• Asian beauty: what plastic surgeries do oriental girls do. The faces we see every day. Slavic types


    Statistics confirm: Asian women do plastic surgery much more often than European women. What exactly do they correct and what do they look like after plastic surgery - see our selection.

    Europeanization of centuries

    I've never wondered why Japanese cartoon characters have such big and expressive eyes? The answer is obvious: it is precisely these wide-open eyes that Asians dream about. And all because a distinctive feature of the structure of their eyes is the fold of skin on the upper eyelid, scientifically called the epicanthus. Removing this very fold is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in Asia.

    As a student, Liu had a terrible complex because of her natural eye shape, flat nose and narrow forehead. But an experienced plastic surgeon restored the girl’s self-confidence: with the help of an implant, the doctor changed the shape of Liu’s chin, performed two eyelid correction operations and rhinoplasty.



    The second most popular plastic surgery in Asia is rhinoplasty. The main reasons why girls come to a plastic surgeon: a short tip, too wide wings and a “saddle-shaped” nose (with a strongly sunken back). Experienced surgeons solve all these problems in one go: the sunken part of the nose is filled with an implant, and the shape is narrowed using small incisions.

    Aspiring singer Zhang Sher was sure that only new appearance will help her achieve recognition and love from the public. With the help of a plastic surgeon, the girl got rid of the hump on her nose, changed the shape of her eyes and enlarged her cheekbones. But whether his career took off after that - history is silent.

    Cheekbone reduction

    Another specific feature Asian appearance- large “heavy” cheekbones. That is why cheekbone reduction surgery is very popular among Asian girls. The procedure is quite complex, as it requires grinding of bone tissue and affects the jaw, and recovery after it lasts about six months. But eastern girls are not afraid of this; along with the reduction of their cheekbones, they often even ask the surgeon to straighten the upper and lower jaws.

    This young girl got a job as a real estate manager, but her career “didn’t work out.” Then she decided to change her appearance: a plastic surgeon reduced her cheekbones, performed rhinoplasty and corrected the shape of her chin. What happened next - history is silent.


    Another common aesthetic problem with which Asian girls turn to plastic surgeons is the curvature of the legs, which is characterized by an O-shaped or X-shaped structure of the legs. Cruroplasty solves this problem: the surgeon makes an incision in the popliteal fold, after which he places a silicone implant under the connective membrane of the muscles.

    When David Yang, the founder and head of ABBYY, whose father is Chinese and whose mother is Armenian, was asked whether he was Chinese or Armenian, he honestly and openly stated that he was Russian. And he is truly Russian, not because he lives in Russia, and not because he speaks Russian (he also speaks Chinese), but because he feels Russian. The basis of any ethnic community is self-awareness. At least that's what I was taught. Even until recently (in the historical sense of the word) the boundaries of this self-awareness to some extent coincided with linguistic, cultural and phenotypic ones. Nowadays such an unclouded anthropological picture can be found less and less often; migration, globalization, etc. lead to a change in the criteria for self-identification.

    The topic to which this article is devoted is complex, confusing, and there are a huge number of pitfalls in it, because this topic is from the field of physical anthropology, namely: “How do Slavic women differ phenotypically from Western European women.” I’ll say right away that I didn’t invent anything out of my head, but used it exclusively scientific literature on this issue.

    The first point we need to figure out is who the Slavs are. It is difficult to answer this question. The fact is that the history of the Slavs, according to archaeological and linguistic data, is a long history of miscegenation with all kinds of non-Slavic populations of those places where the Slavs migrated.

    Some anthropological works of the year before last and the beginning of the last century - in general, much more fascinating than modern ones - generally classified the Slavs as Mongoloids, which is disputed by modern anthropology. They clearly belong to the Caucasian race based on the following characteristics: growth of body hair, sharp horizontal profile of the face, absence of epicanthus, underdeveloped (compared to pure Mongoloids) cheekbones. This, however, does not mean that there is no Mongoloidity among the Slavs - it still is. There is a common opinion that all this is the consequences of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but this is not so. The yoke had an impact, but more culturally than genetically. The mixing of the Slavs with the Mongoloids began in the Neolithic era, when the Mongoloids penetrated as far west as the Oder. This process proceeded slowly, peacefully and gradually; it bypassed only the southern Slavs. In others, traces of an admixture of Mongoloid blood are noticeable in less lush facial hair, flattened facial skeleton and a less protruding nose.

    In general, the Slavs are distinguished by anthropological diversity, not least due to the territory of settlement, which includes the zone of division of the Caucasian population into southern and northern. The obvious difference between southern Europeans and northern ones is, of course, pigmentation. The Slavs have different pigmentation, the color of hair and eyes changes very much when moving from north to south.

    To put it roughly, the Slavs were first divided into Western European (or southern) and all the rest, beautifully designating them as Central-Eastern European. There is only one criterion for separation - the absence/presence of Mongoloid admixture. Then a more detailed classification was proposed, including 5 main groups (of course, such classifications are “average temperature in the hospital”; you probably have many examples that refute the content of the article, and, perhaps, vice versa, confirm it):

    1. White Sea-Baltic group

    These are primarily Belarusians, a few Poles, and a few more Russians in the north. They are fair-skinned, fair-haired, have a medium-sized facial skeleton, and are meso- or brachycephalic. Well, almost Scandinavians, to whom they are anthropologically really close, but their nose protrudes less, their beard grows worse, and their upper eyelid swells a little - and these are all direct signs of an admixture of Mongoloidity. This admixture is ancient, not too strong, and the Tatar-Mongols are not involved here again - the admixture appeared in the Neolithic era.

    Alena Lanskaya. White Sea-Baltic type.

    Azra Dooliman.
    Miss Sweden.

    If you look at Lanskaya and, you can just notice the difference: the girls are similar in many ways, but the difference in the proportions of the facial skeleton gives their undeniable beauty a different color.

    Lanskaya has a slightly wider face, a slightly less clearly defined nose, etc., and all these “slightly” become obvious if you imagine both of them in something pink-airy-girly. Duliman, I think, will survive, but Lanskaya will look, for my taste, too syrupy and too elegant.

    2. Eastern European group

    These are almost all Russians, except for the northern peoples. The hair and eyes are darker than those of the White Sea-Baltic group. Two main morphological complexes took part in the formation of this community.

    Nadezhda Rumyantseva

    One of them is characterized by pronounced Mongoloidity (mesocrania, flattened facial skeleton, etc.) - most often we designate this type as a typically “Slavic” face, that is, softly defined, rounded, with feminine features. The second, on the contrary, manifests itself in dolichocephaly, large skull sizes, and profiling of the facial skeleton (which indicates the virtual absence of Mongoloid admixture). Such faces are also referred to as “sculptural.” Outwardly they are closer to Western European ones.

    Nothing more specific can be said about the phenotype of the Eastern Slavs. We studied and studied and found out that there are groups with different proportions of the facial skeleton, but that’s all. The history of the ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs is also not yet entirely clear; they are too diverse in external characteristics and, as an ethnic group, most likely formed already in the early Middle Ages. Nadezhda Rumyantseva: this type of face most likely belongs to the first of the above types.

    It seems to me that the difference between Eastern Slavs and Western Europeans can be summarized by these two photographs:

    Natalia Andreichenko

    Andie MacDowell

    Natalya has a slightly upturned nose, a more rounded chin and a less defined lower jaw - her face is immediately perceived in a completely different way. It is feminine, soft, it does not have that masculinity and belligerence that one feels when looking at Andy.

    3. Dnieper-Carpathian group

    Anna Hummel

    This includes partly Ukrainians, Slovaks and, with major reservations, Czechs. Features include a wide face, brachycephalic skull structure and relatively dark pigmentation; this group is close to the Alpine type (population of Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy).

    4. Pontic group

    These are Bulgarians. The face is not very wide, and sometimes narrow, dark hair and average height.

    5. Dinaric group

    Maya Marash

    This includes, for example, Montenegrins. By the way, on average, Caucasians are the tallest. They have wide faces, profiling nose, strong hair. There is still debate about the origin and formation; some associate them with the population of the Caucasus. One thing is for sure - it was the influence of the pre-Slavic population that determined many external signs Dinars.

    Question: why was this article written? Surely this blog is read by many women who are phenotypically related specifically to Eastern Slavs. It so happens that Russia is now not exactly a trendsetter (especially in relation to everyday appearance); fashion comes to us from countries where women initially look somewhat - sometimes, almost imperceptibly - differently. So, if, looking in the mirror, you mentally say hello to your ancestors, who in the Neolithic era actively established intercultural connections, that is, if you have a slightly flattened face, more or less developed cheekbones, soft, fuzzy, more feminine features, etc. . etc., then when transferring the Western European trend into the realities of Everyday life, it is worth including a system of “checks and balances”. For example, when creating the effect of a careless styling on the head, it is worth taking care of a clear and rigid shoulder girdle so that the facial features do not “flow” at all, etc.

    You should be especially careful about the flair of eroticism in your wardrobe, which, given the natural seductiveness of many Russian (and not only) women, can turn into vulgarity. The beauty of Slavic women in itself is so warm and cozy that it only needs a competent frame. Metaphorically speaking, if you want to emphasize the sweetness of the dessert, add not three tablespoons of sugar, but a pinch of salt. How the best chefs in the world do it.

    + (0 ) – (0 )

    Various stylists are very fond of all sorts of classifications - indeed, they make life easier in many ways modern women. For example, the most common classification of appearance types, which involves division into four “seasonal” types (autumn, winter, spring and summer), greatly simplifies the process of choosing not only clothes, but also makeup and even hair color . However, “seasonal” types of appearance are far from the only example of such a division.

    North or south?

    One of the most common classifications of appearance types involves the division into three types: northern (the so-called Scandinavian), southern and European, or Central Russian type of appearance. It is very easy to classify yourself as one of these types - each of them is characterized by certain features of appearance.

    Northern, or Scandinavian type of appearance. The owner of this type of appearance is real The Snow Queen: She has blue (gray, grey-green or blue) eyes and very blonde hair. For a “cold” type of appearance, of course, first of all, cool colors are suitable, both in clothing and in makeup - namely, blue, gray, icy blue, pale, cold pink.

    Southern type of appearance. This type of appearance involves a combination of black or dark brown hair and brown eyes (bright blue or dark green). Owners of the southern type of appearance are women who are guaranteed to attract attention with both their bright appearance and bright wardrobe: they are best suited for the southern type of appearance bright shades blue, red, green, orange.

    European or Central Russian type of appearance. Another pronounced type of appearance, which is characterized by a certain mutedness - both in hair color, most often blond or light chestnut, and in eye color - grayish-green, gray-blue, light green. For those with a European type of appearance, clothes in muted, pastel colors are best suited - but in no case bright, flashy colors. The European type of appearance is the most universal: if the successful transformation from the owner of a northern type of appearance into a sultry “southern” woman is almost impossible, then those with a Central Russian appearance will be able to try on one of these types quite successfully.

    Warm or cold?

    Depending on the natural color of the skin, hair and eyes, appearance can be divided into two main types - warm and cold. Owners of a warm type of appearance include women with light brown, red or brown hair, brown or green eyes, and skin tones Ivory, yellowish beige or dark color. The beauty of a “warm” appearance is best emphasized by warm colors - beige, olive, chocolate brown, brick red, warm dark orange.

    Those with a cold appearance, on the contrary, are characterized by light, pinkish skin, Blue eyes, very light or ash brown hair. For such women, all shades of blue and pink, as well as blue and charcoal gray, are best suited. Red with a “cold” appearance, on the contrary, is contraindicated, as well as being too bright colors which will look vulgar.

    Dark or light?

    The owner of a dark type of appearance is easy to notice: she has black or dark brown hair, dark eyes- nut or brown, matte, beige or dark skin. For a “dark” appearance, rich, rich, deep shades of purple, olive, charcoal gray, blue are well suited; classic black also looks very attractive. But pastel shades are contraindicated for owners of a dark type of appearance - too pale colors will make the skin pale and unhealthy.

    The light type of appearance is also easily distinguishable: those with a “light” appearance have light blue or grey eyes, soft pink or porcelain, bright skin, very light hair. A light type of appearance can be compared to a cold one - for such women, a range of delicate pastel shades is best suited, from grayish blue and cold bluish green to soft pink, peach, and lemon shades. It is better not to experiment with bright colors - both in clothes and in makeup.

    Tatiana Smirnova

    Eastern mysteries attract adventurers and dreamers, which is perhaps why the oriental type of face attracts no less attention. Mysteriousness female beauty and confidence male gaze– the attractiveness of the East in the appearance of its people.

    Main characteristics of the oriental face type

    The oriental type of face presupposes that a person has dark skin tones, sometimes even very dark, characteristic no longer of representatives of the orientals, but of residents of the southern regions of the world. Sometimes oriental skin tone is called olive.

    The face shape is often oval or square with pronounced cheekbones and a developed jaw, which, however, have fairly soft contours. The forehead is quite wide and open, which is facilitated by the special position of the hairline. Often this situation is appearance the forehead is called strong-willed, which once again emphasizes the peculiarities of the character and worldview of the eastern peoples.

    At round shape faces, oriental appearance is complemented wide cheeks with raised cheekbones.

    Eastern peoples often boast plump, well-defined lips and straight noses. But Special attention It is the oriental eyes that attract me. Large, wide-set, sometimes slightly slanted, but always deep, about which they say “with a drag.” Eye color is predominantly brown and black.

    Eyebrows can also be especially expressive - wide, thick, correct form.

    Eastern directness and mystery

    As separate characteristics The eastern type of face can be distinguished by the special appearance, confidence in the gaze, strong-willed features and calmness of a person belonging to eastern nationalities. Ancient traditions of the East, confidence in tomorrow due to the unshakable faith in God, genetic resistance to various kinds of diseases and high resistance to the sun, makes the face of an eastern person beautiful and serene long years.

    One of the characteristic features is the longevity and youth of Eastern people, which is certainly reflected on the face. Until the most venerable years oriental women look fresh and attractive - old age leaves its mark on the face more slowly.

    Distinctive feature male face eastern type may become darker relatively female skin, as well as clear facial features, as if chiseled. In particular, a pronounced rectangular or triangular chin. Based on their characteristics of cultural development, often oriental men wear a beard, mustache and sideburns.

    Far East

    Characteristic features Far Eastern type of face is its round or oval shape, more light tone skin, but with a tint of yellow. Big eyes they also occur here, but other parts of the face have more miniature outlines. At the same time, the eyes are wide-set and have a slanting cut.

    Starting from the 17th century, anthropologists began to put forward their own classifications of the population according to racial type. Scientists relied on the similarity of external features, that is, morphology served as the basis for research. The debate about the number of major races among anthropologists continues to this day. However, in most typological divisions there are classifications of Russian appearance.


    The small Nordic race in anthropological classifications is part of the Caucasian type. IN Soviet time They tried not to voice this term due to the unclear geographical boundaries. The first to accept the Nordic theory were representatives of the ideology of racism.

    The Nordic race spreads throughout Northern Europe, northwestern Russia, and Western Latvians and Estonians also belong to this type.

    For the first time they started talking about the Nordic race thanks to the Russian-French anthropologist Joseph Deniker, who at the beginning of the twentieth century brought out thin, tall people from blond hair in a separate category. The Nordic race is characterized by blue and green color eye, dolichocephalic, that is, an oblong skull and pink skin.

    Another anatomist of Norwegian origin, Christian Schreiner, wrote that the Nordic type directly resonates with the battle-axe culture, since the Nordic race is most common in central Scandinavia. But the American scientist K. Kuhn in the 30s of the twentieth century put forward the version that the Nordic race belongs to the circle of Mediterranean forms after they completed the process of depigmentation. In the appearance of people of this type, the anthropologist finds common features with the ancient representatives of the Danube culture.


    This race occupies a worthy place between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid types. It is most widespread among residents of Western Siberia and the Volga region. Representatives of this type are characterized by dark hair, which can be either completely straight or curly. The skin is usually moderately pigmented and the eyes are brown. The main distinguishing features are a noticeable fold of the upper eyelid (epicanthus) and a flattened face shape.

    Anthropologists from different times agree that the Uralids appeared during the mixing of Caucasoids and Mongoloids. In contrast to this statement is the theory of the mestizo origin of this type. Today, scientists are putting forward a compromise version, arguing that this race reflects the gene flow of Mongoloids and Caucasians and at the same time undifferentiated types.

    In the north of the Samara region, human remains were found, the age of which is 11.55 thousand years old according to the calibrated date. When examining the skull, anthropologist V.V. Bunak suggested that it had all the features of the ancient Ural race.


    Baltids can be distinguished from other racial types due to the characteristics of brachycephaly and mesocephaly. Representatives are characterized by a medium-width face, a straight nose with a thickened tip. Most representatives have light pigmentation of skin and hair.

    Anthropologists believe that the appearance of the race goes back to the East Baltic type. Many Baltids have common features with Cro-Magnons and Alpinids. Western Baltids differ from eastern ones in the width of their nose. For some it may be narrow, for others it is always wide. Representatives of the eastern Baltids are of average height, while the western ones are much taller.

    Pontids and Gorids

    The pontid type is characterized by straight eyebrows and narrow cheekbones. If you put a person in profile, then the cheekbones are noticeable, but not very pronounced. High forehead and a narrow lower jaw, thin lips, straight hair is also a distinctive feature of this type. The skin is light, but perceives a tan; dark-skinned pontids can also be found. The hair color is light or dark brown, the eyes are brown, but not almond-shaped, the palpebral fissure is straight. Thin-boned and tall, legs longer than the body. In general, the face looks thin and angular, and has an elongated shape.

    Among the Russians there are also Gorids, who, according to the Swedish anthropologist Bertil Ludman, belong to the Alpides (Alpinids), who settled to the east and mixed with the Baltids. That's why this type considered intermediate between the inhabitants of the Alps and the Baltics. Their features are sharper than those of the Baltids, but the pigmentation is lighter than that of the Alps.

    Russian appearance types

    If the concept of race is quite broad and sometimes covers entire countries, then the definition of “anthropological type” is much narrower. In 1959, a large-scale research project was completed - an expedition of anthropologists to all corners of Russia, which lasted 6 years. Based on the data obtained, scientists identified 15 types characteristic of certain areas.

    • The Ilmen-Belozersky type has sharp features, pronounced profile, above average height, men have a full beard. Every second person in a hundred has light eyes, and 29-40% have light-colored hair.
    • The Valdai type is characterized by the same ratio light eyes and hair to dark, like the previous one, but the beard in men is less frequent, the face is wider.
    • The Western Upper Volga is similar to the Ilmensky, but the nose is straight, the hair is darker, and the beard is thicker. Less common is the fold of the upper eyelid.
    • The Arkhangelsk type are those with a slightly wider nose than the Ilmen type; light-eyed people are more common among them. The beard is even thicker and the face has a more defined profile. Epicanthus is very rare.
      The Eastern Upper Volga type of people is different short stature, a concave bridge of the nose is less common, and the hair is on average darker than that of the first two types.

    • The Vyatka-Kama is similar to the eastern Upper Volga, the eyes and hair are dark.
    • The Vologda-Vyatka type has predominantly light skin, light eyes and hair.
    • Klyazma type are tall people with a straight nose, brown eyes and brown hair.
    • The central type is, one might say, the arithmetic mean for all Russian types. It has the greatest similarity with the western Upper Volga. Dark hair found in the majority of the population.
    • The Don-Sur type, despite its southern distribution, does not have Mongoloid features, and light eyes are found in every second person. Compared to residents of other southern regions, this type has paler skin.
    • The Middle Volga type is characterized by small face sizes, and men by a thick beard. 80% have dark hair, but 42% have light irises.
    • The steppe type is intermediate between the Don Sur and Middle Volga.
    • The Pskov-Poozersky type is very similar in appearance to the Prussians. Many people of this type have light eyes - almost 71%.
    • Desno-Semeysky type - Transbaikal Old Believers, who were taken out at the end of the 19th century. from Belarus and Ukraine. They assimilated into Russia, but rarely intermarried with the Buryats and other peoples around them. Therefore, for the area where they lived, their appearance was contrasting - 47% had light eyes, every fourth out of a hundred had blond hair.

    With the expansion of globalization, the development of transport and the growth of the economic well-being of the people, the boundaries between individual races and types are increasingly blurred. It is already difficult to find “purely Russians” who do not have a representative of another race in their family.

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