• Summary of a lesson based on the use of health-saving technologies based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” in the second junior group. Lesson summary for the second junior group: health-saving technologies used in the educational process


    Natalia Rusanova
    Lesson summary based on the use of health-saving technologies based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” in the second younger group

    Municipal government preschool educational institution"Kindergarten "Spring" Shchigry, Kursk region

    Lesson summary based on the use of health-saving technologies based on a fairy tale« Kolobok»

    In the 2nd younger group(socio-communicative and physical development)

    Prepared and carried out: teacher category I

    Rusanova N. A. preparatory group


    1. Arouse an emotional response in children to gaming class and the desire to participate in it.

    2. Contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about healthy lifestyle.

    3. Foster a desire to help others.

    4. Develop sensory skills.

    Health saving technologies:

    1. Outdoor games and dynamic breaks.

    2. Self-massage.

    3. Orthopedic gymnastics.

    4. Breathing exercises.

    5. Finger gymnastics.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children behind the teacher enter group.

    Educator: “Guys, today we have something unusual class, guests came to us. Let's go with them let's say hello(children say hello) . And we also have a magic book fairy tales. Now we'll see what kind of fairy tales(the teacher opens a page with fairy tale« Kolobok» what is this fairy tale, did you find out? (children's answers). There's a knock on the door - he comes in bun(child).

    Kolobok: “Hello, do you recognize me? I sweep the box, scrape the bottom of the barrel. Mixed with sour cream. Who am I?" (children's answers).

    Kolobok: “That’s right, and I invite you on a journey through this fairy tale».

    (Walking in circles)- Once upon a time there lived a woman and a woman in a clearing by the river and they loved it very, very much on sour cream koloboks.

    (Running in circles)- The children are rushing to the clearing cheerfully, they want to visit their grandfather and grandmother.

    Educator: “So you and I found ourselves in fairy tale. And then in this is what the fairy tale was like. Let's show it with me."

    An old man lived with his old woman near the forest at the edge of the forest. The old man asked old lady:

    Bake for me kolobok!

    Children perform outdoor activities:

    The grandmother swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree - (bends to the side, hands on the belt)- 3 times.

    Grandma kneaded the dough - (squats) 5 times

    She made a bun(imitation modeling) 5 times

    I put it in the oven and left it there (bending forward) 4 times

    He came out beautifully blushed and looked like the sun (pulling up) 4 times

    He wanted to cool down a little and sat down on the window. (deep squat) 1 time

    He didn’t want to lie there, he wanted to run away.

    He crossed the garden and took off running (free running).

    Educator: “Look what's next for us. We need to cross the bridge". Walking on a small imitation bench.

    Educator: “We crossed the bridge and went further into the forest. And they found a hare under the Christmas tree".

    Hare: “I’m shaking all over, I’m frozen in the forest, I could get sick like that.”.

    Educator: “In order not to get sick, we will show you exercises” (self-massage exercises)

    Koloboks: “To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly”. (stroking your neck from top to bottom with your palms).

    To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose (Rub the wings of the nose with the index finger).

    We will also rub our forehead, hold our palm with a visor (applying the palm with the visor to the forehead. Rubbing to the sides, together).Make a fork with your fingers, massage your ears boldly (spread your index and middle fingers and rub the points behind and in front of the ears).

    We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we are not afraid of colds (rub palms together).

    Hare: “Thank you, I will always do these exercises now. And now I suggest you play with me, jump over the branches.” (children jump over 3 sticks).

    Educator: “So we galloped with you to the bear”.

    Bear: «- Kolobok, bun, I will eat you!"

    Educator: “Don’t eat the bear, but rather teach us something”.

    Bear: “Okay, I’ll teach you how to walk like a bear.”. (walking on a correction track)

    Educator: “Here you and I have come to flower meadow, where we met the fox".

    Fox: “Hello, how good and handsome you are, I’ll eat you”.

    Educator: “Don’t eat the chanterelle, but rather show the beautiful flowers in the meadow”.

    Fox: “Okay, come and admire my beautiful clearing. Smell the scent of the flowers." (breathing exercises)

    Fox: “But there are no butterflies in this clearing, they hid in a box, and I suggest you play with your butterflies.” (children take one butterfly from the box and plant it on a flower of the same color).

    Fox: “Well, what a great fellow you are, how beautiful it has become in the clearing.”.

    Educator: “We liked it too, but it’s time for us to go home”.

    Fox: “And we have prepared gifts for you! You will remember our fairy tale».

    (The bear pours yellow balls out of the bag).

    Walking one after another.

    Educator: “We all played happily, the children were all very tired, it’s time for us all to leave, let’s all say in unison - Bye!”

    Publications on the topic:

    METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Topic “Formation of environmental knowledge among pupils of preschool educational institutions through the use of health-saving technologies."

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    Date of publication: 01/25/17

    Lesson notes for the second junior group: health-saving technologies used in educational process"Health Tips for Baby Bear."

    Target: formation of ideas about the basics of health savings in children preschool age.

    Tasks: give an idea of ​​ways to strengthen and maintain health (morning exercises, walking, eating fruit).

    Material for the lesson: character "Little Bear", cup and saucer, cup with jam, story pictures“a boy doing exercises”, “children on a walk”, visual demonstration material “fruits”.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

    On a smooth path,

    On a flat path.

    Our feet are walking.

    Over the pebbles, over the bumps, into the hole,

    Main part.


    Guys, you hear a sound, who could it be (a bear cub appears in a scarf and with a thermometer).


    Guys, look, it's a bear cub! Hello, Bear cub! Why are you wearing a scarf and holding a thermometer?

    Teddy bear:

    Hello guys! (coughs).


    Guys, it seems to me that something happened to Little Bear, what do you think?


    He is ill.


    I think the same. I propose to invite Teddy Bear to our place. kindergarten and give him tea with jam.

    Teddy bear:

    Thank you, I really like tea with jam.


    Guys, why do you think Teddy Bear got sick? (children's answers).

    Little bear, do you know how to take care of your health? (The little bear shakes his head).

    Then the guys and I will tell you and show you what you need to do to avoid getting sick.

    The teacher shows the children clue pictures.


    Look at the picture, what is the boy doing? (the boy does exercises).

    Do you and I do exercises?


    Yes. In the morning, when we arrive at kindergarten.


    Let's show Little Bear our exercises (children do the exercises together with Little Bear).

    Physical exercise.

    Stomp the bear

    Clap bear.

    Squat with me, little brother.

    Hands up, forward and down.

    Smile and sit down.

    Teddy bear:

    You guys are great, I really enjoyed doing the exercises with you.


    Guys, so that both you and Teddy Bear can better remember what you need to do for your health, I will show you picture tips. Do you agree?


    Yes, we agree.

    The teacher shows clue pictures.


    To be healthy, you need to do exercises (show the picture).


    Who is in this picture?


    What are they doing? (picture hint: children are walking).


    They are walking. They breathe air.


    That's right, we also go for a walk and breathe fresh air.How do we breathe? (through the nose).



    Let's show the Teddy Bear how to breathe correctly: the mouth is closed, inhale through the nose, exhale. (The Teddy Bear does breathing exercises together with the children). Well done, everyone did it!

    The teacher shows visual demonstration material “fruit”.


    Guys, what is this? (fruit)



    That's right, fruit. They contain a lot of vitamins and are therefore good for health.

    Lesson analysis.

    Teddy Bear:

    Thank you guys! You helped me a lot, and I will definitely take care of my health.

    I remembered all your tips so as not to get sick and will tell all my forest friends.

    It's time for me to leave, goodbye guys!


    We are very glad that we could help you!


    Goodbye, Little Bear!


    Be healthy you guys too. Well done to all of you! Let's clap our hands and praise ourselves.


    • consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and its components;
    • consolidate knowledge about the senses, their meaning and hygiene;
    • to form an idea of ​​the relationship between physical activity and heart function.

    Equipment: Cards with the image of the senses (hand, nose, eye, ear, tongue), 2 mugs of different colors (1 - empty, the other - with water), mugs with cold and hot water (for each table), mugs with lemon drink for each child, a bell, a small jar with a metal lid, a candle, matches, Kinder surprise capsules with small holes and cloves of garlic inside.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Today guests came to our lesson. What needs to be said?

    Children: We need to say hello.

    Educator: When we say hello, what do we wish for the person to whom we say “Hello”?

    Educator: What is health? What should you do to be healthy? Who do you think knows everything about health and how to improve it?

    Where can I find a doctor? Can we all get an appointment with a doctor right away? Can I try inviting him to kindergarten? How to do it? What number should I call? Who will try to negotiate with a doctor to come to our kindergarten?

    The child goes to the phone, dials No. 03 and conducts a dialogue with the teacher, who speaks on behalf of the doctor. He promises to come to kindergarten and asks the children to think about which foods are good for health and which, on the contrary, can harm him. Offers to post illustrations depicting healthy foods, On the desk. While the children are completing the task, the teacherdresses white robe and is part of the group.)

    I never lose heart and have a smile on my face,

    Because I take vitamins A, B, C.

    Do you think it is good or bad when a person eats few vitamins? What's bad about it? Where can I get vitamins? Where else are they located? That's right, they are found in vegetables and fruits. I suggest listening to poems about vitamins.

    1 child: I am vitamin A, it’s easy to remember me,

    You will find me in carrots - I am a growth vitamin!

    2nd child: They called it Vitamin “B”, they strictly said:

    “Live in nuts, cucumbers, bread, sorrel and mushrooms!”

    3rd child: Even though I taste sour, smile, sleepyheads...

    I'm called Vitamin C and live in a lemon!

    Doctor: Now let's look at the board. Tell us why you placed pictures on it depicting these particular products? How are they useful?

    Doctor: I want to tell you little secret. Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays. (The teacher places a sun without rays on the easel).And one of the components of our health is proper nutrition and vitamins.(The teacher glues a ray to the sun).

    Doctor: To find out what the second ray of our sun is, try to determine what is in our circles. (Water is cold and hot). Doctor: How did you determine this? Which organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Hand).

    The teacher places 2 mugs of different colors on the tables (1 is empty, the other with water). What can you say about these mugs? (1 – empty, the other – with water).

    Doctor: How did you determine this? Which organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Eye).

    Doctor: Close your eyes and guess what I'm doing. (Rings a bell.)

    Doctor: How did you guess? Which organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Ear).

    The teacher places Kinder Surprise eggs with small holes and cloves of garlic inside on the tables. Doctor: How did you feel? Which organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Nose). The teacher places mugs with lemon drink on the tables and invites the children to try what is poured in the mugs. Doctor: Which organ helped you with this? Select the desired card. (Language).

    Look carefully at the cards we have marked. What are the names of all these organs? (These are the sense organs). Do you know how to care for these organs?

    Doctor: Now I suggest you play the game “Correct, correct, absolutely correct.” If I read a quatrain with a correct statement, you say the words “Correct, correct, absolutely correct,” and if not, you remain silent. Be careful.

    • Don't be too lazy to brush your teeth twice a day!
    • To prevent toothache, eat caramel candies!
    • Wash fruits and vegetables before meals, carefully, very carefully!
    • If you go out for a walk in winter, you should take off your hat and scarf at home!
    • Run away from your mother quickly, don’t let her cut your nails!
    • Here’s another simple tip: wash your hands before eating!
    • The handkerchief and comb must be your own, Never use someone else’s!
    • When you go to bed, get up, follow your daily routine!

    Doctor: What were we talking about just now? What rules do you need to follow to be healthy? (Rules of personal hygiene.)

    The second ray of ourthe sun of health is called hygiene and daily routine. Tell me, why do you need to follow a daily routine? (So ​​that the body can refresh itself, relax, recharge itself with energy - maintain health.)

    Doctor: Tell me, why do we need to do exercises? (Strengthen and train muscles). That's right, including the heart muscle. Show me where your heart is. How can doctors find out about his work? (Through a phonendoscope or check the pulse). Listen to how your heart is beating now... Does it work the same as after gymnastics? (No. It works slowly.) Now we will play with you and listen again to how the heart works).

    Physics minute “We are funny guys”

    We are funny guys, we love to jump and gallop, so try to catch up with us!

    Doctor: Sit down and check your pulse again. How does the heart work? (Quickly, strongly.) That's right, guys, the harder the work, the greater the load, the stronger our heart beats. We must prepare our hearts for such work. How do we do this?

    Doctor: Ours The next ray is physical exercise.But it is best to do this in the fresh air. Why do you think? To better understand, we will conduct an experiment.

    The teacher lights a candle and puts it in a jar and closes the lid.

    What happened? Why? It turns out that a person like this candle, without access to oxygen, will also begin to slowly fade away. Fire needs oxygen to burn, and humans need oxygen to live! Where is there a lot of oxygen? (In the forest, on the street.) That's right, that's why we go for a walk every day and ventilate the rooms.

    So, the next ray is fresh air. Now look at our sun. What's his mood? (Good.)

    A good mood is the name of the fifth ray of the sun of health!

    Do you like our sunshine of health? Tell us what rays he has, what are they called? (Children remember the components healthy image life).

    Summary of a lesson on health conservation in the second junior group

    Kvasheva Z.A.

    Abstract open class on health conservation in the second junior group

    "Let's help Mishka"

    (GCD according tohealth protection in the second junior group

    Goals :1. Teach children to take care of their ownhealth .

    2. Develop skills in using personal hygiene items.

    3. Encourage children to answer questions, develop thinking and memory.

    4. Form ideas abouthealthy lifestyle .

    Activities :

    cognitive activity, breathing and movement exercises, play, research activities.

    Surprise moment : Bear.

    Equipment :

    Bear character, items(soap, towel, comb, toothpaste) .

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    Teacher : Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's go with themlet's say hello !

    Children : Hello!

    Teacher : Good morning!

    Smile soon(smile.)

    And today is our day

    It will be more fun.

    We will stroke

    Nose and cheeks(Stroke your nose and cheeks.)

    Let's be beautiful

    Like flowers in a garden.(they make springs.)

    Let's rub our palms together

    Stronger, stronger(Rub their palms.)

    Now let's clap

    Bolder, bolder(claps hands.)

    Now we'll rub our ears(rubs ears.)

    ANDLet's save your health !

    (Sit on chairs)

    2. Conversation about personal hygiene items.

    Teacher : Guys, a guest has come to us, and who is it you will find out when you guess the riddle(riddle about a bear cub) . Who is this?

    Little bear. - Hello guys. Hello, Little Bear. Mama Bear put some things in my bag and said that they were very necessary. But I don’t need them at all, maybe they will be useful to you.

    Educator - And we, Mishenka, will now take a look and tell you.

    (In the bag there are : soap, towel, comb, toothbrush. We take them out one by one and tell them what they are for.)

    Teacher : Guys, what is this?

    Children : Soap. Lida will recite a poem about soap.

    Lida : Soap happens

    Different and different :





    But I don't understand

    Why is it always


    Is there water?

    Teacher : Guys, what is soap for?

    Children : To wash hands, wash.

    Teacher : Why should you wash your hands?(So ​​as not to get sick) When do we wash our hands?

    Children : We wash our hands before eating, when our hands get dirty after drawing or modeling, after petting animals.

    Teacher :But you and I went for a walk. They arrived, undressed and immediately ran to the table. Did we do it right?

    Children : No! Our hands are dirty!

    Teacher : What needs to be done to make your hands clean?

    Children :Wash them!

    Teacher : Let's show the little bear how to wash his hands.

    Tapopen up , wash your nose(wash nose.)

    Wash both eyes at once(Rubs eyes.)

    Wash your ears, wash your neck(wash ears.)

    Wash your neck thoroughly(they wash their neck.)

    Wash, wash, bathe yourself,

    Wash off the dirt

    Wash off the dirt!

    Teacher : Guys! Why do we need a towel?

    Children : To dry yourself.(Roma recites a poem about a towel.)

    Roma :It can be both terry and smooth.

    Whoever washed himself does not care about himforgets :


    Dry with a towel.

    Teacher : Well done. Do you know what a comb is for?

    Children : Yes, to comb your hair, be neat and beautiful. Can I give my comb to other children?

    Teacher :Right(Sonya recites a poem about a comb.)

    Sonya : Mom did the styling -

    I combed my curls smoothly,

    Well, I'll take a comb,

    I'll do my hair too!

    Teacher : And what's that?

    Children : This is a toothbrush.(Sasha recites a poem about a toothbrush.)

    Sasha :I have a toothbrush

    She brushes her teeth clearly

    More fun time after time

    My teeth are getting whiter!

    Teacher : What is a toothbrush for?(To brush your teeth) How many times a day do you guys think you should brush your teeth?

    Children : Twice a day - morning and evening.

    Teacher : Why should you brush your teeth?

    Children : To save teethhealthy , white.

    Teacher : Here's Mishenka, which mom put in your bag. If you wash your paws, brush your teeth, you won’t get sick and you will always behealthy . Guys, let's take a little rest together with our friend Teddy Bear(the music is turned on and the children perform the movements together with the Teddy Bear)

    3. Physical education minute.

    The sun looked into the crib.

    One two three four five.

    We all do exercises.

    We need to sit down and stand up.

    Extend your arms wider.

    One two three four five.

    Bend over - three, four.

    And jump on the spot.

    On the toe, then on the heel.

    We do exercises together.

    Teacher : Well done! What do we say after charging?

    Children : Thanks for charging-health is good !

    4. Didactic game"What is missing?"

    Teddy Bear : Thank you guys, I understand what soap, a towel, a comb and a toothbrush are for.

    The teacher is Mishenka, and our children love to play.

    Teddy Bear : I love you too and want to see how attentive you are. We'll play a game"What is missing" .I will lay out soap, a towel, a comb, a toothbrush in front of you. You must determine whether all items are in place or whether some are missing.(Play several times)

    Teddy Bear :well done! Thank you guys for telling me about these the right things, played with me, and it’s time for me to go, goodbye and see you again(leaves, children say goodbye to the bear)

    Children : Goodbye!

    5. Summaryclasses .

    Teacher : Guys, who came to visit us today?

    Children : Little Bear

    Teacher : Right! What did he bring with him?

    Children : Soap, comb, towel and toothbrush.

    Teacher :What are these items for?

    (Children remember and tell what is needed and why.)

    Teacher : Well done!

    Our smart head

    I thought it was clever today.

    Ears heard everything

    The eyes looked.

    The hands have done everything,

    And the legs sat down.

    MADOU of the city of Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 88 “Dandelion” Nizhnevartovsk.

    Summary of a lesson on health conservation in the first junior group “How to help Mishutka?”

    Target: formation of ideas about the basics of health conservation in children of primary preschool age.


    1. Give an idea of ​​ways to strengthen and maintain health (morning exercises, walking in the fresh air, eating vegetables and fruits, vitamins).
    2. Motivate children's desire to enter into dialogue with the teacher.
    3. Develop thinking and memory.
    4. Practice identifying some vegetables (garlic) and fruits (apple) with the participation of analyzers (smell and taste).
    5. Cultivate a desire to take care of your health and the health of others.

    Material for the lesson:

    — toy character Mishutka; cup and saucer; jar of honey; subject pictures: “Morning exercises”, “Walk”, “Fruit » ; apple pieces according to the number of children; jar “for the smell of garlic”; a jar of vitamins; corrective walking track; hoops and soft cubes.

    Progress of the lesson.


    - We will smile at each other

    Let's hold hands tightly,

    We will stroke your cheeks and nose

    Let's warm up our ears,

    And let's clap our hands, it will become more fun.

    The teacher invites the children to go for a walk in the forest along the path.

    Draws children's attention to the fact that the path is not easy and they need to follow each other along it.

    (They walk in a circle, squat, crawl, jump, step over.)

    Educator: - Guys, you hear some sound, who could it be? (A bear cub appears from behind a tree). Look, this is our friend, the bear cub Mishutka! Hello, Mishutka! Have you already woken up? (Spring has awakened).

    Teddy Bear: (coughs and sneezes)- Hello guys!

    Educator: - It’s so good that we met you! The guys and I were just getting ready to take a walk in the forest, will you come with us?

    Teddy Bear: - No, I don’t want something at all... (coughs and sneezes).

    Educator: - Guys, it seems to me that something happened to Mishutka, why do you think he is so sad? (children's assumptions).

    Educator: - Guys, why do you think Mishutka got sick? (Children's guesses). Do you think tea with honey will help him? (Children's answers).

    Teddy Bear: - Thank you, I really like tea with honey!


    - Mishutka, do you know how to take care of your health? The guys and I will tell you and show you what you need to do to avoid getting sick. And you, look and remember!

    (The teacher shows the children clue pictures, one by one displaying them on a flannelgraph.)

    Educator: - Look carefully and tell me what the guys are doing in the pictures? Are you and I doing exercises? (In the morning, when we arrive at kindergarten).

    Educator: — Guys, what is shown in the picture? (Fruits and vegetables). Why should you eat them? (They have vitamins). They help children grow and be healthy.

    -Who is in this picture? (Children). What are boys and girls doing? (They play, walk on the street). You and I also go for a walk. What do we do on a walk (children's answers).

    Educator: - Also, why do we go for a walk? (To breathe the air). That's right, we breathe fresh air outside. What do we breathe? (Nose).

    Educator: - Let's show Mishutka how to breathe correctly: close your mouth, inhale through your nose, exhale.

    Breathing exercises“Let’s blow up the balloon.”

    - Guys, what else can the nose do? (The nose can distinguish different smells). Let's try to guess the smell.

    (The teacher brings a jar with the smell of garlic to the children, the children sniff).

    - Can you guess what it is? That's right, it's garlic.

    - Now let’s give Mishutka a sniff. (Mishutka sniffs, brrr, shakes his head).

    — Guys, tell Mishutka why you need to eat garlic (children's answers). That's right, garlic is healthy, it kills germs.

    (The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs).

    — Guys, what do you think the tongue is for? (Children's guesses). In order to feel the taste.

    Educator: - I have a fruit, try to guess what it tastes like? Close your eyes and open your mouth, and you too, Mishutka (teacher gives children a piece of apple).

    - Can you guess what kind of fruit this is? (Children's answers). Of course, guys, it's an apple. What does it taste like (children's answers). Fruits contain a lot of vitamins and are therefore good for health.

    The teacher shows the children a jar of vitamins.

    Educator: - What do you think is in this jar? (Children's answers). That's right, vitamins. They are good for health. Maybe we can give Mishutka some vitamins? (Children agree).

    The little bear thanks the guys and promises to take care of their health. He offers to play the game “Bear in the Forest” with him.

    Kids are playing.

    Educator: - We are very glad that we could help you Mishutka! Get well and don't get sick anymore!

    (Invites the children to say goodbye to the bear. The bear says goodbye and leaves.)

    Educator: - Be healthy, you guys too. Well done to you all today! Let's clap our hands and praise ourselves.

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