• How to make your cheeks smaller with makeup? A wide face is not a death sentence. Detailed instructions on how to narrow your face


    With age, all women notice obvious changes in the oval of their face. The muscles responsible for facial expressions begin to weaken, the skin loses its elasticity, and sagging cheeks appear. This problem is also observed during sudden weight loss; the skin simply does not have time to tighten. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually so that the extra pounds disappear proportionally. There are many factors influencing the appearance of sagging cheeks and a double chin.

    • Facial skin aging. Age-related changes- the primary cause of sagging cheeks. With age, around 35-40 years, the skin wears out, loses its elasticity and firmness, and sags, creating the effect of a “sullen clown.”
    • Excess weight. The skin of a fat person has a loose structure. Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers, filling the contour lines of the cheeks and chin, which is why the oval of the face looks ugly.
    • Fluid accumulation. Poor diet, hormonal imbalances and other health problems can cause water retention in the body. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of edema.
    • Ultra-violet rays. Permanent stay at scorching sun leads to loss of elasticity of the epidermis. Ultraviolet light accelerates aging and causes unwanted pigmentation. Therefore, be sure to protect your skin by using high-quality creams with SPF filters. Limit exposure to hot sun and wear wide-brimmed hats.
    • Genetic inheritance. If you have chubby cheeks or sagging skin at a young age Perhaps one of your relatives had the same problem, and you inherited these shortcomings. In this case, more thorough systematic care will be required.
    • Wrong lifestyle. If a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, eats junk food and leads a sedentary lifestyle, she should know that her face will age prematurely.
    • Incorrect care. Poor quality cosmetics lead to the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. Moisturize, nourish, scrub your face and use only light foundations and makeup bases.

    Unwanted defects on the face appear if you sleep on a high pillow, drink a lot of fluids at night, constantly slouch, or read while lying on your back. But if you wish, you can lose weight in your face and cheeks at home in a month of intensive care.

    Proper daily care

    How to remove sagging cheeks at home? We need to approach this problem comprehensively; only targeted actions will help achieve a great effect.

    • Cosmetical tools. Anti-aging serums and creams are just additional products, and they will not be able to remove the problem of sagging cheeks on their own. It is better to choose daily care cosmetics from one series and apply them in a course. You can achieve maximum results by periodically changing the products, then the skin will not get used to the active ingredients. Must be done every week deep cleaning with a lifting effect, use scrubs and nourish the skin with creams.
    • Hard massage. For this procedure you will need a small towel made from natural fabrics. Daily massage increases blood circulation and gives skin tone. A positive effect is observed when using the solution sea ​​salt
    • or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning. The wet towel should be patted vigorously on the face, but do not overdo it, as bruises may remain. Thanks to the massage, the cheeks are noticeably tightened and the complexion is evened out. Contrast procedures. Most effective method
    • remove swelling. You need to moisten a napkin with hot water, wring it out lightly, apply it to your face and wait until it cools down. Then repeat the operation, but using cold water. If there are herbs for cosmetic procedures, then you can use not just water, but an infusion as a base. If you do this simple procedure every morning and evening, you can get rid of noticeable sagging skin in just a week. Cosmetic ice.
    • In the morning, be sure to wipe your skin with ice cubes, especially your cheeks. It is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs as a basis. Chamomile, celandine, and mint are effective. This procedure allows you to quickly remove swelling and increases the elasticity of the epidermis. Compresses at night.

    For the procedure you will need a saline solution and a fabric face mask. After cleansing the skin, apply a napkin soaked in the solution, hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash and apply a moisturizer with a lifting effect. The compress should be done 2-3 times a week; only with regular procedures can the desired effect be achieved. Laughter helps reduce skin sagging; when you smile, it activates maximum amount

    facial muscles. At the same time, the oval of the face is perfectly corrected and subcutaneous fat is removed.

    How to lose weight in your face with diet? It is recommended to create an individual diet with a specialist, but there are basic rules for everyone.

    • Drink more water. About two liters of water daily, still mineral or table water, improves skin hydration and maintains its tone. When there is a shortage of water, the human body begins to make reserves of it, which often becomes the cause of edema. You can drink green tea, but without sugar. It has a tonic effect and reduces hunger.
    • Fractional meals. Eat small meals. As a rule, there are three main meals, and additionally three snacks. The last food of the day should enter the body no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Chewing your food thoroughly will tighten your cheeks due to the fact that your facial muscles will be more actively involved.
    • Eliminate harmful foods. During a diet, remove salt and sugar from your diet, they prevent excess fluid from being removed from the body. You should exclude sweets, broths with a high fat content, smoked foods, baked goods, strong coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks. You can remove fat from your cheeks only by strictly limiting your food intake.
    • Eat vegetables and fruits. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits you eat guarantees good results. They contain a lot of vitamins, fiber and other useful substances. They can be eaten not only raw, but also after boiling or stewing. When cooking, add a little vegetable oil, but do not use spices.
    • Avoid alcoholic drinks. To avoid wondering how to remove cheeks or a double chin, stop drinking beer and wine. It is these drinks that lead to swelling.
    • Eat dairy products. They help in weight loss due to their calcium content. Doctors say that consuming calcium in an amount of 1200 mg per day promotes rapid weight loss. If you eat hard cheeses or cottage cheese, the beneficial element will be much easier to absorb by the body.

    Losing weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks appear hollow is quite difficult. You need to combine an integrated approach: diet, proper skin care and tightening exercises.

    Set of exercises

    Many women are interested in how to make their face thin with exercise. Reduce cheek size and change to better side Everyone can do facial features in about a month. Exercises are selected individually, based on the problem that is most pressing.

    We tighten the facial muscles

    The exercise is best done in the morning. It engages the main facial muscles and tones them.

    1. Inhale deeply and puff out your cheeks, pursing your lips tightly.
    2. Place your palms on your cheeks and cover your ears with your fingers.
    3. Press your hands firmly on your cheeks without letting the air out of your mouth.
    4. You need to perform the exercise for 5-6 seconds. The number of approaches is in the range of 5-10 times.

    Correcting the shape and size of the cheeks

    The exercise allows you not only to eliminate cheek defects, but also to get rid of nasolabial folds.

    1. Curl your lips together as if you were pronouncing the letter “O”.
    2. Press your tongue firmly into your cheek.
    3. Actively make circular movements with your tongue.
    4. Repeat the exercise on each side 10-20 times.

    Strengthening the muscles of the face and neck

    Exercise will help eliminate expression wrinkles around the eyes and strengthen the muscles of the face and neck.

    1. Open your mouth slightly and form an “O” shape with your lips.
    2. Press your lips against your teeth as hard as possible.
    3. Press your index fingers into the area of ​​your face under your eyes.
    4. Smile widely and return to the starting position.
    5. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

    Try to move only your lips, other parts of your face should be motionless. At correct execution the muscles around the eyes tense, you can control this with your index fingers.

    Correcting the chin

    Exercise makes it easy to lose weight in your face and cheeks and get rid of a double chin.

    1. Sit comfortably on a chair, straighten your back.
    2. In this position, tilt your head back.
    3. Cover your upper lip with your lower lip.
    4. Stay in this position for a while.

    You should not strain your neck too much in the first days. There should be no discomfort after performing this exercise, so the execution time depends on the characteristics of the body.

    Getting rid of chubby cheeks

    The exercise is quite simple and interesting. Models the oval of the face and strengthens the cheeks.

    1. Take a pencil into your mouth and clamp it between your teeth.
    2. Move the pencil through the air and you can “draw” shapes or words.
    3. The duration of the workout is at least 3 minutes.

    By doing gymnastics every day, you can reduce the roundness of your face. This workout uses all facial muscles.

    1. Open your mouth wide.
    2. Wrap your lips inside your mouth and press them against your teeth.
    3. Tighten your lips and cheeks tightly.
    4. Sit in this position until your muscles become tired.
    5. After a short break of 5-10 seconds, repeat all over again.

    Making cheekbones

    The more beautiful the oval of your face, the younger you will look. By performing this simple gymnastics, you can tighten your cheeks and make your face much younger.

    1. Stand or sit straight.
    2. Clearly pronounce the vowel letters of the alphabet: “A”, “U”, “O”, “Y”, “I”, “E”.
    3. Try to tense all the muscles of your face at once.

    The point of this exercise is to tense and work the facial muscles. When performed regularly, the entire face noticeably loses weight and the cheekbones become more noticeable.

    If you are wondering how to remove cheeks, exercises, proper diet, refusal bad habits And active image life - will help you notice positive results in a week.

    Every girl at certain moments wondered how she could make her face thinner with makeup. You can achieve the desired effect by knowing about the features of visual perception and the possibilities of structuring the face. And, importantly, this does not require any additional devices or products - everything you need is already in your cosmetic bag.

    What is required to structure a face?

    Making your face thinner is very simple - this requires the correct placement of accents, highlighting areas of light and shadow. To correct your face shape, you will need the following components used for everyday makeup:

    • makeup brush (natural bristles for loose products, artificial bristles for oily products);
    • concealer two shades lighter than skin tone;
    • concealer two shades darker than skin tone;
    • beauty blender or makeup sponge (when using cream products).

    Concealer can be replaced with foundation, powder, or even eyeshadow of the desired shade. Ideally, each color should have its own brush. However, if this is not possible, you can get by with just one brush. In this case, you need to apply light shades first, and then, after carefully wiping the brush, dark ones. This is due to the fact that part of the product remains in the brush despite removal. And a darker tone may suddenly appear when applying a lighter one as an unpleasant and quite noticeable stripe or spot.

    Important: when choosing means for structuring, you need to choose tones with the same undertone - in otherwise the face will look unnatural.

    Structuring technique

    Before starting structuring, it is necessary to even out the skin tone with a regular foundation, which is used in everyday makeup. Then you should begin the structuring procedure. Contour makeup consists of two stages: lightening and darkening.


    First, the light areas of the face are highlighted: cheekbones, forehead, nose, chin. These parts are usually the most illuminated and therefore, to give relief, they need to be highlighted with a lighter tone.

    On the forehead, the area in the middle, located in the lower part, is lightened. Approximate boundaries can be indicated as follows: the middle of the eyebrows and the middle of the forehead. From below, the lightened area goes to the bridge of the nose.

    On the nose, the bridge of the nose and the bridge of the nose are highlighted. It is best not to extend the concealer beyond the bridge of the nose, and there should just be a light stripe at the tip.

    On the cheekbones there is a section where the wings of the nose end and the cheek begins. It is not recommended to apply a light tone below the beginning of the wings of the nose.

    The chin is highlighted in the middle part - this draws attention to the lips, making the face visually thinner.

    Important: when applying, you need to carefully shade the transition areas using a makeup sponge or beauty blender to avoid a “striped face” effect.


    After lightening, you can begin applying shadows. When creating a relief, a darker tone is applied to the following areas:

    • Forehead: hairline and sides;
    • Nose: wings of the nose, orbital bones (between the eyebrow and eye);
    • Cheeks: under the cheekbones;
    • Lower jaw line;
    • Sides of the neck.

    On the forehead, the area from the hairline and on the sides of the forehead is shaded. However, it is important not to overdo it - light areas should not touch dark ones, there should be a smooth transition between them, created using an everyday tone.

    The wings of the nose are shaded, on the contrary, closer to the light area with shading towards the outer edge of the nose - this will provide contrast and make the shape clearer. At the top, the line should go to the orbital bones up to the first third of the eyebrow.

    To determine where to apply the dark tone on the cheeks, you need to make a “fish” face - draw in the cheeks and lips like a fish. You need to apply tone to sunken areas. It is best if it is a line that shades towards the bottom - this will provide the most natural effect.

    Correcting the lower side of the jaw will help make a square, rectangular, triangular face thinner. To do this, apply a dark tone to the lower edge of the face and blend upwards.
    The sides of the neck are shaded to reduce the contrast between the face and neck, as well as to make it a little thinner. Using a dark tone, you can make your double chin less noticeable.

    So many modern girls and women today want to have an ideal slim figure, beautiful appearance. In fact, they look up to famous top models. In order to change their appearance, without thinking about the consequences, ladies go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Others simply suffer from flaws in appearance, putting up with what fate has presented. And still others are actively and purposefully trying to get rid of them with the help of simple and available methods. Saggy or too thick cheeks on people's faces are an unpleasant problem. But you can also get rid of it with effort, diligence and optimism. So, what exactly should you do to lose weight in your cheeks? What methods can be used to reduce them?

    Causes of thick cheeks

    The main reason for roundness in this area of ​​a person’s face is heredity. Unfortunately, defeating such a weighty argument is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. If you inherited chubby cheeks, then most likely you will have to regularly work on reducing them with the help of special exercises and a balanced diet.

    In addition to the congenital predisposition to growth of the cheeks, a large Negative influence the effect of “wrong” food. And this becomes noticeable on the face when all parts of the body have already acquired unwanted fat deposits.

    So, how can you get rid of fat in this area?

    How to reduce fat cheeks

    Fat can be quickly removed here only by surgical intervention - liposuction, that is, the release of fat deposits in the desired part of the body. But you should know not only that this is a very expensive method of fat removal, but also that it is completely unpredictable, which is fraught with disappointment and various disorders emotional state person.

    Please note that fat cheeks will not lose weight too easily with exercise. This is due to the difficulty motor activity facial muscles, as well as the fact that the body burns the fat layers on the cheeks last. Therefore, a balanced diet and special exercises can only slightly adjust the size of your cheeks.


    Doing these exercises will help reduce the roundness of your cheeks. You need to repeat them every day:

    1. Puff out your cheeks as much as possible, hold them in this position for five seconds, then exhale quickly.
    2. With your mouth wide open, without raising your face, look up with your eyes and blink tirelessly for one minute. Repeat this exercise five times throughout the day.
    3. Gradually release air from your puffed out cheeks in small bursts.
    4. With heavily inflated cheeks, move the air from left to right and vice versa. This exercise will help you quickly solve your problem.
    5. Press your cheeks with your hands and smile. In this case, the fingers should not allow the corners of the mouth to rise up.
    6. Keep your head strictly straight, try to lower the corners of your lips and strongly tense the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
    7. Holding a pencil between your teeth, start writing words or entire sentences in the air. For example: I want to have a beautiful thin face.
    8. Purse your lips and start singing all the vowels of the alphabet.
    9. Leaning your head forward slightly, turn it towards your right and left shoulders, strongly stretching your chin.
    10. Intensely slap the palms of your hands on your face in the problem area.
    11. Firmly squeeze and unclench your cheek muscles.
    12. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back, move your chin so that your lower lip can capture your upper lip.
    13. Stand straight, cross your arms over your chest, grab yourself by the shoulders. Start stretching your neck up to the “extreme point”, then inhale deeply, counting to ten, exhale and return back to the starting position.

    You should do these exercises not only until you achieve results, but constantly so that there is no return to your previous roundness.

    Massage and masks

    Masks and massages can really help remove fullness. Their regular use will increase and maintain skin turgor for a long time:

    1. Cleanse your face thoroughly. Apply fat cream. Lightly pinch your cheeks, starting from the chin and moving towards the cheekbones. Get a massage once a week.
    2. Using a special massage mitten, lightly massage your cheeks, being careful not to stretch the skin. This massage can be done twice a week.
    3. While taking a bath, direct a strong stream of water alternately onto your cheeks. You can make the water jet contrasting. Contrast washes every morning every day.
    4. Do a facial massage using a steamed natural honey. With your fingertips moistened with honey, lightly tap the surface of the skin of your cheeks until there is slight redness. Massage can be done once a week until the effect is achieved.
    5. Rub your cheeks with ice cubes in a clockwise direction.
    6. Do not forget to cleanse your facial skin before starting any procedure. Once completed, apply the cream that best suits your skin type.

      We also suggest using masks to reduce the roundness of the cheeks:

      1. Add one teaspoon of honey and one dessert spoon to one egg yolk olive oil. Mix the ingredients. Apply the mixture to your face with a special brush for twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Course: twice a week for two months.
      2. Mix one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with one tablespoon of Baby formula, pour in a little warm milk and stir everything again until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, neck, and décolleté for twenty-five minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Apply cream. These masks can be made weekly for two months.
      3. Beat the egg white a little and apply to your face for twenty minutes. Wash off the lifting mask. Take advantage of contrasting water treatments. Apply nourishing cream.

      Masks perfectly tighten the skin of the face, giving it fresh healthy looking, also have a rejuvenating effect.

      Herbal infusions

      Various infusions of medicinal herbs have a remarkable effect on the appearance of your cheeks:

      1. Pour three tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers (you can use celandine, sage) with a glass of boiling water. Cover the broth tightly with a lid. Let it brew for several hours. Strain. Use the infusion daily as a facial lotion.
      2. Dissolve three tablespoons of iodized salt in half a liter of water. Use hot compress solution (lower terry towel in a saline solution and apply it to your face for a few minutes), then be sure to cool your face with ice cubes.
      3. Pour three tablespoons of St. John's wort and chamomile flowers into two glasses of boiling water. Let the broth sit for eight hours. Strain. Wipe your face, neck, and décolleté area daily.

      There are little tricks that also help reduce naturally plump cheeks and more:

      1. Perform a massage after finishing exercises, and apply masks before bed.
      2. Minimize your intake of salty foods, as they retain fluid in the body, which can also be retained in the cheeks.
      3. Introduce foods high in calcium into your diet. Its use will help you get rid of excess weight.
      4. Dilute natural juices with water.
      5. Try to eat small meals at least five times a day at regular times.
      6. Give preference to oranges, grapefruits, apples.
      7. 30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of plain still water.
      8. Limit your alcohol intake.
      9. Try to sleep lying on your back.
      10. Go jogging, ride a bike.
      11. Powdering them with a darker powder will help make your cheeks visually smaller. Likewise with using foundation.

      For those who inherited plump cheeks, it will be difficult to deal with them. Those who have grown them as a result of excessive eating will find it easier to get rid of thick cheeks.

      So, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, you should not sit idly by. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to try hard. With the help of proper nutrition, special exercises, sports, massages, masks and herbal infusions you will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.

    / 25.03.2018

    Hairstyles that visually make your face smaller. A wide face is not a death sentence. detailed instructions how to narrow your face


    If earlier the word “chubby” was considered a compliment, today it can be regarded almost as an insult. After all, according to modern canons of beauty, a round face shape is far from ideal!

    But how many famous beauties have a round face! Among their slender ranks are such stars as Catherine Zeta-Jones, Drew Barrymore, Kara Toyton, Kate Hudson, Kirsten Dunst, Miley Cyrus and Lizzie Cole.

    Why didn't we notice this? - you ask. The answer is simple: because celebrity stylists know 5 ways to visually lengthen your face, which we will tell you about too!

    1. Haircut.
    Correcting the shape of the face begins with its frame, i.e. from hair In order to visually lengthen the face, turning a circle into an oval, there are several simple rules:

    Give preference to long hair. An example is Kara Tointon's long hairstyle, which not only visually elongates her round face, but also lengthens the neck.

    If long hair is not your option, take a closer look at the charming Kirsten Dunst. A multi-layered haircut on semi-long hair and flirty side bangs allow the round-faced beauty to look her best.

    Speaking of bangs. Those with a round face shape should avoid straight pony bangs in favor of sideways, tousled bangs. As with hair, it will be very successful to cut your bangs with feathers.

    If you are not at all happy with the prospect of wearing long or semi-long hair, give up short hairstyles “a la dandelion”, saying a strong “yes” to playful, short, sleek pixie-style haircuts or glamorous punk looks in the spirit of Miley Cyrus.

    2. Hairstyle.
    Cutting your hair is only half the battle. After the hair has been removed and prepared, a next question: how to lay them? Here are some possible answers to this question:

    As already mentioned, long hair of any kind perfectly lengthens a round face. However, you should not chase a perfectly straight texture. Try fluffing up your mane a little, giving it that light, romantic look like Lana Del Rey.

    Light, romantic curls and carelessly collected high ponytails are also suitable for chubby beauties. For example, like Kim Kardashian.

    Owners round shape faces, rejoice! All sorts of bouffant and hairstyles will suit you. You can choose a glamorous bouffant like that of the chubby movie star Drew Barrymore, an aggressive “rock-cock” and even a retro babette! Any high hairstyle is your ticket to the heights of beauty.

    3. Coloring.
    Playing with color is also a great help for visual correction of the face. It is known that dark colors visually narrow and make the subject smaller. But don’t rush to grab dark hair dye and rush to the hairdresser: dark shades are very whimsical. Not only do they not suit everyone, but they also tend to visually... age! Therefore, before deciding to radically change your hair color, consult your hairdresser.

    However, fair-haired ladies should not be discouraged either. Although light colors visually expand the subject, you can use a trick. Namely: make the front strands framing the face 1-2 shades darker than the total mass of hair.

    A consultation with a specialist is also necessary if you dream of a fashionable ombre coloring. There are practically no prohibitions in this regard for chubby women with long hair. Unless the lightening should start from the jawline. However, if your hair barely reaches your shoulders, you will have to abandon the fashion trend.

    Every woman wants to look attractive and catch the admiring glances of men. But not everyone is happy with their reflection in the mirror. Today we will tell you how to visually make your face thinner.

    Chubby cheeks are always cute. However, fashion has its own rules: clearly defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin are the main established trends recent years. It’s easy to reduce your cheeks and lengthen your face without the help of plastic surgeons, you just need to choose matching makeup, the right hairstyle and accessories.

    1. Choose the right hair style that suits you

    Forget about high ponytails, buns and straight bangs. The best solution would be a multi-layered haircut - it will add volume to the hairstyle and visually narrow the face. Ideal styling options include loose waves and light curls that will help visually hide your cheeks.

    2. Try to grow moderately thick eyebrows

    Thick, beautiful eyebrows will make the face visually thinner and more expressive - they will help shift attention from the cheeks to the area around the eyes. Special pencils, gels and shadows will help you in daily correction of the shape of your eyebrows. To visually lengthen your face, slightly draw in the length of your eyebrows towards your temples.

    3. Ombre coloring will help visually narrow and elongate your face

    An excellent option to divert attention from the cheeks is to use the ombre technique. Bright hues attract more attention than dark ones, so you should make the ends of your hair lighter than their roots, thus focusing attention on the ends, visually lengthening the face and making it narrower.

    4. Adopt cat eye makeup

    A well-made smokey eye will create the effect of an inverted triangle on the face - all attention will be transferred to the eye and eyebrow area. To create this makeup, you need to “stretch out” the corners of the eyes using eyeliner, pencil and shadows - this way you will lighten the lower part of the face, making it appear narrower.

    5. Enhance your facial features with shading

    Shading will help create subtle shadows on the face, thus hiding facial imperfections. When choosing powder, focus on soft peach and golden shades, and in order to highlight the cheekbones, apply bronzer from the temples to the lips and blend thoroughly.

    6. A highlighter will help to beautifully and effectively highlight your cheekbones.

    Highlighter will not only help to gracefully highlight the skin, but also effectively highlight the cheekbones. This kind of trick will allow you to switch attention from the cheeks to the center of the face. For maximum effect it is necessary to draw a sparkling strip along the line of the cheekbones, highlight the back of the nose, the center of the forehead and chin.

    7. Choose long earrings and necklaces

    Earrings that hang down to the level of your jaw will help distract attention from your face shape. The longer the earrings, the more they will contrast with the shape of your face, visually making it narrower. A long necklace will enhance the illusion of a longer neck and elongated face than it actually is.

    8. When choosing clothes, give preference to a V-neck

    Give preference to V-shaped and round collars and try to avoid high ones. Clothes with a deep neckline will visually make your neck and face appear longer, while those with a high collar will visually shorten your neck and draw attention to your jawline and face shape.

    These little tricks will help you make your look perfect. We will be very glad if our advice helps you!

    Many interesting articles and videos on our

    It occurs no less often than the decision to correct the hips, abdomen or other parts of the body. For these purposes, various techniques are used, including diets, cosmetic techniques, as well as choosing what kind of hairstyle will be, because with the help of hair it is quite possible to visually change the oval shape of the face. There are also special exercises that help you train your muscles and slightly modify your appearance, and you can do this at home.

    Before deciding how to reduce the volume of your face, it is advisable to decide what the changes are associated with. If this external reasons, then you need to identify them and eliminate them. In cases of changes in the body, for example, after childbirth, illness or simply after a time when appearance and weight were not given due attention, it is necessary to seek an integrated approach. Which methods will be chosen depends on the goals set, genetic characteristics, since facial contours, roundness, large cheeks, and a double chin can be hereditary.

    Men are less likely to think about how to reduce the volume of their face, since they have the opportunity to grow a mustache and get a beard, which helps hide certain imperfections. Although most representatives of the stronger sex do not pay attention special attention on their face shape, men have more serious considerations than their appearance.

    Women have many more ways to make their faces thin than men, since they can visually change their image, and makeup and hairstyle help significantly with this. Even after giving birth, by changing your image a little, putting on light and proper makeup, combing your hair correctly, it is possible to hide the gained kilograms, and over time, change the shape of your face not only with cosmetic techniques, but simply lose weight and correct the oval.

    If we consider the basic techniques for reducing the size of the face, then the following activities are practiced:

    1. Hairstyle as a way to visually change the shape of the face;
    2. Makeup to create any look;
    3. Exercises to help you lose weight in your face;
    4. Nutrition, drinking regimen, as a solution for removing swelling on the face.

    If you approach the above three points correctly, then it is quite possible to transform your face in a week, to solve to some extent the issue of how to lose weight in your face, including after childbirth.

    Which hairstyle is best for a full face?

    Why do many women experience discomfort, as well as the feeling that they have gained extra weight after childbirth? This is due not only to natural changes in the body, but also appearance. Since it is necessary that hair does not interfere with caring for a child, many people put it in a ponytail and pin it up. All these actions lead to the fact that the face visually changes, the forms seem fuller and larger, which once again confirms the conclusion of makeup artists that the hairstyle does a lot.

    There are special rules regarding hair length and color placement. A hairstyle can visually lengthen the face, which is what those with chubby cheeks and round ovals sometimes strive for, and also, on the contrary, focus attention on the shape of the face. If you have a problem with how to remove facial fat, you should analyze your style and hair condition. It is possible that you don’t need to try very hard or take drastic measures regarding the contours of the face, since the oval corresponds to the proportions of the entire figure; you just need to figure out what the hairstyle should be.

    There are certain rules, the application of which is visually done so that with minimal physical and material costs:

    • Curls are not suitable for those with large or wide cheekbones. Those who love curled hair and want to lose weight on their face need to make a priority choice. It is better to abandon curls altogether or, as a last resort, use large curls;
    • Ponytails, combed tails, which are practiced in women after childbirth, should be avoided if possible. At least when leaving home;
    • Recommended hair length 20-30 cm, more short curls The oval of the face is emphasized. Long hair should be treated in such a way that it visually corrects the oval shape, for example, by making the hairstyle more raised. If you want to fix it, then it’s better to think about your image;
    • Asymmetry. The hairstyle should not contain correct forms, it can be supplemented with a side parting, side bangs or other hairdressing techniques that a specialist can inform you about.

    There are also some recommendations regarding hair color, but here it is better to pay attention to skin tone. If the skin is characterized by redness or other dermatological problems, then preference should be given to darker tones. For nursing mothers, you need to choose the paint carefully, studying the composition. To begin, carry out a test on allergic reactions, if there is severe redness, then the paint is not suitable. In this regard, it is much easier for a man, since he can afford to grow a beard, acquire original mustache, and he has already dealt with skin problems and changed the contours of his face.

    A hairstyle, in principle, can not only visually change a person’s appearance, but also hide other flaws. Ears, neck length and any other parts can be adjusted or enhanced their beauty. The advantage of this method is that the entire appearance changes.

    Makeup that helps visually change your oval shape

    With the right makeup, you can hide most skin defects and visually change the contours of your face. At home, not every woman has time for this, especially after childbirth, since there are other problems, but you can still devote a few minutes to your appearance. The following features can be distinguished from the basic rules:

    1. You need to use several shades of foundation. The central part of the face should be made lighter, and the side parts several shades darker. If there is redness on the skin, then they need to be evened out to one shade, but then begin to identify the reasons for their appearance. After applying the tint, you should shade everything so that there are no sharp transitions;
    2. Applying tinted powder only to the cheekbones and sides of the cheeks, provided that the product is slightly darker natural color. Redness and acne must be properly masked, otherwise the opposite effect will occur;
    3. If there are certain recommendations for the foundation, then the makeup itself is chosen according to taste. Be careful with blush, as it can draw attention to the cheeks.

    There are many makeup techniques aimed at creating face shape, camouflage effects, including redness, blackheads and so on. A large number of cosmetics in the hands of a master will help you cope with a number of problems, the main thing is to know these secrets. To do this, you can study special video lessons and information sources.

    How to lose weight in your face with exercise

    If we consider the most effective ways, how to remove fat from the face, then the selection of special exercises is one of the best. In just a week you can achieve certain results; gymnastics does not take much time, it can be done during everyday activities. This technique is also suitable for women after childbirth, as well as any people who want to slightly change their face shape. You don’t need to expect drastic changes right away, but after a while, together with complex additional actions, including diet, the oval will change.

    Exercises can be different, aimed at different zones. The main ones include:

    • Puffing out cheeks. It’s enough just to inflate one cheek, hold it for a few seconds, then do similar actions on the other, and so on for 6-7 approaches;
    • You need to clench your teeth, smile widely and hold out with such a grimace for 5-10 seconds. Exercises should be repeated several times a day. After it, slight redness may be observed, this indicates that the rush of blood has passed, which means partial burning of subcutaneous fats;
    • Reducing the double chin, which visually spoils the oval, which is why the face appears full. There are many special exercises for this part, one of the simplest is to straighten your back, put a book on your head and walk like that. Nodding in different directions and a number of others help useful actions. Cosmetic procedures and massage are valuable. All these measures are aimed at removing subcutaneous fat, sometimes this is achieved by external influences, redness is observed on the skin. Procedures can be performed at home, in beauty salons;
    • Opening the mouth wide and then closing it. Gymnastics is good for facial muscles, reducing the chin;

    Gymnastics is aimed at correcting the face, but one should not forget about the figure. Often it is the entire body that requires changes, especially after childbirth there are certain problems with appearance. You can also simply apply massaging, it is better if slight redness appears on the skin.

    If the question arises why it is not possible to change the shape of the face and food restrictions are not observed, the diet includes foods that provoke obesity, then the answer will be logical. You need to act comprehensively; if you are overweight, you need to act on all problem areas, and only the hairstyle will only visually change the oval slightly. In some cases, you have to make a lot of effort to get desired shape, figures. It's not only cosmetic procedures, after which redness may be observed due to intense massaging, the influence of warming agents, but also a complete revision of the daily diet and even lifestyle. If your face is round and fat deposits are obvious, then you need to exclude ingredients in dishes that cause swelling, such as salt.

    Before choosing a diet, especially extreme types, you need to understand the approximate reasons. If excess weight is a concern after childbirth, then there is no need to rush into diets. Breast-feeding, taking care of the baby and walking will do their job, some of the kilograms will go away on their own. You can stimulate this process at home by doing special exercises and using cosmetics. If we consider folk recipes on how to remove fat from the face, then their use must be done carefully, according to the specified proportions, otherwise painful redness and allergic reactions may occur.

    According to psychologists, many women, unlike men, can be very critical of their appearance, although there are no serious reasons for this, including the period after childbirth. Perhaps it will be enough to change your hairstyle, hair color, make a modern asymmetrical haircut and the situation will change. An experienced hairdresser can help with this; you can also find a lot of information on your own and visually assess on models how much this option will do exactly for you. There is no need to be afraid of easy experiments with hair, you should always pay attention to health, and if it is there, then your appearance itself will become attractive.

    Girls are often dissatisfied with their appearance; they may not be satisfied with the shape of their face or the size of their nose, but most often chubby cheeks cause annoying troubles. However, if you apply makeup correctly, you can make your face look thinner and create the perfect look. The products used to apply makeup can have a dry or creamy texture.

    It is very important to choose the right shade of a cosmetic product and apply it in strict accordance with the recommendations of makeup artists. By following all the rules, you can visually reduce even a round face, lengthen it, and bring it as close as possible to an oval shape. It’s good to complement your makeup with a hairstyle that matches your face type.

    Makeup rules for a full face

    Any horizontal line only widens the face. That is why, in order to make it visually smaller, it is necessary to eliminate long horizontal lines as much as possible. Eyebrows play an important role in correcting facial parameters. When modeling their shape, you should start from the natural outline, but straight eyebrows are not recommended.

    It is better to make them raised, slightly shortened and thin at the edges. To make the face look thinner, the thickness of the eyebrows should be medium, and the hairs should point upward. You can get this result using a modeling gel.

    Eyebrows can make your eyes look more expressive and your cheeks look thinner. This element of makeup should be given special attention. Also, to give expressiveness to the look, it is necessary to emphasize the eyes. To make them visually larger, it is necessary to apply shadows in natural shades.

    Another horizontal line on the face is the lips. They also need to be highlighted correctly with makeup to visually make the face smaller. Small lips only further emphasize fullness, which means they need to be made voluminous.

    It is better to focus on the central part of the lips, and not paint over the corners. Very good at in this case Apply lipsticks and glosses in natural shades, light or transparent. Makeup with their help can visually narrow a face of any shape.

    Applying blush in warm shades will help to visually reduce your cheekbones. They are applied at the top of the cheekbones and then shaded with a brush.

    Choosing a cosmetic product

    All cosmetics that are used to narrow the face are divided into two categories: oily and dry. Makeup will be flawless only if the type cosmetic product chosen wisely, taking into account all individual characteristics skin.

    The following recommendations will help you make your choice in favor of one or another product:

    • Oil-based cosmetics are an ideal tool for changing the shape of the face for those with dry skin. Also, similar tools are recommended for performing age makeup. They can visually hide small wrinkles, in addition, they can nourish and moisturize the skin. Foundation applies better and stays on the surface much longer than powder.
    • With the help of dry powder it is easy to change the proportions of the face for girls with oily and combination skin. This is an excellent option for everyday corrective makeup, and use foundation Recommended for evening and holiday make-up.

    Choosing Foundation for correction, you should prefer a product that is several tones darker than the skin. At the same time, for correction with powder it is necessary to prepare two different shades– dark and light. Dark tone used on areas of the face that need to be reduced, darkened, or distanced. Often the areas where dark colors are applied are the cheeks or the double chin. Illuminating light powder is applied to highlight, emphasize, enlarge or bring certain parts of the face closer. The main application areas are cheekbones and nose.

    Makeup for a full face

    Makeup according to face type

    In addition to the general rules that help make your face thinner, there are also separate recommendations for application. decorative cosmetics for different face types. Chubby cheeks most often bother those with a round face shape. To lengthen the shape and visual reduction cheeks, they should:

    1. Make the eyebrows elongated.
    2. Apply shadows so that they do not extend to the border of the eyelids. The optimal eye shape to achieve is elongated.
    3. Avoid rounded lips.
    4. Darken the contour of the face, starting from the top of the cheekbones.

    An oval face shape requires the least amount of effort. In this case, it will be enough to blend the blush on the cheekbones with circular movements and apply shadows of a natural shade to the eyelids to visually lengthen them.

    Square faces are quite difficult to correct. As a rule, it is necessary to darken all problem areas with powder or bronzer: wide forehead and chin, prominent cheekbones. Using a highlighter to highlight the center of the forehead, chin, and bridge of the nose will help add elegance. Complete the corrective makeup by applying blush in a natural shade.

    Girls with a triangular face shape need to make their thick chin thinner. To do this, it is darkened using a dark shade of powder or creamy bronzer, and the top should be made more voluminous by applying a highlighter.

    A diamond- or heart-shaped face requires applying a dark shade of powder along the contours of the face and on the cheekbones. It is important to remember the rule that dark color is always applied to protruding parts and those areas that need to be hidden or reduced. Light shade has the opposite effect.

    Although not everyone has an ideal appearance, any imperfections can be corrected with the help of makeup. Corrective make-up can change the shape of the face, make it thinner, narrow or widen. Nothing is impossible. The main thing is to understand that every detail matters. Everything from the shape of your eyebrows to the color of your lipstick can be used to shape your face. If you apply makeup correctly, even the plumpest cheeks or thick chin can appear thin.

    How to make your face thinner? Many representatives of the fair sex think about this, and not only plump ones. Often the owner slim figure has round cheeks that visually enlarge the face and create a rustic, simple-minded image. To make their appearance more sophisticated, girls try to make this part thinner.

    Do you need a professional?

    Surprisingly this is quite easy to implement. You just need to choose the right makeup and hairstyle. The easiest way to visually make your face thinner is to contact a professional makeup artist. But choose correct option possible without visiting specialists.

    How to apply makeup to make your face look smaller

    If the task is how to make your face thinner only with the help of makeup, you should follow some tricks. First you need to determine the correction zone that requires treatment.

    The face tends to appear larger due to a double chin, large nose, round cheeks and close-set eyes. It is these shortcomings that should be worked on in order to visually make the appearance desirable.

    It is best to apply matte and shiny foundations in darker shades to problem areas.

    Cover the areas that need to be highlighted with a light, light texture. If the eyebrows or lips are lengthened, the face will appear wider. Therefore, if the question arises about how to make your face thinner with makeup, cover your lips with a gloss of a light or transparent shade. This will give them a natural look. When applying, you should work with their central part.

    It is advisable to make eyebrows shorter. They should be upward and slightly curved. A special gel will help lift the hairs.

    How to make your face thinner? If the cheeks stand out, the eyebrows can be left unchanged, and the main emphasis should be on the eyes.

    Depending on your face shape

    If you really need to make a round-shaped face thin, then you should apply makeup without rounded lines. Highlighted eyes and lips should not be round. In this case, you should be careful when styling your hair. In your look, it is better to exclude a fluffy hairstyle, a straight parting or curled curls. This will make the face even more voluminous.

    The best option is loose hair middle length. In this case, you should darken your cheekbones and cheeks, and apply shadows strictly along the border of the eyelid. The blush should be close to the corners of the mouth in the form of an inverted triangle.

    Those with an oval face should not lengthen it further. These beauties can afford any hairstyle. But for a more harmonious makeup look, you should use several tricks. For example, apply blush in a circular motion, and shade the shadows beyond the eyelids.

    You can make a square face look thinner by styling an oval shape. This will visually remove the angularity. Sharp angles should not be found in makeup either.

    How to make your face thinner if it triangular shape? To do this, you need to decide on the type of triangle. If the chin is wider than the forehead, then it is necessary to darken the bottom of the face. Apply blush horizontally - this way you can achieve proportionality. A voluminous top part (for example, curls curled up) is encouraged in the hairstyle. Thick and voluminous bangs are very appropriate.

    If the face is in the shape of an inverted triangle, then dark shades foundation It is better to apply to temples and cheekbones. A high hairstyle is undesirable: it will place emphasis on the problem area. The most advantageous option is hair strands curled inside.

    A few general rules

    How to make your face look thinner with makeup? There are a number of simple tricks for this. Some of them have already been mentioned here.

    • Line your eyes. To do this, you need to add more mascara to make your eyelashes fuller. The shape of the eyes can be emphasized with eyeliner, and the lash line with a pencil. By focusing on the eyes, the illusion of a slender face is created.
    • Highlight the cheekbones. This way the face will become more “bony”, and therefore thinner. This can be done using powder a tone darker than the face and blush. Using a brush, you need to bring the cheeks diagonally to the ear. This will make your cheekbones appear higher.
    • Avoid double chin. Chubby women especially need to think about this. Hide double chin Self-tanning will help. It should be carefully mixed with cosmetics to be applied to the neck.
    • Define perfect shape eyebrows Just plucking your eyebrows is not enough. They need to be outlined with a pencil in a color one tone darker natural hair. This will help focus on them. Don't make your eyebrows too thin.

    What should cosmetics be like?

    How to make your face look thinner with makeup? Much depends on the right foundation, which should be several shades darker than the skin. This is an ideal option for evening makeup.

    If your face is full, it is better not to use a creamy consistency. A dry translucent powder, lighter than the skin, is suitable here.

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