• Compression anti-varicose tights for pregnant women. Stockings and tights for pregnant women against varicose veins How to choose the size of compression tights for pregnant women


    Maria Sokolova

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    Today the market offers us many types women's tights, among which, of course, there are special ones - tights for pregnant women. The expectant mother needs this item of clothing during the cold season in order to feel comfort and warmth in her favorite clothes. Compression tights for pregnant women are very necessary for a pregnant woman for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

    How to choose the right tights for pregnant women?

    Compression anti-varicose tights for pregnant women

    During pregnancy the likelihood of occurrence or exacerbation increases , especially if you are expecting your second or third baby.

    Special tights for pregnant women, compression , differ from the usual ones with a special elastic extension for a growing tummy and a soft wide belt.

    Elastic compression method compresses superficial veins, reduces congestion and accelerates general blood flow several times . Anti-varicose tights for pregnant women provide an additional frame for the veins and correctly distribute pressure. Thus, Prevents varicose veins or poor venous drainage from the legs , and the expectant mother feels only lightness.

    Whether or not to use such tights during pregnancy is up to you and your doctor, but there is an opinion that they are necessary for prevention even for women who are not prone to venous diseases. After all, hormonal changes temporarily reduce the elasticity of the venous walls and increase venous pressure - and this is the main prerequisite for the occurrence of spider veins.

    How to choose elastic tights for expectant mothers correctly?

    • Go for a consultation with a phlebologist so that he can decide which maternity tights you should use - regular, therapeutic or preventive.
    • When prescribing therapeutic tights, it is necessary take into account your individual measurements. This is the only way to ensure the effectiveness of anti-varicose vein therapy.
    • Choose natural materials when buying elastic tights for pregnant women - for example, knitwear with double braiding of cotton or rubber.
    • Any compression stockings, knee socks or tights should not have seams.
    • Good compression tights for pregnant women have standard mark - RAL, which guarantees the effectiveness and safety of the material.
    • The price of tights depends on the manufacturer. Average price range for quality models - from 500 to 800 rubles.
    • For comfortable use, it is better to have 2 pairs of tights - one per shift.

    Where to buy tights for pregnant women? These tights can be purchased in maternity stores, large pharmacies or.

    Maternity tights size chart

    When choosing compression tights for pregnant women, you need to take into account the fact that they do not stretch, and therefore their size should exactly match your measurements.

    Usually the sizes of maternity tights are measured in the international sizing system according to the principle S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL. They correspond to the measurements in cm shown below.

    What secrets of choosing tights for pregnant women do you know? It is very important for us to know your opinion!

    Maria Sokolova

    Colady magazine pregnancy expert. Mother of three children, obstetrician by training, writer by vocation.

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    During pregnancy, women often experience problems with their veins. But if you replace regular tights with compression tights for pregnant women in time, then all diseases associated with vein diseases can be avoided. You should know who these tights are suitable for, how to choose them correctly, how to care for them and how to put them on correctly.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that varicose veins Not only those who often wear heels or those whose work is constantly “on their feet” are susceptible. Today, almost every third pregnant woman suffers from this disease. And very often, with subsequent pregnancy, the disease only progresses and gets worse. Statistics show that venous diseases occur in 33% of women after the first pregnancy and in more than 65% after the second.

    Manifestation of varicose veins

    Varicose veins are fraught with very serious consequences, which lead to trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. By their nature, superficial vein diseases rarely pose a strong threat to life. But when it comes to deep veins, everything is much more dangerous. A blood clot with thrombophlebitis can break off, thereby blocking blood access to the heart. This can lead to instant death. This is why it is so important to pay Special attention the health of your legs, and not just hide them under your trousers or long skirts when a purple mesh appears on the legs.

    But how do you know when it's time for you to wear a compression product? First of all, you should immediately warn that you should wear them only as prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, if you often begin to notice swelling of your feet or legs, a remaining trace from the elastic of your socks, a small blue-violet mesh on your legs, frequent leg fatigue, especially in the evening, swollen veins or small nodules on them, urgently tell your doctor about this. doctor Most likely you will be assigned mandatory consultation see a phlebologist who, in addition to various medications that do not affect the health of your unborn baby, will definitely prescribe you to wear either tights or compression stockings for pregnant women.

    Despite the fact that in the first stages of varicose veins there are no special signs of the disease, during pregnancy great changes occur in a woman’s body that directly affect the venous system.

    First of all, body weight increases quite rapidly, which puts additional pressure on the lower limbs. The amount of blood that circulates also increases, hence the pressure on the walls of the veins increases. This leads to the fact that the venous vessels dilate and the normal outflow of blood is disrupted. If such problems arise, compression tights for pregnant women will become an indispensable item of clothing. Further, under the influence of progesterone, a hormone that is produced during pregnancy, the tone of the venous walls weakens. Therefore, if varicose veins are not treated in time or preventive measures are not taken, not only venous insufficiency may develop, but also the blood circulation of the fetus will be impaired. It is fraught with the fact that, albeit in rare cases, it can still provoke premature birth

    . This is why it is so important and necessary to wear preventive compression tights from the first days of pregnancy to the last.

    Properties of compression garments

    Do not confuse compression underwear with shapewear. The latter has more of a cosmetic function and is designed to make slight adjustments in some places.. Compression garments are a medical product, the therapeutic effectiveness of which has been proven by more than one medical study and experience over many years. Thanks to special compression, which exerts strong pressure and distributes it throughout the leg, blood circulation improves, swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs go away, in addition, the well-being of the expectant mother significantly improves. Graduated pressure, as it is properly called, has a maximum effect on the ankle area, but towards the hip the pressure decreases. The pressure is distributed like this:

    • 100% of the pressure is on the ankles;
    • 75% - on your knees;
    • 50% - on the hips;
    • 20-25% - on the groin.

    It is because of this distribution that the blood at the bottom of the legs does not stagnate, but easily rises up. Compression hosiery creates an additional frame for your veins, which helps support them and prevents stretching. The rate of blood outflow increases significantly, it does not stagnate in the legs, which is why such underwear reliably protects against the appearance of blood clots in the future. Your legs will be compressed with enough force to prevent the veins from bulging.

    For those who are worried about the effect of compression tights on the health of the unborn baby, we note that in addition to helping to improve blood circulation and normalize blood circulation, they provide normal conditions for the development of the child. That is why all compression products are completely safe.

    Today, there are two types of such underwear: it can be therapeutic and preventive. For those women who had no problems with veins before pregnancy, who never had swollen legs or the appearance of “meshes” and “stars,” doctors recommend wearing preventive knitwear.

    The density of all products, regardless of whether they are tights, stockings or knee socks, is measured in the same way as for regular tights - in DEN. If varicose veins have already begun to manifest themselves, then only individual selection compression knitwear. Those who have used such products will say that the most comfortable are the tights, which are very pleasant to the body, while they hold up well and perform their “frame” function.

    We all know that any underwear has a size, and anti-varicose tights are no exception. Therefore, be sure to go to an appointment with a phlebologist, who will first determine whether you need therapeutic or just preventive tights and tell you how to choose tights for pregnant women. Note that such underwear can be prescribed by a surgeon, a therapist, and even a gynecologist. The main thing is that the specialist has the necessary knowledge to use compression during diseases of the venous system.

    The size of the product must be selected strictly according to the table indicated on the packaging. At the same time, the size range will always differ between different manufacturers. Remember that than more complicated scheme determining the size, the more accurately you can choose compression tights for the most effective result.

    All compression underwear is knitted using seamless technology, has rubber thread and fairly strong cotton thread. Very often, compression tights and stockings contain synthetics, but to the expectant mother During pregnancy, it is better to wear only natural products.

    You can distinguish real knitwear from a simple fake using special sign RAL. It is confirmation that the product is manufactured in accordance with the required quality standards.

    How to wear knitwear and care methods

    You must put on medical tights in the morning, before you get out of bed. If this could not be done immediately, you need to lie on the bed for at least 15 minutes, placing a pillow or any other height under your feet. This will ensure blood flow and relieve swelling that may have appeared by this time. This rest is required even if during the day you had to take off your tights and then put them back on. If possible, knitted product It is better to wear rubber gloves, lightly dusting your feet with talcum powder or regular baby powder, while your feet should be perfectly dry. For those who use tights with an open toe, it is better to purchase a special silk sock.

    In order for the pressure to be correctly and evenly distributed throughout the entire leg, the product must be turned inside out to the heel. Then slowly put on the toe and heel pieces, making sure that the heel and toe are in the correct position. Then carefully and gradually distribute the tights or stockings over the entire leg, removing any wrinkles that appear. It is necessary to remove tights or stockings in the evening, removing all jewelry. It's best to do this as if you were skinning a snake.

    The product must be washed daily in a weak soap solution at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. If there is an icon on the label that allows you to wash the tights in washing machine, then be sure to use the bag and set it to delicate mode. Do not twist the compression garments - it is better to wring them out in a dry towel using the twisting method. Do not dry in the open sun or on a radiator; it is better to place it on a towel in a horizontal position. Never use bleach! They can significantly damage the product.

    Where can I buy the product

    Of course, any medical drug or product should be purchased at a pharmacy. That is why running to the market to buy tights or stockings is inhumane. You can always ask your pharmacist for a quality certificate and a license that gives permission to sell such products. By the way, all compression tights have a guarantee, which confirms the therapeutic effect for 6-11 months. As for the cost, it is quite varied. There is no point in buying the cheapest tights. Remember that purchasing inexpensive tights may result in a quick repeat purchase for you. As you know, the miser pays twice. We recommend always buying 2 pairs of compression tights so that you always have something to wear during your shift.

    Contraindications for use

    Since such tights and stockings are a medical product, they also have some contraindications that make wearing this underwear simply impossible.

    If you have peripheral neuropathy or its severe form, various pustules on the lower extremities, heart failure, and if you have impaired blood flow to your legs, then you should avoid these tights.

    In addition, any doctor, before prescribing a knitwear product, must measure blood pressure and pay attention to the condition of the skin of the extremities. After all, very thin skin can be injured in the process of putting on or taking off tights. If you have venous ulcers on your legs, they will need to be treated before you wear compression tights.

    Of course, you can go to the pharmacist and buy compression tights yourself, because you don’t need a prescription to buy them. But who gave the guarantee that you can wear them? Therefore, do not be lazy and first consult with a specialist, because health is the most important thing in life. Moreover, your future baby needs a healthy mother.

    It should be mentioned that many companies that produce such products also produce special stockings for childbirth. Since there is a large loss of blood during childbirth, blood clotting increases significantly. And this can lead to the formation of blood clots. Therefore, if you know that you have a predisposition to varicose veins, be sure to take care of your health and, at the first opportunity, buy anti-embolic stockings, in which you can even give birth.

    Many people believe that varicose veins are a cosmetic ailment that can be hidden by clothing. But in fact, this is a cardiovascular disease that negatively affects not only the health of the mother, but also the condition of the unborn child.

    Remember that your health is only in your hands, so seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, without putting off your visit until tomorrow.

    Is it possible for pregnant women to wear tights? This is a question that interests many women. We will tell you why underwear with a compression effect is not only allowed, but also must be worn during pregnancy and for some time after childbirth.

    Pregnancy and the problem of varicose veins

    Varicose veins are accompanied by thinning of the venous walls and an uneven increase in blood vessels. This problem is known to many women during pregnancy. The main provoking factor of venous insufficiency is an almost doubling of blood in the system, which leads to increased blood pressure.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy are caused by several factors.

    • Changes in hormonal levels. In the female body at this time, the level of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the uterine walls, increases. At the same time, a relaxing effect also appears on the walls of blood vessels. The result is complicated pumping of blood through the ascending veins. As a result, the blood stagnates below, which leads to the formation of blood clots and expansions.
    • Increased platelet count. The number of platelets in the blood increases sharply. This is how the body prepares for the upcoming birth in order to protect itself from significant blood loss.
    • Reducing physical activity. During pregnancy, many women reduce their exercise, giving up sports and walking, preferring free time spend on the sofa. Meanwhile, moderate activity has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, and periods without movement are as harmful as excessive loads.

    Most effective method combating venous insufficiency - wearing special shapewear. Photos of expectant mothers are printed on the packaging of tights intended for pregnant women. This suggests that there are no contraindications to wearing such products.

    The basic operating principle of the underwear is graduated pressure on the vessels. The products provide maximum tension in the lower legs, which decreases in the lower leg area and practically disappears in the thigh area. This action allows you to increase the outflow of blood to the heart, normalize the functioning of blood vessels (in particular the valve apparatus), and eliminate the symptom of “heavy legs.”

    For the manufacture of medical knitwear, a special thread with high elasticity is used. In this parameter, fibers are superior to conventional materials. The degree of pressure on the legs varies from 18 (for prevention) to 18.5 mmHg.

    Elastic compression compresses the saphenous veins and increases the speed of blood flow by 3–5 times. You can use underwear both to treat and prevent the development of varicose veins.

    The effectiveness of products in the fight against varicose veins is due to the following characteristics:

    • creation of a supporting “frame” that protects the veins from stretching;
    • elimination of swelling and pain caused by blood stagnation;
    • improvement of blood microcirculation;
    • eliminating the possibility of dilation of venous vessels in the pelvic organs and the formation of blood clots.

    What to choose, stockings or tights?

    There is no clear answer to the question of what is better for pregnant women, stockings or tights - each woman bases her own feelings when wearing compression underwear. Below we list the main advantages of these and other products.

    Tights are the best option for women expecting the birth of a child

    • The presence of special models with reduced pressure on the abdomen and hips, produced specifically for women in an interesting position.
    • The products are easy to take off and put on after a short workout.
    • The underwear fits perfectly to the figure, correctly distributing pressure, does not slip or bunch up.
    • The height of the belt is selected so that it is above the waistline, under the chest, without squeezing the fetus.
    • The models gently support the enlarged belly.
    • In cold weather, warm tights are preferable, since during pregnancy you should avoid hypothermia, which can cause colds.

    Stockings are the choice of those for whom tights do not suit

    Tights are not always comfortable for pregnant women. In this case, you can pick up a pair of stockings.

    • Stockings will fit even if you buy them in the first trimester, planning to wear them until delivery.
    • The uterus, which has increased in size, puts pressure on bladder. Frequent trips to the toilet are not very suitable for putting on and taking off underwear, as this procedure is quite complicated. In the case of stockings, nothing needs to be removed.
    • Stockings from all manufacturers are cheaper.
    • You can wear stockings after childbirth, while a special “pregnant” insert in tights makes them unsuitable for further use.
    • Stockings are better for summer as they are not too hot. However, in winter they will have to be worn with trousers.

    How to choose tights?

    Medical knitwear is produced in the most different versions. It is advisable to choose special compression tights for pregnant women on the recommendation of a doctor - he will advise how to calculate the size and set the degree of compression. For consultation, you must make an appointment with a phlebologist, a specialist in venous diseases. The doctor will give advice on choosing from a set of parameters.

    • Class of compression provided by underwear. The doctor makes the choice of knitwear after familiarizing himself with the patient’s medical history and conducting a thorough examination, including palpation of blood vessels. Self-diagnosis often leads to worsening of the condition. Knitwear should compensate for the condition of blood vessels, and not be useless.
    • Linen size. The effectiveness of treatment and prevention depends on this parameter. At large size the result will not be noticeable. If it is small, deterioration of the general condition and complications are possible. The best way to determine the size is to use special tables from manufacturers and try on, which is better not to refuse, since underwear cannot be exchanged or returned.
    • Life time. The stated service life is 6–10 months. You will learn about the exact period of operation guaranteed by the manufacturer by examining the packaging.
    • Material. The elastic threads of medical knitwear are double braided with dense cotton fibers. Synthetic materials are not welcome in the production of underwear for expectant mothers.
    • Quality mark. Doctors recommend choosing products that meet the RAL standard. This packaging marker guarantees excellent performance and long service life.
    • Manufacturer. It is better to give preference to proven brands. Low prices should be perceived as suspicious - quality does not come cheap. Minimum cost good models- 6000 rubles.

    A woman expecting a baby is doubly attentive to her health. Soon the mother will devote all her strength to her beloved and long-awaited child. In the meantime, the growing fetus increases the load on the vessels of her legs, which can cause varicose veins in the near future or aggravate existing problems.

    This prospect is by no means inevitable. It is enough to buy compression tights for pregnant women so that the woman’s health and beauty are under reliable protection. The website of an online store - an expert in the field of orthopedic products - will help you choose the right quality product of this type for yourself.

    How to choose compression tights for pregnant women?

    The purchase will meet all expectations if the choice is made taking into account the worthy reputation of the manufacturers in the medical goods market.

    • Under the brand Intex (Russia) are produced stylish models tights of all compression classes.
    • SIGVARIS (Switzerland) has a history of one and a half centuries, branches all over the world and a well-deserved reputation as a world leader in the production of knitwear with medicinal effects.
    • ORTO (Spain) is distinguished by the special elegance of its products, strict adherence to European standards for medical products and the balance between high quality and reasonable cost.
    • The brands Variteks (Turkey) Venoteks (USA) are represented by samples of various designs, using high-tech, breathable materials in the production of tights.

    There are knitwear with compression of a preventive class and three therapeutic ones - from the 1st to the 3rd class. In order to buy compression tights for pregnant women of appropriate quality, it is useful to know that these products are characterized not by the usual density, but by the level of pressure on the surface of the legs. Tights that provide an average pressure of 13-17 mm Hg are considered prophylactic. Art. They are useful for all women in position to protect against vascular disorders. An appointment with a phlebologist is not required for this. If networks of blood vessels appear on the legs or swelling appears, then the optimal compression class should be determined by a doctor.

    Specialized enterprises produce therapeutic pressure tights:

    • 18-21 mm Hg. Art., are used for initial symptoms of circulatory failure,
    • 23-32 mm Hg. Art., help with established varicose veins, dilatation of superficial veins, severe thrombophlebitis,
    • 34-46 mm Hg. Art., are appointed when severe degrees venous insufficiency.

    In the direction from the ankle to the belt, the pressure decreases evenly. On the lower leg it will be 100%, and on the thigh it will remain 40-50% of the original. This distribution is physiologically justified and safe.

    The anti-varicose effect of tights has several manifestations:

    • creation of an elastic external frame for the legs, giving a feeling of ease of movement,
    • effective protection of the veins of the extremities from excessive stretching,
    • soft abdominal support without squeezing,
    • improving the outflow of venous blood,
    • reliable prevention of swelling and cramps in the leg muscles.

    Where to buy compression tights for pregnant women?

    The online store offers an assortment of the best products from world manufacturers; from us you can select and buy compression tights for pregnant women in Moscow with comfortable and prompt delivery by courier or to pick-up points. Customers from other regions will also be able to purchase on favorable terms. Caring for the comfort and well-being of a woman in the prenatal period is an important condition for happy motherhood.

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