• Interesting drawings by children on the theme of February 23


    Hi all! No sooner have we celebrated one Valentine's Day than the next one is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. And, of course, the children and I are preparing for this holiday, making crafts, applications, drawings (I will post all this in the coming days). Well, today my son prepared a master class on how to draw an easy drawing for February 23 with a pencil step by step (tank). Such a drawing can be given as a holiday gift to your dad, grandfather, brother, or taken to kindergarten.

    We drew a drawing for February 23rd in order to take it to kindergarten. Despite the fact that we are now sitting at home (my husband and I temporarily decided to keep the children at home and not take them to kindergarten while ARVI and flu are spreading around the city), Lenina’s teacher asked us to draw a picture at home by February 23 and bring it to the kindergarten that we and they did it.

    First, we discussed what my son wanted to draw and how he saw the drawing. Lenya decided to draw a tank. After that, we began to draw a picture, armed with pencils and a piece of paper. Since Lena is only 6 years old, we did not choose drawings of tanks with many small details; for now we limited ourselves to a simple and light drawing. Later, if you want, we’ll try to draw a more serious model :)

    Easy drawing for February 23rd in pencil step by step for children (tank)

    What we need for drawing:

    • pencils: simple and colored
    • washing gum
    • white sheet of A4 format

    How to draw a pencil drawing of a tank:

    That's all, the easy drawing is ready for February 23rd. You can give it to your dad, grandfather, brother or take it to kindergarten.

    DIY gift ideas for February 23rd for dad

    Dad will be pleased to receive a handmade gift from his child. I suggest you read other articles, following which you can make a gift for dad:

    Did you find the article useful: Easy drawing for February 23 with a pencil step by step for children (tank)? Please click the social networks button at the bottom of the page so that I know about it) In order not to lose the article, add the page to your bookmarks so that you can make such a craft with your child later. In order not to miss new interesting, useful articles, subscribe to blog updates at the bottom of this page!

    Best regards, Olga

      Let your child draw a picture of his dad in his youth, when he served in the army (even if this did not happen, there is absolutely no need to tell your children about it). Mom can stand next to dad beautiful dress, who came to dad to congratulate him on the holiday. Celebratory planes or evening fireworks may fly above them in the sky.

      A very simple, but at the same time, nice drawing will turn out if you draw a star, a St. George ribbon and three carnations.

      In kindergarten, children draw simple drawings, you can draw a tank

      Or a drawing of an airplane and parachutists.

      Or drawing Russian flag.

      Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching. And in many kindergartens, children and their parents are offered to participate in a drawing competition dedicated to February 23. Of course, you can draw everything for your child and it will be beautiful, but it’s better to just help the child come up with something to draw. On the theme of February 23, they usually draw tanks, soldiers, and sailors.

      On this site I found a lot of children's drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can steal an idea from the ones you like and make something similar.

      Or you can copy it from regular greeting cards.

      And many more examples of drawings or postcards can be found at this request.

      We need examples of such drawings so that the child can draw them, so that he doesn’t give up when he sees an example - it’s too difficult and I can’t do it.

      In principle, children’s imagination works quite well, and they themselves are able to come up with objects - this is even better, since children must develop imagination and the ability to come up with different images.

      But I can recommend examples of postcards:

      There are many ideas for different simple drawings.

      Find free time and draw something with your child dedicated to this wonderful holiday of real men.

      Here are different ideas for such drawings:

      Always on February 23, kindergartens prepare for this holiday. The children draw pictures dedicated to this day for their fathers and grandfathers. You can draw military equipment- helicopters, planes, tanks and ships.

      If you don’t have the opportunity to draw yourself, you don’t have talent, then the Internet can help. You can print the card and decorate it to your liking.

      Because the drawing is for kindergarten The child will most likely do this on his own, then you need to try to make the image as simple as possible - here is an example (you will probably have to help make an even inscription):

      The following airplane can be depicted as the central element of the picture:

      Or a tank:

      You can complement the drawing with an image of the Russian flag, St. George's ribbon and/or flowers.

      I have always loved to draw, and now I also enjoy helping my children with drawings for school and kindergarten. Draw with him a tank or other military vehicle, a war show (children love to draw), a soldier with a flag and flowers, and around him there are fireworks; dad in military uniform.

      In our time, tanks were painted. And most importantly, peaceful skies and happy parents with baby. Boys love to draw war. Just show a few drawings and the child will choose what he likes. But the main thing is that dad defeats everyone. And dad is pleased and the child will be proud of his father.

      By February 23, you can draw with your child for an exhibition in kindergarten something from military equipment.

      For example, a tank beloved by boys (both big and small).

      It will be easy to draw a tank if you take a cartoon tank as a model.

      Let's draw a tank step by step.

      We start with the caterpillars, first the general outlines, then more and more in detail.

      The next stage is to draw a tank turret, consisting of two parts.

      Then we draw the barrel.

      When the pencil drawing is completely ready, we will erase the extra lines with an eraser and give the child the opportunity to start coloring the tank.

      the tank can be painted with wax crayons, colored pencils, oil pastels, and if the drawing is made on thick paper, then with paints.

    Click Class

    Tell VK

    Initially, February 23 was still considered a holiday for those men who are associated with the military sphere. Now, this is a holiday for all males, so everyone needs to be congratulated: grandfathers, fathers, brothers. And, most importantly, put a piece of your soul into this congratulation, so I want to come up with something original and solemn.

    Of course, more often such cards are made by children; mothers only supervise the progress of the work. But you can turn it into a masterpiece if you use different techniques and call on the entire reserve of your accuracy. By the way, there is one for this holiday.

    I want to inspire you different ideas, so that you put aside your business and get creative.

    In our kindergarten, children are not yet given homework; they try to make themed greetings themselves, but sometimes the child himself asks on the weekend to make an applique or a postcard. Then you also have to look for ideas that are not difficult to repeat, but also show the child how aesthetically pleasing the result looks.

    Of course, most often children remember that they need to make a postcard when they go to bed, and it needs to be submitted tomorrow. So let's look at a few easy ideas that will take no more than half an hour of your time together to implement.

    For example, create a greeting with a three-dimensional Russian flag. I know that at this age kids still cannot cut straight along the lines, so you will have to prepare the blanks in advance.

    Use scissors with jagged edges.

    The cardboard is folded in half and a backing is glued to the front side.

    A black strip is glued diagonally, which will serve as the basis for the flag.

    Three stripes of the same size (about 4 cm) in the colors of the Russian flag are cut separately: white, blue, red.

    These strips are glued only at the ends, creating a small arch.

    If it is difficult for a child to explain how to make such a flag, then use a simplified version.

    Take red paper and toothpicks.

    Cut a small strip of paper measuring 3*1 cm and fold it in half.

    Make two cuts near the edge that did not become folded and glue this flag to the toothpick.

    It's very easy to replicate the following idea.

    You will need two strips of cardboard of the same width, but different lengths. A number is cut out from one edge. Next, glue both halves at the beginning.

    I also liked one idea. In terms of execution, the result is a very mature and strict design. But it is also done quickly.

    We roll up the cardboard - the base.

    We take smaller paper and cut out a star and a slot in the middle for the inscription.

    Before gluing the two sides, write text in the place where the slot is.

    You can mark this place with a pencil.

    How to make voluminous cards for school with your own hands

    Volumetric congratulations always look more original than the usual flat ones. But it also takes more time to create them. They have more details, so these options are more suitable for schoolchildren.

    For example, the idea with a boat and an anchor looks very nice.

    To do this, you can print a template, cut out the ship, waves and anchor according to the internal diagrams.

    Transfer the drawing to colored paper and carefully repeat the inner lines of the drawing with a stationery knife.

    Then you need to bend the cardboard in color and place it with the fold up.

    Glue paper with a cut out ship onto the front side of the cardboard. You can use contrasting cardboard.

    Paste a white sheet of paper inside on which you can write a congratulation.

    Interesting options with three-dimensional images balloons and ships.

    For example, on this postcard a boat is made using the origami technique. And on the basis of it the entire composition is created.

    Here detailed diagram, in what order the sheet should be folded.

    Or such an interesting option with a 3D ship.

    I would also like to show you a sweet version of a three-dimensional congratulation.

    I think that our defenders will definitely appreciate this!

    Beautiful congratulations from paper for dad on February 23

    I would also like to congratulate dad in a very unusual way. For example, giving a card that requires very painstaking work.

    To create it, you need to take a sheet of cardboard and bend it in half.

    Then draw 3 squares, measuring 2.5 * 2.5 cm. Inside which you can draw thematic objects: anchor, steering wheel, balloon, plane, ship, watch or star. You can draw it yourself, but I’ll give you a template.

    Then carefully cut along the contour with a sharp blade or stationery knife.

    Paste a congratulation printed on a white sheet of paper inside.

    You can make a card in the form of a shirt and tie.

    They are different, for example, those with a drawn tie.

    Or with a jacket.

    You will see a template for such a postcard just below in the corresponding section.

    Let's create such an orange, bright postcard ourselves.

    For this we need double-sided cardboard and one sheet of colored paper.

    Fold the sheet in half. On the front side, at the fold, we make a cut at a distance of 3 cm from the edge.

    From the back side of the sheet we completely cut off a line 3 cm wide. This way the collar of the shirt will protrude above the postcard.

    Now we also retreat 3 cm from the sides and make horizontal cuts 3 cm long. We bend their ends inward.

    It's time for the tie.

    We need a square of double-sided colored paper, measuring 15*15 cm.
    We fold it diagonally.

    Then we turn the ends to the resulting fold.

    Turn the tip up.

    Now we turn the end inward, as in the photo.

    We bend the edges towards ourselves and push them inside with our finger.

    Now we reduce the width of the free edge of the tie by tucking the sides.

    We glue the resulting part onto the postcard.

    Contrasting colors look very nice: black and white.

    Also, to achieve greater similarity, use a sheet of velvet paper as a basis.

    DIY greeting cards using scrapbooking technique

    Congratulations created using the scrapbooking technique are very rich and unusual.

    When many different parts with different textures are used. Anything will do here: wallpaper, twine, buttons, wood. Of course, it is better to choose a color scheme that combines well with different colors.

    You can even sew it on sewing machine some decoration elements.

    I also like the option of wooden cards. But due to the fact that not everyone knows how to cut from it and does not have a special milling machine, let’s take this design as a basis. And we will replace the wood with thick cardboard, which is sold in stores for handicrafts and creativity.

    Or such a cool idea.

    Because this card looks very noble and expensive.

    Schemes and templates for postcards for February 23

    I have prepared several templates with congratulatory inscriptions. Which you can print and use in your creativity.

    Template for creating a star for this greeting.

    Take a sheet of paper and stick two strips on it for the St. George ribbon.

    Then cut out the star according to the template.

    You tuck its edges using your finger and a ruler. Then, using the same ruler, we bend each ray of the star in half.

    You need to start along a line from top to bottom. As in the photo. This will make 5 lines from each end.

    Now we make these lines more visible with our fingers and begin to glue the star to the blank with St. George ribbons.

    All that remains is to cut out only one star and find the right place for it in the overall picture.

    Now I want to show the inscription options.

    This template can be printed on colored paper.

    Another idea for congratulations.

    Set of fonts.

    Also a diagram for cutting out an airplane.

    Template for unusual cards. Figures in squares need to be cut out.

    Scheme of a small postcard.

    Template for a postcard - a jacket.

    Take note of ready-made solutions.

    Original applications for Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Nowadays, applications with congratulations using the origami technique are very popular.

    Here is a diagram for creating a greeting in the form of a shirt.

    Here is another very cute idea for an applique in the shape of hands.

    We will need two sheets of cardboard.

    Trace your left arm and cut it out.

    And we fold it in half, then in half again, to make a small accordion. We tuck the ends because we will glue them to our palms.

    Now you need to decorate the front side of the applique.

    Glue the edge of the accordion to one palm, the other edge to the other palm.

    The applique is not at all complicated, but it will be very interesting for children to make.

    Options original postcards for men there are a lot, the main thing is to choose the one that best suits the character of your men.

    For example, our dad perceives this holiday purely in the colors of camouflage and vest, so we choose the color background of the cards accordingly.

    If you do not want to focus on the military past of the holiday, then you can create such interesting options with stylized features of a man: hat, monocle, mustache or cane.

    I would like to know your opinion on the entire selection of ideas. Bookmark the article to repeat your favorite illustration with children.


    Tell VK

    Conducting a competition at school on February 23rd is usually based on competition between students. During an art lesson, students must draw the proposed drawing step by step by February 23 and add any supporting details to it. Using a simple blank allows you to easily take it as a basis, which will then be detailed and become brighter and more original. As a template for school, you can use a drawing for February 23, which depicts a tank in a simplified manner.

    Materials for drawing for the school competition on February 23

    • white paper A4;
    • simple and colored pencils;
    • ruler (optional).

    Master class on creating a drawing by February 23rd for a competition with step-by-step photos

    1. Half of an oval is depicted, divided into three equal vertical parts. Inside the blank, another small uneven oval is depicted, which will become the basis for the tank caterpillar.

    2. Inside, the oval is duplicated by another, smaller one. In the side parts, highlighted earlier, wheels are depicted from one large and one small circle (guide and drive wheels).

    3. In the central part another pair of wheels is drawn (the tank's road wheels). The distance between all 4 circles should be the same. The base of the cabin is added on top.

    4. The tank turret itself is drawn towards the base of the cabin. A cannon is added to it.

    5. The last step will be the image of the exhaust pipe. Additionally, you can depict a soldier looking out of a tank or detail the equipment. Next, all that remains is to paint the tank and the background.

    Examples and ideas of drawings for February 23 for school competitions

    As one of the options, you can use the considered drawing for February 23 for the competition. But you can try your hand at creating a beautiful image with other works. The most attractive and simple examples include the following:

    Beautiful pencil drawing for February 23rd - step by step for children in school and kindergarten

    It is difficult for children from kindergarten and primary school students to draw technology with numerous small details. Therefore, they can draw a drawing on the theme of February 23rd with simplified shapes. For example, a small helicopter is perfect for this purpose. It can be drawn either by hand or using a ruler. This will help make the lines clear and even. This drawing is suitable for February 23rd for children 4-8 years old.

    Materials for children's drawings for February 23 at school and kindergarten

    • simple colored pencils;
    • A4 sheet of paper;
    • ruler (optional).

    Step-by-step instructions for drawing by February 23 with a pencil for children

    A simple drawing with paints for February 23rd in kindergarten - with step-by-step videos

    It is quite difficult for children to draw a picture for February 23rd beautifully and accurately with paints. younger age. But with simple and understandable images, step by step instructions do original gift dad or draw a picture for the competition is not difficult. Among the proposed video master classes you can see beautiful drawing on February 23 in kindergarten and school. All of them do not include small parts and are quickly created. For the youngest children, a simple drawing for dad on February 23rd, which will depict a portrait of the head of the family, will be ideal. This option is optimal for painting with both watercolor and gouache.

    A beautiful and cute drawing for February 23rd is perfect for congratulating dad. The picture can depict a portrait of daddy, a tank, and an airplane. Such images are perfect for creating holiday card. You can draw a picture by February 23 with both paints and pencils: despite the types of materials used, the finished image will be bright and original. Among the considered ideas and examples, you can find many options with step by step photos and videos that are suitable for drawing at home and for preparing a drawing for a competition at school or kindergarten. All of them correspond to the theme of Defender of the Fatherland Day and will help you quickly and easily create a festive picture.

    According to established tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day it is customary to congratulate not only military personnel and combat veterans, but also all men and even boys. It is especially gratifying that this wonderful tradition is instilled in children from an early age. Postcards and drawings with pencils and paints with congratulatory inscriptions are prepared in kindergartens and schools to give to beloved fathers and grandfathers on February 23. Often held and thematic competitions children's art competitions, where participants demonstrate their artistic talents. But a child’s drawing for February 23 is not just an image of holiday symbols with congratulatory inscriptions, but also a sign of respect. A sign of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, brave warriors and real men! Next you will find simple step-by-step master classes drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, which are suitable for kindergarten and primary school.

    The first thematic pencil drawings for dads and grandfathers in the form of symbolic tanks and airplanes on February 23. Children learn to draw step by step in kindergarten. There they will learn for the first time what kind of holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day is and why it is so important to congratulate your close men on this day. And symbolic drawings help them get a correct idea of ​​the holiday as a whole. Next, we offer you a simple master class on step-by-step pencil drawing for dad in kindergarten “Tank” on February 23, 2017, which even the youngest pupils can master.

    • album sheet
    • black thin pencil or gel pen
    • colour pencils
    • eraser
  • Let's start drawing the tank from the barrel. To do this, draw two parallel lines 4-5 cm long in the middle of the sheet and leave approximately 1 cm between them. On the left we will connect the lines in a semicircle, and on the right we will draw the beginning of the barrel.
  • Now let's move on to drawing the tower. Approximately 2 cm below and to the right of the muzzle, draw the base - two parallel lines 10-12 cm in length. Draw a semicircle above the base and connect it to the barrel.
  • At the next stage we draw the caterpillars. To do this, below the base of the tower we draw the silhouette of the caterpillars, as shown in the photo below.
  • In the middle of the base of the caterpillars we draw 5 circles and paint them black. We draw a five-pointed star on the tower.
  • In conclusion, we draw the silhouette of a waving flag on the tower.
  • All that remains is to color the finished drawing with colored pencils and add congratulatory inscription"Since February 23." You can give such a drawing to your dad in a postcard for Defender of the Fatherland Day or decorate a greeting poster with such a tank.
  • Originally, February 23 was the Day Soviet army And Navy, so the image of a warship can be safely used for a children’s congratulatory drawing for school. Just like a tank or an airplane, a drawing of a warship can be an excellent stand-alone gift or design for a greeting poster. Learn more about how to master the “Warship” drawing for children on February 23 to school step by step from the next master class.

    • album sheet
    • black felt-tip pen
    • pastels or colored pencils, paints
  • We conditionally divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Below, a wavy line denotes the surface of the water. We draw the stern on top, as shown in the photo.
  • Ahead at the stern we draw a cannon. In the middle of the stern we draw the captain's cabin and radar.
  • At the next stage, we draw a battery of torpedoes and portholes, as in the next photo.
  • Add an image of a developing flag. You can also draw several checkmarks that imitate the silhouettes of seagulls. Add a congratulatory inscription if desired.
  • We move on to coloring the picture: we paint the water blue, and the warship blue-gray. We make sure to decorate the flag in national colors. Drawing of a warship for February 23rd for school - ready!
  • A variant of a themed pencil drawing for February 23rd for children called “Defender,” which you will find in the master class below, is perfect for the competition. It can also be used for decoration greeting card with your own hands or wall newspapers at school. Detailed master class based on the drawing “Defender” on February 23 for a pencil competition for children further.

    • album sheet
    • colored pencils, felt-tip pens
    • simple pencil
    • eraser
    • ruler
  • As you might guess, the figure “Defender” will depict a valiant military man. Divide a sheet of paper vertically in half. We sketch for the head and shoulders.
  • Based on the markings, we draw the silhouette of a soldier. We draw the head, neck and shoulders in detail. Then we make sketches of the winter uniform - a hat with earflaps and a pea coat.
  • We draw the face, details of the uniform and hands.
  • Our defender will be holding a machine gun in his hands. We start drawing the weapon from a sketch and gradually add small details, as in the photo below.
  • At the next stage, we add the protective coloring of the form and the background.
  • To the left of the soldier we draw the inscription “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.” We continue to detail the background.
  • Color the drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
  • Now you know that it’s not at all difficult to create a holiday drawing for February 23rd with your own hands as a gift for dad, for a competition or an exhibition. And our simple step-by-step master classes on drawings with pencils and paints for Defender of the Fatherland Day can easily be used for kindergarten and school. And if you want to draw a funny themed drawing dedicated to February 23, then pay attention to the option for children from the video below.

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