• How to check a man’s feelings, how to understand that he loves you? How to test a guy for fidelity: tests, questions, surveillance, conversations, signs of infidelity, the reason for betrayal and possible consequences How to test a man from a distance


    When entering into a relationship, any girl wants to completely trust her lover, to be sure that he will not betray her or have an affair on the side. But, unfortunately, creating a truly strong couple, in which there is no place for deception and lies, is not at all easy, and examples male infidelity, on the contrary, are encountered at every step. It is not surprising that in such a situation, many girls wonder: is it possible to test a guy’s fidelity in order to make sure of the sincerity of his feelings or, conversely, to expose the deceiver? Of course, this is possible only if you approach this issue wisely and prepare yourself in advance for the fact that the result of the test is not always pleasant.

    Alarm bells

    Quite often, the reasons for female suspicion are not real betrayals partner or his indifferent behavior, but complexes, low self-esteem and self-doubt of the jealous person herself. Therefore, when planning spy games, every girl should first of all think about whether her lover gives at all any reason to doubt his fidelity? It will be much easier to understand this by answering a few questions:

    1. How does a guy behave when his phone rings - does he answer the call immediately, in the presence of his significant other, tries to go to another room, or rejects the call to call back later?
    2. Does he compliment his lover?
    3. Does he speak first about his feelings or limit himself only to the phrase “I love you too” in response to a declaration of love?
    4. Does he strive to introduce his beloved to relatives and friends and does he call her his girlfriend?
    5. Does he often disappear for no reason, does not answer calls and does not tell what he was doing?
    6. Does he have many female friends with whom he does not introduce his beloved?

    And only if the results turn out to be disappointing, can you move on to more decisive actions in order to definitely clarify the situation and dot all the i’s.

    Loyalty test

    Having decided to make sure of the sincerity of your lover, it is important to carefully consider your plan of action so as not to mess things up and give yourself away. If the guy is really cheating, then, having learned about the check, he will begin to hide the evidence even more carefully, and it will be much more difficult to bring him out into the open. And if he is not guilty of anything, then suspicions and surveillance can seriously offend him and ruin the relationship. Therefore, it is better for detectives in skirts to use only proven methods and act with extreme caution.

    Suggestive questions

    In a relaxed atmosphere, citing female curiosity and the desire to know more about your loved one, you can carefully find out how things were with infidelity in past relationships: did he cheat on himself or find out about his infidelity? ex-girlfriend? And based on his answers, one can judge how a person feels about cheating in general, how acceptable it is for him, and whether he considers infidelity in a couple a serious offense and betrayal.

    False acquaintance

    Most of the communication between young people now takes place on social networks, so the easiest way is to create a fake Internet page of a girl with cute photos that will please a guy, and write to him on her behalf. And then it’s a matter of technology. You can start with casual conversations, gain trust and admit your sympathy. If a guy immediately responds, starts flirting, making advances, and, even more so, offers to meet, his attitude towards his girlfriend, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. But if he refuses to communicate, explaining that he is not free, it will be stupid to doubt his loyalty.

    Phone and computer

    As a rule, they contain the most evidence confirming a man’s infidelity. To begin with, you can ask the guy directly for the phone to play or look at photos. If he gives it back without any problems, then, apparently, he has nothing to hide. If he refuses, you shouldn’t throw a tantrum, it’s better to casually say: “Well, don’t,” and then act cunningly. There will be enough time to check the call list, SMS messages, photos and browser history on the computer while the guy is taking a shower, for example, but the evidence, if it can be found, will be irrefutable. By the way, absolutely “clean” gadgets should also arouse suspicion - if there were no traces of crimes in them, why was it necessary to delete everything?

    In addition, it will be useful:

    1. Suddenly cancel a planned date without explaining specific reasons, and after a couple of hours, citing changed plans, offer to meet after all. If a guy answers that he is already busy, without going into details about what exactly, it is possible that he simply made an appointment with another girl.
    2. On a free evening for both of them, unexpectedly call the guy and offer to chat a little - a young man in love will gladly agree to devote a few minutes to his other half, but a traitor spending this time with the other is unlikely to be pleased with such a prospect.
    3. Arrange a surprise for your loved one - visit him at work or at the institute without warning, paying attention to how he will behave in such a situation. If he’s happy and starts introducing you to colleagues or classmates, then there’s nothing to worry about, but if he’s embarrassed, suggests he go home quickly, or even gets angry, then there’s already something to think about.
    4. Ask to meet his parents in order to be officially introduced as his girlfriend.

    You should not lose sight of such important little things as the smell of an unfamiliar perfume or traces of lipstick on a shirt - they, of course, may not immediately catch your eye, but in order to get to the bottom of the truth, sometimes you need to take a closer look and sniff.

    Bad ideas

    Unfortunately, in pursuit of the truth, some girls make unforgivable mistakes, which not only do not clarify the situation, but often hopelessly spoil the relationship between lovers. So, when testing a guy for loyalty, it’s better to immediately refuse:

    1. Help from friends. It would seem that there is The best way to catch a guy in inappropriate behavior than to “slip” him a fake girl who provokes him to flirt and more? But if you imagine, even for a moment, that the lady playing the role of a seductress will get used to her image so much that she decides to seriously take her boyfriend away from her friend, the attractiveness of such a test drops sharply. And for good reason.
    2. Questioning family and friends. No matter how carefully a girl tries to find out from her lover’s inner circle whether he is playing a double game, she always runs the risk of being discovered. Firstly, he can immediately learn from them that he has become the object of an investigation, and, secondly, it is not at all a fact that they will answer the truth - these are, after all, his friends and family, and they will protect his interests.
    3. Constant control. Girls who believe that they can find out about a guy’s infidelity by annoying him with calls 10 times a day and endlessly asking where he is and with whom, are deeply mistaken. Even the calmest person, who, in principle, had nothing to hide, can lose his temper in such a situation, while a liar and traitor will have no problem getting out of it and coming up with excuses, no matter how carefully they check him.

    And, of course, you shouldn’t put a guy’s feelings to the test by disappearing without a trace for several days. Some girls mistakenly believe that in this way they can test the sincerity of their loved one’s feelings - if he takes his lady seriously, then, knocked off his feet, he will look for her and call around the clock, and if he has someone else, he will simply enjoy the “vacation” he receives. But men see this situation a little differently - some will think that his beloved has cooled down and wants to break off the relationship, while others simply will not run after a girl who does not value their feelings. Therefore, even if you decide to secretly find out about a guy’s fidelity, you should not go overboard so that this test does not turn into a real disaster for the relationship.

    Any girl wants her boyfriend to look only at her, think only about her and completely forget about the existence of other individuals of the opposite sex. And this is a completely normal desire. Guys want the same thing. Unfortunately, reality does not always correspond to desires. Cheating, sad as it may be, does happen. Moreover, some individuals have a natural predisposition to such behavior. Or they simply don’t want to restrain their base aspirations. How to test a guy's fidelity and is it necessary to do it? Let's consider the main arguments.

    Before developing full-scale operations to verify a suspect, it is worth thinking about why, in fact, you have doubts about his loyalty? What is the reason: in his behavior, in your inexplicable premonition, or because you think that you are unworthy of such a treasure?

    Often the cause of jealousy is found precisely in the last point. You think that you are not good enough for him, you experience self-doubt and a lot of complexes and therefore you are afraid of losing him. It seems to you that as soon as he notices all your shortcomings and sees the merits of other girls, he will immediately begin to cheat on you, and then abandon you altogether. In this case, you need to work on yourself and your thoughts. Since he chose you, spends time with you, says that he loves you and showers you with compliments, it means that you need to throw all your doubts and insecurities out of your head. Just constantly remind yourself that you are the best. It is difficult to fight your complexes, but without this it will be difficult for you to feel happy. You will always doubt your happiness.

    If everything is in order with your self-esteem, but doubts still gnaw at you, perhaps it is better to use all methods to dispel them or, conversely, make sure that they are legitimate.

    So, the main ways to test a guy’s fidelity.

    1. The most common method, which has gained great popularity including on various television channels, is sending a spy into the enemy camp. In this case, it is not necessary to turn to television (although this option is very good). You can carry out the entire operation on your own. The main thing here is to find the right spy. This should be a girl whom your boyfriend has never seen with you, she should be quite lively and not suffer from shyness, in addition, it would be nice for you to have confidence in her. And so that she has a boyfriend. Otherwise, she may become interested in yours and then the results of the experiment may get out of control.

      The second task is to determine the boundaries of the experiment. What exactly would you consider evidence of betrayal: a friendly conversation, exchange of phone numbers, physical contact (it’s better not to let this happen)? This is not as easy to do as it seems. Your boyfriend, if he is a soft person and is not used to being rude to girls, may become confused under her pressure. Maybe he'll even give her his phone number so she can back off, not intending to continue the conversation.

      If television does not help you with its hidden cameras and hidden microphones, you do not see his face, do not hear his voice, it will be difficult for you to judge why he behaved one way or another. The spy's story is not always an objective opinion. Therefore, it makes sense to make the experiment longer. He wrote down her phone number. Fine. (That is, of course, not good, but let’s not draw conclusions for now). It’s worth waiting a few days rather than attacking him with accusations right away. He might never call her. It is also possible that he will tell you about this incident. Then you will definitely be able to breathe easy.

    2. Phone check. This is a simpler method, but very informative. A phone can tell you a lot. Of course, examining someone else's phone without permission, even your boyfriend's phone, is very rude. But sometimes it's really necessary. This method is especially effective in cases where you are not in the habit of being interested in the contents of his phone book and SMS texts. This means that he is relaxed and may lose his vigilance.

      Of course, if he has a relationship that he wants to hide from you, he will take precautions: encrypt numbers, erase messages. But he is not Stirlitz, and at some point he may forget about it. Therefore, the check should not be one-time, but selective, unexpected, imperceptible and carried out several times.

    3. Dating through social networks. You can create a “left” account on one of the social networks and place there a photo of a girl of the type he likes (most likely, she should look like you). After that, start writing to him, give him compliments, discuss his hobbies and gain trust in other ways. If he responds to your clone and acts as if he doesn’t have any girlfriend in sight, you should think twice. If he invites “you” to meet, there will be no more questions for him.

      If he communicates, but without initiative, just as with another acquaintance, then you can force events. Offer a meeting yourself, saying that you feel sympathy for him. His answer will tell you a lot.

      Using this method, you need to think about how you will justify yourself if your boyfriend “deciphers” you. And this is quite possible, even if he is not an advanced hacker. An unfamiliar girl with a newly created account asking for a meeting may seem suspicious to him, especially if she uses the same characteristic words and expressions as you.

    4. Collection of information. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, then there is a high probability that not only he and the object of his vicious passion know about it. Perhaps his friends, colleagues, classmates or neighbors are also aware. You can get the information you need from them if you act like a wise detective. Detectives usually use the following methods of extorting information from uninterested persons: bribery, threats, blackmail, instilling confidence. You can try yourself in the role of a detective or ask a more experienced person to do this, if you have one in mind.
    Before you conduct a serious audit, you need to carefully consider your behavior in different options developments of events. You probably have a good idea of ​​what you will do if you find that he is ready to run after the first girl who beckons him. Maybe you've prepared a whole speech or thought up a script worthy of Hollywood.

    But it’s also worth thinking about how you will behave if he does not succumb to all the tricks and is firm in his desire to remain faithful to you. Of course you will be happy. And, most likely, you will share your joy with him. And he may be offended in response. He may be uncomfortable with your distrust and desire to set a trap for him. Your testing can destroy mutual trust and even your relationship.

    If you hide the very fact of verification from him, then you will have your first secret. This can also create disharmony.

    Think about it, perhaps it would be unpleasant for you if he tried to catch you and catch you in the act. Maybe you shouldn't risk your relationship, but just trust the person you love? It's up to you to decide.

    Many ladies, when in a relationship, think about whether their partner is faithful to them. The girl wants to be the only one for the gentleman, and this is quite normal. Modern society leaves its mark on the stronger half of humanity. Temptations lurk everywhere, and you just want to play around, but not all guys take liberties. How can you find out whether a companion is faithful to his chosen one or whether he “goes to the left”? Let's look at the important aspects.

    Reasons for doubt

    Before starting full-scale surveillance, it is important to go back to the basics. For what reasons did suspicions arise about the man’s infidelity? Perhaps it's his behavior that has changed recently? Or are you of the opinion that you are unworthy of your gentleman and are afraid of facing competition?

    By and large, the main reason for doubt lies in the imaginary insolvency of a woman suffering from low self-esteem. You think that you are not good enough for your chosen one, you have a lot of complexes and are afraid of losing dear person? In this case, you need to urgently correct the situation.

    Thoughts are material; you shouldn’t think about a guy’s infidelity based on your own considerations. Put your thoughts in order, it’s not for nothing that the guy chose you as his companion. If doubts keep you up at night, you should use recommendations that will shed light on the true state of affairs.

    Ways to check a satellite's fidelity

    One of the most acceptable and popular verification methods is infiltration into enemy territory. For these purposes, you need to find a “spy” in the person of a friend or girl you trust.

    A young lady must have such personal qualities as freedom, sociability and arrogance, within reason. It is advisable that the scout be in a relationship in order to avoid possible risks.

    Limits of infidelity. Before starting the experiment, it is worth determining what actions are considered treason: exchanging phone numbers or nicknames social network, a kiss on the cheek, a heartfelt conversation, a physical connection.

    In theory, the idea looks quite simple, but in reality complications can arise. If the suspected object turns out to be soft and cannot be rude to the beautiful young lady, he will easily become confused under her persistence. In another scenario, the man will give the girl a phone number or VKontakte ID, wanting to quickly get rid of the annoying person.

    Inaccurate information. During the check, the only evidence that will be available to you is the stories of the spy. It will not be possible to determine the true motives of your companion, since you will not be able to observe how he will behave in a specific situation. For these reasons, it is recommended to extend the experiment.

    The gentleman added the girl as a friend? Wait a few days, do not reveal your cards and do not make any claims. It may happen that a guy will ignore emails, not wanting to communicate with anyone other than his girlfriend. Another option involves a story about what a certain young lady writes to him. After this, you will definitely be able to remove all suspicion from your partner.

    This method is classified as simple and informative. The phone will tell you a lot about the people with whom the man communicates; a female person may also appear there. Reading other people's messages and checking call times is an extremely unsightly act. However, it is important to understand that surveillance is for the sake of your peace of mind and maintaining strong relationships.

    Not all ladies tend to scan their companion’s phone for correspondence or calls. If you are one of the incurious young ladies, the man is aware of this, so he will not jealously guard his gadget. Undoubtedly, he will not lose his vigilance and will try in every possible way to hide real names, if any.

    Perhaps the guy will write down Anna as Vadik, this also needs to be kept in mind. It is recommended to carry out the check repeatedly, scanning the smartphone several times a day for a month. If there is a dirty truth, it will soon come out.

    Data collection
    The people around you are well aware of the sins of others, but they won’t even notice a speck in their own eyes. This is definitely worth taking advantage of! If your partner cheats, the neighbors you go to for tea may know about the infidelity. Classmates are also aware of the latest events, it is recommended to ask them too.

    When approaching a guy’s friends, you shouldn’t count on openness; male solidarity is a matter of honor. Collect information using your charm and detective tricks, the truth will certainly be revealed!

    On your part, you need to create a new page, the avatar of which will have an attractive young lady. It is important to choose a photo based on the man’s personal preferences. If he likes brunettes, find a photo of a long-legged beauty that no guy can resist.

    Execute cannot be pardoned. It is important to monitor the manner in which your companion communicates with your new acquaintance. If a man behaves relaxed and free, flirting every minute, it’s worth thinking about. The questions will disappear when the guy invites his interlocutor to a real meeting.

    You cannot execute, you can have mercy. By monosyllabic or rude answers, you will immediately understand that the interlocutor is not interested in communicating with a beautiful young woman. For greater persuasiveness, you can heat up the situation by announcing your sympathy. Write on behalf of the brunette that you want to meet, and then expect a reaction.

    This method is straightforward and low efficiency. Male “players” have learned to lie so truthfully that it will be difficult for a woman who does not know him to distinguish a lie from the truth. However, during the period of time spent together, you have already learned the behavior of your companion, as a result of which you will be able to recognize cunning. Start approaching from afar. Talk calmly and kindly, without revealing the true motives of the conversation.

    Deception is obvious if:

    • There are inconsistencies in time, dates and location in the conversation.
    • The partner delays answering, gets irritated, angry.
    • Takes the topic in a different direction, showing excessive tenderness and care.

    Before suspecting a guy of infidelity, decide on the motives for your behavior. Perhaps the situation is just a figment of the imagination. If the arguments suggest otherwise, feel free to proceed to test your fidelity. Relationships involve sincerity, honesty and openness between two loving hearts. Maintain confidentiality and don't get caught in the middle! Do not forget that false accusations entail dire consequences; do not abuse the tricks of Sherlock Holmes.

    Starting communication with an unfamiliar man, the girl wants to know how to test a guy’s feelings. It is difficult to find a person who would not test his partner for love. Sometimes women see something that is not really there. Ordinary friendship seems to them to be a manifestation of love. To find out what it really is, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

    Good signs

    A woman can be sure that she is not indifferent to her friend if:

    Love does not love…

    When communicating with guys in a friendly atmosphere, a girl is often unable to understand who likes her. A shy man is not always sincere in the presence of his beloved. Some guys tend to shy away from girls they like. In some cases, women face aggression from those who liked them. How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings:

    1. Do not respond to the guy's signs of attention. According to psychologists, this is one of the best methods find out the intentions of your new fan. A person who is truly interested will continue the “assault.” Guys don't like women who are too available and don't have to fight for their hearts. An ordinary lover of “hitting” usually quickly loses interest in an indifferent girl. If you like a guy, you shouldn't subject him to thorough checks. He may be disappointed.
    2. Stay at a distance. This proven method is also suitable for those who have already started serious relationship, and to those who have not yet had time to declare their love to each other. It is worth subjecting a man to the test of distance. When love is sincere, the guy continues to communicate by correspondence. If a man's attentions come through electronic messages, he really values ​​the girl.
    3. Ask to meet your parents. Some psychological techniques allow you to find out the seriousness of the young man’s intentions. Friendship with a guy must end with something sooner or later: a beginning life together, wedding, separation. If, for the sake of testing, you ask your loved one to introduce you to your parents, but he does not want to do this, male interest can hardly be called serious.
    4. A proven method to find out about the feelings of the chosen ones is observing men in extreme conditions. For example, hooligans attacked you on the street. It is worth paying attention to the reaction of a potential husband. A guy shouldn't leave his girlfriend. Even if he is unable to cope with several physically strong men, should try to negotiate with them. To a young man A person who abandoned a girl and ran away should not be trusted in the future.

    How not to act

    Knowing how to test a man's feelings, a woman sometimes goes to extremes. The guy also knows several techniques on how to test a girl’s feelings. Looking at his beloved’s tricks, a man understands perfectly well that she is testing him. Mutual distrust leads to the fact that one of the couple or both cease to experience the same love. When looking for evidence that a guy is attached, you should not:

    Women test men the same way men test women through their friends, by correspondence and other methods. It is important for us to know that. However, when we check, we unconsciously express distrust. You should not think that actions go unnoticed. They offend a person who is sincerely attached. Tests of love can lead to loss.

    How to test a guy for cheating so as to find out as much information as possible, get reliable result and not leave any traces? We offer several options with tips, secrets and instructions.

    Surely every girl, even the most self-confident, would like to test her boyfriend’s fidelity. It’s just that some people consider this a humiliation of their own and their dignity, while others are fans of the process itself, because every time the second one is left with an intrigue - yes or no.

    The most important thing here is to act the right methods and, of course, accuracy. Below are current tips for different situations.

    How to check a guy for cheating

    On distance

    You can easily find out the truth even if he is in another city. To do this you need to use a telephone connection or the Internet.

    Via SMS

    In order for your plan to work and the guy not to recognize you in correspondence, adhere to the following rules, which often simply do not come to mind:

    • it is better if you use a new, unused SIM card, not registered to anyone;
    • change your writing style (for example, if you always write “wha” instead of “wha” or “what”, your boyfriend will immediately think of you);
    • do not use your own speech patterns (it is better if you ask your friend to write an SMS, simply conveying the main content to her);
    • do not mention your name (for example, with questions like how you feel about her, etc.);
    • Don’t screw up on little things that only you know (his preferences, favorite foods, clothing style, music, etc.).

    How to write an SMS in such a way as to check IT? It should start with the basics with which any acquaintance begins (say hello, ask how you are, if he wants to chat). You can reinforce your intentions by the fact that, supposedly, you have been watching him for a long time, or one of his friends gave his number (but do not say who exactly, otherwise there is a possibility of a mistake). If the guy makes contact, don’t drag out the foreplay for too long, ask if he has a girlfriend. The answer will either please you or disappoint you.

    Through the Internet

    If you want to find out the truth through the VK, Odnoklassniki or any similar service, prepare for this in advance:

    • create a page a month before your plan, otherwise a “zero” account will make him wary;
    • gradually add photos there, copied from any page you come across pretty girl(look for a completely different city);
    • add personal plausible information that will be difficult for him to verify;
    • make friends with fifty friends (it’s not necessary to correspond with them, but so that you don’t get burned by the comments on the photos that people will leave for you strangers, either hide them or delete those that clearly indicate that you are unfamiliar).

    After some time, your account will be ready for the “dirty businessman”. You can start communication by simply writing to him privately, on his wall, or by unambiguously commenting on his photo.


    For this you need good friend, which clearly should have entered the acting department. To make everything look believable, use the following tips:

    • let the acquaintance take place in a relevant place (in a club, in an educational institution, at a bus stop, next to his car, etc.);
    • prepare possible dialogues in advance (the friend should not be stunned by his questions);
    • it is better if your accomplice is extremely proactive and relaxed;
    • Give her all the details (age, name, school, etc.).

    BUT! You must be 100% sure that your friend cannot betray you by simply telling your boyfriend about your plan.

    There is another simpler option that will help you bring your guy to clean water. Here, any friend of yours with whom you communicate should begin to “drive” him: “Why do you need her, I can give you more, if you’re interested, let me know,” and everything in that style. However, there is one “but” here. This game can go too far and you will simply start their relationship by staying on the sidelines.

    Scan phone/mail/social networks

    His correspondence can say a lot about him. Watch him at a time when you are absolutely sure that he will not catch you.

    After you've done your job, don't forget to cover your tracks:

    • erase the pages you visited from your browser history;
    • return everything to its original position (remember in advance which page the tab was opened on, whether the browser was launched at all, mark open messages again as unread, etc.).

    Don't frantically check his phone every day. To reveal betrayal, it is enough to occasionally observe your chosen one in this way.

    Interesting information!
    You can also find out a lot of “tasty” things about your boyfriend by looking through the history of visiting pages in his browser (on a computer or phone).


    This is the most honest, but often ineffective way. It’s just that inveterate cheaters can so easily get out of the most biased interrogations that you will only be touched by his “honesty.”

    But, if you are a sensible and wise girl, it will not be difficult for you to recognize deception: inconsistencies will be identified, pauses will appear that he will use to think, and if you lead him into a dead end, he will immediately begin to get irritated.

    So, to ensure your conversation is as productive as possible, apply the following tips:

    1. It's worth approaching him with a conversation only when he is in a good mood.
    2. Use a calm and friendly intonation to mislead him about your intentions in advance.
    3. Start from afar.
    4. Have a superficial conversation so that he does not understand that you suspect him, but simply thinks that you are interested in his opinion.
    5. It's better to split your question into several parts.(in a day, a week, two, etc. - the longer the interval, the less suspicion he will have, and it will be easier for you to identify inconsistencies, because he will quickly forget the lies).
    6. Take him for a show-off and watch the reaction (lie that you saw him with a girl, you learned some information about him, etc.).

    Bring in detectives

    This method is suitable for the most desperate. You should not resort to it just like that, but only in cases where your suspicions were previously confirmed by various facts (ambiguous correspondence, his disappearance from your life, etc.).

    Find out the cost of this service in advance and make sure that the specialists you choose are good at what they do.

    However, you should take into account that excessive jealousy will set your relationship up for failure in advance. If he feels a huge crush now, every day it will depress him even more.

    And yes, think carefully before testing his loyalty, because if he finds out about your actions, it may offend him to the core so much that he will no longer want to stay with the doubting chosen one.

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