• Beautiful phrases about the New Year in prose. Cool aphorisms about the New Year


    Several children's sayings about the New Year, which were shared by parents.

    Alice (7 years old) writes a letter to Santa Claus with a list of gifts that she would like to receive for the New Year. - Alice, not only ask for gifts, but also write how you behaved this year. Alice thinks out loud: “If I write that I behaved well, it won’t be true.” If I write that I behaved badly, then Santa Claus will not give me gifts. As a result, Alice wrote: “Dear Santa Claus! This year I behaved in an original way...”

    IN new Year's Eve my son (4 years old) put tinsel on his neck and imagined himself as Santa Claus. I ask: “What will you give us, Grandfather Frost?” To which the child, imitating the bass voice of Santa Claus, replies: “I’ll give you shoes, mom, and you, dad...” and quite threateningly: “deodorant!!!”

    At our New Year's party in our kindergarten, Santa Claus: - Hello, children! Children in chorus: - Hello, Vera Pavlovna!

    I say to my son (7 and a half years old): - Sash, are you going to write a letter to Santa Claus? - For what? - Well, you want a gift for the New Year? - Okay, I'll write. I just won't show it to you. Then let's see how he gets out!

    I ask a friend how her two-year-old daughter reacted to what her dad brought home christmas tree: - She was very outraged that she was not allowed to bring even a small stick from the street, but dad could have a whole tree!

    I ask my son (3 years 7 months): - Borenka, what would you like to receive as a gift from Grandfather Frost? - His bag of gifts!

    We are preparing for the new year. Tigran (6 years old) actively writes letters to Santa Claus. I’ve already written three different ones. Orders toys for himself. He asks me: “What do you want?” - New dress. - Well, what kind of gift is this “dress”. Order something normal... Then he took a piece of cardboard and wrote: “I wish Mom and Dad that they be happy.”

    New Year. The whole family is at the table, silence - everyone is listening to the president's speech... Dima (3 and a half years old) gets tired of this boring pause, he walks around the table and with the expression of an actor playing Hamlet, says: - Friends! Shouldn't we have sex?! I don’t know where he got this word from, we, like in the USSR, don’t have sex... But when the clock struck, my sister and I laughed in a fit, mom suppressed a laugh, dad blushed, the rest of the relatives were already crying... The child sincerely did not understand , what did he offer us?

    I went with my daughter (9 years old) to the New Year party. She, seeing the costumed Santa Claus, expressed a desire to take a photo with him. Santa Claus replied: “A photo with a living Santa Claus will cost 20 hryvnia.” - What about the dead? - asked the daughter.

    Today we had New Year's party. - One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn! - we shout. The Christmas tree doesn't light up. Santa Claus: - Why doesn’t the Christmas tree light up? Probably some of you didn’t shout, some of you remained silent! A frightened thin child's voice: - It's not me!

    Sasha plays “Continue the Sentence” with his mother. Mom begins, son finishes: - For the New Year, the children decorate... - The Christmas tree. - Santa Claus comes to the holiday. - They put it under the tree... - An extension cord!

    My son (3 years 9 months) is looking at the candies from the gift: - Candies with the taste of a snake, with the taste of a bear, with the taste of Little Red Riding Hood...

    Sonya writes a letter to Santa Claus. He is silent, carefully writing out the letters. Then he asks: “Mom, how do you spell “diamonds”?”

    Dima (4 years old) received a whole box of Kinders from Santa Claus for the New Year. Grandma came to visit. We are sitting in the evening: grandmother, my husband and I, and our son. The child unwraps the kinder and begins to burst it on both cheeks. I tactfully hint that he should share with his family: “Dima, will you have one kinder surprise?” The child, without being distracted, answers: “No, probably two!”

    My daughter and I are writing a letter to Santa Claus. I ask: “What do you want as a gift for the New Year?” In a business tone: - Children's computer... Just let dad give it to me, and Santa Claus - candy or something else. - Why? - And dad... he’s more reliable!!!

    Corporate party for the New Year


    Santa Claus at the psychotherapist: “Doctor, help! I don't believe in myself..."

    Do you want to amuse your guests? Write funny New Year's aphorisms from our selection on pieces of paper, put the pieces of paper in a hat or in a box and invite guests to pull out one at a time. We think they'll like it.

    № 1

    Hello to you too, a kind person

    № 2

    How was your New Year?

    I mean, how did it go?!!!

    № 3

    Oh, hi! Happy New Year! That is, how is it “already the tenth”?!

    № 4

    "New Year! New Year!!! NEW YEAR!!!" - the liver screamed in horror.

    № 5

    In 2019, all galley slaves will receive strong government support and unprecedented career growth.

    № 6

    IN New Year's Eve Fifty people and fourteen snowmen were taken to the sobering station. The reason for the police mistake is being clarified.

    Corporate: How to make your New Year's corporate party fun?

    № 7

    On New Year's Day everything comes true, even things that cannot be realized at other times.

    № 8

    On the night from December 31 to January 1, fate opens the doors to you new life, but how difficult it is to get into them at this time!

    № 9

    Somewhere between the sixth strike of the chimes and the fifth of January, who knows how, three or four kilograms are gained, which disappeared millimeter by millimeter throughout the previous year.

    № 10

    It’s a sin to celebrate the New Year with debts. I called everyone and reminded them. It's a pity for them...

    № 11

    Grandfather Frost, come out! - the children shouted and danced near the toilet.

    № 12

    If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus.

    № 13

    If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go visit.

    № 14

    No matter who you go to on New Year's Eve, everyone's table is full of financial crisis.

    № 15

    As it says folk sign: if during the chiming clock you manage to write a wish on a piece of paper, then burn this piece of paper, and throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it, then the next morning you are guaranteed... heartburn.

    № 16

    As you celebrate the New Year, this is how you should do it!

    № 17

    Calendar: 1. Drunken 2. Figvral 3. Nightmare 4. Soprel 5. Symai 6. Teplyun 7. Zharyul 8. August 9. Slyuntyabr 10. October 11. Gnoyabr 12. Dubabr.

    № 18

    The boy got it wrong: instead of Lapland, he called Sicily and ordered Santa Claus.

    № 19

    Doctors say: 5 glasses of vodka reduce the risk of having a bad New Year by half.

    № 20

    For the New Year, everyone wore different masks: some bunny, some fox... And only the system administrator wore his favorite one:

    № 21

    The beginning of January for Russians coincides with the beginning of the month of Drabadan.

    № 22

    Your Santa Claus is not real... He's kind of sober...

    № 23

    The New Year's mood is when you are happy to see even those who have entered the wrong door.

    № 24

    New Year's Eve for security forces. Masquerade ball

    № 25

    New Year - tangerine in my mouth.

    № 26

    Santa Claus - Olivier on my nose.

    № 27

    The New Year has passed, but the residue remains...

    № 28

    № 29

    The first of January is the shortest day of the year! As soon as you get up, it’s already dark...

    № 30

    I remember we were celebrating New Year, and someone forgot to open the champagne...

    № 31

    A rare Snow Maiden will fly to the middle of the fire.

    № 32

    With whom you celebrate the New Year, you will get drunk!

    № 33

    The most secret presidential decree is called “On ensuring at least some of the country’s defense capability at 5 a.m. on January 1 of each year.”

    № 34

    Now, kids, there will be a competition for best poem! The first one to bring the corkscrew wins!

    № 35

    No matter how much Santa Claus drinks, he won’t forget his bag...

    № 36

    New Year is coming soon, but I’m still ashamed of the past!

    № 37

    It happened on the same New Year's Eve as today, a year and a half ago...

    № 38

    Only Christmas trees hate New Year.

    In the New Year, I wish you wise thoughts that will be the key to excellent health, strong relationships and life success.

    And now especially for you best quotes about New Year:

    And now, the New Year, full of dreams and hopes, is almost here... From the movie “Moon Child”

    We no longer celebrate the New Year - we celebrate that we survived the old one. Unknown author

    Every New Year began a new life, but it didn’t last long, because you have to live! Kulich Alexander

    We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one. Unknown author

    The only day when everyone breaks the law about not making noise after 11 pm is New Year! Unknown author

    There are three periods in a man’s life - when he believes in Santa Claus, when he doesn’t believe, and when he is Santa Claus himself! M. Moskovina

    They say under New Year everything always comes true, even what whole year It’s impossible to sell it. Unknown author

    Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers as a starting point for new hope, and others for fun. Ishkhan Gevorgyan

    As you celebrate the New Year, this is how you should do it! Unknown author

    It’s a pity that the New Year comes exactly when it is most difficult to get a Christmas tree. Alexander Ratner

    We have only two real holidays - New Year and Friday. Unknown author

    Soon New Year, and I'm still ashamed of the past! Unknown author

    The New Year's mood is when you are happy to see even those who have entered the wrong door. Mikhail Mamchich

    I'm a year younger again than I'll be next January. Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    Every year during the chiming clock, making the same wishes is the same as stepping on the same rake. Unknown author

    Always be at war with your shortcomings, at peace with your neighbors, and find yourself every New Year the best person. Benjamin Franklin

    Celebrating the New Year is a farewell to illusions and a meeting with hope and dreams. Konstantin Kushner

    New Year is intoxicating everyday life sobering. Alexander Ratner

    Celebrating the New Year is a sad farewell to old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones... (From the unsaid by Faina Ranevskaya) Yuri Slobodenyuk

    All people are brothers. Well, okay, okay, not all. Some are sisters. One way or another, once a year we all become amazing similar friend on a friend, and wherever we are: in Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg or Astana, on December 31, we all, as one, decorate the Christmas trees, prepare the most delicious dishes and like little ones we are waiting for the New Year's miracle... From the movie “Yolki-2”

    Somewhere between the sixth strike of the chimes and the fifth of January, who knows how, three or four kilograms are gained, which disappeared millimeter by millimeter throughout the previous year. Irina Chashchina “Become yourself”

    As the popular saying goes: if during the chiming clock you manage to write a wish on a piece of paper, then burn this piece of paper, and throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it, then the next morning you are guaranteed... heartburn. From the movie “What Else Men Talk About”

    - Happy New Year! With new happiness!

    -Where is the old one?..

    Sergey Govorukhin “Miniatures”

    Why then get involved in New Year's tale any Olivier salad and other champagne-sprat fakes. Let's hug together and sit under the Christmas tree, and it will be Love and Happiness. Katya Metelitsa “The Diary of Louise Lozhkina”

    New Year. A time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier. Janusz Leon Wisniewski “Intimate theory of relativity”

    — Do you have any unfulfilled wishes from last year?

    - That's enough!

    - Well then, I wish you that one of them will definitely come true!

    - Why only one thing?!

    “Otherwise they will all come true at once and there will be nothing to wish for later, for the next New Year.”

    Oleg Tishchenkov “Cat”

    This is the meaning of the New Year - to get another chance, a chance to forgive. To do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and not to worry about what would have been, but to perceive life as it is. From the movie “Old” New Year’s Eve

    Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book. Write it well. Brad Paisley

    The meaning of the New Year is not to gain another year, but to gain a new soul. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

    Winter. Snow is quietly falling outside the window... The weather is perfect for hot tea, a cozy blanket and beautiful fairy tales...

    I love these feelings when the house is clean, quiet, the fire is burning in the stove, the cat is sitting on the windowsill, the snow is falling quietly, and in the evening there will be a bathhouse...

    Let everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter, let it smell like chocolate, sound like a violin, warm up with a warm blanket, a cup of tea, good films, books, pleasant meetings.

    Winter is the time to drink cocoa☕, put on cozy clothes, decorate the Christmas tree together and keep each other warm❤

    The wait won't be long, there will be a Christmas tree soon!

    If we share at least a small particle of warmth every day with those we meet along the way, winter will become much warmer. For all.

    May everyone's deepest wish come true this winter!!!)))

    Have a warm winter... in every way...

    Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest...

    What time should I wake you up?

    Summer please!

    And even in the darkest and coldest time of the year, may each of us have enough light and warmth... for ourselves and for our loved ones.

    I told you that we won’t turn out to be snowmen.

    Talk less and ride more!

    Winter is a time of Miracles...


    Take care of your inner cat!

    It is very necessary in the cold!

    The more wishes you have, the more of them will come true.

    Probability theory

    The main thing... wish!

    I love this feeling of anticipation. When you already imagine a Christmas tree sparkling with many lights, gifts and even the smell of tangerines and magic...

    Winter is coming very soon, the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year. Like if you are also looking forward to it ❤

    Happiness is a winter night in a cozy home 🏡, snowfall outside the window ❄, the smell of spruce 🎄, warm tea ☕ and your favorite music 🎵🎶

    Don't complain about the coldness of the world around you if you haven't put a drop of warmth into it...

    Idea for next year: Throughout the year, write down all the wonderful moments that make you smile. On New Year's Eve, open and re-read pleasant memories)

    Well, how is it, are miracles on the way?

    It would be semi-darkness, and the garland would be like this - slowly, and then FAST-FAST-FAST, and then slowly again...

    New Year's mood is when you are glad to see even those who have entered the wrong door!

    Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventures will only bring joy...

    In such weather, you want to have a warm and cozy house outside the city, sit with a book by the warm fireplace and enjoy the atmosphere, watching the snow fall quietly outside the window.

    The most dangerous winter disease is under-hugging!

    Strengthen your immunity - hug!

    Tove Jansson. Magic winter

    Winter is a fabulous time of year.

    Snow, Christmas trees, lights all over the city and patterns on the glass.

    Like sparrows... let's sit down, puff ourselves up... and think that it's already warm!

    Winter is the time of year when people need to keep each other warm. In your words, feelings, care. And then no cold is scary.

    Winter is a time of fluffy snowflakes, hot tea and good books... Be happy this winter.

    Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, clean, tender... Let your life be the same!

    Christmas is not the time of year. Christmas is a feeling. Edna Ferber

    Winter is a very emotional time of year, because... the frost is stronger, the warmer we become towards each other.

    Albert Camus

    Skis, skates, sleds, snowballs, rosy cheeks and warm mittens... Winter was created not to be sad, but to taste several more types of happiness.

    Winter is created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white sheet of paper.

    - Is it possible to love the cold?

    - Need to! Cold teaches you to appreciate warmth...

    Waiting for winter

    It's getting colder. Winter is coming!
    - Winter is not so important!
    - What is important?
    - It matters with whom.

    Valiullin Rinat, “Where the kisses lie”

    The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to man is the anticipation of a miracle.

    Waiting for a miracle)

    Will you have a tangerine?

    What if I clean it

    You know, now I really want, at least for an hour, such a little pocket fairy, like from the old Disney cartoon about the sleeping beauty. So that she would say “bibidi-babodibum” and everything would work out and smooth out. It's back. Maybe not everything, but the main thing.

    Let's believe in miracles!

    And it will be December. Blizzards will whine at the threshold. And the windows will light up. And there will be light - warm copper. This is probably why God invented winter - so that people would more often want to warm each other up.

    December is Friday :)

    Decorate the Christmas tree, forget all the grievances, hug those who are dear to you more often and most importantly remember that December is a little magic.

    Always remain a little childish, believe in the New Year's miracle....

    Let there be everything in your home;

    Love, Peace, Comfort, Wealth,

    Let it always be warm,

    To want to come back.

    - Doctor, I always want hot tea under the blanket.

    — It’s December for you.

    Winter gives you the opportunity to dream about magic and miracle. The main thing is not to miss the chance and make this winter fabulous.

    IN last month a miracle will definitely happen in winter. You will understand this when you breathe in the delicate aroma of the morning air, or when you see off the sunset. Look around. Be surprised at the world.

    Cats are actually Santa Clauses magical world. And it is not by chance that they meet: white ones - for good news, red ones - for money, black ones - for happiness, gray ones - for health, and striped tiger cubs - for love. The best thing, of course, are tricolor cats: they bring a lot of good things at once, as in the “three in one” advertisement. And they even pull a gift on their tail for our sake. Nadeya Yasminska "Marshmallow Signs"

    I wish everyone this winter to get into this winter fairy tale and get a piece of happiness!!!

    The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to man is the anticipation of a miracle.

    Let these magical and fabulous days In everyone’s life there will be someone who will make this winter warmer with his love!

    Each of us really wants Happiness. Simple, quiet, bright... So that you can snuggle up to your own shoulder, forgetting all the bad things! Excitedly tell everything that hurts, or silently look into the infinity of your beloved eyes...

    Each of us really wants Tenderness... Naive, like the first spring flowers, affectionate, like the sun's rays... So that all and without a trace! When a loved one gives this tenderness, you want to respond in kind. No! A thousand times stronger!

    Each of us really wants Faith - sometimes we miss it so much! So that when you almost break down or break down, someone quietly whispers: “You can do it, you will succeed!” To fall asleep with confidence that Tomorrow will certainly come!..

    Each of us wants Love! And even to those who say that they will never be able to find it again. Love is equally needed by the poor, and the rich, and the smart, and the not so smart... Yes, everyone, everyone without exception, needs Love - that beautiful and tender feeling that makes us happy!

    Let these magical days all our dreams will come true, which will bring us love, faith, tenderness and happiness!

    Have the best holidays to everyone! With cozy people, good jokes, pleasant surprises, endless tangerines, understanding of loved ones, with the small wonders of this big world!

    One of the most “delicious” childhood memories is when you wake up in anticipation of something very good and are happy all day... Happy not for some reason or because of something, but simply happy! In the noisy pre-New Year bustle, we wish you more such warm “pieces” of childhood!


    A week before the New Year, little Angel puts on a snow-white apron and begins to prepare a festive cake.

    Instead of flour, he takes the most beautiful snowflakes, instead of yeast - cheerful childish laughter. With such yeast, the pie dough rises very quickly, and the little Angel sends the pie into the magical oven, warmed by the warmth of kindness and love. He soaks the finished cakes in the aromas of Christmas tree and tangerine, sprinkles them with moonlight powder, and decorates them with frosty crunch and pieces of northern lights.

    On this day, a special aroma appears in the city - the aroma of the New Year...

    Maybe it's worth a try?


    It's dog cold.

    ❄Good January day everyone! ❄

    We wish Have a good mood, productive, useful pastime, meeting interesting people.

    Give each other warmth and smiles!


    And February is the month of hope,

    Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

    Every minute the New Year is getting closer to us. Very soon we will be able to make our most cherished wish and it will definitely come true :).

    In the New Year, I wish you wise thoughts that will become the key to excellent health, strong relationships and success in life.

    And now especially for you best quotes about the New Year. Here are collected both time-tested and new quotes about the New Year. No matter what you're looking for: "New Year is..." quotes or just sayings that convey the holiday spirit, you'll definitely find the right expression here.

    Aphorisms about the New Year

    And now, the New Year, full of dreams and hopes, is almost here... From To film "Moon Child"

    The most important gift that every New Year gives us is hope for the best and faith that even the impossible is possible! Unknown author

    We no longer celebrate the New Year - we celebrate that we survived the old one. Unknown author

    Every New Year began a new life, but it didn’t last long, because you have to live! Kulich Alexander

    We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one. Unknown author

    The only day when everyone breaks the law about not making noise after 11 pm is New Year! Unknown author

    There are three periods in a man's life - when he believes in Santa Claus, when he doesn't believe, and when he is Santa Claus himself! M. Moskovina

    They say that on New Year's Eve everything always comes true, even things that can't come true the whole year. Unknown author

    Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers as a starting point for new hope, and others for fun. Ishkhan Gevorgyan

    As you celebrate the New Year, this is how you should do it! Unknown author

    It’s a pity that the New Year comes exactly when it is most difficult to get a Christmas tree. Alexander Ratner

    We have only two real holidays - New Year and Friday. Unknown author

    The New Year is coming, and I’m still ashamed of the past! Unknown author

    The New Year's mood is when you are glad to see even those who have entered the wrong door. Mikhail Mamchich

    I'm a year younger again than I'll be next January. Ya. Ipokhorskaya

    Every year during the chiming clock, making the same wishes is the same as stepping on the same rake. Unknown author

    As we get older, the list of wishes for the New Year becomes smaller and smaller, and what we really want for the New Year cannot be bought with money. Unknown author

    Always be at war with your shortcomings, at peace with your neighbors, and find yourself a better person every New Year. Benjamin Franklin

    Celebrating the New Year is a farewell to illusions and a welcome to hope and dreams. Konstantin Kushner

    Alexander Ratner

    It's not for nothing that the New Year is considered a time of miracles. And it is we who make it wonderful, filling the world around with our sincere dreams, good wishes and bright hopes.

    Celebrating the New Year is a sad farewell to old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones... (From the unsaid by Faina Ranevskaya) Yuri Slobodenyuk

    All people are brothers. Well, okay, okay, not all. Some are sisters. One way or another, once a year we all become surprisingly similar to each other, and wherever we are: in Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg or Astana, on December 31st we all, as one, decorate the Christmas trees, prepare the most delicious dishes and wait like little ones New Year's miracle... From the movie "Yolki-2"

    Somewhere between the sixth strike of the chimes and the fifth of January, who knows how, three or four kilograms are gained, which disappeared millimeter by millimeter throughout the previous year. Irina Chashchina “Become yourself”

    As the popular saying goes: if during the chiming clock you manage to write a wish on a piece of paper, then burn this piece of paper, and throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it, then the next morning you are guaranteed... heartburn. From the movie “What Else Men Talk About”

    Happy New Year! With new happiness!
    -Where is the old one?..
    Sergey Govorukhin “Miniatures”

    Why, then, involve every Olivier salad and other champagne-sprat fake into the New Year's fairy tale? Let's hug together and sit under the Christmas tree, and it will be Love and Happiness. Katya Metelitsa “The Diary of Louise Lozhkina”

    New Year. A time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier. Janusz Leon Wisniewski “Intimate theory of relativity”

    The New Year gives us a great chance to change our lives for the better. This is a reason to abandon the usual, but so boring, step over fears, leave doubts behind, smile at the world around and begin to build your destiny according to your own, exclusive project. Oleg Roy

    Do you have any unfulfilled wishes from last year?
    - That's enough!
    - Well then, I wish you that one of them will definitely come true!
    - Why only one thing?!
    - Otherwise, they will all come true at once and there will be nothing to wish for later, for the next New Year.
    Oleg Tishchenkov “Cat”

    This is the meaning of the New Year - to get another chance, a chance to forgive. To do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and not to worry about what would have been, but to perceive life as it is. From the movie “Old” New Year’s Eve

    Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book. Write it well. Brad Paisley

    The meaning of the New Year is not to gain another year, but to gain a new soul. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

    I never make New Year's resolutions to myself. The habit of making plans, engaging in self-criticism and reforming your life is too much work for one day. Anais Nin

    New Year's Day is a harmless holiday, particularly because it brings no benefit, and can be used as a scapegoat for disorderly drinking and friendly fighting. Mark Twain

    The New Year is intoxicating, everyday life is sobering. Alexander Ratner

    Every new day is a blank A5 sheet, and the first day of the New Year is a healthy piece of whatman paper. Yuri Tatarkin

    We open the book. Its pages are clean. We are going to fill them out ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and its first chapter is called "New Year". Edith Lovejoy Pierce

    When you celebrate the New Year, you drink that much water in the morning. Yuri Tatarkin

    Youth is when you are allowed to stay late to celebrate the New Year. Average age- when you are forced to do it. William "Bill" Vaughan

    Happy New Year!

    Friends, which quote about the New Year did you like best?

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