• How to be the perfect girl. How to be the perfect girl in a relationship with your boyfriend


    It is every man's dream to have an ideal woman next to him. The kind of woman that everyone around her would admire and envy. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the ideal, but there are still some common features.

    The ideal woman - what is she like?

    First of all, a woman should take care of her appearance. After marriage, many wives turn into housewives in dressing gowns. Interest in such a woman gradually fades away. A woman should always look 100%. And most importantly, a man should not see the process of transformation. How his beloved does her makeup and hair should remain a mystery.

    The ideal woman is gentle and kind. Curses and vulgar jokes should not come from the lips of a beautiful lady. Cigarettes and alcohol are generally a taboo topic. It is important that . A man should not feel stupider than his chosen one. Therefore, the ability to hide is highly valued by the male sex.

    The ideal companion wears stylish, not too revealing clothes. She does not ask men about their past and does not open up about her exes. Caring for family and children is another important feature of an ideal woman. She cooks well, takes care of her loved ones and creates home comfort.

    How to become perfect in everything

    It is unlikely that you will be able to be the standard of perfection for everyone. The main thing is to be ideal for yourself. You can strive to be like someone, conduct experiments on your body. But will your man like it? Perhaps right now you have that very zest for which he loves you.

    Women tend to change their image. Sometimes these changes change a woman in better side. But it happens that you hear positive opinions from others, but your intuition suggests the opposite. Then you should abandon the new image. First of all, you should feel comfortable in your new look. Think about what you like and move in that direction.

    To become ideal, you need to take care of your health. and playing sports will help you acquire beautiful body. The ideal woman has beautiful long hair. Healthy shine and density can be acquired through proper balanced nutrition, as well as all kinds of masks.

    It is important to monitor the condition of your skin. The face should have an even tone and a healthy glow. The eyes express the inner state. Don't paint too brightly. Natural beauty With light makeup looks much better than a painted face.

    Don't have too many things in your wardrobe. The main thing is that they are made of good fabric, and those colors and styles that suit you.

    How to become an ideal wife

    The ideal wife is not only beautiful woman, but also an intelligent conversationalist and a good housewife. To become ideal wife You can use some tips:

    • An ideal wife must have her own goal in life so as not to fade in comparison with her husband. All controversial issues in the family should be discussed in order to avoid family quarrels.
    • A woman should be able to listen to her husband and, if necessary, help with advice. Then the spouse will see in his soul mate good friend and the interlocutor.
    • You should not beg for anything from your loved one. He must feel that such a gentle, kind and selfless woman should be protected and pampered.
    • In bed, you need to predict his desires so that he forgets about everything in the world every time. It’s good if it pleases both spouses.
    • A smart wife forgives a lot, understanding that every man has negative traits. By yielding and supporting her husband, she thereby strengthens the marriage.
    • You shouldn't give reasons for jealousy. A man loves to feel like he is the best and the only one. So let him feel that way.
    • In a family with children, no less attention must be paid to the spouse. Then the relationship will be strong.
    • Don't bother your husband with your problems about relationships with girlfriends or work colleagues. Instead, ask about his activities at work. Give him compliments more often. Men love praise like children.
    • Be unpredictable so that the man does not get bored around you. Give him surprises and keep him in a playful mood.
    • Coming home, a man should feel that he is expected and welcome. The smell of delicious food and a beloved woman with kisses on the threshold will create a favorable environment for realizing all the charm of home.

    How to become the perfect girl

    To become ideal for her boyfriend, a girl should remember a few simple rules:

    1. Emphasize your strengths and throw out your shortcomings.
    2. Be confident and cheerful, charge others with positive energy.
    3. Pronounce your speech expressively, be able to listen to others and respect their opinions.
    4. Take care of your appearance and wardrobe. Be more feminine.
    5. Do not overuse cosmetics and harsh perfumes. Choose delicate, light scents.
    6. Don't stand still, have a goal and strive for it.
    7. More walks on fresh air so that the skin acquires a healthy natural color.
    8. Be individual without imitating others.
    9. Strive to walk easily, without hunching over. Look straight ahead, not at your feet.
    10. Read books to be an interesting conversationalist.
    11. Learn to cook well.
    12. Hair should always be clean so that a guy would want to touch it.
    13. Don't scream or throw tantrums. A girl must be balanced.
    14. Don’t pretend to be an abstruse person by quoting celebrities. Be individual.
    15. Don't talk too much about yourself. Let the guy ask the questions himself.
    16. Try to be punctual.
    17. Appreciate your friends and don't gossip about them.
    18. Don't refuse to help people who need it.
    19. Be able to

    Why be perfect?

    Every girl dreams of being an ideal wife, mother, friend, sister. We all strive to achieve excellence in work, school, personal life and society. We strive for self-development and achieving our goals, and this is very cool. Our days are not aimless, they are filled with meaning, we move towards perfection every day and, when we achieve our goals, we feel joy because we did not give up halfway. Being perfect is not easy, it’s hard daily work, but it’s so nice to become a little better every day and be an example for others.

    The ideal is different for everyone, but there are generally accepted concepts and principles that have developed over the years in society, which an ideal girl must meet.

    Let's look at them in more detail.

    How to become perfect?

    What should an ideal girl be like? What do you need to do to achieve the ideal? Many girls who decide to become ideal rack their brains over these questions.

    So, the ideal girl:

    • does not have bad habits. The ideal girl will not poison her body with alcohol and nicotine.
    • controls his appearance. A perfect girl will not go out with a dirty head in an old robe; she always looks impeccable.
    • playing sports. Yoga, Pilates, fitness, swimming, golf, gym classes - there are a lot of options, the main thing is to lead an active lifestyle and always be fit and toned.
    • erudite and comprehensively developed. The perfect girl reads many books of different genres and directions, watches films, solves crosswords and sudoku, puzzles and charades, attends courses in learning Spanish, Thai massage techniques, cooking and gardening. With a girl like this you will always find general theme, she is a fascinating conversationalist and has a wonderful sense of humor.
    • controls her figure and nutrition. The ideal girl does not eat at fast food cafes, she lives by the principle “I eat in order to live, and I do not live in order to eat”; her dietary restrictions do not go to extremes and do not irritate others. A perfect girl eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinks vitamins, and doesn’t count calories every minute.
    • perfect girl smiling all the time, she exudes cheerfulness And great mood. After communicating with such a girl, my soul is light and joyful.
    • does not lie, is not rude, is not rude, does not shout. She knows how to control herself, control her feelings, and even if she is overwhelmed with anger, rage and other negative emotions, the girl will not throw them out on the people around her.
    • respects his parents, older, loves kids and animals. Open to communication and contact with people.

    The path to achieving the ideal is long and thorny; to begin with, you can take the following actions:

    • Plan your day, don’t waste time aimlessly sitting for days on the Internet or playing on the computer or phone. If you have a free minute, it is better to spend it reading a book.
    • Let every hour of your day be rich and interesting, learn something new, learn something.
    • Get rid of bad habits, sign up for language courses or go to a driving school.
    • Take care of yourself, do something pleasant and healthy for your body every day (mask, peeling, manicure).
    • Make a list of goals and a list of your achievements. It is very important to complete the assigned tasks, and not deviate from the path and not give up.

    An ideal girl is the pride of her chosen one; he values ​​her, loves her and is afraid of losing her.

    What girl doesn't dream of achieving perfection for her beloved?

    What does it take to become the ideal girl for your loved one:

    1. Be yourself, don’t play a role, don’t close yourself off, don’t imagine yourself as Marilyn Monroe or a princess. You are you, be sincere and open to your loved one.
    2. Always take care of your appearance, appearance is not the most important thing, but guys love well-groomed girls who play sports, have impeccable style and taste, and don’t overdo it with makeup. Everything should be in moderation.
    3. Develop, improve yourself. Spend time on education, work, courses. Guys in the company of such a girl are always interested and have something to talk about; she will support the given topic of conversation.
    4. Smile, be positive and cheerful. It’s a pleasure to spend every minute with such a girl; she lights up our days like a little sun.

    Don’t forget that your loved one chose you, you are a couple and this means that he liked you for who you already are.

    Trying to be perfect for the guy you love is a good idea, but don't go overboard. In the quest for ideal and self-improvement, you can change beyond recognition, you will no longer be the girl he fell in love with, so remember the basic rule: “Everything is good in moderation.”

    How to become the perfect teenage girl? How to become perfect at 14 years old?

    Is it possible to be the perfect girl if you are only 14 or a little older? Of course yes! All ages are submissive to the ideal.

    Self-improvement is long work and it’s better to start it from a young age, then by the age of 20 you will achieve more than your peers.

    Where should a teenage girl start:

    • Don't be rude or rude. Adolescence is a difficult time for girls; they sincerely believe that they are misunderstood or ignored. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your parents, be more loyal. Your family is the most Dear people who love you very much and wish you only the best, so try to understand their position and discuss it without clarifying the relationship or unnecessary quarrels.
    • Take care of your appearance and style. Don’t go overboard with your makeup, it’s better to lightly highlight your eyes with mascara and your lips with gloss, rather than disfigure yourself and add years of visual impact with tons of makeup. Choose comfortable clothes, do not buy frilly or very bright things, otherwise you risk looking like a parrot or Christmas tree. Don’t “decorate” yourself with tattoos and piercings; over the years you will only regret it.
    • Keep track of your academic achievements and grades at school. Education and intelligence are highly valued and, if you don’t realize it yet, you definitely will when you get older.
    • Do some sports. You grow and develop, and an active and sporty lifestyle will help you develop a figure that will be the envy of all your friends.
    • Read more books. This way you will become a wonderful conversationalist and form your own views on various topics and issues.
    • Do not use swear words, make sure your speech and pronunciation are correct.
    • Don't have bad habits. Drinking and smoking are unfashionable, and a healthy lifestyle is always highly valued.
    • Don't gossip. Only those who have nothing else to talk about discuss others, because they are narrow-minded and limited.

    Guided by these rules, you will achieve harmony with yourself and society. Isn't this ideal?

    An ideal girl and wife is a reliable support for her boyfriend and husband, she loves and is loved, such a girl is valued and afraid of losing, she is treasured.

    In order not to destroy the relationship and be in harmony with your chosen one, you need to be guided by the following rules:

    1. Value and respect your boyfriend's opinion. Everyone has the right to have their views respected and accepted.
    2. Trust in relationships- the key to their longevity. You shouldn’t torment your boyfriend with scenes of jealousy, search his pockets, monitor mobile phone, page on a social network.
    3. Loyalty. If you love your boyfriend, then why do you need another? If you like another person and are attracted to him, it means your boyfriend is not your soulmate at all, you should not torment a person and hide your feelings for another, this is dishonest towards him.
    4. Respect and do not discuss his family, relatives and friends. These people have known him for many years, they are important to your boyfriend, you shouldn’t create a situation where the guy has to be torn between you and his mother or friend. The choice may not be in your favor at all.
    5. Listen and listen. Be a good listener and adviser, encourage and support your loved one in problematic situations. Motivate your chosen one to achieve the goals he has set. He needs to know that he can always rely on you.
    6. Don't limit his freedom and don't be fixated only on your relationship. The fact that you enjoy spending time together is great, but everyone should have their own personal space, for example, you can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with your friends in a cafe, and he can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with his colleagues in a bowling alley.

    Beauty is a subjective concept, but well-groomed girls always attract attention and become the envy of their friends.

    What needs to be done to achieve the ideal externally?

    • Control the condition of your hair and skin. Make regular homemade and store-bought masks, take vitamins and mineral complexes. Regularly trim the ends of your hair and pluck your eyebrows. Nutritional control is also important; very often pimples, acne, and rashes are the result of poor nutrition and abuse of sweets, starchy foods, and spicy foods.
    • Take care of the condition of your fingernails and toenails.
    • Remove excess hair. Exists a large number of ways - waxing, laser, creams, machines.
    • Choose the one most suitable for your skin.
    • Choose your own style. Combine clothing colors wisely. Also keep an eye on the state of things. Fashionable, expensive things, but dirty or with holes, raise doubts about the girl’s neatness and neatness.
    • Choose your perfume. Smells play a big role, but don't overdo it, don't pour a bottle of perfume on yourself every morning.

    How to become perfect for yourself and for everyone? Is it possible to be perfect in everything?

    If you want to become perfect for yourself and for those around you, then follow all the tips given above in order to become a perfect girl, ideal for your boyfriend and in a relationship, and also remember the following:

    • Be confident. Never doubt your strengths and capabilities, you will definitely succeed!
    • Don't be complex. Everyone has their own shortcomings. Accept yourself for who you are.
    • Love yourself. How can you please someone and find your soulmate if you don’t love yourself? But love should not transform into selfishness or narcissism, everything should be balanced.

    Remember that how many people - so many opinions and everyone has their own ideals. It is impossible to be perfect in everything, but this is not a reason to relax and give up. The desire for self-improvement is an exciting and, most importantly, productive process.

    Useful tips from a psychologist

    All psychologists insist that working on oneself is a mandatory process in the development of personality. But don’t forget that there are no ideals, don’t get hung up and don’t mock yourself, the process of self-improvement should bring joy and not be torture.

    And the main rule is: be yourself, don’t create an idol for yourself, don’t imitate. All people are unique and inimitable.

    There is a hypothesis that every person on earth has a soulmate. Maybe a person will never meet her, but she still exists. There is a theory according to which these two halves are attracted to each other, which means they will definitely meet.

    This does not mean at all that they will definitely be together all their lives, live happily until old age and die in one day. This would be ideal. But even with your soulmate, destined for you by nature, you have to try.

    You need to learn how to build relationships. It’s just that if you do all this with your soul mate, the ideal person for you, then you will enjoy it, you will not need to make excessive efforts, and even getting used to each other will not be a burden. In another case, if you never meet your soulmate, then you can live a good life with a “stranger” half. After all, yours may be an Eskimo vertically challenged and 25 years older than you. He may never come your way in life.

    But another person may appear on your road, close in spirit, in views, and even in love with you. You will want to unite your destinies. How to behave with a person in this case? You need to become the ideal girl for him. Who knows, maybe he will want to become perfect guy for you, for your future.

    In the concept of each person, ideality is revealed differently. Anyway, what it comes down to is this: an ideal corresponds to something. For example, behaving in accordance with human laws and God's laws also means being ideal. After all, if a person’s behavior corresponds to standards that command respect from others, then why not emulate him. It’s a completely different case when people choose for themselves the so-called object of adoration and imitation. This is a very bad way to achieve your goal. Imitating someone does not at all mean conforming to his principles. If the chosen ideal does something right and good, then it is better to find out real reasons his actions, and not blindly follow his actions.

    How to become the ideal girl for him?

    If you're already dating a guy, it means he already likes you. A guy wouldn't build a relationship with a girl he didn't like. Based on this, you will need very little effort to become the ideal girl for your boyfriend.

    First let's decide what not to do in no case. Every person has flaws. There are real ones that are conditioned physiological characteristics of a person, but there are imaginary ones that are based on complexes.

    • In no case Don't focus on your shortcomings among friends, and even more so in the presence of your boyfriend.
    • Don't ask him questions like:“Don’t you think my nose is too long?” or “Do you think I’m fat?” The guy may not attach importance to the length of your nose. After your question, he will definitely focus on its length and over time will come to the conclusion that it is a little long for you. Moreover, it was you who was to blame for this conclusion.
    • Even more frightening are the statements related to with figure flaws, delivered in an uncompromising manner. For example, “I'm fat. I have an ugly figure." Your boyfriend doesn't just value you for your appearance.

    Surely he likes something else about you. For example, your infectious laugh, your sense of humor, your eyes, your preferences in music and so on. A guy can't love you just because of what you have. beautiful breasts or long legs. He perceives you as a person not like the picture from a glossy magazine.

    • In the same time, You shouldn’t feel like a mother hen either.

    You shouldn’t overly patronize a guy and feed him cutlets and pies. If your boyfriend loves to eat, then cook him something special for the holiday, and not just like that, try your work of art together. Allow him to praise himself.

    Let him remember this little holiday for a long time: romantic music sounds, you are wearing his favorite perfume and a silk dress, and then, whatever your imagination tells you.

    Need to take care of yourself, always be on top. Watch your figure so that you are always in good shape, and so that the guy does not have a reason to say that you have formed a tummy. Moreover, your brain will work better if your body is trained. More oxygen to the body - more ideas brain.

    How to become the ideal girl in a relationship?

    The relationship between a man and a woman is a complicated thing. It requires patience and attention on both sides. But there are certain points which you need to take as a rule and never break.

    • The most important thing to understand is that everything is built on trust.

    Never deceive yourself and trust your chosen one. Even if you find yourself in a situation that your boyfriend shouldn't know about, don't lie.

    1. Firstly, it is a sin.
    2. Secondly, This Right way to the destruction of relationships.

    It’s better to try to explain what’s what, but don’t invent anything. Everything secret always becomes clear. Therefore, there is no point in hiding anything. If your boyfriend says he's late at work, then believe him.

    Don't check his phone, email, or address book. Such actions can sow the seed of discord in your relationship.

    Give your guy little surprises. Anyone who says that only girls love pleasant little things is very mistaken. Send him a message at work in the morning with declarations of love, let him smile. Just don’t do this often, otherwise he will get used to it and will consider it your responsibility.

    • Take him on a date to a place that is special to you two.

    For example, to where you first kissed or met. Even if he forgot about this pleasant event, remind him, hint, but do not be offended by his forgetfulness.

    • Never harbor a grudge and know how to forgive.

    All problems that arise between you need to be resolved without putting them off to the far corner.

    • If you are already husband and wife, then do not neglect your responsibilities and promises.

    She promised to bake pizza, keep your promise. She promised to let him go to football with his friends - let him go.

    • Don't limit your boyfriend's freedom.

    If you forbid him a lot, he will come to the conclusion that it was better and easier for him without you. Try to convince him of what you yourself think is right. For example, tell him about the dangers of smoking, show films about the fate and health of smokers. After watching the creepy footage, your boyfriend will think that he is harming his health, yours, and the health of your future children.

    • Don't criticize his mom.

    Under no circumstances say anything bad about her. She's the one for him best woman in the world, and it’s hard to fight it. And is it necessary? Give up this primacy to her, and your life will become easier. She will tell you what your boyfriend likes, what his weaknesses are, and so on. But all this is if she sees you as a friend, and not as a rival. You can become the ideal girl for both the guy and his mother.

    • Respect his interests.

    If your views on cinema or music differ, try to understand what interests your boyfriend about his favorite genre. Maybe, having gotten to know him better, you will also like him, and he will not be indifferent to your choice.

    How to become the ideal girl in everything?

    Oh, what bliss it is to know that you are perfect, to know that you are ideal! These are the words from the famous movie "Goodbye Mary Poppins." This film was about a magical nanny who worked miracles. As a rule, all earthly girls are not wizards and their charms only lie in skill and experience. It is very important to be a sorceress for your boyfriend, then he will perceive you as an ideal girl. How to become the ideal girl in everything? It's very simple you need to be yourself. You shouldn't imitate anyone.

    Just be yourself. Share your impressions, worries and joys with your boyfriend. Save your secrets for your friend, and your feelings for your loved one. Let him be for you not only a life partner, but also a friend whom you trust.

    Be desirable. Guys love to show off their girls to their friends. Make sure that it is not just boasting, but the truth. Use cosmetics, visit beauty salons, get a massage, manicure, pedicure, hairstyle. Buy dresses. Jeans are comfortable and beautiful, but a dress is primarily feminine. Men really love girls in dresses with a large neckline or a hip-hugging, floor-length skirt. Use aromatic oils.

    A little secret for a big effect: take it as base oil olive or almond oil and add a couple of drops to it essential oil roses or cedar. Rose will set both the guy and you in a romantic mood. Cedar will invigorate the senses, ignite the fire inside, raising it higher and higher. Apply this mixture to your wrists and neck, the effect will not take long to appear.

    Be active and modern. Try it different types relaxing with your boyfriend. If he loves hiking in the mountains, go with him, it will bring you very close, and you will gain invaluable experience. If he loves racing, get a license, go to competitions, and become his biggest fan.

    Most importantly, in the pursuit of perfection, do not forget about your principles. Don't deviate from the values ​​instilled in you by your parents. Don't give up your career and don't step on the throat of your song. The search for perfection must be mutual, otherwise it will be a “one-sided game.”

    The dream of any representative of the fair sex is to become the ideal girl for a guy, parents, friends and for society in general. Positive women from all sides attract public attention, because at the moment the image of Miss Perfection is more popular than ever. It is often quite difficult for girls to achieve the ideal and be it for others, since they simply do not know where to start on the thorny path to achieving their goal. Also, most women are not even aware of their weaknesses. Therefore, psychologists have collected the most common mistakes that representatives of the weaker half of humanity have ever made. Knowing about them, you will have the opportunity to avoid typical “female” mistakes and become a real ideal.

    Key Aspects to Achieve Excellence

    To be a truly ideal girl, you need to pay attention to all aspects of life, for example:

    • Appearance. Well-groomed and beautiful makes a lady more self-confident and relaxed, so achieving all other goals becomes not so difficult;
    • Character. Working on yourself consists, first of all, in eliminating communication deficiencies. Afterwards it is much easier to communicate with society;
    • Relationships with your loved one. Despite the century of female emancipation and independence, psychologists say that without full communication with the opposite sex, a girl becomes more aggressive. This quality has a bad effect on the reputation of any representative of the fair sex.

    Let's take a closer look at each of the above aspects.

    Appearance is the “basis” of the ideal girl

    To be beautiful is, first of all, to be. Following this thesis, we can come to the conclusion that even the most ordinary girls can become attractive, for this you just need to follow simple rules:

    • Choose perfume that matches your inner state and characterizes you as accurately as possible. It has been proven that men choose partners by smell, and it also becomes a key point in remembering a woman.

    When using perfume, the main thing is not to overdo it. You shouldn’t pour an incredible amount of perfume on yourself every morning, this will only scare away those around you.

    • Take care of your skin condition. Skin reflects the state of human health. Pimples, scars, and peeling signal health problems, so people subconsciously choose to communicate with individuals with smooth and matte skin.
    • Get rid of split ends regularly. If you don’t get your hair cut once every two to three months, your locks will take on an unattractive appearance and stop growing altogether.
    • Create your own style. Don't be a copy of models from magazines. Look for things and accessories that highlight your personality and suit you.

    As you can see, it’s easy to eliminate flaws in appearance, but you need to work on your character.

    The ideal girl not only shines with external beauty, she also strives to be an internally attractive person. By developing the following qualities in yourself, you will become one step closer to perfection:

    • Determination. It is not difficult to achieve success in life, the main thing is to know exactly what you want. Miss Perfect's days are never aimless: she fills each of them to the maximum with activities that help her achieve what she wants. In addition, she does not deviate from her goals, no matter how difficult they may be. This character trait distinguishes her from other girls;
    • . There is no doubt that everything planned will work out in the end, because not a single wall has yet stood up to assertiveness and tolerance! Also, do not burden yourself with complexes: they interfere with full communication.

    Remember that a confident person will not prove this quality of character to everyone by asserting himself, humiliating and insulting others. Radiate energy and those around you will see the potential in you.

    • Non-conflict. For a long time, girls were considered not aggressive, unlike men - therefore, representatives of the stronger half of humanity respected them. But now the situation has changed dramatically, and calm ladies are worth their weight in gold.

    How to become the ideal woman for him?

    Statistics show that most men value the following character traits and skills in their partners:

    • The ability not to impose. A man by nature is a hunter who needs to pursue a woman, otherwise he will not appreciate her to the fullest extent. Therefore, eliminate frequent calls and messages: give your partner freedom;
    • Ease. After a hard day at work, any representative of the fair sex wants easy communication, without reproaches and complaints. Provide him with this - and you will be the ideal woman for him;
    • Loyalty. Under no circumstances give your guy a reason to be jealous, otherwise your relationship will end the moment he finds out about your correspondence with an unknown guy, or, even worse, sees you kissing.

    Now you are unlikely to have any questions about how to become an ideal girl in everything, because we have considered all the most important aspects of how to cultivate perfection in yourself.

    Hello, dear ladies! If at least once in your life you have asked the question “how to become an ideal girl in everything,” then my article today is just for you. I invite you to speculate on the topic appearance and internal content, about how best to behave with a guy and what to do in order not to lose your real self in the quest to achieve perfection.

    Elaborated image

    First, let's talk about appearance. How can you be beautiful if nature has not provided you with sufficient data? It's simple - makeup, the right clothes, the right amount of accessories and delicious perfume.

    The Internet allows you to find makeup tutorials for any occasion. Learn to choose the right makeup for the occasion. It’s just best to stick to naturalness and naturalness when working. But for an evening reception, you can choose a brighter option.

    Don't hang yourself with chains and bracelets like a crow. Remember Golden Rule three accessories - less is better than more. And remember that they all must be combined with each other. A hot pink clutch obviously won’t go with blue Evening Dress and classic pumps.

    Know your body. After all, there are several types female figures: apple, column, hourglass and so on. For each type, certain clothing is suitable, which emphasizes the advantages and hides the disadvantages. For example, women with broad shoulders should not wear a heavy top, which will visually make the shoulders appear even larger.

    In determining the clothing models that suit me, the book “ What to wear with what", highly recommend.

    Greeted by clothes...

    Of course, being attractive is good. But in addition to the wrapper, you should also have a delicious filling. You must be filled internally so as not to be an empty-headed doll that is just nice to look at, but better not to talk to.

    First, decide on your temperament. Each has its own characteristics and strengths. Read the article “” and you will understand how you can use your characteristics to your advantage.

    Watch old classic movies. In it you can meet interesting female characters whose behavior will tell you how to behave in a given situation.

    The main advice is to remain yourself. Pretense and trying to be better often scares people away. And honesty, openness and friendliness attract. Be sure to remain honest with yourself. This will help you not get lost on the path of self-improvement.

    Love is like war

    Who is the ideal girl in a relationship? The one who tries to do everything for the guy? Or the one who fulfills all the desires of her man? No. This is a game with only one goal. In a relationship, both of you should be comfortable and comfortable. Of course, everyone has conflicts and quarrels.

    What is important here is your ability to meet halfway, your ability to hear your partner, and your willingness to solve a problem together.

    In a couple, the opinion of both is important. Therefore, try not to get hung up on your desires and desires. If you want to make a claim, first think about how you can solve this problem yourself. It is always much easier to blame your partner than to try to change yourself a little.

    In addition, it is very important to always remain interesting to your loved one. If you sit in front of the TV in the evening and there is tense silence in the room, then it’s time to change something. First, read the article "". After all, if you are bored with yourself, then what can you expect from a man?

    Relationships only work if both partners are willing to move forward. When there is no respect and trust, there is no relationship. Everyone should have their own personal space. or work. Mind your own business during this time.

    You shouldn't adapt to a person. Ideal does not mean submissive. Learn to listen carefully, do not shout or insult each other, trust and be honest, then you will have a warm and healthy relationship.


    In any business, it is very important not to rush into everything at once. So here, if you started working in one direction, then achieve some success in this direction and then move on to another.

    As the famous proverb says: If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either. So it is here. Change gradually. Start with something smaller and move on to bigger changes. No one is pushing you, so take your time. Calmly and confidently take one step after another.

    The ability to improvise will definitely help you. Of course, it is impossible to be ready for everything all the time. But in the article “” I tell you how to prepare yourself as much as possible for different conditions and circumstances.

    Remember, everyone has their own ideal. Therefore, it will never be possible to be perfect for everyone. Don't try to become a different person to please someone, a man, a friend or your mother. You have your own “I”, engage with it, develop it, train it and then success will definitely await you.

    Develop and change first of all for yourself. Read the book by Evgenia Belonoshchenko “ Born with character" You will get a lot out of it useful information about why people behave the way they do. How you can change yourself and what you should strive for from an early age.

    Any changes lead to certain consequences. One of my clients changed herself entirely for the sake of her husband. She worked very hard on her appearance, with the help of doctors, and changed her character and behavior almost beyond recognition. She became exactly what her husband wanted her to be. Only after a while he got bored with it, and he found himself another woman.

    Love yourself, learn to use your strengths, find your weaknesses and work on them.

    Trust your inner voice. Listen to advice, but act according to the dictates of your heart. If you have any questions, be sure to contact me for advice. I will consider your situation in detail and together we will find the most suitable solution.

    What does it look like in your eyes? ideal woman? A ideal man? What are you sure you will never change about yourself?

    Love and appreciate yourself.
    Have a nice day!

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