• How to make blanks for quilling. Why do you need a ruler and tweezers? Heart for lovers


    Quilling is a paper art, a direction in applied creativity that originated in the 14th century. It involves making crafts from paper ribbons twisted in a certain way.

    This article will cover quilling for beginners: materials, devices, techniques.

    To get started, you need to purchase creative tools. Standard set includes:

    1. Tweezers.
    2. A device with a metal forked tip.
    3. Small scissors.
    4. Glue.
    5. Canvas with printed coordinates, guides, radii.
    6. A strip of double-sided multi-colored paper.

    Larger sets include a ruler with holes, which is used to make curls and spirals of a certain size.

    1. Pins and needles for fastening the initial options.

    Some kits include diagrams of crafts (flowers, insects, postcards).

    If it is not possible to purchase a special set, then you can use improvised means. Instead of a tool with a forked metal end, take a regular toothpick, cut off its sharp end, and split the resulting edge with a utility knife. Then insert the end of the paper tape into the crevice and twist it.

    If you don’t have special scissors, you can use manicure scissors, but the ends should be straight. The paper is secured between the blades and twisted to the required diameter. Twists are made in the same way using an awl or a gypsy needle. To do this, the edge of the paper is placed on the metal tip and twisted. The same operation can be repeated with rods, but the radius of such a twist will be large.

    You can make your own quilling ribbons for beginners. You need to bend a sheet of white or colored double-sided paper, creating guides of the desired width. Then cut the strips along the resulting fold lines.

    Essential elements

    Quilling for beginners must begin with the basic elements.

    • Tight spiral.
    • Free spiral.
    • Curl.
    • Droplet.
    • Curved drop.
    • Semicircle.
    • Eye.
    • Arrow.
    • Triangle.
    • Heart.
    • Leaf.
    • Crescent.
    • Quadrangle.
    • Horns.
    • Bird's paw.

    To perform the “tight spiral” element, you need to place a quilling tape or a strip of plain paper 5mm wide between the blades of scissors, in the crevice of a toothpick, or a special tool with a metal tip. The tape is held in the left hand, the instrument in the right, and rotational movements are made clockwise. To make the curls the same and even, you need to hold the spiral from above or below. When the tape is twisted to the end, glue is dripped onto the edge and the tip is glued so that the spiral is neat and does not unwind.

    A free spiral can be done in two ways:

    • Remove the tight spiral from the tool and let it unwind a little.
    • Use your fingers to start rotating movements in the center, this way the spiral will relax.

    Many elements are made on the basis of a spiral. A curl is a spiral whose tip is not glued. To perform the “drop” element, you need to squeeze the free spiral with your fingers from one edge. A curved drop can be obtained by bending its tip.

    The “eye” element is made by pulling the free spiral in different directions and tucking in the 2 resulting corners. A leaf can be made by transforming the “eye” motif. To do this, bend the corners in different directions: bend one corner to the right, the second to the left. You can also make a “crescent” from the “eye” by bending it in the shape of the letter C. To make a semicircle, it is enough to bend the free spiral so that the upper part of the motif bends in an arc, the lower part needs to be aligned.

    The arrow is a little more difficult to complete than the previous motifs. The free spiral is clamped on one side, forming the tip of the arrow. Press the wide part of the element with your finger to create two corners. This motif can also be made by transforming the “triangle” element. The triangle can be obtained by pressing the free spiral on three sides. If you connect 2 corners together and hold for a few seconds, you will get a beautiful arrow.

    You can also make bird legs from a triangle. To do this, we leave one vertex unchanged, and bend the opposite sides with our fingers, forming a “foot.” The square shape is made in the same way as a triangle, only it is pressed not from three, but from four sides. “Horns” and “hearts” are performed in the same way. Take a strip of paper, bend it in half, twist the edges: the left edge counterclockwise, the right edge clockwise. When forming a heart, you need to twist the edges in the opposite direction - the left one clockwise and the right one counterclockwise.

    Knowing how to perform the basic elements of quilling, you can decorate cards, notebooks and make various crafts.

    Quilling master class on making flowers

    Quilling flowers can be made in different variations; in this matter, everything is limited only by your imagination. On the Internet you can find a lot of information on the question: “Quilling for beginners patterns with description.” Let's look at some diagrams step by step on how to make and assemble a composition.

    • Standard flower.

    The petals are made in the form of drops. To make the flower look brighter, the drops are made from multi-colored paper. The core of the flower is a free spiral. Also prepare the leaves in advance. They are made from the following elements: eye, drop, leaves. When all the elements are ready, you need to collect the flower. Apply glue to a postcard or thick cardboard and glue all the details. You need to start with the core of the flower, and glue droplets of petals around it. We glue a green strip of paper between the two petals - this is the stem. It can be bent as your imagination allows. Leaves are glued to this stem.

    • In the second option, the flower petals can be made in the shape of horns or hearts. When gluing such a flower, you need to focus on the upper part of the elements so that petals do not overlap one another. The stem and leaves are made as in the first option.
    • In the third method, the flower is made of identical elements - a free spiral. The middle is made of paper of one color, and the petals are made of others. A significant difference from previous methods is that there is no stem. Flowers are placed randomly on the card - give free rein to your imagination. Leaves are glued between the flowers. You can also decorate the card with hearts and curls.
    • Original flowers will be obtained if the elements are made not from plain paper, but if fringe is cut along one edge. It's easy to do. Cut a strip of paper 0.5 cm wide along the edge into feathers and twist the required element. When the flower is glued, the fringe must be bent in different directions, creating volume.

    There is more than one quilling technique for beginners to make snowflakes.

    Snowflakes are a little more difficult to make. We provide a step-by-step implementation plan.

    • You will need pins, glue, white and blue paper. First you need to make 18 “eye” elements: 12 blue and 6 white. Then we prepare hearts and horns, 6 pieces each, white.
    • Glue the white “eye” motifs together in the shape of a flower.
    • You need to glue “hearts” between the petals.
    • To make the third row in the snowflake, you need to glue the blue “eye” elements together in pairs in the corner area.
    • When the glue dries, paired “eyes” are glued into the space between the “hearts”.
    • We complete the snowflake by gluing in the “horns” motif. Each corner is glued to the place where the “eyes” are glued. The “horns” need to be untwisted a little to make the snowflake more magnificent.

    The postcard will be a great surprise for loved ones. A master class for beginners will prepare you for more complex work.

    Quilling for beginners has its own subtleties, but you should pay attention to important tips.

    • To make elements of the same size and density, you need to use a template or an officer’s ruler.
    • Using thin paper It is enough to hold the element with your fingers longer to prevent unwinding.
    • To secure the ends of the elements, it is more convenient to use a toothpick to apply glue.
    • When buying paper, the main thing is not to stumble upon a fake. Specialty paper is longer than regular sheets.
    • Rolling paper requires a calm state of mind. If you do it quickly, you won't get beautiful, neat work.

    Knowing the technique of performing basic elements, you can make quilling paintings, postcards, animals, dishes and even interior items.

    Another article by Tatyana Yablonskaya (author of the story about the technique ““) - “ Quilling for Beginners". We have it on our website various works in this technique, but it is much more convenient for those who are just starting to master it, to collect in one article all the initial shapes of the figures, useful tips and subtleties with photographs.

    And perhaps in the future you will be able to create masterpieces like this:

    But, of course, it’s better to start with the basics. Our step by step description manufacturing of basic elements.

    « Twig"It turns out if the spirals are twisted on one side.

    « Curl" - an element when the two ends of the strip are twisted in an S-shape.

    This is not a complete list of open elements.

    When you learn how to make all these modules, then any craft will be within your power.

    Examples of work using the quilling technique for beginners

    Now move on to making simple images. In the first stages, you can use ready-made graphic diagrams; all the necessary elements are outlined there for beginners. Or you can turn on your imagination and start experimenting!

    For example, butterfly. It consists of three main elements: the head is a tight roll, the body is an eye, and the wings are a drop. All modules are glued together with glue and a mini-craft is obtained.

    All kinds of flowers. The elements “free spiral” and “eye” are needed. They combine to form chamomile (chrysanthemum).

    This is what a gorgeous bouquet looks like!

    If we take the elements “free spiral” and “drop”, then the flowers look a little different.

    Today everything original is in fashion. In addition, it is assumed that there will be handmade parts not only in the wardrobe, but also in the interior. There are many ways to quickly and tastefully decorate the most ordinary objects. The quilling technique comes to the aid of creative individuals, and simply those who like to create beauty on their own. Quilling is a paper craft that involves creating interesting drawing, or figures from paper strips, which twist to form a picture.

    Interesting fact: It turns out that even in the Middle Ages, needlewomen in Europe used this technique, however, it was not accessible, since high-quality paper was required to complete the paintings.

    Quilling is becoming widespread today. And no wonder, because everyone is available materials for quilling:

    • Colored paper, but not thick, or you can purchase special paper for quilling;
    • Ruler;
    • Stationery knife;
    • A rod, an awl, a thick needle, a toothpick - in a word, something on which you can wrap paper;
    • Stencil with round holes;
    • Tweezers;
    • Nail scissors;
    • Quick-drying glue;
    • Compass;
    • Pencil.

    Interestingly, modern stores are ready to offer a variety of kits that contain everything you need for a quality hobby.

    Advantages of the quilling technique

    Of course, the main advantage of quilling crafts is their availability. In addition, with the help of work performed using this technique, you can:

    • Decorate the house;
    • Make an unusual gift;
    • Have a good rest;
    • Get rid of stress.

    However, such a hobby is a match for a neat and diligent person, so don’t despair if the first pancake comes out lumpy. You can always develop these qualities in yourself by methodically following the instructions for creating paintings and images from paper using the quilling technique.

    Remember that even the first craft will not be as bad as it may seem to you. Be sure to save it!

    Quilling schemes for beginners with descriptions

    Where to begin? As in any business, you need to start small. Let the first crafts be simple installations, for example:

    • Flower;
    • Snowflake;
    • Duck;
    • Butterfly.

    Having studied the basic designs that can be created from strips of paper, you can later create interesting compositions.

    Scheme No. 1 - Flower

    To complete this lesson you will need: colored paper, glue, cardboard (or any other surface to which the flower will be transferred), toothpicks, scissors, pencil.

    First of all, it’s worth preparing the base - cut the paper into half-centimeter strips and no more than 20 centimeters long.

    We start with a spiral, the main pattern in the quilling technique. You need to take the finished strip and wrap it around a toothpick. Roll the paper tightly so that it does not fall apart. Glue the tip of the paper strip to make an even circle.

    Now we have a spiral, by the way, if you play a little with this shape, you can get drawings like:

    • Droplet - you need to gently squeeze the circle on one side;
    • Boat - you need to carefully squeeze the circle on both sides;
    • Heart - you need to clamp the spiral on one side, and bend it inward on the other.

    So, we have the core of the flower - round spiral. But they can serve as petals for it different shapes. All that remains is to decide on the number of petals and start making droplets, boats and even hearts. When you have collected a sufficient number of parts, for example eight, you need to coat them with glue on one edge and glue them to cardboard or any other surface.

    The craft is almost finished. However, the flower does not yet have a stem or leaves. The stem can be made from a strip half a centimeter wide and 10 centimeters long and glued sideways to the canvas. It is better to make the leaves in the form of drops and attach them to the stem.

    That's all. The first craft is ready! Congratulations!

    Lifehack 1: It is more convenient to wrap the paper not on a toothpick, but on a skewer, because it is longer.

    Lifehack 2: To avoid having to constantly monitor the position of the paper on the skewer, you can secure one end of the paper strip. Make a cut and insert the tip into it.

    Scheme No. 2 - Snowflake

    You should start doing it, as in the previous point, by preparing the strips. Let us remind you that the width of each is 0.5 centimeters, and the length no more than 25 centimeters. In the case of a snowflake, the color of the paper can be white, but to make your task easier and not draw the paper from scratch, you can take already lined sheets.

    There is no trick to how to make a snowflake. In fact, a snowflake will be any competent combination of quilling forms: “drop”, “boat” and “spiral”. In addition to the shape that you can give the paper, it is important to pay attention to its size. In the photo on the left, the game with the size of the parts is clearly visible:

    Creating snowflakes is a labor-intensive process and may take more than one hour. Therefore, in anticipation New Year's holidays When creating decorations for your home, you can involve the whole family in making crafts. Call everyone. Fun will be guaranteed!

    Scheme No. 3 - Duck

    Making a paper duck is quite simple. It is enough to have only 6 paper blanks and 2-3 colors in your arsenal. So, the duck will consist of a head, body, tail and wing.

    The head, for the most part, has round shape, so we use the “spiral” shape for it. By twisting paper or a special rod for quilling onto a skewer, you need to form a tight circle. It’s better to make the head big, so from standard size paper strips you can move away and make it about 50 centimeters long.

    The torso is performed similarly. However, to successfully fit the head, you can make it into a “heart” shape by pressing one of the ends of the spiral inward. In addition, you can add originality to the picture if you do not twist it tightly, but loosely; to do this, glue the tip of the paper strip a little later to let it unwind. Then the duck's body will consist of cute curls.

    The tail consists of teardrop-shaped parts. It is enough to prepare three small drops, the length of the strips can be reduced to 7-8 centimeters, and then glue the pieces of the tail together.

    It is also better to make a wing for a duck in the shape of a drop, but choose a larger size. The drop itself can be slightly bent to give some grace to the wing.

    The final stage - gluing all the parts together. It will be more convenient to start transferring details onto the canvas from the body, then the head, tail and wing.

    An additional detail for the duck can be a beak, which can easily be made from a strip 2 centimeters long, bent in half, and glued to the head of the product with the middle of the fold.

    Scheme No. 4 - Butterfly

    The main element of a butterfly is its wings. You can color them using multi-colored paper strips 5 millimeters wide; the length of these strips is arbitrary. It all depends on the desired size of the butterfly. Try to harmoniously choose colors for your future craft.

    You need to prepare the strips(12 pieces), glue 3 pieces into one to get 4 potential wings, with two of these blanks being shorter than the other two. Each workpiece is twisted on a toothpick or a needle into a free spiral, which must be shaped into a drop. This makes 4 wings for the butterfly.

    Next step - make a butterfly body. It will consist of two parts, each of which is a cone. In order to make such a cone, you need to take a paper strip of the desired color, start winding it tightly so that each next curl falls a millimeter lower than the previous one and continue to do this until the strip runs out, then secure the edge of the strip with glue. Now all that remains is to connect the bases and 4 wings. The butterfly craft is ready! In addition to the butterfly, you can provide antennae and surround it with flowers made using the quilling technique.

    Crafts using quilling technique for beginners

    Quilling, like origami, is a technique that involves working with paper (twisting it).

    This type of needlework, like many others, came from Europe. Quilling was known back in the 14th century, at that time it was brought to a real art, which was practiced by monks who created beautiful medallions from fragments of paper with a gilded edge. Of course, these creations could not have reached our days, because the paper simply decayed over such a long period of time. This type of art experienced a rebirth in the 19th century, but at that time rich ladies created using this technique, because such paper was very expensive. After this, quilling was forgotten again. At the end of the last century it was revived for the third time, but in the form of decorative needlework. Many craftsmen engage in quilling quite professionally, making products for exhibitions and sale.

    Quilling Basics

    As in all other areas of activity, in order to successfully implement all your creative ideas and ideas, you first need to gain basic knowledge. Before creating beautiful compositions, it is very important to learn and practice twisting basic elements. If you master the torsion of basic shapes, then making any of the most complex compositions will not be a problem for you.

    Schemes describing quilling for beginners always contain the outlines of the design and the elements that fill it. To fill out the diagram you need, you need to use basic forms and components, which are also made up of basic forms.

    The most difficult task for all beginners who are engaged in the formation of a composition is to accurately position all the shapes within the drawing and not go beyond its contours. That is why it is initially recommended to practice on smaller and simpler compositions, when creating which the main goal will be to improve your skills. Schemes for beginners are more detailed; in addition to the main drawing, the exact location of the basic shapes is indicated here. This method of learning is very convenient; even small children can master this type of needlework.

    After you have mastered the basic principles of the quilling technique, you can move on to other diagrams, in which only the contours are already indicated. In addition, with practice, you will be able to draw the design you need and plan the location of the basic rolls and shapes on it.

      If you are aiming to make rolls of the same size (which you will need when creating flowers, etc.), then it is bestget a template that has holes of different sizes. It could be an officer's line or something similar.

      If you are making rolls from thin paper, then you should not hold them in your hands for too long, otherwise they will not unfold later.

      Use very little glue to secure the spirals. It is enough to simply apply a large number of the tip of a toothpick.

      When you are making volumetric figure, first of all, roll up a roll of very long paper tape and shape it into a cone or dome. After this, you can attach the handle legs and other additional elements to the form.

      If you are going to buy special paper for quilling, be careful. If its length corresponds to the length of an ordinary A4 sheet, then the strips could simply be cut from ordinary paper and sold as special quilling paper.

      To achieve a variety of color combinations and transitions from one tone to another, you should use several strips of different colors in the manufacture of one part. Simply place two strips of different colors on top of each other and roll the roll into the desired shape. This will give you a striped color. You can make a sharp contrasting transition by gluing the ends of two strips of different colors.

      To make the finished work look more interesting and harmonious, you should wisely combine empty, full and compact rolls. Using this trick, your work will look very original. You will want to study it in more detail to understand all the details.

      In order for you to more accurately manage paper strips and give them the required shape, many auxiliary tools have been created that can make your work easier and make creative process more interesting and exciting.

      Throughout the entire process of creating products using the quilling technique, you should never rush.

    Basic Tools

    To make the process of making products using the quilling technique as easy as possible for the craftsman, many tools were invented. With their help you can create parts of various shapes and sizes. Moreover, the creative process itself occurs much faster.

    For this type of creativity, first of all you will need:

      The main tool of any craftsman specializing in the quilling technique is an awl with a forked tip. It can be replaced with an ordinary toothpick or a bamboo stick with a slot;

      colored paper. This can be specially purchased paper from a craft store or homemade paper, which is simply cut into separate strips;

      a stencil for quilling or a ruler with slots in the form of geometric shapes;

      tweezers, which are used to hold the twisted strip while glue is applied to it;

      scissors for cutting fringe or other small parts;

      PVA glue (it can be replaced with another quick-drying glue);




    Besides, experienced craftsmen In their work they use a fringe cutting machine, special cork boards, special combs used to create some elements, etc.

    Basic technique for creating a roll

      First of all, cut the paper into many strips of the width you require.

      Take the strip in your hands and run your fingernail over it, pressing well. This will allow it to bend and become more pliable. It will be much easier to roll it up.

      The easiest way to start learning and creating your first parts is with a tool that has a slot in the middle for fixing the edge of a paper strip. And, once you get the hang of it, you can move on to an awl or needle. If you use a special tool in your work, then it is easier to rotate it when creating a roll. If you use an awl, needle or toothpick, you will have to do the opposite - rotate the paper around the tool.

    Making a simple spiral

      First of all, take a working tool and insert a paper strip into the gap so that a small tip peeks out from the other side.

      Place the strip in your left hand, and the tool itself in your right. Fix the paper with your thumb and forefinger and at this moment begin to carefully turn the tool.

      Hold the strip, pulling it slightly. But be careful not to tear the paper.

      After you have rolled the entire strip, fix it with your finger and hold it in this position for a while so that the paper can “remember” its shape. After this, release it, it will unwind a little (this is how it should be), and eventually remove the finished part from the tool.

    Below is an illustration of how to create a “tulip” shape from a spiral.

    Basic shapes used in quilling

    In order to create bright and beautiful compositions in the future, first of all, familiarize yourself with the basic forms of quilling that are used in any work.

    In terms of shape, all basic elements are divided into tight and loose.

    Free rolls are obtained by twisting a paper strip onto a tool, and at the end of the work, the tension of the strip is released. Thanks to this method of twisting, the element can be given absolutely any shape that is needed for work. Finally, secure it with glue.

    In the case of creating tight rolls, the paper tape is twisted as tightly as possible and also fixed with glue at the end. Most often, tight rolls are placed in the center of the entire composition; they become a kind of basis for the picture. They are also used to highlight individual areas of an image. By tightly wrapping the paper strip, the color of the tight rolls becomes more intense.

    In quilling there are quite a lot of different shapes of open and closed shapes. From the illustration it can be understood that in the open form the end remains free. To make a closed-shaped roll, the end should be fixed with glue.

    To create the basic shape of a loop, you need to lightly pinch the closed shape on one side with your fingertips.

    If you pinch a drop from the other opposite side, then another one will come out. basic form- eye.

    Illustrated below are a variety of basic closed shapes that can be made using just one strip of construction paper.


    First, make a drop, then flatten the rounded side so that it becomes straight.


    This figure is also quite simple to make. First make a triangle, then press the middle of the base inward.

    Creating a Rectangle

    First, bend the spiral into the shape of an eye, as shown above. After this, bend the other two sides in the same way.

    All you have to do is align all the corners.


    To create this piece, pinch the two ends of the loose spiral. All you have to do is straighten the free space on one side between them.

    Creating a Crescent Shape

    Make a semicircle shape, and then push the middle inside the straight side.

    Making fringe

    The process of creating fringe is not at all complicated, but it takes more time.

    It is also worth focusing on creating free shapes, for the manufacture of which you do not need a closed spiral. This group of figures is different in that the tip does not need to be fixed with glue, it turns out to be free. You can come up with a large number of variations of such forms. But the main ones will be discussed here.


    To make such a figure, fold the strip in half, each strip needs to be twisted in the outer (opposite) directions.


    Take a strip of quilling paper (no need to bend it) and twist one part in one direction and the other in the opposite direction.


    To get the shape of a twig, fold the strip in an approximate ratio of 1:2, then twist both parts in the same direction.


    To make a heart, fold the strip in half and twist both parts inward.

    Flower for beginners, made using the quilling technique

    To make a simple composition, you need to prepare a double-sided colored paper, several toothpicks, thick cardboard that will be used as a background, and PVA glue.

    Take a strip of colored paper, the length of which will be about 25 cm and the width - 0.5-0.7 cm. It needs to be twisted into an ordinary spiral, which is the main element in quilling.

    Make a drop out of it, which will be used in your work as a petal and leaf.

    By clamping the spiral on both sides, you can get many eye-shaped details, which are also perfect for making flower arrangements.

    After all the elements are ready, think about how they can be arranged on the base so that the composition comes out as bright, harmonious and beautiful as possible. After this, glue all the parts to the cardboard using glue, and the quilling flower is ready.

    If we talk about diagrams of specific products, there are very few of them. However, the Internet comes to the rescue; here you can find many examples and detailed master classes on how to make paintings and other objects using the quilling technique. Knowing the basic patterns for twisting paper elements, you can easily repeat a wide variety of compositions. Moreover, having mastered the quilling technique, use your imagination and creativity to create something new, unlike anything else. Good luck in your creativity and successful experiments!

    For beginners

    What is quilling? The art of making beauty out of rolled paper strips.

    Quilling is, simply put, paper rolling. Or, as it is also called, paper filigree. Its meaning is that long, twisted strips of paper, which have been given a certain shape, are used to create compositions. For example, they can serve as a picture or decoration on a postcard. There are several basic forms used in quilling, although nothing limits the master’s imagination. But first things first.

    Materials and tools.
    What is needed for all this?
    Stripes. Where can I get them?
    The first method: cut from colored double-sided paper (office or origami). IMPORTANT: the paper should not be very thin (have low density), because when rolled, it may not hold its shape very well. The width of the strips varies from 1 mm to several centimeters. The usual width is 3-5 mm.
    The second way: buy in specialized stores. The strips are sold already cut and have a suitable density.

    Twisting tool. It is needed to roll the strips evenly and comfortably. Again, there are several ways to get it:

    First way: Let's take a regular toothpick. Cut off the narrow part from one end:

    On the remaining blunt part we will make a cut of about 5 mm, for example, with a stationery knife:

    The tool is ready.

    Second way: take the rod from ballpoint pen. Better used so that the good in the form of ink does not go to waste. Why not gel? Because the radius of its rod is quite large, and this is not good. So, we took the rod and performed the same manipulations with it as with the intended toothpick. It will turn out like this:

    Ready to use.

    Third way: buy in the store.

    Glue. PVA from a bookstore is best suited for quilling purposes. In some cases, a glue stick is needed.

    Base paper. The one on which we will glue our twisted beauty. Both plain paper and cardboard are suitable. It all depends on the product we are making.

    Scissors. It is most convenient to use small scissors with thin, sharp tips.

    Tweezers. Optional tool. Needed to hold curls and conveniently glue or apply glue. You can find it at a pharmacy or store.

    Paper rolling technique and basic forms.

    We take the tool and the strip, insert the tip of the strip into the slot of the tool and begin to wind it, creating uniform tension:

    Now carefully remove the wound strip from the tool. What happens is called a roll or spiral. If we glue the tip at this stage, we will get one of the shapes - a tight roll (tight spiral). But the most basic element in quilling is the free roll (free spiral). It is obtained when we do not immediately glue the tip of a tight spiral, but let the paper unwind to the required degree, and after that we fix the end. It is from this figure that a wide range of other shapes are obtained. Such forms are called closed. Let's look at some of them. Let me remind you that the ends are all fixed.

    A drop: center free spiral move it to one side, squeeze the other with two fingers and release.

    Triangle: make a drop, and then flatten the rounded part so that it becomes straight.

    Arrow: We make a triangle, after which we press the middle of its base inward.

    Eye (leaf): Let’s simultaneously compress the free spiral on both sides and release it.

    Rectangle: We make a leaf, and then similarly compress the two remaining sides.

    Align the corners.

    Semicircle: We pinch two areas of the free spiral and straighten the space between them on one side.

    Crescent: make a semicircle, then push through the middle of the straight area.

    Now let's talk about figures that are not obtained from the main shape and are called free. Let's look at a few. Please note that we do not fix the ends with glue anywhere.

    Horns: We take a strip, fold it in half, and twist each half outward in opposite directions.

    Curl: Without bending the strip, twist one half of it in one direction and the other half in the other.

    Twig: fold the strip in a ratio of approximately 2 to 1 and twist both parts in one direction.

    Heart: bend the strip in half and twist each half inward.

    That's all. Creative success in quilling :)

    Here is an example of a postcard made using this technique:

    Quilling basics. Manufacturing of basic elements (photo):

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