• The fake snowflake is unusual. Here are examples of patterns for cutting out simple snowflakes from paper. Blue and white snowflake made of modules


    A New Year's snowflake can be made from paper, pasta, and even from the base of a toilet paper roll.

    There are many ways to make a paper snowflake. You will learn how to make a regular and three-dimensional snowflake. Connect the kids and let's get started. You will definitely succeed.

    How to make a snowflake with your own hands

    1. Prepare a square sheet of paper and fold it in half, diagonally.

    2. Fold the resulting triangle in half again.

    3. Notice how the new triangle is formed. This is done by eye. The main thing is that one side of the triangle touches the opposite fold.

    4. Cut off the bottom of the shape and you can draw an outline along which you will further cut

    Here are some pattern options.

    How to make a snowflake (video)

    Step 1: make the blanks

    Step 2: draw a pattern and cut out a snowflake

    How to make a voluminous snowflake

    You will need:

    Paper of any color (preferably not too thin);
    - scissors;
    - stapler (you can use glue or tape);
    - a simple pencil;
    - ruler.

    1. Prepare 6 squares of paper. The squares must be the same size. Bend each square in half, diagonally.

    * If you want to make a small snowflake, then the side of each square can be 10 cm, and if large, then the whole 25 cm. For large snowflakes, it is better to use thick paper. For beginners, it is advisable to make the first snowflake small.

    2. Using a ruler and pencil, mark 3 parallel lines. The distance between each line should be the same. When making a large snowflake, you can make more stripes.

    * In the image, the lines are drawn with a red felt-tip pen to make it easier to see.

    3. Using scissors, start cutting the paper from the edge, not reaching a little to the middle (about 3-5mm).

    4. Unfold the paper back into a square and start rolling the first row of strips into a tube (see picture).

    * Strips can be fastened with a stapler or glue.

    5. Turn the paper over to the other side and fasten the next two strips, also fastening them with a stapler, glue or tape.

    6. Turn the snowflake over again and connect the last strips.

    7. The same process must be repeated with the remaining five paper squares.

    8. When all the parts of the snowflake are ready, they need to be connected in the middle with a stapler. First you need to connect half of the snowflake, that is, 3 of its parts, and then the remaining 3 parts.

    9. Staple both halves together, as well as all the places where the snowflakes touch. This way the snowflake will not lose its shape.

    10. Start decorating the snowflake the way you want. You can use stickers, glitter, etc.

    * Yours beautiful craft You can hang it on a window, wall, or Christmas tree.

    How to make a big snowflake from paper strips

    You will need:

    Thick paper of any color;
    - scissors;
    - glue.

    1. Cut 12 strips of paper 1cm wide and 20cm long.

    * You can slightly increase the size of the strips - width 1.5cm, length 30cm.

    2. Fold the two strips crosswise in the middle and glue them together as shown in the picture.

    3. Add 2 more strips vertically and horizontally, intertwine them and attach them together.

    4. Glue the corner strips together as shown in the picture. We get this figure, which represents half a snowflake. Using the same technology, prepare the other half of the snowflake.

    5. Now it's time to glue the halves together. To do this, you need to rotate each one 45 degrees. Glue the loose strips to the corresponding corners of the petals (see picture).

    * You can glue the halves in the middle so that the snowflake looks like a flower.

    Making beautiful snowflakes from pasta

    You will need:

    Pasta of various shapes;
    - glue;
    - acrylic paints;
    - brush;
    - decorations to taste (glitter, stickers, artificial snow (you can use sugar or salt instead), etc.);

    * To make it easier, place the pasta on a large flat plate.

    * To avoid staining the table with glue and paint, cover it with paper.

    1. Before you start making a snowflake, you need to come up with a shape, i.e. what it will look like. At this stage, it is also worth considering what form will be durable and will not come apart.

    2. Once you've come up with a shape, you can start gluing. IN in this case Moment glue is used, but if you don’t have it, you can try replacing it with PVA glue.

    2.1 Drain the inner circle of the snowflake first. After this, you need to leave the glue to dry and this small part of the snowflake to get stronger.

    2.2 Start gluing the next circle.

    * Using the same scheme, you can “build” several circles, but remember that the material is fragile, which means you shouldn’t get excited and make huge snowflakes.

    2.3 After gluing, leave your snowflakes for a day.

    3. Time to paint the snowflake. For this you can use acrylic paint. Maybe, the best option There will be paint in a can, but it is better to apply it outdoors and not indoors.

    * You should not use gouache - not only will it take longer to dry, but it may also crack if applied in a thick layer.

    *If you're using acrylic paint, you'll also want to choose a brush that can get into all the crevices pasta.

    * It is advisable to have several brushes different sizes, for comfort. If necessary, you can apply a second coat of paint.

    4. Decorating a snowflake. You can use glitter or artificial snow, for example.

    * Snowflakes do not dry quickly, so it is better not to rush to hang them on the Christmas tree immediately after making them. You can hang such snowflakes both on the Christmas tree and on the wall.

    How to make a snowflake from a toilet paper reel

    One such reel is enough for just one snowflake.

    Press the bobbin down and cut it into 8 equal pieces (each about 1 cm high).

    Simply glue the resulting rings together.

    Now you can decorate your snowflake as you wish.

    How to make a very beautiful snowflake from buttons or rhinestones

    09/18/2017 by Detki-malavki

    On New Year's Eve, most families try to decorate their home. original crafts reproduced with your own hands. Therefore, they look for suitable ideas that can be repeated from available items, looking at the step-by-step instructions.

    That is why in today’s article we decided to make the task of our readers easier by talking about the most important decor related directly to winter and New Year's fairy tale- snowflakes. Below are examples of manufacturing in various techniques and materials varying in complexity and size.

    Paper snowflakes for New Year 2018, 20 New Year ideas

    Not only children, but also adults love to craft with paper. Therefore, a good and simple idea would be to cut out small, medium and large snowflakes to decorate your apartment or home. They will serve as the basis for creating hanging garlands or become beautiful decor For window glass or curtains. Well, to make the masterpiece look skillful, it is important to print the template in advance, prepare scissors and white, silver, blue or gold paper.

    The stencils suggested below can be made by a child as well. homework for kindergarten or labor lessons in primary school schools.

    Snowflakes from pasta, master class in the photo

    In order to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree, you don’t have to spend money on buying expensive Christmas tree decorations. Just turn it on creative imagination to make a masterpiece with your own hands that no one else will have. For example, from the same pasta that is sold in any store in the cereal department.

    • pasta various shapes: cones, vermicelli, spiral, snails, fusilli, spaghetti, ravioli, farfalle, etc.;
    • glue;
    • small or sea ​​salt(you can also use glitter);
    • acrylic paint.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1) To make a snowflake from pasta, just connect all the elements on a flat surface so that you get beautiful work.

    2) After all the elements have been connected, they must be glued to each other so that the shape remains smooth and beautiful, as it was originally.

    3) If the product is well glued, then it can be painted with white paint and sprinkled with sparkles to give them additional shine.

    4) After drying, the finished product can be hung on a satin ribbon and hung on a green beauty - a Christmas tree.

    New Year's snowflakes made from toothpaste and brushes, master class in the photo

    A snowflake on the window will give any room an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. However, in order not to spoil the glass and to easily wash it after the holidays, it is better to use proven techniques, such as: protruding or toothpaste. But if the first allows you to reproduce even paintings, the second allows you to reproduce exclusively individual objects, such as snowflakes.

    Items required for crafting:

    • stationery scissors;
    • A4 paper;
    • a simple pencil or black pen;
    • 1/2 sponge for washing dishes;
    • toothpaste (you can use the cheapest one);
    • convenient plate;
    • old toothbrush.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1) Draw a snowflake on a white sheet with a pencil and cut it out with scissors.

    2) Wet a sponge with warm water and wipe it over the surface of the glass where the snowflake will be applied.

    3) Apply to this place ready-made template and wet it with gentle movements using a sponge so that it sticks.

    4) Do not dilute a large number of tooth. paste with warm water so that the finished mass is not too thick and liquid.

    5) Using a toothbrush, spray the induced solution along the contours of the snowflake and inside.

    6) Let it dry a little, and then remove the paper snowflake.

    Snowflake made of glue, master class in the photo

    Oddly enough, New Year's crafts can be made not only from improvised materials, but also from glue. To do this, it is enough to allocate 30-40 minutes of free time, having prepared the following items in advance before starting work: hot glue and PVA, a thick bag, stationery scissors, glitter, satin ribbon or rope, and a brush.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1) On a bag that is sure not to melt, draw a snowflake using hot glue.

    2) After the glue has dried, remove it using running water.

    3) Cut off all the irregularities with your own hands and give the crafts a skillful appearance.

    4) Cover the snowflake with PVA glue and glitter.

    5) Hang the finished product on the Christmas tree or decorate a window with it.

    DIY beaded snowflake

    On the eve of the New Year 2018, with the help of beads you can make not only a snowflake, but also the symbol of the Chinese horoscope - the Dog. However, if even a child can reproduce the first craft, the second craft cannot always be repeated by a master. Therefore, we suggest starting with an easy one...


    • snow-white beads and blue color;
    • thin wire;
    • wire cutters;

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1) Cut the wire into 10 even pieces, making a hook on each to hold the beads.

    2) String beads and glass beads onto each part, repeating the pattern of the snowflake shown in the photo below.

    3) Leave 0.5 mm empty at the end, connect all the parts together and twist.

    4) Trim off the excess wire using wire cutters and ready product hang it on a satin ribbon or string.

    DIY 3D paper snowflake

    You can hang a voluminous snowflake from the ceiling, which will give the interior airiness and lightness. And thanks to the 3D effect, it will seem more multifaceted and interesting.


    • ruler;
    • black pen;
    • 6-8 sheets of white A4 paper;
    • stationery scissors;
    • stapler

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1) Cut all the sheets into even squares, and then bend each one so that you get a triangle.

    2) Make several cuts at a distance of 2 cm, up to 3 cm long.

    3) Connect the cut cuts together using a stapler.

    4) Do the same with the rest of the petals, and then connect them together.

    What other snowflakes can you make for the New Year 2018?

    There are many variations of snowflakes, the main thing is to choose the option that will bring only benefit and not torment. Therefore, if none of the above crafts are suitable, you can try to make a snowflake with your own hands from other materials:

    • rubber bands;
    • felt;
    • plasticine;
    • cotton wool;
    • satin ribbons;
    • balls;
    • thread;
    • napkins;
    • polystyrene foam;
    • gypsum;
    • newspapers;
    • newspaper tubes;
    • bottles;
    • bushings;
    • glaze;
    • salt dough;
    • disk;
    • rain;
    • isolona;
    • origami;
    • ear sticks;
    • foil;
    • plywood.

    Beautiful snowflakes made of paper for the New Year 2018, master class in the photo:

    Greetings, dear readers. Paper snowflakes are one of the simplest and available options decorate your home or Christmas tree. Let's try to make a paper snowflake together different ways.

    There are quite a lot of ways. You can use the simplest methods, or you can do a complex one three-dimensional figure. We will consider the most interesting options and not very complicated. These snowflakes can be used to decorate your home or take crafts to kindergartens or schools.

    What is the most important thing in making paper snowflakes? Are you thinking paper or scissors? No. The most important thing is the mood. Without this, nothing will work out as it should.

    One more important point- make snowflakes with your children. They really like this, and let the child do something himself, and you just help. Make a sample yourself and show your child how to do it. You just need to be careful with the scissors. Let's keep an eye on this.

    So my son and I decided to make some snowflakes. It's nice when a child says: “I myself!” I myself, dad." OK. Let's start with the most simple products and we will further complicate the process. We will need: paper, scissors and pencil.

    Write in the comments what kind of snowflakes you make and whether you can make such snowflakes as described below.

    How to make simple paper snowflakes in different ways.

    The most important thing is that to make a snowflake out of paper, you need to fold it correctly. It turns out there are several ways to fold it. Although before I knew only one way and always cut it that way at school.

    There are at least three ways to fold paper, which will result in a different number of edges. Let's start with the simplest. All these snowflakes can be made from any paper, colored or polished, or whatever, it doesn’t matter, it’s whatever you want. The main thing is to make a square at the beginning and then follow the pattern.

    We did all this with the child, but I think everything will be quite clear and visible.

    Tetrahedral snowflakes.

    The simplest option, we did these in kindergarten and in primary school. Very convenient and simple for small children.

    Here's a simple diagram:

    This is how we do it:

    Snowflake with four sides
    1. First, bend the square diagonally to make a square.
    2. Then fold it in half and in half again.
    3. Now draw a pattern with a pencil and cut it out. You can immediately draw, as you wish.
    4. Carefully unfold it and here is a snowflake.

    By the way, the templates that we will describe below are all perfect for any folding method, so choose any one or draw it yourself as you like. And use different folding methods to make a paper snowflake in different ways, it will turn out more interesting.

    1. We also fold the square diagonally.
    2. Then we fold it in half and unfold it. This is necessary to mark the center. Now we lower the upper corner to the edge down, it turns out we fold it in half and unfold it.
    3. Now we take the same corner and fold it to the middle (the fold that was noted above). Let's expand.
    4. Now we fold the left and right corners so that they touch the top short line. See picture.
    5. Now, as in the picture, we bend the right and left sides.
    6. Cut off the bottom part.
    7. We draw a picture, cut off the excess and carefully unfold it.


    Option 1:

    1. Now let's fold it in half again and straighten it out. A clear center will appear on the largest side.
    2. Then you need to bend the left and right corners as in the photo, in the center we marked there should be an acute corner, and the triangles should be exactly the same.
      If you have a protractor, you can draw lines from the center at 60º and 120º, respectively; the edges of the corners should be placed on these lines.
    3. Now we fold everything in half and cut off the excess.
    4. Draw and carefully cut out.

    Option 2:

    1. Fold the square diagonally.
    2. Fold it in half again.
    3. Now left and right side fold as in the picture, the angles are also 60º and 120º. You should also end up with two identical triangles. Cut off the excess.

    This type of snowflake is the most common. It is quite simple and the snowflake looks beautiful.

    Octagonal snowflake.

    This way you can roll a snowflake, but cutting it out is difficult, although it looks even more interesting.

    1. Fold the square diagonally.
    2. Then in half.
    3. Another half.
    4. And in half again.
    5. Cut out the design and carefully unfold it.

    And from them you can make volumetric sprocket. To do this, you just need to cut out several identical templates, glue them together and you get a wonderful three-dimensional snowflake. Here's an example:

    Here are some templates for drawings.

    How to make a paper snowflake in kirigami style.

    There is nothing complicated in this format; we make it like a regular hexagonal star according to option 1. Everything is in the pattern. We make slits and when we unfold the snowflake, we bend some of the edges and we get a three-dimensional snowflake. It turns out very beautifully.

    Here are examples of drawings:

    How to cut beautiful snowflakes with your own hands

    When you already have an understanding of how this is done, you can come up with your own patterns. Don't be afraid to experiment.

    Snowflake made of paper strips.

    Another very simple way to make a snowflake out of paper is to use paper strips. It’s simple enough that you can do it with your child. Only an adult needs to cut out the strips first.

    We will need:

    • Identical strips - 12 pieces (0.5 cm by 10 cm or 1 cm by 20 cm);
    • Scissors;
    • You can glue it with a stapler to make it faster.

    Using scissors, cut out 12 identical strips. you can take a width of 0.5 cm and a height of 10 cm. If you want a larger snowflake, then double the size.

    Now we put 6 strips crosswise according to the pattern and glue them together.

    We glue the outer strips together, see the picture.

    We make a second star exactly the same.

    Glue two of them together and you get a snowflake.

    Here's a snowflake made from paper strips

    Thus, we have a simple but beautiful three-dimensional snowflake. Can be made in different colors and from different materials.

    Here's another way to do it:

    Volumetric 3D paper snowflake.

    Now let's try to make it a little more complicated. Although any child can cope with such a task.

    We will need:

    • Paper (thick);
    • Scissors;
    • Stationery knife;
    • Ruler;
    • Scotch tape or glue;
    • Stapler.

    Step 1.

    First we will make 6 identical squares. Can also be used in different ways colored paper. But it needs to be dense so that the snowflake holds its shape.

    Step 2.

    Now we bend all the squares diagonally. We make 3 cuts on each side facing each other. But leave a gap of about 1 cm between the cuts.

    Step 3.

    Now let's unfold it. Glue the middle. Then we turn it over and glue the nearest strips on the other side.

    We turn it over again and glue the nearest strips. Turn over again and glue the strips together. The result is a beautiful three-dimensional figure.

    Step 4.

    Now we do the same with the remaining five squares.

    Step 5.

    We fasten three figures together at the very bottom (at the tip).

    Step 6.

    We fasten two figures together. Now the snowflake is ready. If you get a large snowflake, then you can also staple 6 separate figures on the sides. This way it will be more stable.

    Snowflakes using quilling technique.

    This is already more complex technology, which requires more perseverance, but opens up a huge world for imagination. Quilling is the art of making different shapes from strips of paper, twisted into a spiral and glued together with glue. This is how you can describe it.

    What you will need for this:

    1. Paper strips. Various thicknesses: from 3 mm to 10 mm. The volume of the figure depends on the thickness.
    2. A stick with an eye is the main tool in this matter. They wrap strips with it. If this is not the case, then you can use a regular awl or pencil.
    3. PVA glue.
    4. Toothpick for applying glue. Or something like that.
    5. Stencils for different circles. There is a ruler with stencils of different diameters of circles.

    Here it is different kinds details, how to make details, such as a drop, an oval or a heart.

    And this is how it might turn out:

    Another snowflake using the quilling technique

    The video describes in more detail how to make a snowflake.

    Or here’s another way to make a snowflake out of paper using quilling.

    But this method is simpler, for beginners, one might say.

    Snowflake made of paper using origami technique.

    This is the most difficult version of the technique for making snowflakes, and indeed any paper figures. Now you will need not only patience, but also a lot of time and experience.

    Of course, it may not work out the first time, but everything will definitely work out on the second try and beyond. The main thing is to learn how to make modules. And from these modules it will be easier to do everything.

    To make it easier, use thin paper. The thinner it is, the easier it is to do.

    First, you can try to make a snowflake according to this pattern:

    Origami style develops motor skills very well. After all, the module needs to do a lot))).

    Try to make this miracle according to the scheme:

    Each module fits well together. Therefore, after the first figure according to the scheme, you can come up with your own version of collecting snowflakes.

    I wish you success in your creative process.

    How else can you make a snowflake out of paper?

    You can make a paper snowflake in other ways, you just need to use your imagination and do it. Here's an example of how easy it is to make a snowflake out of stripes:

    Or you can cut out a snowflake from colored thick paper and glue pieces of paper onto it, twisted onto a thin brush or toothpick. Here's the principle:

    And this miracle happens:

    Or you can simply roll up cones from colored paper and glue them in a circle, alternating and decorating, to create a beautiful New Year’s snowflake.

    That's all for me, leave your comments, see you in new articles.

    How to cut beautiful snowflakes with your own hands, snowflake patterns. updated: December 20, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

    There is less and less time left to think through New Year's decor. If you have not yet stocked up on decorations for your home, we advise you not to rush into shopping, but try to make exquisite accessories yourself.

    From paper sheets you will get original three-dimensional snowflakes. They can be used to decorate a New Year tree, windows, doors, walls, ceilings and even a festive table.

    Let's look at the most interesting schemes How to make voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands.

    Volumetric paper snowflake, photo

    Snowflake made of swirling elements

    Many people know this idea of ​​how to make a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands, and it is extremely popular due to its simplicity. Most often, this technique is used to create large snowflakes for room decor, but you can easily make small details for the Christmas tree from several component elements. Let's find out the details.

    To create crafts we need scissors, a ruler and a pencil, a stapler and glue. As the main material, use sheets of paper cut into six identical squares. The diagonal of the square fragments will represent the radius of the finished snowflake.

    Advice: It’s better to stock up on paper of several shades to make the snowflakes multi-colored.

    To make voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands New Year According to the scheme, just follow a few steps:

    When the snowflake is completely ready, decorate it with sparkles or paints, if necessary, and also secure a loop of ribbon or wide thread at one end. You will get a bright and elegant decoration, and when using white paper, a delicate and charming winter accessory.

    Watch the video on how to make a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands to find out the details of creating such a decoration:

    Volumetric snowflakes from sketches

    We offer to diversify your holiday decor - and make voluminous paper snowflakes for children using templates and diagrams with your own hands. The easiest way to do this is by using several identical sketches, which are fixed in the center to create a multi-layered decoration or stacked with each other like a book.

    The appearance of such snowflakes will be easy to think through on your own. If you don’t have any ideas, use ready-made ones and print out patterns for voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands.

    You can get equally charming snowflakes if you create stencils by folding paper into an accordion. In this case, the sheet must be folded in half - and only after that give it the desired shape.

    Draw the diagram of the future snowflake with a pencil, since it is very important to maintain its proportionality.

    If you have difficulty cutting out a figure from thick paper folded into several parts, draw half or a quarter of it with a pencil. All the components will then need to be glued together.

    Little children really enjoy cutting and gluing these crafts. But it’s better to help them and draw an original pattern together. Snowflakes of the type shown in the photo can be hung separately or combined into a long hanging garland.

    A video will help you on how to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake step by step according to the accordion principle:

    Snowflake made of paper strips

    The next idea, how to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake in stages for beginners, involves the use of paper blanks in the form of strips, as well as glue, brushes and clothespins.

    The process of creating a snowflake will consist of the following steps:

    Light “floral” snowflake

    Together with openwork ones, you can create snowflakes that imitate the shape of a flower. How to make a voluminous paper snowflake with this design step by step with your own hands? You will need thick paper, a pencil, glue and scissors.

    What to do:

    Description of the procedure for creating an equally stylish three-dimensional paper snowflake with your own hands step by step - in the video:

    Create a snowflake in quilling format

    Despite the fact that the quilling technique seems complicated, such snowflakes do not take too long to make, and you can easily complete the creation in a day. large number these decorations. Let's figure out how to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake step by step with your own hands using this method.

    You need to start by preparing the materials. You can find suitable paper in craft supply stores, but you can also create equally exquisite accessories from ordinary sheets. Cut out a large number of identical strips from paper with a length of 15 to 25 cm and a width of 2 cm.

    Having planned the appearance of the snowflake in advance, begin twisting the stripes into the necessary shapes. These can be circles, diamonds, petals, hearts and many other patterns. Each component element must be provided with a stable shape: apply glue to the strips and secure the shape with clothespins or thread.

    When all the parts are ready, start assembling the snowflakes. Connect each element with glue and wait until it dries completely. To keep the center of the snowflake open, add a striped circle wrapped with a spoolie, pencil, or nail polish cap.

    The homemade snowflake will need to be decorated with sparkles, beads, paints, threads and other details. The more snowflakes of this type you place on the Christmas tree, the more elegant the interior will look. By the way, such accessories can also be laid out on the festive table.

    Details of the quilling technique are in the video of do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes:

    Snowflake made from stickers

    Stickers or small square blanks can be used by following the master class of voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands. We recommend using at least two colors of material to emphasize the multi-layered nature of the decoration.

    Advice: For additional decoration, use rhinestones or beads.

    Now let's figure out how to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake step by step. Small squares are rolled into a cone shape. Pebbles will then be attached to the long corner. To prevent the cone from falling apart, use PVA glue.

    All elements of the future snowflake must be connected to each other. It is not always possible to create a stable structure with glue, so it is better to additionally use a stapler. A similar, but smaller layer is glued on top of a circle of large cones.

    The middle is decorated with several rhinestones, and a loop of thread is attached to the edge of one of the cones. The snowflake is ready!

    Modular origami snowflake

    Snowflakes made from small paper modules according to the origami principle. A master class on DIY voluminous paper snowflakes using this type of pattern is accessible even to children.

    First you need to prepare a large number of components. This procedure is done step by step according to the diagram for voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands. Variations of snowflakes from modules can be found on the Internet: here everything depends on your imagination, since all the figures are folded according to the same principle.

    How to make modules for a figure? We will need small squares or stickers. The square must be folded in half - and bent again to determine the middle of the figure.

    The further procedure resembles the folding process paper airplane. At the end, the folded triangle is secured from the inside so that the module does not fall apart.

    By placing one module on top of another, begin to shape the snowflake. First, practice without glue, and after you are confident in the correctness of your work, glue all the component elements.

    The photo of a voluminous snowflake made from paper with your own hands is an example of what the result of your efforts could be:

    There are many more interesting techniques, as well ready-made schemes and do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflake templates.

    The more unusual snowflakes decorate your home, the more elegant the interior will be. And thanks to the fact that many techniques allow you to use both white and colored paper, the holiday will be remembered for its brightness and colorfulness.

    Do-it-yourself video of a voluminous paper snowflake is another way:

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