The main indicator for their separation is the degree of sebum secretion. Each type needs to be cared for differently. Let's discuss this issue in detail.

    Oily skin

    • Oily skin often has enlarged pores and shine if you don't wash your face for a long time. You will have to take special care of it, because inflammation in the form of comedones and acne may appear on it. Be sure to carry out the care procedure at least 2 times a day (you can even 3 times in the summer).
    • In the morning and evening, you need to wash your face with gel or foam cleanser. If there is no inflammation, you can use a sponge or facial brush.
    • After this, the face is wiped with a tonic to tighten pores and restore acid balance.
    • Finally, a very light cream (or gel cream) is applied.
    • It is advisable to scrub your face every other day and use absorbent masks. Mattifying wipes will help remove excess sebum throughout the day.

    look after problem person need to be more careful. In this case, it would be correct to contact a cosmetologist. My advice is as follows: reduce any contact of the dermis with sources of bacteria - towel, washcloth, makeup brushes, sponges, hands and even glasses.

    It won’t hurt to iron the pillowcase you sleep on every time. You should also exclude the use of scrubs and peels. Be very careful about different medicinal products from inflammation, it is better to consult a specialist.

    Combination skin

    • The combined type is characterized by an oily “T” zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry cheeks. To solve all the problems of such a person, you need to carefully select cosmetics.
    • Light textures with a moisturizing effect are suitable.
    • Care takes place, as always, in 3 stages: cleansing, toning and nutrition (washing, tonic and day/night cream).
    • You can use the scrub twice a week, Special attention focusing on problem areas where pores are clogged. After this, it is ideal to apply a deep hydration mask.

    Normal skin

    • Normal skin is very rare today. There is no oily sheen or dryness on it.
    • The main task of care in this case is to prolong beauty and not cause harm. Cosmetics should be nourishing and moisturizing with protective properties.
    • Twice a day you need to complete all 3 steps that I wrote about above.
    • Additionally, care procedures can be carried out depending on the season or the woman’s health condition (after childbirth, surgery or other stress).

    Dry skin

    • The main problem of dry dermis is the premature appearance of wrinkles. It may be dull, flaky and red.
    • Often it becomes sensitive because there is not enough protective layer of sebum on it. Appear allergic reactions for cosmetics and household chemicals, water, cold and heat.
    • For this type, cosmetics should be as nutritious as possible. In this case, you can cleanse your face with micellar water and not wash your face so as not to dry out the dermis.
    • Tonic must be alcohol-free.
    • It is better to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid(a powerful moisturizing component), urea and a protective SPF filter.

    Zone around eyes

    The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, so it requires special treatment. Regular face cream has a thicker texture and is not absorbed by the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, you need to choose a special cream that will solve your problem: puffiness, dark circles or expression lines.

    It must be applied after cleansing the face twice a day. massage lines(like on a picture). Movements should be light and patting. It is important not to get close to the edge of the eyelid so that the cream does not get into your eyes.

    Seasonal features

    In winter, you also need protection, but from the cold. Skin care products must be nutritious and contain vitamins, which are supplied in insufficient quantities from food during this period.

    In conclusion, I want to say that in addition to store-bought cosmetics, you can use “grandmother’s recipes” based on herbs, oils and other improvised means. This will help you save money and be sure that the ingredients are natural. The main thing is that the recipes are proven and quite simple.

    I wish you success in achieving your ideal of beauty! Subscribe to new blog articles and share links to articles in in social networks. See you!

    Proper skin care includes more than just washing and applying lotion. It also includes a healthy diet, adequate sleep and physical exercise, reducing stress levels. Your skin may require additional treatments, such as exfoliation or the application of moisturizing masks.


    Softening, cleansing and moisturizing the skin

      Wash your face twice a day to remove excess oil, improve skin tone, and prevent infection. You should wash your face in the morning, after sleep, and in the evening before bed. Use warm water and facial soap that suits your skin type. You can wash your face with clean palms, a soft washcloth or sponge.

      • After washing, apply toner to your face and a small amount of moisturizing cosmetic product.
      • If you wear makeup, remember to wash it off.
      • Don't forget about the skin on your neck! Often it is not given due attention.
    1. When you take a bath or shower, use warm rather than hot water. While hot water can help you relax, it can strip your skin of its natural oils. This leads to dry skin and flaky patches.

      • If you have dry skin, use a body moisturizer with natural oils - almond, coconut or olive.
    2. After washing, gently pat your skin with a towel. This applies to the skin of both the face and the entire body. This will leave your skin slightly damp. Excess moisture will gradually be absorbed into the skin.

      Apply moisturizer or lotion while your skin is still wet. For facial skin, use moisturizers and facial creams, lubricate body skin with lotion or oil. Choose your skin care product depending on the season. In winter, use richer and thicker products, and in summer, use lighter products.

      • Consider using a sunscreen moisturizer to protect your skin from harmful rays.
      • Moisturizers are useful everyone skin types, including oily! In the latter case, a light cream or gel-based product is suitable.
    3. Don't be afraid of fats, but make sure they are high quality and healthy. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids that rejuvenate the skin. Healthy fats are also found in eggs, nuts and fatty fish (such as salmon). Avoid unhealthy fats, which are found in sweets and many fast food menu items.

      Avoid foods that are harmful to the skin. These are processed and refined carbohydrates, as well as unhealthy fats. Eating too much large quantity Such food accelerates skin aging. Also try not to eat a lot of sugar.

    Improving your lifestyle for healthy skin

      Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Lack of sleep makes skin dull and sallow. Lack of sleep can also lead to bags or dark circles under the eyes. A sufficient amount of sleep will smooth out wrinkles, get rid of bags under your eyes, and also give your facial skin a healthy and beautiful color.

      Try not to stay in the sun for too long and, if necessary, protect yourself from its rays. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 15 protection. It should be applied regularly, even during the autumn and winter months. Try to avoid direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., as radiation is most harmful during these hours.

    Homemade Skin Care Remedies

    1. Make oatmeal face masks if you have acne, sensitive or oily skin. Oats have a soothing effect on irritated skin and absorb excess oil. Mix 5 tablespoons (25 grams) of finely ground oats with enough water or milk to form a paste. Place it on your face and wait 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.

      • For greater peeling effect, rub the mask over the skin in a circular motion.

    In addition to lethargy, apathy and problems with immunity in winter, you can encounter another problem - increased sensitivity of facial skin. Due to sudden temperature changes, piercing cold winds and too dry air in heated rooms, it becomes painfully dry, tight, constantly peels and causes considerable discomfort.

    In the cold, blood circulation slows down, and the production of sebum, which protects the skin from drying out and damage, decreases. This causes the skin to become dehydrated, dull and lose elasticity.

    To avoid all these seasonal misunderstandings, or at least reduce them to a minimum, follow simple tips and the recommendations listed below.

    How to take care of your skin from the inside

    It is necessary to take care of your facial skin not only from the outside, but also by cosmetics, but also from the inside, with the help of a well-balanced diet. What we drink and eat has a huge impact on the condition of our skin, so the first place to start is to pay attention to your eating habits.

    Drink plenty of water

    The human body is on average 70% water. Without maintenance water balance the body cannot imagine its normal functioning. It is also impossible to imagine that the skin will be radiant, moisturized and elastic if you do not give it something to nourish from the inside.

    No matter how trivial it may sound, first of all we recommend. How much, how and when is up to you to decide. Don't forget at least a couple of glasses a day to replenish the lack of fluid.

    Watch your diet

    Healthy and balanced diet has a huge impact on the condition of the skin, so avoid excessively fatty foods and foods high in sugar.

    Make sure your diet contains enough omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance your skin's ability to protect itself from external damage. To provide the body with this acid, you need to eat more fatty fish (salmon, sardines, halibut, tuna). If fish is not your thing, you can replace it with fish oil capsules.

    You should also take a closer look at other foods containing omega-3: nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds and macadamia), oils (olive, flaxseed, corn, sunflower, canola, soybean), tofu, pumpkin, avocado, spinach.

    To improve the condition of your skin and speed up its regeneration process, eat foods rich in antioxidants. Most often these are bright vegetables and berries: peppers, beets, beans, cranberries, raspberries and black currants.

    Don't forget about vitamins

    During the winter, they are noticeable in the body, so make sure you get them in the proper amount.

    We are especially acutely lacking in vitamin D, which we get both from food and from exposure to direct sunlight. You can compensate for its deficiency with the help of mushrooms, fish oil, tuna, sardines, liver, caviar, butter, cream, egg yolk, parsley.

    However, remember that before you start taking any vitamins or nutritional supplements, it is better to consult a specialist.

    How to care for the outside of your skin

    In order for your facial skin to look healthy in winter and not lose its elasticity, you need to slightly adjust your usual care program and use more gentle cleansers.

    Wash your face correctly

    To avoid harming your skin in winter, remember a few basic recommendations:

    • do not wash your face with too hot water so as not to dry out your skin;
    • avoid using soaps with a high alkaline content;
    • use the most gentle cleansing products (soft foams and mousses, makeup remover oils);
    • choose cleansers without alcohol and sulfates so as not to disrupt the skin’s protective barrier and not cause dryness and flaking;
    • do not rub your face and refuse products that wash it “to the point of squeaking.” This violates lipid barrier skin.

    Choose a seasonally appropriate moisturizer

    Your regular moisturizer is unlikely to be very effective during the winter. Even if you are the lucky one with flawless skin, moisturizing, protecting and nourishing will definitely not be superfluous.

    Whatever skin type you have, listen to universal advice: for the winter it is worth choosing a thicker and richer cream with a fatty (oil) basis instead of a water one.

    Tips for choosing a good winter cream:

    • look for the following inscriptions on the jar of cream: oil-based (oil-based), for sensitive skin (for sensitive skin), barrier repair and lipid replenishing (restoration of the lipid layer and protection against dehydration);
    • the cream must contain components that retain water in the skin: urea, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, silicone, sorbitol, oils;
    • give preference to creams containing antioxidants and forming a protective film on the skin.

    You need to take care of your skin not only during the day, but also at night. Serums, fabric masks and natural oils are considered ideal winter remedies. It is worth trying to use products containing jojoba, almond, avocado, coconut or argan oil.

    What to buy:

    • Moisturizing cream for dry skin with carrot oil, collagen, urea and elastin CHRISTINA, 1,740 rubles →
    • Moisturizing cream with avocado oil and aloe extract Health & Beauty, 1,140 rubles →
    • Moisturizing cream with sunflower seed oil and hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid HOLY LAND, 2,300 rubles →
    • Moisturizing cream for normal skin with collagen, urea and calendula oil CHRISTINA, 895 rubles →
    • Soothing cream with panthenol, shea butter and almond NEW LINE, 889 rubles →
    • Moisturizing cream for men with jojoba oil Weleda, 880 rubles →
    • Moisturizing cream for dry skin with a complex of ten natural oils A’PIEU, 679 rubles →
    • Regenerating cream with silicone and borage seed oil DERMALOGICA, 3,585 rubles →
    • Moisturizing cream with plum kernel oil, almond oil and fatty acids WELEDA, 1,098 rubles →

    Say no to scrubs and peels

    In winter, facial skin is especially sensitive to various types of chemical influences and friction. Using peelings, cleansing masks, and scrubs will only unnecessarily irritate the skin, which is already going through hard times.

    Therefore, in winter, you should limit the use of abrasive peelings (scrubs) and masks to once a week or completely abandon them. Instead you should more attention give to moisturizing and nourishing masks.

    Take care of your lips and eye area

    In winter, areas where there are no sebaceous glands especially need protection - lips and skin around the eyes. Due to dehydration, harsh winter winds and dry air, they are primarily at risk.

    • do not forget to carry hygienic lipstick or balm with you, which will contain wax or vitamin E - they help fast healing microcracks;
    • Avoid matte lipsticks as they tend to dry out the skin; opt for glossy ones. If you still decide to matte lipstick, then before applying it, be sure to moisturize your lip skin with a protective balm;
    • take care of your lips at night. Apply shea butter or Coconut oil if you are not allergic to them;
    • The most important thing: do not lick your lips in the cold, even if you really want to.

    To keep the skin around your eyes in order, first of all, replace your regular cream with a more nourishing oil-based one. Before going to bed, you can make moisturizing or nourishing masks for the skin around the eyes, and also use special patches.

    What to buy:

    • Restoring lip balm with panthenol La Roche-Posay, 1,570 rubles →
    • Moisturizing lip balm with hyaluronic acid, lacquer wood wax and shea butter, cocoa and almond LOGONA, 420 rubles →
    • Protective lip balm with shea butter, beeswax and vitamin E Aphrodite, 288 rubles →
    • Regenerating cream for the skin around the eyes with hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, F and C Ecocraft, 680 rubles →
    • Nourishing lip balm with cocoa butter and camphor Make Up Factory, 640 rubles →
    • Cream for the skin around the eyes with shea butter, jojoba and hyaluronic acid KLEONA, 475 rubles →

    How not to harm your facial skin

    In order for your facial skin to be completely safe in winter, you need to know how to behave correctly in certain everyday situations. Taking a shower correctly, properly preparing for a walk, creating a suitable temperature in the room is also important for the skin, as well as beauty care and nutrition.

    Protect your facial skin while walking

    If you have a long walk ahead or it's standing outside severe frost, you should use cold cream or a special cream designed for harsh weather conditions. As a rule, such creams can be found in pharmacies. Their consistency is more like an ointment.

    Half an hour to an hour before going outside, apply the cream to your skin so that it has time to be absorbed and begin to protect your face from environmental influences. Don't forget to pay attention to your lips and apply a protective balm or lipstick to them.

    If no weather anomalies are observed or you just need to go out into the air for a while, then you can use a regular moisturizer for the winter period.

    If you are going skiing, playing sports or walking, and it is sunny outside, then you should also protect your skin from exposure to sunlight. Yes, in winter they are much weaker than in summer, but this does not mean that you should neglect the use of protective cream. For winter season You should choose a cream with a sun protection factor of 15 or higher.

    In addition, to avoid chapping, dryness and redness, try to cover as much of your face as possible with clothing or special mask if you play sports.

    Shower correctly

    No matter how warm the thoughts of a hot shower or bath may be in winter, it’s better to drive them away as soon as possible if you don’t want to harm your skin. Avoid hot water and try to wash with warm water instead to maintain your skin's natural moisture level.

    In addition to observing the temperature regime, there are also strict time limits: in winter it is recommended to spend no more than 5-7 minutes in the shower to avoid drying out the skin. After getting out of the shower, your facial skin must be moisturized with cream to restore water balance.

    Create a healthy microclimate in your apartment

    In winter, due to central heating, the air in the rooms becomes very hot, and this negatively affects the condition of the skin of the face. To feel more comfortable, use the following recommendations:

    • purchase an air humidifier and maintain air humidity in the range from 30% to 60%;
    • try to maintain the room temperature in the range of 20 to 23 °C;
    • Ventilate the room regularly.

    What's the result?

    • Remember to drink clean water and eat a balanced diet.
    • Take a shower and wash only with warm, but never hot water.
    • Do not lick your lips or rub your skin.
    • Replenish your cosmetic bag with the following products: hygienic lipstick or balm, mild cleanser, moisturizing, nourishing and protective oil-based creams.
    • Do not use water-based products or products with high alcohol content.
    • Use it sunscreen, if you are outside for a long time in sunny weather.

    If you take proper care of your facial skin during the cold months, you won't have to urgently revive it before the onset of spring, so try following our fairly simple tips.

    It's no secret that cosmetics make a woman brighter and more beautiful, but even the most professional makeup unable to disguise skin imperfections. To keep it healthy, it needs to be given daily attention, because only appropriate care for the skin of the face and body can provide excellent appearance.

    Determining your skin type

    To pick up suitable care, it is necessary to determine. The choice of facial care products depends on this. If you have oily skin, it does not need enhanced nutrition, and if it is dry, it should not be overdryed with masks and tonics. Skin type is easy to determine.

    IN adolescence very beautiful, she has no signs of acne or enlarged pores. It is very thin and delicate. However, over time, such skin increasingly lacks hydration and nutrition. Without getting what it needs, dry skin quickly fades. It is often also sensitive and prone to irritation and peeling.

    Oily skin is the complete opposite of dry skin. It is rough, dense, enlarged pores are visible. There is a big plus: it can produce a protective film itself, and therefore has better protection from harmful environmental influences. Unlike dry skin, oily skin ages much more slowly, but due to excess sebum secretion, acne and pimples often appear on it. At the same time they spoil general form. If you provide such skin with proper care, it will acquire a clean and smooth appearance.

    Has no visible flaws. She is often confused with normal, which is not surprising. With combination skin, the T-zone (nose and forehead) is oilier than the rest of the face. The skin on the cheeks is normal or even prone to dryness.

    Normal skin, given modern ecology and living conditions, is a real rarity among adults. Such skin is ideal: smooth, even, elastic, without flaws. In general, like a child's.

    We select proper care for facial skin

    In order for the skin to receive the substances it needs, care products must be selected correctly. Standard products include (the alkali in the composition disrupts the natural pH of the skin), day and night cream, tonic, masks and scrubs, eye cream. Now about the features of care different types skin.

    Proper skin care for dry skin

    Fat milk is good for cleansing once a day, in the evening. In the morning, simply rinse your face with water. A soft alcohol-free lotion with moisturizing agents is suitable as a toner. To make your own tonic, you need:

    1 tbsp. spoon green tea pour hot mineral water, add linden, leave for 2 hours, strain and store in the refrigerator.

    Creams must contain nutrients. Daily cream should protect the skin well from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. A night cream is ideal: nourishing and restorative. necessary only with the appearance of the first wrinkles. Instead of a scrub, gommage is used once a week; it is gentle on the skin.

    Proper skin care fatty type

    The basis of care in this case is cleansing. Ideal with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. A tonic is also required for oily skin. It should contain alcohol and pore-tightening anti-inflammatory additives. You can even prepare it at home:

    1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of calendula with 1 cup hot mineral water, insist, strain, add lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of vodka, put in the refrigerator.

    Only special creams for oily skin are suitable. Apply eye cream only when the first wrinkles appear. Every week you need to use a scrub, 2-3 times a day, as well as cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks.

    Proper skin care combined type

    Tonic should only be used for the T-zone, where visible greasy shine. You can prepare it at home:

    1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of green tea into a glass of hot mineral water and add lemon juice.

    It is necessary to purchase creams for combination skin. Eye cream is used when the first wrinkles appear, usually after 25 years. Peeling 2 times a week is good.

    Home care for facial skin:universal rules

    • Don't go to bed without taking off your makeup.
    • Day cream must certainly contain UF filters.
    • Do not apply anti-wrinkle cream unless necessary.
    • Night nutritious cream Apply to damp skin, daily moisturizer - to dry skin.
    • Make masks from natural vegetables, fruits and berries.
    • Sleep at least 8 hours.

    We hope that our small tips will help you take care of your skin. Caring for her is the key beautiful face and good mood!

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